changeset 59 c7be4c65f97e
parent 57 af82fccdcb75
child 60 9edae8fe1416
--- a/sf-platform/build.xml	Tue Apr 07 16:23:11 2009 +0100
+++ b/sf-platform/build.xml	Thu Apr 09 15:12:09 2009 +0100
@@ -1,313 +1,339 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project name="SF-PLATFORM-CONFIG" xmlns:hlm="http://www.nokia.com/helium">
-  <!-- location of this config -->
-  <dirname property="sf.platform.config.dir" file="${ant.file.SF-PLATFORM-CONFIG}"/>
-  <!--
-  * Property defaults
-   -->
-  <!--
-  TODO if needed in future
-  * Load platform specific properties.
-   -->
-  <!-- workaround until GenXML can merge v2.0.0 fragments -->
-  <target name="create-canonical-sysdef-file">
-       <if>
-          <!-- TODO use scripting to match this -->
-          <equals arg1="${sf.spec.sysdef.version}" arg2="1.4.0" /> 
-          <then>
-            <echo message="Using System Definition v1.4.0 "/>
-            <runtarget target="compile.create-canonical-sysdef-file"/>
-          </then>
-          <else>
-            <runtarget target="preprocess-sysdef-files"/>  
-            <echo message="Exporting preprocessed System Definition"/> 
-            <!-- TODO use better method to export or wait for GenXML fix?-->
-            <copy file="${build.output.dir}\build\input\0000000000000001_system_definition.xml" 
-                  tofile="${canonical.sysdef.file}" failonerror="true" verbose="true"/>
-          </else>
-        </if>
-  </target>
-  <!-- 
-    ==
-    == Desc: Override of default target in order to deal with symbian os
-    ==       system_definition.xml that does not have /sf source prefix    
-    ==       
-    ==       TODO get this moved as a Helium core target?
-    -->
-  <target name="preprocess-sysdef-files">
-        <mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/build/input"/>
-        <delete verbose="true">
-            <fileset dir="${build.output.dir}/build/input/" includes="**"/>
-        </delete>
-        <for param="file">
-            <resources refid="system.definition.files"/>
-            <sequential>
-                <copy todir="${build.output.dir}/build/input" verbose="true">
-                    <fileset file="@{file}"/>
-                    <filterchain>
-                        <replaceregex pattern="bldFile=&quot;os" replace="bldFile=&quot;sf\\\\os" flags="gi"/>
-                        <replaceregex pattern="mrp=&quot;os" replace="mrp=&quot;sf\\\\os" flags="gi"/>
-                        <replaceregex pattern="bldFile=&quot;mw" replace="bldFile=&quot;sf\\\\mw" flags="gi"/>
-                        <replaceregex pattern="mrp=&quot;mw" replace="mrp=&quot;sf\\\\mw" flags="gi"/>
-                        <replaceregex pattern="bldFile=&quot;app" replace="bldFile=&quot;sf\\\\app" flags="gi"/>
-                        <replaceregex pattern="mrp=&quot;app" replace="mrp=&quot;sf\\\\app" flags="gi"/>
-                        <expandproperties/>
-                    </filterchain>
-                    <mapper>
-                        <scriptmapper language="jep" src="${helium.dir}/tools/common/jep/unique_filename.jep"/>
-                    </mapper>
-                </copy>
-            </sequential>
-        </for>
-    </target>
-  <!-- 
-    == Name: SF-COMPILE
-    ==
-    == Desc: Override of common sf-compile target defined in
-    ==       common\build.xml
-    ==       
-    ==       os  build will be skipped if sf.spec.os.skipbuild=true
-    ==       s60 build will be skipped if sf.spec.s60.skipbuild=true
-    == 
-    -->
-  <target name="sf-compile">
-    <!-- TODO clean up to single target once genxml v2.0.0 merge is fixed -->
-    <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.splitbuild}"/>
-       <then>
-       <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.os.skipbuild}" />
-            <then><echo message="Skipping OS build"/></then>      
-       <else><runtarget target="sf-os-compile"/></else></if>
-       <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.s60.skipbuild}" />
-            <then><echo message="Skipping S60 build"/></then>       
-       <else><runtarget target="sf-s60-compile"/></else></if>
-	   </then>
-	   <else>
-	        <!-- TODO targets for single sysdef build -->
-	   </else>
-    </if>
-  </target>
-  <!-- 
-    == Name: SF-OS-COMPILE
-    ==
-    == Desc: Compile OS part of build using the spec defined in:
-    == 
-    ==         - job_props.ant.xml
-    ==         - job_refs.ant.xml
-    ==
-    -->
-  <target name="sf-os-compile">
-        <hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools2.var">
-                <hlm:arg name="config" value="tools2_rel" />
-                <hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="false" />
-                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
-        </hlm:argSet>
-		<hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools2.clean.var">
-                <hlm:arg name="config" value="tools2_rel" />
-                <hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="false" />
-                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
-				<hlm:arg name="command" value="CLEAN" />
-        </hlm:argSet>
-        <hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools.var"> 
-                <hlm:arg name="config" value="tools_rel" />
-                <hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="true" />
-                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
-        </hlm:argSet>
-		<hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools.clean.var"> 
-                <hlm:arg name="config" value="tools_rel" />
-                <hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="true" />
-                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
-				<hlm:arg name="command" value="CLEAN" />
-        </hlm:argSet>
-        <hlm:argSet id="sbs.main.sbs.var">
-                <hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.config}" />
-                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
-        </hlm:argSet>
-		<hlm:argSet id="sbs.main.clean.sbs.var">
-                <hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.config}" />
-                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
-				<hlm:arg name="command" value="CLEAN" />
-        </hlm:argSet>
-        <hlm:sbsMakeOptions engine="gmake" id="sbs.toolsbuild.options" />
-        <hlm:sbsMakeOptions engine="gmake" id="sbs.fullbuild.options" />
-		<!-- OS clean tools2 build first>
-        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
-                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
-                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>
-                <reference refid="sbs.tools2.clean.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-                <reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-        </antcall-->
-        <!-- OS tools2 build first-->
-        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
-                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
-                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>
-                <reference refid="sbs.tools2.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-                <reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-        </antcall>
-		<!-- OS clean tools build after tools2>
-        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
-                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
-                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>
-                <reference refid="sbs.tools.clean.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-                <reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-        </antcall-->
-        <!-- OS tools build after tools2 -->
-        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
-                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
-                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>
-                <reference refid="sbs.tools.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-                <reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-        </antcall>
-		<!-- OS clean main build -->
-        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
-                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
-                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>                    
-                <reference refid="sbs.main.clean.sbs.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-                <reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-        </antcall> 
-        <!-- OS main build -->
-        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
-                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
-                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>                    
-                <reference refid="sbs.main.sbs.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-                <reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-        </antcall>            
-  </target>
-  <!-- 
-    == Name: SF-S60-COMPILE
-    ==
-    == Desc: Compile S60 part of build using the spec defined in:
-    == 
-    ==         - job_props.ant.xml
-    ==         - job_refs.ant.xml
-    ==
-    -->
-  <target name="sf-s60-compile">
-        <hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools.var">
-          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.tools.config}" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="true" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
-    		</hlm:argSet>
-			<hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools.clean.var">
-          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.tools.config}" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="true" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
-    		</hlm:argSet>
-    		<hlm:argSet id="sbs.main.sbs.var">
-          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.config}" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
-    		</hlm:argSet>
-			<hlm:argSet id="sbs.main.clean.sbs.var">
-          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.config}" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
-					<hlm:arg name="command" value="CLEAN" />
-    		</hlm:argSet>
-    		<hlm:sbsMakeOptions engine="gmake" id="sbs.toolsbuild.options" />
-    		<hlm:sbsMakeOptions engine="gmake" id="sbs.fullbuild.options" />
-            <!-- s60 clean tools build>
-    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-          			<param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
-          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                    <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.version}"/>                                   
-          			<reference refid="sbs.tools.clean.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-          			<reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-    		</antcall-->
-            <!-- s60  tools build -->
-    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-          			<param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
-          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.version}"/>                                   
-          			<reference refid="sbs.tools.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-          			<reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-    		</antcall>
-	        <!-- s60 clean main build -->
-    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-          			<param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
-          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                    <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.version}"/> 
-          			<reference refid="sbs.main.clean.sbs.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-          			<reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-    		</antcall>
-    		<!-- s60 main build -->
-    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-          			<param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
-          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                    <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.version}"/> 
-          			<reference refid="sbs.main.sbs.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-          			<reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-    		</antcall>
-    		<!-- s60 postbuild bldmelast using ebs -->
-    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false">
-          			<param name="build.system" value="ebs" />
-          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="S60_bldmelast" />
-          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-    		</antcall>
-	</target>
-  <!-- import sf-common-config -->
-  <import file="../common/build.xml" />
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project name="SF-PLATFORM-CONFIG" xmlns:hlm="http://www.nokia.com/helium">
+  <!-- location of this config -->
+  <dirname property="sf.platform.config.dir" file="${ant.file.SF-PLATFORM-CONFIG}"/>
+  <!--
+  * Property defaults
+   -->
+  <!--
+  TODO if needed in future
+  * Load platform specific properties.
+   -->
+  <!-- workaround until GenXML can merge v2.0.0 fragments -->
+  <target name="create-canonical-sysdef-file">
+       <if>
+          <!-- TODO use scripting to match this -->
+          <equals arg1="${sf.spec.sysdef.version}" arg2="1.4.0" />
+          <then>
+            <echo message="Using System Definition v1.4.0 "/>
+            <runtarget target="compile.create-canonical-sysdef-file"/>
+          </then>
+          <else>
+            <runtarget target="preprocess-sysdef-files"/>
+            <echo message="Exporting preprocessed System Definition"/>
+            <!-- TODO use better method to export or wait for GenXML fix?-->
+            <copy file="${build.output.dir}\build\input\0000000000000001_system_definition.xml"
+                  tofile="${canonical.sysdef.file}" failonerror="true" verbose="true"/>
+          </else>
+        </if>
+  </target>
+  <!--
+    ==
+    == Desc: Override of default target in order to deal with symbian os
+    ==       system_definition.xml that does not have /sf source prefix
+    ==
+    ==       TODO get this moved as a Helium core target?
+    -->
+  <target name="preprocess-sysdef-files">
+        <mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/build/input"/>
+        <delete verbose="true">
+            <fileset dir="${build.output.dir}/build/input/" includes="**"/>
+        </delete>
+        <for param="file">
+            <resources refid="system.definition.files"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <copy todir="${build.output.dir}/build/input" verbose="true">
+                    <fileset file="@{file}"/>
+                    <filterchain>
+                        <replaceregex pattern="bldFile=&quot;os" replace="bldFile=&quot;sf\\\\os" flags="gi"/>
+                        <replaceregex pattern="mrp=&quot;os" replace="mrp=&quot;sf\\\\os" flags="gi"/>
+                        <replaceregex pattern="bldFile=&quot;mw" replace="bldFile=&quot;sf\\\\mw" flags="gi"/>
+                        <replaceregex pattern="mrp=&quot;mw" replace="mrp=&quot;sf\\\\mw" flags="gi"/>
+                        <replaceregex pattern="bldFile=&quot;app" replace="bldFile=&quot;sf\\\\app" flags="gi"/>
+                        <replaceregex pattern="mrp=&quot;app" replace="mrp=&quot;sf\\\\app" flags="gi"/>
+                        <expandproperties/>
+                    </filterchain>
+                    <mapper>
+                        <scriptmapper language="jep" src="${helium.dir}/tools/common/jep/unique_filename.jep"/>
+                    </mapper>
+                </copy>
+            </sequential>
+        </for>
+    </target>
+    <target name="generate-layers">
+       <echo message="canno-file:${canonical.sysdef.file}"/>
+       <echo message="raptor-filters:raptor_${sysdef.configuration}"/>
+	   <!-- split builds currently generate layer sysdef from original -->
+	   <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.splitbuild}"/>
+       <then>
+           <hlm:compileGenxmlFilterMacro xmlns:hlm="http://www.nokia.com/helium" input="${canonical.sysdef.file}" filter="raptor_${sysdef.configuration}" output="${build.output.dir}/build/canonical_system_definition_${sysdef.configuration}_temp.xml"/ >
+	   </then>
+	   <else>
+	       <!-- but all we want is a sysdef with the config name appended, so just copy it -->
+           <echo message="INFO: skip genxml and copy sysdef to sysdef+config name"/>
+           <copy file="${canonical.sysdef.file}" tofile="${build.drive}/output/build/canonical_system_definition_${sysdef.configuration}_temp.xml"/>
+       </else>
+    </if>
+	<copy file="${build.drive}/output/build/canonical_system_definition_${sysdef.configuration}_temp.xml" tofile="${build.drive}/output/build/canonical_system_definition_${sysdef.configuration}.xml">
+		<filterchain>
+			<linecontainsregexp negate="true">
+			  <regexp pattern="^\s*$"/>
+			</linecontainsregexp>
+		</filterchain>
+	</copy>
+	<delete file="${build.drive}/output/build/canonical_system_definition_${sysdef.configuration}_temp.xml"/>
+	</target>
+  <!--
+    == Name: SF-COMPILE
+    ==
+    == Desc: Override of common sf-compile target defined in
+    ==       common\build.xml
+    ==
+    ==       os  build will be skipped if sf.spec.os.skipbuild=true
+    ==       s60 build will be skipped if sf.spec.s60.skipbuild=true
+    ==
+    -->
+  <target name="sf-compile">
+    <!-- TODO clean up to single target once genxml v2.0.0 merge is fixed -->
+    <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.splitbuild}"/>
+       <then>
+       <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.os.skipbuild}" />
+            <then><echo message="Skipping OS build"/></then>
+       <else><runtarget target="sf-os-compile"/></else></if>
+       <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.s60.skipbuild}" />
+            <then><echo message="Skipping S60 build"/></then>
+       <else><runtarget target="sf-s60-compile"/></else></if>
+	   </then>
+	   <else>
+	        <!-- TODO targets for single sysdef build -->
+	        <runtarget target="sf-os-compile"/>
+	   </else>
+    </if>
+  </target>
+  <!--
+    == Name: SF-OS-COMPILE
+    ==
+    == Desc: Compile OS part of build using the spec defined in:
+    ==
+    ==         - job_props.ant.xml
+    ==         - job_refs.ant.xml
+    ==
+    -->
+  <target name="sf-os-compile">
+        <hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools2.var">
+                <hlm:arg name="config" value="tools2_rel" />
+                <hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="false" />
+                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
+        </hlm:argSet>
+		<hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools2.clean.var">
+                <hlm:arg name="config" value="tools2_rel" />
+                <hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="false" />
+                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
+				<hlm:arg name="command" value="CLEAN" />
+        </hlm:argSet>
+        <hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools.var">
+                <hlm:arg name="config" value="tools_rel" />
+                <hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="true" />
+                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
+        </hlm:argSet>
+		<hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools.clean.var">
+                <hlm:arg name="config" value="tools_rel" />
+                <hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="true" />
+                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
+				<hlm:arg name="command" value="CLEAN" />
+        </hlm:argSet>
+        <hlm:argSet id="sbs.main.sbs.var">
+                <hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.config}" />
+                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
+        </hlm:argSet>
+		<hlm:argSet id="sbs.main.clean.sbs.var">
+                <hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.config}" />
+                <hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
+				<hlm:arg name="command" value="CLEAN" />
+        </hlm:argSet>
+        <hlm:sbsMakeOptions engine="gmake" id="sbs.toolsbuild.options" />
+        <hlm:sbsMakeOptions engine="gmake" id="sbs.fullbuild.options" />
+		<!-- OS clean tools2 build first>
+        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
+                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>
+                <reference refid="sbs.tools2.clean.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+                <reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+        </antcall-->
+        <!-- OS tools2 build first-->
+        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
+                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>
+                <reference refid="sbs.tools2.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+                <reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+        </antcall>
+		<!-- OS clean tools build after tools2>
+        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
+                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>
+                <reference refid="sbs.tools.clean.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+                <reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+        </antcall-->
+        <!-- OS tools build after tools2 -->
+        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
+                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>
+                <reference refid="sbs.tools.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+                <reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+        </antcall>
+		<!-- OS clean main build -->
+        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
+                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>
+                <reference refid="sbs.main.clean.sbs.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+                <reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+        </antcall>
+        <!-- OS main build -->
+        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+                <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+                <param name="compile.sysdef.dtd.stub" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.dtd}" />
+                <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.version}"/>
+                <reference refid="sbs.main.sbs.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+                <reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+                <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+        </antcall>
+  </target>
+  <!--
+    == Name: SF-S60-COMPILE
+    ==
+    == Desc: Compile S60 part of build using the spec defined in:
+    ==
+    ==         - job_props.ant.xml
+    ==         - job_refs.ant.xml
+    ==
+    -->
+  <target name="sf-s60-compile">
+        <hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools.var">
+          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.tools.config}" />
+          			<hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="true" />
+          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
+    		</hlm:argSet>
+			<hlm:argSet id="sbs.tools.clean.var">
+          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.tools.config}" />
+          			<hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="true" />
+          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
+    		</hlm:argSet>
+    		<hlm:argSet id="sbs.main.sbs.var">
+          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.config}" />
+          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
+    		</hlm:argSet>
+			<hlm:argSet id="sbs.main.clean.sbs.var">
+          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.config}" />
+          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="true" />
+					<hlm:arg name="command" value="CLEAN" />
+    		</hlm:argSet>
+    		<hlm:sbsMakeOptions engine="gmake" id="sbs.toolsbuild.options" />
+    		<hlm:sbsMakeOptions engine="gmake" id="sbs.fullbuild.options" />
+            <!-- s60 clean tools build>
+    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+          			<param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                    <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.version}"/>
+          			<reference refid="sbs.tools.clean.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+          			<reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+    		</antcall-->
+            <!-- s60  tools build -->
+    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+          			<param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value ="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.version}"/>
+          			<reference refid="sbs.tools.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+          			<reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+    		</antcall>
+	        <!-- s60 clean main build -->
+    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+          			<param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                    <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.version}"/>
+          			<reference refid="sbs.main.clean.sbs.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+          			<reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+    		</antcall>
+    		<!-- s60 main build -->
+    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+          			<param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                    <param name="sf.spec.sysdef.version" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.version}"/>
+          			<reference refid="sbs.main.sbs.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+          			<reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+    		</antcall>
+    		<!-- s60 postbuild bldmelast using ebs -->
+    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false">
+          			<param name="build.system" value="ebs" />
+          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="S60_bldmelast" />
+          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+    		</antcall>
+	</target>
+  <!-- import sf-common-config -->
+  <import file="../common/build.xml" />