author Simon Howkins <>
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 14:33:52 +0100
changeset 282 aee074ee2646
parent 252 52c893932513
child 288 a0e85954c23c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed preference for selecting package definition files, so that it takes the one from our tree in preference to the one in the package itself. This means that we can just delete items from our tree when we're happy to switch to using the one in the package (as this will vary from package to package). Added sorting of the attributes when outputting the system definition, to match the de facto standard in the system definition we started with.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="SF-SOURCESPEC" default="all" xmlns:hlm="">

<#assign fileset = "" />
<#assign sync_list = "" />
<#assign bom_list  = "" />
<#assign dollar = "$"/>
<#assign count = 0 />

    <!-- remove previous version of BOM file (if exists)  -->
    <target name="reset-bom-sources-csv">
        <delete file="${ant['']}/output/logs/BOM/sources.csv" quiet="true"/>

<#list data as pkg_detail>
    <target name="sf-prebuild-${count}">
        <#if (count > 0) >
            <#assign fileset = "${fileset}"  />
            <!-- create sf\layer dir  -->
            <delete dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="false"/>
            <mkdir dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
            <delete dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="false"/>

            <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}">
                <arg value="clone"/>
                <arg value="-U"/>
                <arg value="${pkg_detail.source}"/>
                <arg value="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>

            <hlm:scm verbose="true" scmUrl="scm:hg:${pkg_detail.source}">
                <!--hlm:checkout basedir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/-->
                <#if "${pkg_detail.type}"=="tag" >
                <hlm:tags basedir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" reference="${dollar}{refid}"/>
                <hlm:update basedir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}">
                <hlm:latestTag pattern="${pkg_detail.pattern}">
                        <hlm:tagSet refid="${dollar}{refid}" />
                <#if "${pkg_detail.type}"== "changeset" || "${pkg_detail.type}"=="branch">
                <hlm:update basedir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}">
                     <hlm:tag name="${pkg_detail.pattern}"/>

    <target name="sf-bom-info-${count}">

            <!-- record info on source code repo/rev in BOM file  -->
            <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" outputproperty="sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum">
                <arg value="identify"/>
                <arg value="-i"/>
            <echo message="dir ${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst} : ${dollar}{sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum}"/>
            <exec executable="cmd" output="${ant['']}/output/logs/BOM/sources.csv" append="true">
                <arg value="/c"/>
                <arg value="echo"/>
                <arg value="${pkg_detail.source},${pkg_detail.dst},changeset,${dollar}{sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum}"/>

    <#assign fileset = "${fileset}" + "<fileset dir=\"${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}\" includes=\"${pkg_detail.sysdef}\"/>" />       
    <#assign sync_list = "${sync_list}" + "<runtarget target=\"sf-prebuild-${count}\"/>\n"/>       
    <#assign bom_list = "${bom_list}" + "<runtarget target=\"sf-bom-info-${count}\"/>\n"/>    
    <#assign count = count + 1 />


    <path id="system.definition.files">
        <fileset dir="${dollar}{sf.common.config.dir}/sysdefs" includes="*.sysdef.xml"/>

<target name="all" depends="reset-bom-sources-csv">

  <parallel threadCount="${ant['env.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS']}">

  <echo message="Adding BOM header"/>
      <exec executable="cmd" output="${ant['']}/output/logs/BOM/sources.csv" append="true">
      <arg value="/c"/>
      <arg value="echo"/>
      <arg value="source,dst,type,pattern,sysdef"/>
