author Bob Rosenberg <>
Mon, 19 Apr 2010 18:29:46 +0100
changeset 164 8309dda95234
parent 150 8d58b930d36e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed namespace problem when joining non-SF namespace files. Merge can now process fragement sysdefs of the same rank.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SystemDefinition schema="3.0.0" xmlns:qt="">
 <package id="camera" name="Camera Apps">
  <collection id="camerauis" name="Camera UIs">
   <component id="cameraxui" filter="s60" name="CameraX UIs">
     <meta rel="testbuild">
       <group name="camera_unit_tests"/>
     <unit bldFile="camerauis/cameraxui" qt:proFile="" filter="!test"/>
     <unit bldFile="camerauis/cameraxui/cxengine/tsrc/unit"  qt:proFile=""  filter="test,unit_test"/>