Merge with previous modifications.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Copy;
use File::Spec;
my $username = "admin";
my $password = "admin";
my $host;
my $schedule;
my $host_drop_path;
my $local_drop_path;
my $local_test_pkg;
my $help;
sub usage($);
sub help();
sub usage_error();
my %optmap = ( 'host' => \$host,
'local-test-pkg' => \$local_test_pkg,
'host-drop-path' => \$host_drop_path,
'local-drop-path' =>\$local_drop_path,
'username' => \$username,
'password' => \$password,
'schedule' => \$schedule,
'help' => \$help);
or usage_error();
if ($help) {
usage_error(), unless (defined($host) && defined($local_test_pkg) && defined($local_drop_path) && defined($host_drop_path));
my $cscript_help = `cscript /?`;
die("Need command \"cscript\". Not in found"), if ($?);
die("Need VB script wshTestRunX.vbs. Not found"), unless ( -f "wshTestRunX.vbs");
die("Test drop path \"$local_drop_path\" not found"), unless ( -d "$local_drop_path");
my ($vol,$dir,$pkg);
my $local_test_drop;
my $host_test_drop;
if ($local_test_pkg =~ /^\.\.\.(.+)/ ) {
$pkg = $1;
$local_test_drop = File::Spec->catfile($local_drop_path,$pkg);
die("Test package file \"$local_test_drop\" not found"), unless ( -f "$local_test_drop");
else {
die("Test package file \"$local_test_pkg\" not found"), unless ( -f "$local_test_pkg");
($vol,$dir,$pkg) = File::Spec->splitpath($local_test_pkg);
$local_test_drop = File::Spec->catfile($local_drop_path,$pkg);
my $lc_local_test_drop = lc($local_test_drop);
my $lc_local_test_pkg = lc($local_test_pkg);
if ("$lc_local_test_drop" ne "$lc_local_test_pkg") {
if (unlink($local_test_drop) == 0) {
die("Can't delete stale testdrop \"$local_test_drop\". $!");
else {
print("A stale testtop \"$local_test_drop\" existed. Deleted\n");
or die("Cannot copy \"$local_test_pkg\" -> \"$local_test_drop\". $!");
$host_test_drop = File::Spec->catfile($host_drop_path,$pkg);
$ENV{''} = $host;
$ENV{'ats3.pathToDrop'} = $host_test_drop;
$ENV{'ats3.username'} = $username;
$ENV{'ats3.password'} = $password;
$ENV{'ats3.schedule'} = $schedule, if defined($schedule);
system("cscript wshTestRunX.vbs");
die("\nTest drop failed: $!"), if ($?);
print("\nTest drop done");
exit 0;
sub usage($)
my $error = shift;
my $fh = $error == 0 ? *STDOUT : *STDERR;
print $fh "\n" .
"Send a test drop to an ATS3 server for execution\n" .
"usage:\n" .
" --help\n" .
" --host=HOSTNAME --local-test-pkg=PKGFILE --local-drop-path=LOCALPATH " .
" --host-drop-path=HOSTPATH " .
"[--username=ATS3USERNAME] [--password=ATS3PASSWORD] [--schedule=DD.MM.YYYY-HH:MM]\n" .
"options:\n" .
" --help Display this help and exit\n" .
" --host=HOSTAME HOSTNAME is ATS3 server\n" .
" --local-test-pkg=PKGFILE PKGFILE is the test package.\n" .
" If PKGFILE begins "..." a filename in LOCALPATH is assumed\n" .
" --local-drop-path=LOCALPATH Path to local directory where PKGFILE will be dropped\n" .
" --host-drop-path=HOSTPATH Host directory that is mapped to LOCALPATH.\n" .
" Must agree with the properties of the registered device that the test package nominates\n" .
" --username=ATS3USERNAME ATS3 user to whome the test will belong. Default=admin\n" .
" --password=ATS3PASSWORD Password of ATS3 user. Default=admin\n" .
" --schedule=DD.MM.YYYY-HH:MM Date-time at which test is to run. Default=as soon as possible\n";
exit $error;
sub help()
sub usage_error()