changeset 151 84b123918d3f
child 206 eccc98839441
equal deleted inserted replaced
150:8d58b930d36e 151:84b123918d3f
     1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
     2 <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:exslt=""  exclude-result-prefixes="exslt">
     3 <!--Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 	All rights reserved.
     5 	This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     6 	under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     7 	which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     8 	at the URL "".
    10 	Initial Contributors:
    11 	Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    12 	Contributors:
    13 	Description:
    14 	Filter a sysdef in the 2.0 or 3.0 syntax
    15 -->
    16 <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
    18 <xsl:param name="filter-type">only</xsl:param> <!-- only, has or with -->
    20 <xsl:param name="filter"/> <!-- comma-separated list -->
    22 <xsl:param name="addbuild" select="0"/> <!-- add a system build section that accepts everything -->
    25 <xsl:template match="node()|@*"><xsl:copy-of select="."/></xsl:template>
    26 <xsl:template match="*"><xsl:param name="data"/>
    27 	<xsl:copy>
    28 		<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
    29 		<xsl:apply-templates select="node()">
    30 			<xsl:with-param name="data" select="$data"/>
    31 		</xsl:apply-templates>
    32 	</xsl:copy>
    33 </xsl:template>
    35 <xsl:template match="component|unit"><xsl:param name="data"/> <!-- filterable items -->
    36 	 <xsl:variable name="display">
    37 	 	<xsl:apply-templates select="$data" mode="filter">
    38 			<xsl:with-param name="item" select="current()"/>
    39 		</xsl:apply-templates>
    40 	 </xsl:variable>
    42 	 <xsl:if test="$display != 'hide' "> <!-- if hide, remove completely from the output-->
    43 		<xsl:copy>
    44 			<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
    45 			<xsl:apply-templates select="node()">
    46 				<xsl:with-param name="data" select="$data"/>
    47 			</xsl:apply-templates>
    48 		</xsl:copy>
    49 	</xsl:if>
    50 </xsl:template>
    52 <xsl:template match="/SystemDefinition">
    53 	<xsl:variable name="f">
    54 		<xsl:element name="filter-{$filter-type}">
    55 			<xsl:call-template name="filter-list">
    56 				<xsl:with-param name="f" select="$filter"/>
    57 			</xsl:call-template>
    58 		</xsl:element>
    59 	</xsl:variable>
    60 	<xsl:choose>
    61 		<xsl:when test="starts-with(@schema,'3.0')"/> <!-- no DTD needed for 3.0 sysdef -->
    62 		<xsl:when test="$addbuild">
    63 			<xsl:call-template name="DTD-bld"/> <!-- insert 2.0.1 DTD w/sysbuild parts-->
    64 		</xsl:when>
    65 		<xsl:otherwise>
    66 			<xsl:call-template name="DTD"/> <!-- insert 2.0.1 DTD -->
    67 		</xsl:otherwise>
    68 	</xsl:choose>
    69 	<xsl:copy>
    70 		<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
    71 		<xsl:variable name="content"> <!-- save content for potential further processing -->
    72 			<xsl:apply-templates select="node()">
    73 				<xsl:with-param name="data" select="exslt:node-set($f)/*"/>
    74 			</xsl:apply-templates>
    75 		</xsl:variable>
    76 		<!-- just output content as is. We could create a template to remove any filtered out items, but so far there's no compelling need -->
    77 		<xsl:copy-of select="$content"/>  
    79 		<xsl:if test="$addbuild">
    80 			<SystemBuild schema="1.0.0">
    81 				<configuration name="any" description="text">
    82 					<xsl:attribute name="filter">
    83 						<xsl:for-each select="//@filter[not(.=following::*/@filter)]">
    84 							<xsl:value-of select="."/><xsl:if test="position()!=last()">,</xsl:if>
    85 						</xsl:for-each>
    86 					</xsl:attribute>
    87 					<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($content)/systemModel/layer[descendant::unit]">
    88 						<!-- only include layers we know have units -->
    89 						<ref item="{@name}"/>
    90 					</xsl:for-each>
    91 				</configuration>
    92 			</SystemBuild>
    93 		</xsl:if>
    94 	</xsl:copy>
    95 </xsl:template>
    98 <xsl:include href="filter-module.xsl"/>
   100 <xsl:template name="DTD-bld">
   101 <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
   102  <!ELEMENT SystemDefinition ( systemModel?, SystemBuild? )>
   103  <!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
   104   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   105   schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
   106  <!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
   107  <!ELEMENT layer (block* | collection*)*>
   108  <!ATTLIST layer
   109   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   110   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
   111   levels NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
   112   span CDATA #IMPLIED>
   113  <!ELEMENT block (subblock* | collection*)*>
   114  <!ATTLIST block
   115   levels NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
   116   span CDATA #IMPLIED
   117   level NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
   118   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   119   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
   120  <!ELEMENT subblock (collection)*>
   121  <!ATTLIST subblock
   122   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   123   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
   124  <!ELEMENT collection (component)*>
   125  <!ATTLIST collection
   126   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   127   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
   128   level NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
   129  <!ELEMENT component (unit)*>
   130  <!ATTLIST component
   131   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   132   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
   133   deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED
   134   introduced CDATA #IMPLIED
   135   contract CDATA #IMPLIED
   136   plugin (Y|N) "N"
   137   filter CDATA #IMPLIED
   138   class NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
   139   supports CDATA #IMPLIED
   140   purpose ( optional | mandatory | development ) "optional">
   141  <!ELEMENT unit EMPTY>
   142  <!ATTLIST unit
   143   mrp CDATA #IMPLIED
   144   filter CDATA #IMPLIED
   145   bldFile CDATA #IMPLIED
   146   root CDATA #IMPLIED
   147   version NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
   148   prebuilt NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
   149   late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
   150   priority CDATA #IMPLIED>
   151  <!ELEMENT SystemBuild (option* | target+ | targetList+ | list+ | configuration+)*>
   152  <!ATTLIST SystemBuild schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
   153  <!ELEMENT list (ref+)>
   154  <!ATTLIST list
   155   name ID #REQUIRED
   156   description CDATA #REQUIRED>
   157  <!ELEMENT ref EMPTY>
   158  <!ATTLIST ref item CDATA #REQUIRED>
   159  <!ELEMENT targetList EMPTY>
   160  <!ATTLIST targetList
   161   name ID #REQUIRED
   162   description CDATA #REQUIRED
   163   target IDREFS #REQUIRED>
   164  <!ELEMENT target EMPTY>
   165  <!ATTLIST target
   166   name ID #REQUIRED
   167   abldTarget CDATA #REQUIRED
   168   description CDATA #REQUIRED>
   169  <!ELEMENT option EMPTY>
   170  <!ATTLIST option
   171   name ID #REQUIRED
   172   abldOption CDATA #REQUIRED
   173   description CDATA #REQUIRED
   174   enable (Y | N ) #REQUIRED>
   175  <!ELEMENT configuration (listRef+ | ref+ | task+)*>
   176  <!ATTLIST configuration
   177   name ID #REQUIRED
   178   description CDATA #REQUIRED
   179   filter CDATA #REQUIRED>
   180  <!ELEMENT task (listRef* , (buildLayer | specialInstructions))>
   181  <!ELEMENT listRef EMPTY>
   182  <!ATTLIST listRef list CDATA #REQUIRED>
   183  <!ELEMENT buildLayer EMPTY>
   184  <!ATTLIST buildLayer
   185   command CDATA #REQUIRED
   186   targetList IDREFS #IMPLIED
   187   unitParallel (Y | N ) #REQUIRED
   188   targetParallel (Y | N ) "N">
   189  <!ELEMENT specialInstructions EMPTY>
   190  <!ATTLIST specialInstructions
   191   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   192   cwd CDATA #REQUIRED
   193   root CDATA #IMPLIED
   194   command CDATA #REQUIRED>
   195 ]>
   196 ]]></xsl:text>
   197 </xsl:template>
   199 <xsl:template name="DTD">
   200 <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
   201 <!ELEMENT SystemDefinition ( systemModel )>
   202 <!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
   203   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   204   schema CDATA #REQUIRED
   205 >
   206 <!-- all paths are relative to the environment variable specified by the root attribute, or SOURCEROOT if not.  -->
   208 <!-- System Model Section of DTD -->
   209 <!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
   211 <!ELEMENT layer (block* | collection*)*>
   212 <!-- Kernel Services, Base Services, OS Services, Etc -->
   213 <!ATTLIST layer
   214   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   215   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
   216   levels NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
   217   span CDATA #IMPLIED
   218 >
   220 <!ELEMENT block (subblock* | collection*)*>
   221  <!-- Generic OS services, Comms Services, etc -->
   222 <!ATTLIST block
   223   levels NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
   224   span CDATA #IMPLIED
   225   level NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
   226   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   227   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
   228 >
   230 <!ELEMENT subblock (collection)*>
   231 <!-- Cellular Baseband Services, Networking Services, etc -->
   232 <!ATTLIST subblock
   233   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   234   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
   235 >
   237 <!ELEMENT collection (component)*>
   238 <!-- Screen Driver, Content Handling, etc -->
   239 <!ATTLIST collection
   240   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   241   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
   242   level NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
   243 >
   245 <!ELEMENT component (unit)*>
   246 <!-- contains units or is a  package or prebuilt -->
   247 <!ATTLIST component
   248   name CDATA #REQUIRED
   249   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
   250   deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED
   251   introduced CDATA #IMPLIED
   252   contract CDATA #IMPLIED
   253   plugin (Y|N) "N"
   254   filter CDATA #IMPLIED
   255   class NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
   256   supports CDATA #IMPLIED
   257   purpose ( optional | mandatory | development ) "optional"
   258 >
   260 <!ELEMENT unit EMPTY >
   261 <!-- must be buildable (bld.inf) -->
   262 <!-- bldFile  may someday be removed in favour of mrp -->
   263 <!ATTLIST unit
   264   mrp CDATA #IMPLIED
   265   filter CDATA #IMPLIED
   266   bldFile CDATA #IMPLIED
   267   root CDATA #IMPLIED
   268   version NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
   269   prebuilt NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
   270   late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
   271   priority CDATA #IMPLIED
   272 >
   273 ]>
   274 ]]></xsl:text>
   275 </xsl:template>
   276 </xsl:stylesheet>