--- a/PDK_Helium/config.xml Tue Mar 16 16:34:49 2010 +0000
+++ b/PDK_Helium/config.xml Wed Mar 17 10:13:00 2010 +0000
@@ -2,15 +2,13 @@
-<li>This project will rebuild the Symbian^2 and Symbian^3 Platform from source using a Bill Of Materials that can be downloaded from the <a href="http://developer.symbian.org/main/tools_and_kits/">kits page.</a>
+<li>This project will rebuild the Symbian^2 and Symbian^3 Platform from source using a Bill Of Materials that can either be downloaded from the <a href="http://developer.symbian.org/main/tools_and_kits/">kits page</a> or from within the job itself.
<li>It encapsulates the steps as defined in the <a href="http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/How_to_perform_a_platform_build_of_PDK_3.0.b_using_helium"/>manual build process </a>for Helium and is a simple way to start building using the Foundation Build Framework.
The Foundation Build Framework (FBF) is an Apache ANT-like configuration that can be used with the Helium tool, delivered in the <a href="https://developer.symbian.org/main/tools_and_kits/downloads/view.php?id=4"/>PDT</a>.

<li>Installation of mandatory <a href="http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/How_to_perform_a_platform_build_of_PDK_3.0.b_using_helium#Installing_Build_Tools"/>build tools</a>
-<li>Download of required (and recommended) <a href="
-http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/How_to_perform_a_platform_build_of_PDK_3.0.b_using_helium#Getting_the_Baseline"/>zips </a> from the <a href="http://developer.symbian.org/main/tools_and_kits/">kits page.</a>

<h3>Additional Information</h3>
Source for the FBF can be downloaded from the following Mercurial Repositories -
@@ -21,6 +19,9 @@
+ <hudson.security.AuthorizationMatrixProperty>
+ <useProjectSecurity>false</useProjectSecurity>
+ </hudson.security.AuthorizationMatrixProperty>
@@ -34,6 +35,20 @@
+ <name>KIT_VERSION</name>
+ <description>Version of the kit to download. e.g.
+ <defaultValue></defaultValue>
+ </hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition>
+ <hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition>
+ <name>DOWNLOAD_KIT</name>
+ <description>This will download the Bill of Materials (BOM), tools and prebuilt binaries from the web. Select if -
+<li>You havnt downloaded these archives already
+<li>You're not sure if you have the correct archives</description>
+ <defaultValue>false</defaultValue>
+ </hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition>
+ <hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition>
<description>Location of <a href="http://developer.symbian.org/main/tools_and_kits/">release zipfiles</a> e.g.
@@ -42,6 +57,18 @@
+ <hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition>
+ <name>SRC_LOCATION</name>
+ <description>How to get source for building the Platform -
+<li>BOM - download source direct from <a href="https://developer.symbian.org/oss">web</a> using downloaded Bill Of Materials
+<li>ZIPFILES - unpack source zips such as src_oss_os.zip from specified location on disk</description>
+ <choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
+ <a class="string-array">
+ <string>BOM</string>
+ <string>ZIPFILES</string>
+ </a>
+ </choices>
+ </hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition>
<description>Tick this if you want to rebuild "TOOLS" target as well
@@ -68,27 +95,16 @@
- <hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition>
- <name>SRC_LOCATION</name>
- <description>How to get src for building the Platform.
-<li>BOM - download source direct from <a href="https://developer.symbian.org/oss">web</a> using downloaded Bill Of Materials
-<li>ZIPFILES - unpack source zips such as src_oss_os.zip from specified location on disk</description>
- <choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
- <a class="string-array">
- <string>BOM</string>
- <string>ZIPFILES</string>
- </a>
- </choices>
- </hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition>
- <description>Enter your symbian developer web username <i>(required for download of packages from BOM, not needed when using source zip packages)</i></description>
+ <description>Enter your symbian developer web username <i>(required for any downloading of packages from BOM)</i></description>
- <description>Enter your Mercurial symbian developer web password <i>(required for download of packages from BOM, not needed when using source zip packages)</i>
+ <description>Enter your symbian developer web password <i>(required for any downloading of packages from BOM)</i>
+Note: Please be aware that your password will be displayed in <b>cleartext</b> in the top of the console log</description>
@@ -123,6 +139,7 @@
+ <string>PDK_3.0.h</string>
@@ -135,6 +152,8 @@
+ <hudson.plugins.disk__usage.DiskUsageProperty/>
+ <hudson.plugins.descriptionsetter.JobByDescription/>
<scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
@@ -144,6 +163,22 @@
+ <command>@ECHO OFF
+IF "%DOWNLOAD_KIT%"=="false" EXIT 0
+IF NOT EXIST C:\Symbian\utilities\.hg GOTO CLONE
+hg pull --update -R C:\Symbian\utilities
+hg clone https://developer.symbian.org/oss/MCL/utilities/ C:\Symbian\utilities
+C:\Symbian\utilities\downloadkit\downloadkit.py --nounzip --nowinscw --noarmv5 --progress %DO_SRC_DOWNLOAD% %KIT_VERSION% --username=%HG_USERNAME% --password=%HG_PASSWORD%
+exit 0</command>
+ </hudson.tasks.BatchFile>
+ <hudson.tasks.BatchFile>
rmdir /q/s sf-bootstrap