Copy Text::CSV module into source and change to use it, as we can't rely on it appearing in the Perl library when Perl 5.6.1 is installed.
#!perl -w
use strict;
my $dir = shift or die "Usage: $0 <dir> \n"; # provided dir to traverse
my $filelist = [];
my $init = $dir = lc($dir);
$init =~ s{\\}{\\\\};
# fwd declaration to prevent warning
sub recursedir($$);
# run recurse and print
recursedir ($dir, $filelist);
print $_, "\n" for(@$filelist);
sub recursedir($$) {
my $dir = shift @_;
my $list = shift @_;
if(opendir(DIR, "$dir")) {
# list dir
for my $file(grep { !/^\./ } readdir DIR) {
if(-d "$dir/$file") {
# traverse subdirs
recursedir("$dir/$file", $list);
elsif(-f "$dir/$file") {
my $formatted = lc($dir)."/".lc($file);
$formatted =~ s!$init/!!;
push @$list, $formatted;
closedir DIR;
else {
warn "Cannot open the directory '$dir' $!\n";