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Turn on source caching for micro build
2010-02-09, by Simon Howkins
Update symbian2/sdkFiles.txt with missing S^1 SDK header files
2010-02-21, by William Roberts
Use FCL for mw/mmappfw, until Bug 1961 is fixed
2010-02-19, by William Roberts
Use FCL for mw/homescreensrv, to get fix for Bug 1960
2010-02-19, by William Roberts
Use FCLs for mw/classicui and os/security
2010-02-18, by William Roberts
Updated all OSS entries in all platform sources.csv to move from addressing the mercurial_master_prod copy to the live web server itself.
2010-02-16, by Simon Howkins
Turn on source caching for micro build
2010-02-09, by Simon Howkins
Add rootcertificates to symbian2 model (last bit of bug 805). Also delete obsolete models
2010-02-19, by andy simpson
Added tag PDK_3.0.g for changeset e955bd6acdb8
2010-02-11, by Shabe Razvi
Add ConE cenrep config files to Symbian^3 single model project
2010-02-10, by Shabe Razvi
Sources to use when building compiler compatibility fixes.
2010-02-10, by Simon Howkins
Added remoteconn to our set of FCLs: Bug 1828 - OSS backupengine missing all def files.
2010-02-09, by MattD
Symbian3 FCL sources.csv - UITools now FCL as we need to build CdlCompiler.exe (and aknlayoutcompiler, when I get it working).
2010-02-09, by MattD
Remove swconfigtools and swap graphics to use OSS FCL
2010-02-09, by Shabe Razvi
Use SFL graphics in mercurial_development cache
2010-02-09, by Shabe Razvi
Symbian3 sources_fcl.csv files - Removed the folloing non-contributed OSS repos: imgvieweruis, poc, videocenter, and changed swconfigtools back to SFL as the current oss repo is empty.
2010-02-09, by MattD
Symbian3 job_props - updated 'sf.previous.pdk.tag' to 'PDK_3.0.f'
2010-02-08, by MattD
Remove app\gallery from manifest
2010-02-08, by Shabe Razvi
Update Symbian^3 manifest for single and split projects. Remove redundant ones.
2010-02-08, by Shabe Razvi
symbian3 models - Added 3GPExtParserLib_stub to fix Bug 1529
2010-02-05, by MattD
Added tag PDK_3.0.f for changeset ae56cbc47e4b
2010-02-04, by Simon Howkins
Creation of TAGS branch.
2010-02-03, by Simon Howkins
Freeze csv for single project
2010-02-02, by Shabe Razvi
Freeze at FCL.280 + updates to graphics,textandloc + uiresources
2010-02-02, by Shabe Razvi
Use FCL re-fix Bug 1543 - freetype.dll cannot be built. Also catchup s^3 single project manifest.
2010-02-02, by Shabe Razvi
Add FCL to fix damaged USB package (Bug 1634)
2010-02-01, by Shabe Razvi
Use FCL for sf/mw/mds, to get bugfix for harvestserver memory leak panics
2010-02-01, by William Roberts
update single model to match latest wk04 updates, also remove tzdatabase from split model
2010-02-01, by andy simpson
Add bld.inf for new deviceplatformreleases/sf_config/cenrep
2010-02-01, by Shabe Razvi
Turned off build publication by default, so no publication happens (by default) when a micro build is run from the command line.
2010-02-01, by Simon Howkins
Symbian3 split week3 csv - updated the csv to take the new change in graphics.
2010-01-29, by MattD
FCL no longer needed for sf/mw/remoteconn (Bug 688 is fixed)
2010-01-29, by William Roberts
FCL no longer needed for sf/os/textandloc (Bug 414 and Bug 1543 now fixed)
2010-01-29, by William Roberts
FCL for sf/os/boardsupport is no longer needed
2010-01-29, by William Roberts
udpate split models for wk04 drop
2010-01-29, by andy simpson
No longer need an FCL for sf/mw/usbservices
2010-01-29, by William Roberts
No longer need an FCL for sf/os/mm
2010-01-29, by William Roberts
switch to oss for 5 new oss repos from wk04 delivery. Also remove os/unref repo as unused
2010-01-29, by andy simpson
Symbian3 split model - Added sources_FCL27.178.csv temporarily.
2010-01-29, by MattD
Set properties and supplied files to sync the smoketest repo onto the build machine.
2010-01-27, by Simon Howkins
S3 split model staging FCL - taking stubs, ipappprotocols and lbs from mercurial_dev FCLs
2010-01-27, by MattD
symbian3 split sources_staging_fcl.csv - take phone FCL from mercurial_development
2010-01-26, by MattD
Swap to OSS repos in staging csv for -
2010-01-25, by Shabe Razvi
updated models for wk03 drop
2010-01-25, by andy simpson
Use FCL for adaptation\stubs
2010-01-21, by Shabe Razvi
Catchup split with single project manifest
2010-01-19, by Shabe Razvi
updated symbian3 split gt model for latest os/mm package - not including test
2010-01-19, by andy simpson
Fix Charconv order in model
2010-01-19, by Shabe Razvi
os/bt is now OSS
2010-01-19, by Simon Howkins
adaptation/stubs package now OSS.
2010-01-19, by Simon Howkins
Symbian3 single model - Added OpenWF wserv directly.
2010-01-18, by MattD
Symbian3 - updated sf.previous.pdk.tag in job_props to PDK_3.0.e
2010-01-18, by MattD
Restore charconvplugins and fatfilenameconversionplugins components
2010-01-18, by Shabe Razvi
Minor symbian3 model changes : remove duplicate omxilcomponentcommon and add securitytestfw
2010-01-18, by andy simpson
Make use of NewGraphicsArchitecture branch in Graphics
2010-01-18, by Shabe Razvi
Use 3.0.e Graphics + NVG_Render_stage graphics repo
2010-01-17, by Shabe Razvi
add missing root to paths
2010-01-16, by andy simpson
adding changes for updated mm package_definition.xml
2010-01-15, by andy simpson
Use OSS homescreensrv and websrv.
2010-01-15, by Shabe Razvi
Remove redundant csv and rename required one to sources_staging_fcl.csv
2010-01-15, by Shabe Razvi
2010-01-15, by Shabe Razvi
Apply Bob's suggested changes (batch 2)
2010-01-14, by Dario Sestito
Apply Bob's suggested changes (batch 1)
2010-01-14, by Dario Sestito
Add sources_30f_no_collisions.csv
2010-01-13, by Dario Sestito
Catchup from app/java package name changed to app/jrt
2010-01-13, by Dario Sestito
2010-01-13, by Dario Sestito
Catchup from Andy's changes to the GT and S60 models
2010-01-13, by Dario Sestito
Change Java to JRT in line with renamed repository
2010-01-13, by andrew simpson
Point sources_30e_no_collisions.csv to os/mm FCL
2010-01-13, by Dario Sestito
Revert mmmw package to avoid removal of mmmiddlewarefws etc. from 200949 delivery
2010-01-12, by Shabe Razvi
Add sources_30e_no_collisions.csv to account for changes to avoid collisions GT/S60
2010-01-12, by Dario Sestito
Add sources_30e.csv from 3.0.e BOM
2010-01-12, by Dario Sestito
2010-01-11, by Dario Sestito
Comment out collection charconvfw to avoid collisions with S60
2010-01-11, by Dario Sestito
fix typo in sources.csv
2010-01-11, by andy simpson
Created new sources csv pointing to latest staging repos
2010-01-11, by andy simpson
Updated GT model based on received package_definition.xml files (using xslt to merge)
2010-01-11, by andy simpson
Updated s60 model to more closely match delivered / generated model
2010-01-11, by andy simpson
Fix sbs fails to parse XML file ('&' chars are not escaped)
2010-01-08, by Dario Sestito
Review properties and sources for symbian3/single. Also remove unused files
2010-01-08, by Dario Sestito
First drop of single model for symbian3
2010-01-07, by Dario Sestito
Added tag PDK_3.0.e for changeset fbe88c1d34af
2010-01-08, by andy simpson
Added SDK header list for S^3, so SDK headers will be separated when packaging.
2010-01-06, by Simon Howkins
Add NVGRenderStage component
2010-01-05, by Shabe Razvi
Symbian3 split - Moved KhronosRI from GT to S60 as stlport/new unavailable in GT.
2009-12-22, by MattD
Symbian3 split model - fix for accidentally submitting an intentionally broken s60 system model. oops
2009-12-18, by MattD
Symbian3 split model - added tiger app to S60 model, as it's a UI app.
2009-12-17, by MattD
Merge tags
2009-12-16, by MattD
Updated sf.previous.pdk.tag for all Symbian2 and Symbian3 job_props to PDK_2.0.2 and PDK_3.0.d respectively
2009-12-16, by MattD
Symbian3 split job_props - Changed toolsbaseline to a new one that has a modified evalid that can use Raptor tools
2009-12-16, by MattD
Symbian3 split sources_fcl.csv - Changed FCL to MCL for those components that should have been MCL in PDK3.0.d.
2009-12-16, by MattD
Added tag PDK_3.0.d for changeset a9404ce06609
2009-12-15, by andy.simpson
Added tag PDK_2.0.2 for changeset a32ecd59008f
2009-12-14, by andy simpson
remove duplicate entry in sdlFiles.txt
2009-12-11, by andy simpson
Removed build environment settings for checking the S^2 single model build, as the requirements for the rest of the projects have moved on anyway.
2009-12-10, by Simon Howkins
Changed the order of the raptor targets in so that
2009-12-11, by Simon Howkins
Catchup merge
2009-12-08, by MattD
Symbian3 split model- Added Khronos Ref Impl to gt model
2009-12-08, by MattD
Removed an item from the system model that just doesn't build - the source for the export (a zip) is missing.
2009-12-08, by Simon Howkins
Enabled the drive-space check, but with a reasonable amount to check for (2GB).
2009-12-08, by Simon Howkins
Removed RnD repositories not needed for the build.
2009-12-08, by Simon Howkins
remove references to empty repositories (makefile_templates, shortlinksrv and build_s60)
2009-12-07, by andy simpson
Set property for Symbian^2 platform builds which will be used to direct the SDK header packaging.
2009-12-04, by Simon Howkins
Symbian2 single model - Removing openvg11 which has an undesirable binary collision with the implementation based upon the Khronos Reference Implementation (added in changeset 66af16893de0)
2009-12-02, by MattD
Apply Bob's suggested changes to symbian2 hi-fi model
2009-12-02, by Dario Sestito
Use MCL SVGT now that OpenVG RI is being used.
2009-12-01, by Shabe Razvi
Add OpenVG reference implementation to model and switch to graphics and uiresources FCLs.
2009-12-01, by Shabe Razvi
Use platformtools FCL for mifconv SVGB encoding
2009-11-30, by Shabe Razvi
Updated to use the FCLs for qemu and beagle (as appropriate) so that the ROM building can be supported.
2009-11-26, by Simon Howkins
Switched to using the OSS repository for the kernel, as that's the one for all Symbian^3 builds to use.
2009-11-26, by Simon Howkins
Symbian3 split model - removing GT timezonedbr export by taking it out the model to fix the old 'ADTUpdate' boot problem.
2009-11-26, by MattD
Remove default commdb from GT and add buildplatforms to s60. Now s60_sbs_config.xml should be exported.
2009-11-25, by Shabe Razvi
Catchup Merge
2009-11-25, by MattD
Symbian3 split model - Added M3G_core_API and opengles_stub into model
2009-11-25, by MattD
change toolsbaseline to new s3 patched version with rom and feature tools fix
2009-11-24, by andy simpson
Updated all 'sf.previous.pdk.tag' properties to be 2.0.1 or 3.0.c
2009-11-23, by MattD
Symbian^3 split model - Taking usbservices from FCL
2009-11-23, by MattD
Symbian^3 split model - Made GT model valid XML
2009-11-23, by MattD
catchup merge
2009-11-20, by MattD
Symbian3 split model - Added usbservices to sources_fcl.csv. Hacked usbservices exports into s60 model (as we have missing bld.inf files referneced from root bld.inf). Changed graphics FCL to sync from 'NewGraphicsArchitecture' instead of 'default' branch.
2009-11-20, by MattD
Added additional graphics components to support NGA graphics (for use with NGA branch of graphics package)
2009-11-20, by andy simpson
Bug 1300 - System definition update required for security
2009-11-17, by Simon Howkins
Merge Tags
2009-11-16, by MattD
Merge Tags
2009-11-14, by MattD
Removed settings of some properties that can just be picked up from the file common to all platforms.
2009-11-12, by Simon Howkins
Added tag PDK_2.0.1 for changeset 4d217173fa4e
2009-11-13, by Shabe Razvi
Added tag PDK_3.0.c for changeset 4d217173fa4e
2009-11-12, by MattD
Symbian^3 split s60 model - Temporary patch - Added some graphics subcomponents as the root bld.inf was removed.
2009-11-06, by MattD
Added new RnD repo ("Aricent") to manifest for all builds.
2009-11-06, by Simon Howkins
symbian^3 split sources_fcl.csv - Minor change to changeset 4f07fda8d262, as realnetworks rnd repo was in twice
2009-11-04, by MattD
catchup merge
2009-11-04, by MattD
Symbian^3 split sources_fcl.csv - new FCLs for contacts,devicecontrol,homescreen,messaging,organizer,btservices,imsrv,locationsrv and phonesrv
2009-11-04, by MattD
Symbian^3 split gt model - added symhelp and bt_plat (which is probably s60)
2009-11-04, by MattD
Bug 492: "signsis.exe is missing from \epoc32\tools\ folder"
2009-11-03, by Simon Howkins
Added LBS SUPL protocol module to system definition, as it has now been contributed.
2009-11-03, by Simon Howkins
Bug 492: "signsis.exe is missing from \epoc32\tools\ folder"
2009-11-03, by Simon Howkins
Added new RnD package (realnetworks) to all platform builds.
2009-11-03, by Simon Howkins
Catchup merge (only tags affected)
2009-11-02, by MattD
symbian^3 split sources_fcl.csv - Added FCL for remoteconn (bug 688)
2009-11-02, by MattD
Symbian^3 sources_fcl.csv - Added commsfw and lbs as FCLs. Changed all FCL src locations to mercurial_dev.
2009-10-30, by MattD
merged tags
2009-10-26, by MattD
Symbian^3 microbuild - updated properties to bring it out of the dark ages.
2009-10-26, by MattD
Symbian^3 split props - Updated sf.previous.pdk.tag and baseline location.
2009-10-26, by MattD
Make QEMU package lower case for Linux compatability
2009-10-23, by Shabe Razvi
Symbian^3 split sources_fcl.csv - added missing slash to the location of 'gsprofilesrv', as it causes the caching to fail with the current buildmachine repo caching script.
2009-10-22, by MattD
Added tag PDK_3.0.b for changeset 0c2ae79cc428
2009-10-21, by Shabe Razvi
Symbian^2 sources_fcl.csv - pointing makefile_templates and platformtools to mercurial_dev to pick up mifconv mod.
2009-10-20, by MattD
Enable publishing for micro platform (make default apply)
2009-10-20, by Dario Sestito
Move source of kernelhwsrv repo
2009-10-19, by Shabe Razvi
Turn on ROMBUILD in Symbian^2 and Symbian^3
2009-10-19, by Shabe Razvi
catchup merge
2009-10-19, by MattD
Symbian2 model - renamed web 'memoryplugin' component to 'webmemoryplugin' in model to avoid name collision, and reinserted into model. Added 'system_model_trimmed.xml' which is a generated trimmed model made by preprocessing the bldinfs in the model and removing root-level bld.inf files if possible.
2009-10-19, by MattD
catchup merge of tags.
2009-10-19, by MattD
Update to use local staging cache
2009-10-16, by Shabe Razvi
Symbian^2 job_props - Changed 'sf.previous.pdk.tag' to 'PDK_2.0.0' from 'PDK_2.0.e'.
2009-10-16, by MattD
Symbian2 sources_fcl.csv files - qemu is MCL and not FCL.
2009-10-15, by MattD
Use internal version of deviceplatformrelease
2009-10-15, by Shabe Razvi
Set previous PDK as 3.0.a
2009-10-15, by Shabe Razvi
Updated source path of QEMU, as it now has a non-interim home in sf/adaptation
2009-10-14, by Simon Howkins
Added -k to let getenv keep going in the case where grace string properties are not ready yet.
2009-10-14, by ThomasE
catchup merge.
2009-10-14, by MattD
Symbian3 job_props - updated micro and single model 'sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list' property to 'S60_5_2_sf' to match split model.
2009-10-14, by MattD
Use PDK 3.0.a candidate as tools baseline
2009-10-14, by Shabe Razvi
Added tag PDK_2.0.0 for changeset b26a6e1e7113
2009-10-15, by asimpson
Added tag PDK_3.0.a for changeset 19d9d30fe44f
2009-10-14, by Shabe Razvi
Add OSS kernelhwsrv to sources_fcl.csv
2009-10-13, by Shabe Razvi
Add Beagleboard to the split model for Symbian 3.
2009-10-13, by Arnaud Lenoir
Symbian2 model - Removed Syborg from OS layer (should have been removed in changeset 51f8cbfb5460)
2009-10-12, by MattD
catchup merge.
2009-10-12, by MattD
Symbian2 - Syborg moved to adaptation from OS.
2009-10-12, by MattD
Add all RnD repos to sources.csv to ensure they will be excluded from PublicPDK
2009-10-12, by Shabe Razvi
Fixed value of SBS variant for Symbian^3
2009-10-12, by Simon Howkins
Created micro configuration for Symbian^3
2009-10-12, by Simon Howkins
Add epoc_additional to sources.csv to allow inclusion in packaging manifest
2009-10-12, by Shabe Razvi
Move syborg to adaptation layer
2009-10-09, by Shabe Razvi
Symbian^2 job_props.ant.xml - Modified 'sf.spec.toolsbaseline.location' to point to the PDT_1.2 overlay.
2009-10-09, by MattD
Set s60 config to S60_5_2_sf
2009-10-08, by Shabe Razvi
Updated sources_fcl.csv to point at http internal cache instead of UNC (more reliable)
2009-10-08, by ThomasE
Symbian2 single model - Added Syborg to sources_fcl.csv and to model.
2009-10-07, by MattD
Symbian^2 system model change - removing rfilelogger as a more recent version gets supplied in the PDK_overlay.
2009-10-06, by MattD
Symbian^2 sources_fcl.csv file single and split model - changed to using sf/os/mm from MCL as it's caught up with the FCL changes.
2009-10-06, by MattD
Symbian^2 job_props.ant.xml - Updating sf.spec.toolsbaseline.location to 'PDT_1.1_patched'
2009-10-06, by MattD
catchup merge
2009-10-06, by MattD
Symbian^2 job_props.ant.xml change - Changed sf.spec.baseline.location to use sf.previous.pdk.tag to select the baseline.
2009-10-06, by MattD
2009-10-05, by Shabe Razvi
Add syborg to sources_fcl.csv and to OS model
2009-10-05, by Shabe Razvi
catchup merge
2009-10-05, by MattD
Symbian2 micro sources.csv - removed double commas typo causing fmpp engine to blow up.
2009-10-05, by MattD
Add wk36 OS model and swap remaining FCLs from staging to live
2009-10-05, by Shabe Razvi
Symbian^2 - Changed sources.csv files to use RCL_1 for FCLs.
2009-10-02, by MattD
2009-10-01, by Shabe Razvi
Update after RCL_1 catchups
2009-10-01, by Shabe Razvi
Catchup merge.
2009-10-01, by MattD
Symbian^2 sources - Changed sources to come from the RCL_1 branch for symbian^2. Work on FCLs incomplete at the moment as the FCLS don't contain a branch for Symbian^2 yet.
2009-10-01, by MattD
Symbian^2 split model - Reordered the sources_fcl.csv to the same as single model, so that it's easier to keep up to date with the single model.
2009-10-01, by MattD
Update s60 model from wk39 code drop
2009-09-30, by Shabe Razvi
catchup merge. No files changed.
2009-09-29, by MattD
Symbian2 single model Buildenv.xml- removed requirement for XML::SAX as it's supplied with the FBF. Added wildcard on HELIUM_HOME check for using PDT_1.1 or 1.0, as some machines have Helium 5 in PDT_1.0 location.
2009-09-29, by MattD
Symbian2 single model - Changed from naming 4 explicit targets to just "winscw.whatlog,armv5.whatlog" as Raptor2.8.5 can cope with these in the iterate compile.
2009-09-29, by MattD
Updated PDT overlay location to use latest 1.1 + patches.
2009-09-29, by ThomasE
Fixed a typo in sources_FCL.csv
2009-09-28, by ThomasE
Updated sources_fcl.csv to re-insert graphics FCLs.
2009-09-28, by ThomasE
Removed setting of properties that don't differ from the common baseline.
2009-09-24, by Simon Howkins
Updated sources_FCL.csv to point at v800050 mirror + new FCLs for S^3
2009-09-25, by thomase
Add windowserver back into OS model
2009-09-24, by Shabe Razvi
New microscopic platform configuration which builds in about 10 minutes.
2009-09-11, by Simon Howkins
Add sf.previous.pdk.tag property default value as PDK_2.0.e for
2009-09-22, by Shabe Razvi
Add new property for BuildInfo.txt generation. Add new FCLs from Graphics.
2009-09-21, by Shabe Razvi
Removed osssrv SFL link (attempt to fix 199)
2009-09-18, by ThomasE
2009-09-18, by ThomasE
Added sysutil component to force bafl/sysutil.h to be exported.
2009-09-18, by ThomasE
Added utilities directory to the source synced onto the machine, as tools
2009-09-18, by Simon Howkins
catchup merge
2009-09-18, by MattD
Symbian^2 job_props: Updated to use PDK_2.0.e instead of PDK2.0.d
2009-09-18, by MattD
Update tools baseline for build servers that cannot rebuild TOOLS target
2009-09-18, by Shabe Razvi
Re-created sources_fcl.csv from sources.csv.
2009-09-17, by ThomasE
Remove non-contributed components from System Model
2009-09-16, by Shabe Razvi
Playing catchup with Symbian^3 split - updated symbian^2 single+split and symbian^3 single job_props for change in '' usage.
2009-09-16, by MattD
Fix error in DTD
2009-09-16, by Shabe Razvi
Add e32toolp for makefile exports and update location for required .hrh files
2009-09-15, by Shabe Razvi
catchup merge - pulling in tag for PDK2.0.e
2009-09-15, by MattD
Fix error in DTD
2009-09-14, by Shabe Razvi
Add missing packages
2009-09-14, by Shabe Razvi
Use tb92sf variant.cfg
2009-09-13, by Shabe Razvi
Add new and moved packages
2009-09-13, by Shabe Razvi
Add updated Symbian^3 models and remove redundant models
2009-09-13, by Shabe Razvi
Added tag PDK_2.0.e for changeset f824e7e4b419
2009-09-14, by MattD
Add full Symbian^3 GT model, replacing one generated from v3.0.0 model.
2009-09-04, by Shabe Razvi
Add BuildEnv.xml to enforce Raptor 2.8.5 and Helium 5.0
2009-09-03, by Shabe Razvi
2009-09-02, by Shabe Razvi
Add current Symbian^3 models
2009-09-02, by Shabe Razvi
bldmefirst - added new variables ( and to platform projects to remove hardcoded locations from platform build.xml
2009-09-02, by MattD
Fixed missing field in symbian^3 split sources.csv - same fix as this one by Shabe -> 8d131aa9c532 Fix missing field in split project
2009-09-02, by MattD
symbian^3 - changed split build sources.csv and sources_fcl.csv to point at mercurial_master_stage. Note that FCLs don't exist on stage, so sources_FCL won't work, and I've not done this for the combined model!!!
2009-09-02, by MattD
Symbian^2 sources_fcls - Now refer to new FCLs for videocenter (doesn't need cinidata.h), and IM (Bug 329). Reduces the number of unbuilt things.
2009-09-02, by MattD
Fix missing field in split project
2009-09-01, by Shabe Razvi
catchup merge
2009-08-28, by MattD
Updated Symbian^2 split sources_fcl.csv to take in latest changes from single model work.
2009-08-28, by MattD
Changed Appsupport to use FCL from Mercurial_dev instead of mercurial_master to take FCL change for building sysap.
2009-08-28, by MattD
Added helix unit to build the source now in the MCL.
2009-08-28, by Simon Howkins
Label projects as symbian2/symbian3 for easier identification.
2009-08-28, by Shabe Razvi
Restructure projects for symbian2 and symbian3. Old ex-nokia project removed.
2009-08-28, by Shabe Razvi
Typo fix for previous changeset - Need to take MCL version of DRM from mercurial_master_prod and not mercurial_development
2009-08-27, by MattD
sources_FCL.csv - rolling back DRM to use MCL instead of FCL. It appears that the cnahge to use an FCL for the s60_sbs_config.xml should fix the build with Raptor 2.8.5
2009-08-27, by MattD
Use FCL for sbs config schema 2.0 enabling the platform to be built correctly with Raptor 2.8.5
2009-08-27, by Shabe Razvi
Re-add missing sf.project.type property
2009-08-25, by Shabe Razvi
Use mercurial_development FCLs for buildtools and kernelhwsrv
2009-08-25, by William Roberts
Changed clean and foundation sources_FCL.csv to use DRM FCL for fix to make cryptoprep.flm export at the correct time.
2009-08-24, by MattD
Catchup merge with reordered model and repos. Manual merge on sources_fcl.csv...hopefully it'll be ok.
2009-08-24, by MattD
bldmefirst without repo - Removed bldmefirst repo from 'foundation' and 'clean', adn changed sources_fcl.csv files to use FCLs for 'deviceplatformrelease' and build bldmefirst from sources.
2009-08-24, by MattD
Removed setting of sf.project.type, as it's the same for all these projects, so can be done in the sf-platform config file.
2009-08-19, by Simon Howkins
Added helix packasge (now added to cache).
2009-08-21, by Simon Howkins
Sorted this sources csv file to match the order in the prebuilt system definition. This means that a system defintion which is collated from the peices in the csv file comes out the same as the prebuilt version, which verifies that it's all OK.
2009-08-21, by Simon Howkins
Corrected tech domains for packages where they were wrong, and added them where they were missing.
2009-08-21, by Simon Howkins
Moved packages in tools and ostools repository locations into the (new) corresponding layers of the model.
2009-08-20, by Simon Howkins
Moved conntools into "app" layer to match the repository location.
2009-08-20, by Simon Howkins
Removed top-bit-set characters from the middle of "Implementation".
2009-08-20, by Simon Howkins
Reverted to revision of system model where items are in the "correct" (non-alphabetical) order, according to the way in which it will draw the pictoral model and the sequence in which it would need to build things (when building sequentially rather than with Raptor).
2009-08-20, by Simon Howkins
catchup merge
2009-08-19, by MattD
republish of GT charconvplugins and GT charconv_fw being knocked out of regenerated model.
2009-08-19, by MattD
Updated to avoid trying to build something for non-building packages.
2009-08-14, by Simon Howkins
Added samsung rnd repository (UnistoreIII stuff)
2009-08-14, by William Roberts
Updated Techgnology Domain for Access Security package. Security -> Data Communications.
2009-08-14, by Simon Howkins
Add rnd/redist/objective_systems for the ASN.1 binary redistributable code.
2009-08-14, by William Roberts
Fixed package technology domains.
2009-08-13, by thomase
catchup merge - removed my foundation model changes from merge and will re-apply later (merge conflicts not worth resolving due to model order changing).
2009-08-12, by MattD
foundation config - changed to use 'sf.os.compile.iterate' to workaround problems with raptor with single model.
2009-08-12, by MattD
catchup merge
2009-08-07, by MattD
Removing GT charconv components that get overwritten in a standard S60 build. Note that this means that some tools are older.
2009-08-04, by MattD
Removed helix repository as it is not ready yet in mercurial.
2009-08-10, by ThomasE
Created layers for OS Tools and Tools, and added appropriate packages to these.
2009-08-07, by Simon Howkins
Added content to indicate that several of the tools components do actually contribute to the system model.
2009-08-07, by Simon Howkins
Moved conntools into its real layer - "app".
2009-08-07, by Simon Howkins
Removed top-bit-set characters from the middle of "Implementation".
2009-08-07, by Simon Howkins
Added helix package.
2009-08-07, by Simon Howkins
Sorted MW layer packages.
2009-08-07, by Simon Howkins
Sorted packages into order in the app layer.
2009-08-07, by Simon Howkins
Sorted packages in "os" layer into correct (alphabetical) order.
2009-08-07, by Simon Howkins
Put layers into correct (aphabetical) order.
2009-08-07, by Simon Howkins
Added a comma, so that fmpp should not barf because of an undefined value.
2009-08-06, by Simon Howkins
Removed references to package definitions for packages that do not contribute to the system definition.
2009-08-06, by Simon Howkins
Platform Build config change - updated baseline to PDK2.0d. Turned on baseline enable (to unpack
2009-07-31, by MattD
Removed publish.rootdir property to let the default one prevail
2009-07-30, by ThomasE
Added system_model_3K.xml for storage purposes.
2009-07-29, by ThomasE
Cleaned-up system model where non-contributed units are removed.
2009-07-27, by ThomasE
Re-added "osrndtools_plat" to allow aknicon.dll to be compiled.
2009-07-27, by ThomasE
Updated sources_fcl.txt according to clean project.
2009-07-24, by ThomasE
Updated SF system models to 2.0.d, containing fixes for bmconv.exe and licenseetsystub component.
2009-07-22, by ThomasE
Revert internal rnd repos to use mercurial_development
2009-07-21, by Shabe Razvi
Commit latest draft of Foundation model
2009-07-21, by Shabe Razvi
create tag for PDK2.0.d
2009-07-20, by andrew simpson
Use FCL of sf/mw/classicui, for changes related to BC testing
2009-07-20, by William Roberts
Reset after PDK 2.0.d cleanup - move all FCLs to refer to mercurial_master_prod
2009-07-20, by William Roberts
Use ossrv FCL containing sysutil.h collision fix
2009-07-19, by Shabe Razvi
Published os/buildtools FCL to website and mercurial_master_prod - update sources_fcl.csv
2009-07-17, by William Roberts
Commdb build fix in 'clean' config only - removing GT version from getting generated to stop collision with exported S60 version
2009-07-17, by MattD
Renamed RND repository from updated to epoc_additional.
2009-07-17, by ThomasE
Added two FCLs to cover fixes for 2.0.d
2009-07-16, by ThomasE
Add htui back into s60 model
2009-07-16, by Shabe Razvi
2009-07-15, by Shabe Razvi
Add correct OS model plus sysutil fix and add S60 model with corrected repo locations
2009-07-15, by Shabe Razvi
Add development FCL for sf/os/buildtools, with suggested fix for Bug 151
2009-07-14, by William Roberts
Correct header names
2009-07-10, by Shabe Razvi
Update source files to use new csv format
2009-07-09, by Shabe Razvi
Repair damaged path to GDI component
2009-07-08, by William Roberts
Move sf/os/security package from sfl to oss
2009-07-08, by William Roberts
Merge commit
2009-07-08, by Shabe Razvi
Update model with missing wk19 updates, add photos and contacts FCLs, remove mobiletv
2009-07-08, by Shabe Razvi
Add vanilla models extracted from Week 27 code drop
2009-07-07, by Shabe Razvi
Revert to using MCL version of packages that have delivered the changes we needed for platform builds.
2009-07-07, by Simon Howkins
Bug 146 - commdb export collision causes emulator instability - Model change to stop GT export.
2009-07-02, by MattD
Merged heads.
2009-06-25, by thomase
Remodeled S60sysdef to have a component-level breakdown.
2009-06-25, by thomase
Tag source matching PDK_2.0.c
2009-06-25, by andrews
Use default publish location
2009-06-24, by Shabe Razvi
Updated the "foundation" project to catch up with latest up-to-date "clean" project:
2009-06-23, by thomase
Pushed more FCLs to the website, then sync'd back down to master_prod
2009-06-19, by William Roberts
Move more of the FCLs to mercurial_master_prod
2009-06-19, by William Roberts
Use the mercurial_master_prod version of the kernelhwsrv FCL
2009-06-19, by William Roberts
Merge heads catchup
2009-06-19, by ThomasE
Added the merged version of foundation OS + S60
2009-06-19, by thomase
Catch-up from production system models.
2009-06-19, by thomase
Merge of config changes.
2009-06-19, by matt davies
Added 'tools' type to the clean build, for doing platform builds on machines which don't have vc6 installed.
2009-06-19, by MattD
Turned "sourcesync.usecache" to Off by default.
2009-06-19, by ThomasE
Clean up shortlinsrv vs shortlinksrv_2, and update sources_fcl.csv
2009-06-19, by William Roberts
Make use of updated and bldmefirst repositories
2009-06-18, by Shabe Razvi
Add homescreentools to s60 model.
2009-06-17, by Shabe Razvi
Add e32toolp to OS model
2009-06-16, by Shabe Razvi
Changed TEF location from lon-engbuild87 to v800008
2009-06-15, by matt davies
clean\sources_fcl.csv - fix for textandloc repo location should be FCL not MCL.
2009-06-15, by matt davies
SourcesXXX.csv files: changed all outstanding locations to point to //v800008/Builds01/... instead of //lon-engbuild87/d$/...
2009-06-15, by matt davies
Use FCL version of sf/mw/mmmw, for workarounds to Bug 72, Bug 73 and Bug 74
2009-06-09, by William Roberts
Switch to FCL for sf/os/mm, for workaround to Bug 68
2009-06-09, by William Roberts
Make PDT location available to all
2009-06-09, by Shabe Razvi
Merge changes
2009-06-08, by Shabe Razvi
Add project properties to allow getenv for Tools
2009-06-08, by Shabe Razvi
Add MD5 property to clean platform project
2009-06-04, by Shabe Razvi
Remove Hardware Resources Manager from GT build to allow S60 to build it
2009-06-03, by Shabe Razvi
Added system models used for svg representation.
2009-05-29, by thomase
Add sf/mw/appsupport FCL for Symbian Foundation SplashScreen branding
2009-05-28, by Shabe Razvi
Add sfl/FCL/tools/makefile_templates, since this is the effective source of mifconv.xml, not sf/tools/platformtools
2009-05-28, by William Roberts
Merge updates back to platform project
2009-05-27, by Shabe Razvi
Add iType R&D binaries from their own repository for MCL and FCL source
2009-05-27, by Shabe Razvi
Added system_model_os_contributed: updated to have an accurate version of schema 2.0.1.
2009-05-27, by thomase
Add FCL/sf/tools/platformtools, to support Deep's SVGEngine change
2009-05-27, by William Roberts
Add FCL/sf/mw/svgt, for Deep's SVGEngine change
2009-05-27, by William Roberts
Update for FCL locations and add .whatlog to tools/tools2 build
2009-05-26, by Shabe Razvi
Add sf/os/devicesrv to FCL
2009-05-22, by Shabe Razvi
Add FCL source list
2009-05-22, by Shabe Razvi
Sync Merge from server.
2009-05-19, by thomase
Backed out changeset: 196745c43e60
2009-05-19, by thomase
Merge sync from server.
2009-05-19, by thomase
Updated sources.csv to point at the new restructured hg cache.
2009-05-19, by thomase
Update platform projects to send test package by default
2009-05-19, by Shabe Razvi
Updated sources.csv to reflect the re-introduction of sfl/oss distinction
2009-05-13, by ThomasE
Updated sources.csv to remove osrndtools component from OS layer, and point at 87 production mirror.
2009-05-13, by ThomasE
Updated sources.csv from all projects to point at latest staging mirror.
2009-05-11, by ThomasE
Merge project changes
2009-05-11, by Shabe Razvi
Update project for PDK-6.2 build
2009-05-11, by Shabe Razvi
Update project to build from PDK src zips
2009-05-11, by Shabe Razvi
Update ref to correct model
2009-05-08, by Shabe Razvi
Update properties for PDK-3.8
2009-05-08, by BuildAdmin
Rename sf models to s60 to allow FBF to export
2009-05-08, by Shabe Razvi
Added new S60 system model (sf config version), updated ant job refs accordingly.
2009-05-08, by ThomasE
Updated system models according to week18 drop.
2009-05-08, by ThomasE
Add new s60_5_1_sf based config and remove old sysdefs
2009-05-08, by Shabe Razvi
Add week 18 system models for sos and s60
2009-05-07, by Shabe Razvi
Remove redundant sysdef files
2009-05-07, by Shabe Razvi
Added package switches from ex-nokia.
2009-05-05, by ThomasE
New project "clean" added: same as ex-nokia, but using RnD binaries instead of PDK baseline.
2009-05-01, by ThomasE
Package bin and src by default for platform projects.
2009-04-29, by Shabe Razvi
Package bin and src by default for platform projects.
2009-04-29, by Shabe Razvi
Updated system_model_os.xml by filtering the latest Wk18 GT SysDef with "official" list of contributed components.
2009-04-28, by ThomasE
Update EPL packages to correct location
2009-04-28, by shaber
Activated the what log.
2009-04-28, by ThomasE
Updated foundation models to merge latest platform_updated models.
2009-04-28, by ThomasE
Add FCL source to this project. To use it the property -Dsf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecfile must be set
2009-04-27, by ShabeR
Rename old platform projects
2009-04-27, by ShabeR
Run winscw.whatlog and remove raptor filtering
2009-04-24, by ShabeR
bldfiles Path separator changed to backslash
2009-04-24, by ThomasE
Updated sources.csv with epl/sfl disctinction added
2009-04-24, by ThomasE
2009-04-23, by ThomasE
Mew Model versions embedding gt-filter compatible components only
2009-04-23, by ThomasE
Update to use uiresources from FCL
2009-04-23, by Simon Howkins
Updated S60 and combined sf model (changed S60 Model input, now genxml-filtered first): PDK4.7
2009-04-22, by ThomasE
Commented out UnitRefs spotted as refering to non-existing units during GenXml model filtering
2009-04-22, by ThomasE
split build option turned to true for sf platform build
2009-04-21, by ThomasE
Merged with latest Simon changes.
2009-04-21, by ThomasE
system definition files renamed, project configured for the added split models, raptor traces filter turned on
2009-04-21, by ThomasE
New dir for a platform project which builds from FCLs (where present). (FCLs have updated content from wk16 interim drop.)
2009-04-21, by Simon Howkins
updated model - multiple unit versions filtered out
2009-04-20, by ThomasE
New Foundation model updated - PDK 4.4
2009-04-17, by ThomasE
New Foundation model - PDK 4.4
2009-04-17, by ThomasE
Changed for PDK4.3 build
2009-04-16, by ThomasE
New Foundation Model
2009-04-16, by ThomasE
1. Update properties to make raptor filter, delta lists and zips configurable.
2009-04-15, by ShabeR
Use updated foundation system definition
2009-04-09, by ShabeR
Rename system definition
2009-04-09, by ShabeR
Add foundation model based project
2009-04-09, by ShabeR
Make D:\SF_Builds the publish root
2009-04-07, by ShabeR
Add new project for platform build from Hg.
2009-04-07, by ShabeR
Add platform spec and associated sysdefs
2009-03-27, by shaberazvi
Changed location of baseline to point to Symbian TB91sf wk10 filtered
2009-03-17, by dariosestito
catchup from 68
2009-03-17, by dariosestito
New dummy spec matching the project spec reorg
2009-03-17, by dariosestito
Add dummy platform spec and source specs
2009-03-10, by shaberazvi
catchup with repo
2009-03-09, by dejianmeng
renamed project_spec.xml to project_spec.ant.xml
2009-03-09, by dejianmeng
Added tag fbf_projects_0.0.a for changeset 5bb2d9d0e868
2009-03-09, by shaberazvi
changed location of baseline in spec
2009-03-06, by shaberazvi
commit merge - we don't exactly know
2009-03-06, by shaberazvi
Add sf.spec prefix to properties to identify projet_spec specific properties.
2009-03-05, by shaberazvi
Merged with shabe's changes
2009-03-05, by dariosestito
Change location of baseline
2009-03-05, by dariosestito
Correct location of layers.sysdef.xml
2009-03-05, by shaberazvi
Add additional param for csv format for location of layer fragment
2009-03-04, by shaberazvi
Added dummy project spec files
2009-03-02, by Dario Sestito