Simplified create-canonical-sysdef-file so that it's just a simple copy.
authorSimon Howkins <>
Thu, 13 Aug 2009 18:10:32 +0100 (2009-08-13)
changeset 347 94b4a136d800
parent 346 f9ce0418735b
child 348 bf437da77ab4
Simplified create-canonical-sysdef-file so that it's just a simple copy.
--- a/common/build.xml	Fri Aug 14 10:37:18 2009 +0100
+++ b/common/build.xml	Thu Aug 13 18:10:32 2009 +0100
@@ -517,17 +517,7 @@
     <target name="create-canonical-sysdef-file">
-        <if>
-            <istrue value="${sf.spec.systemdefinition.assemble}"/>
-            <then>
-                <echo message="Calling Helium create-canonical-sysdef-file target to assemble sysdef fragments."/>
-                <runtarget target="compile.create-canonical-sysdef-file"/>
-            </then>
-            <else>
-                <echo message="Will use ${}/${sf.spec.systemdefinition.location} as is as sysdef file"/>
-                <copy file="${}/${sf.spec.systemdefinition.location}" tofile="${}/output/build/canonical_system_definition.xml" failonerror="true" verbose="true"/>
-            </else>
-        </if>
+      <copy file="${}/${sf.spec.systemdefinition.location}" tofile="${canonical.sysdef.file}" failonerror="true" verbose="true"/>
   <target name="sf-truclean">