# HG changeset patch
# User Arnaud Lenoir
# Date 1279665238 -3600
# Node ID 67aec47e519a5bf3d5006e2059d8f8963423e517
# Parent 8174fb206005408b5bbe72836fcc06a9325a40dd# Parent 71d95425fe6525e919af6851ea8d958fc5e418e8
merge revision 1154 to add templates for tests to tip.
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a common/build.postbuild.xml
--- a/common/build.postbuild.xml Thu Jul 08 18:13:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/build.postbuild.xml Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -742,6 +742,26 @@
@@ -762,7 +782,7 @@
@@ -789,7 +809,7 @@
@@ -804,7 +824,7 @@
@@ -922,23 +942,7 @@
@@ -954,7 +958,6 @@
@@ -973,7 +976,6 @@
@@ -986,7 +988,6 @@
@@ -996,38 +997,6 @@
@@ -1117,6 +1086,9 @@
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a common/build.xml
--- a/common/build.xml Thu Jul 08 18:13:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/build.xml Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
@@ -290,6 +290,10 @@
@@ -302,6 +306,13 @@
@@ -334,6 +345,12 @@
@@ -351,6 +368,8 @@
@@ -362,6 +381,8 @@
@@ -374,6 +395,12 @@
@@ -389,8 +416,9 @@
@@ -409,8 +437,11 @@
@@ -790,13 +821,14 @@
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a common/templates/run-qmake.ant.xml.ftl
--- a/common/templates/run-qmake.ant.xml.ftl Thu Jul 08 18:13:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/templates/run-qmake.ant.xml.ftl Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@
+ INFO: Exporting Orbit mkspecs to epoc32\tools for ${unit.@bldFile}/${unit.@proFile}INFO: Running Orbit theme installer, make install step
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a common/templates/source-spec.ant.xml.ftl
--- a/common/templates/source-spec.ant.xml.ftl Thu Jul 08 18:13:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/templates/source-spec.ant.xml.ftl Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -184,8 +184,9 @@
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a common/tools/BuildEnv.xml
--- a/common/tools/BuildEnv.xml Thu Jul 08 18:13:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/tools/BuildEnv.xml Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -32,10 +32,9 @@
@@ -46,8 +45,8 @@
@@ -79,8 +78,8 @@
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a common/tools/ats/hlm_prep_package.pl
--- a/common/tools/ats/hlm_prep_package.pl Thu Jul 08 18:13:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/tools/ats/hlm_prep_package.pl Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -41,17 +41,28 @@
tie (@lines, 'Tie::File', $file, recsep => "\n") or die ("Cannot tie file \"$file\". $!\n");
$n = 0;
$file_fixed = 0;
+ print @lines[49] . "\n";
foreach (@lines) {
if (lc(@lines[$n]) =~ m/epoc32\\release\\armv5\\urel\\/) {
@lines[$n] = lc(@lines[$n]);
@lines[$n] =~ s/\\armv5\\urel\\/\\\$(platform)\\\$(target)\\/;
$file_fixed = 1;
+ if (lc(@lines[$n]) =~ m/epoc32\/release\/armv5\/urel\//) {
+ @lines[$n] = lc(@lines[$n]);
+ @lines[$n] =~ s/\/armv5\/urel\//\/\$(platform)\/\$(target)\//;
+ $file_fixed = 1;
+ }
if (lc(@lines[$n]) =~ m/epoc32\\release\\armv5\\udeb\\/) {
@lines[$n] = lc(@lines[$n]);
@lines[$n] =~ s/\\armv5\\udeb\\/\\\$(platform)\\\$(target)\\/;
$file_fixed = 1;
+# if (lc(@lines[$n]) =~ m/e:\\/) { # Replace e: with c:
+# @lines[$n] = lc(@lines[$n]);
+# @lines[$n] =~ s/e:\\/c:\\/;
+# $file_fixed = 1;
+# }
if ($file_fixed) { print $file . " fixed.\n"; }
@@ -61,7 +72,7 @@
find(\&Parse_ini, $package_path);
foreach $file (@ini_files) {
- if ($file =~ m/\/init\//) { # Only operate on files from /init/ directories
+ if ((lc($file) =~ m/\/init\//) || (lc($file) =~ m/\/group\//)) { # Only operate on files from /init/ directories
copy($file,$file . ".orig") or die ("Cannot copy file \"$file\". $!\n");
tie (@lines, 'Tie::File', $file, recsep => "\n") or die ("Cannot tie file \"$file\". $!\n");
$n = 0;
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a common/tools/bitops.pl
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/tools/bitops.pl Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+use strict;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
+use Date::Calc qw{Delta_DHMS This_Year};
+use DBI;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $help = 0;
+my $create = 0;
+my $id = '';
+my $file = '';
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $dryrun = 0;
+ 'create!' => \$create,
+ 'file=s' => \$file,
+ 'id=s' => \$id,
+ 'help!' => \$help,
+ 'verbose!' => \$verbose,
+ 'dryrun!' => \$dryrun,
+if ($help||!$file)
+ print <<_EOH;
+Executes operations on the BIT db
+Usage: bitops.pl [-c|-i ID] -f FILE
+ -h, --help Show this help message and exit
+ -c, --create Create entry for a new build then set the attributes to
+ the values provided in FILE. Returns the build id for
+ the newly created build.
+ -i ID, --id ID Update entry for build number ID with the values
+ provided in FILE.
+ -f FILE, --file FILE Use attributes in FILE to create/update the build info
+ See below for file format.
+ -v, --verbose Increase info level
+ -d, --dryrun Only show what would happen, do not actually interact
+ with the DB
+File format:
+ File must be a list of attribute-value-pairs. One avp per line, on each line
+ attribute and value are separated by a tab.
+ These are the supported attributes (in brackets the syntax of the value):
+ - build_id_string
+ - package (VALUE)
+ - platform (VALUE)
+ - started (VALUE)
+ - finished (VALUE)
+ - creator (VALUE)
+ - machine (VALUE)
+ - build_brag (VALUE)
+ - test_brag (VALUE)
+ - baseline_short (VALUE)
+ - sources_short (VALUE)
+ - envinfo (TOOL,VERSION)
+ - failure (CATEGORY,COUNT)
+ - report (NAME,URL,TYPE)
+ - content (NAME,URL,REVISION)
+ - baseline (TYPE,PATH)
+ - label (VALUE)
+ exit(0);
+my $db = undef;
+my $builds_entry = {};
+my $envinfo = [];
+my $failures = [];
+my $reports = [];
+my $content = [];
+my $baselines = [];
+my $labels = [];
+my $testing_entry = {};
+sub ConnectToDB()
+ $db = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:bit:v800016:3306','fbf','mysql')
+ or die("Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+sub DisconnectFromDB()
+ $db->disconnect() if (!$dryrun);
+sub parse_file
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ print "Reading $file...\n" if ($verbose);
+ open(FILE, $file) or die "Can't open file $file";
+ while ()
+ {
+ my $line = $_;
+ chomp $line;
+ $line =~ s/^\s//g;
+ $line =~ s/\s$//g;
+ next if ($line !~ /[^\s]/);
+ if ($line =~ /([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)/)
+ {
+ my $attr = $1;
+ my $value = $2;
+ if ($attr =~ /^(build_id_string|package|platform|started|finished|creator|machine|build_brag|test_brag|baseline_short|sources_short)$/i)
+ {
+ $attr = lc($attr);
+ print " found ($attr,$value) for table 'build'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $builds_entry->{$attr}=$value;
+ }
+ elsif ($attr =~ /^(envinfo)$/i)
+ {
+ $attr = lc($attr);
+ if ($value =~ /([^,]*),([^,]*)/)
+ {
+ my $tool = $1;
+ my $version = $2;
+ if (!$tool || !$version)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Tool or version empty: \"$value\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ print " found ($tool,$version) for table 'envinfo'\n" if ($verbose);
+ push(@{$envinfo}, {tool=>$tool, version=>$version});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Could not understand value of envinfo: \"$value\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($attr =~ /^(failure)$/i)
+ {
+ $attr = lc($attr);
+ if ($value =~ /([^,]*),([^,]*)/)
+ {
+ my $category = $1;
+ my $count = $2;
+ if (!$category || !defined $count || $count eq '')
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Category or count empty: \"$value\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ print " found ($category,$count) for table 'failures'\n" if ($verbose);
+ push(@{$failures}, {category=>$category, count=>$count});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Could not understand value of failure: \"$value\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($attr =~ /^(report)$/i)
+ {
+ $attr = lc($attr);
+ if ($value =~ /([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*)/)
+ {
+ my $name = $1;
+ my $url = $2;
+ my $type = $3;
+ if (!$name || !$url || !$type)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Name, url or type empty: \"$value\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ print " found ($name,$url,$type) for table 'reports'\n" if ($verbose);
+ push(@{$reports}, {name=>$name, url=>$url, type=>$type});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Could not understand value of report: \"$value\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($attr =~ /^(content)$/i)
+ {
+ $attr = lc($attr);
+ if ($value =~ /([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*)/)
+ {
+ my $name = $1;
+ my $url = $2;
+ my $revision = $3;
+ if (!$name || !$url || !$revision)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Name, url or revision empty: \"$value\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ print " found ($name,$url,$revision) for table 'content'\n" if ($verbose);
+ push(@{$content}, {name=>$name, url=>$url, revision=>$revision});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Could not understand value of content: \"$value\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($attr =~ /^(baseline)$/i)
+ {
+ $attr = lc($attr);
+ if ($value =~ /([^,]*),([^,]*)/)
+ {
+ my $type = $1;
+ my $path = $2;
+ if (!$type || !$path)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Type or path empty: \"$value\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ print " found ($type,$path) for table 'baselines'\n" if ($verbose);
+ push(@{$baselines}, {type=>$type, path=>$path});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Could not understand value of baseline: \"$value\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($attr =~ /^(label)$/i)
+ {
+ print " found ($attr,$value) for table 'labels'\n" if ($verbose);
+ push(@{$labels}, {label=>$value});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Could not understand avp: \"$line\"\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "WARNING: line \"$line\" does not seem a correctly formed attribute-value-pair (tab-separated)\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ return 0;
+my $r=parse_file($file);
+if ($r)
+ print "Error while parsing file $file\n";
+ exit(1);
+print "Executing SQL commands...\n" if ($verbose);
+my $newbuildid = -1;
+if ($create)
+ if (keys %{$builds_entry})
+ {
+ my $field_list = '';
+ my $qm_list = '';
+ my @fields = ();
+ for my $field (keys %{$builds_entry})
+ {
+ $field_list .= "$field,";
+ $qm_list .= "?,";
+ push(@fields,$builds_entry->{$field});
+ }
+ $field_list =~ s/,$//;
+ $qm_list =~ s/,$//;
+ my $query = $db->prepare("insert into builds ($field_list) values ($qm_list)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into builds: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ $query->execute(@fields)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into builds (@fields): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ $newbuildid = $db->last_insert_id(undef, undef, undef, undef) if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ if (@{$envinfo})
+ {
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into envinfo (build_id,tool,version) values ($newbuildid,?,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into envinfo: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$envinfo})
+ {
+ my $tool = $entry->{tool};
+ my $version = $entry->{version};
+ $query->execute($tool, $version)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into envinfo ($tool,$version): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$failures})
+ {
+ print " prepare_cached 'insert into failures (build_id,category,count) values ($newbuildid,?,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into failures (build_id,category,count) values ($newbuildid,?,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into failures: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$failures})
+ {
+ my $category = $entry->{category};
+ my $count = $entry->{count};
+ print " execute '$category, $count'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($category, $count)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into failures ($category,$count): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$reports})
+ {
+ print " prepare_cached 'insert into reports (build_id,name,url,type) values ($newbuildid,?,?,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into reports (build_id,name,url,type) values ($newbuildid,?,?,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into reports: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$reports})
+ {
+ my $name = $entry->{name};
+ my $url = $entry->{url};
+ my $type = $entry->{type};
+ print " execute '$name, $url, $type'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($name, $url, $type)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into reports ($name,$url,$type): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$content})
+ {
+ print " prepare_cached 'insert into content (build_id,name,url,revision) values ($newbuildid,?,?,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into content (build_id,name,url,revision) values ($newbuildid,?,?,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into content: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$content})
+ {
+ my $name = $entry->{name};
+ my $url = $entry->{url};
+ my $revision = $entry->{revision};
+ print " execute '$name, $url, $revision'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($name, $url, $revision)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into content ($name,$url,$revision): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$baselines})
+ {
+ print " prepare_cached 'insert into baselines (build_id,type,path) values ($newbuildid,?,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into baselines (build_id,type,path) values ($newbuildid,?,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into baselines: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$baselines})
+ {
+ my $type = $entry->{type};
+ my $path = $entry->{path};
+ print " execute '$type, $path'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($type, $path)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into baselines ($type,$path): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$labels})
+ {
+ print " prepare_cached 'insert into labels (build_id,label) values ($newbuildid,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into labels (build_id,label) values ($newbuildid,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into labels: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$labels})
+ {
+ my $label = $entry->{label};
+ print " execute '$label'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($label)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into revision ($label): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ print "new build id: $newbuildid\n";
+ print "Updating build $id\n";
+ if (keys %{$builds_entry})
+ {
+ my $field_list = '';
+ my @fields = ();
+ for my $field (keys %{$builds_entry})
+ {
+ $field_list .= "$field=?,";
+ push(@fields,$builds_entry->{$field});
+ }
+ $field_list =~ s/,$//;
+ print " prepare 'update builds set $field_list where id=$id'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare("update builds set $field_list where id=$id")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query update builds: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ print " execute '@fields'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute(@fields)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute update builds (@fields): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ if (@{$envinfo})
+ {
+ print " prepare 'delete from envinfo where build_id=$id'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $delete_query = $db->prepare("delete from envinfo where build_id=$id")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query delete from envinfo: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ print " execute ''\n" if ($verbose);
+ $delete_query->execute()
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute delete from envinfo: " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ print " prepare 'insert into envinfo (build_id,tool,version) values ($id,?,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into envinfo (build_id,tool,version) values ($id,?,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into envinfo: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$envinfo})
+ {
+ my $tool = $entry->{tool};
+ my $version = $entry->{version};
+ print " execute '$tool,$version'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($tool, $version)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into envinfo ($tool,$version): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$failures})
+ {
+ print " prepare 'delete from failures where build_id=$id'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $delete_query = $db->prepare("delete from failures where build_id=$id")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query delete from failures: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ print " execute ''\n" if ($verbose);
+ $delete_query->execute()
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute delete from failures: " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ print " prepare 'insert into failures (build_id,category,count) values ($id,?,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into failures (build_id,category,count) values ($id,?,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into failures: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$failures})
+ {
+ my $category = $entry->{category};
+ my $count = $entry->{count};
+ print " execute '$category,$count'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($category, $count)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into failures ($category,$count): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$reports})
+ {
+ print " prepare 'delete from reports where build_id=$id'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $delete_query = $db->prepare("delete from reports where build_id=$id")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query delete from reports: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ print " execute ''\n" if ($verbose);
+ $delete_query->execute()
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute delete from reports: " . $db->errstr() . "\n";
+ print " prepare 'insert into reports (build_id,name,url,type) values ($id,?,?,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into reports (build_id,name,url,type) values ($id,?,?,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into failures: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$reports})
+ {
+ my $name = $entry->{name};
+ my $url = $entry->{url};
+ my $type = $entry->{type};
+ print " execute '$name,$url,$type'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($name, $url, $type)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into reports ($name,$url,$type): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$content})
+ {
+ print " prepare 'delete from content where build_id=$id'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $delete_query = $db->prepare("delete from content where build_id=$id")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query delete from content: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ print " execute ''\n" if ($verbose);
+ $delete_query->execute()
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute delete from content: " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ print " prepare 'insert into content (build_id,name,url,revision) values ($id,?,?,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into content (build_id,name,url,revision) values ($id,?,?,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into content: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$content})
+ {
+ my $name = $entry->{name};
+ my $url = $entry->{url};
+ my $revision = $entry->{revision};
+ print " execute '$name,$url,$revision'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($name, $url, $revision)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into content ($name,$url,$revision): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$baselines})
+ {
+ print " prepare 'delete from baselines where build_id=$id'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $delete_query = $db->prepare("delete from baselines where build_id=$id")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query delete from baselines: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ print " execute ''\n" if ($verbose);
+ $delete_query->execute()
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute delete from baselines: " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ print " prepare 'insert into baselines (build_id,type,path) values ($id,?,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into baselines (build_id,type,path) values ($id,?,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into baselines: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$baselines})
+ {
+ my $type = $entry->{type};
+ my $path = $entry->{path};
+ print " execute '$type,$path'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($type, $path)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into baselines ($type,$path): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$labels})
+ {
+ print " prepare 'delete from labels where build_id=$id'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $delete_query = $db->prepare("delete from labels where build_id=$id")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query delete from labels: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ print " execute ''\n" if ($verbose);
+ $delete_query->execute()
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute delete from labels: " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ print " prepare 'insert into labels (build_id,label) values ($id,?)'\n" if ($verbose);
+ my $query = $db->prepare_cached("insert into label (build_id,label) values ($id,?)")
+ or die("Couldn't prepare query insert into label: " . $db->errstr()) if (!$dryrun);
+ for my $entry (@{$labels})
+ {
+ my $label = $entry->{label};
+ print " execute '$label'\n" if ($verbose);
+ $query->execute($label)
+ or print "WARNING: Couldn't execute insert into labels ($label): " . $db->errstr() . "\n" if (!$dryrun);
+ }
+ }
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a common/tools/envinfo2diamonds.pl
--- a/common/tools/envinfo2diamonds.pl Thu Jul 08 18:13:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/tools/envinfo2diamonds.pl Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
my $input = "\\output\\logs\\envinfo.txt";
my $output = "\\output\\logs\\diamonds_envinfo.xml";
+my $bit_output = "\\output\\logs\\bitinfo.txt";
my $help = 0;
'in=s' => \$input,
@@ -53,7 +54,6 @@
# write diamonds file
-@environment_info = reverse(@environment_info);
my $xml_content = <<_EOX;
@@ -66,10 +66,15 @@
my $tools_lines = '';
-for my $tool_info (@environment_info)
+for my $tool_info (reverse(@environment_info))
$tools_lines .= " $tool_info->{name}$tool_info->{version}\n";
+my $bit_tools_lines = '';
+for my $bit_tool_info (@environment_info)
+ $bit_tools_lines .= "envinfo\t$bit_tool_info->{name},$bit_tool_info->{version}\n";
$xml_content =~ s/_HERE_TOOLS_LINES_/$tools_lines/;
@@ -83,3 +88,9 @@
warn "Could not write to file: $output\n";
+if (open(BITINFO, ">>$bit_output"))
+ print BITINFO $bit_tools_lines;
+ close(BITINFO);
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a common/tools/lib/Bundle/DBD/mysql.pm
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/tools/lib/Bundle/DBD/mysql.pm Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# -*- perl -*-
+package Bundle::DBD::mysql;
+$VERSION = '4.004';
+=head1 NAME
+Bundle::DBD::mysql - A bundle to install Perl drivers for MySQL
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+=head1 CONTENTS
+This bundle includes all that is needed to connect with a MySQL server using
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a common/tools/lib/DBD/mysql.pm
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/tools/lib/DBD/mysql.pm Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1945 @@
+# -*- cperl -*-
+package DBD::mysql;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $err $errstr $drh);
+use DBI ();
+use DynaLoader();
+use Carp ();
+@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
+$VERSION = '4.014';
+bootstrap DBD::mysql $VERSION;
+$err = 0; # holds error code for DBI::err
+$errstr = ""; # holds error string for DBI::errstr
+$drh = undef; # holds driver handle once initialised
+sub driver{
+ return $drh if $drh;
+ my($class, $attr) = @_;
+ $class .= "::dr";
+ # not a 'my' since we use it above to prevent multiple drivers
+ $drh = DBI::_new_drh($class, { 'Name' => 'mysql',
+ 'Version' => $VERSION,
+ 'Err' => \$DBD::mysql::err,
+ 'Errstr' => \$DBD::mysql::errstr,
+ 'Attribution' => 'DBD::mysql by Patrick Galbraith'
+ });
+ $drh;
+sub CLONE {
+ undef $drh;
+sub _OdbcParse($$$) {
+ my($class, $dsn, $hash, $args) = @_;
+ my($var, $val);
+ if (!defined($dsn)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ while (length($dsn)) {
+ if ($dsn =~ /([^:;]*)[:;](.*)/) {
+ $val = $1;
+ $dsn = $2;
+ } else {
+ $val = $dsn;
+ $dsn = '';
+ }
+ if ($val =~ /([^=]*)=(.*)/) {
+ $var = $1;
+ $val = $2;
+ if ($var eq 'hostname' || $var eq 'host') {
+ $hash->{'host'} = $val;
+ } elsif ($var eq 'db' || $var eq 'dbname') {
+ $hash->{'database'} = $val;
+ } else {
+ $hash->{$var} = $val;
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach $var (@$args) {
+ if (!defined($hash->{$var})) {
+ $hash->{$var} = $val;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub _OdbcParseHost ($$) {
+ my($class, $dsn) = @_;
+ my($hash) = {};
+ $class->_OdbcParse($dsn, $hash, ['host', 'port']);
+ ($hash->{'host'}, $hash->{'port'});
+ my ($meth) = $DBD::mysql::AUTOLOAD;
+ my ($smeth) = $meth;
+ $smeth =~ s/(.*)\:\://;
+ my $val = constant($smeth, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
+ if ($! == 0) { eval "sub $meth { $val }"; return $val; }
+ Carp::croak "$meth: Not defined";
+package DBD::mysql::dr; # ====== DRIVER ======
+use strict;
+use DBI qw(:sql_types);
+use DBI::Const::GetInfoType;
+sub connect {
+ my($drh, $dsn, $username, $password, $attrhash) = @_;
+ my($port);
+ my($cWarn);
+ my $connect_ref= { 'Name' => $dsn };
+ my $dbi_imp_data;
+ # Avoid warnings for undefined values
+ $username ||= '';
+ $password ||= '';
+ $attrhash ||= {};
+ # create a 'blank' dbh
+ my($this, $privateAttrHash) = (undef, $attrhash);
+ $privateAttrHash = { %$privateAttrHash,
+ 'Name' => $dsn,
+ 'user' => $username,
+ 'password' => $password
+ };
+ DBD::mysql->_OdbcParse($dsn, $privateAttrHash,
+ ['database', 'host', 'port']);
+ if ($DBI::VERSION >= 1.49)
+ {
+ $dbi_imp_data = delete $attrhash->{dbi_imp_data};
+ $connect_ref->{'dbi_imp_data'} = $dbi_imp_data;
+ }
+ if (!defined($this = DBI::_new_dbh($drh,
+ $connect_ref,
+ $privateAttrHash)))
+ {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # Call msqlConnect func in mSQL.xs file
+ # and populate internal handle data.
+ DBD::mysql::db::_login($this, $dsn, $username, $password)
+ or $this = undef;
+ if ($this && ($ENV{MOD_PERL} || $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE})) {
+ $this->{mysql_auto_reconnect} = 1;
+ }
+ $this;
+sub data_sources {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($attributes) = shift;
+ my($host, $port, $user, $password) = ('', '', '', '');
+ if ($attributes) {
+ $host = $attributes->{host} || '';
+ $port = $attributes->{port} || '';
+ $user = $attributes->{user} || '';
+ $password = $attributes->{password} || '';
+ }
+ my(@dsn) = $self->func($host, $port, $user, $password, '_ListDBs');
+ my($i);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @dsn; $i++) {
+ $dsn[$i] = "DBI:mysql:$dsn[$i]";
+ }
+ @dsn;
+sub admin {
+ my($drh) = shift;
+ my($command) = shift;
+ my($dbname) = ($command eq 'createdb' || $command eq 'dropdb') ?
+ shift : '';
+ my($host, $port) = DBD::mysql->_OdbcParseHost(shift(@_) || '');
+ my($user) = shift || '';
+ my($password) = shift || '';
+ $drh->func(undef, $command,
+ $dbname || '',
+ $host || '',
+ $port || '',
+ $user, $password, '_admin_internal');
+package DBD::mysql::db; # ====== DATABASE ======
+use strict;
+use DBI qw(:sql_types);
+%DBD::mysql::db::db2ANSI = ("INT" => "INTEGER",
+ "CHAR" => "CHAR",
+ "REAL" => "REAL",
+ );
+### ANSI datatype mapping to mSQL datatypes
+%DBD::mysql::db::ANSI2db = ("CHAR" => "CHAR",
+ "VARCHAR" => "CHAR",
+ "BIT" => "INTEGER",
+ "REAL" => "REAL",
+ "FLOAT" => "REAL",
+ "DOUBLE" => "REAL",
+ "BINARY" => "CHAR",
+ "DATE" => "CHAR",
+ "TIME" => "CHAR",
+ );
+sub prepare {
+ my($dbh, $statement, $attribs)= @_;
+ # create a 'blank' dbh
+ my $sth = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, {'Statement' => $statement});
+ # Populate internal handle data.
+ if (!DBD::mysql::st::_prepare($sth, $statement, $attribs)) {
+ $sth = undef;
+ }
+ $sth;
+sub db2ANSI {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ return $DBD::mysql::db::db2ANSI{"$type"};
+sub ANSI2db {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ return $DBD::mysql::db::ANSI2db{"$type"};
+sub admin {
+ my($dbh) = shift;
+ my($command) = shift;
+ my($dbname) = ($command eq 'createdb' || $command eq 'dropdb') ?
+ shift : '';
+ $dbh->{'Driver'}->func($dbh, $command, $dbname, '', '', '',
+ '_admin_internal');
+sub _SelectDB ($$) {
+ die "_SelectDB is removed from this module; use DBI->connect instead.";
+sub table_info ($) {
+ my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table, $type, $attr) = @_;
+ $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}||= 0;
+ my $mysql_server_prepare_save= $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare};
+ $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= 0;
+ my @rows;
+ my $sponge = DBI->connect("DBI:Sponge:", '','')
+ or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr");
+# Return the list of catalogs
+ if (defined $catalog && $catalog eq "%" &&
+ (!defined($schema) || $schema eq "") &&
+ (!defined($table) || $table eq ""))
+ {
+ @rows = (); # Empty, because MySQL doesn't support catalogs (yet)
+ }
+ # Return the list of schemas
+ elsif (defined $schema && $schema eq "%" &&
+ (!defined($catalog) || $catalog eq "") &&
+ (!defined($table) || $table eq ""))
+ {
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW DATABASES")
+ or ($dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ return undef);
+ $sth->execute()
+ or ($dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ return DBI::set_err($dbh, $sth->err(), $sth->errstr()));
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref())
+ {
+ push(@rows, [ undef, $ref->[0], undef, undef, undef ]);
+ }
+ }
+ # Return the list of table types
+ elsif (defined $type && $type eq "%" &&
+ (!defined($catalog) || $catalog eq "") &&
+ (!defined($schema) || $schema eq "") &&
+ (!defined($table) || $table eq ""))
+ {
+ @rows = (
+ [ undef, undef, undef, "TABLE", undef ],
+ [ undef, undef, undef, "VIEW", undef ],
+ );
+ }
+ # Special case: a catalog other than undef, "", or "%"
+ elsif (defined $catalog && $catalog ne "" && $catalog ne "%")
+ {
+ @rows = (); # Nothing, because MySQL doesn't support catalogs yet.
+ }
+ # Uh oh, we actually have a meaty table_info call. Work is required!
+ else
+ {
+ my @schemas;
+ # If no table was specified, we want them all
+ $table ||= "%";
+ # If something was given for the schema, we need to expand it to
+ # a list of schemas, since it may be a wildcard.
+ if (defined $schema && $schema ne "")
+ {
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW DATABASES LIKE " .
+ $dbh->quote($schema))
+ or ($dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ return undef);
+ $sth->execute()
+ or ($dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ return DBI::set_err($dbh, $sth->err(), $sth->errstr()));
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref())
+ {
+ push @schemas, $ref->[0];
+ }
+ }
+ # Otherwise we want the current database
+ else
+ {
+ push @schemas, $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT DATABASE()");
+ }
+ # Figure out which table types are desired
+ my ($want_tables, $want_views);
+ if (defined $type && $type ne "")
+ {
+ $want_tables = ($type =~ m/table/i);
+ $want_views = ($type =~ m/view/i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $want_tables = $want_views = 1;
+ }
+ for my $database (@schemas)
+ {
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW /*!50002 FULL*/ TABLES FROM " .
+ $dbh->quote_identifier($database) .
+ " LIKE " . $dbh->quote($table))
+ or ($dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ return undef);
+ $sth->execute() or
+ ($dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ return DBI::set_err($dbh, $sth->err(), $sth->errstr()));
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref())
+ {
+ my $type = (defined $ref->[1] &&
+ $ref->[1] =~ /view/i) ? 'VIEW' : 'TABLE';
+ next if $type eq 'TABLE' && not $want_tables;
+ next if $type eq 'VIEW' && not $want_views;
+ push @rows, [ undef, $database, $ref->[0], $type, undef ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $sth = $sponge->prepare("table_info",
+ {
+ rows => \@rows,
+ NUM_OF_FIELDS => scalar @names,
+ NAME => \@names,
+ })
+ or ($dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ return $dbh->DBI::set_err($sponge->err(), $sponge->errstr()));
+ $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save;
+ return $sth;
+sub _ListTables {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ if (!$DBD::mysql::QUIET) {
+ warn "_ListTables is deprecated, use \$dbh->tables()";
+ }
+ return map { $_ =~ s/.*\.//; $_ } $dbh->tables();
+sub column_info {
+ my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table, $column) = @_;
+ $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}||= 0;
+ my $mysql_server_prepare_save= $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare};
+ $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= 0;
+ # ODBC allows a NULL to mean all columns, so we'll accept undef
+ $column = '%' unless defined $column;
+ my $ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE= 1146;
+ my $table_id = $dbh->quote_identifier($catalog, $schema, $table);
+ my @names = qw(
+ mysql_is_pri_key mysql_type_name mysql_values
+ mysql_is_auto_increment
+ );
+ my %col_info;
+ local $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc';
+ # only ignore ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE in internal_execute if issued from here
+ my $desc_sth = $dbh->prepare("DESCRIBE $table_id " . $dbh->quote($column));
+ my $desc = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($desc_sth, { Columns=>{} });
+ #return $desc_sth if $desc_sth->err();
+ if (my $err = $desc_sth->err())
+ {
+ # return the error, unless it is due to the table not
+ # existing per DBI spec
+ if ($err != $ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE)
+ {
+ $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $dbh->set_err(undef,undef);
+ $desc = [];
+ }
+ my $ordinal_pos = 0;
+ for my $row (@$desc)
+ {
+ my $type = $row->{type};
+ $type =~ m/^(\w+)(?:\((.*?)\))?\s*(.*)/;
+ my $basetype = lc($1);
+ my $typemod = $2;
+ my $attr = $3;
+ my $info = $col_info{ $row->{field} }= {
+ TABLE_CAT => $catalog,
+ TABLE_SCHEM => $schema,
+ TABLE_NAME => $table,
+ COLUMN_NAME => $row->{field},
+ NULLABLE => ($row->{null} eq 'YES') ? 1 : 0,
+ IS_NULLABLE => ($row->{null} eq 'YES') ? "YES" : "NO",
+ TYPE_NAME => uc($basetype),
+ COLUMN_DEF => $row->{default},
+ ORDINAL_POSITION => ++$ordinal_pos,
+ mysql_is_pri_key => ($row->{key} eq 'PRI'),
+ mysql_type_name => $row->{type},
+ mysql_is_auto_increment => ($row->{extra} =~ /auto_increment/i ? 1 : 0),
+ };
+ #
+ # This code won't deal with a pathalogical case where a value
+ # contains a single quote followed by a comma, and doesn't unescape
+ # any escaped values. But who would use those in an enum or set?
+ #
+ my @type_params= ($typemod && index($typemod,"'")>=0) ?
+ ("$typemod," =~ /'(.*?)',/g) # assume all are quoted
+ : split /,/, $typemod||''; # no quotes, plain list
+ s/''/'/g for @type_params; # undo doubling of quotes
+ my @type_attr= split / /, $attr||'';
+ $info->{DATA_TYPE}= SQL_VARCHAR();
+ if ($basetype =~ /^(char|varchar|\w*text|\w*blob)/)
+ {
+ $info->{DATA_TYPE}= SQL_CHAR() if $basetype eq 'char';
+ if ($type_params[0])
+ {
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = $type_params[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = 65535;
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = 255 if $basetype =~ /^tiny/;
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = 16777215 if $basetype =~ /^medium/;
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = 4294967295 if $basetype =~ /^long/;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($basetype =~ /^(binary|varbinary)/)
+ {
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = $type_params[0];
+ # SQL_BINARY & SQL_VARBINARY are tempting here but don't match the
+ # semantics for mysql (not hex). SQL_CHAR & SQL_VARCHAR are correct here.
+ $info->{DATA_TYPE} = ($basetype eq 'binary') ? SQL_CHAR() : SQL_VARCHAR();
+ }
+ elsif ($basetype =~ /^(enum|set)/)
+ {
+ if ($basetype eq 'set')
+ {
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = length(join ",", @type_params);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $max_len = 0;
+ length($_) > $max_len and $max_len = length($_) for @type_params;
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = $max_len;
+ }
+ $info->{"mysql_values"} = \@type_params;
+ }
+ elsif ($basetype =~ /int/)
+ {
+ # big/medium/small/tiny etc + unsigned?
+ $info->{DATA_TYPE} = SQL_INTEGER();
+ $info->{NUM_PREC_RADIX} = 10;
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = $type_params[0];
+ }
+ elsif ($basetype =~ /^decimal/)
+ {
+ $info->{DATA_TYPE} = SQL_DECIMAL();
+ $info->{NUM_PREC_RADIX} = 10;
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = $type_params[0];
+ $info->{DECIMAL_DIGITS} = $type_params[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($basetype =~ /^(float|double)/)
+ {
+ $info->{DATA_TYPE} = ($basetype eq 'float') ? SQL_FLOAT() : SQL_DOUBLE();
+ $info->{NUM_PREC_RADIX} = 2;
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = ($basetype eq 'float') ? 32 : 64;
+ }
+ elsif ($basetype =~ /date|time/)
+ {
+ # date/datetime/time/timestamp
+ if ($basetype eq 'time' or $basetype eq 'date')
+ {
+ #$info->{DATA_TYPE} = ($basetype eq 'time') ? SQL_TYPE_TIME() : SQL_TYPE_DATE();
+ $info->{DATA_TYPE} = ($basetype eq 'time') ? SQL_TIME() : SQL_DATE();
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = ($basetype eq 'time') ? 8 : 10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # datetime/timestamp
+ $info->{SQL_DATETIME_SUB} = $info->{DATA_TYPE} - ($info->{SQL_DATA_TYPE} * 10);
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = ($basetype eq 'datetime') ? 19 : $type_params[0] || 14;
+ }
+ $info->{DECIMAL_DIGITS}= 0; # no fractional seconds
+ }
+ elsif ($basetype eq 'year')
+ {
+ # no close standard so treat as int
+ $info->{DATA_TYPE} = SQL_INTEGER();
+ $info->{NUM_PREC_RADIX} = 10;
+ $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} = 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Carp::carp("column_info: unrecognized column type '$basetype' of $table_id.$row->{field} treated as varchar");
+ }
+ $info->{SQL_DATA_TYPE} ||= $info->{DATA_TYPE};
+ #warn Dumper($info);
+ }
+ my $sponge = DBI->connect("DBI:Sponge:", '','')
+ or ( $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr"));
+ my $sth = $sponge->prepare("column_info $table", {
+ rows => [ map { [ @{$_}{@names} ] } values %col_info ],
+ NUM_OF_FIELDS => scalar @names,
+ NAME => \@names,
+ }) or
+ return ($dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ $dbh->DBI::set_err($sponge->err(), $sponge->errstr()));
+ $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save;
+ return $sth;
+sub primary_key_info {
+ my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table) = @_;
+ $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}||= 0;
+ my $mysql_server_prepare_save= $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare};
+ my $table_id = $dbh->quote_identifier($catalog, $schema, $table);
+ my @names = qw(
+ );
+ my %col_info;
+ local $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc';
+ my $desc_sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW KEYS FROM $table_id");
+ my $desc= $dbh->selectall_arrayref($desc_sth, { Columns=>{} });
+ my $ordinal_pos = 0;
+ for my $row (grep { $_->{key_name} eq 'PRIMARY'} @$desc)
+ {
+ $col_info{ $row->{column_name} }= {
+ TABLE_CAT => $catalog,
+ TABLE_SCHEM => $schema,
+ TABLE_NAME => $table,
+ COLUMN_NAME => $row->{column_name},
+ KEY_SEQ => $row->{seq_in_index},
+ PK_NAME => $row->{key_name},
+ };
+ }
+ my $sponge = DBI->connect("DBI:Sponge:", '','')
+ or
+ ($dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr"));
+ my $sth= $sponge->prepare("primary_key_info $table", {
+ rows => [ map { [ @{$_}{@names} ] } values %col_info ],
+ NUM_OF_FIELDS => scalar @names,
+ NAME => \@names,
+ }) or
+ ($dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save &&
+ return $dbh->DBI::set_err($sponge->err(), $sponge->errstr()));
+ $dbh->{mysql_server_prepare}= $mysql_server_prepare_save;
+ return $sth;
+sub foreign_key_info {
+ my ($dbh,
+ $pk_catalog, $pk_schema, $pk_table,
+ $fk_catalog, $fk_schema, $fk_table,
+ ) = @_;
+ my ($maj, $min, $point) = _version($dbh);
+ return if $maj < 5 || ($maj == 5 && $point < 6);
+ my $sql = <<'EOF';
+ my @where;
+ my @bind;
+ # catalogs are not yet supported by MySQL
+# if (defined $pk_catalog) {
+# push @where, 'A.REFERENCED_TABLE_CATALOG = ?';
+# push @bind, $pk_catalog;
+# }
+ if (defined $pk_schema) {
+ push @where, 'A.REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = ?';
+ push @bind, $pk_schema;
+ }
+ if (defined $pk_table) {
+ push @where, 'A.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = ?';
+ push @bind, $pk_table;
+ }
+# if (defined $fk_catalog) {
+# push @where, 'A.TABLE_CATALOG = ?';
+# push @bind, $fk_schema;
+# }
+ if (defined $fk_schema) {
+ push @where, 'A.TABLE_SCHEMA = ?';
+ push @bind, $fk_schema;
+ }
+ if (defined $fk_table) {
+ push @where, 'A.TABLE_NAME = ?';
+ push @bind, $fk_table;
+ }
+ if (@where) {
+ $sql .= ' AND ';
+ $sql .= join ' AND ', @where;
+ }
+ local $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_uc';
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+ $sth->execute(@bind);
+ return $sth;
+sub _version {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ return
+ $dbh->get_info($DBI::Const::GetInfoType::GetInfoType{SQL_DBMS_VER})
+ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+# get_info()
+# Generated by DBI::DBD::Metadata
+sub get_info {
+ my($dbh, $info_type) = @_;
+ require DBD::mysql::GetInfo;
+ my $v = $DBD::mysql::GetInfo::info{int($info_type)};
+ $v = $v->($dbh) if ref $v eq 'CODE';
+ return $v;
+package DBD::mysql::st; # ====== STATEMENT ======
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+DBD::mysql - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use DBI;
+ $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port";
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password);
+ $drh = DBI->install_driver("mysql");
+ @databases = DBI->data_sources("mysql");
+ or
+ @databases = DBI->data_sources("mysql",
+ {"host" => $host, "port" => $port, "user" => $user, password => $pass});
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bla");
+ or
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("LISTFIELDS $table");
+ or
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("LISTINDEX $table $index");
+ $sth->execute;
+ $numRows = $sth->rows;
+ $numFields = $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'};
+ $sth->finish;
+ $rc = $drh->func('createdb', $database, $host, $user, $password, 'admin');
+ $rc = $drh->func('dropdb', $database, $host, $user, $password, 'admin');
+ $rc = $drh->func('shutdown', $host, $user, $password, 'admin');
+ $rc = $drh->func('reload', $host, $user, $password, 'admin');
+ $rc = $dbh->func('createdb', $database, 'admin');
+ $rc = $dbh->func('dropdb', $database, 'admin');
+ $rc = $dbh->func('shutdown', 'admin');
+ $rc = $dbh->func('reload', 'admin');
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ use strict;
+ use DBI();
+ # Connect to the database.
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
+ "joe", "joe's password",
+ {'RaiseError' => 1});
+ # Drop table 'foo'. This may fail, if 'foo' doesn't exist.
+ # Thus we put an eval around it.
+ eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE foo") };
+ print "Dropping foo failed: $@\n" if $@;
+ # Create a new table 'foo'. This must not fail, thus we don't
+ # catch errors.
+ $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
+ # INSERT some data into 'foo'. We are using $dbh->quote() for
+ # quoting the name.
+ $dbh->do("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, " . $dbh->quote("Tim") . ")");
+ # Same thing, but using placeholders
+ $dbh->do("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (?, ?)", undef, 2, "Jochen");
+ # Now retrieve data from the table.
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM foo");
+ $sth->execute();
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ print "Found a row: id = $ref->{'id'}, name = $ref->{'name'}\n";
+ }
+ $sth->finish();
+ # Disconnect from the database.
+ $dbh->disconnect();
+B is the Perl5 Database Interface driver for the MySQL
+database. In other words: DBD::mysql is an interface between the Perl
+programming language and the MySQL programming API that comes with
+the MySQL relational database management system. Most functions
+provided by this programming API are supported. Some rarely used
+functions are missing, mainly because noone ever requested
+them. :-)
+In what follows we first discuss the use of DBD::mysql,
+because this is what you will need the most. For installation, see the
+sections on L, and L
+below. See L for a simple example above.
+From perl you activate the interface with the statement
+ use DBI;
+After that you can connect to multiple MySQL database servers
+and send multiple queries to any of them via a simple object oriented
+interface. Two types of objects are available: database handles and
+statement handles. Perl returns a database handle to the connect
+method like so:
+ $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$db;host=$host",
+ $user, $password, {RaiseError => 1});
+Once you have connected to a database, you can can execute SQL
+statements with:
+ my $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%d, %s)",
+ $number, $dbh->quote("name"));
+ $dbh->do($query);
+See L for details on the quote and do methods. An alternative
+approach is
+ $dbh->do("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (?, ?)", undef,
+ $number, $name);
+in which case the quote method is executed automatically. See also
+the bind_param method in L. See L below
+for more details on database handles.
+If you want to retrieve results, you need to create a so-called
+statement handle with:
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table");
+ $sth->execute();
+This statement handle can be used for multiple things. First of all
+you can retreive a row of data:
+ my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
+If your table has columns ID and NAME, then $row will be hash ref with
+keys ID and NAME. See L below for more details on
+statement handles.
+But now for a more formal approach:
+=head2 Class Methods
+=item B
+ use DBI;
+ $dsn = "DBI:mysql:$database";
+ $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname";
+ $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port";
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password);
+A C must always be specified.
+=item host
+=item port
+The hostname, if not specified or specified as '' or 'localhost', will
+default to a MySQL server running on the local machine using the default for
+the UNIX socket. To connect to a MySQL server on the local machine via TCP,
+you must specify the loopback IP address ( as the host.
+Should the MySQL server be running on a non-standard port number,
+you may explicitly state the port number to connect to in the C
+argument, by concatenating the I and I together
+separated by a colon ( C<:> ) character or by using the C argument.
+To connect to a MySQL server on localhost using TCP/IP, you must specify the
+hostname as (with the optional port).
+=item mysql_client_found_rows
+Enables (TRUE value) or disables (FALSE value) the flag CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS
+while connecting to the MySQL server. This has a somewhat funny effect:
+Without mysql_client_found_rows, if you perform a query like
+ UPDATE $table SET id = 1 WHERE id = 1
+then the MySQL engine will always return 0, because no rows have changed.
+With mysql_client_found_rows however, it will return the number of rows
+that have an id 1, as some people are expecting. (At least for compatibility
+to other engines.)
+=item mysql_compression
+As of MySQL 3.22.3, a new feature is supported: If your DSN contains
+the option "mysql_compression=1", then the communication between client
+and server will be compressed.
+=item mysql_connect_timeout
+If your DSN contains the option "mysql_connect_timeout=##", the connect
+request to the server will timeout if it has not been successful after
+the given number of seconds.
+ =item mysql_init_command
+ If your DSN contains the option "mysql_init_command_timeout=##", then
+ this SQL statement is executed when connecting to the MySQL server.
+ It is automatically re-executed if reconnection occurs.
+=item mysql_read_default_file
+=item mysql_read_default_group
+These options can be used to read a config file like /etc/my.cnf or
+~/.my.cnf. By default MySQL's C client library doesn't use any config
+files unlike the client programs (mysql, mysqladmin, ...) that do, but
+outside of the C client library. Thus you need to explicitly request
+reading a config file, as in
+ $dsn = "DBI:mysql:test;mysql_read_default_file=/home/joe/my.cnf";
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password)
+The option mysql_read_default_group can be used to specify the default
+group in the config file: Usually this is the I group, but
+see the following example:
+ [client]
+ host=localhost
+ [perl]
+ host=perlhost
+(Note the order of the entries! The example won't work, if you reverse
+the [client] and [perl] sections!)
+If you read this config file, then you'll be typically connected to
+I. However, by using
+ $dsn = "DBI:mysql:test;mysql_read_default_group=perl;"
+ . "mysql_read_default_file=/home/joe/my.cnf";
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password);
+you'll be connected to I. Note that if you specify a
+default group and do not specify a file, then the default config
+files will all be read. See the documentation of
+the C function mysql_options() for details.
+=item mysql_socket
+As of MySQL 3.21.15, it is possible to choose the Unix socket that is
+used for connecting to the server. This is done, for example, with
+ mysql_socket=/dev/mysql
+Usually there's no need for this option, unless you are using another
+location for the socket than that built into the client.
+=item mysql_ssl
+A true value turns on the CLIENT_SSL flag when connecting to the MySQL
+ mysql_ssl=1
+This means that your communication with the server will be encrypted.
+If you turn mysql_ssl on, you might also wish to use the following
+=item mysql_ssl_client_key
+=item mysql_ssl_client_cert
+=item mysql_ssl_ca_file
+=item mysql_ssl_ca_path
+=item mysql_ssl_cipher
+These are used to specify the respective parameters of a call
+to mysql_ssl_set, if mysql_ssl is turned on.
+=item mysql_local_infile
+As of MySQL 3.23.49, the LOCAL capability for LOAD DATA may be disabled
+in the MySQL client library by default. If your DSN contains the option
+"mysql_local_infile=1", LOAD DATA LOCAL will be enabled. (However,
+this option is *ineffective* if the server has also been configured to
+disallow LOCAL.)
+=item mysql_multi_statements
+As of MySQL 4.1, support for multiple statements seperated by a semicolon
+(;) may be enabled by using this option. Enabling this option may cause
+problems if server-side prepared statements are also enabled.
+=item Prepared statement support (server side prepare)
+As of 3.0002_1, server side prepare statements were on by default (if your
+server was >= 4.1.3). As of 3.0009, they were off by default again due to
+issues with the prepared statement API (all other mysql connectors are
+set this way until C API issues are resolved). The requirement to use
+prepared statements still remains that you have a server >= 4.1.3
+To use server side prepared statements, all you need to do is set the variable
+mysql_server_prepare in the connect:
+$dbh = DBI->connect(
+ "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost;mysql_server_prepare=1",
+ "",
+ "",
+ { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }
+ );
+* Note: delimiter for this param is ';'
+There are many benefits to using server side prepare statements, mostly if you are
+performing many inserts because of that fact that a single statement is prepared
+to accept multiple insert values.
+To make sure that the 'make test' step tests whether server prepare works, you just
+need to export the env variable MYSQL_SERVER_PREPARE:
+=item mysql_embedded_options
+The option can be used to pass 'command-line'
+options to embedded server.
+use DBI;
+$dbh = DBI->connect($testdsn,"a","b");
+This would cause the command line help to the embedded MySQL server library
+to be printed.
+=item mysql_embedded_groups
+The option can be used to specify the groups in the
+config file(I) which will be used to get options for embedded server.
+If not specified [server] and [embedded] groups will be used.
+=head2 Private MetaData Methods
+=item B
+ my $drh = DBI->install_driver("mysql");
+ @dbs = $drh->func("$hostname:$port", '_ListDBs');
+ @dbs = $drh->func($hostname, $port, '_ListDBs');
+ @dbs = $dbh->func('_ListDBs');
+Returns a list of all databases managed by the MySQL server
+running on C<$hostname>, port C<$port>. This is a legacy
+method. Instead, you should use the portable method
+ @dbs = DBI->data_sources("mysql");
+=head2 Server Administration
+=item admin
+ $rc = $drh->func("createdb", $dbname, [host, user, password,], 'admin');
+ $rc = $drh->func("dropdb", $dbname, [host, user, password,], 'admin');
+ $rc = $drh->func("shutdown", [host, user, password,], 'admin');
+ $rc = $drh->func("reload", [host, user, password,], 'admin');
+ or
+ $rc = $dbh->func("createdb", $dbname, 'admin');
+ $rc = $dbh->func("dropdb", $dbname, 'admin');
+ $rc = $dbh->func("shutdown", 'admin');
+ $rc = $dbh->func("reload", 'admin');
+For server administration you need a server connection. For obtaining
+this connection you have two options: Either use a driver handle (drh)
+and supply the appropriate arguments (host, defaults localhost, user,
+defaults to '' and password, defaults to ''). A driver handle can be
+obtained with
+ $drh = DBI->install_driver('mysql');
+Otherwise reuse the existing connection of a database handle (dbh).
+There's only one function available for administrative purposes, comparable
+to the m(y)sqladmin programs. The command being execute depends on the
+first argument:
+=item createdb
+Creates the database $dbname. Equivalent to "m(y)sqladmin create $dbname".
+=item dropdb
+Drops the database $dbname. Equivalent to "m(y)sqladmin drop $dbname".
+It should be noted that database deletion is
+I in any way. Nor is it undo-able from DBI.
+ Once you issue the dropDB() method, the database will be gone!
+These method should be used at your own risk.
+=item shutdown
+Silently shuts down the database engine. (Without prompting!)
+Equivalent to "m(y)sqladmin shutdown".
+=item reload
+Reloads the servers configuration files and/or tables. This can be particularly
+important if you modify access privileges or create new users.
+The DBD::mysql driver supports the following attributes of database
+handles (read only):
+ $errno = $dbh->{'mysql_errno'};
+ $error = $dbh->{'mysql_error'};
+ $info = $dbh->{'mysql_hostinfo'};
+ $info = $dbh->{'mysql_info'};
+ $insertid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
+ $info = $dbh->{'mysql_protoinfo'};
+ $info = $dbh->{'mysql_serverinfo'};
+ $info = $dbh->{'mysql_stat'};
+ $threadId = $dbh->{'mysql_thread_id'};
+These correspond to mysql_errno(), mysql_error(), mysql_get_host_info(),
+mysql_info(), mysql_insert_id(), mysql_get_proto_info(),
+mysql_get_server_info(), mysql_stat() and mysql_thread_id(),
+ $info_hashref = $dhb->{mysql_dbd_stats}
+DBD::mysql keeps track of some statistics in the mysql_dbd_stats attribute.
+The following stats are being maintained:
+=item auto_reconnects_ok
+The number of times that DBD::mysql successfully reconnected to the mysql
+=item auto_reconnects_failed
+The number of times that DBD::mysql tried to reconnect to mysql but failed.
+The DBD::mysql driver also supports the following attribute(s) of database
+handles (read/write):
+ $bool_value = $dbh->{mysql_auto_reconnect};
+ $dbh->{mysql_auto_reconnect} = $AutoReconnect ? 1 : 0;
+=item mysql_auto_reconnect
+This attribute determines whether DBD::mysql will automatically reconnect
+to mysql if the connection be lost. This feature defaults to off; however,
+if either the GATEWAY_INTERFACE or MOD_PERL envionment variable is set,
+DBD::mysql will turn mysql_auto_reconnect on. Setting mysql_auto_reconnect
+to on is not advised if 'lock tables' is used because if DBD::mysql reconnect
+to mysql all table locks will be lost. This attribute is ignored when
+AutoCommit is turned off, and when AutoCommit is turned off, DBD::mysql will
+not automatically reconnect to the server.
+=item mysql_use_result
+This attribute forces the driver to use mysql_use_result rather than
+mysql_store_result. The former is faster and less memory consuming, but
+tends to block other processes. (That's why mysql_store_result is the
+It is possible to set default value of the C attribute
+for $dbh using several ways:
+ - through DSN
+ $dbh= DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:test;mysql_use_result=1", "root", "");
+ - after creation of database handle
+ $dbh->{'mysql_use_result'}=0; #disable
+ $dbh->{'mysql_use_result'}=1; #enable
+It is possible to set/unset the C attribute after
+creation of statement handle. See below.
+=item mysql_enable_utf8
+This attribute determines whether DBD::mysql should assume strings
+stored in the database are utf8. This feature defaults to off.
+When set, a data retrieved from a textual column type (char, varchar,
+etc) will have the UTF-8 flag turned on if necessary. This enables
+character semantics on that string. You will also need to ensure that
+your database / table / column is configured to use UTF8. See Chapter
+10 of the mysql manual for details.
+Additionally, turning on this flag tells MySQL that incoming data should
+be treated as UTF-8. This will only take effect if used as part of the
+call to connect(). If you turn the flag on after connecting, you will
+need to issue the command C to get the same effect.
+This option is experimental and may change in future versions.
+=item mysql_bind_type_guessing
+This attribute causes the driver (emulated prepare statements)
+to attempt to guess if a value being bound is a numeric value,
+and if so, doesn't quote the value. This was created by
+Dragonchild and is one way to deal with the performance issue
+of using quotes in a statement that is inserting or updating a
+large numeric value. This was previously called
+C because it is experimental. I have
+successfully run the full test suite with this option turned on,
+the name can now be simply C.
+See bug: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=43822
+C can be turned on via
+ - through DSN
+ my $dbh= DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:test', 'username', 'pass',
+ { mysql_bind_type_guessing => 1})
+ - OR after handle creation
+ $dbh->{mysql_bind_type_guessing} = 1;
+=item mysql_no_autocommit_cmd
+This attribute causes the driver to not issue 'set autocommit'
+either through explicit or using mysql_autocommit(). This is
+particularly useful in the case of using MySQL Proxy.
+See the bug report:
+As well as:
+C can be turned on via
+ - through DSN
+ my $dbh= DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:test', 'username', 'pass',
+ { mysql_no_autocommit_cmd => 1})
+ - OR after handle creation
+ $dbh->{mysql_no_autocommit_cmd} = 1;
+The statement handles of DBD::mysql support a number
+of attributes. You access these by using, for example,
+ my $numFields = $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'};
+Note, that most attributes are valid only after a successfull I.
+An C value will returned in that case. The most important exception
+is the C attribute: This forces the driver to use
+mysql_use_result rather than mysql_store_result. The former is faster
+and less memory consuming, but tends to block other processes. (That's why
+mysql_store_result is the default.)
+To set the C attribute, use either of the following:
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("QUERY", { "mysql_use_result" => 1});
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("QUERY");
+ $sth->{"mysql_use_result"} = 1;
+Column dependent attributes, for example I, the column names,
+are returned as a reference to an array. The array indices are
+corresponding to the indices of the arrays returned by I
+and similar methods. For example the following code will print a
+header of table names together with all rows:
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table");
+ if (!$sth) {
+ die "Error:" . $dbh->errstr . "\n";
+ }
+ if (!$sth->execute) {
+ die "Error:" . $sth->errstr . "\n";
+ }
+ my $names = $sth->{'NAME'};
+ my $numFields = $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'};
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) {
+ printf("%s%s", $i ? "," : "", $$names[$i]);
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) {
+ printf("%s%s", $i ? "," : "", $$ref[$i]);
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+For portable applications you should restrict yourself to attributes with
+capitalized or mixed case names. Lower case attribute names are private
+to DBD::mysql. The attribute list includes:
+=item ChopBlanks
+this attribute determines whether a I will chop preceding
+and trailing blanks off the column values. Chopping blanks does not
+have impact on the I attribute.
+=item mysql_insertid
+MySQL has the ability to choose unique key values automatically. If this
+happened, the new ID will be stored in this attribute. An alternative
+way for accessing this attribute is via $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'}.
+(Note we are using the $dbh in this case!)
+=item mysql_is_blob
+Reference to an array of boolean values; TRUE indicates, that the
+respective column is a blob. This attribute is valid for MySQL only.
+=item mysql_is_key
+Reference to an array of boolean values; TRUE indicates, that the
+respective column is a key. This is valid for MySQL only.
+=item mysql_is_num
+Reference to an array of boolean values; TRUE indicates, that the
+respective column contains numeric values.
+=item mysql_is_pri_key
+Reference to an array of boolean values; TRUE indicates, that the
+respective column is a primary key.
+=item mysql_is_auto_increment
+Reference to an array of boolean values; TRUE indicates that the
+respective column is an AUTO_INCREMENT column. This is only valid
+for MySQL.
+=item mysql_length
+=item mysql_max_length
+A reference to an array of maximum column sizes. The I is
+the maximum physically present in the result table, I gives
+the theoretically possible maximum. I is valid for MySQL
+=item NAME
+A reference to an array of column names.
+A reference to an array of boolean values; TRUE indicates that this column
+may contain NULL's.
+Number of fields returned by a I
diff -r 71d95425fe65 -r 67aec47e519a sf-platform/compile.ant.xml
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+++ b/sf-platform/compile.ant.xml Tue Jul 20 23:33:58 2010 +0100
@@ -12,14 +12,6 @@