changeset 245 30e67220bf86
parent 141 27d9d356efbf
child 251 ad68860ceed4
--- a/symbian3/app/location/package_definition.xml	Tue May 25 11:17:36 2010 +0100
+++ b/symbian3/app/location/package_definition.xml	Wed May 26 17:18:20 2010 +0100
@@ -1,197 +1,121 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
-<!ELEMENT SystemDefinition ( systemModel )>
-<!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
-<!-- all paths are relative to the environment variable specified by the root attribute, or SOURCEROOT if not.  -->
-<!-- System Model Section of DTD -->
-<!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
-<!ELEMENT layer (block* | collection*)*>
-<!-- Kernel Services, Base Services, OS Services, Etc -->
-<!ATTLIST layer
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT block (subblock* | collection*)*>
- <!-- Generic OS services, Comms Services, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST block
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT subblock (collection)*>
-<!-- Cellular Baseband Services, Networking Services, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST subblock
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT collection (component)*>
-<!-- Screen Driver, Content Handling, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST collection
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT component (unit)*>
-<!-- contains units or is a  package or prebuilt -->
-<!ATTLIST component
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-  deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED
-  introduced CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED
-  plugin (Y|N) "N"
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  supports CDATA #IMPLIED
-  purpose ( optional | mandatory | development ) "optional"
-<!-- must be buildable (bld.inf) -->
-<!-- bldFile  may someday be removed in favour of mrp -->
-<!ATTLIST unit
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  prebuilt NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
-  late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
-  priority CDATA #IMPLIED
-<SystemDefinition name="Symbian^3" schema="2.0.1">
-  <systemModel>
-    <layer name="app" long-name="Applications" levels="services apps">
-      <block name="location" level="apps" long-name="Location Apps" levels="ui events loc apps">
-        <collection name="loc_plat" long-name="Location Apps Platform Interfaces" level="apps">
-          <component name="location_centre_api" long-name="Location Centre API" introduced="^3" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/loc_plat/location_centre_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="loc_pub" long-name="Location Apps Public Interfaces" level="apps">
-          <component name="landmarks_ui_selector_api" long-name="Landmarks UI Selector API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/loc_pub/landmarks_ui_selector_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="landmarks_ui_addedit_api" long-name="Landmarks UI Add/Edit API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/loc_pub/landmarks_ui_addedit_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="basiclocationinfodisplay" long-name="Basic Location Info Display" level="ui">
-          <component name="blid" filter="s60" long-name="Basic Location Info Display Build">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/basiclocationinfodisplay/blid/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="landmarksui" long-name="Landmarks UI" level="loc">
-          <component name="landmarksui_help" filter="s60" long-name="Landmarks UI Help">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/landmarksui/help/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="landmarksui_engine" filter="s60" long-name="Landmarks UI Engine">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/landmarksui/engine/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="uicontrols" filter="s60" long-name="Landmarks UI Controls">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/landmarksui/uicontrols/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="landmarksui_commonui" filter="s60" long-name="Landmarks Common UI">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/landmarksui/commonui/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="landmarksui_app" filter="s60" long-name="Landmarks Application">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/landmarksui/app/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="msgviewer" filter="s60" long-name="Landmarks Message Viewer">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/landmarksui/msgviewer/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="landmarksui_build" filter="s60" long-name="Landmarks UI Build">
-            <!-- consider distributing this into the other components or collapsing into a single component -->
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/landmarksui/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="eventsui" long-name="Location Events UI" level="events">
-          <component name="eventsui_help" filter="s60" long-name="Events Help">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/eventsui/help/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="eventsutils" filter="s60" long-name="Events Utils">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/eventsui/eventsutils/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="eventsengine" filter="s60" long-name="Events Engine">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/eventsui/eventsengine/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="eventshandlerui" filter="s60" long-name="Events Handler UI">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/eventsui/eventshandlerui/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="eventseditor" filter="s60" long-name="Events Editor">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/eventsui/eventseditor/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="eventsmgmtui" filter="s60" long-name="Events Management UI">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/eventsui/eventsmgmtui/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="eventsui_build" filter="s60" long-name="Events UI Build">
-            <!-- consider distributing this into the other components or collapsing into a single component -->
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/eventsui/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="locationlandmarksrefappfors60" long-name="Location Landmarks Reference App for S60" level="apps">
-          <!-- this is a component, needs to be moved down a directory -->
-          <component name="lmrefapp" filter="s60" long-name="Landmarks Reference Application">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/locationlandmarksrefappfors60/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="locationlandmarksuirefapp" long-name="Location Landmarks UI Reference App" level="apps">
-          <!-- this is a component, needs to be moved down a directory -->
-          <component name="lmuirefapp" filter="s60" long-name="Landmarks UI Reference Application">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/locationlandmarksuirefapp/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="locationsatviewrefapp" long-name="Location Satellite View Reference App" level="apps">
-          <!-- this is a component, needs to be moved down a directory -->
-          <component name="satellitereference" filter="s60" long-name="Satellite Info UI Reference Application">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/locationsatviewrefapp/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="simpsyconfigurator" long-name="Simulation PSY Configurator" level="ui">
-          <!-- this is a component, needs to be moved down a directory -->
-          <component name="simpsyui" filter="s60" long-name="Simulation PSY UI">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/simpsyconfigurator/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="mapnavproviderrefapp" long-name="Map and Navigation Provider Reference App" level="apps">
-          <!-- this is a component, needs to be moved down a directory -->
-          <component name="mapnavproviderrefapp_build" filter="s60" long-name="Map and Navigation Provider Reference Application">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/mapnavproviderrefapp/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="locationcentre" long-name="Location Centre" level="loc">
-          <component name="lcutils" long-name="Location Centre Utilities" filter="s60" introduced="^3">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/locationcentre/lcutils/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="lcservice" long-name="Location Centre Service Project" filter="s60" introduced="^3">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/locationcentre/lcservice/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="lcserver" long-name="Location Centre Server Project" filter="s60" introduced="^3">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/locationcentre/lcserver/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="lcapp" long-name="Location Centre Application" filter="s60" introduced="^3">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/locationcentre/lcapp/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="locationcentre_build" filter="s60" long-name="Location Centre Build" introduced="^3">
-            <!-- consider distributing this into the other components or collapsing into a single component -->
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/app/location/locationcentre/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-      </block>
-    </layer>
-  </systemModel>
+<SystemDefinition schema="3.0.0">
+ <package id="location" name="Location Apps" levels="ui events loc apps">
+  <collection id="loc_plat" name="Location Apps Platform Interfaces" level="apps">
+   <component id="location_centre_api" name="Location Centre API" introduced="^3" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="loc_plat/location_centre_api/location_centre_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="loc_plat/location_centre_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="loc_pub" name="Location Apps Public Interfaces" level="apps">
+   <component id="landmarks_ui_selector_api" name="Landmarks UI Selector API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="loc_pub/landmarks_ui_selector_api/landmarks_ui_selector_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="loc_pub/landmarks_ui_selector_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="landmarks_ui_addedit_api" name="Landmarks UI Add/Edit API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="loc_pub/landmarks_ui_addedit_api/landmarks_ui_addedit_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="loc_pub/landmarks_ui_addedit_api/group"/>
+   </component>  </collection>
+  <collection id="basiclocationinfodisplay" name="Basic Location Info Display" level="ui">
+   <component id="blid" filter="s60" name="Basic Location Info Display Build">
+    <unit bldFile="basiclocationinfodisplay/blid/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="landmarksui" name="Landmarks UI" level="loc">
+   <component id="landmarksui_help" filter="s60" name="Landmarks UI Help">
+    <unit bldFile="landmarksui/help/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="landmarksui_engine" filter="s60" name="Landmarks UI Engine">
+    <unit bldFile="landmarksui/engine/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="uicontrols" filter="s60" name="Landmarks UI Controls">
+    <unit bldFile="landmarksui/uicontrols/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="landmarksui_commonui" filter="s60" name="Landmarks Common UI">
+    <unit bldFile="landmarksui/commonui/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="landmarksui_app" filter="s60" name="Landmarks Application">
+    <unit bldFile="landmarksui/app/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="msgviewer" filter="s60" name="Landmarks Message Viewer">
+    <unit bldFile="landmarksui/msgviewer/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="landmarksui_build" filter="s60" name="Landmarks UI Build">
+    <!-- consider distributing this into the other components or collapsing into a single component -->
+    <unit bldFile="landmarksui/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="eventsui" name="Location Events UI" level="events">
+   <component id="eventsui_help" filter="s60" name="Events Help">
+    <unit bldFile="eventsui/help/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="eventsutils" filter="s60" name="Events Utils">
+    <unit bldFile="eventsui/eventsutils/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="eventsengine" filter="s60" name="Events Engine">
+    <unit bldFile="eventsui/eventsengine/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="eventshandlerui" filter="s60" name="Events Handler UI">
+    <unit bldFile="eventsui/eventshandlerui/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="eventseditor" filter="s60" name="Events Editor">
+    <unit bldFile="eventsui/eventseditor/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="eventsmgmtui" filter="s60" name="Events Management UI">
+    <unit bldFile="eventsui/eventsmgmtui/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="eventsui_build" filter="s60" name="Events UI Build">
+    <!-- consider distributing this into the other components or collapsing into a single component -->
+    <unit bldFile="eventsui/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="locationlandmarksrefappfors60" name="Location Landmarks Reference App for S60" level="apps">
+   <!-- this is a component, needs to be moved down a directory -->
+   <component id="lmrefapp" filter="s60" name="Landmarks Reference Application">
+    <unit bldFile="locationlandmarksrefappfors60/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="locationlandmarksuirefapp" name="Location Landmarks UI Reference App" level="apps">
+   <!-- this is a component, needs to be moved down a directory -->
+   <component id="lmuirefapp" filter="s60" name="Landmarks UI Reference Application">
+    <unit bldFile="locationlandmarksuirefapp/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="locationsatviewrefapp" name="Location Satellite View Reference App" level="apps">
+   <!-- this is a component, needs to be moved down a directory -->
+   <component id="satellitereference" filter="s60" name="Satellite Info UI Reference Application">
+    <unit bldFile="locationsatviewrefapp/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="simpsyconfigurator" name="Simulation PSY Configurator" level="ui">
+   <!-- this is a component, needs to be moved down a directory -->
+   <component id="simpsyui" filter="s60" name="Simulation PSY UI">
+    <unit bldFile="simpsyconfigurator/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="mapnavproviderrefapp" name="Map and Navigation Provider Reference App" level="apps">
+   <!-- this is a component, needs to be moved down a directory -->
+   <component id="mapnavproviderrefapp_build" filter="s60" name="Map and Navigation Provider Reference Application">
+    <unit bldFile="mapnavproviderrefapp/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="locationcentre" name="Location Centre" level="loc">
+   <component id="lcutils" name="Location Centre Utilities" filter="s60" introduced="^3">
+    <unit bldFile="locationcentre/lcutils/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="lcservice" name="Location Centre Service Project" filter="s60" introduced="^3">
+    <unit bldFile="locationcentre/lcservice/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="lcserver" name="Location Centre Server Project" filter="s60" introduced="^3">
+    <unit bldFile="locationcentre/lcserver/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="lcapp" name="Location Centre Application" filter="s60" introduced="^3">
+    <unit bldFile="locationcentre/lcapp/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="locationcentre_build" filter="s60" name="Location Centre Build" introduced="^3">
+    <!-- consider distributing this into the other components or collapsing into a single component -->
+    <unit bldFile="locationcentre/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+ </package>