changeset 120 4f54ca96b7e8
child 186 f31749863421
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/tools/analysis/	Mon May 18 11:37:55 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#parsewhatlog - parses a whatlog, gives csv output.
+use strict;
+#<whatlog bldinf='t:/sf/mw/ipappprotocols/sipconnproviderplugins/sipstatemachine/group/bld.inf' mmp='' config='winscw_udeb.whatlog'>
+#<export destination='t:/epoc32/rom/include/sipstatemachine.iby' source='t:/sf/mw/ipappprotocols/sipconnproviderplugins/sipstatemachine/group/SipStateMachine.iby'/>
+#<whatlog bldinf='t:/sf/os/mm/mmplugins/3gplib/group/bld.inf' mmp='t:/sf/os/mm/mmplugins/3gplib/impl/group/3gpmp4lib.mmp' config='winscw_udeb.whatlog'>
+#<whatlog bldinf='t:/sf/mw/messagingmw/messagingfw/msgconf/group/bld.inf' mmp='t:/sf/mw/messagingmw/messagingfw/msgconf/group/messaging_config.mmp' config='winscw_udeb.whatlog'>
+#<whatlog bldinf='t:/sf/mw/mmmw/mmmiddlewarefws/mmfw/sounddev/group_pluginsupport/bld.inf' mmp='t:/sf/mw/mmmw/mmmiddlewarefws/mmfw/sounddev/PlatSec/MMPFiles/Sounddevice/aacdecoderconfigci.mmp' config='winscw_udeb.whatlog'>
+my $keepgoing = 1;
+sub cleanpath($)
+  my $str = lc(shift); #drop the case.
+  $str =~ s/^\S://; #remove drive letter
+  $str =~ s/^\///; # some custom makefiles report aboslute path
+  $str =~ s/\\/\//g; #switch the path
+  $str =~ s/\/\//\//g;#we have some double slashes in some resources... 
+  return $str;
+sub ext($)
+  my $str = shift;
+  $str =~ s/\S+\.//; #may fail...
+  return $str;
+sub main()
+  my $path = shift @ARGV;
+  my @files = glob($path."/*whatlog*WHAT_*compile.log"); 
+  foreach my $filename (@files)
+  {
+#    print $filename."\n";
+    parsefile($filename);
+  }  
+sub parsefile($filename)
+  my $filename = shift;
+  open(FILE,"<$filename") or die "Couldn't open filename\n";
+  #I'm using previous formatting stypes from the flm location, bld.inf, makefile, type, target,extension
+  print "location,bldinf,makefile,type,target,extension\n";
+  my $bldinf = "";
+  my $makefile = "";
+  my $inrecipe = 0;
+  my $linecount = 0;
+  while(my $line = <FILE>)
+  {
+    ++$linecount;
+    if($line =~ m/^<whatlog bldinf='(\S+)' mmp='(\S*)' config='\S+'>/) #brittle
+    {
+      $bldinf = $1;
+      $makefile = $2;
+    }
+    elsif($line =~ m/^<\/whatlog>/)
+    {
+      $bldinf = "";
+      $makefile = "";
+    }
+    elsif($line =~ m/^<bitmap>(\S+)<\/bitmap>/)
+    {
+      if($bldinf eq "" || $makefile eq "" && !$keepgoing)
+      {
+        die "$filename($linecount) bldinf=$bldinf makefile=$makefile: $line\n";
+      }
+      print "$filename($linecount),".cleanpath($bldinf).",".cleanpath($makefile).",bitmap,".cleanpath($1).",".ext($1)."\n";        
+    }
+    elsif($line =~ m/^<build>(\S+)<\/build>/)
+    {
+      if($bldinf eq "" || $makefile eq "" && !$keepgoing)
+      {
+        die "$filename($linecount) bldinf=$bldinf makefile=$makefile : $line\n";
+      }
+      print "$filename($linecount),".cleanpath($bldinf).",".cleanpath($makefile).",binary,".cleanpath($1).",".ext($1)."\n";        
+    }
+    elsif($line =~ m/^<resource>(\S+)<\/resource>/)
+    {
+      if($bldinf eq "" || $makefile eq "" && !$keepgoing)
+      {
+        die "$filename($linecount) bldinf=$bldinf makefile=$makefile : $line\n";
+      }
+      print "$filename($linecount),".cleanpath($bldinf).",".cleanpath($makefile).",resource,".cleanpath($1).",".ext($1)."\n";        
+    }
+    #<export destination='t:/epoc32/rom/include/sipstatemachine.iby' source='t:/sf/mw/ipappprotocols/sipconnproviderplugins/sipstatemachine/group/SipStateMachine.iby'/>
+    elsif($line =~ m/^<export destination='(\S+)' source='(\S+)'\/>/)
+    {
+      if($bldinf eq "" )
+      {
+        die "$filename($linecount) bldinf=$bldinf: $line\n";
+      }
+      print "$filename($linecount),".cleanpath($bldinf).",".cleanpath($2).",export,".cleanpath($1).",".ext($1)."\n";    
+    }
+  #<recipe name='tem' target='91e4e9b4af8b5c84bbac43a2419a4ce3_RELEASABLES' host='LON-ENGBUILD87' layer='os' component='localesupport' bldinf='t:/sf/os/kernelhwsrv/localisation/localesupport/bld.inf' mmp='' config='winscw_urel.whatlog' platform='WINSCW' phase='BITMAP' source='copy_default.mk_RELEASABLES'>
+    elsif($line =~ m/<recipe.+bldinf='(\S+)'.+source='(\S+)'>/)
+    {
+      $bldinf = $1;
+      $makefile = $2;
+      $inrecipe = 1;    
+    }
+    elsif($inrecipe && $line =~ m/^(\S:\S+)/)
+    {
+      if($bldinf eq "" || $makefile eq "" && !$keepgoing)
+      {
+        die "$filename($linecount) bldinf=$bldinf makefile=$makefile : $line\n";
+      }
+      my $str = cleanpath($1);
+      print "$filename($linecount),".cleanpath($bldinf).",".cleanpath($makefile).",custom,".cleanpath($str).",".ext($str)."\n";
+    }
+    elsif($line =~ m/<\/recipe>/)
+    {
+      $bldinf = "";
+      $makefile = "";
+      $inrecipe = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  close FILE;
\ No newline at end of file