changeset 221 8a4e19e9409a
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equal deleted inserted replaced
220:8e654e2b9afc 221:8a4e19e9409a
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
     3  <!ELEMENT SystemDefinition (systemModel)>
     4  <!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
     5   name CDATA #REQUIRED
     6   schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
     7  <!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
     8  <!ELEMENT layer (block*|collection*)*>
     9  <!ATTLIST layer
    10   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    11   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
    12   levels NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
    13   span CDATA #IMPLIED>
    14  <!ELEMENT block (subblock*|collection*)*>
    15  <!ATTLIST block
    16   levels NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
    17   span CDATA #IMPLIED
    18   level NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
    19   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    20   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
    21  <!ELEMENT subblock (collection)*>
    22  <!ATTLIST subblock
    23   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    24   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
    25  <!ELEMENT collection (component)*>
    26  <!ATTLIST collection
    27   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    28   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
    29   level NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
    30  <!ELEMENT component (unit)*>
    31  <!ATTLIST component
    32   name CDATA #REQUIRED
    33   long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
    34   deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED
    35   introduced CDATA #IMPLIED
    36   contract CDATA #IMPLIED
    37   plugin (Y|N) 'N'
    38   filter CDATA #IMPLIED
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    40   supports CDATA #IMPLIED
    41   purpose (optional|mandatory|development) 'optional'>
    42  <!ELEMENT unit EMPTY>
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    51   priority CDATA #IMPLIED>
    52 ]>
    53 <SystemDefinition name="Symbian^4" schema="2.0.1">
    54 <systemModel>
    55 <layer name="mw" long-name="Middleware" levels="generic specific">
    56 <block name="drm" level="generic" long-name="DRM" levels="plugin framework server generic specific">
    57 <collection name="drm_plat" long-name="DRM Platform Interfaces" level="specific">
    58 <component name="roap_api" long-name="ROAP API" filter="s60" class="api">
    59 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/roap_api/group"/>
    60 </component>
    61 <component name="drm_common_api" long-name="DRM Common API" filter="s60" class="api">
    62 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_common_api/group"/>
    63 </component>
    64 <component name="drm_rights_api" long-name="DRM Rights API" filter="s60" class="api">
    65 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_rights_api/group"/>
    66 </component>
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    68 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_legacy_api/group"/>
    69 </component>
    70 <component name="dcf_repository_api" long-name="DCF Repository API" filter="s60" class="api">
    71 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/dcf_repository_api/group"/>
    72 </component>
    73 <component name="drm_service_api" long-name="DRM Service API" filter="s60" class="api">
    74 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_service_api/group"/>
    75 </component>
    76 <component name="drm_secondary_display_api" long-name="DRM Secondary Display API" filter="s60" class="api">
    77 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_secondary_display_api/group"/>
    78 </component>
    79 <component name="drm_license_manager_api" long-name="DRM License Manager API" filter="s60" class="api">
    80 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_license_manager_api/group"/>
    81 </component>
    82 <component name="drm_utility_api" long-name="DRM Utility API" filter="s60" class="api">
    83 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_utility_api/group"/>
    84 </component>
    85 <component name="drm_agents_api" long-name="DRM Agents API" filter="s60" class="api">
    86 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_agents_api/group"/>
    87 </component>
    88 <component name="wmdrm_core_api" long-name="WM DRM Core API" filter="s60" class="api">
    89 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/wmdrm_core_api/group"/>
    90 </component>
    91 <component name="wmdrm_access_api" long-name="WM DRM Access API" filter="s60" class="api">
    92 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/wmdrm_access_api/group"/>
    93 </component>
    94 <component name="wmdrm_ota_access_api" long-name="WM DRM OTA Access API" filter="s60" class="api">
    95 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/wmdrm_ota_access_api/group"/>
    96 </component>
    97 <component name="camese_utility_api" long-name="Camese Utility API" filter="s60" class="api">
    98 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/camese_utility_api/group"/>
    99 </component>
   100 <component name="camese_framework_api" long-name="Camese Framework API" filter="s60" class="api">
   101 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/camese_framework_api/group"/>
   102 </component>
   103 </collection>
   104 <collection name="drm_pub" long-name="DRM Public Interfaces" level="specific">
   105 <component name="drm_helper_api" long-name="DRM Helper API" filter="s60" class="api">
   106 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_pub/drm_helper_api/group"/>
   107 </component>
   108 <component name="oma_drm_caf_agent_api" long-name="OMA DRM CAF Agent API" filter="s60" class="api">
   109 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_pub/oma_drm_caf_agent_api/group"/>
   110 </component>
   111 <component name="drm_license_checker_api" long-name="DRM License Checker API" filter="s60" class="api">
   112 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_pub/drm_license_checker_api/group"/>
   113 </component>
   114 </collection>
   115 <collection name="commondrm" long-name="Common DRM" level="generic">
   116 <!-- it looks like this collection would be better as a component. If so, move down a directory. Otherwise, split up the bld.inf -->
   117 <component name="drmencryptor" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Encryptor" class="placeholder">
   118 <!-- this should have its own bld.inf or be removed as a component -->
   119 </component>
   120 <component name="drmsettingsplugin" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Settings Plugin" plugin="Y" class="placeholder">
   121 <!-- this should have its own bld.inf or be removed as a component -->
   122 </component>
   123 <component name="drmrightsmanagerui" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Rights Manager UI">
   124 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/commondrm/drmrightsmanagerui/help/group"/>
   125 </component>
   126 <component name="drmutility" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Utility">
   127 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/commondrm/drmutility/group"/>
   128 </component>
   129 <component name="drmserviceapiwrapper" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Service API Wrapper">
   130 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/commondrm/drmserviceapiwrapper/group"/>
   131 </component>
   132 <component name="drmrightsstoringlocation" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Rights Storing Location">
   133 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/commondrm/drmrightsstoringlocation/group"/>
   134 </component>
   135 <component name="commondrm_build" filter="s60" long-name="Common DRM Build">
   136 <!-- should be split into the above files, or them collapsed into a single component -->
   137 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/commondrm/group"/>
   138 </component>
   139 </collection>
   140 <collection name="omadrm" long-name="OMA DRM" level="server">
   141 <!-- collection is really a component. Move down a directory -->
   142 <component name="omadrm_build" filter="s60" long-name="OMA DRM Build">
   143 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/omadrm/group"/>
   144 </component>
   145 <component name="foundationcerts" filter="sf_build" long-name="Foundation Certificates">
   146 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/omadrm/foundationcerts/group"/>
   147 </component>
   148 </collection>
   149 <collection name="wmdrm" long-name="Windows Media DRM" level="framework">
   150 <!-- collection is really a component. Move down a directory -->
   151 <component name="wmdrm_build" filter="s60" long-name="WM DRM Build">
   152 <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/wmdrm/group"/>
   153 </component>
   154 </collection>
   155 <collection name="drm_info" long-name="DRM Info" level="specific"/>
   156 </block>
   157 </layer>
   158 </systemModel>
   159 </SystemDefinition>