Bug 384 Platform build should output all PDK releasables into one directory
authorSimon Howkins <simonh@symbian.org>
Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:43:54 +0100 (2009-09-23)
changeset 491 e73243604097
parent 490 3bf1f3ae9dea
child 492 8820f5f867f2
Bug 384 Platform build should output all PDK releasables into one directory Zips of logs and BOM should be released into the release directory
--- a/common/build.postbuild.xml	Wed Sep 23 11:19:31 2009 +0100
+++ b/common/build.postbuild.xml	Wed Sep 23 11:43:54 2009 +0100
@@ -526,15 +526,12 @@
         <fixcrlf file="${sf.releasenotes.wiki.txt}"/>
-    <!-- package all logs into zipfile before publish -->
+    <!-- package all logs into zipfile for publishing -->
     <target name="sf-zip-logs">
             <istrue value="${sf.spec.logs.zip.enable}"/>
-                <property name="temp.log.dir" value="${env.TEMP}/${build.id}_output_logs"/>
-                <echo message="Zip log requested, zipping logs..."/>
-                <mkdir dir="${temp.log.dir}"/>
-                <zip destfile="${temp.log.dir}/build_logs.zip" basedir="${build.drive}"> 
+                <zip destfile="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/build_logs.zip" basedir="${build.drive}"> 
                     <include name="output/logs/**"/>
                     <exclude name="output/logs/BOM/**"/>
                     <exclude name="output/logs/deliverables/**"/>
@@ -542,16 +539,13 @@
                 <!-- workaround for the time when when 'sf-run-analysis-raptor' has not been run -->
                 <mkdir dir="${build.drive}/output/logs/releaseables"/> 
-                <zip destfile="${temp.log.dir}/build_BOM.zip">
+                <zip destfile="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/build_BOM.zip">
                     <zipfileset dir="${build.drive}/output/logs/BOM" prefix="build_info/logs/BOM"/>
                     <zipfileset dir="${build.drive}/output/logs/releaseables" prefix="build_info/logs/releaseables"/>
-                <move todir="${build.log.dir}">
-                    <fileset dir="${temp.log.dir}"/>
-                </move>
-    </target>    
+    </target>
     <target name="sf-publish" depends="prep-publish">
         <copy todir="${publish.dir}" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">