author Simon Howkins <>
Wed, 15 Jul 2009 13:30:58 +0100
changeset 232 cfde8b1784f7
parent 227 51e429810aba
child 278 08d0bd91ad20
permissions -rw-r--r--
Simplified the locations of some generated files, so they are created where they need to be rather than created on one place and moved to another. Zipping of binaries now assumes that there's always an rnd exclude file, as it is always created by, even if there's nothing put into it.

# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Raptor parser module.
# Extract releaseable (whatlog) information

package RaptorReleaseable;

use strict;
use RaptorCommon;

our $reset_status = {};
my $buildlog_status = {};
my $whatlog_status = {};
my $bitmap_status = {};
my $resource_status = {};
my $build_status = {};
my $export_status = {};
my $stringtable_status = {};
my $archive_status = {};
my $archive_member_status = {};
my $whatlog_default_status = {};

$reset_status->{name} = 'reset_status';
$reset_status->{next_status} = {buildlog=>$buildlog_status};

$buildlog_status->{name} = 'buildlog_status';
$buildlog_status->{next_status} = {whatlog=>$whatlog_status};

$whatlog_status->{name} = 'whatlog_status';
$whatlog_status->{next_status} = {bitmap=>$bitmap_status, resource=>$resource_status, build=>$build_status, export=>$export_status, stringtable=>$stringtable_status, archive=>$archive_status, '?default?'=>$whatlog_default_status};
$whatlog_status->{on_start} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_start_whatlog';
$whatlog_status->{on_end} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_end_whatlog';

$bitmap_status->{name} = 'bitmap_status';
$bitmap_status->{next_status} = {};
$bitmap_status->{on_start} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_start_bitmap';
$bitmap_status->{on_end} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_end_whatlog_subtag';
$bitmap_status->{on_chars} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_chars_whatlog_subtag';

$resource_status->{name} = 'resource_status';
$resource_status->{next_status} = {};
$resource_status->{on_start} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_start_resource';
$resource_status->{on_end} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_end_whatlog_subtag';
$resource_status->{on_chars} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_chars_whatlog_subtag';

$build_status->{name} = 'build_status';
$build_status->{next_status} = {};
$build_status->{on_start} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_start_build';
$build_status->{on_end} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_end_whatlog_subtag';
$build_status->{on_chars} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_chars_whatlog_subtag';

$stringtable_status->{name} = 'stringtable_status';
$stringtable_status->{next_status} = {};
$stringtable_status->{on_start} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_start_stringtable';
$stringtable_status->{on_end} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_end_whatlog_subtag';
$stringtable_status->{on_chars} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_chars_whatlog_subtag';

$archive_status->{name} = 'archive_status';
$archive_status->{next_status} = {member=>$archive_member_status};

$archive_member_status->{name} = 'archive_member_status';
$archive_member_status->{next_status} = {};
$archive_member_status->{on_start} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_start_archive_member';
$archive_member_status->{on_end} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_end_whatlog_subtag';
$archive_member_status->{on_chars} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_chars_whatlog_subtag';

$export_status->{name} = 'export_status';
$export_status->{next_status} = {};
$export_status->{on_start} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_start_export';

$whatlog_default_status->{name} = 'whatlog_default_status';
$whatlog_default_status->{next_status} = {};
$whatlog_default_status->{on_start} = 'RaptorReleaseable::on_start_whatlog_default';

my $whatlog_info = {};
my $curbldinf = 'unknown';
my $curconfig = 'unknown';
my $curfiletype = 'unknown';
my $characters = '';

sub on_start_whatlog
	my ($el) = @_;
	$whatlog_info = {};
	my $bldinf = '';
	my $config = '';
	my $attributes = $el->{Attributes};
	for (keys %{$attributes})
		#print "reading attribute $_\n";
		if ($attributes->{$_}->{'LocalName'} eq 'bldinf')
			$bldinf = $attributes->{$_}->{'Value'};
			#print "bldinf=$bldinf\n";
		elsif ($attributes->{$_}->{'LocalName'} eq 'config')
			$config = $attributes->{$_}->{'Value'};
			$config =~ s,\.whatlog$,,;
	if ($bldinf eq '')
		print "WARNING: whatlog tag with no bldinf attribute. Skipping\n";
	$curbldinf = $bldinf;
	$curconfig = $config;
	$whatlog_info->{$curbldinf} = {} if (!defined $whatlog_info->{$curbldinf});
	$whatlog_info->{$curbldinf}->{$curconfig} = {} if (!defined $whatlog_info->{$curbldinf}->{$curconfig});

sub on_start_whatlog_subtag
	my ($ft) = @_;
	$curfiletype = $ft;
	$characters = '';
	$whatlog_info->{$curbldinf}->{$curconfig}->{$curfiletype} = [] if (! defined $whatlog_info->{$curbldinf}->{$curconfig}->{$curfiletype});

sub on_chars_whatlog_subtag
	my ($ch) = @_;
	$characters .= $ch->{Data};
	#print "characters is now -->$characters<--\n";

sub on_end_whatlog_subtag
	$characters = normalize_filepath($characters);
	push(@{$whatlog_info->{$curbldinf}->{$curconfig}->{$curfiletype}}, $characters);
	$curfiletype = 'unknown';
	$characters = '';

sub on_start_bitmap

sub on_start_resource

sub on_start_build

sub on_start_stringtable

sub on_start_archive_member

sub on_start_export
	my ($el) = @_;
	$whatlog_info->{$curbldinf}->{$curconfig}->{export} = [] if (! defined $whatlog_info->{$curbldinf}->{$curconfig}->{export});
	my $destination = '';
	my $attributes = $el->{Attributes};
	for (keys %{$attributes})
		#print "reading attribute $_\n";
		if ($attributes->{$_}->{'LocalName'} eq 'destination')
			$destination = $attributes->{$_}->{'Value'};
			#print "destination=$destination\n";
	if ($destination eq '')
		print "WARNING: export tag with no destination attribute. Skipping\n";
	$destination = normalize_filepath($destination);
	push(@{$whatlog_info->{$curbldinf}->{$curconfig}->{export}}, $destination);

sub on_end_whatlog
	my $unknown_counter = 0;
	for my $bldinf (keys %{$whatlog_info})
		for my $config (keys %{$whatlog_info->{$bldinf}})
			my $normalized = lc($bldinf);
			$normalized =~ s,^[A-Za-z]:,,;
			$normalized =~ s,[\\],/,g;
			$normalized =~ m,^/sf/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/,;
			my $layer = $1;
			my $package = $2;
			my $filename = "$::basedir/releaseables/$layer/$package/info.tsv";
			print "Writing info file $filename\n" if (!-f$filename);
			open(FILE, ">>$filename");
			for my $filetype (keys %{$whatlog_info->{$bldinf}->{$config}})
				for (sort(@{$whatlog_info->{$bldinf}->{$config}->{$filetype}}))
					print FILE "$_\t$filetype\t$config\n";

sub normalize_filepath
	my ($filepath) = @_;
	if ($filepath =~ m,[^\s^\r^\n]+(.*)[\r\n]+(.*)[^\s^\r^\n]+,)
		print "WARNING: file path string extends over multiple line: $filepath. Removing all NL's and CR's\n";
	# strip all CR's and NL's
	$filepath =~ s,[\r\n],,g;
	# strip all whitespaces at string start/end
	$filepath =~ s,^\s+,,g;
	$filepath =~ s,\s+$,,g;
	# remove drive letter and colon from the beginning of the string
	$filepath =~ s,^[A-Za-z]:,,;
	# normalize slashes
	$filepath =~ s,\\,/,g;
	$filepath =~ s,//,/,g;
	if ($filepath !~ m,^/epoc32/,i)
		print "WARNING: file '$filepath' doesn't seem valid. Writing to info file anyway\n";
	return $filepath;

sub on_start_whatlog_default
	my ($el) = @_;
	my $tagname = $el->{LocalName};
	print "WARNING: unsupported tag '$tagname' in <whatlog> context\n";
