author Simon Howkins <>
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 14:33:52 +0100
changeset 282 aee074ee2646
parent 247 ab5a0930b5c8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed preference for selecting package definition files, so that it takes the one from our tree in preference to the one in the package itself. This means that we can just delete items from our tree when we're happy to switch to using the one in the package (as this will vary from package to package). Added sorting of the attributes when outputting the system definition, to match the de facto standard in the system definition we started with.


use strict;

#my $cache = "d:/HG_cache/";
#my $master = "//v800008/Builds01/";
my $cache = shift @ARGV;
my $csv = shift @ARGV;
my $generated = shift @ARGV;
my @recover;
my @nospace;
my $exitcode = 0;

if(defined $cache && defined $generated && defined $csv)
  print "Cache:$cache\nIn:$csv\nOut:$generated\n";
  # Format the cache directory path
  if ( $cache !~ /(.*)[\\\/]$/ )
	$cache .= "/";
  open(IN, "<$csv") or die "Couldn't open $csv for reading";
  open(OUT,">$generated") or die "Couldn't open $generated for writing";
  my $header = <IN>;
  print OUT $header;
  while( my $line = <IN>)
    my @args = split(',',$line);
    my $repo = shift @args;
	my $master = "";
	if ( $repo =~ m/^(.*\/)(.*\/(oss|rnd|sfl)\/.*\/)$/i )
		$master = $1;
		$repo = $2;
    if(-d $master.$repo.".hg")
  #    print "Found:\t".$master.$repo.".hg\n";
      my $cmd;
      if(-d $cache.$repo.".hg") # update
        $cmd = "hg pull -R $cache$repo $master$repo";
      else #clone
        #taken from the normal clone script...
        my @dirs = split ('\/', $cache.$repo);
        my $destdir = pop @dirs;
        my $path = "";    
        foreach my $dir (@dirs)
          $path = ($path eq "") ? $dir : "$path/$dir";
          if (!-d $path)
            mkdir $path;
        $cmd = "hg clone -U $master$repo $cache$repo";
          print OUT $cache.$repo.",".join(',', @args);
           print OUT $master.$repo.",".join(',', @args);
		   $exitcode = 1;
      print "Error: cannot find ".$master.$repo.".hg\n";
	  $exitcode = 1;
  close OUT;
  close IN;
  print "Usage: <cache_path> <source_csv> <generated_csv>";
  $exitcode = 1;

foreach my $line (@recover)
  print "WARNING: HG Recover: $line\n";
foreach my $line (@nospace)
  print "WARNING: No Space: $line\n";

exit $exitcode;

sub cache($cmd)
  my $cmd = shift;
  print "$cmd\n";
  open(CMD, "$cmd 2>&1 |") or die "Couldn't execute $cmd";
  while(my $line = <CMD>)
#    print $line;
    # parse the output for failures. On fail return 0;
    if($line =~ m/abort/i)
      print $line;
      if($line =~ m/hg\s+recover/i)
        push(@recover, $cmd);
      elsif($line =~ m/No\s+space/i)
        push(@nospace, $cmd);
      close CMD;
      return 0;
  close CMD;
  return 1;