Sysdef tools: additional comments and help.
# Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use strict;
use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use XML::DOM;
my $output;
my $path;
my $config;
my @includes;
my %defineParams;
my %defines;
my $defaultns = ''; # needed if no DTD
my @newarg;
foreach my $a (@ARGV)
{ #extract all -I parameters from the parameter list
# need to add options for controlling which metas are filtered out and which are included inline
'path=s' => \$path,
'output=s' => \$output,
'config=s' => \$config
# -path specifies the full system-model path to the file which is being processed.
# This must be an absolute path if you're processing a root sysdef.
# If processing a pkgdef file, you can use "./package_definition.xml" to leave all links relative. Though I can't really see the use case for this.
# -output specifies the file to save the output to. If not specified this will write to stdout
# -config specifies the name of an .hrh file in which the configuration data is acquired from. If not set, no confguration will be done.
# -I[path] specifies the include paths to use when resolving #includes in the .hrh file. Same syntax as cpp command uses. Any number of these can be provided.
# if config is not set, no confguration will be done.
# If it is set, all configuration metadata will be processed and stripped from the output, even if the confguration data is empty
if($path eq '') {$path = '/os/deviceplatformrelease/foundation_system/system_model/system_definition.xml'}
($#ARGV == -1 ) && &help();
my $sysdef = &abspath(shift); # resolve the location of the root sysdef
# rootmap is a mapping from the filesystem to the paths in the doc
my %rootmap = &rootMap($path,$sysdef);
my %nsmap;
my %urimap;
if($config ne '')
{ # run cpp to get all #defines
my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
my $sysdefdoc = $parser->parsefile ($sysdef);
my $maxschema = $sysdefdoc->getDocumentElement()->getAttribute('schema'); # don't check value, just store it.
# find all the namespaces used in all trhe fragments and use that
# to set the namespaces ni the root element of the created doc
# should be able to optimise by only parsing each doc once and
# maybe skipping the contends of <meta>
my @nslist = &namespaces($sysdef,$sysdefdoc->getDocumentElement());
my $uri = shift(@nslist);
my $prefix =shift(@nslist);
if($prefix eq 'id namespace'){$prefix=''}
if(defined $urimap{$uri}) {next} # already done this uri
$urimap{$uri} = $prefix;
{ # need a new prefix for this, guess from the URI (for readability)
if($uri=~/http:\/\/(www\.)?([^.\/]+)\./) {$prefix = $2}
my $i=0;
{ # still no prefix, just make up
# next line not really necessary, but it's a good safety to stop infinite loops
$i eq 1000 && die "cannot create namespace prefix for $uri";
my $docroot = $sysdefdoc->getDocumentElement;
my $ns = $docroot->getAttribute('id-namespace');
if(!$ns && $nsmap{''})
$docroot->setAttribute('schema',$maxschema); # output has the largest syntax version of all includes
while(my($pre,$uri) = each(%nsmap))
$pre ne '' || next ;
&walk($sysdef,$docroot); # process the XML
# print to file or stdout
if($output eq '')
print $sysdefdoc->toString;
sub abspath
{ # normalize the path into an absolute one
my ($name,$path) = fileparse($_[0]);
if( -e $path)
return abs_path($path)."/$name";
my @dir = split('/',$_[0]);
my @new;
foreach my $d (@dir)
if($d eq '.') {next}
if($d eq '..')
return join('/',@new);
sub rootMap {
my @pathdirs = split(/\//,$_[0]);
my @rootdirs = split(/\//,$_[1]);
while(lc($rootdirs[$#rootdirs]) eq lc($pathdirs[$#pathdirs]) )
return (join('/',@rootdirs) => join('/',@pathdirs) );
sub rootMapMeta {
# find all the explict path mapping from the link-mapping metadata
my $node = shift;
foreach my $child (@{$node->getChildNodes})
if ($child->getNodeType==1 && $child->getTagName eq 'map-prefix')
my $from = $child->getAttribute('link');
my $to = $child->getAttribute('to'); # optional, but blank if not set
$rootmap{$from} = $to;
# once this is processed we have no more need for it. Remove from output
sub walk
{ # walk through the doc, resolving all links
my $file = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $type = $node->getNodeType;
if($type!=1) {return}
my $tag = $node->getTagName;
if($tag=~/^(layer|package|collection|component)$/ )
if($file eq $sysdef)
&fixIDs($node); # normalise all IDs in the root doc. Child docs are handled elsewhere.
my $link= $node->getAttribute('href');
my $file = &resolvePath($file,$link);
if(-e $file)
print STDERR "Note: $file not found\n";
elsif($tag=~/^(SystemDefinition|systemModel)$/ )
elsif($tag eq 'unit')
foreach my $atr ('bldFile','mrp','base','proFile')
my $link= $node->getAttribute($atr);
if($link && !($link=~/^\//))
$link= &abspath(File::Basename::dirname($file)."/$link");
foreach my $a (keys %rootmap) {
# remove leading ./ which is used to indicate that paths should remain relative
elsif($tag eq 'meta')
my $link= $node->getAttribute('href');
$link=~s,^file://(/([a-z]:/))?,$2,; # convert file URI to absolute path
if ($link ne '' )
print STDERR "Note: Remote URL $link not embedded\n";
next; # do not alter children
if(! ($link=~/^\//))
$link= &abspath(File::Basename::dirname($file)."/$link");
if(! -e $link)
print STDERR "Warning: Local metadata file not found: $link\n";
next; # do not alter children
# if we're here we can just embed the file
# no processing logic is done! It's just embedded blindly
my $item;
eval {
my $metadoc = $parser->parsefile ($link);
$item = $metadoc->getDocumentElement;
print STDERR "Error: Could not process metadata file: $link\n";
next; # do not alter children
if($node->getAttribute('rel') eq 'link-mapping')
{# need to process this now
else {return}
my $checkversion=0;
foreach my $item (@{$node->getChildNodes})
#print $item->getNodeType,"\n";
$checkversion = $checkversion || ($tag eq 'component' && $item->getNodeType==1 && $item->getAttribute('version') ne '');
if($checkversion && $config ne '')
{ # need to check the conf metadata on the units in this component
foreach my $item (@{$node->getChildNodes})
if ($item->getNodeType==1 && $item->getTagName eq 'meta')
sub combineLink
# combine data from linked sysdef fragment w/ equivalent element in parent document
my $node = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $getfromfile = &localfile($file);
$getfromfile eq '' && return; # already raised warning, no need to repeat
my $doc = $parser->parsefile ($getfromfile);
my $item =&firstElement($doc->getDocumentElement);
$item || die "badly formatted $file";
my %up = &atts($node);
my %down = &atts($item);
$up{'id'} eq $down{'id'} || die "$up{id} differs from $down{id}";
foreach my $v (keys %up) {delete $down{$v}}
foreach my $v (keys %down)
foreach my $child (@{$item->getChildNodes})
sub blindCopyInto
# make a deep copy the node (2nd arg) into the element (1st arg)
my $parent=shift;
my $item = shift;
my $doc = $parent->getOwnerDocument;
my $type = $item->getNodeType;
my $new;
$new = $doc->createElement($item->getTagName);
my %down = &atts($item);
while(my($a,$b) = each(%down))
foreach my $child (@{$item->getChildNodes})
$new = $doc->createTextNode ($item->getData);
$new = $doc->createComment ($item->getData);
sub copyInto
# make a deep copy the node (2nd arg) into the element (1st arg)
my $parent=shift;
my $item = shift;
my $doc = $parent->getOwnerDocument;
my $type = $item->getNodeType;
my $new;
$new = $doc->createElement($item->getTagName);
my %down = &atts($item);
foreach my $ordered ('id','name','bldFile','mrp','level','levels','introduced','deprecated','filter')
delete $down{$ordered}
while(my($a,$b) = each(%down))
foreach my $child (@{$item->getChildNodes})
$new = $doc->createTextNode ($item->getData);
$new = $doc->createComment ($item->getData);
sub getNs
# find the namespace URI that applies to the specified prefix.
my $node = shift;
my $pre = shift;
my $uri = $node->getAttribute("xmlns:$pre");
if($uri) {return $uri}
my $parent = $node->getParentNode;
if($parent && $parent->getNodeType==1)
return getNs($parent,$pre);
sub fixIDs
# translate the ID to use the root doc's namespaces
my $node = shift;
foreach my $id ('id','before')
sub fixID
# translate the ID to use the root doc's namespaces
my $node = shift;
my $attr = shift || 'id';
my $id = $node->getAttribute($attr);
if($id eq '') {return}
my $ns;
{ # it's got a ns, find out what it is
my $pre = $1;
$ns = $node->getOwnerDocument->getDocumentElement->getAttribute("id-namespace") ||
$ns = $urimap{$ns};
$id = ($ns eq '') ? $id : "$ns:$id";
return $node->setAttribute($attr,$id);
sub firstElement {
# return the first element in this node
my $node = shift;
foreach my $item (@{$node->getChildNodes}) {
if($item->getNodeType==1) {return $item}
sub atts {
# return a hash of all attribtues defined for this element
my $node = shift;
my %at = $node->getAttributes;
my %list;
foreach my $a (keys %{$node->getAttributes})
if($a ne '')
$list{$a} = $node->getAttribute ($a);
return %list;
sub ns
# return a hash of ns prefix and uri -- the xmlns: part is stripped off
my $node = shift;
my %list;
foreach my $a (keys %{$node->getAttributes})
my $pre = $a;
$list{$pre} = $node->getAttribute ($a);
return %list;
sub resolvePath
# return full path to 2nd arg relative to first (path or absolute URI)
my $base = shift;
my $path = shift;
if($path=~m,^/,) {return $path } # path is absolute, but has no drive. Let OS deal with it.
if($path=~s,^file:///([a-zA-Z]:/),$1,) {return $path } # file URI with drive letter
if($path=~m,^file://,) {return $path } # file URI with no drive letter (unit-style). Just pass on as is with leading / and let OS deal with it
if($path=~m,^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9]+:,i) {return $path } # absolute URI -- no idea how to handle, so just return
return &abspath(File::Basename::dirname($base)."/$path");
sub resolveURI
# return full path to 2nd arg relative to first (path or absolute URI)
my $base = shift;
my $path = shift;
if($path=~m,[a-z0-9][a-z0-9]+:,i) {return $path } # absolute URI -- just return
if($path=~m,^/,) {return $path } # path is absolute, but has no drive. Let OS deal with it.
return &abspath(File::Basename::dirname($base)."/$path");
sub localfile
my $file = shift;
if($file=~s,file:///([a-zA-Z]:/),$1,) {return $file } # file URI with drive letter
if($file=~m,file://,) {return $file } # file URI with no drive letter (unit-style). Just pass on as is with leading / and let OS deal with it
print STDERR "ERROR: $1 scheme not supported\n";
return; # return empty string if not supported.
return $file
sub namespaces
# return a list of namespace URI / prefix pairs, in the order they're defined
# these need to be used to define namespaces in the root element
my $file = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $type = $node->getNodeType;
if($type!=1) {return}
my $tag = $node->getTagName;
my @res;
my %nslist = &ns($node);
{ # push all namespaces defined here onto the list
if($tag=~/^(layer|package|collection|component)$/ )
{ # these have the potential of linking, so check for that
my $link= $node->getAttribute('href');
if(-e $link)
my $doc = $parser->parsefile ($link);
&checkSyntaxVersion($doc->getDocumentElement->getAttribute('schema')); # ensure we track we highest syntax number
my @docns = &namespaces($link,$doc->getDocumentElement);
undef $doc;
return (@res,@docns);
#ignore any children nodes if this is a link
print STDERR "Note: $link not found\n";
elsif($tag eq 'SystemDefinition' )
my $default = $node->getAttribute('id-namespace');
{# mangle with a space so it's clear it's not a qname
push(@res,$default,'id namespace');
foreach my $item (@{$node->getChildNodes})
return @res;
sub processMeta
{ # acts upon any known <meta> and strips it from the output if it's used
my $metanode = shift;
my $rel = $metanode->getAttribute('rel') || 'Generic';
if($rel eq 'config' && $config ne '')
{ # only process if there is something to configure
# do nothing. Not supported yet
sub doCmpConfig
{ # configure in or out the units in a component
my $cmp = shift; # the component node
my @unversioned; # list of all units with no version attribute (if more than one, they should all have filters defined)
my %versioned; # hash table of all units with a specified version, it's a fatal error to hav the same verison twice in one component
foreach my $item (@{$cmp->getChildNodes})
{ # populate %versioned and @unversioned to save processsing later
if($item->getNodeType==1 && $item->getTagName eq 'unit')
my $ver = $item->getAttribute('version');
if($ver eq '') {push(@unversioned,$item)}
defined $versioned{$ver} && die "Cannot have more than one unit with version $ver in the same component ".$cmp->getAttribute('id');
my @picks = &getMetaConfigPick($cmp); # the list, in order, of all <pick> elements that affect this component
foreach my $pick (@picks)
my $ver = $pick->getAttribute('version');
print STDERR "ERROR: Reference to invalid unit version $ver in component ",$cmp->getAttribute('id'),". Ignoring.\n";
{ # remove all other units;
delete $versioned{$ver}; # to avoid removing in loop
foreach my $unit (@unversioned, values(%versioned))
print STDERR "Note: unit ",$unit->getAttribute('version')," in component " ,$cmp->getAttribute('id')," configured out\n";
last; # done. No more processing after first match
{ # remove this unit and continue
print STDERR "Note: unit $ver in component " ,$cmp->getAttribute('id')," configured out\n";
delete $versioned{$ver}; # gone, don't process anymore;
if (scalar(@unversioned, values(%versioned)) > 1)
print STDERR "Warning: component ",$cmp->getAttribute('id')," has more than one unit after configuration\n";
sub getMetaConfigPick
{ # return an array of all <pick> elements that affect the specified element
my $node = shift;
my @pick;
foreach my $item (@{$node->getChildNodes})
my @picks;
if($item->getNodeType==1 && $item->getAttribute('rel') eq 'config')
{ # it's conf metadata
foreach my $p (@{$item->getChildNodes})
if($p->getNodeType==1 && $p->getTagName eq 'pick') {push(@picks,$p)}
@pick=(@picks,@pick); # prepend this to the start;
return @pick;
sub definedMatches
{ # process all <defined> and <not-defined> the specified element and return true or false if the combination matches
my $node = shift;
my $match = 1;
foreach my $def (@{$node->getChildNodes})
if($def->getNodeType == 1)
my $tag = $def->getTagName;
if($tag eq 'defined' or $tag eq 'not-defined')
my $var = $def->getAttribute('condition') || die "Must have condition set on all $tag elements";
$defineParams{$var} && die "Cannot use a macro with parameters as a feature flag: $var(".$defineParams{$var}->[0].")";
$match = $match && (($tag eq 'defined') ? defined($defines{$var}) : ! defined($defines{$var}));
return $match;
sub doconfig
{ # confgure in or out a system model item that owns the specified <meta>, remove the <meta> when done.
my $meta = shift;
my $keep = definedMatches($meta);
my $parent = $meta->getParentNode;
print STDERR "Note: ",$parent->getTagName," " ,$parent->getAttribute('id')," configured out\n";
return; # it's removed, so there's nothing else we can possibly do
sub getDefines
{ # populate the list of #defines from a specified .hrh file.
my $file = shift;
my $inc;
foreach my $i (@includes)
$inc.=" -I$i";
open(CPP,"cpp -dD$inc \"$file\"|");
if(!/\S/){next} # skip blank lines
if(/^# [0-9]+ /) {next} # don't care about these
{ #parametered define
{ # normal define
my $def = $1;
else {die "cannot process $_";}
close CPP;
$? && die "Call to cpp produced an error";
sub checkSyntaxVersion
{ # check if supplied version number is greater than $maxschema
my $schema = shift;
my @max=split(/\./,$maxschema);
my @cur=split(/\./,$schema);
($max[0] > $cur[0]) && return; # max is bigger, do nothing
if($cur[0] > $max[0])
shift @max;
shift @cur;
# they are equal - do nothing
sub help
my $name= $0; $name=~s,^.*[\\/],,;
print STDERR "usage: $name [options...] sysdef\n\nvalid options are:\n",
" -path\tspecifies the full system-model path to the file which is being processed. By default this is \"/os/deviceplatformrelease/foundation_system/system_model/system_definition.xml\"\n",
"\t\tThis must be an absolute path if you're processing a root sysdef.\n",
"\t\tIf processing a pkgdef file, you can use \"./package_definition.xml\" to leave all links relative.\n\n",
" -output\tspecifies the file to save the output to. If not specified this will write to stdout\n\n",
" -config\tspecifies the name of an .hrh file in which the configuration data is acquired from. If not set, no confguration will be done.\n",
"\t\tIf it is set, all configuration metadata will be processed and stripped from the output, even if the confguration data is empty\n\n",
" -I[path]\tspecifies the include paths to use when resolving #includes in the .hrh file. This uses the same syntax as cpp command uses: a captial \"I\" followed by the path with no space in between. Any number of these can be provided.\n";