Dario Sestito <darios@symbian.org> [Thu, 18 Jun 2009 09:23:08 +0100] rev 171
Add missing files for yarp publishing to diamonds
Dario Sestito <darios@symbian.org> [Thu, 18 Jun 2009 09:11:23 +0100] rev 170
Added yarp to diamonds publishing
Dario Sestito <darios@symbian.org> [Mon, 15 Jun 2009 15:39:34 +0100] rev 169
Initial implementation of publishing to Diamonds
Dario Sestito <darios@symbian.org> [Fri, 12 Jun 2009 11:44:06 +0100] rev 168
Catchup from platform build config
Dario Sestito <darios@symbian.org> [Wed, 10 Jun 2009 18:22:32 +0100] rev 167
Added yarp to the post-build analysis
Dario Sestito <darios@symbian.org> [Fri, 12 Jun 2009 11:39:59 +0100] rev 166
Changed location of PDK
Dario Sestito <darios@symbian.org> [Wed, 10 Jun 2009 16:03:20 +0100] rev 165
Changed location of source code to point to v800008.ad-sfpd.intra
Dario Sestito <darios@symbian.org> [Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:53:42 +0100] rev 164
Catchup from platform build config
Mike Kinghan <mikek@symbian.org> [Thu, 04 Jun 2009 11:41:08 +0100] rev 163
Fixed typo. $-sign should have been &
Matt Davies <mattd@symbian.org> [Wed, 03 Jun 2009 18:30:15 +0100] rev 162
Added yarp.pl - (Yet Another Raptor Parser) and dump_recipe_at_line.pl
Usage for yarp.pl:
perl yarp.pl <compile_log> <output_csv>
Usage for dump_recipe_at_line.pl:
perl dump_recipe_at_line.pl <compile_log> <line|line_list_file>
The idea of dump_recipe_at_line.pl is so you can take a column of line numbers from the CSV created by yarp and see what happened (without having to open the 300MB file)
with a single column:
you get:
226242 <recipe name blah blah blah...
With two columns in the file, you can have some more readable output:
226242 m:/sf/mw/classicui/group/bld.inf
you get:
m:/sf/mw/classicui/group/bld.inf(226242): <recipe name blah blah blah...