changeset 162 d3c5dd0ae0b0
child 175 011f16c9778b
equal deleted inserted replaced
161:4d23dd2e8d04 162:d3c5dd0ae0b0
     1 #!/usr/bin/perl
     2 # Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
     3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 # at the URL "".
     7 #
     8 # Initial Contributors:
     9 # Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
    10 #
    11 # Contributors:
    12 # Matt Davies <>
    13 #
    14 # Description:
    15 # YARP - Yet Another Recipe Parser
    16 # This tool parses Raptor logs looking for failures, and writes a CSV file of the results
    17 #
    18 # Usage:
    19 # perl <logfile> <csvfile>
    20 #
    21 # Notes:
    22 # Currently it won't tell you any info about why it fails, with the exception of arm licence issues.
    23 # It also uses a lot of memory, so while there is a subroutine for doing multiple files, it's not used, and is out of date.
    24 # Writing output to a file is hacked in, so it's not too pretty.
    26 use strict;
    27 use XML::Simple;
    28 use Data::Dumper;
    30 my @header = qw(line layer component name armlicence platform phase code bldinf mmp target source);
    32 main();
    35 sub main()
    36 {
    37   my $filename = shift @ARGV;
    38   my $output = shift @ARGV;
    39   open(OUT,">$output") or die "Coudn't open $output\n";
    40   foreach my $key (@header)
    41   {
    42     print OUT $key.",";
    43   } 
    44   print OUT "\n";
    46   parsefile($filename);
    47   close OUT;
    48 }
    49 sub scandir()
    50 {
    51   my $path = shift @ARGV;
    52   my @files = glob($path."/*compile.log");
    54   foreach my $filename (@files)
    55   {
    56 #    print $filename."\n";
    57     parsefile($filename);
    58   }  
    59 }
    61 sub  parsefile($filename)
    62 {
    63     my $filename = shift;
    64 #    print "Scanning $filename\n";
    65     open(FILE,"<$filename") or die "Couldn't open filename\n";
    66     my $recipe;
    67     my %attempts;
    68     my %licenceattempts;
    69     my $counter = 0;
    70     my $licence = 0;
    71     while( my $line = <FILE>)
    72     {
    73       ++$counter;
    74       if($line =~ m/^<recipe\s+(\S.+)>/)
    75       {
    76         $recipe = XMLin($line."</recipe>");
    77         $recipe->{'line'} = $counter;
    78 #        print Dumper($recipe);
    79       }
    80       elsif($line =~ m/<\/recipe>/)
    81       {
    82         if(defined $recipe)
    83         {         
    84 #          if($recipe->{'exit'} !~ m/ok/)
    85           if($recipe->{'exit'} =~ m/failed/)
    86           {
    87 #            if($recipe->{'target'} =~ m/\S:epoc32\//i) 
    88 #               && $recipe->{'target'} !~ m/\S:epoc32\/build/i)
    89             {
    90               DumpRecipe($recipe);
    92             }
    93           }         
    94         $recipe = undef;
    95         }
    96       }
    97       elsif($line =~ m/Error:\sC3397E:\s/) #ARM Licence error code...
    98       {
    99         ++$licence;
   100         if(defined $recipe)
   101         {
   102           $recipe->{'armlicence'} = 1;
   103         }  
   104       }
   105       elsif($line =~ m/(<status\s.+\/>)/)
   106       {
   107         my $status = XMLin($1);
   108         if(defined $recipe)
   109         {
   110           $recipe->{'exit'} = $status->{'exit'};
   111           $recipe->{'attempt'} = $status->{'attempt'};
   112           if(defined $status->{'code'})
   113           {
   114             $recipe->{'code'} = $status->{'code'}; 
   115           }
   116           if(!defined $attempts{$status->{'attempt'}})
   117             {
   118               $attempts{$status->{'attempt'}} = 0;
   119             }
   120           $attempts{$status->{'attempt'}} = $attempts{$status->{'attempt'}} + 1;
   121           if(defined $recipe->{'armlicence'})
   122           {
   123             if(!defined $licenceattempts{$status->{'attempt'}})
   124               {
   125                 $licenceattempts{$status->{'attempt'}} = 0;
   126               }
   127             $licenceattempts{$status->{'attempt'}} = $licenceattempts{$status->{'attempt'}} + 1;
   128           }               
   129         }      
   130       }
   131     }
   132   close FILE;
   133   print OUT "\n\nSummaries\n\n";
   134   foreach my $attempt (sort keys %attempts)
   135   {
   136     print OUT "Overall attempts: $attempt,".$attempts{$attempt}.",\n";
   137   }
   138   foreach my $attempt (sort keys %licenceattempts)
   139   {
   140     print OUT "ARM Licence Fail attempts: $attempt,".$licenceattempts{$attempt}.",\n";
   141   }
   142   print OUT "Total ARM Licence failures,$licence\n";
   145 }
   147 sub DumpRecipe($)
   148 {
   149   my $recipe = shift;
   150   foreach my $key (@header)
   151   {
   152     if(defined $recipe->{$key})
   153     {
   154       print OUT $recipe->{$key};
   155     }
   156     print OUT ",";
   157   }
   158   print OUT "\n";            
   159   #print Dumper($recipe);
   161 }