changeset 246 f99f9ea9b39f
parent 217 fcee787f22fe
child 316 079a06b9ec58
--- a/symbian4/mw/drm/package_definition.xml	Wed May 26 17:18:20 2010 +0100
+++ b/symbian4/mw/drm/package_definition.xml	Wed May 26 17:30:43 2010 +0100
@@ -1,186 +1,132 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
-<!ELEMENT SystemDefinition ( systemModel )>
-<!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
-<!-- all paths are relative to the environment variable specified by the root attribute, or SOURCEROOT if not.  -->
-<!-- System Model Section of DTD -->
-<!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
-<!ELEMENT layer (block* | collection*)*>
-<!-- Kernel Services, Base Services, OS Services, Etc -->
-<!ATTLIST layer
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT block (subblock* | collection*)*>
- <!-- Generic OS services, Comms Services, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST block
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT subblock (collection)*>
-<!-- Cellular Baseband Services, Networking Services, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST subblock
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT collection (component)*>
-<!-- Screen Driver, Content Handling, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST collection
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT component (unit)*>
-<!-- contains units or is a  package or prebuilt -->
-<!ATTLIST component
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-  deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED
-  introduced CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED
-  plugin (Y|N) "N"
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  supports CDATA #IMPLIED
-  purpose ( optional | mandatory | development ) "optional"
-<!-- must be buildable (bld.inf) -->
-<!-- bldFile  may someday be removed in favour of mrp -->
-<!ATTLIST unit
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  prebuilt NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
-  late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
-  priority CDATA #IMPLIED
-<SystemDefinition name="Symbian^4" schema="2.0.1">
-  <systemModel>
-    <layer name="mw" long-name="Middleware" levels="generic specific">
-      <block name="drm" level="generic" long-name="DRM" levels="plugin framework server generic specific">
-        <collection name="drm_plat" long-name="DRM Platform Interfaces" level="specific">
-          <component name="roap_api" long-name="ROAP API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/roap_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drm_common_api" long-name="DRM Common API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_common_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drm_rights_api" long-name="DRM Rights API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_rights_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drm_legacy_api" long-name="DRM Legacy API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_legacy_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="dcf_repository_api" long-name="DCF Repository API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/dcf_repository_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drm_service_api" long-name="DRM Service API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_service_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drm_secondary_display_api" long-name="DRM Secondary Display API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_secondary_display_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drm_license_manager_api" long-name="DRM License Manager API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_license_manager_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drm_utility_api" long-name="DRM Utility API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_utility_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drm_agents_api" long-name="DRM Agents API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/drm_agents_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="wmdrm_core_api" long-name="WM DRM Core API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/wmdrm_core_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="wmdrm_access_api" long-name="WM DRM Access API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/wmdrm_access_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="wmdrm_ota_access_api" long-name="WM DRM OTA Access API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/wmdrm_ota_access_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="camese_utility_api" long-name="Camese Utility API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/camese_utility_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="camese_framework_api" long-name="Camese Framework API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_plat/camese_framework_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="drm_pub" long-name="DRM Public Interfaces" level="specific">
-          <component name="drm_helper_api" long-name="DRM Helper API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_pub/drm_helper_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="oma_drm_caf_agent_api" long-name="OMA DRM CAF Agent API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_pub/oma_drm_caf_agent_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drm_license_checker_api" long-name="DRM License Checker API" filter="s60" class="api">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/drm_pub/drm_license_checker_api/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="commondrm" long-name="Common DRM" level="generic">
-          <!-- it looks like this collection would be better as a component. If so, move down a directory. Otherwise, split up the bld.inf -->
-          <component name="drmencryptor" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Encryptor" class="placeholder">
-            <!-- this should have its own bld.inf or be removed as a component -->
-          </component>
-          <component name="drmsettingsplugin" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Settings Plugin" plugin="Y" class="placeholder">
-            <!-- this should have its own bld.inf or be removed as a component -->
-          </component>
-          <component name="drmrightsmanagerui" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Rights Manager UI">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/commondrm/drmrightsmanagerui/help/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drmutility" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Utility">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/commondrm/drmutility/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drmserviceapiwrapper" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Service API Wrapper">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/commondrm/drmserviceapiwrapper/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="drmrightsstoringlocation" filter="s60" long-name="DRM Rights Storing Location">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/commondrm/drmrightsstoringlocation/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="commondrm_build" filter="s60" long-name="Common DRM Build">
-            <!-- should be split into the above files, or them collapsed into a single component -->
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/commondrm/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="omadrm" long-name="OMA DRM" level="server">
-          <!-- collection is really a component. Move down a directory -->
-          <component name="omadrm_build" filter="s60" long-name="OMA DRM Build">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/omadrm/group"/>
-          </component>
-          <component name="foundationcerts" filter="sf_build" long-name="Foundation Certificates">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/omadrm/foundationcerts/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="wmdrm" long-name="Windows Media DRM" level="framework">
-          <!-- collection is really a component. Move down a directory -->
-          <component name="wmdrm_build" filter="s60" long-name="WM DRM Build">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/wmdrm/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-        <collection name="drm_info" long-name="DRM Info" level="specific">
-          <component name="drm_api_test" filter="s60,test,api_test" long-name="DRM Build" purpose="development">
-            <unit bldFile="/sf/mw/drm/tsrc/group"/>
-          </component>
-        </collection>
-      </block>
-    </layer>
-  </systemModel>
+<SystemDefinition schema="3.0.0">
+ <package id="drm" name="DRM" levels="plugin framework server generic specific">
+  <collection id="drm_plat" name="DRM Platform Interfaces" level="specific">
+   <component id="roap_api" name="ROAP API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/roap_api/roap_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/roap_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drm_common_api" name="DRM Common API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/drm_common_api/drm_common_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/drm_common_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drm_rights_api" name="DRM Rights API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/drm_rights_api/drm_rights_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/drm_rights_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drm_legacy_api" name="DRM Legacy API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/drm_legacy_api/drm_legacy_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/drm_legacy_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="dcf_repository_api" name="DCF Repository API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/dcf_repository_api/dcf_repository_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/dcf_repository_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drm_service_api" name="DRM Service API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/drm_service_api/drm_service_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/drm_service_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drm_secondary_display_api" name="DRM Secondary Display API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/drm_secondary_display_api/drm_secondary_display_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/drm_secondary_display_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drm_license_manager_api" name="DRM License Manager API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/drm_license_manager_api/drm_license_manager_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/drm_license_manager_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drm_utility_api" name="DRM Utility API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/drm_utility_api/drm_utility_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/drm_utility_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drm_agents_api" name="DRM Agents API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/drm_agents_api/drm_agents_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/drm_agents_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="wmdrm_core_api" name="WM DRM Core API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/wmdrm_core_api/wmdrm_core_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/wmdrm_core_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="wmdrm_access_api" name="WM DRM Access API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/wmdrm_access_api/wmdrm_access_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/wmdrm_access_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="wmdrm_ota_access_api" name="WM DRM OTA Access API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/wmdrm_ota_access_api/wmdrm_ota_access_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/wmdrm_ota_access_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="camese_utility_api" name="Camese Utility API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/camese_utility_api/camese_utility_api.metaxml"/>
+    <meta rel="config">
+     <defined condition="__WINDOWS_MEDIA_DRM"/>
+    </meta>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/camese_utility_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="camese_framework_api" name="Camese Framework API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_plat/camese_framework_api/camese_framework_api.metaxml"/>
+    <meta rel="config">
+     <defined condition="__WINDOWS_MEDIA_DRM"/>
+    </meta>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_plat/camese_framework_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="drm_pub" name="DRM Public Interfaces" level="specific">
+   <component id="drm_helper_api" name="DRM Helper API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_pub/drm_helper_api/drm_helper_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_pub/drm_helper_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="oma_drm_caf_agent_api" name="OMA DRM CAF Agent API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_pub/oma_drm_caf_agent_api/oma_drm_caf_agent_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_pub/oma_drm_caf_agent_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drm_license_checker_api" name="DRM License Checker API" class="api" filter="s60">
+    <meta rel="Api" href="drm_pub/drm_license_checker_api/drm_license_checker_api.metaxml"/>
+    <unit bldFile="drm_pub/drm_license_checker_api/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="commondrm" name="Common DRM" level="generic">
+   <!-- it looks like this collection would be better as a component. If so, move down a directory. Otherwise, split up the bld.inf -->
+   <component id="drmencryptor" filter="s60" name="DRM Encryptor">
+    <!-- this should have its own bld.inf or be removed as a component -->
+   </component>
+   <component id="drmsettingsplugin" filter="s60" name="DRM Settings Plugin" class="plugin">
+    <!-- this should have its own bld.inf or be removed as a component -->
+   </component>
+   <component id="drmrightsmanagerui" filter="s60" name="DRM Rights Manager UI">
+    <unit bldFile="commondrm/drmrightsmanagerui/help/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drmutility" filter="s60" name="DRM Utility">
+    <unit bldFile="commondrm/drmutility/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drmserviceapiwrapper" filter="s60" name="DRM Service API Wrapper">
+    <unit bldFile="commondrm/drmserviceapiwrapper/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="drmrightsstoringlocation" filter="s60" name="DRM Rights Storing Location">
+    <unit bldFile="commondrm/drmrightsstoringlocation/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="commondrm_build" filter="s60" name="Common DRM Build">
+    <!-- should be split into the above files, or them collapsed into a single component -->
+    <unit bldFile="commondrm/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="omadrm" name="OMA DRM" level="server">
+   <!-- collection is really a component. Move down a directory -->
+   <component id="omadrm_build" filter="s60" name="OMA DRM Build">
+    <unit bldFile="omadrm/group"/>
+   </component>
+   <component id="foundationcerts" filter="sf_build" name="Foundation Certificates">
+    <unit bldFile="omadrm/foundationcerts/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="wmdrm" name="Windows Media DRM" level="framework">
+   <!-- collection is really a component. Move down a directory -->
+   <component id="wmdrm_build" filter="s60" name="WM DRM Build">
+    <unit bldFile="wmdrm/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+  <collection id="drm_info" name="DRM Info" level="specific">
+   <component id="drm_api_test" filter="s60,test,api_test" name="DRM Build" purpose="development">
+    <unit bldFile="tsrc/group"/>
+   </component>
+  </collection>
+ </package>