--- a/common/tools/ats/smoketest/localisation/apparchitecture/tef/ORIG_T_CaptionStep.cpp Fri Dec 18 14:46:04 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1016 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Test for GT0247 Bravo.
-// CR0583: Apparc should allow short caption to be modified dynamically
-// Test for UIKON GT0143 Typhoon Work Series 60 Changes.
-// REQ758.1: Add support for short captions
-// This test requires that tstapp.app has been built
-// tstapp.mmp has RESOURCE tstapp_caption.rss what caption is built into the .rsc file
-// tstapp_loc.rss decides what version of the caption file to include:
-// tstapp01.rls
-// tstapp02.rls
-// tstapp03.rls
-// tstapp04.rls
-// tstapp05.rls
-// tstappsc.rls
- @file
- @test
- @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
-#include <apgicnfl.h>
-#include <hal.h>
-#include <e32test.h>
-#include <apgctl.h>
-#include <apfctlf.h>
-#include <APGCLI.H>
-#include <APSSERV.H>
-#include <APAFLREC.H>
-#include <APFREC.H>
-#include <APPARC.H>
-#include <APGDOOR.H>
-#include <centralrepository.h>
-#include <s32file.h>
-#include "tstapp.h" // KUidTestApp defined here
-#include "T_CaptionStep.h"
-#include "appfwk_test_utils.h"
-#include "appfwk_test.h"
-#include "ticoncaptionoverride.h" //KUidTestIconCapOverride defined here
-#include "TIconLoaderAndIconArrayForLeaks.h"
-// global consts and declarations
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionEnglish,"TstCap UK");
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionEnglish,"TC UK");
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionFrench,"TstCap FR");
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionFrench,"TC FR");
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionGerman,"TstCap GE");
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionGerman,"TC GE");
-// If _loc.rss does not define Short Caption, it takes long caption
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionSpanish,"TstCap SP");
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionSpanish,"TstCap SP");
-// If _loc.rss does not define Caption, it takes app name
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionItalian,"TC IT");
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionDefault,"TstCap UK");
-_LIT(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionDefault,"TC UK");
-// Cenrep configuration details for English language
-_LIT(KCenRepCaption, "CRTstCap UK");
-_LIT(KCenRepShortCaption, "CRTC UK");
-_LIT(KCenRepIconFilename, "Z:\\resource\\apps\\ticoncapoverride.mbm");
-const TUid KUidIconCaptionRepository = {0x1028583d}; // Central Repository UID.
-const TInt KTextSize = 100;
-// CT_CaptionStep
-void CT_CaptionStep::ChangeLocaleL(TLanguage aLanguage)
- {
- // Change locale according to information in the HAL
- _LIT(KLitLocaleDllNameBase, "ELOCL");
- _LIT(KLitLocaleDllNameExtension, ".LOC");
- RLibrary localeDll;
- TBuf<16> localeDllName(KLitLocaleDllNameBase);
- CleanupClosePushL(localeDll);
- const TUidType uidType(TUid::Uid(0x10000079),TUid::Uid(0x100039e6));
- _LIT(TwoDigExt,".%02d");
- localeDllName.AppendFormat(TwoDigExt, aLanguage);
- TInt error=localeDll.Load(localeDllName, uidType);
- if (error==KErrNotFound)
- {
- localeDllName=KLitLocaleDllNameBase;
- localeDllName.Append(KLitLocaleDllNameExtension);
- error=localeDll.Load(localeDllName, uidType);
- }
- User::LeaveIfError(error);
- User::LeaveIfError(UserSvr::ChangeLocale(localeDllName));
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&localeDll);
- }
-void CT_CaptionStep::DoLanguageTestL()
- {
- TLanguage language = User::Language(); // keep a copy to restore it later on.
- TInt ch = 0;
- for (ch=0; ch < 6; ch++)
- {
- TLanguage languageToTest = ELangTest; // init to supress compiler remark
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 0:
- languageToTest=ELangEnglish;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing English"));
- break;
- case 1:
- languageToTest=ELangFrench;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing French"));
- break;
- case 2:
- languageToTest=ELangGerman;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing German"));
- break;
- case 3:
- languageToTest=ELangSpanish;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing Spanish"));
- break;
- case 4:
- languageToTest=ELangItalian;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing Italian"));
- break;
- case 5:
- languageToTest=ELangAmerican;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--------- Testing American"));
- break;
- default:
- User::LeaveIfError(KErrNotSupported);
- break;
- };
- // Change the locale
- ChangeLocaleL(languageToTest);
- TEST(User::Language() == languageToTest);
- // Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
- RPointerArray<TDesC> dummy;
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- // Do the same set of tests for each language
- TestCApaSystemControlListL();
- TestCApaDoorL();
- TestTApaAppInfoStreamsL();
- HEAP_TEST_LS_SESSION(iLs, 0, 0, TestTApaAppInfoL(), iLs.ClearAppInfoArray() );
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test for that language finished..."));
- }
- // restore original locale, just in case...
- ChangeLocaleL(language);
- TEST(User::Language() == language);
- }
- @SYMTestCaseID t_caption_TestCApaSystemControlListL
- @SYMTestCaseDesc Check (short)caption by means of a control on the list CApaSystemControlList
- @SYMTestPriority High
- @SYMTestStatus Implemented
- @SYMTestActions The test creates a CApaSystemControlList and checks the value of (short)caption
- by creating a CApaSystemControl from index 0 of CApaSystemControlList
- @SYMTestExpectedResults The (short)caption is set to a value not null (length is not zero)
- */
-void CT_CaptionStep::TestCApaSystemControlListL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing CApaSystemControlList... "));
- CApaSystemControlList* list=NULL;
- User::LeaveIfError(FbsStartup());
- RFbsSession fbs;
- User::LeaveIfError(fbs.Connect());
- TRAPD(ret, list=CApaSystemControlList::NewL(iFs));
- TEST(ret==KErrNone);
- CApaSystemControl* control=list->Control(0);
- TPtrC testShortCap=control->ShortCaption();
- TEST(testShortCap.Length()>0);
- TPtrC testCap=control->Caption();
- TEST(testCap.Length()>0);
- }
- @SYMTestCaseID t_caption_TestTApaAppInfoL
- @SYMTestCaseDesc Check appInfo contains the right (short)caption for the current test language.
- @SYMTestPriority High
- @SYMTestStatus Implemented
- @SYMTestActions The test searches for KUidTestApp by calling GetNextApp until the UIDs match.
- Once the right app is found, it retrieves its details by calling GetAppInfo().
- The (short)caption is check to ensure it matches the expected result.
- @SYMTestExpectedResults The (short)caption matches the one specified for the application, with the
- american one being the default one.
- */
-void CT_CaptionStep::TestTApaAppInfoL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing GetAppInfo()... "));
- // go through the list of apps until it finds KUidTestApp
- TApaAppInfo appInfo;
- TInt ret = iLs.GetAllApps();
- TEST(ret==KErrNone);
- {
- TApaAppInfo info;
- ret=iLs.GetNextApp(info);
- TEST(ret==KErrNone);
- if (info.iUid==KUidTestApp)
- {
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, info.iUid);
- break;
- }
- }
- switch (User::Language())
- {
- case ELangEnglish:
- TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionEnglish);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionEnglish);
- break;
- case ELangFrench:
- TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionFrench);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionFrench);
- break;
- case ELangGerman:
- TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionGerman);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionGerman);
- break;
- case ELangSpanish:
- TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionSpanish);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionSpanish);
- break;
- case ELangItalian:
- TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionItalian);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionItalian);
- break;
- case ELangAmerican:
- TEST(appInfo.iCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionDefault);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption==KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionDefault);
- break;
- default:
- User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
- break;
- };
- }
- @SYMTestCaseID t_caption_TestCApaDoorL
- @SYMTestCaseDesc Check the caption returned by a CApaDoor (a wrapper for an embedded document).
- @SYMTestPriority High
- @SYMTestStatus Implemented
- @SYMTestActions The test starts by creating an active scheduler.
- A CApaProcess is created, and a new CApaDocument is added to it using the specified
- application factory. This document is then used to create a CApaDoor object which
- is used to retrieve the test app caption.
- @SYMTestExpectedResults The (short)caption matches the one specified for the application, with the
- american one being the default one.
- */
-void CT_CaptionStep::TestCApaDoorL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing CApaDoor... "));
- // create an active scheduler
- CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
- CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
- CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
- CApaProcess* process=NULL;
- TRAPD(ret,process = CApaProcess::NewL(iFs));
- TEST(ret==KErrNone);
- CleanupStack::PushL(process);
- CApaDocument* doc=NULL;
- TApaApplicationFactory appFact(KUidTestApp);
- TRAP(ret,doc=process->AddNewDocumentL(appFact));
- TEST(ret==KErrNone);
- CApaDoor* door = NULL;
- TRAP(ret,door=CApaDoor::NewL(iFs,*doc,TSize(400,400)));
- TEST(ret==KErrNone);
- switch (User::Language())
- {
- case ELangEnglish:
- TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionEnglish);
- break;
- case ELangFrench:
- TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionFrench);
- break;
- case ELangGerman:
- TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionGerman);
- break;
- case ELangSpanish:
- TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionSpanish);
- break;
- case ELangItalian:
- TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionItalian);
- break;
- case ELangAmerican:
- TEST(*door->Caption()==KTestTApaAppInfoCaptionDefault);
- break;
- default:
- User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
- break;
- };
- process->DestroyDocument(doc);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //process,scheduler
- }
- @SYMTestCaseID t_caption_TestTApaAppInfoStreamsL
- @SYMTestCaseDesc Check TApaAppInfo streaming works as expected
- @SYMTestPriority High
- @SYMTestStatus Implemented
- @SYMTestActions Create and TApaAppInfo object with the KUidTestApp test app.
- Also, create a temporal file, associates the file with a write stream,
- and prepares the stream for writing.
- When the object is externalized to the streem, we open a file containing a
- read stream and prepares the stream for reading.
- @SYMTestExpectedResults The test case is completed without any errors or panics
- */
-void CT_CaptionStep::TestTApaAppInfoStreamsL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing TApaAppInfo streams... "));
- TApaAppInfo appInfoShort(KUidTestApp, _L("z:\\sys\\bin\\tstapp.exe"), _L("TstCap UK"),_L("TC UK"));
- TEST(appInfoShort.iShortCaption.Compare(_L("TC UK"))==0);
- TFileName tempFile=_L("c:\\system\\test\\TC_temp.txt");
- TInt ret = iFs.MkDirAll(tempFile);
- if (ret != KErrNone && ret != KErrAlreadyExists)
- User::LeaveIfError(ret);
- TApaAppInfo appInfo;
- RFileWriteStream writer;
- writer.PushL();
- User::LeaveIfError(writer.Replace(iFs,tempFile,EFileWrite));
- TRAP(ret, appInfo.ExternalizeL(writer));
- TEST(ret==KErrNone);
- writer.CommitL();
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&writer);
- RFileReadStream reader;
- reader.PushL();
- User::LeaveIfError(reader.Open(iFs,tempFile,EFileRead));
- TRAP(ret, appInfo.InternalizeL(reader));
- TEST(ret==KErrNone);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&reader);
- User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Delete(tempFile));
- }
- @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the RApaLsSession::SetAppShortCaption function, used to set the app's short caption.
- @SYMTestPriority High
- @SYMTestStatus Implemented
- @SYMTestActions Call SetAppShortCaption() to set the caption and read it back using the GetApaAppInfo().
- @SYMTestExpectedResults The returned short caption must match the one set by the SetAppShortCaption function.
- */
-void CT_CaptionStep::DoShortCaptionTestL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing SetAppShortCaptionL() for short caption changes... "));
- _LIT(KShortCaption1, "SC1");
- _LIT(KShortCaption2, "SC2");
- _LIT(KShortCaption3, "SC3");
- _LIT(KShortCaption4, "SC4");
- _LIT(KShortCaption5, "SC5");
- // keep a copy of the current language, and set it to a known one
- TLanguage language = User::Language();
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangEnglish);
- // Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
- RPointerArray<TDesC> dummy;
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- // SetAppShortCaption should return KErrNotFound if it could not find the app
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption for an unknown app"));
- TInt err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption1, ELangNone, TUid::Uid(0xFFF34556));
- TEST(err == KErrNotFound);
- // Set the NULL short caption i.e. "", should return KErrArgument,
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting an empty short caption"));
- err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KNullDesC, ELangNone, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(err == KErrArgument);
- // SetAppShortCaption should return KErrArgument if short caption > KApaMaxAppCaption
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of more then KApaMaxAppCaption length"));
- HBufC* longCaption = HBufC::NewL(KApaMaxAppCaption+1);
- longCaption->Des().SetLength(KApaMaxAppCaption+1);
- err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(*longCaption, ELangNone, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(err == KErrArgument);
- delete longCaption;
- // SetAppShortCaption should return KErrNone if short caption == KApaMaxAppCaption
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of same size as KApaMaxAppCaption"));
- longCaption = HBufC::NewL(KApaMaxAppCaption);
- longCaption->Des().SetLength(KApaMaxAppCaption);
- err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(*longCaption, ELangCatalan, KUidTestApp); // just testing the arg length, not actual values
- TEST(err == KErrNone);
- delete longCaption;
- // Set short caption of an app for the current locale language (ELangEnglish so far)
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of an app for the current locale language"));
- err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption1, ELangEnglish, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(err == KErrNone);
- TApaAppInfo appInfo;
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);
- // Check short caption remains updated after a refresh of the applist
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....checking short caption remains updated after a refresh of the applist"));
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);
- // Check short caption remains updated after a locale change
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....checking short caption remains updated after a locale change"));
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangJapanese);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangJapanese); // Japanese locale exists in epoc32 tree but not defined in test app
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish); // back to English to see what happened in between
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangEnglish);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1);
- // Set short caption of an app for a language which is not the current one (ELangFrench, for example)
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of an app for a language which is not the current one"));
- err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption2, ELangFrench, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(err == KErrNone);
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1); // English, the current app language, doesn't change...
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangFrench);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangFrench);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption2);
- // Set short caption of an app for a language which the app does not include (ELangAmerican)
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of an app for a language which the app does not include"));
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangAmerican);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangAmerican);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption2, ELangAmerican, KUidTestApp);
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1); // American takes the default...so English...which has just been updated.
- // Set short caption of an app for all languages with ELangNone
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption for all languages with ELangNone"));
- err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption3, ELangNone, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(err == KErrNone);
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1); // American takes the default...so English...which has just been updated.
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangEnglish);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1); // English set individually ===> not updated by ELangNone
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangFrench);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangFrench);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption2); // French set individually ===> not updated by ELangNone
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangGerman);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangGerman);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption3); // German takes the one set by ELangNone
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangItalian);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangItalian);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption3); // Italian takes the one set by ELangNone
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangSpanish);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangSpanish);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption3); // Spanish takes the one set by ELangNone
- // Set short caption of an app for a language which was set by the previous ELangNone
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....setting short caption of an app which was set by the previous ELangNone"));
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangItalian);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangItalian);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption4, ELangItalian, KUidTestApp);
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption4);
- // Repeat set short caption of an app for all languages with ELangNone
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....repeat setting short caption for all languages with ELangNone"));
- err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KShortCaption5, ELangNone, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(err == KErrNone);
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption4); // Italian set individually ===> not updated by ELangNone
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangEnglish);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1); // English set individually ===> not updated by ELangNone
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangFrench);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangFrench);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption2); // French set individually ===> not updated by ELangNone
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangGerman);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangGerman);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption5); // German takes the one set by ELangNone
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangSpanish);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangSpanish);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption5); // Spanish takes the one set by ELangNone
- ChangeLocaleL(ELangAmerican);
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangAmerican);
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestApp);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaption1); // American takes the default...so English...which has just been updated.
- // restore original settings....
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L(".....restoring original settings"));
- ChangeLocaleL(language);
- TEST(User::Language() == language);
- // restore original short captions for all langs....(h4 doesn't perform reboots between tests)
- TEST(iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionEnglish, ELangEnglish, KUidTestApp) == KErrNone);
- TEST(iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionFrench, ELangFrench, KUidTestApp) == KErrNone);
- TEST(iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionGerman, ELangGerman, KUidTestApp) == KErrNone);
- TEST(iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionItalian, ELangItalian, KUidTestApp) == KErrNone);
- TEST(iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTestTApaAppInfoShortCaptionSpanish, ELangSpanish, KUidTestApp) == KErrNone);
- }
- {
- iFs.Close();
- iLs.Close();
- }
- {
- SetTestStepName(KT_CaptionStep);
- }
-@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests whether the captions, icon configuration details have been retrieved properly from
- the central repository settings and has the precedence over its resource file information.
-@SYMTestType CIT
-@SYMTestPriority Critical
-@SYMTestActions A test application with its captions, icon details defined in a test central repository file
- as well as resource file (suitable field values have been given for both cenrep and resource
- configurations to identify it clearly).
- Gets the information about the test application by passing its UID.
- Check the given configuration details matches with central repository entries.
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The given configuration details should match with central repository entries.
-void CT_CaptionStep::TestIconCaptionOverridesL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0087:TestIconCaptionOverridesL started..."));
- //Change the system language to English before starting the tests
- TRAPD(ret,ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish));
- TEST(ret == KErrNone);
- TApaAppInfo appInfo;
- //Get test app's information
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
- RFile file;
- TBuf<KTextSize> fileName;
- //Get test app's icon information
- iLs.GetAppIcon(KUidTestIconCapOverride,file);
- file.FullName(fileName);
- //compare the captions, icon with values in CenRep file.
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Caption with value in CenRep..."));
- TBuf<KTextSize> cencap(KCenRepCaption);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected caption==>%S"), &cencap);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iCaption);
- TEST(appInfo.iCaption == KCenRepCaption);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares ShortCaption with the value in CenRep..."));
- cencap.Zero();
- cencap.Copy(KCenRepShortCaption);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption==>%S"), &cencap);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved short caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KCenRepShortCaption);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Icon file with the value in CenRep..."));
- cencap.Zero();
- cencap.Copy(KCenRepIconFilename);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected icon filename==>%S"), &cencap);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved icon filename==>%S"), &fileName);
- TEST(fileName.Compare(KCenRepIconFilename)==0);
- file.Close();
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0087:TestIconCaptionOverridesL finished..."));
- }
-@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests whether the shortcaption is set through the API has got the precedence over central
- repository and resource file customisation.
-@SYMTestType CIT
-@SYMTestPriority Critical
-@SYMTestActions A test application with its short caption defined in central repository as well as in resource file.
- Update the test application's short caption through API.
- Gets the information about the test application by passing its UID.
- Check whether the provided short caption matches with the one which has already been set through the API.
-@SYMTestExpectedResults It should retrieve the short caption set through the API and match with the given short caption value.
-void CT_CaptionStep::TestApiPrecedenceOverCenRepConfigInfoL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0088:TestApiPrecedenceOverCenRepConfigInfoL started..."));
- _LIT(KTApiShortCaption,"APITC UK");
- TInt err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KTApiShortCaption, ELangEnglish, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
- TEST(err == KErrNone);
- TApaAppInfo appInfo;
- //Get test app's information
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
- TBuf<KTextSize> shortCaption(KTApiShortCaption);
- //compares the short caption with the value which has been set through API.
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares short caption with the value that has been set through API..."));
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption==>%S"), &shortCaption);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved short caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KTApiShortCaption);
- //Sets the short caption back to the actual one
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Sets the short caption back to the actual one through API..."));
- err = iLs.SetAppShortCaption(KCenRepShortCaption, ELangEnglish, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
- TEST(err == KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0088:TestApiPrecedenceOverCenRepConfigInfoL finished..."));
- }
-@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests whether the changes made in central repository is notified by the central repository
- observer (CApaIconCaptionCenrepObserver), which watches for changes in the Central Repository
- and updates the overrides when they occur.
-@SYMTestType CIT
-@SYMTestPriority Critical
-@SYMTestActions A test application with its caption, icon configuration details defined in central repository file.
- Access the central repository.
- Update the test application short caption's value in the settings.
- Get the information about the test application by passing its UID.
- Check the short caption value retrieved from the central repository matches with the given information.
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The given new short caption value should match with the central repository entry.
-void CT_CaptionStep::TestCenRepChangeNotificationL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0089:TestCenRepChangeNotificationL started..."));
- //access central repository
- CRepository* cenRep = CRepository::NewL(KUidIconCaptionRepository);
- CleanupStack::PushL(cenRep);
- TUint32 shortCapKey = 0x00000001; // for English
- //update the short caption value in central repository.
- TInt error = cenRep->Set(shortCapKey,KCenRepSC);
- //tests whether the process with WriteDeviceData capability can update the configuration settings.
- TEST(error == KErrNone);
- // Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
- RPointerArray<TDesC> dummy;
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- TApaAppInfo appInfo;
- //Get test app's information
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
- //compare the short caption with the updated value in central repository
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares short caption with the updated value in CenRep..."));
- TBuf<KTextSize> shortCaption(KCenRepSC);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption==>%S"), &shortCaption);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved shortcaption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KCenRepSC);
- //sets the short caption back to the actual for other tests to work
- error = cenRep->Set(shortCapKey,KCenRepShortCaption);
- // Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cenRep); //cenRep object
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0089:TestCenRepChangeNotificationL finished..."));
- }
-@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests whether the caption, icon configuration details have been retrieved properly from the
- Central Repository with respect to change in system language.
- Tests if the particular language entry is not there in the central repository file, it will
- then try to get the information from the resource file.
-@SYMTestType CIT
-@SYMTestPriority Critical
-@SYMTestActions A multilingual test application with its caption, icon configuration details defined in central repository file.
- Change the system language to French.
- Gets the information about the test application by passing its UID.
- Checks the retrieved captions, icon from Central Repository are in French.
- Change the system language to German (the settings are not there for German in Central Repository).
- Again gets the information about the test application by passing its UID.
- Checks the retrieved captions, icon from the Resource file are in German.
- Restores the system language to English.
- Again gets the information about the test application by passing its UID.
- Checks the retrieved captions, icon from Central Repository are in English.
-@SYMTestExpectedResults All the retrieved Central Repository configuration details should match with the given details by changing
- system language.
-void CT_CaptionStep::TestIconCaptionOverridesWithChangeLangL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0090:TestIconCaptionOverridesWithChangeLangL started..."));
- TInt ret = 0;
- //French
- _LIT(KCaptionFrench, "CRTstCap FR");
- _LIT(KShortCaptionFrench, "CRTC FR");
- _LIT(KIconFilenameFrench, "Z:\\resource\\apps\\svg_icon.svg");
- //German
- _LIT(KCaptionGerman, "TstCap GE");
- _LIT(KShortCaptionGerman, "TC GE");
- _LIT(KIconFilenameGerman, "Z:\\resource\\apps\\ticoncapoverride.mbm");
- TApaAppInfo appInfo;
- RFile file;
- TBuf<KTextSize> fileName;
- // Change the locale to French
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Change the locale to French..."));
- TRAP(ret,ChangeLocaleL(ELangFrench));
- TEST(ret == KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----System Language==>%d"), User::Language());
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangFrench);//check language is set to French.
- // Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
- RPointerArray<TDesC> dummy;
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- //Get test app's information
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
- //Get test app's icon information
- iLs.GetAppIcon(KUidTestIconCapOverride,file);
- file.FullName(fileName);
- TBuf<KTextSize> printString(KCaptionFrench);
- //compare the captions, icon in French with the value in central repository
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Caption with value in CenRep..."));
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Exepcted Caption in French==>%S"), &printString);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved Caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iCaption);
- TEST(appInfo.iCaption == KCaptionFrench);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Short Caption with value in CenRep..."));
- printString.Zero();
- printString.Copy(KShortCaptionFrench);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption in French==>%S"), &printString);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved short caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaptionFrench);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Icon filename with value in CenRep..."));
- printString.Zero();
- printString.Copy(KIconFilenameFrench);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected icon filename in French==>%S"), &printString);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved icon filename==>%S"), &fileName);
- TEST(fileName.Compare(KIconFilenameFrench)==0);
- //Change the locale to German.
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Change the locale to German..."));
- TRAP(ret,ChangeLocaleL(ELangGerman));
- TEST(ret == KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----System Language==>%d"), User::Language());
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangGerman);//check language is set to German.
- // Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- //Get test app's information
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
- file.Close();
- //Get test app's icon information
- iLs.GetAppIcon(KUidTestIconCapOverride,file);
- fileName.Zero();
- file.FullName(fileName);
- // The entry for language German is not there in Central repository so it compares
- // the captions, icon in this language with the values in resource file.
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Caption with value in Resource file..."));
- printString.Zero();
- printString.Copy(KCaptionGerman);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected caption in German==>%S"), &printString);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iCaption);
- TEST(appInfo.iCaption == KCaptionGerman);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares short caption with value in Resource file..."));
- printString.Zero();
- printString.Copy(KShortCaptionGerman);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption in German==>%S"), &printString);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved short caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KShortCaptionGerman);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares icon filename with value in Resource file..."));
- printString.Zero();
- printString.Copy(KIconFilenameGerman);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected icon filename in German==>%S"), &printString);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved icon filename==>%S"), &fileName);
- TEST(fileName.Compare(KIconFilenameGerman)==0);
- // Change the locale to English for changing the settings back to the original
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Change the locale back to English..."));
- TRAP(ret,ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish));
- TEST(ret == KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----System Language==>%d"), User::Language());
- TEST(User::Language() == ELangEnglish);//check language is set to English.
- // Force the applist to be updated (so test app gets new language settings)
- User::LeaveIfError(iLs.ForceRegistration(dummy));
- //Get test app's information
- iLs.GetAppInfo(appInfo, KUidTestIconCapOverride);
- file.Close();
- //Get test app's icon information
- iLs.GetAppIcon(KUidTestIconCapOverride,file);
- fileName.Zero();
- file.FullName(fileName);
- //compare the captions, icon in English with the value in central repository
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares Caption with value in CenRep..."));
- printString.Zero();
- printString.Copy(KCenRepCaption);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected caption in English==>%S"), &printString);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iCaption);
- TEST(appInfo.iCaption == KCenRepCaption);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares short caption with value in CenRep..."));
- printString.Zero();
- printString.Copy(KCenRepShortCaption);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected short caption==>%S"), &printString);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved short caption==>%S"), &appInfo.iShortCaption);
- TEST(appInfo.iShortCaption == KCenRepShortCaption);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Compares icon filename with value in CenRep..."));
- printString.Zero();
- printString.Copy(KCenRepIconFilename);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Expected icon filename==>%S"), &printString);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("----Retrieved icon filename==>%S"), &fileName);
- TEST(fileName.Compare(KCenRepIconFilename)==0);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0090:TestIconCaptionOverridesWithChangeLangL finished..."));
- }
-@SYMDEF DEF125262
-@SYMTestCaseDesc Checks there is no memory leaks when CApaIconCaptionOverridesForApp & CApaIconCaptionCenrepObserver
- objects are created and destroyed.
-@SYMTestType CIT
-@SYMTestPriority Critical
-@SYMTestActions Marks the Heap memory
- Invokes the static method 'TestIconCaptionOverridesL()' defined in 'ticonloaderandiconarrayforleaks.dll',
- that creates objects of CApaIconCaptionOverridesForApp, CApaIconCaptionCenrepObserver and deletes those.
- And then tests, there is no memory leak from the creation to destruction of those objects.
-@SYMTestExpectedResults There should be no memory leaks.
-void CT_CaptionStep::TestIconCaptionOverridesMemoryLeaksL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0091:TestIconCaptionOverridesMemoryLeaksL started..."));
- TIconLoaderAndIconArrayForLeaks::TestIconCaptionOverridesL();
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0091:TestIconCaptionOverridesMemoryLeaksL finished..."));
- }
-void CT_CaptionStep::DoIconCaptionOverridesTestL()
- {
- TestIconCaptionOverridesL();
- TestIconCaptionOverridesWithChangeLangL();
- TestCenRepChangeNotificationL();
- TestIconCaptionOverridesMemoryLeaksL();
- TestApiPrecedenceOverCenRepConfigInfoL();
- }
-TVerdict CT_CaptionStep::doTestStepL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test T_Caption step started....\n"));
- // Connect to Servers
- TEST(iFs.Connect() == KErrNone);
- TEST(iLs.Connect() == KErrNone);
- // run language tests for the test caption
- TRAPD(r, DoLanguageTestL());
- TEST(r==KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoLanguageTestL() finished with value '%d'\n"), r);
- // run icon caption overrides tests
- TRAP(r, DoIconCaptionOverridesTestL());
- TEST(r==KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoIconCaptionOverridesTestL() finished with value '%d'\n"), r);
- // run shortcaption setting tests
- TRAP(r, DoShortCaptionTestL());
- TEST(r==KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoShortCaptionTestL() finished with value '%d'\n"), r);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....test T_Caption step finished!"));
- return TestStepResult();
- }