changeset 151 84b123918d3f
child 201 280dc2a9385b
equal deleted inserted replaced
150:8d58b930d36e 151:84b123918d3f
     1 use strict;
     4 use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
     5 use lib $FindBin::Bin;
     6 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
     8 use Cwd;
     9 use Cwd 'abs_path';
    10 use Getopt::Long;
    11 use File::Basename;
    12 use File::Spec;
    13 use XML::DOM;
    15 my $output;
    16 my $path;
    17 my $defaultns = '';	# needed if no DTD
    18 my @searchpaths;
    19 my @searchroots;
    20 my %additional;
    21 my %add;
    22 my %newNs;
    23 my $warning = "Error";
    24 my $placeholders=0;
    26 my @tdOrder =("hb","se", "lo","dc", "vc" , "pr", "dm", "de", "mm", "ma" , "ui",  "rt", "to" );
    28 # need to add options for controlling which metas are filtered out and which are included inline
    29 GetOptions
    30 	(
    31 	 'path=s' => \$path,
    32 	'output=s' => \$output,
    33 	'w=s' => \$warning,
    34 	'root=s' => \@searchroots,
    35 	'glob=s' => \@searchpaths,
    36 	'placeholders=s' => \$placeholders
    37 	);
    40  if($path eq '') {$path = '/os/deviceplatformrelease/foundation_system/system_model/system_definition.xml'}
    42 if(!($warning =~/^(Note|Warning|Error)$/)) {$warning="Error"}
    44 # path is the system model path of the processed sysdef file. This is only used when creating a stand-alone sysdef as the output
    45 # output specifies the file this is saved in. If specified, all (relative) paths will be modified to be relative to it. If not, all paths will be absolute
    46 # w is the warning level: Note, Warning or Error.
    47 # root = -root g:\sf
    48 # glob = -glob "\*\*\package_definition.xml"
    50 -root F:\dev\personal\sftest\sf\mcl  -glob "\*\*\package_definition.xml"  -output ..\..\..\deviceplatformrelease\nokia_system\system_definition.sf.xml  ..\..\..\deviceplatformrelease\foundation_system\system_model\system_definition.xml
    52 my %replacefile;
    53 my $dir;
    54 foreach(@searchpaths)
    55 	{
    56 	my $ndir = shift(@searchroots);
    57 	if($ndir ne '') {$dir=$ndir}
    58 	foreach my $file (glob "$dir$_")
    59 		{
    60 		my $map =substr($file,length($dir));
    61 		$map=~tr/\\/\//;
    62 		$additional{$map}=$file;
    63 		$replacefile{&abspath($file)}=$map;
    64 		$add{&abspath($file)}=1;
    65 		}
    66 	}
    68 my $sysdef = &abspath(shift);	# resolve the location of the root sysdef
    70 # rootmap is a mapping from the filesystem to the paths in the doc
    71 my %rootmap = &rootMap($path,$sysdef);	
    72 my %nsmap;
    73 my %urimap;
    77 my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
    78 my   $sysdefdoc = $parser->parsefile ($sysdef);
    80 my $mapmeta;
    81 my $modpath;
    82 if($output eq '')
    83 	{ #figure out mapping path
    84 	my @fspath = split(/[\\\/]/,$sysdef);
    85 	my @smpath = split(/[\\\/]/,$path);
    86 	while(lc($smpath[$#smpath]) eq lc($fspath[$#fspath] )) {
    87 		pop(@smpath);
    88 		pop(@fspath);
    89 	}
    90 	my $mappath = join('/',@fspath);
    91 	my $topath = join('/',@smpath);
    92 	$mappath=~s,^/?,file:///,;
    93 	$mapmeta = $sysdefdoc->createElement('meta');
    94 	$mapmeta->setAttribute('rel','link-mapping');
    95 	my $node = $sysdefdoc->createElement('map-prefix');
    96 	$node->setAttribute('link',$mappath);
    97 	$topath ne '' && $node->setAttribute('to',$topath);
    98 	$mapmeta->appendChild($node);
    99 	}
   100 else
   101 	{
   102 	$modpath = &relativeTo(&abspath($output), $sysdef);
   103 	}
   106 # find all the namespaces used in all trhe fragments and use that 
   107 # to set the namespaces ni the root element of the created doc
   108 #   should be able to optimise by only parsing each doc once and 
   109 #	maybe skipping the contends of <meta>
   110 my @nslist = &namespaces($sysdef,$sysdefdoc->getDocumentElement());
   112 my %replacing;
   113 my %newContainer;
   114 my %foundDescendants;
   116 foreach(keys %add)
   117 	{
   118 	my   $fragment = $parser->parsefile ($_);
   119 	my $fdoc = $fragment->getDocumentElement();
   120 	my $topmost =&firstElement($fdoc);
   121 	my $type = $topmost->getTagName;
   122 	my $id = $topmost->getAttribute('id');
   123 	my ($localid,$ns) = &idns($topmost,$id);	
   124 	my @path = &guessIdInPath($localid,$_);
   125 	if($type eq 'layer') {@path=@path[0]}
   126 	elsif($type eq 'package')  {@path=@path[0..1]}
   127 	elsif($type eq 'collection')  {@path=@path[0..2]}
   128 	elsif($type eq 'component')  {@path=@path[0..3]}
   129 	@path = reverse(@path);
   130 	$add{$_}=join('/',@path)." $localid $ns";
   131 	$replacing{$type}->{"$localid $ns"} = $_;
   132 	# keys with a space are namespaced and fully identified, and contain the filename as the content.
   133 	# keys with no space have unknown namespace and contain a hash of the content
   134 	$newContainer{join('/',@path[0..$#path-1])}->{"$localid $ns"} = $_;
   135 	for(my $i=-1;$i<$#path-1;$i++)
   136 		{
   137 		$foundDescendants{$path[$i+1]}=1;
   138 		$newContainer{join('/',@path[0..$i])}->{$path[$i+1]}=1;
   139 		}
   140 	}
   143 while(@nslist)
   144 	{
   145 	my $uri = shift(@nslist);
   146 	my $prefix =shift(@nslist);
   147 	if($prefix eq 'id namespace'){$prefix=''}
   148 	if(defined $urimap{$uri}) {next} # already done this uri
   149 	$urimap{$uri} = $prefix;
   150 	if($nsmap{$prefix})
   151 		{ # need a new prefix for this, guess from the URI (for readability)
   152 		if($uri=~/http:\/\/(www\.)?([^.\/]+)\./) {$prefix = $2}
   153 		my $i=0;
   154 		while($nsmap{$prefix})
   155 			{ # still no prefix, just make up 
   156 			$prefix="ns$i";
   157 			$i++;
   158 			# next line not really necessary, but it's a good safety to stop infinite loops
   159 			$i eq 1000 && die "ERROR: cannot create namespace prefix for $uri";
   160 			}
   161 		}
   162 	$nsmap{$prefix}=$uri;
   163 	}
   165 my $docroot =  $sysdefdoc->getDocumentElement;
   167 my $ns = $docroot->getAttribute('id-namespace');
   168 if(!$ns && $nsmap{''})
   169 	{
   170 	$docroot->setAttribute('id-namespace',$nsmap{''});
   171 	}
   172 while(my($pre,$uri) = each(%nsmap))
   173 	{
   174 	$pre ne '' || next ;
   175 	$docroot->setAttribute("xmlns:$pre",$uri);
   176 	}
   178 &walk($sysdef,$docroot);
   180 if($output eq '') 
   181 	{
   182 	print $sysdefdoc->toString;
   183 	}
   184 else
   185 	{
   186 	$sysdefdoc->printToFile($output);
   187 	}
   190 sub abspath
   191 	{
   192 	# normalize the path into an absolute one
   193 	my  ($name,$path) = fileparse($_[0]);
   194 	if($path eq '' && $name eq '') {return};
   195 	$path=~tr,\\,/,;
   196 	if( -e $path)
   197 		{
   198 		return abs_path($path)."/$name";
   199 		}
   200 	my @dir = split('/',$_[0]);
   201 	my @new;
   202 	foreach my $d (@dir)
   203 		{
   204 		if($d eq '.') {next}
   205 		if($d eq '..')
   206 			{
   207 			pop(@new);
   208 			next;
   209 			}
   210 		push(@new,$d)
   211 		}
   212 	return join('/',@new);
   213 	}
   217 sub normpath
   218 	{
   219 	# normalize the path 
   220 	my @norm;
   221 	foreach my $dir(split(/[\\\/]/,shift)) {
   222 		if($dir eq '.') {next}
   223 		if($dir eq '..')
   224 			{
   225 			if($#norm == -1 || $norm[$#norm] eq '..')
   226 				{ # keep  as is
   227 				push(@norm,$dir);
   228 				}
   229 			elsif($#norm == 0 && $norm[0] eq '')
   230 				{  # path begins with /, interpret /.. as just / -- ie toss out
   231 				next
   232 				}
   233 			else
   234 				{
   235 				pop(@norm);
   236 				}
   237 			}
   238 		else
   239 			{
   240 			push(@norm,$dir);
   241 			}
   242 	}
   244 	return join('/',@norm)
   245 	}
   248 sub rootMap {
   249 	my @pathdirs = split(/\//,$_[0]);
   250 	my @rootdirs = split(/\//,$_[1]);
   252 	while(lc($rootdirs[$#rootdirs])  eq lc($pathdirs[$#pathdirs])  )
   253 		{
   254 		pop(@rootdirs);
   255 		pop(@pathdirs);
   256 		}
   257 	return (join('/',@rootdirs)  => join('/',@pathdirs) );
   258 	}
   260 sub replacedBy
   261 	{ # can only check once. Destroys data
   262 	my $node = shift;
   263 	my $fullid= join(' ',&idns($node));
   264 	my $type =  $node->getTagName;
   265 	my $repl = $replacing{$type}->{$fullid};
   266 	delete $replacing{$type}->{$fullid};
   267 	return $repl;
   268 	}
   270 sub walk
   271 	{
   272 	#' walk through the doc, resolving all links
   273 	my $file = shift;
   274 	my $node = shift;
   275 	my $type = $node->getNodeType;
   276 	if($type!=1) {return}
   277 	my $tag = $node->getTagName;
   278 	if($tag=~/^(layer|package|collection|component)$/ )
   279 		{
   280 		if($file eq $sysdef)
   281 			{
   282 			&fixIDs($node);	# normalise all IDs in the root doc.
   283 			}
   284 		my $override = &replacedBy($node);
   285 		my $link= $node->getAttribute('href');
   286 		if($override eq '' )
   287 			{
   288 			my ($id,$ns)=&idns($node);
   289 			if($foundDescendants{$id})
   290 				{ # keep this node, it'll be populated by what we found
   291 				if($link)
   292 					{
   293 					$node->removeAttribute('href');
   294 					}
   295 				}
   296 			elsif($link || !$placeholders)
   297 				{ # not going to be used, remove
   298 				$node->getParentNode->removeChild($node) ; # not present, remove
   299 				return;
   300 				}
   301 			}
   302 		else
   303 			{	
   304 			my $href = $node->getAttribute('href');	
   305 			my $ppath =  join('/',&parentPath($node->getParentNode));
   306 			delete $newContainer{$ppath}->{join(' ',&idns($node))};		# remove this from list of things which need to be added
   307 			if(&resolvePath($file,$href) ne $override)
   308 				{ # file has changed, update
   309 				print STDERR "$warning: Replacing $tag ",$node->getAttribute('id')," with $override\n";
   310 				&setHref($node,$override);
   311 				return;
   312 				}
   313 			}
   314 		my @curpath = &parentPath($node);
   315 		my $curitem = $curpath[$#curpath];
   316 		my $curp = join('/',@curpath[0..$#curpath-1]);
   317 		delete $newContainer{$curp}->{$curitem};
   319 		if($link)
   320 			{
   321 			foreach my $child (@{$node->getChildNodes}) {$node->removeChild($child)} # can't have children
   322 			&fixHref($node,$file);
   323 			return;
   324 			}
   325 		}
   326 	elsif($tag eq 'systemModel' && $mapmeta)
   327 		{ # need absolute paths for all links
   328 		$node->insertBefore ($mapmeta,$node->getFirstChild);
   329 		}
   330 	elsif($tag=~/^(SystemDefinition|systemModel)$/ )
   331 		{
   332 		}
   333 	elsif($tag eq 'unit')
   334 		{
   335 		foreach my $atr ('bldFile','mrp','base','proFile')
   336 			{
   337 			my $link= $node->getAttribute($atr);
   338 			if($link && !($link=~/^\//))
   339 				{
   340 				if($mapmeta)
   341 					{ # use absolute paths
   342 					$link= &abspath(File::Basename::dirname($file)."/$link");
   343 					foreach my $a (keys %rootmap)
   344 						{
   345 						$link=~s,^$a,$rootmap{$a},ie;
   346 						}
   347 					}
   348 				else
   349 					{ # modified relative path 
   350 					$link = &normpath($modpath.$link);
   351 					}
   352 				$node->setAttribute($atr,$link);
   353 				}
   354 			}
   355 		}
   356 	elsif($tag eq 'meta')
   357 		{
   358 		&fixHref($node,$file);
   359 		&processMeta($node);
   360 		next;
   361 		}
   362 	else {return}
   363 	foreach my $item (@{$node->getChildNodes})
   364 		{
   365 		#print $item->getNodeType,"\n";
   366 		&walk($file,$item);
   367 		}
   368 	if($tag=~/^(systemModel|layer|package|collection|component)$/ )
   369 		{ # check for appending
   370 		my $ppath =  join('/',&parentPath($node));
   371 		if($newContainer{$ppath}) {
   372 			foreach my $item (sort keys %{$newContainer{$ppath}})
   373 				{
   374 				&appendNewItem($node,$item,$newContainer{$ppath}->{$item});
   375 				}
   376 			}
   377 		}
   378 	}
   381 sub getNs
   382 	{
   383 	# find the ns URI that applies to the specified prefix.
   384 	my $node = shift;
   385 	my $pre = shift;
   386 	my $uri = $node->getAttribute("xmlns:$pre");
   387 	if($uri) {return $uri}
   388 	my $parent = $node->getParentNode;
   389 	if($parent && $parent->getNodeType==1)
   390 		{
   391 		return getNs($parent,$pre);
   392 		}
   393 	}
   396 sub fixIDs
   397 	{
   398 	# translate the ID to use the root doc's namespaces 
   399 	my $node = shift;
   400 	foreach my $id ('id','before')
   401 		{
   402 		&fixID($node,$id);
   403 		}
   404 }
   406 sub idns
   407 	{ # return the namespace of an ID
   408 	my $node = shift;
   409 	my $id = shift;
   410 	if($id eq '' ) {$id = $node->getAttribute('id'); }
   411 	if($id=~s/^(.*)://)
   412 		{ # it's got a ns, find out what it is
   413 		my $pre = $1;
   414 		return ($id,&getNs($node,$pre));
   415 		}
   416 		return ($id,$node->getOwnerDocument->getDocumentElement->getAttribute("id-namespace") ||	$defaultns);
   417 	}
   419 sub fixID
   420 	{
   421 	# translate the ID to use the root doc's namespaces 
   422 	my $node = shift;
   423 	my $attr = shift || 'id';
   424 	my $id = $node->getAttribute($attr);
   425 	if($id eq '') {return}
   426 	my $ns;
   427 	if($id=~s/^(.*)://)
   428 		{ # it's got a ns, find out what it is
   429 		my $pre = $1;
   430 		$ns=&getNs($node,$pre);
   431 		}
   432 	else
   433 		{
   434 		$ns = $node->getOwnerDocument->getDocumentElement->getAttribute("id-namespace") ||
   435 			$defaultns;
   436 		}
   437 	$ns = $urimap{$ns};
   438 	$id = ($ns eq '') ? $id : "$ns:$id";
   439 	return $node->setAttribute($attr,$id);
   440 }
   442 sub firstElement {
   443 	# return the first element in this node
   444 	my $node = shift;
   445 	foreach my $item (@{$node->getChildNodes}) {
   446 		if($item->getNodeType==1) {return $item}
   447 	}
   448 }
   451 sub atts {
   452 	# return a hash of all attribtues defined for this element
   453 	my $node = shift;
   454 	my %at = $node->getAttributes;
   455 	my %list;
   456 	foreach my $a (keys %{$node->getAttributes}) 
   457 		{
   458 		if($a ne '')
   459 			{
   460 			$list{$a} = $node->getAttribute ($a);
   461 			}
   462 		}
   463 	return %list;
   464 }
   467 sub ns 
   468 	{
   469 	# return a hash of ns prefix and uri -- the xmlns: part is stripped off
   470 	my $node = shift;
   471 	my %list;
   472 	foreach my $a (keys %{$node->getAttributes}) 
   473 		{
   474 		my $pre = $a;
   475 		if($pre=~s/^xmlns://)
   476 			{
   477 			$list{$pre} = $node->getAttribute ($a);
   478 			}
   479 		}
   480 	return %list;
   481 	}
   485 sub namespaces
   486 	{
   487 	# return a list of namespace URI / prefix pairs, in the order they're defined
   488 	# these need to be used to define namespaces in the root element
   489 	my $file = shift;
   490 	my $node = shift;
   491 	my $type = $node->getNodeType;
   492 	if($type!=1) {return}
   493 	my $tag = $node->getTagName;
   494 	my @res;
   495 	my %nslist = &ns($node);
   496 	while(my($pre,$uri)=each(%nslist))
   497 		{ # push all namespaces defined here onto the list
   498 		push(@res,$uri,$pre);
   499 		}
   500 	if($tag=~/^(layer|package|collection|component)$/ )
   501 		{ # these have the potential of linking, so check for that
   502 		}
   503 	elsif($tag eq 'SystemDefinition' )
   504 		{
   505 		my $default = $node->getAttribute('id-namespace');
   506 		if($default)
   507 			{# mangle with a space so it's clear it's not a qname
   508 			push(@res,$default,'id namespace');
   509 			}
   510 		}
   511 	foreach my $item (@{$node->getChildNodes})
   512 		{
   513 		push(@res,&namespaces($file,$item));
   514 		}
   515 	return @res;
   516 	}
   518 sub  processMeta
   519 	{
   520 	my $metanode = shift;
   521 	# do nothing. Not supported yet
   522 	}
   524 sub guessIdInPath
   525 	{
   526 	my $id = shift;
   527 	my @path = reverse(split(/\//,shift));
   528 	while(@path)
   529 		{
   530 		my $dir = shift(@path);
   531 		if($dir eq $id)
   532 			{
   533 			return ($id,@path);
   534 			}
   535 		}
   536 	}
   539 sub parentPath
   540 	{
   541 	my $node=shift;
   542 	my @path;
   543 	while($node)
   544 		{
   545 		if(!$node) {return @path}
   546 		my $id=$node->getAttribute('id');
   547 		if($id eq '') {return @path}
   548 		$id=~s/^.*://;
   549 		@path = ($id,@path);
   550 		$node = $node->getParentNode();
   551 		}
   552 	return @path;
   553 	}
   555 sub childTag
   556 	{
   557 	my $tag = shift;
   558 	if($tag eq 'systemModel') {return 'layer'}
   559 	if($tag eq 'layer') {return 'package'}
   560 	if($tag eq 'package') {return 'collection'}
   561 	if($tag eq 'collection') {return 'component'}
   562 	die "ERROR: no child for $tag";
   563 	}
   565 sub appendNewItem
   566 	{
   567 	my $node = shift;
   568 	my $doc = $node->getOwnerDocument;
   569 	my $id = shift;
   570 	my $fullid=$id;
   571 	my $contents = shift;
   572 	my $tag = &childTag($node->getTagName());
   573 	my $new = $doc->createElement($tag);
   574 	if($id=~/^(.*) (.*)/)
   575 		{
   576 		$id=$1;
   577 		$ns = getNamespacePrefix($node,$2);
   578 		if($ns ne '') {$id="$ns:$id"}
   579 		}
   580 	else
   581 		{
   582 		$contents = '';
   583 		}
   584 	$new->setAttribute('id',$id);		# default namespace
   585 	$node->appendChild($new);
   586 	my $ppath =  join('/',&parentPath($new));
   587 	if($contents eq '')
   588 		{ # look for additions
   589 		print STDERR "$warning: Adding new $tag: $id\n";
   590 		if($newContainer{$ppath}) {
   591 			foreach my $item (sort keys %{$newContainer{$ppath}})
   592 				{
   593 				&appendNewItem($new,$item,$newContainer{$ppath}->{$item});
   594 				}
   595 			}
   596 		}
   597 	else
   598 		{ # this one item is defined in the specified file
   599 		if($tag eq 'package') 
   600 			{ #include some package data in root
   601 			my $fragment = $parser->parsefile ($contents);
   602 			my $fdoc = $fragment->getDocumentElement();
   603 			my $topmost =&firstElement($fdoc);
   604 			my %at = &atts($topmost);
   605 			foreach my $arg ('tech-domain','level','span')
   606 				{
   607 				if($at{$arg}) {	$new->setAttribute($arg,$at{$arg})}
   608 				}
   609 			if($at{'tech-domain'}) {&positionByTechDomain($new)}
   610 			}
   611 		&setHref($new,$contents);
   612 		print STDERR "$warning: Adding found $tag $id from $contents\n";
   613 		delete $replacing{$tag}->{$fullid};
   614 		}
   615 	# newline after each new tag so output's not ugly
   616 	if($new->getNextSibling)
   617 		{
   618 		$node->insertBefore($doc->createTextNode ("\n"),$new->getNextSibling);
   619 		}
   620 	else
   621 		{
   622 		$node->appendChild($doc->createTextNode ("\n"));
   623 		}
   624 	delete $newContainer{$ppath};
   625 	}
   628 sub getNamespacePrefix
   629 	{
   630 	my $node = shift;
   631 	my $ns = shift;
   632 	my $root = $node->getOwnerDocument->getDocumentElement;
   633 	my $idns = $root->getAttribute("id-namespace");
   634 	if($idns && $idns eq $ns) {return}
   635 	if(!$idns && $defaultns eq $ns) {return}
   636 	foreach my $a (keys %{$root->getAttributes}) 
   637 		{
   638 		my $pre = $a;
   639 		if($pre=~s/^xmlns://)
   640 			{
   641 			if($node->getAttribute ($a) eq $ns)  {return $pre}
   642 			}
   643 		}
   644 	die "ERROR: no namespace prefix defined for $ns";
   645 	}
   648 sub resolvePath
   649 	{
   650 	# return full path to 2nd arg relative to first (path or absolute URI)
   651 	my $base = shift;
   652 	my $path = shift;
   653 	if($path=~m,^/,) {return $path } # path is absolute, but has no drive. Let OS deal with it.
   654 	if($path=~s,^file:///([a-zA-Z]:/),$1,) {return $path } # file URI with drive letter
   655 	if($path=~m,^file://,) {return $path } # file URI with no drive letter (unit-style). Just pass on as is with leading / and let OS deal with it
   656 	if($path=~m,^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9]+:,i) {return $path } # absolute URI -- no idea how to handle, so just return
   657 	return &abspath(File::Basename::dirname($base)."/$path");
   658 	}
   661 sub fixHref {
   662 	my $node = shift;
   663 	my $base = shift;
   664 	my $link= $node->getAttribute('href');
   665 	if($link=~/^(ftp|http)s:\/\//) {return} # remote link, do nothing
   666 	my $path = &resolvePath($base,$link);
   667 	if(!-e $path) 
   668 		{ # no such file, delete
   669 		my $tag  =$node->getTagName;
   670 		my $id = $node->getAttribute('id');
   671 		print STDERR "$warning: $tag $id not found at $link\n";	
   672 		$node->getParentNode->removeChild($node);
   673 		return;
   674 		}
   675 	if($output eq '')
   676 		{
   677 		$path=~s,^/?,file:///,;
   678 		$node->setAttribute('href',$path);	# replace with absolute URI
   679 		return;
   680 		}
   681 	$node->setAttribute('href',&normpath($modpath.$link));	# make relative path to output file
   682 	}
   685 sub setHref {
   686 	my $node = shift;
   687 	my $file = shift;
   688 	if($output eq '') 
   689 		{
   690 		$path = &abspath($file);
   691 		$path=~s,^/?,file:///,;
   692 		$node->setAttribute('href',$path);	# replace with absolute URI
   693 		}
   694 	else 
   695 		{
   696 		$node->setAttribute('href',&relativeTo(&abspath($output),$file,'file'));
   697 		}
   698 }
   701 sub relativeTo {
   702 	if($_[0] eq '') {return &abspath($_[1])}
   703 	my @outfile = split(/[\\\/]/,lc(shift));
   704 	my @infile  = split(/[\\\/]/,lc(shift));
   705 	my $asdir = shift ne 'file';
   706 	while($outfile[0] eq $infile[0])
   707 		{
   708 		shift(@outfile);
   709 		shift(@infile);
   710 		}
   711 	$modpath = '../' x (scalar(@outfile) - 1);
   712 	if($asdir) {
   713 		if(scalar @infile > 1)  {$modpath .=  join('/',@infile[0..$#infile - 1]).'/'}
   714 	} else   {$modpath .=  join('/',@infile)}
   715 	return $modpath;
   716 }
   718 sub positionByTechDomain 
   719 	{
   720 	my $node=shift;
   721 	my $td = $node->getAttribute('tech-domain');
   722 	my %before;
   723 	foreach my $t (@tdOrder)
   724 		{
   725 		$before{$t}=1;
   726 		if($t eq $td) {last}
   727 		}
   728 	my $prev = $node->getPreviousSibling;
   729 	foreach my $child (reverse @{$node->getParentNode->getChildNodes})
   730 		{
   731 		if($child->getNodeType==1 && $child->getTagName eq 'package' && $child!=$node)
   732 			{
   733 			if($before{$child->getAttribute('tech-domain')})
   734 				{
   735 				my $next = $child->getNextSibling;
   736 				while($next &&  $next->getNodeType!=1) {$next = $next->getNextSibling}
   737 				if($next) {
   738 					$node->getParentNode->insertBefore ($node,$next);
   739 				}
   740 				last;
   741 				}
   742 			}
   743 		}
   744 	}