changeset 0 02cd6b52f378
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dummy_foundation/lib/Date/Manip.pm	Thu May 28 10:10:03 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,7362 @@
+package Date::Manip;
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Sullivan Beck.  All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the same terms as Perl itself.
+use vars qw($OS %Lang %Holiday %Events %Curr %Cnf %Zone $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
+# Determine the type of OS...
+$OS="Windows"  if ((defined $^O and
+                    $^O =~ /MSWin32/i ||
+                    $^O =~ /Windows_95/i ||
+                    $^O =~ /Windows_NT/i) ||
+                   (defined $ENV{OS} and
+                    $ENV{OS} =~ /MSWin32/i ||
+                    $ENV{OS} =~ /Windows_95/i ||
+                    $ENV{OS} =~ /Windows_NT/i));
+$OS="Netware"  if (defined $^O and
+                   $^O =~ /NetWare/i);
+$OS="Mac"      if ((defined $^O and
+                    $^O =~ /MacOS/i) ||
+                   (defined $ENV{OS} and
+                    $ENV{OS} =~ /MacOS/i));
+$OS="MPE"      if (defined $^O and
+                   $^O =~ /MPE/i);
+$OS="OS2"      if (defined $^O and
+                   $^O =~ /os2/i);
+$OS="VMS"      if (defined $^O and
+                   $^O =~ /VMS/i);
+# Determine if we're doing taint checking
+$Date::Manip::NoTaint = eval { local $^W; unlink "$^X$^T"; 1 };
+# See the section of the POD documentation section CUSTOMIZING DATE::MANIP
+# below for a complete description of each of these variables.
+# Location of a the global config file.  Tilde (~) expansions are allowed.
+# This should be set in Date_Init arguments.
+# Name of a personal config file and the path to search for it.  Tilde (~)
+# expansions are allowed.  This should be set in Date_Init arguments or in
+# the global config file.
+if ($OS eq "Windows") {
+  $Cnf{"PathSep"}         = ";";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnf"}     = "Manip.cnf";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"} = ".";
+} elsif ($OS eq "Netware") {
+  $Cnf{"PathSep"}         = ";";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnf"}     = "Manip.cnf";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"} = ".";
+} elsif ($OS eq "MPE") {
+  $Cnf{"PathSep"}         = ":";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnf"}     = "Manip.cnf";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"} = ".";
+} elsif ($OS eq "OS2") {
+  $Cnf{"PathSep"}         = ":";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnf"}     = "Manip.cnf";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"} = ".";
+} elsif ($OS eq "Mac") {
+  $Cnf{"PathSep"}         = ":";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnf"}     = "Manip.cnf";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"} = ".";
+} elsif ($OS eq "VMS") {
+  # VMS doesn't like files starting with "."
+  $Cnf{"PathSep"}         = "\n";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnf"}     = "Manip.cnf";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"} = ".\n~";
+} else {
+  # Unix
+  $Cnf{"PathSep"}         = ":";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnf"}     = ".DateManip.cnf";
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"} = ".:~";
+  @Date::Manip::DatePath=qw(/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin);
+### Date::Manip variables set in the global or personal config file
+# Which language to use when parsing dates.
+# 12/10 = Dec 10 (US) or Oct 12 (anything else)
+# Local timezone
+# Timezone to work in (""=local, "IGNORE", or a timezone)
+# Date::Manip internal format (0=YYYYMMDDHH:MN:SS, 1=YYYYHHMMDDHHMNSS)
+# First day of the week (1=monday, 7=sunday).  ISO 8601 says monday.
+# First and last day of the work week  (1=monday, 7=sunday)
+# If non-nil, a work day is treated as 24 hours long (WorkDayBeg/WorkDayEnd
+# ignored)
+# Start and end time of the work day (any time format allowed, seconds
+# ignored)
+# If "today" is a holiday, we look either to "tomorrow" or "yesterday" for
+# the nearest business day.  By default, we'll always look "tomorrow"
+# first.
+# Erase the old holidays
+# Set this to non-zero to be produce completely backwards compatible deltas
+# If this is 0, use the ISO 8601 standard that Jan 4 is in week 1.  If 1,
+# make week 1 contain Jan 1.
+# 2 digit years fall into the 100 year period given by [ CURR-N,
+# CURR+(99-N) ] where N is 0-99.  Default behavior is 89, but other useful
+# numbers might be 0 (forced to be this year or later) and 99 (forced to be
+# this year or earlier).  It can also be set to "c" (current century) or
+# "cNN" (i.e.  c18 forces the year to bet 1800-1899).  Also accepts the
+# form cNNNN to give the 100 year period NNNN to NNNN+99.
+# Set this to 1 if you want a long-running script to always update the
+# timezone.  This will slow Date::Manip down.  Read the POD documentation.
+# Use an international character set.
+# Use this to force the current date to be set to this:
+require 5.000;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(
+   DateManipVersion
+   Date_Init
+   ParseDateString
+   ParseDate
+   ParseRecur
+   Date_Cmp
+   DateCalc
+   ParseDateDelta
+   UnixDate
+   Delta_Format
+   Date_GetPrev
+   Date_GetNext
+   Date_SetTime
+   Date_SetDateField
+   Date_IsHoliday
+   Events_List
+   Date_DaysInMonth
+   Date_DayOfWeek
+   Date_SecsSince1970
+   Date_SecsSince1970GMT
+   Date_DaysSince1BC
+   Date_DayOfYear
+   Date_DaysInYear
+   Date_WeekOfYear
+   Date_LeapYear
+   Date_DaySuffix
+   Date_ConvTZ
+   Date_TimeZone
+   Date_IsWorkDay
+   Date_NextWorkDay
+   Date_PrevWorkDay
+   Date_NearestWorkDay
+   Date_NthDayOfYear
+use strict;
+use integer;
+use Carp;
+use IO::File;
+$Curr{"InitLang"}      = 1;     # Whether a language is being init'ed
+$Curr{"InitDone"}      = 0;     # Whether Init_Date has been called
+$Curr{"InitFilesRead"} = 0;
+$Curr{"ResetWorkDay"}  = 1;
+$Curr{"Debug"}         = "";
+$Curr{"DebugVal"}      = "";
+$Holiday{"year"}       = 0;
+$Holiday{"dates"}      = {};
+$Holiday{"desc"}       = {};
+$Events{"raw"}         = [];
+$Events{"parsed"}      = 0;
+$Events{"dates"}       = [];
+$Events{"recur"}       = [];
+# Get rid of a problem with old versions of perl
+no strict "vars";
+# This sorts from longest to shortest element
+sub sortByLength {
+  return (length $b <=> length $a);
+use strict "vars";
+sub DateManipVersion {
+  print "DEBUG: DateManipVersion\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  return $VERSION;
+sub Date_Init {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  $Curr{"Debug"}="";
+  my(@args)=@_;
+  $Curr{"InitDone"}=1;
+  local($_)=();
+  my($internal,$firstday)=();
+  my($var,$val,$file,@tmp)=();
+  # InitFilesRead = 0    : no conf files read yet
+  #                 1    : global read, no personal read
+  #                 2    : personal read
+  $Cnf{"EraseHolidays"}=0;
+  foreach (@args) {
+    s/\s*$//;
+    s/^\s*//;
+    /^(\S+) \s* = \s* (.+)$/x;
+    ($var,$val)=($1,$2);
+    if ($var =~ /^GlobalCnf$/i) {
+      $Cnf{"GlobalCnf"}=$val;
+      if ($val) {
+        $Curr{"InitFilesRead"}=0;
+        &EraseHolidays();
+      }
+    } elsif ($var =~ /^PathSep$/i) {
+      $Cnf{"PathSep"}=$val;
+    } elsif ($var =~ /^PersonalCnf$/i) {
+      $Cnf{"PersonalCnf"}=$val;
+      $Curr{"InitFilesRead"}=1  if ($Curr{"InitFilesRead"}==2);
+    } elsif ($var =~ /^PersonalCnfPath$/i) {
+      $Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"}=$val;
+      $Curr{"InitFilesRead"}=1  if ($Curr{"InitFilesRead"}==2);
+    } elsif ($var =~ /^IgnoreGlobalCnf$/i) {
+      $Curr{"InitFilesRead"}=1  if ($Curr{"InitFilesRead"}==0);
+      $Cnf{"IgnoreGlobalCnf"}=1;
+    } elsif ($var =~ /^EraseHolidays$/i) {
+      &EraseHolidays();
+    } else {
+      push(@tmp,$_);
+    }
+  }
+  @args=@tmp;
+  # Read global config file
+  if ($Curr{"InitFilesRead"}<1  &&  ! $Cnf{"IgnoreGlobalCnf"}) {
+    $Curr{"InitFilesRead"}=1;
+    if ($Cnf{"GlobalCnf"}) {
+      $file=&ExpandTilde($Cnf{"GlobalCnf"});
+      &Date_InitFile($file)  if ($file);
+    }
+  }
+  # Read personal config file
+  if ($Curr{"InitFilesRead"}<2) {
+    $Curr{"InitFilesRead"}=2;
+    if ($Cnf{"PersonalCnf"}  and  $Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"}) {
+      $file=&SearchPath($Cnf{"PersonalCnf"},$Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"},"r");
+      &Date_InitFile($file)  if ($file);
+    }
+  }
+  foreach (@args) {
+    s/\s*$//;
+    s/^\s*//;
+    /^(\S+) \s* = \s* (.*)$/x;
+    ($var,$val)=($1,$2);
+    $val=""  if (! defined $val);
+    &Date_SetConfigVariable($var,$val);
+  }
+  confess "ERROR: Unknown FirstDay in Date::Manip.\n"
+    if (! &IsInt($Cnf{"FirstDay"},1,7));
+  confess "ERROR: Unknown WorkWeekBeg in Date::Manip.\n"
+    if (! &IsInt($Cnf{"WorkWeekBeg"},1,7));
+  confess "ERROR: Unknown WorkWeekEnd in Date::Manip.\n"
+    if (! &IsInt($Cnf{"WorkWeekEnd"},1,7));
+  confess "ERROR: Invalid WorkWeek in Date::Manip.\n"
+    if ($Cnf{"WorkWeekEnd"} <= $Cnf{"WorkWeekBeg"});
+  my(%lang,
+     $tmp,%tmp,$tmp2,@tmp2,
+     $i,$j,@tmp3,
+     $zonesrfc,@zones)=();
+  my($L)=$Cnf{"Language"};
+  if ($Curr{"InitLang"}) {
+    $Curr{"InitLang"}=0;
+    if ($L eq "English") {
+      &Date_Init_English(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "French") {
+      &Date_Init_French(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "Swedish") {
+      &Date_Init_Swedish(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "German") {
+      &Date_Init_German(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "Polish") {
+      &Date_Init_Polish(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "Dutch"  ||
+             $L eq "Nederlands") {
+      &Date_Init_Dutch(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "Spanish") {
+      &Date_Init_Spanish(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "Portuguese") {
+      &Date_Init_Portuguese(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "Romanian") {
+      &Date_Init_Romanian(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "Italian") {
+      &Date_Init_Italian(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "Russian") {
+      &Date_Init_Russian(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "Turkish") {
+      &Date_Init_Turkish(\%lang);
+    } elsif ($L eq "Danish") {
+      &Date_Init_Danish(\%lang);
+    } else {
+      confess "ERROR: Unknown language in Date::Manip.\n";
+    }
+    #  variables for months
+    #   Month   = "(jan|january|feb|february ... )"
+    #   MonL    = [ "Jan","Feb",... ]
+    #   MonthL  = [ "January","February", ... ]
+    #   MonthH  = { "january"=>1, "jan"=>1, ... }
+    $Lang{$L}{"MonthH"}={};
+    $Lang{$L}{"MonthL"}=[];
+    $Lang{$L}{"MonL"}=[];
+    &Date_InitLists([$lang{"month_name"},
+                     $lang{"month_abb"}],
+                    \$Lang{$L}{"Month"},"lc,sort,back",
+                    [$Lang{$L}{"MonthL"},
+                     $Lang{$L}{"MonL"}],
+                    [$Lang{$L}{"MonthH"},1]);
+    #  variables for day of week
+    #   Week   = "(mon|monday|tue|tuesday ... )"
+    #   WL     = [ "M","T",... ]
+    #   WkL    = [ "Mon","Tue",... ]
+    #   WeekL  = [ "Monday","Tudesday",... ]
+    #   WeekH  = { "monday"=>1,"mon"=>1,"m"=>1,... }
+    $Lang{$L}{"WeekH"}={};
+    $Lang{$L}{"WeekL"}=[];
+    $Lang{$L}{"WkL"}=[];
+    $Lang{$L}{"WL"}=[];
+    &Date_InitLists([$lang{"day_name"},
+                     $lang{"day_abb"}],
+                    \$Lang{$L}{"Week"},"lc,sort,back",
+                    [$Lang{$L}{"WeekL"},
+                     $Lang{$L}{"WkL"}],
+                    [$Lang{$L}{"WeekH"},1]);
+    &Date_InitLists([$lang{"day_char"}],
+                    "","lc",
+                    [$Lang{$L}{"WL"}],
+                    [\%tmp,1]);
+    %{ $Lang{$L}{"WeekH"} } =
+      (%{ $Lang{$L}{"WeekH"} },%tmp);
+    #  variables for last
+    #   Last      = "(last)"
+    #   LastL     = [ "last" ]
+    #   Each      = "(each)"
+    #   EachL     = [ "each" ]
+    #  variables for day of month
+    #   DoM       = "(1st|first ... 31st)"
+    #   DoML      = [ "1st","2nd",... "31st" ]
+    #   DoMH      = { "1st"=>1,"first"=>1, ... "31st"=>31 }
+    #  variables for week of month
+    #   WoM       = "(1st|first| ... 5th|last)"
+    #   WoMH      = { "1st"=>1, ... "5th"=>5,"last"=>-1 }
+    $Lang{$L}{"LastL"}=$lang{"last"};
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"last"},
+                      \$Lang{$L}{"Last"},"lc,sort");
+    $Lang{$L}{"EachL"}=$lang{"each"};
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"each"},
+                      \$Lang{$L}{"Each"},"lc,sort");
+    $Lang{$L}{"DoMH"}={};
+    $Lang{$L}{"DoML"}=[];
+    &Date_InitLists([$lang{"num_suff"},
+                     $lang{"num_word"}],
+                    \$Lang{$L}{"DoM"},"lc,sort,back,escape",
+                    [$Lang{$L}{"DoML"},
+                     \@tmp],
+                    [$Lang{$L}{"DoMH"},1]);
+    @tmp=();
+    foreach $tmp (keys %{ $Lang{$L}{"DoMH"} }) {
+      $tmp2=$Lang{$L}{"DoMH"}{$tmp};
+      if ($tmp2<6) {
+        $Lang{$L}{"WoMH"}{$tmp} = $tmp2;
+        push(@tmp,$tmp);
+      }
+    }
+    foreach $tmp (@{ $Lang{$L}{"LastL"} }) {
+      $Lang{$L}{"WoMH"}{$tmp} = -1;
+      push(@tmp,$tmp);
+    }
+    &Date_InitStrings(\@tmp,\$Lang{$L}{"WoM"},
+                      "lc,sort,back,escape");
+    #  variables for AM or PM
+    #   AM      = "(am)"
+    #   PM      = "(pm)"
+    #   AmPm    = "(am|pm)"
+    #   AMstr   = "AM"
+    #   PMstr   = "PM"
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"am"},\$Lang{$L}{"AM"},"lc,sort,escape");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"pm"},\$Lang{$L}{"PM"},"lc,sort,escape");
+    &Date_InitStrings([ @{$lang{"am"}},@{$lang{"pm"}} ],\$Lang{$L}{"AmPm"},
+                      "lc,back,sort,escape");
+    $Lang{$L}{"AMstr"}=$lang{"am"}[0];
+    $Lang{$L}{"PMstr"}=$lang{"pm"}[0];
+    #  variables for expressions used in parsing deltas
+    #    Yabb   = "(?:y|yr|year|years)"
+    #    Mabb   = similar for months
+    #    Wabb   = similar for weeks
+    #    Dabb   = similar for days
+    #    Habb   = similar for hours
+    #    MNabb  = similar for minutes
+    #    Sabb   = similar for seconds
+    #    Repl   = { "abb"=>"replacement" }
+    # Whenever an abbreviation could potentially refer to two different
+    # strings (M standing for Minutes or Months), the abbreviation must
+    # be listed in Repl instead of in the appropriate Xabb values.  This
+    # only applies to abbreviations which are substrings of other values
+    # (so there is no confusion between Mn and Month).
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"years"}  ,\$Lang{$L}{"Yabb"}, "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"months"} ,\$Lang{$L}{"Mabb"}, "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"weeks"}  ,\$Lang{$L}{"Wabb"}, "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"days"}   ,\$Lang{$L}{"Dabb"}, "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"hours"}  ,\$Lang{$L}{"Habb"}, "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"minutes"},\$Lang{$L}{"MNabb"},"lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"seconds"},\$Lang{$L}{"Sabb"}, "lc,sort");
+    $Lang{$L}{"Repl"}={};
+    &Date_InitHash($lang{"replace"},undef,"lc",$Lang{$L}{"Repl"});
+    #  variables for special dates that are offsets from now
+    #    Now      = "(now|today)"
+    #    Offset   = "(yesterday|tomorrow)"
+    #    OffsetH  = { "yesterday"=>"-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",... ]
+    #    Times    = "(noon|midnight)"
+    #    TimesH   = { "noon"=>"12:00:00","midnight"=>"00:00:00" }
+    #    SepHM    = hour/minute separator
+    #    SepMS    = minute/second separator
+    #    SepSS    = second/fraction separator
+    $Lang{$L}{"TimesH"}={};
+    &Date_InitHash($lang{"times"},
+                   \$Lang{$L}{"Times"},"lc,sort,back",
+                   $Lang{$L}{"TimesH"});
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"now"},\$Lang{$L}{"Now"},"lc,sort");
+    $Lang{$L}{"OffsetH"}={};
+    &Date_InitHash($lang{"offset"},
+                   \$Lang{$L}{"Offset"},"lc,sort,back",
+                   $Lang{$L}{"OffsetH"});
+    $Lang{$L}{"SepHM"}=$lang{"sephm"};
+    $Lang{$L}{"SepMS"}=$lang{"sepms"};
+    $Lang{$L}{"SepSS"}=$lang{"sepss"};
+    #  variables for time zones
+    #    zones      = regular expression with all zone names (EST)
+    #    n2o        = a hash of all parsable zone names with their offsets
+    #    tzones     = reguar expression with all tzdata timezones (US/Eastern)
+    #    tz2z       = hash of all tzdata timezones to full timezone (EST#EDT)
+    $zonesrfc=
+      "idlw   -1200 ".  # International Date Line West
+      "nt     -1100 ".  # Nome
+      "hst    -1000 ".  # Hawaii Standard
+      "cat    -1000 ".  # Central Alaska
+      "ahst   -1000 ".  # Alaska-Hawaii Standard
+      "akst   -0900 ".  # Alaska Standard
+      "yst    -0900 ".  # Yukon Standard
+      "hdt    -0900 ".  # Hawaii Daylight
+      "akdt   -0800 ".  # Alaska Daylight
+      "ydt    -0800 ".  # Yukon Daylight
+      "pst    -0800 ".  # Pacific Standard
+      "pdt    -0700 ".  # Pacific Daylight
+      "mst    -0700 ".  # Mountain Standard
+      "mdt    -0600 ".  # Mountain Daylight
+      "cst    -0600 ".  # Central Standard
+      "cdt    -0500 ".  # Central Daylight
+      "est    -0500 ".  # Eastern Standard
+      "act    -0500 ".  # Brazil, Acre
+      "sat    -0400 ".  # Chile
+      "bot    -0400 ".  # Bolivia
+      "amt    -0400 ".  # Brazil, Amazon
+      "acst   -0400 ".  # Brazil, Acre Daylight
+      "edt    -0400 ".  # Eastern Daylight
+      "ast    -0400 ".  # Atlantic Standard
+      #"nst   -0330 ".  # Newfoundland Standard      nst=North Sumatra    +0630
+      "nft    -0330 ".  # Newfoundland
+      #"gst   -0300 ".  # Greenland Standard         gst=Guam Standard    +1000
+      #"bst   -0300 ".  # Brazil Standard            bst=British Summer   +0100
+      "brt    -0300 ".  # Brazil Standard (official time)
+      "brst   -0300 ".  # Brazil Standard
+      "adt    -0300 ".  # Atlantic Daylight
+      "art    -0300 ".  # Argentina
+      "amst   -0300 ".  # Brazil, Amazon Daylight
+      "ndt    -0230 ".  # Newfoundland Daylight
+      "brst   -0200 ".  # Brazil Daylight (official time)
+      "fnt    -0200 ".  # Brazil, Fernando de Noronha
+      "at     -0200 ".  # Azores
+      "wat    -0100 ".  # West Africa
+      "fnst   -0100 ".  # Brazil, Fernando de Noronha Daylight
+      "gmt    +0000 ".  # Greenwich Mean
+      "ut     +0000 ".  # Universal
+      "utc    +0000 ".  # Universal (Coordinated)
+      "wet    +0000 ".  # Western European
+      "cet    +0100 ".  # Central European
+      "fwt    +0100 ".  # French Winter
+      "met    +0100 ".  # Middle European
+      "mez    +0100 ".  # Middle European
+      "mewt   +0100 ".  # Middle European Winter
+      "swt    +0100 ".  # Swedish Winter
+      "bst    +0100 ".  # British Summer             bst=Brazil standard  -0300
+      "gb     +0100 ".  # GMT with daylight savings
+      "west   +0000 ".  # Western European Daylight
+      "eet    +0200 ".  # Eastern Europe, USSR Zone 1
+      "cest   +0200 ".  # Central European Summer
+      "fst    +0200 ".  # French Summer
+      "ist    +0200 ".  # Israel standard
+      "mest   +0200 ".  # Middle European Summer
+      "mesz   +0200 ".  # Middle European Summer
+      "metdst +0200 ".  # An alias for mest used by HP-UX
+      "sast   +0200 ".  # South African Standard
+      "sst    +0200 ".  # Swedish Summer             sst=South Sumatra    +0700
+      "bt     +0300 ".  # Baghdad, USSR Zone 2
+      "eest   +0300 ".  # Eastern Europe Summer
+      "eetedt +0300 ".  # Eastern Europe, USSR Zone 1
+      "idt    +0300 ".  # Israel Daylight
+      "msk    +0300 ".  # Moscow
+      "eat    +0300 ".  # East Africa
+      "it     +0330 ".  # Iran
+      "zp4    +0400 ".  # USSR Zone 3
+      "msd    +0400 ".  # Moscow Daylight
+      "zp5    +0500 ".  # USSR Zone 4
+      "ist    +0530 ".  # Indian Standard
+      "zp6    +0600 ".  # USSR Zone 5
+      "novst  +0600 ".  # Novosibirsk time zone, Russia
+      "nst    +0630 ".  # North Sumatra              nst=Newfoundland Std -0330
+      #"sst   +0700 ".  # South Sumatra, USSR Zone 6 sst=Swedish Summer   +0200
+      "javt   +0700 ".  # Java
+      "hkt    +0800 ".  # Hong Kong
+      "sgt    +0800 ".  # Singapore
+      "cct    +0800 ".  # China Coast, USSR Zone 7
+      "awst   +0800 ".  # Australian Western Standard
+      "wst    +0800 ".  # West Australian Standard
+      "pht    +0800 ".  # Asia Manila
+      "kst    +0900 ".  # Republic of Korea
+      "jst    +0900 ".  # Japan Standard, USSR Zone 8
+      "rok    +0900 ".  # Republic of Korea
+      "acst   +0930 ".  # Australian Central Standard
+      "cast   +0930 ".  # Central Australian Standard
+      "aest   +1000 ".  # Australian Eastern Standard
+      "east   +1000 ".  # Eastern Australian Standard
+      "gst    +1000 ".  # Guam Standard, USSR Zone 9 gst=Greenland Std    -0300
+      "acdt   +1030 ".  # Australian Central Daylight
+      "cadt   +1030 ".  # Central Australian Daylight
+      "aedt   +1100 ".  # Australian Eastern Daylight
+      "eadt   +1100 ".  # Eastern Australian Daylight
+      "idle   +1200 ".  # International Date Line East
+      "nzst   +1200 ".  # New Zealand Standard
+      "nzt    +1200 ".  # New Zealand
+      "nzdt   +1300 ".  # New Zealand Daylight
+      "z +0000 ".
+      "a +0100 b +0200 c +0300 d +0400 e +0500 f +0600 g +0700 h +0800 ".
+      "i +0900 k +1000 l +1100 m +1200 ".
+      "n -0100 o -0200 p -0300 q -0400 r -0500 s -0600 t -0700 u -0800 ".
+      "v -0900 w -1000 x -1100 y -1200";
+    $Zone{"n2o"} = {};
+    ($Zone{"zones"},%{ $Zone{"n2o"} })=
+      &Date_Regexp($zonesrfc,"sort,lc,under,back",
+                   "keys");
+    $tmp=
+      "US/Pacific  PST8PDT ".
+      "US/Mountain MST7MDT ".
+      "US/Central  CST6CDT ".
+      "US/Eastern  EST5EDT ".
+      "Canada/Pacific  PST8PDT ".
+      "Canada/Mountain MST7MDT ".
+      "Canada/Central  CST6CDT ".
+      "Canada/Eastern  EST5EDT";
+    $Zone{"tz2z"} = {};
+    ($Zone{"tzones"},%{ $Zone{"tz2z"} })=
+      &Date_Regexp($tmp,"lc,under,back","keys");
+    $Cnf{"TZ"}=&Date_TimeZone;
+    #  misc. variables
+    #    At     = "(?:at)"
+    #    Of     = "(?:in|of)"
+    #    On     = "(?:on)"
+    #    Future = "(?:in)"
+    #    Later  = "(?:later)"
+    #    Past   = "(?:ago)"
+    #    Next   = "(?:next)"
+    #    Prev   = "(?:last|previous)"
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"at"},    \$Lang{$L}{"At"},     "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"on"},    \$Lang{$L}{"On"},     "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"future"},\$Lang{$L}{"Future"}, "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"later"}, \$Lang{$L}{"Later"},  "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"past"},  \$Lang{$L}{"Past"},   "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"next"},  \$Lang{$L}{"Next"},   "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"prev"},  \$Lang{$L}{"Prev"},   "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"of"},    \$Lang{$L}{"Of"},     "lc,sort");
+    #  calc mode variables
+    #    Approx   = "(?:approximately)"
+    #    Exact    = "(?:exactly)"
+    #    Business = "(?:business)"
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"exact"},   \$Lang{$L}{"Exact"},   "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"approx"},  \$Lang{$L}{"Approx"},  "lc,sort");
+    &Date_InitStrings($lang{"business"},\$Lang{$L}{"Business"},"lc,sort");
+  }
+  if ($Curr{"ResetWorkDay"}) {
+    my($h1,$m1,$h2,$m2)=();
+    if ($Cnf{"WorkDay24Hr"}) {
+      ($Curr{"WDBh"},$Curr{"WDBm"})=(0,0);
+      ($Curr{"WDEh"},$Curr{"WDEm"})=(24,0);
+      $Curr{"WDlen"}=24*60;
+      $Cnf{"WorkDayBeg"}="00:00";
+      $Cnf{"WorkDayEnd"}="23:59";
+    } else {
+      confess "ERROR: Invalid WorkDayBeg in Date::Manip.\n"
+        if (! (($h1,$m1)=&CheckTime($Cnf{"WorkDayBeg"})));
+      $Cnf{"WorkDayBeg"}="$h1:$m1";
+      confess "ERROR: Invalid WorkDayEnd in Date::Manip.\n"
+        if (! (($h2,$m2)=&CheckTime($Cnf{"WorkDayEnd"})));
+      $Cnf{"WorkDayEnd"}="$h2:$m2";
+      ($Curr{"WDBh"},$Curr{"WDBm"})=($h1,$m1);
+      ($Curr{"WDEh"},$Curr{"WDEm"})=($h2,$m2);
+      # Work day length = h1:m1  or  0:len (len minutes)
+      $h1=$h2-$h1;
+      $m1=$m2-$m1;
+      if ($m1<0) {
+        $h1--;
+        $m1+=60;
+      }
+      $Curr{"WDlen"}=$h1*60+$m1;
+    }
+    $Curr{"ResetWorkDay"}=0;
+  }
+  # current time
+  my($s,$mn,$h,$d,$m,$y,$wday,$yday,$isdst,$ampm,$wk)=();
+  if ($Cnf{"ForceDate"}=~
+      /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) {
+       ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
+  } else {
+    ($s,$mn,$h,$d,$m,$y,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time);
+    $y+=1900;
+    $m++;
+  }
+  &Date_DateCheck(\$y,\$m,\$d,\$h,\$mn,\$s,\$ampm,\$wk);
+  $Curr{"Y"}=$y;
+  $Curr{"M"}=$m;
+  $Curr{"D"}=$d;
+  $Curr{"H"}=$h;
+  $Curr{"Mn"}=$mn;
+  $Curr{"S"}=$s;
+  $Curr{"AmPm"}=$ampm;
+  $Curr{"Now"}=&Date_Join($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s);
+  $Curr{"Debug"}=$Curr{"DebugVal"};
+  # If we're in array context, let's return a list of config variables
+  # that could be passed to Date_Init to get the same state as we're
+  # currently in.
+  if (wantarray) {
+    # Some special variables that have to be in a specific order
+    my(@special)=qw(IgnoreGlobalCnf GlobalCnf PersonalCnf PersonalCnfPath);
+    my(%tmp)=map { $_,1 } @special;
+    my(@tmp,$key,$val);
+    foreach $key (@special) {
+      $val=$Cnf{$key};
+      push(@tmp,"$key=$val");
+    }
+    foreach $key (keys %Cnf) {
+      next  if (exists $tmp{$key});
+      $val=$Cnf{$key};
+      push(@tmp,"$key=$val");
+    }
+    return @tmp;
+  }
+  return ();
+sub ParseDateString {
+  print "DEBUG: ParseDateString\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  local($_)=@_;
+  return ""  if (! $_);
+  my($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s,$i,$wofm,$dofw,$wk,$tmp,$z,$num,$err,$iso,$ampm)=();
+  my($date,$z2,$delta,$from,$falsefrom,$to,$which,$midnight)=();
+  # We only need to reinitialize if we have to determine what NOW is.
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"}  or  $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+  my($L)=$Cnf{"Language"};
+  my($type)=$Cnf{"DateFormat"};
+  # Mode is set in DateCalc.  ParseDate only overrides it if the string
+  # contains a mode.
+  if      ($Lang{$L}{"Exact"}  &&
+           s/$Lang{$L}{"Exact"}//) {
+    $Curr{"Mode"}=0;
+  } elsif ($Lang{$L}{"Approx"}  &&
+           s/$Lang{$L}{"Approx"}//) {
+    $Curr{"Mode"}=1;
+  } elsif ($Lang{$L}{"Business"}  &&
+           s/$Lang{$L}{"Business"}//) {
+    $Curr{"Mode"}=2;
+  } elsif (! exists $Curr{"Mode"}) {
+    $Curr{"Mode"}=0;
+  }
+  # Unfortunately, some deltas can be parsed as dates.  An example is
+  #    1 second  ==  1 2nd  ==  1 2
+  # But, some dates can be parsed as deltas.  The most important being:
+  #    1998010101:00:00
+  # We'll check to see if a "date" can be parsed as a delta.  If so, we'll
+  # assume that it is a delta (since they are much simpler, it is much
+  # less likely that we'll mistake a delta for a date than vice versa)
+  # unless it is an ISO-8601 date.
+  #
+  # This is important because we are using DateCalc to test whether a
+  # string is a date or a delta.  Dates are tested first, so we need to
+  # be able to pass a delta into this routine and have it correctly NOT
+  # interpreted as a date.
+  #
+  # We will insist that the string contain something other than digits and
+  # colons so that the following will get correctly interpreted as a date
+  # rather than a delta:
+  #     12:30
+  #     19980101
+  $delta="";
+  $delta=&ParseDateDelta($_)  if (/[^:0-9]/);
+  # Put parse in a simple loop for an easy exit.
+ PARSE: {
+    my(@tmp)=&Date_Split($_);
+    if (@tmp) {
+      ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=@tmp;
+      last PARSE;
+    }
+    # Fundamental regular expressions
+    my($month)=$Lang{$L}{"Month"};          # (jan|january|...)
+    my(%month)=%{ $Lang{$L}{"MonthH"} };    # { jan=>1, ... }
+    my($week)=$Lang{$L}{"Week"};            # (mon|monday|...)
+    my(%week)=%{ $Lang{$L}{"WeekH"} };      # { mon=>1, monday=>1, ... }
+    my($wom)=$Lang{$L}{"WoM"};              # (1st|...|fifth|last)
+    my(%wom)=%{ $Lang{$L}{"WoMH"} };        # { 1st=>1,... fifth=>5,last=>-1 }
+    my($dom)=$Lang{$L}{"DoM"};              # (1st|first|...31st)
+    my(%dom)=%{ $Lang{$L}{"DoMH"} };        # { 1st=>1, first=>1, ... }
+    my($ampmexp)=$Lang{$L}{"AmPm"};         # (am|pm)
+    my($timeexp)=$Lang{$L}{"Times"};        # (noon|midnight)
+    my($now)=$Lang{$L}{"Now"};              # (now|today)
+    my($offset)=$Lang{$L}{"Offset"};        # (yesterday|tomorrow)
+    my($zone)=$Zone{"zones"} . '(?:\s+|$)'; # (edt|est|...)\s+
+    my($day)='\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"Dabb"};       # \s*(?:d|day|days)
+    my($mabb)='\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"Mabb"};      # \s*(?:mon|month|months)
+    my($wkabb)='\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"Wabb"};     # \s*(?:w|wk|week|weeks)
+    my($next)='\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"Next"};      # \s*(?:next)
+    my($prev)='\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"Prev"};      # \s*(?:last|previous)
+    my($past)='\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"Past"};      # \s*(?:ago)
+    my($future)='\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"Future"};  # \s*(?:in)
+    my($later)='\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"Later"};    # \s*(?:later)
+    my($at)=$Lang{$L}{"At"};                # (?:at)
+    my($of)='\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"Of"};          # \s*(?:in|of)
+    my($on)='(?:\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"On"}.'\s*|\s+)';
+                                            # \s*(?:on)\s*    or  \s+
+    my($last)='\s*'.$Lang{$L}{"Last"};      # \s*(?:last)
+    my($hm)=$Lang{$L}{"SepHM"};             # :
+    my($ms)=$Lang{$L}{"SepMS"};             # :
+    my($ss)=$Lang{$L}{"SepSS"};             # .
+    # Other regular expressions
+    my($D4)='(\d{4})';            # 4 digits      (yr)
+    my($YY)='(\d{4}|\d{2})';      # 2 or 4 digits (yr)
+    my($DD)='(\d{2})';            # 2 digits      (mon/day/hr/min/sec)
+    my($D) ='(\d{1,2})';          # 1 or 2 digit  (mon/day/hr)
+    my($FS)="(?:$ss\\d+)?";       # fractional secs
+    my($sep)='[\/.-]';            # non-ISO8601 m/d/yy separators
+    # absolute time zone     +0700 (GMT)
+    my($hzone)='(?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-3])';                    # 00 - 23
+    my($mzone)='(?:[0-5][0-9])';                           # 00 - 59
+    my($zone2)='(?:\s*([+-](?:'."$hzone$mzone|$hzone:$mzone|$hzone))".
+                                                           # +0700 +07:00 -07
+      '(?:\s*\([^)]+\))?)';                                # (GMT)
+    # A regular expression for the time EXCEPT for the hour part
+    my($mnsec)="$hm$DD(?:$ms$DD$FS)?(?:\\s*$ampmexp)?";
+    # A special regular expression for /YYYY:HH:MN:SS used by Apache
+    my($apachetime)='(/\d{4}):' . "$DD$hm$DD$ms$DD";
+    my($time)="";
+    $ampm="";
+    $date="";
+    # Substitute all special time expressions.
+    if (/(^|[^a-z])$timeexp($|[^a-z])/i) {
+      $tmp=$2;
+      $tmp=$Lang{$L}{"TimesH"}{lc($tmp)};
+      s/(^|[^a-z])$timeexp($|[^a-z])/$1 $tmp $3/i;
+    }
+    # Remove some punctuation
+    s/[,]/ /g;
+    # Make sure that ...7EST works (i.e. a timezone immediately following
+    # a digit.
+    s/(\d)$zone(\s+|$|[0-9])/$1 $2$3/i;
+    $zone = '\s+'.$zone;
+    # Remove the time
+    $iso=1;
+    $midnight=0;
+    $from="24${hm}00(?:${ms}00)?";
+    $falsefrom="${hm}24${ms}00";   # Don't trap XX:24:00
+    $to="00${hm}00${ms}00";
+    $midnight=1  if (!/$falsefrom/  &&  s/$from/$to/);
+    $h=$mn=$s=0;
+    if (/$D$mnsec/i || /$ampmexp/i) {
+      $iso=0;
+      $tmp=0;
+      $tmp=1  if (/$mnsec$zone2?\s*$/i);  # or /$mnsec$zone/ ??
+      $tmp=0  if (/$ampmexp/i);
+      if (s/$apachetime$zone()/$1 /i                            ||
+          s/$apachetime$zone2?/$1 /i                            ||
+          s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i               ||
+          s/(^|[^a-z])$at\s*$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i               ||
+          s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i                   ||
+          s/(^|[^0-9])(\d)$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i                   ||
+          (s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone()/$1 /i and (($iso=-$tmp) || 1))  ||
+          (s/(t)$D$mnsec$zone2?/$1 /i and (($iso=-$tmp) || 1))  ||
+          (s/()$DD$mnsec$zone()/ /i and (($iso=$tmp) || 1))     ||
+          (s/()$DD$mnsec$zone2?/ /i and (($iso=$tmp) || 1))     ||
+          s/(^|$at\s*|\s+)$D()()\s*$ampmexp$zone()/ /i          ||
+          s/(^|$at\s*|\s+)$D()()\s*$ampmexp$zone2?/ /i          ||
+          0
+         ) {
+        ($h,$mn,$s,$ampm,$z,$z2)=($2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7);
+        if (defined ($z)) {
+          if ($z =~ /^[+-]\d{2}:\d{2}$/) {
+            $z=~ s/://;
+          } elsif ($z =~ /^[+-]\d{2}$/) {
+            $z .= "00";
+          }
+        }
+        $time=1;
+        &Date_TimeCheck(\$h,\$mn,\$s,\$ampm);
+        $y=$m=$d="";
+        # We're going to be calling TimeCheck again below (when we check the
+        # final date), so get rid of $ampm so that we don't have an error
+        # due to "15:30:00 PM".  It'll get reset below.
+        $ampm="";
+        if (/^\s*$/) {
+          &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+          last PARSE;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    $time=0  if ($time ne "1");
+    s/\s+$//;
+    s/^\s+//;
+    # dateTtime ISO 8601 formats
+    my($orig)=$_;
+    s/t$//i  if ($iso<0);
+    # Parse ISO 8601 dates now (which may still have a zone stuck to it).
+    if ( ($iso && /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i)   ||
+         ($iso && /^([0-9-]+(?:W[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i)  ||
+         ($iso && /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone?$/i)   ||
+         ($iso && /^([0-9-]+(?:T[0-9-]+)?)$zone2?$/i)  ||
+         0) {
+      # ISO 8601 dates
+      ($_,$z,$z2) = ($1,$2);
+      s,-, ,g;            # Change all ISO8601 seps to spaces
+      s/^\s+//;
+      s/\s+$//;
+      if (/^$D4\s*$DD\s*$DD\s*t?$DD(?:$DD(?:$DD(\d*))?)?$/i ||
+          /^$DD\s+$DD\s*$DD\s*t?$DD(?:$DD(?:$DD(\d*))?)?$/i ||
+          0
+         ) {
+        # ISO 8601 Dates with times
+        #    YYYYMMDDHHMNSS
+        #    YYYYMMDDHHMN
+        #    YYYYMMDDHH
+        #    YY MMDDHHMNSSFFFF...
+        #    YY MMDDHHMNSS
+        #    YY MMDDHHMN
+        #    YY MMDDHH
+        ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s,$tmp)=($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7);
+        if ($h==24 && (! defined $mn || $mn==0) && (! defined $s || $s==0)) {
+          $h=0;
+          $midnight=1;
+        }
+        $z = ""    if (! defined $h);
+        return ""  if ($time  &&  defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$D4(?:\s*$DD(?:\s*$DD)?)?$/  ||
+               /^$DD(?:\s+$DD(?:\s*$DD)?)?$/) {
+        # ISO 8601 Dates
+        #    YYYYMMDD
+        #    YYYYMM
+        #    YYYY
+        #    YY MMDD
+        #    YY MM
+        #    YY
+        ($y,$m,$d)=($1,$2,$3);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$YY\s+$D\s+$D/) {
+        # YY-M-D
+        ($y,$m,$d)=($1,$2,$3);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$YY\s*W$DD\s*(\d)?$/i) {
+        # YY-W##-D
+        ($y,$wofm,$dofw)=($1,$2,$3);
+        ($y,$m,$d)=&Date_NthWeekOfYear($y,$wofm,$dofw);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$D4\s*(\d{3})$/ ||
+               /^$DD\s*(\d{3})$/) {
+        # YYDOY
+        ($y,$which)=($1,$2);
+        ($y,$m,$d)=&Date_NthDayOfYear($y,$which);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif ($iso<0) {
+        # We confused something like 1999/August12:00:00
+        # with a dateTtime format
+        $_=$orig;
+      } else {
+        return "";
+      }
+    }
+    # All deltas that are not ISO-8601 dates are NOT dates.
+    return ""  if ($Curr{"InCalc"}  &&  $delta);
+    if ($delta) {
+      &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+      return &DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},$delta);
+    }
+    # Check for some special types of dates (next, prev)
+    foreach $from (keys %{ $Lang{$L}{"Repl"} }) {
+      $to=$Lang{$L}{"Repl"}{$from};
+      s/(^|[^a-z])$from($|[^a-z])/$1$to$2/i;
+    }
+    if (/$wom/i  ||  /$future/i  ||  /$later/i  ||  /$past/i  ||
+        /$next/i  ||  /$prev/i  ||  /^$week$/i  ||  /$wkabb/i) {
+      $tmp=0;
+      if (/^$wom\s*$week$of\s*$month\s*$YY?$/i) {
+        # last friday in October 95
+        ($wofm,$dofw,$m,$y)=($1,$2,$3,$4);
+        # fix $m, $y
+        return ""  if (&Date_DateCheck(\$y,\$m,\$d,\$h,\$mn,\$s,\$ampm,\$wk));
+        $dofw=$week{lc($dofw)};
+        $wofm=$wom{lc($wofm)};
+        # Get the first day of the month
+        $date=&Date_Join($y,$m,1,$h,$mn,$s);
+        if ($wofm==-1) {
+          $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"+0:1:0:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+          $date=&Date_GetPrev($date,$dofw,0);
+        } else {
+          for ($i=0; $i<$wofm; $i++) {
+            if ($i==0) {
+              $date=&Date_GetNext($date,$dofw,1);
+            } else {
+              $date=&Date_GetNext($date,$dofw,0);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$last$day$of\s*$month(?:$of?\s*$YY)?/i) {
+        # last day in month
+        ($m,$y)=($1,$2);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (! defined $y  or  length($y)<4);
+        $m=$month{lc($m)};
+        $d=&Date_DaysInMonth($m,$y);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$week$/i) {
+        # friday
+        ($dofw)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&Date_GetPrev($Curr{"Now"},$Cnf{"FirstDay"},1);
+        $date=&Date_GetNext($date,$dofw,1,$h,$mn,$s);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$next\s*$week$/i) {
+        # next friday
+        ($dofw)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&Date_GetNext($Curr{"Now"},$dofw,0,$h,$mn,$s);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$prev\s*$week$/i) {
+        # last friday
+        ($dofw)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&Date_GetPrev($Curr{"Now"},$dofw,0,$h,$mn,$s);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$next$wkabb$/i) {
+        # next week
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"+0:0:1:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$prev$wkabb$/i) {
+        # last week
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"-0:0:1:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$next$mabb$/i) {
+        # next month
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"+0:1:0:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$prev$mabb$/i) {
+        # last month
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"-0:1:0:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$future\s*(\d+)$day$/i  ||
+               /^(\d+)$day$later$/i) {
+        # in 2 days
+        # 2 days later
+        ($num)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"+0:0:0:$num:0:0:0",
+                                  \$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^(\d+)$day$past$/i) {
+        # 2 days ago
+        ($num)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"-0:0:0:$num:0:0:0",
+                                 \$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$future\s*(\d+)$wkabb$/i  ||
+               /^(\d+)$wkabb$later$/i) {
+        # in 2 weeks
+        # 2 weeks later
+        ($num)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"+0:0:$num:0:0:0:0",
+                                  \$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^(\d+)$wkabb$past$/i) {
+        # 2 weeks ago
+        ($num)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"-0:0:$num:0:0:0:0",
+                                 \$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$future\s*(\d+)$mabb$/i  ||
+               /^(\d+)$mabb$later$/i) {
+        # in 2 months
+        # 2 months later
+        ($num)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"+0:$num:0:0:0:0:0",
+                                  \$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^(\d+)$mabb$past$/i) {
+        # 2 months ago
+        ($num)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"-0:$num:0:0:0:0:0",
+                                  \$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$week$future\s*(\d+)$wkabb$/i  ||
+               /^$week\s*(\d+)$wkabb$later$/i) {
+        # friday in 2 weeks
+        # friday 2 weeks later
+        ($dofw,$num)=($1,$2);
+        $tmp="+";
+      } elsif (/^$week\s*(\d+)$wkabb$past$/i) {
+        # friday 2 weeks ago
+        ($dofw,$num)=($1,$2);
+        $tmp="-";
+      } elsif (/^$future\s*(\d+)$wkabb$on$week$/i  ||
+               /^(\d+)$wkabb$later$on$week$/i) {
+        # in 2 weeks on friday
+        # 2 weeks later on friday
+        ($num,$dofw)=($1,$2);
+        $tmp="+"
+      } elsif (/^(\d+)$wkabb$past$on$week$/i) {
+        # 2 weeks ago on friday
+        ($num,$dofw)=($1,$2);
+        $tmp="-";
+      } elsif (/^$week\s*$wkabb$/i) {
+        # monday week    (British date: in 1 week on monday)
+        $dofw=$1;
+        $num=1;
+        $tmp="+";
+      } elsif (/^$now\s*$wkabb$/i) {
+        # today week     (British date: 1 week from today)
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"+0:0:1:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s)  if (defined $h);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$offset\s*$wkabb$/i) {
+        # tomorrow week  (British date: 1 week from tomorrow)
+        ($offset)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $offset=$Lang{$L}{"OffsetH"}{lc($offset)};
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},$offset,\$err,0);
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"+0:0:1:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+        if ($time) {
+          return ""
+            if (&Date_DateCheck(\$y,\$m,\$d,\$h,\$mn,\$s,\$ampm,\$wk));
+          $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s);
+        }
+        last PARSE;
+      }
+      if ($tmp) {
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},
+                                  $tmp . "0:0:$num:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+        $date=&Date_GetPrev($date,$Cnf{"FirstDay"},1);
+        $date=&Date_GetNext($date,$dofw,1,$h,$mn,$s);
+        last PARSE;
+      }
+    }
+    # Change (2nd, second) to 2
+    $tmp=0;
+    if (/(^|[^a-z0-9])$dom($|[^a-z0-9])/i) {
+      if (/^\s*$dom\s*$/) {
+        ($d)=($1);
+        $d=$dom{lc($d)};
+        $m=$Curr{"M"};
+        last PARSE;
+      }
+      my $from = $2;
+      my $to   = $dom{ lc($from) };
+      s/(^|[^a-z])$from($|[^a-z])/$1 $to $2/i;
+      s/^\s+//;
+      s/\s+$//;
+    }
+    # Another set of special dates (Nth week)
+    if (/^$D\s*$week(?:$of?\s*$YY)?$/i) {
+      # 22nd sunday in 1996
+      ($which,$dofw,$y)=($1,$2,$3);
+      $y=$Curr{"Y"}  if (! $y);
+      $y--; # previous year
+      $tmp=&Date_GetNext("$y-12-31",$dofw,0);
+      if ($which>1) {
+        $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDelta($tmp,"+0:0:".($which-1).":0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+      }
+      ($y,$m,$d)=(&Date_Split($tmp, 1))[0..2];
+      last PARSE;
+    } elsif (/^$week$wkabb\s*$D(?:$of?\s*$YY)?$/i  ||
+             /^$week\s*$D$wkabb(?:$of?\s*$YY)?$/i) {
+      # sunday week 22 in 1996
+      # sunday 22nd week in 1996
+      ($dofw,$which,$y)=($1,$2,$3);
+      ($y,$m,$d)=&Date_NthWeekOfYear($y,$which,$dofw);
+      last PARSE;
+    }
+    # Get rid of day of week
+    if (/(^|[^a-z])$week($|[^a-z])/i) {
+      $wk=$2;
+      (s/(^|[^a-z])$week,/$1 /i) ||
+        s/(^|[^a-z])$week($|[^a-z])/$1 $3/i;
+      s/^\s+//;
+      s/\s+$//;
+    }
+    {
+      # So that we can handle negative epoch times, let's convert
+      # things like "epoch -" to "epochNEGATIVE " before we strip out
+      # the $sep chars, which include '-'.
+      s,epoch\s*-,epochNEGATIVE ,g;
+      # Non-ISO8601 dates
+      s,\s*$sep\s*, ,g;     # change all non-ISO8601 seps to spaces
+      s,^\s*,,;             # remove leading/trailing space
+      s,\s*$,,;
+      if (/^$D\s+$D(?:\s+$YY)?$/) {
+        # MM DD YY (DD MM YY non-US)
+        ($m,$d,$y)=($1,$2,$3);
+        ($m,$d)=($d,$m)  if ($type ne "US");
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$D4\s*$D\s*$D$/) {
+        # YYYY MM DD
+        ($y,$m,$d)=($1,$2,$3);
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (s/(^|[^a-z])$month($|[^a-z])/$1 $3/i) {
+        ($m)=($2);
+        if (/^\s*$D(?:\s+$YY)?\s*$/) {
+          # mmm DD YY
+          # DD mmm YY
+          # DD YY mmm
+          ($d,$y)=($1,$2);
+          last PARSE;
+        } elsif (/^\s*$D$D4\s*$/) {
+          # mmm DD YYYY
+          # DD mmm YYYY
+          # DD YYYY mmm
+          ($d,$y)=($1,$2);
+          last PARSE;
+        } elsif (/^\s*$D4\s*$D\s*$/) {
+          # mmm YYYY DD
+          # YYYY mmm DD
+          # YYYY DD mmm
+          ($y,$d)=($1,$2);
+          last PARSE;
+        } elsif (/^\s*$D4\s*$/) {
+          # mmm YYYY
+          # YYYY mmm
+          ($y,$d)=($1,1);
+          last PARSE;
+        } else {
+          return "";
+        }
+      } elsif (/^epochNEGATIVE (\d+)$/) {
+        $s=$1;
+        $date=&DateCalc("1970-01-01 00:00 GMT","-0:0:$s");
+      } elsif (/^epoch\s*(\d+)$/i) {
+        $s=$1;
+        $date=&DateCalc("1970-01-01 00:00 GMT","+0:0:$s");
+      } elsif (/^$now$/i) {
+        # now, today
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $date=$Curr{"Now"};
+        if ($time) {
+          return ""
+            if (&Date_DateCheck(\$y,\$m,\$d,\$h,\$mn,\$s,\$ampm,\$wk));
+          $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s);
+        }
+        last PARSE;
+      } elsif (/^$offset$/i) {
+        # yesterday, tomorrow
+        ($offset)=($1);
+        &Date_Init()  if (! $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"});
+        $offset=$Lang{$L}{"OffsetH"}{lc($offset)};
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},$offset,\$err,0);
+        if ($time) {
+          return ""
+            if (&Date_DateCheck(\$y,\$m,\$d,\$h,\$mn,\$s,\$ampm,\$wk));
+          $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$h,$mn,$s);
+        }
+        last PARSE;
+      } else {
+        return "";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (! $date) {
+    return ""  if (&Date_DateCheck(\$y,\$m,\$d,\$h,\$mn,\$s,\$ampm,\$wk));
+    $date=&Date_Join($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s);
+  }
+  $date=&Date_ConvTZ($date,$z);
+  if ($midnight) {
+    $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"+0:0:0:1:0:0:0");
+  }
+  return $date;
+sub ParseDate {
+  print "DEBUG: ParseDate\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  my($args,@args,@a,$ref,$date)=();
+  @a=@_;
+  # @a : is the list of args to ParseDate.  Currently, only one argument
+  #      is allowed and it must be a scalar (or a reference to a scalar)
+  #      or a reference to an array.
+  if ($#a!=0) {
+    print "ERROR:  Invalid number of arguments to ParseDate.\n";
+    return "";
+  }
+  $args=$a[0];
+  $ref=ref $args;
+  if (! $ref) {
+    return $args  if (&Date_Split($args));
+    @args=($args);
+  } elsif ($ref eq "ARRAY") {
+    @args=@$args;
+  } elsif ($ref eq "SCALAR") {
+    return $$args  if (&Date_Split($$args));
+    @args=($$args);
+  } else {
+    print "ERROR:  Invalid arguments to ParseDate.\n";
+    return "";
+  }
+  @a=@args;
+  # @args : a list containing all the arguments (dereferenced if appropriate)
+  # @a    : a list containing all the arguments currently being examined
+  # $ref  : nil, "SCALAR", or "ARRAY" depending on whether a scalar, a
+  #         reference to a scalar, or a reference to an array was passed in
+  # $args : the scalar or refererence passed in
+ PARSE: while($#a>=0) {
+    $date=join(" ",@a);
+    $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+    last  if ($date);
+    pop(@a);
+  } # PARSE
+  splice(@args,0,$#a + 1);
+  @$args= @args  if (defined $ref  and  $ref eq "ARRAY");
+  $date;
+sub Date_Cmp {
+  my($D1,$D2)=@_;
+  my($date1)=&ParseDateString($D1);
+  my($date2)=&ParseDateString($D2);
+  return $date1 cmp $date2;
+# **NOTE**
+# The calc routines all call parse routines, so it is never necessary to
+# call Date_Init in the calc routines.
+sub DateCalc {
+  print "DEBUG: DateCalc\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($D1,$D2,@arg)=@_;
+  my($ref,$err,$errref,$mode)=();
+  $errref=shift(@arg);
+  $ref=0;
+  if (defined $errref) {
+    if (ref $errref) {
+      $mode=shift(@arg);
+      $ref=1;
+    } else {
+      $mode=$errref;
+      $errref="";
+    }
+  }
+  my(@date,@delta,$ret,$tmp,$old)=();
+  if (defined $mode  and  $mode>=0  and  $mode<=3) {
+    $Curr{"Mode"}=$mode;
+  } else {
+    $Curr{"Mode"}=0;
+  }
+  $old=$Curr{"InCalc"};
+  $Curr{"InCalc"}=1;
+  if ($tmp=&ParseDateString($D1)) {
+    # If we've already parsed the date, we don't want to do it a second
+    # time (so we don't convert timezones twice).
+    if (&Date_Split($D1)) {
+      push(@date,$D1);
+    } else {
+      push(@date,$tmp);
+    }
+  } elsif ($tmp=&ParseDateDelta($D1)) {
+    push(@delta,$tmp);
+  } else {
+    $$errref=1  if ($ref);
+    return;
+  }
+  if ($tmp=&ParseDateString($D2)) {
+    if (&Date_Split($D2)) {
+      push(@date,$D2);
+    } else {
+      push(@date,$tmp);
+    }
+  } elsif ($tmp=&ParseDateDelta($D2)) {
+    push(@delta,$tmp);
+  } else {
+    $$errref=2  if ($ref);
+    return;
+  }
+  $mode=$Curr{"Mode"};
+  $Curr{"InCalc"}=$old;
+  if ($#date==1) {
+    $ret=&DateCalc_DateDate(@date,$mode);
+  } elsif ($#date==0) {
+    $ret=&DateCalc_DateDelta(@date,@delta,\$err,$mode);
+    $$errref=$err  if ($ref);
+  } else {
+    $ret=&DateCalc_DeltaDelta(@delta,$mode);
+  }
+  $ret;
+sub ParseDateDelta {
+  print "DEBUG: ParseDateDelta\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($args,@args,@a,$ref)=();
+  local($_)=();
+  @a=@_;
+  # @a : is the list of args to ParseDateDelta.  Currently, only one argument
+  #      is allowed and it must be a scalar (or a reference to a scalar)
+  #      or a reference to an array.
+  if ($#a!=0) {
+    print "ERROR:  Invalid number of arguments to ParseDateDelta.\n";
+    return "";
+  }
+  $args=$a[0];
+  $ref=ref $args;
+  if (! $ref) {
+    @args=($args);
+  } elsif ($ref eq "ARRAY") {
+    @args=@$args;
+  } elsif ($ref eq "SCALAR") {
+    @args=($$args);
+  } else {
+    print "ERROR:  Invalid arguments to ParseDateDelta.\n";
+    return "";
+  }
+  @a=@args;
+  # @args : a list containing all the arguments (dereferenced if appropriate)
+  # @a    : a list containing all the arguments currently being examined
+  # $ref  : nil, "SCALAR", or "ARRAY" depending on whether a scalar, a
+  #         reference to a scalar, or a reference to an array was passed in
+  # $args : the scalar or refererence passed in
+  my(@colon,@delta,$delta,$dir,$colon,$sign,$val)=();
+  my($len,$tmp,$tmp2,$tmpl)=();
+  my($from,$to)=();
+  my($workweek)=$Cnf{"WorkWeekEnd"}-$Cnf{"WorkWeekBeg"}+1;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  # A sign can be a sequence of zero or more + and - signs, this
+  # allows for deltas like '+ -2 days'.
+  my($signexp)='((?:[+-]\s*)*)';
+  my($numexp)='(\d+)';
+  my($exp1)="(?: \\s* $signexp \\s* $numexp \\s*)";
+  my($yexp,$mexp,$wexp,$dexp,$hexp,$mnexp,$sexp,$i)=();
+  $yexp=$mexp=$wexp=$dexp=$hexp=$mnexp=$sexp="()()";
+  $yexp ="(?: $exp1 ". $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Yabb"} .")?";
+  $mexp ="(?: $exp1 ". $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Mabb"} .")?";
+  $wexp ="(?: $exp1 ". $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Wabb"} .")?";
+  $dexp ="(?: $exp1 ". $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Dabb"} .")?";
+  $hexp ="(?: $exp1 ". $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Habb"} .")?";
+  $mnexp="(?: $exp1 ". $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"MNabb"}.")?";
+  $sexp ="(?: $exp1 ". $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Sabb"} ."?)?";
+  my($future)=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Future"};
+  my($later)=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Later"};
+  my($past)=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Past"};
+  $delta="";
+ PARSE: while (@a) {
+    $_ = join(" ", grep {defined;} @a);
+    s/\s+$//;
+    last  if ($_ eq "");
+    # Mode is set in DateCalc.  ParseDateDelta only overrides it if the
+    # string contains a mode.
+    if      ($Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Exact"} &&
+             s/$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Exact"}//) {
+      $Curr{"Mode"}=0;
+    } elsif ($Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Approx"} &&
+             s/$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Approx"}//) {
+      $Curr{"Mode"}=1;
+    } elsif ($Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Business"} &&
+             s/$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Business"}//) {
+      $Curr{"Mode"}=2;
+    } elsif (! exists $Curr{"Mode"}) {
+      $Curr{"Mode"}=0;
+    }
+    $workweek=7  if ($Curr{"Mode"} != 2);
+    foreach $from (keys %{ $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Repl"} }) {
+      $to=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Repl"}{$from};
+      s/(^|[^a-z])$from($|[^a-z])/$1$to$2/i;
+    }
+    # in or ago
+    #
+    # We need to make sure that $later, $future, and $past don't contain each
+    # other... Romanian pointed this out where $past is "in urma" and $future
+    # is "in".  When they do, we have to take this into account.
+    #   $len  length of best match (greatest wins)
+    #   $tmp  string after best match
+    #   $dir  direction (prior, after) of best match
+    #
+    #   $tmp2 string before/after current match
+    #   $tmpl length of current match
+    $len=0;
+    $tmp=$_;
+    $dir=1;
+    $tmp2=$_;
+    if ($tmp2 =~ s/(^|[^a-z])($future)($|[^a-z])/$1 $3/i) {
+      $tmpl=length($2);
+      if ($tmpl>$len) {
+        $tmp=$tmp2;
+        $dir=1;
+        $len=$tmpl;
+      }
+    }
+    $tmp2=$_;
+    if ($tmp2 =~ s/(^|[^a-z])($later)($|[^a-z])/$1 $3/i) {
+      $tmpl=length($2);
+      if ($tmpl>$len) {
+        $tmp=$tmp2;
+        $dir=1;
+        $len=$tmpl;
+      }
+    }
+    $tmp2=$_;
+    if ($tmp2 =~ s/(^|[^a-z])($past)($|[^a-z])/$1 $3/i) {
+      $tmpl=length($2);
+      if ($tmpl>$len) {
+        $tmp=$tmp2;
+        $dir=-1;
+        $len=$tmpl;
+      }
+    }
+    $_ = $tmp;
+    s/\s*$//;
+    # the colon part of the delta
+    $colon="";
+    if (s/($signexp?$numexp?(:($signexp?$numexp)?){1,6})$//) {
+      $colon=$1;
+      s/\s+$//;
+    }
+    @colon=split(/:/,$colon);
+    # the non-colon part of the delta
+    $sign="+";
+    @delta=();
+    $i=6;
+    foreach $exp1 ($yexp,$mexp,$wexp,$dexp,$hexp,$mnexp,$sexp) {
+      last  if ($#colon>=$i--);
+      $val=0;
+      if (s/^$exp1//ix) {
+        $val=$2   if ($2);
+        $sign=$1  if ($1);
+      }
+      # Collapse a sign like '+ -' into a single character like '-',
+      # by counting the occurrences of '-'.
+      #
+      $sign =~ s/\s+//g;
+      $sign =~ tr/+//d;
+      my $count = ($sign =~ tr/-//d);
+      die "bad characters in sign: $sign" if length $sign;
+      $sign = $count % 2 ? '-' : '+';
+      push(@delta,"$sign$val");
+    }
+    if (! /^\s*$/) {
+      pop(@a);
+      next PARSE;
+    }
+    # make sure that the colon part has a sign
+    for ($i=0; $i<=$#colon; $i++) {
+      $val=0;
+      if ($colon[$i] =~ /^$signexp$numexp?/) {
+        $val=$2   if ($2);
+        $sign=$1  if ($1);
+      }
+      $colon[$i] = "$sign$val";
+    }
+    # combine the two
+    push(@delta,@colon);
+    if ($dir<0) {
+      for ($i=0; $i<=$#delta; $i++) {
+        $delta[$i] =~ tr/-+/+-/;
+      }
+    }
+    # form the delta and shift off the valid part
+    $delta=join(":",@delta);
+    splice(@args,0,$#a+1);
+    @$args=@args  if (defined $ref  and  $ref eq "ARRAY");
+    last PARSE;
+  }
+  $delta=&Delta_Normalize($delta,$Curr{"Mode"});
+  return $delta;
+sub UnixDate {
+  print "DEBUG: UnixDate\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date,@format)=@_;
+  local($_)=();
+  my($format,%f,$out,@out,$c,$date1,$date2,$tmp)=();
+  my($scalar)=();
+  $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+  return  if (! $date);
+  my($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=($f{"Y"},$f{"m"},$f{"d"},$f{"H"},$f{"M"},$f{"S"})=
+    &Date_Split($date, 1);
+  $f{"y"}=substr $f{"Y"},2;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  if (! wantarray) {
+    $format=join(" ",@format);
+    @format=($format);
+    $scalar=1;
+  }
+  # month, week
+  $_=$m;
+  s/^0//;
+  $f{"b"}=$f{"h"}=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"MonL"}[$_-1];
+  $f{"B"}=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"MonthL"}[$_-1];
+  $_=$m;
+  s/^0/ /;
+  $f{"f"}=$_;
+  $f{"U"}=&Date_WeekOfYear($m,$d,$y,7);
+  $f{"W"}=&Date_WeekOfYear($m,$d,$y,1);
+  # check week 52,53 and 0
+  $f{"G"}=$f{"L"}=$y;
+  if ($f{"W"}>=52 || $f{"U"}>=52) {
+    my($dd,$mm,$yy)=($d,$m,$y);
+    $dd+=7;
+    if ($dd>31) {
+      $dd-=31;
+      $mm=1;
+      $yy++;
+      if (&Date_WeekOfYear($mm,$dd,$yy,1)==2) {
+        $f{"G"}=$yy;
+        $f{"W"}=1;
+      }
+      if (&Date_WeekOfYear($mm,$dd,$yy,7)==2) {
+        $f{"L"}=$yy;
+        $f{"U"}=1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ($f{"W"}==0) {
+    my($dd,$mm,$yy)=($d,$m,$y);
+    $dd-=7;
+    $dd+=31  if ($dd<1);
+    $yy--;
+    $mm=12;
+    $f{"G"}=$yy;
+    $f{"W"}=&Date_WeekOfYear($mm,$dd,$yy,1)+1;
+  }
+  if ($f{"U"}==0) {
+    my($dd,$mm,$yy)=($d,$m,$y);
+    $dd-=7;
+    $dd+=31  if ($dd<1);
+    $yy--;
+    $mm=12;
+    $f{"L"}=$yy;
+    $f{"U"}=&Date_WeekOfYear($mm,$dd,$yy,7)+1;
+  }
+  $f{"U"}="0".$f{"U"}  if (length $f{"U"} < 2);
+  $f{"W"}="0".$f{"W"}  if (length $f{"W"} < 2);
+  # day
+  $f{"j"}=&Date_DayOfYear($m,$d,$y);
+  $f{"j"} = "0" . $f{"j"}   while (length($f{"j"})<3);
+  $_=$d;
+  s/^0/ /;
+  $f{"e"}=$_;
+  $f{"w"}=&Date_DayOfWeek($m,$d,$y);
+  $f{"v"}=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"WL"}[$f{"w"}-1];
+  $f{"v"}=" ".$f{"v"}  if (length $f{"v"} < 2);
+  $f{"a"}=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"WkL"}[$f{"w"}-1];
+  $f{"A"}=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"WeekL"}[$f{"w"}-1];
+  $f{"E"}=&Date_DaySuffix($f{"e"});
+  # hour
+  $_=$h;
+  s/^0/ /;
+  $f{"k"}=$_;
+  $f{"i"}=$f{"k"}+1;
+  $f{"i"}=$f{"k"};
+  $f{"i"}=12          if ($f{"k"}==0);
+  $f{"i"}=$f{"k"}-12  if ($f{"k"}>12);
+  $f{"i"}=$f{"i"}-12  if ($f{"i"}>12);
+  $f{"i"}=" ".$f{"i"} if (length($f{"i"})<2);
+  $f{"I"}=$f{"i"};
+  $f{"I"}=~ s/^ /0/;
+  $f{"p"}=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"AMstr"};
+  $f{"p"}=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"PMstr"}  if ($f{"k"}>11);
+  # minute, second, timezone
+  $f{"o"}=&Date_SecsSince1970($m,$d,$y,$h,$mn,$s);
+  $f{"s"}=&Date_SecsSince1970GMT($m,$d,$y,$h,$mn,$s);
+  $f{"Z"}=($Cnf{"ConvTZ"} eq "IGNORE" or $Cnf{"ConvTZ"} eq "") ?
+           $Cnf{"TZ"} : $Cnf{"ConvTZ"};
+  $f{"z"}=($f{"Z"}=~/^[+-]\d{4}/) ? $f{"Z"} : ($Zone{"n2o"}{lc $f{"Z"}} || "");
+  # date, time
+  $f{"c"}=qq|$f{"a"} $f{"b"} $f{"e"} $h:$mn:$s $y|;
+  $f{"C"}=$f{"u"}=
+    qq|$f{"a"} $f{"b"} $f{"e"} $h:$mn:$s $f{"z"} $y|;
+  $f{"g"}=qq|$f{"a"}, $d $f{"b"} $y $h:$mn:$s $f{"z"}|;
+  $f{"D"}=$f{"x"}=qq|$m/$d/$f{"y"}|;
+  $f{"r"}=qq|$f{"I"}:$mn:$s $f{"p"}|;
+  $f{"R"}=qq|$h:$mn|;
+  $f{"T"}=$f{"X"}=qq|$h:$mn:$s|;
+  $f{"V"}=qq|$m$d$h$mn$f{"y"}|;
+  $f{"Q"}="$y$m$d";
+  $f{"q"}=qq|$y$m$d$h$mn$s|;
+  $f{"P"}=qq|$y$m$d$h:$mn:$s|;
+  $f{"F"}=qq|$f{"A"}, $f{"B"} $f{"e"}, $f{"Y"}|;
+  if ($f{"W"}==0) {
+    $y--;
+    $tmp=&Date_WeekOfYear(12,31,$y,1);
+    $tmp="0$tmp"  if (length($tmp) < 2);
+    $f{"J"}=qq|$y-W$tmp-$f{"w"}|;
+  } else {
+    $f{"J"}=qq|$f{"G"}-W$f{"W"}-$f{"w"}|;
+  }
+  $f{"K"}=qq|$y-$f{"j"}|;
+  # %l is a special case.  Since it requires the use of the calculator
+  # which requires this routine, an infinite recursion results.  To get
+  # around this, %l is NOT determined every time this is called so the
+  # recursion breaks.
+  # other formats
+  $f{"n"}="\n";
+  $f{"t"}="\t";
+  $f{"%"}="%";
+  $f{"+"}="+";
+  foreach $format (@format) {
+    $format=reverse($format);
+    $out="";
+    while ($format ne "") {
+      $c=chop($format);
+      if ($c eq "%") {
+        $c=chop($format);
+        if ($c eq "l") {
+          &Date_Init();
+          $date1=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"-0:6:0:0:0:0:0");
+          $date2=&DateCalc_DateDelta($Curr{"Now"},"+0:6:0:0:0:0:0");
+          if (&Date_Cmp($date,$date1)>=0  &&  &Date_Cmp($date,$date2)<=0) {
+            $f{"l"}=qq|$f{"b"} $f{"e"} $h:$mn|;
+          } else {
+            $f{"l"}=qq|$f{"b"} $f{"e"}  $f{"Y"}|;
+          }
+          $out .= $f{"$c"};
+        } elsif (exists $f{"$c"}) {
+          $out .= $f{"$c"};
+        } else {
+          $out .= $c;
+        }
+      } else {
+        $out .= $c;
+      }
+    }
+    push(@out,$out);
+  }
+  if ($scalar) {
+    return $out[0];
+  } else {
+    return (@out);
+  }
+# Can't be in "use integer" because we're doing decimal arithmatic
+no integer;
+sub Delta_Format {
+  print "DEBUG: Delta_Format\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($delta,$dec,@format)=@_;
+  $delta=&ParseDateDelta($delta);
+  return ""  if (! $delta);
+  my(@out,%f,$out,$c1,$c2,$scalar,$format)=();
+  local($_)=$delta;
+  my($y,$M,$w,$d,$h,$m,$s)=&Delta_Split($delta);
+  # Get rid of positive signs.
+  ($y,$M,$w,$d,$h,$m,$s)=map { 1*$_; }($y,$M,$w,$d,$h,$m,$s);
+  if (defined $dec  &&  $dec>0) {
+    $dec="%." . ($dec*1) . "f";
+  } else {
+    $dec="%f";
+  }
+  if (! wantarray) {
+    $format=join(" ",@format);
+    @format=($format);
+    $scalar=1;
+  }
+  # Length of each unit in seconds
+  my($sl,$ml,$hl,$dl,$wl,$yl)=();
+  $sl = 1;
+  $ml = $sl*60;
+  $hl = $ml*60;
+  $dl = $hl*24;
+  $wl = $dl*7;
+  $yl = $dl*365.25;
+  # The decimal amount of each unit contained in all smaller units
+  my($yd,$Md,$sd,$md,$hd,$dd,$wd)=();
+  if ($M) {
+    $yd = $M/12;
+    $Md = 0;
+  } else {
+    $yd = ($w*$wl + $d*$dl + $h*$hl + $m*$ml + $s*$sl)/$yl;
+    $Md = 0;
+  }
+  $wd = ($d*$dl + $h*$hl + $m*$ml + $s*$sl)/$wl;
+  $dd =          ($h*$hl + $m*$ml + $s*$sl)/$dl;
+  $hd =                   ($m*$ml + $s*$sl)/$hl;
+  $md =                            ($s*$sl)/$ml;
+  $sd = 0;
+  # The amount of each unit contained in higher units.
+  my($yh,$Mh,$sh,$mh,$hh,$dh,$wh)=();
+  $yh = 0;
+  if ($M) {
+    $Mh = ($yh+$y)*12;
+    $wh = 0;
+    $dh = ($wh+$w)*7;
+  } else {
+    $Mh = 0;
+    $wh = ($yh+$y)*365.25/7;
+    $dh = ($yh+$y)*365.25 + $w*7;
+  }
+  $hh = ($dh+$d)*24;
+  $mh = ($hh+$h)*60;
+  $sh = ($mh+$m)*60;
+  # Set up the formats
+  $f{"yv"} = $y;
+  $f{"Mv"} = $M;
+  $f{"wv"} = $w;
+  $f{"dv"} = $d;
+  $f{"hv"} = $h;
+  $f{"mv"} = $m;
+  $f{"sv"} = $s;
+  $f{"yh"} = $y+$yh;
+  $f{"Mh"} = $M+$Mh;
+  $f{"wh"} = $w+$wh;
+  $f{"dh"} = $d+$dh;
+  $f{"hh"} = $h+$hh;
+  $f{"mh"} = $m+$mh;
+  $f{"sh"} = $s+$sh;
+  $f{"yd"} = sprintf($dec,$y+$yd);
+  $f{"Md"} = sprintf($dec,$M+$Md);
+  $f{"wd"} = sprintf($dec,$w+$wd);
+  $f{"dd"} = sprintf($dec,$d+$dd);
+  $f{"hd"} = sprintf($dec,$h+$hd);
+  $f{"md"} = sprintf($dec,$m+$md);
+  $f{"sd"} = sprintf($dec,$s+$sd);
+  $f{"yt"} = sprintf($dec,$yh+$y+$yd);
+  $f{"Mt"} = sprintf($dec,$Mh+$M+$Md);
+  $f{"wt"} = sprintf($dec,$wh+$w+$wd);
+  $f{"dt"} = sprintf($dec,$dh+$d+$dd);
+  $f{"ht"} = sprintf($dec,$hh+$h+$hd);
+  $f{"mt"} = sprintf($dec,$mh+$m+$md);
+  $f{"st"} = sprintf($dec,$sh+$s+$sd);
+  $f{"%"}  = "%";
+  foreach $format (@format) {
+    $format=reverse($format);
+    $out="";
+  PARSE: while ($format) {
+      $c1=chop($format);
+      if ($c1 eq "%") {
+        $c1=chop($format);
+        if (exists($f{$c1})) {
+          $out .= $f{$c1};
+          next PARSE;
+        }
+        $c2=chop($format);
+        if (exists($f{"$c1$c2"})) {
+          $out .= $f{"$c1$c2"};
+          next PARSE;
+        }
+        $out .= $c1;
+        $format .= $c2;
+      } else {
+        $out .= $c1;
+      }
+    }
+    push(@out,$out);
+  }
+  if ($scalar) {
+    return $out[0];
+  } else {
+    return (@out);
+  }
+use integer;
+sub ParseRecur {
+  print "DEBUG: ParseRecur\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  my($recur,$dateb,$date0,$date1,$flag)=@_;
+  local($_)=$recur;
+  my($recur_0,$recur_1,@recur0,@recur1)=();
+  my(@tmp,$tmp,$each,$num,$y,$m,$d,$w,$h,$mn,$s,$delta,$y0,$y1,$yb)=();
+  my($yy,$n,$dd,@d,@tmp2,$date,@date,@w,@tmp3,@m,@y,$tmp2,$d2,@flags)=();
+  # $date0, $date1, $dateb, $flag : passed in (these are always the final say
+  #                                 in determining whether a date matches a
+  #                                 recurrence IF they are present.
+  # $date_b, $date_0, $date_1     : if a value can be determined from the
+  # $flag_t                         recurrence, they are stored here.
+  #
+  # If values can be determined from the recurrence AND are passed in, the
+  # following are used:
+  #    max($date0,$date_0)    i.e. the later of the two dates
+  #    min($date1,$date_1)    i.e. the earlier of the two dates
+  #
+  # The base date that is used is the first one defined from
+  #    $dateb $date_b
+  # The base date is only used if necessary (as determined by the recur).
+  # For example, "every other friday" requires a base date, but "2nd
+  # friday of every month" doesn't.
+  my($date_b,$date_0,$date_1,$flag_t);
+  #
+  # Check the arguments passed in.
+  #
+  $date0=""  if (! defined $date0);
+  $date1=""  if (! defined $date1);
+  $dateb=""  if (! defined $dateb);
+  $flag =""  if (! defined $flag);
+  if ($dateb) {
+    $dateb=&ParseDateString($dateb);
+    return ""  if (! $dateb);
+  }
+  if ($date0) {
+    $date0=&ParseDateString($date0);
+    return ""  if (! $date0);
+  }
+  if ($date1) {
+    $date1=&ParseDateString($date1);
+    return ""  if (! $date1);
+  }
+  #
+  # Parse the recur.  $date_b, $date_0, and $date_e are values obtained
+  # from the recur.
+  #
+  @tmp=&Recur_Split($_);
+  if (@tmp) {
+    ($recur_0,$recur_1,$flag_t,$date_b,$date_0,$date_1)=@tmp;
+    $recur_0 = ""  if (! defined $recur_0);
+    $recur_1 = ""  if (! defined $recur_1);
+    $flag_t  = ""  if (! defined $flag_t);
+    $date_b  = ""  if (! defined $date_b);
+    $date_0  = ""  if (! defined $date_0);
+    $date_1  = ""  if (! defined $date_1);
+    @recur0 = split(/:/,$recur_0);
+    @recur1 = split(/:/,$recur_1);
+    return ""  if ($#recur0 + $#recur1 + 2 != 7);
+    if ($date_b) {
+      $date_b=&ParseDateString($date_b);
+      return ""  if (! $date_b);
+    }
+    if ($date_0) {
+      $date_0=&ParseDateString($date_0);
+      return ""  if (! $date_0);
+    }
+    if ($date_1) {
+      $date_1=&ParseDateString($date_1);
+      return ""  if (! $date_1);
+    }
+  } else {
+    my($mmm)='\s*'.$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Month"};  # \s*(jan|january|...)
+    my(%mmm)=%{ $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"MonthH"} };  # { jan=>1, ... }
+    my($wkexp)='\s*'.$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Week"}; # \s*(mon|monday|...)
+    my(%week)=%{ $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"WeekH"} };  # { monday=>1, ... }
+    my($day)='\s*'.$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Dabb"};   # \s*(?:d|day|days)
+    my($month)='\s*'.$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Mabb"}; # \s*(?:mon|month|months)
+    my($week)='\s*'.$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Wabb"};  # \s*(?:w|wk|week|weeks)
+    my($daysexp)=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"DoM"};      # (1st|first|...31st)
+    my(%dayshash)=%{ $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"DoMH"} };
+                                                      # { 1st=>1,first=>1,...}
+    my($of)='\s*'.$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Of"};      # \s*(?:in|of)
+    my($lastexp)=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Last"};     # (?:last)
+    my($each)=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"Each"};        # (?:each|every)
+    my($D)='\s*(\d+)';
+    my($Y)='\s*(\d{4}|\d{2})';
+    # Change 1st to 1
+    if (/(^|[^a-z])$daysexp($|[^a-z])/i) {
+      $tmp=lc($2);
+      $tmp=$dayshash{"$tmp"};
+      s/(^|[^a-z])$daysexp($|[^a-z])/$1 $tmp $3/i;
+    }
+    s/\s*$//;
+    # Get rid of "each"
+    if (/(^|[^a-z])$each($|[^a-z])/i) {
+      s/(^|[^a-z])$each($|[^a-z])/$1 $2/i;
+      $each=1;
+    } else {
+      $each=0;
+    }
+    if ($each) {
+      if (/^$D?$day(?:$of$mmm?$Y)?$/i ||
+          /^$D?$day(?:$of$mmm())?$/i) {
+        # every [2nd] day in [june] 1997
+        # every [2nd] day [in june]
+        ($num,$m,$y)=($1,$2,$3);
+        $num=1 if (! defined $num);
+        $m=""  if (! defined $m);
+        $y=""  if (! defined $y);
+        $y=$Curr{"Y"}  if (! $y);
+        if ($m) {
+          $m=$mmm{lc($m)};
+          $date_0=&Date_Join($y,$m,1,0,0,0);
+          $date_1=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date_0,"+0:1:0:0:0:0:0",0);
+        } else {
+          $date_0=&Date_Join($y,  1,1,0,0,0);
+          $date_1=&Date_Join($y+1,1,1,0,0,0);
+        }
+        $date_b=&DateCalc($date_0,"-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",0);
+        @recur0=(0,0,0,$num,0,0,0);
+        @recur1=();
+      } elsif (/^$D$day?$of$month(?:$of?$Y)?$/) {
+        # 2nd [day] of every month [in 1997]
+        ($num,$y)=($1,$2);
+        $y=$Curr{"Y"}  if (! $y);
+        $date_0=&Date_Join($y,  1,1,0,0,0);
+        $date_1=&Date_Join($y+1,1,1,0,0,0);
+        $date_b=$date_0;
+        @recur0=(0,1,0);
+        @recur1=($num,0,0,0);
+      } elsif (/^$D$wkexp$of$month(?:$of?$Y)?$/ ||
+               /^($lastexp)$wkexp$of$month(?:$of?$Y)?$/) {
+        # 2nd tuesday of every month [in 1997]
+        # last tuesday of every month [in 1997]
+        ($num,$d,$y)=($1,$2,$3);
+        $y=$Curr{"Y"}  if (! $y);
+        $d=$week{lc($d)};
+        $num=-1  if ($num !~ /^$D$/);
+        $date_0=&Date_Join($y,1,1,0,0,0);
+        $date_1=&Date_Join($y+1,1,1,0,0,0);
+        $date_b=$date_0;
+        @recur0=(0,1);
+        @recur1=($num,$d,0,0,0);
+      } elsif (/^$D?$wkexp(?:$of$mmm?$Y)?$/i ||
+               /^$D?$wkexp(?:$of$mmm())?$/i) {
+        # every tuesday in june 1997
+        # every 2nd tuesday in june 1997
+        ($num,$d,$m,$y)=($1,$2,$3,$4);
+        $y=$Curr{"Y"}  if (! $y);
+        $num=1 if (! defined $num);
+        $m=""  if (! defined $m);
+        $d=$week{lc($d)};
+        if ($m) {
+          $m=$mmm{lc($m)};
+          $date_0=&Date_Join($y,$m,1,0,0,0);
+          $date_1=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date_0,"+0:1:0:0:0:0:0",0);
+        } else {
+          $date_0=&Date_Join($y,1,1,0,0,0);
+          $date_1=&Date_Join($y+1,1,1,0,0,0);
+        }
+        $date_b=&DateCalc($date_0,"-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",0);
+        @recur0=(0,0,$num);
+        @recur1=($d,0,0,0);
+      } else {
+        return "";
+      }
+      $date_0=""  if ($date0);
+      $date_1=""  if ($date1);
+    } else {
+      return "";
+    }
+  }
+  #
+  # Override with any values passed in
+  #
+  if ($date0 && $date_0) {
+    $date0=( &Date_Cmp($date0,$date_0) > 1  ? $date0 : $date_0);
+  } elsif ($date_0) {
+    $date0 = $date_0;
+  }
+  if ($date1 && $date_1) {
+    $date1=( &Date_Cmp($date1,$date_1) > 1  ? $date_1 : $date1);
+  } elsif ($date_1) {
+    $date1 = $date_1;
+  }
+  $dateb=$date_b  if (! $dateb);
+  if ($flag =~ s/^\+//) {
+    if ($flag_t) {
+      $flag="$flag_t,$flag";
+    }
+  }
+  $flag =$flag_t  if (! $flag  &&  $flag_t);
+  if (! wantarray) {
+    $tmp  = join(":",@recur0);
+    $tmp .= "*" . join(":",@recur1)  if (@recur1);
+    $tmp .= "*$flag*$dateb*$date0*$date1";
+    return $tmp;
+  }
+  if (@recur0) {
+    return ()  if (! $date0  ||  ! $date1); # dateb is NOT required in all case
+  }
+  #
+  # Some flags affect parsing.
+  #
+  @flags   = split(/,/,$flag);
+  my($MDn) = 0;
+  my($MWn) = 7;
+  my($f);
+  foreach $f (@flags) {
+    if ($f =~ /^MW([1-7])$/i) {
+      $MWn=$1;
+      $MDn=0;
+    } elsif ($f =~ /^MD([1-7])$/i) {
+      $MDn=$1;
+      $MWn=0;
+    } elsif ($f =~ /^EASTER$/i) {
+      ($y,$m,$w,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=(@recur0,@recur1);
+      # We want something that will return Jan 1 for the given years.
+      if ($#recur0==-1) {
+        @recur1=($y,1,0,1,$h,$mn,$s);
+      } elsif ($#recur0<=3) {
+        @recur0=($y,0,0,0);
+        @recur1=($h,$mn,$s);
+      } elsif ($#recur0==4) {
+        @recur0=($y,0,0,0,0);
+        @recur1=($mn,$s);
+      } elsif ($#recur0==5) {
+        @recur0=($y,0,0,0,0,0);
+        @recur1=($s);
+      } else {
+        @recur0=($y,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  #
+  # Determine the dates referenced by the recur.  Also, fix the base date
+  # as necessary for the recurrences which require it.
+  #
+  ($y,$m,$w,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=(@recur0,@recur1);
+  @y=@m=@w=@d=();
+  my(@time)=($h,$mn,$s);
+ RECUR: while (1) {
+    if ($#recur0==-1) {
+      # * Y-M-W-D-H-MN-S
+      if ($y eq "0") {
+        push(@recur0,0);
+        shift(@recur1);
+      } else {
+        @y=&ReturnList($y);
+        foreach $y (@y) {
+          $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)==2);
+          return ()  if (length($y)!=4  ||  ! &IsInt($y));
+        }
+        @y=sort { $a<=>$b } @y;
+        $date0=&ParseDate("0000-01-01")          if (! $date0);
+        $date1=&ParseDate("9999-12-31 23:59:59") if (! $date1);
+        if ($m eq "0"  and  $w eq "0") {
+          # * Y-0-0-0-H-MN-S
+          # * Y-0-0-DOY-H-MN-S
+          if ($d eq "0") {
+            @d=(1);
+          } else {
+            @d=&ReturnList($d);
+            return ()  if (! @d);
+            foreach $d (@d) {
+              return ()  if (! &IsInt($d,1,366));
+            }
+            @d=sort { $a<=>$b } (@d);
+          }
+          @date=();
+          foreach $yy (@y) {
+            foreach $d (@d) {
+              ($y,$m,$dd)=&Date_NthDayOfYear($yy,$d);
+              push(@date, &Date_Join($y,$m,$dd,0,0,0));
+            }
+          }
+          last RECUR;
+        } elsif ($w eq "0") {
+          # * Y-M-0-0-H-MN-S
+          # * Y-M-0-DOM-H-MN-S
+          @m=&ReturnList($m);
+          return ()  if (! @m);
+          foreach $m (@m) {
+            return ()  if (! &IsInt($m,1,12));
+          }
+          @m=sort { $a<=>$b } (@m);
+          if ($d eq "0") {
+            @d=(1);
+          } else {
+            @d=&ReturnList($d);
+            return ()  if (! @d);
+            foreach $d (@d) {
+              return ()  if (! &IsInt($d,1,31));
+            }
+            @d=sort { $a<=>$b } (@d);
+          }
+          @date=();
+          foreach $y (@y) {
+            foreach $m (@m) {
+              foreach $d (@d) {
+                $date=&Date_Join($y,$m,$d,0,0,0);
+                push(@date,$date)  if ($d<29 || &Date_Split($date));
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          last RECUR;
+        } elsif ($m eq "0") {
+          # * Y-0-WOY-DOW-H-MN-S
+          # * Y-0-WOY-0-H-MN-S
+          @w=&ReturnList($w);
+          return ()  if (! @w);
+          foreach $w (@w) {
+            return ()  if (! &IsInt($w,1,53));
+          }
+          if ($d eq "0") {
+            @d=($Cnf{"FirstDay"});
+          } else {
+            @d=&ReturnList($d);
+            return ()  if (! @d);
+            foreach $d (@d) {
+              return ()  if (! &IsInt($d,1,7));
+            }
+            @d=sort { $a<=>$b } (@d);
+          }
+          @date=();
+          foreach $y (@y) {
+            foreach $w (@w) {
+              $w="0$w"  if (length($w)==1);
+              foreach $d (@d) {
+                $date=&ParseDateString("$y-W$w-$d");
+                push(@date,$date);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          last RECUR;
+        } else {
+          # * Y-M-WOM-DOW-H-MN-S
+          # * Y-M-WOM-0-H-MN-S
+          @m=&ReturnList($m);
+          return ()  if (! @m);
+          foreach $m (@m) {
+            return ()  if (! &IsInt($m,1,12));
+          }
+          @m=sort { $a<=>$b } (@m);
+          @w=&ReturnList($w);
+          if ($d eq "0") {
+            @d=();
+          } else {
+            @d=&ReturnList($d);
+          }
+          @date=&Date_Recur_WoM(\@y,\@m,\@w,\@d,$MWn,$MDn);
+          last RECUR;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if ($#recur0==0) {
+      # Y * M-W-D-H-MN-S
+      $n=$y;
+      $n=1  if ($n==0);
+      @m=&ReturnList($m);
+      return ()  if (! @m);
+      foreach $m (@m) {
+        return ()  if (! &IsInt($m,1,12));
+      }
+      @m=sort { $a<=>$b } (@m);
+      if ($m eq "0") {
+        # Y * 0-W-D-H-MN-S   (equiv to Y-0 * W-D-H-MN-S)
+        push(@recur0,0);
+        shift(@recur1);
+      } elsif ($w eq "0") {
+        # Y * M-0-DOM-H-MN-S
+        return ()  if (! $dateb);
+        $d=1  if ($d eq "0");
+        @d=&ReturnList($d);
+        return ()  if (! @d);
+        foreach $d (@d) {
+          return ()  if (! &IsInt($d,1,31));
+        }
+        @d=sort { $a<=>$b } (@d);
+        # We need to find years that are a multiple of $n from $y(base)
+        ($y0)=( &Date_Split($date0, 1) )[0];
+        ($y1)=( &Date_Split($date1, 1) )[0];
+        ($yb)=( &Date_Split($dateb, 1) )[0];
+        @date=();
+        for ($yy=$y0; $yy<=$y1; $yy++) {
+          if (($yy-$yb)%$n == 0) {
+            foreach $m (@m) {
+              foreach $d (@d) {
+                $date=&Date_Join($yy,$m,$d,0,0,0);
+                push(@date,$date)  if ($d<29 || &Date_Split($date));
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        last RECUR;
+      } else {
+        # Y * M-WOM-DOW-H-MN-S
+        # Y * M-WOM-0-H-MN-S
+        return ()  if (! $dateb);
+        @m=&ReturnList($m);
+        @w=&ReturnList($w);
+        if ($d eq "0") {
+          @d=();
+        } else {
+          @d=&ReturnList($d);
+        }
+        ($y0)=( &Date_Split($date0, 1) )[0];
+        ($y1)=( &Date_Split($date1, 1) )[0];
+        ($yb)=( &Date_Split($dateb, 1) )[0];
+        @y=();
+        for ($yy=$y0; $yy<=$y1; $yy++) {
+          if (($yy-$yb)%$n == 0) {
+            push(@y,$yy);
+          }
+        }
+        @date=&Date_Recur_WoM(\@y,\@m,\@w,\@d,$MWn,$MDn);
+        last RECUR;
+      }
+    }
+    if ($#recur0==1) {
+      # Y-M * W-D-H-MN-S
+      if ($w eq "0") {
+        # Y-M * 0-D-H-MN-S   (equiv to Y-M-0 * D-H-MN-S)
+        push(@recur0,0);
+        shift(@recur1);
+      } elsif ($m==0) {
+        # Y-0 * WOY-0-H-MN-S
+        # Y-0 * WOY-DOW-H-MN-S
+        return ()  if (! $dateb);
+        $n=$y;
+        $n=1  if ($n==0);
+        @w=&ReturnList($w);
+        return ()  if (! @w);
+        foreach $w (@w) {
+          return ()  if (! &IsInt($w,1,53));
+        }
+        if ($d eq "0") {
+          @d=($Cnf{"FirstDay"});
+        } else {
+          @d=&ReturnList($d);
+          return ()  if (! @d);
+          foreach $d (@d) {
+            return ()  if (! &IsInt($d,1,7));
+          }
+          @d=sort { $a<=>$b } (@d);
+        }
+        # We need to find years that are a multiple of $n from $y(base)
+        ($y0)=( &Date_Split($date0, 1) )[0];
+        ($y1)=( &Date_Split($date1, 1) )[0];
+        ($yb)=( &Date_Split($dateb, 1) )[0];
+        @date=();
+        for ($yy=$y0; $yy<=$y1; $yy++) {
+          if (($yy-$yb)%$n == 0) {
+            foreach $w (@w) {
+              $w="0$w"  if (length($w)==1);
+              foreach $tmp (@d) {
+                $date=&ParseDateString("$yy-W$w-$tmp");
+                push(@date,$date);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        last RECUR;
+      } else {
+        # Y-M * WOM-0-H-MN-S
+        # Y-M * WOM-DOW-H-MN-S
+        return ()  if (! $dateb);
+        @tmp=(@recur0);
+        push(@tmp,0)  while ($#tmp<6);
+        $delta=join(":",@tmp);
+        @tmp=&Date_Recur($date0,$date1,$dateb,$delta);
+        @w=&ReturnList($w);
+        @m=();
+        if ($d eq "0") {
+          @d=();
+        } else {
+          @d=&ReturnList($d);
+        }
+        @date=&Date_Recur_WoM(\@tmp,\@m,\@w,\@d,$MWn,$MDn);
+        last RECUR;
+      }
+    }
+    if ($#recur0==2) {
+      # Y-M-W * D-H-MN-S
+      if ($d eq "0") {
+        # Y-M-W * 0-H-MN-S
+        return ()  if (! $dateb);
+        $y=1  if ($y==0 && $m==0 && $w==0);
+        $delta="$y:$m:$w:0:0:0:0";
+        @date=&Date_Recur($date0,$date1,$dateb,$delta);
+        last RECUR;
+      } elsif ($m==0 && $w==0) {
+        # Y-0-0 * DOY-H-MN-S
+        $y=1  if ($y==0);
+        $n=$y;
+        return ()  if (! $dateb  &&  $y!=1);
+        @d=&ReturnList($d);
+        return ()  if (! @d);
+        foreach $d (@d) {
+          return ()  if (! &IsInt($d,1,366));
+        }
+        @d=sort { $a<=>$b } (@d);
+        # We need to find years that are a multiple of $n from $y(base)
+        ($y0)=( &Date_Split($date0, 1) )[0];
+        ($y1)=( &Date_Split($date1, 1) )[0];
+        ($yb)=( &Date_Split($dateb, 1) )[0];
+        @date=();
+        for ($yy=$y0; $yy<=$y1; $yy++) {
+          if (($yy-$yb)%$n == 0) {
+            foreach $d (@d) {
+              ($y,$m,$dd)=&Date_NthDayOfYear($yy,$d);
+              push(@date, &Date_Join($y,$m,$dd,0,0,0));
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        last RECUR;
+      } elsif ($w>0) {
+        # Y-M-W * DOW-H-MN-S
+        return ()  if (! $dateb);
+        @tmp=(@recur0);
+        push(@tmp,0)  while ($#tmp<6);
+        $delta=join(":",@tmp);
+        @d=&ReturnList($d);
+        return ()  if (! @d);
+        foreach $d (@d) {
+          return ()  if (! &IsInt($d,1,7));
+        }
+        # Find out what DofW the basedate is.
+        @tmp2=&Date_Split($dateb, 1);
+        $tmp=&Date_DayOfWeek($tmp2[1],$tmp2[2],$tmp2[0]);
+        @date=();
+        foreach $d (@d) {
+          $date_b=$dateb;
+          # Move basedate to DOW
+          if ($d != $tmp) {
+            if (($tmp>=$Cnf{"FirstDay"} && $d<$Cnf{"FirstDay"}) ||
+                ($tmp>=$Cnf{"FirstDay"} && $d>$tmp) ||
+                ($tmp<$d && $d<$Cnf{"FirstDay"})) {
+              $date_b=&Date_GetNext($date_b,$d);
+            } else {
+              $date_b=&Date_GetPrev($date_b,$d);
+            }
+          }
+          push(@date,&Date_Recur($date0,$date1,$date_b,$delta));
+        }
+        @date=sort(@date);
+        last RECUR;
+      } elsif ($m>0) {
+        # Y-M-0 * DOM-H-MN-S
+        return ()  if (! $dateb);
+        @tmp=(@recur0);
+        push(@tmp,0)  while ($#tmp<6);
+        $delta=join(":",@tmp);
+        @d=&ReturnList($d);
+        return ()  if (! @d);
+        foreach $d (@d) {
+          return ()  if (! &IsInt($d,-31,31)  ||  $d==0);
+        }
+        @d=sort { $a<=>$b } (@d);
+        @tmp2=&Date_Recur($date0,$date1,$dateb,$delta);
+        @date=();
+        foreach $date (@tmp2) {
+          ($y,$m)=( &Date_Split($date, 1) )[0..1];
+          $tmp2=&Date_DaysInMonth($m,$y);
+          foreach $d (@d) {
+            $d2=$d;
+            $d2=$tmp2+1+$d  if ($d<0);
+            push(@date,&Date_Join($y,$m,$d2,0,0,0))  if ($d2<=$tmp2);
+          }
+        }
+        @date=sort (@date);
+        last RECUR;
+      } else {
+        return ();
+      }
+    }
+    if ($#recur0>2) {
+      # Y-M-W-D * H-MN-S
+      # Y-M-W-D-H * MN-S
+      # Y-M-W-D-H-MN * S
+      # Y-M-W-D-H-S
+      return ()  if (! $dateb);
+      @tmp=(@recur0);
+      push(@tmp,0)  while ($#tmp<6);
+      $delta=join(":",@tmp);
+      return ()  if ($delta !~ /[1-9]/);    # return if "0:0:0:0:0:0:0"
+      @date=&Date_Recur($date0,$date1,$dateb,$delta);
+      if (@recur1) {
+        unshift(@recur1,-1)  while ($#recur1<2);
+        @time=@recur1;
+      } else {
+        shift(@date);
+        pop(@date);
+        @time=();
+      }
+    }
+    last RECUR;
+  }
+  @date=&Date_RecurSetTime($date0,$date1,\@date,@time)  if (@time);
+  #
+  # We've got a list of dates.  Operate on them with the flags.
+  #
+  my($sign,$forw,$today,$df,$db,$work,$i);
+  if (@flags) {
+  FLAG: foreach $f (@flags) {
+      $f = uc($f);
+      if ($f =~ /^(P|N)(D|T)([1-7])$/) {
+        @tmp=($1,$2,$3);
+        $forw =($tmp[0] eq "P" ? 0 : 1);
+        $today=($tmp[1] eq "D" ? 0 : 1);
+        $d=$tmp[2];
+        @tmp=();
+        foreach $date (@date) {
+          if ($forw) {
+            push(@tmp, &Date_GetNext($date,$d,$today));
+          } else {
+            push(@tmp, &Date_GetPrev($date,$d,$today));
+          }
+        }
+        @date=@tmp;
+        next FLAG;
+      }
+      # We want to go forward exact amounts of time instead of
+      # business mode calculations so that we don't change the time
+      # (which may have been set in the recur).
+      if ($f =~ /^(F|B)(D|W)(\d+)$/) {
+        @tmp=($1,$2,$3);
+        $sign="+";
+        $sign="-"  if ($tmp[0] eq "B");
+        $work=0;
+        $work=1    if ($tmp[1] eq "W");
+        $n=$tmp[2];
+        @tmp=();
+        foreach $date (@date) {
+          for ($i=1; $i<=$n; $i++) {
+            while (1) {
+              $date=&DateCalc($date,"${sign}0:0:0:1:0:0:0");
+              last if (! $work  ||  &Date_IsWorkDay($date,0));
+            }
+          }
+          push(@tmp,$date);
+        }
+        @date=@tmp;
+        next FLAG;
+      }
+      if ($f =~ /^CW(N|P|D)$/ || $f =~ /^(N|P|D)W(D)$/) {
+        $tmp=$1;
+        my $noalt = $2 ? 1 : 0;
+        if ($tmp eq "N"  ||  ($tmp eq "D" && $Cnf{"TomorrowFirst"})) {
+          $forw=1;
+        } else {
+          $forw=0;
+        }
+        @tmp=();
+      DATE: foreach $date (@date) {
+          $df=$db=$date;
+          if (&Date_IsWorkDay($date)) {
+            push(@tmp,$date);
+            next DATE;
+          }
+          while (1) {
+            if ($forw) {
+              $d=$df=&DateCalc($df,"+0:0:0:1:0:0:0");
+            } else {
+              $d=$db=&DateCalc($db,"-0:0:0:1:0:0:0");
+            }
+            if (&Date_IsWorkDay($d)) {
+              push(@tmp,$d);
+              next DATE;
+            }
+            $forw=1-$forw  if (! $noalt);
+          }
+        }
+        @date=@tmp;
+        next FLAG;
+      }
+      if ($f eq "EASTER") {
+        @tmp=();
+        foreach $date (@date) {
+          ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=&Date_Split($date, 1);
+          ($m,$d)=&Date_Easter($y);
+          $date=&Date_Join($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s);
+          next  if (&Date_Cmp($date,$date0)<0  ||
+                    &Date_Cmp($date,$date1)>0);
+          push(@tmp,$date);
+        }
+        @date=@tmp;
+      }
+    }
+    @date = sort(@date);
+  }
+  @date;
+sub Date_GetPrev {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_GetPrev\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date,$dow,$today,$hr,$min,$sec)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  my($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s,$err,$curr_dow,%dow,$num,$delta,$th,$tm,$ts,
+     $adjust,$curr)=();
+  $hr="00"   if (defined $hr   &&  $hr eq "0");
+  $min="00"  if (defined $min  &&  $min eq "0");
+  $sec="00"  if (defined $sec  &&  $sec eq "0");
+  if (! &Date_Split($date)) {
+    $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+    return ""  if (! $date);
+  }
+  $curr=$date;
+  ($y,$m,$d)=( &Date_Split($date, 1) )[0..2];
+  if ($dow) {
+    $curr_dow=&Date_DayOfWeek($m,$d,$y);
+    %dow=%{ $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"WeekH"} };
+    if (&IsInt($dow)) {
+      return ""  if ($dow<1  ||  $dow>7);
+    } else {
+      return ""  if (! exists $dow{lc($dow)});
+      $dow=$dow{lc($dow)};
+    }
+    if ($dow == $curr_dow) {
+      $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"-0:0:1:0:0:0:0",\$err,0)  if (! $today);
+      $adjust=1  if ($today==2);
+    } else {
+      $dow -= 7  if ($dow>$curr_dow); # make sure previous day is less
+      $num = $curr_dow - $dow;
+      $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"-0:0:0:$num:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+    }
+    $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$hr,$min,$sec)  if (defined $hr);
+    $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"-0:0:1:0:0:0:0",\$err,0)
+      if ($adjust  &&  &Date_Cmp($date,$curr)>0);
+  } else {
+    ($h,$mn,$s)=( &Date_Split($date, 1) )[3..5];
+    ($th,$tm,$ts)=&Date_ParseTime($hr,$min,$sec);
+    if ($hr) {
+      ($hr,$min,$sec)=($th,$tm,$ts);
+      $delta="-0:0:0:1:0:0:0";
+    } elsif ($min) {
+      ($hr,$min,$sec)=($h,$tm,$ts);
+      $delta="-0:0:0:0:1:0:0";
+    } elsif ($sec) {
+      ($hr,$min,$sec)=($h,$mn,$ts);
+      $delta="-0:0:0:0:0:1:0";
+    } else {
+      confess "ERROR: invalid arguments in Date_GetPrev.\n";
+    }
+    $d=&Date_SetTime($date,$hr,$min,$sec);
+    if ($today) {
+      $d=&DateCalc_DateDelta($d,$delta,\$err,0)  if (&Date_Cmp($d,$date)>0);
+    } else {
+      $d=&DateCalc_DateDelta($d,$delta,\$err,0)  if (&Date_Cmp($d,$date)>=0);
+    }
+    $date=$d;
+  }
+  return $date;
+sub Date_GetNext {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_GetNext\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date,$dow,$today,$hr,$min,$sec)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  my($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s,$err,$curr_dow,%dow,$num,$delta,$th,$tm,$ts,
+     $adjust,$curr)=();
+  $hr="00"   if (defined $hr   &&  $hr eq "0");
+  $min="00"  if (defined $min  &&  $min eq "0");
+  $sec="00"  if (defined $sec  &&  $sec eq "0");
+  if (! &Date_Split($date)) {
+    $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+    return ""  if (! $date);
+  }
+  $curr=$date;
+  ($y,$m,$d)=( &Date_Split($date, 1) )[0..2];
+  if ($dow) {
+    $curr_dow=&Date_DayOfWeek($m,$d,$y);
+    %dow=%{ $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"WeekH"} };
+    if (&IsInt($dow)) {
+      return ""  if ($dow<1  ||  $dow>7);
+    } else {
+      return ""  if (! exists $dow{lc($dow)});
+      $dow=$dow{lc($dow)};
+    }
+    if ($dow == $curr_dow) {
+      $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"+0:0:1:0:0:0:0",\$err,0)  if (! $today);
+      $adjust=1  if ($today==2);
+    } else {
+      $curr_dow -= 7  if ($curr_dow>$dow); # make sure next date is greater
+      $num = $dow - $curr_dow;
+      $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"+0:0:0:$num:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+    }
+    $date=&Date_SetTime($date,$hr,$min,$sec)  if (defined $hr);
+    $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"+0:0:1:0:0:0:0",\$err,0)
+      if ($adjust  &&  &Date_Cmp($date,$curr)<0);
+  } else {
+    ($h,$mn,$s)=( &Date_Split($date, 1) )[3..5];
+    ($th,$tm,$ts)=&Date_ParseTime($hr,$min,$sec);
+    if ($hr) {
+      ($hr,$min,$sec)=($th,$tm,$ts);
+      $delta="+0:0:0:1:0:0:0";
+    } elsif ($min) {
+      ($hr,$min,$sec)=($h,$tm,$ts);
+      $delta="+0:0:0:0:1:0:0";
+    } elsif ($sec) {
+      ($hr,$min,$sec)=($h,$mn,$ts);
+      $delta="+0:0:0:0:0:1:0";
+    } else {
+      confess "ERROR: invalid arguments in Date_GetNext.\n";
+    }
+    $d=&Date_SetTime($date,$hr,$min,$sec);
+    if ($today) {
+      $d=&DateCalc_DateDelta($d,$delta,\$err,0)  if (&Date_Cmp($d,$date)<0);
+    } else {
+      $d=&DateCalc_DateDelta($d,$delta,\$err,0)  if (&Date_Cmp($d,$date)<1);
+    }
+    $date=$d;
+  }
+  return $date;
+sub Date_IsHoliday {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_IsHoliday\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+  return undef  if (! $date);
+  $date=&Date_SetTime($date,0,0,0);
+  my($y)=(&Date_Split($date, 1))[0];
+  &Date_UpdateHolidays($y)  if (! exists $Holiday{"dates"}{$y});
+  return undef  if (! exists $Holiday{"dates"}{$y}{$date});
+  my($name)=$Holiday{"dates"}{$y}{$date};
+  return ""   if (! $name);
+  $name;
+sub Events_List {
+  print "DEBUG: Events_List\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my(@args)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  &Events_ParseRaw();
+  my($tmp,$date0,$date1,$flag);
+  $date0=&ParseDateString($args[0]);
+  warn "Invalid date $args[0]", return undef  if (! $date0);
+  if ($#args == 0) {
+    return &Events_Calc($date0);
+  }
+  if ($args[1]) {
+    $date1=&ParseDateString($args[1]);
+    warn "Invalid date $args[1]\n", return undef  if (! $date1);
+    if (&Date_Cmp($date0,$date1)>0) {
+      $tmp=$date1;
+      $date1=$date0;
+      $date0=$tmp;
+    }
+  } else {
+    $date0=&Date_SetTime($date0,"00:00:00");
+    $date1=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date0,"+0:0:0:1:0:0:0");
+  }
+  $tmp=&Events_Calc($date0,$date1);
+  $flag=$args[2];
+  return $tmp  if (! $flag);
+  my(@tmp,%ret,$delta)=();
+  @tmp=@$tmp;
+  push(@tmp,$date1);
+  if ($flag==1) {
+    while ($#tmp>0) {
+      ($date0,$tmp)=splice(@tmp,0,2);
+      $date1=$tmp[0];
+      $delta=&DateCalc_DateDate($date0,$date1);
+      foreach $flag (@$tmp) {
+        if (exists $ret{$flag}) {
+          $ret{$flag}=&DateCalc_DeltaDelta($ret{$flag},$delta);
+        } else {
+          $ret{$flag}=$delta;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return \%ret;
+  } elsif ($flag==2) {
+    while ($#tmp>0) {
+      ($date0,$tmp)=splice(@tmp,0,2);
+      $date1=$tmp[0];
+      $delta=&DateCalc_DateDate($date0,$date1);
+      $flag=join("+",sort @$tmp);
+      next  if (! $flag);
+      if (exists $ret{$flag}) {
+        $ret{$flag}=&DateCalc_DeltaDelta($ret{$flag},$delta);
+      } else {
+        $ret{$flag}=$delta;
+      }
+    }
+    return \%ret;
+  }
+  warn "Invalid flag $flag\n";
+  return undef;
+# NOTE: The following routines may be called in the routines below with very
+#       little time penalty.
+sub Date_SetTime {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_SetTime\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date,$h,$mn,$s)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  my($y,$m,$d)=();
+  if (! &Date_Split($date)) {
+    $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+    return ""  if (! $date);
+  }
+  ($y,$m,$d)=( &Date_Split($date, 1) )[0..2];
+  ($h,$mn,$s)=&Date_ParseTime($h,$mn,$s);
+  my($ampm,$wk);
+  return ""  if (&Date_DateCheck(\$y,\$m,\$d,\$h,\$mn,\$s,\$ampm,\$wk));
+  &Date_Join($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s);
+sub Date_SetDateField {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_SetDateField\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date,$field,$val,$nocheck)=@_;
+  my($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=();
+  $nocheck=0  if (! defined $nocheck);
+  ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=&Date_Split($date);
+  if (! $y) {
+    $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+    return "" if (! $date);
+    ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=&Date_Split($date, 1);
+  }
+  if      (lc($field) eq "y") {
+    $y=$val;
+  } elsif (lc($field) eq "m") {
+    $m=$val;
+  } elsif (lc($field) eq "d") {
+    $d=$val;
+  } elsif (lc($field) eq "h") {
+    $h=$val;
+  } elsif (lc($field) eq "mn") {
+    $mn=$val;
+  } elsif (lc($field) eq "s") {
+    $s=$val;
+  } else {
+    confess "ERROR: Date_SetDateField: invalid field: $field\n";
+  }
+  $date=&Date_Join($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s);
+  return $date  if ($nocheck  ||  &Date_Split($date));
+  return "";
+# NOTE: These routines should not call any of the routines above as
+#       there will be a severe time penalty (and the possibility of
+#       infinite recursion).  The last couple routines above are
+#       exceptions.
+# NOTE: Date_Init is a special case.  It should be called (conditionally)
+#       in every routine that uses any variable from the Date::Manip
+#       namespace.
+sub Date_DaysInMonth {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_DaysInMonth\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($m,$y)=@_;
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)!=4);
+  my(@d_in_m)=(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
+  $d_in_m[2]=29  if (&Date_LeapYear($y));
+  return $d_in_m[$m];
+sub Date_DayOfWeek {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_DayOfWeek\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($m,$d,$y)=@_;
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)!=4);
+  my($dayofweek,$dec31)=();
+  $dec31=5;                     # Dec 31, 1BC was Friday
+  $dayofweek=(&Date_DaysSince1BC($m,$d,$y)+$dec31) % 7;
+  $dayofweek=7  if ($dayofweek==0);
+  return $dayofweek;
+# Can't be in "use integer" because the numbers are too big.
+no integer;
+sub Date_SecsSince1970 {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_SecsSince1970\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($m,$d,$y,$h,$mn,$s)=@_;
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)!=4);
+  my($sec_now,$sec_70)=();
+  $sec_now=(&Date_DaysSince1BC($m,$d,$y)-1)*24*3600 + $h*3600 + $mn*60 + $s;
+# $sec_70 =(&Date_DaysSince1BC(1,1,1970)-1)*24*3600;
+  $sec_70 =62167219200;
+  return ($sec_now-$sec_70);
+sub Date_SecsSince1970GMT {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_SecsSince1970GMT\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($m,$d,$y,$h,$mn,$s)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)!=4);
+  my($sec)=&Date_SecsSince1970($m,$d,$y,$h,$mn,$s);
+  return $sec   if ($Cnf{"ConvTZ"} eq "IGNORE");
+  my($tz)=$Cnf{"ConvTZ"};
+  $tz=$Cnf{"TZ"}  if (! $tz);
+  $tz=$Zone{"n2o"}{lc($tz)}  if ($tz !~ /^[+-]\d{4}$/);
+  my($tzs)=1;
+  $tzs=-1 if ($tz<0);
+  $tz=~/.(..)(..)/;
+  my($tzh,$tzm)=($1,$2);
+  $sec - $tzs*($tzh*3600+$tzm*60);
+use integer;
+sub Date_DaysSince1BC {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_DaysSince1BC\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($m,$d,$y)=@_;
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)!=4);
+  my($Ny,$N4,$N100,$N400,$dayofyear,$days)=();
+  my($cc,$yy)=();
+  $y=~ /(\d{2})(\d{2})/;
+  ($cc,$yy)=($1,$2);
+  # Number of full years since Dec 31, 1BC (counting the year 0000).
+  $Ny=$y;
+  # Number of full 4th years (incl. 0000) since Dec 31, 1BC
+  $N4=($Ny-1)/4 + 1;
+  $N4=0         if ($y==0);
+  # Number of full 100th years (incl. 0000)
+  $N100=$cc + 1;
+  $N100--       if ($yy==0);
+  $N100=0       if ($y==0);
+  # Number of full 400th years (incl. 0000)
+  $N400=($N100-1)/4 + 1;
+  $N400=0       if ($y==0);
+  $dayofyear=&Date_DayOfYear($m,$d,$y);
+  $days= $Ny*365 + $N4 - $N100 + $N400 + $dayofyear;
+  return $days;
+sub Date_DayOfYear {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_DayOfYear\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($m,$d,$y)=@_;
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)!=4);
+  # DinM    = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
+  my(@days) = ( 0, 31, 59, 90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365);
+  my($ly)=0;
+  $ly=1  if ($m>2 && &Date_LeapYear($y));
+  return ($days[$m-1]+$d+$ly);
+sub Date_DaysInYear {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_DaysInYear\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($y)=@_;
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)!=4);
+  return 366  if (&Date_LeapYear($y));
+  return 365;
+sub Date_WeekOfYear {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_WeekOfYear\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($m,$d,$y,$f)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)!=4);
+  my($day,$dow,$doy)=();
+  $doy=&Date_DayOfYear($m,$d,$y);
+  # The current DayOfYear and DayOfWeek
+  if ($Cnf{"Jan1Week1"}) {
+    $day=1;
+  } else {
+    $day=4;
+  }
+  $dow=&Date_DayOfWeek(1,$day,$y);
+  # Move back to the first day of week 1.
+  $f-=7  if ($f>$dow);
+  $day-= ($dow-$f);
+  return 0  if ($day>$doy);      # Day is in last week of previous year
+  return (($doy-$day)/7 + 1);
+sub Date_LeapYear {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_LeapYear\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($y)=@_;
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)!=4);
+  return 0 unless $y % 4 == 0;
+  return 1 unless $y % 100 == 0;
+  return 0 unless $y % 400 == 0;
+  return 1;
+sub Date_DaySuffix {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_DaySuffix\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  return $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"DoML"}[$d-1];
+sub Date_ConvTZ {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_ConvTZ\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date,$from,$to)=@_;
+  if (not Date_Split($date)) {
+      croak "date passed in ('$date') is not a Date::Manip object";
+  }
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  my($gmt)=();
+  if (! $from) {
+    if (! $to) {
+      # TZ -> ConvTZ
+      return $date  if ($Cnf{"ConvTZ"} eq "IGNORE" or ! $Cnf{"ConvTZ"});
+      $from=$Cnf{"TZ"};
+      $to=$Cnf{"ConvTZ"};
+    } else {
+      # ConvTZ,TZ -> $to
+      $from=$Cnf{"ConvTZ"};
+      $from=$Cnf{"TZ"}  if (! $from);
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (! $to) {
+      # $from -> ConvTZ,TZ
+      return $date  if ($Cnf{"ConvTZ"} eq "IGNORE");
+      $to=$Cnf{"ConvTZ"};
+      $to=$Cnf{"TZ"}  if (! $to);
+    } else {
+      # $from -> $to
+    }
+  }
+  $to=$Zone{"n2o"}{lc($to)}
+    if (exists $Zone{"n2o"}{lc($to)});
+  $from=$Zone{"n2o"}{lc($from)}
+    if (exists $Zone{"n2o"}{lc($from)});
+  $gmt=$Zone{"n2o"}{"gmt"};
+  return $date  if ($from !~ /^[+-]\d{4}$/ or $to !~ /^[+-]\d{4}$/);
+  return $date  if ($from eq $to);
+  my($s1,$h1,$m1,$s2,$h2,$m2,$d,$h,$m,$sign,$delta,$err,$yr,$mon,$sec)=();
+  # We're going to try to do the calculation without calling DateCalc.
+  ($yr,$mon,$d,$h,$m,$sec)=&Date_Split($date, 1);
+  # Convert $date from $from to GMT
+  $from=~/([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})/;
+  ($s1,$h1,$m1)=($1,$2,$3);
+  $s1= ($s1 eq "-" ? "+" : "-");   # switch sign
+  $sign=$s1 . "1";     # + or - 1
+  # and from GMT to $to
+  $to=~/([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})/;
+  ($s2,$h2,$m2)=($1,$2,$3);
+  if ($s1 eq $s2) {
+    # Both the same sign
+    $m+= $sign*($m1+$m2);
+    $h+= $sign*($h1+$h2);
+  } else {
+    $sign=($s2 eq "-" ? +1 : -1)  if ($h1<$h2  ||  ($h1==$h2 && $m1<$m2));
+    $m+= $sign*($m1-$m2);
+    $h+= $sign*($h1-$h2);
+  }
+  if ($m>59) {
+    $h+= $m/60;
+    $m-= ($m/60)*60;
+  } elsif ($m<0) {
+    $h+= ($m/60 - 1);
+    $m-= ($m/60 - 1)*60;
+  }
+  if ($h>23) {
+    $delta=$h/24;
+    $h -= $delta*24;
+    if (($d + $delta) > 28) {
+      $date=&Date_Join($yr,$mon,$d,$h,$m,$sec);
+      return &DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"+0:0:0:$delta:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+    }
+    $d+= $delta;
+  } elsif ($h<0) {
+    $delta=-$h/24 + 1;
+    $h += $delta*24;
+    if (($d - $delta) < 1) {
+      $date=&Date_Join($yr,$mon,$d,$h,$m,$sec);
+      return &DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"-0:0:0:$delta:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+    }
+    $d-= $delta;
+  }
+  return &Date_Join($yr,$mon,$d,$h,$m,$sec);
+sub Date_TimeZone {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_TimeZone\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($null,$tz,@tz,$std,$dst,$time,$isdst,$tmp,$in)=();
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  # Get timezones from all of the relevant places
+  push(@tz,$Cnf{"TZ"})  if (defined $Cnf{"TZ"});  # TZ config var
+  push(@tz,$ENV{"TZ"})  if (defined $ENV{"TZ"});  # TZ environ var
+  push(@tz,$ENV{'SYS$TIMEZONE_RULE'})
+    if defined $ENV{'SYS$TIMEZONE_RULE'};         # VMS TZ environ var
+  push(@tz,$ENV{'SYS$TIMEZONE_NAME'})
+    if defined $ENV{'SYS$TIMEZONE_NAME'};         # VMS TZ name environ var
+  push(@tz,$ENV{'UCX$TZ'})
+    if defined $ENV{'UCX$TZ'};                    # VMS TZ environ var
+  push(@tz,$ENV{'TCPIP$TZ'})
+    if defined $ENV{'TCPIP$TZ'};                  # VMS TZ environ var
+  # The `date` command... if we're doing taint checking, we need to
+  # always call it with a full path... otherwise, use the user's path.
+  #
+  # Microsoft operating systems don't have a date command built in.  Try
+  # to trap all the various ways of knowing we are on one of these systems.
+  #
+  # We'll try `date +%Z` first, and if that fails, we'll take just the
+  # `date` program and assume the output is of the format:
+  # Thu Aug 31 14:57:46 EDT 2000
+  unless (($^X =~ /perl\.exe$/i) or
+          ($OS eq "Windows") or
+          ($OS eq "Netware") or
+          ($OS eq "VMS")) {
+    if ($Date::Manip::NoTaint) {
+      if ($OS eq "VMS") {
+        $tz=$ENV{'SYS$TIMEZONE_NAME'};
+        if (! $tz) {
+          $tz=$ENV{'MULTINET_TIMEZONE'};
+          if (! $tz) {
+            $tz=$ENV{'SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL'}/3600.; # e.g. '-4' for EDT
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        $tz=`date +%Z 2> /dev/null`;
+        chomp($tz);
+        if (! $tz) {
+          $tz=`date 2> /dev/null`;
+          chomp($tz);
+          $tz=(split(/\s+/,$tz))[4];
+        }
+      }
+      push(@tz,$tz);
+    } else {
+      # We need to satisfy taint checking, but also look in all the
+      # directories in @DatePath.
+      #
+      local $ENV{PATH} = join(':', @Date::Manip::DatePath);
+      local $ENV{BASH_ENV} = '';
+      $tz=`date +%Z 2> /dev/null`;
+      chomp($tz);
+      if (! $tz) {
+	$tz=`date 2> /dev/null`;
+	chomp($tz);
+	$tz=(split(/\s+/,$tz))[4];
+      }
+      push(@tz,$tz);
+    }
+  }
+  push(@tz,$main::TZ)         if (defined $main::TZ);         # $main::TZ
+  if (-s "/etc/TIMEZONE") {                                   # /etc/TIMEZONE
+    $in=new IO::File;
+    $in->open("/etc/TIMEZONE","r");
+    while (! eof($in)) {
+      $tmp=<$in>;
+      if ($tmp =~ /^TZ\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/) {
+        push(@tz,$1);
+        last;
+      }
+    }
+    $in->close;
+  }
+  if (-s "/etc/timezone") {                                   # /etc/timezone
+    $in=new IO::File;
+    $in->open("/etc/timezone","r");
+    while (! eof($in)) {
+      $tmp=<$in>;
+      next  if ($tmp =~ /^\s*\043/);
+      chomp($tmp);
+      if ($tmp =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/) {
+        push(@tz,$1);
+        last;
+      }
+    }
+    $in->close;
+  }
+  # Now parse each one to find the first valid one.
+  foreach $tz (@tz) {
+    $tz =~ s/\s*$//;
+    $tz =~ s/^\s*//;
+    next  if (! $tz);
+    return uc($tz)
+      if (defined $Zone{"n2o"}{lc($tz)});
+    if ($tz =~ /^[+-]\d{4}$/) {
+      return $tz;
+    } elsif ($tz =~ /^([+-]\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?$/) {
+      my($h,$m)=($1,$2);
+      $m="00"  if (! $m);
+      return "$h$m";
+    }
+    # Handle US/Eastern format
+    if ($tz =~ /^$Zone{"tzones"}$/i) {
+      $tmp=lc $1;
+      $tz=$Zone{"tz2z"}{$tmp};
+    }
+    # Handle STD#DST# format (and STD-#DST-# formats)
+    if ($tz =~ /^([a-z]+)-?\d([a-z]+)-?\d?$/i) {
+      ($std,$dst)=($1,$2);
+      next  if (! defined $Zone{"n2o"}{lc($std)} or
+                ! defined $Zone{"n2o"}{lc($dst)});
+      $time = time();
+      ($null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$isdst) =
+        localtime($time);
+      return uc($dst)  if ($isdst);
+      return uc($std);
+    }
+  }
+  confess "ERROR: Date::Manip unable to determine TimeZone.\n";
+# Returns 1 if $date is a work day.  If $time is non-zero, the time is
+# also checked to see if it falls within work hours.  Returns "" if
+# an invalid date is passed in.
+sub Date_IsWorkDay {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_IsWorkDay\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date,$time)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+  return ""  if (! $date);
+  my($d)=$date;
+  $d=&Date_SetTime($date,$Cnf{"WorkDayBeg"})  if (! $time);
+  my($y,$mon,$day,$tmp,$h,$m,$dow)=();
+  ($y,$mon,$day,$h,$m,$tmp)=&Date_Split($d, 1);
+  $dow=&Date_DayOfWeek($mon,$day,$y);
+  return 0  if ($dow<$Cnf{"WorkWeekBeg"} or
+                $dow>$Cnf{"WorkWeekEnd"} or
+                "$h:$m" lt $Cnf{"WorkDayBeg"} or
+                "$h:$m" gt $Cnf{"WorkDayEnd"});
+  if (! exists $Holiday{"dates"}{$y}) {
+    # There will be recursion problems if we ever end up here twice.
+    $Holiday{"dates"}{$y}={};
+    &Date_UpdateHolidays($y)
+  }
+  $d=&Date_SetTime($date,"00:00:00");
+  return 0  if (exists $Holiday{"dates"}{$y}{$d});
+  1;
+# Finds the day $off work days from now.  If $time is passed in, we must
+# also take into account the time of day.
+# If $time is not passed in, day 0 is today (if today is a workday) or the
+# next work day if it isn't.  In any case, the time of day is unaffected.
+# If $time is passed in, day 0 is now (if now is part of a workday) or the
+# start of the very next work day.
+sub Date_NextWorkDay {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_NextWorkDay\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date,$off,$time)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+  my($err)=();
+  if (! &Date_IsWorkDay($date,$time)) {
+    if ($time) {
+      while (1) {
+        $date=&Date_GetNext($date,undef,0,$Cnf{"WorkDayBeg"});
+        last  if (&Date_IsWorkDay($date,$time));
+      }
+    } else {
+      while (1) {
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"+0:0:0:1:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+        last  if (&Date_IsWorkDay($date,$time));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  while ($off>0) {
+    while (1) {
+      $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"+0:0:0:1:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+      last  if (&Date_IsWorkDay($date,$time));
+    }
+    $off--;
+  }
+  return $date;
+# Finds the day $off work days before now.  If $time is passed in, we must
+# also take into account the time of day.
+# If $time is not passed in, day 0 is today (if today is a workday) or the
+# previous work day if it isn't.  In any case, the time of day is unaffected.
+# If $time is passed in, day 0 is now (if now is part of a workday) or the
+# end of the previous work period.  Note that since the end of a work day
+# will automatically be turned into the start of the next one, this time
+# may actually be treated as AFTER the current time.
+sub Date_PrevWorkDay {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_PrevWorkDay\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date,$off,$time)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+  my($err)=();
+  if (! &Date_IsWorkDay($date,$time)) {
+    if ($time) {
+      while (1) {
+        $date=&Date_GetPrev($date,undef,0,$Cnf{"WorkDayEnd"});
+        last  if (&Date_IsWorkDay($date,$time));
+      }
+      while (1) {
+        $date=&Date_GetNext($date,undef,0,$Cnf{"WorkDayBeg"});
+        last  if (&Date_IsWorkDay($date,$time));
+      }
+    } else {
+      while (1) {
+        $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+        last  if (&Date_IsWorkDay($date,$time));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  while ($off>0) {
+    while (1) {
+      $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+      last  if (&Date_IsWorkDay($date,$time));
+    }
+    $off--;
+  }
+  return $date;
+# This finds the nearest workday to $date.  If $date is a workday, it
+# is returned.
+sub Date_NearestWorkDay {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_NearestWorkDay\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date,$tomorrow)=@_;
+  &Date_Init()  if (! $Curr{"InitDone"});
+  $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+  my($a,$b,$dela,$delb,$err)=();
+  $tomorrow=$Cnf{"TomorrowFirst"}  if (! defined $tomorrow);
+  return $date  if (&Date_IsWorkDay($date));
+  # Find the nearest one.
+  if ($tomorrow) {
+    $dela="+0:0:0:1:0:0:0";
+    $delb="-0:0:0:1:0:0:0";
+  } else {
+    $dela="-0:0:0:1:0:0:0";
+    $delb="+0:0:0:1:0:0:0";
+  }
+  $a=$b=$date;
+  while (1) {
+    $a=&DateCalc_DateDelta($a,$dela,\$err);
+    return $a  if (&Date_IsWorkDay($a));
+    $b=&DateCalc_DateDelta($b,$delb,\$err);
+    return $b  if (&Date_IsWorkDay($b));
+  }
+# &Date_NthDayOfYear($y,$n);
+#   Returns a list of (YYYY,MM,DD,HH,MM,SS) for the Nth day of the year.
+sub Date_NthDayOfYear {
+  no integer;
+  print "DEBUG: Date_NthDayOfYear\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($y,$n)=@_;
+  $y=$Curr{"Y"}  if (! $y);
+  $n=1       if (! defined $n  or  $n eq "");
+  $n+=0;     # to turn 023 into 23
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)<4);
+  my $leap=&Date_LeapYear($y);
+  return ()  if ($n<1);
+  return ()  if ($n >= ($leap ? 367 : 366));
+  my(@d_in_m)=(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
+  $d_in_m[1]=29  if ($leap);
+  # Calculate the hours, minutes, and seconds into the day.
+  my $remain=($n - int($n))*24;
+  my $h=int($remain);
+  $remain=($remain - $h)*60;
+  my $mn=int($remain);
+  $remain=($remain - $mn)*60;
+  my $s=$remain;
+  # Calculate the month and the day.
+  my($m,$d)=(0,0);
+  $n=int($n);
+  while ($n>0) {
+    $m++;
+    if ($n<=$d_in_m[0]) {
+      $d=int($n);
+      $n=0;
+    } else {
+      $n-= $d_in_m[0];
+      shift(@d_in_m);
+    }
+  }
+  ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s);
+# This is used in Date_Init to fill in a hash based on international
+# data.  It takes a list of keys and values and returns both a hash
+# with these values and a regular expression of keys.
+# IN:
+#   $data   = [ key1 val1 key2 val2 ... ]
+#   $opts   = lc     : lowercase the keys in the regexp
+#             sort   : sort (by length) the keys in the regexp
+#             back   : create a regexp with a back reference
+#             escape : escape all strings in the regexp
+# OUT:
+#   $regexp = '(?:key1|key2|...)'
+#   $hash   = { key1=>val1 key2=>val2 ... }
+sub Date_InitHash {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_InitHash\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($data,$regexp,$opts,$hash)=@_;
+  my(@data)=@$data;
+  my($key,$val,@list)=();
+  # Parse the options
+  my($lc,$sort,$back,$escape)=(0,0,0,0);
+  $lc=1     if ($opts =~ /lc/i);
+  $sort=1   if ($opts =~ /sort/i);
+  $back=1   if ($opts =~ /back/i);
+  $escape=1 if ($opts =~ /escape/i);
+  # Create the hash
+  while (@data) {
+    ($key,$val,@data)=@data;
+    $key=lc($key)  if ($lc);
+    $$hash{$key}=$val;
+  }
+  # Create the regular expression
+  if ($regexp) {
+    @list=keys(%$hash);
+    @list=sort sortByLength(@list)  if ($sort);
+    if ($escape) {
+      foreach $val (@list) {
+        $val="\Q$val\E";
+      }
+    }
+    if ($back) {
+      $$regexp="(" . join("|",@list) . ")";
+    } else {
+      $$regexp="(?:" . join("|",@list) . ")";
+    }
+  }
+# This is used in Date_Init to fill in regular expressions, lists, and
+# hashes based on international data.  It takes a list of lists which have
+# to be stored as regular expressions (to find any element in the list),
+# lists, and hashes (indicating the location in the lists).
+# IN:
+#   $data   = [ [ [ valA1 valA2 ... ][ valA1' valA2' ... ] ... ]
+#               [ [ valB1 valB2 ... ][ valB1' valB2' ... ] ... ]
+#               ...
+#               [ [ valZ1 valZ2 ... ] [valZ1' valZ1' ... ] ... ] ]
+#   $lists  = [ \@listA \@listB ... \@listZ ]
+#   $opts   = lc     : lowercase the values in the regexp
+#             sort   : sort (by length) the values in the regexp
+#             back   : create a regexp with a back reference
+#             escape : escape all strings in the regexp
+#   $hash   = [ \%hash, TYPE ]
+#             TYPE 0 : $hash{ valBn=>n-1 }
+#             TYPE 1 : $hash{ valBn=>n }
+# OUT:
+#   $regexp = '(?:valA1|valA2|...|valB1|...)'
+#   $lists  = [ [ valA1 valA2 ... ]         # only the 1st list (or
+#               [ valB1 valB2 ... ] ... ]   # 2nd for int. characters)
+#   $hash
+sub Date_InitLists {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_InitLists\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($data,$regexp,$opts,$lists,$hash)=@_;
+  my(@data)=@$data;
+  my(@lists)=@$lists;
+  my($i,@ele,$ele,@list,$j,$tmp)=();
+  # Parse the options
+  my($lc,$sort,$back,$escape)=(0,0,0,0);
+  $lc=1     if ($opts =~ /lc/i);
+  $sort=1   if ($opts =~ /sort/i);
+  $back=1   if ($opts =~ /back/i);
+  $escape=1 if ($opts =~ /escape/i);
+  # Set each of the lists
+  if (@lists) {
+    confess "ERROR: Date_InitLists: lists must be 1 per data\n"
+      if ($#lists != $#data);
+    for ($i=0; $i<=$#data; $i++) {
+      @ele=@{ $data[$i] };
+      if ($Cnf{"IntCharSet"} && $#ele>0) {
+        @{ $lists[$i] } = @{ $ele[1] };
+      } else {
+        @{ $lists[$i] } = @{ $ele[0] };
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Create the hash
+  my($hashtype,$hashsave,%hash)=();
+  if (@$hash) {
+    ($hash,$hashtype)=@$hash;
+    $hashsave=1;
+  } else {
+    $hashtype=0;
+    $hashsave=0;
+  }
+  for ($i=0; $i<=$#data; $i++) {
+    @ele=@{ $data[$i] };
+    foreach $ele (@ele) {
+      @list = @{ $ele };
+      for ($j=0; $j<=$#list; $j++) {
+        $tmp=$list[$j];
+        next  if (! $tmp);
+        $tmp=lc($tmp)  if ($lc);
+        $hash{$tmp}= $j+$hashtype;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  %$hash = %hash  if ($hashsave);
+  # Create the regular expression
+  if ($regexp) {
+    @list=keys(%hash);
+    @list=sort sortByLength(@list)  if ($sort);
+    if ($escape) {
+      foreach $ele (@list) {
+        $ele="\Q$ele\E";
+      }
+    }
+    if ($back) {
+      $$regexp="(" . join("|",@list) . ")";
+    } else {
+      $$regexp="(?:" . join("|",@list) . ")";
+    }
+  }
+# This is used in Date_Init to fill in regular expressions and lists based
+# on international data.  This takes a list of strings and returns a regular
+# expression (to find any one of them).
+# IN:
+#   $data   = [ string1 string2 ... ]
+#   $opts   = lc     : lowercase the values in the regexp
+#             sort   : sort (by length) the values in the regexp
+#             back   : create a regexp with a back reference
+#             escape : escape all strings in the regexp
+# OUT:
+#   $regexp = '(string1|string2|...)'
+sub Date_InitStrings {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_InitStrings\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($data,$regexp,$opts)=@_;
+  my(@list)=@{ $data };
+  # Parse the options
+  my($lc,$sort,$back,$escape)=(0,0,0,0);
+  $lc=1     if ($opts =~ /lc/i);
+  $sort=1   if ($opts =~ /sort/i);
+  $back=1   if ($opts =~ /back/i);
+  $escape=1 if ($opts =~ /escape/i);
+  # Create the regular expression
+  my($ele)=();
+  @list=sort sortByLength(@list)  if ($sort);
+  if ($escape) {
+    foreach $ele (@list) {
+      $ele="\Q$ele\E";
+    }
+  }
+  if ($back) {
+    $$regexp="(" . join("|",@list) . ")";
+  } else {
+    $$regexp="(?:" . join("|",@list) . ")";
+  }
+  $$regexp=lc($$regexp)  if ($lc);
+# items is passed in (either as a space separated string, or a reference to
+# a list) and a regular expression which matches any one of the items is
+# prepared.  The regular expression will be of one of the forms:
+#   "(a|b)"       @list not empty, back option included
+#   "(?:a|b)"     @list not empty
+#   "()"          @list empty,     back option included
+#   ""            @list empty
+# $options is a string which contains any of the following strings:
+#   back     : the regular expression has a backreference
+#   opt      : the regular expression is optional and a "?" is appended in
+#              the first two forms
+#   optws    : the regular expression is optional and may be replaced by
+#              whitespace
+#   optWs    : the regular expression is optional, but if not present, must
+#              be replaced by whitespace
+#   sort     : the items in the list are sorted by length (longest first)
+#   lc       : the string is lowercased
+#   under    : any underscores are converted to spaces
+#   pre      : it may be preceded by whitespace
+#   Pre      : it must be preceded by whitespace
+#   PRE      : it must be preceded by whitespace or the start
+#   post     : it may be followed by whitespace
+#   Post     : it must be followed by whitespace
+#   POST     : it must be followed by whitespace or the end
+# Spaces due to pre/post options will not be included in the back reference.
+# If $array is included, then the elements will also be returned as a list.
+# $array is a string which may contain any of the following:
+#   keys     : treat the list as a hash and only the keys go into the regexp
+#   key0     : treat the list as the values of a hash with keys 0 .. N-1
+#   key1     : treat the list as the values of a hash with keys 1 .. N
+#   val0     : treat the list as the keys of a hash with values 0 .. N-1
+#   val1     : treat the list as the keys of a hash with values 1 .. N
+#    &Date_InitLists([$lang{"month_name"},$lang{"month_abb"}],
+#             [\$Month,"lc,sort,back"],
+#             [\@Month,\@Mon],
+#             [\%Month,1]);
+# This is used in Date_Init to prepare regular expressions.  A list of
+# items is passed in (either as a space separated string, or a reference to
+# a list) and a regular expression which matches any one of the items is
+# prepared.  The regular expression will be of one of the forms:
+#   "(a|b)"       @list not empty, back option included
+#   "(?:a|b)"     @list not empty
+#   "()"          @list empty,     back option included
+#   ""            @list empty
+# $options is a string which contains any of the following strings:
+#   back     : the regular expression has a backreference
+#   opt      : the regular expression is optional and a "?" is appended in
+#              the first two forms
+#   optws    : the regular expression is optional and may be replaced by
+#              whitespace
+#   optWs    : the regular expression is optional, but if not present, must
+#              be replaced by whitespace
+#   sort     : the items in the list are sorted by length (longest first)
+#   lc       : the string is lowercased
+#   under    : any underscores are converted to spaces
+#   pre      : it may be preceded by whitespace
+#   Pre      : it must be preceded by whitespace
+#   PRE      : it must be preceded by whitespace or the start
+#   post     : it may be followed by whitespace
+#   Post     : it must be followed by whitespace
+#   POST     : it must be followed by whitespace or the end
+# Spaces due to pre/post options will not be included in the back reference.
+# If $array is included, then the elements will also be returned as a list.
+# $array is a string which may contain any of the following:
+#   keys     : treat the list as a hash and only the keys go into the regexp
+#   key0     : treat the list as the values of a hash with keys 0 .. N-1
+#   key1     : treat the list as the values of a hash with keys 1 .. N
+#   val0     : treat the list as the keys of a hash with values 0 .. N-1
+#   val1     : treat the list as the keys of a hash with values 1 .. N
+sub Date_Regexp {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Regexp\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($list,$options,$array)=@_;
+  my(@list,$ret,%hash,$i)=();
+  local($_)=();
+  $options=""  if (! defined $options);
+  $array=""    if (! defined $array);
+  my($sort,$lc,$under)=(0,0,0);
+  $sort =1  if ($options =~ /sort/i);
+  $lc   =1  if ($options =~ /lc/i);
+  $under=1  if ($options =~ /under/i);
+  my($back,$opt,$pre,$post,$ws)=("?:","","","","");
+  $back =""          if ($options =~ /back/i);
+  $opt  ="?"         if ($options =~ /opt/i);
+  $pre  ='\s*'       if ($options =~ /pre/);
+  $pre  ='\s+'       if ($options =~ /Pre/);
+  $pre  ='(?:\s+|^)' if ($options =~ /PRE/);
+  $post ='\s*'       if ($options =~ /post/);
+  $post ='\s+'       if ($options =~ /Post/);
+  $post ='(?:$|\s+)' if ($options =~ /POST/);
+  $ws   ='\s*'       if ($options =~ /optws/);
+  $ws   ='\s+'       if ($options =~ /optws/);
+  my($hash,$keys,$key0,$key1,$val0,$val1)=(0,0,0,0,0,0);
+  $keys =1     if ($array =~ /keys/i);
+  $key0 =1     if ($array =~ /key0/i);
+  $key1 =1     if ($array =~ /key1/i);
+  $val0 =1     if ($array =~ /val0/i);
+  $val1 =1     if ($array =~ /val1/i);
+  $hash =1     if ($keys or $key0 or $key1 or $val0 or $val1);
+  my($ref)=ref $list;
+  if (! $ref) {
+    $list =~ s/\s*$//;
+    $list =~ s/^\s*//;
+    $list =~ s/\s+/&&&/g;
+  } elsif ($ref eq "ARRAY") {
+    $list = join("&&&",@$list);
+  } else {
+    confess "ERROR: Date_Regexp.\n";
+  }
+  if (! $list) {
+    if ($back eq "") {
+      return "()";
+    } else {
+      return "";
+    }
+  }
+  $list=lc($list)  if ($lc);
+  $list=~ s/_/ /g  if ($under);
+  @list=split(/&&&/,$list);
+  if ($keys) {
+    %hash=@list;
+    @list=keys %hash;
+  } elsif ($key0 or $key1 or $val0 or $val1) {
+    $i=0;
+    $i=1  if ($key1 or $val1);
+    if ($key0 or $key1) {
+      %hash= map { $_,$i++ } @list;
+    } else {
+      %hash= map { $i++,$_ } @list;
+    }
+  }
+  @list=sort sortByLength(@list)  if ($sort);
+  $ret="($back" . join("|",@list) . ")";
+  $ret="(?:$pre$ret$post)"  if ($pre or $post);
+  $ret.=$opt;
+  $ret="(?:$ret|$ws)"  if ($ws);
+  if ($array and $hash) {
+    return ($ret,%hash);
+  } elsif ($array) {
+    return ($ret,@list);
+  } else {
+    return $ret;
+  }
+# This will produce a delta with the correct number of signs.  At most two
+# signs will be in it normally (one before the year, and one in front of
+# the day), but if appropriate, signs will be in front of all elements.
+# Also, as many of the signs will be equivalent as possible.
+sub Delta_Normalize {
+  print "DEBUG: Delta_Normalize\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($delta,$mode)=@_;
+  return "" if (! $delta);
+  return "+0:+0:+0:+0:+0:+0:+0"
+    if ($delta =~ /^([+-]?0+:){6}[+-]?0+$/ and $Cnf{"DeltaSigns"});
+  return "+0:0:0:0:0:0:0" if ($delta =~ /^([+-]?0+:){6}[+-]?0+$/);
+  my($tmp,$sign1,$sign2,$len)=();
+  # Calculate the length of the day in minutes
+  $len=24*60;
+  $len=$Curr{"WDlen"}  if ($mode==2 || $mode==3);
+  # We have to get the sign of every component explicitely so that a "-0"
+  # or "+0" doesn't get lost by treating it numerically (i.e. "-0:0:2" must
+  # be a negative delta).
+  my($y,$mon,$w,$d,$h,$m,$s)=&Delta_Split($delta);
+  # We need to make sure that the signs of all parts of a delta are the
+  # same.  The easiest way to do this is to convert all of the large
+  # components to the smallest ones, then convert the smaller components
+  # back to the larger ones.
+  # Do the year/month part
+  $mon += $y*12;                         # convert y to m
+  $sign1="+";
+  if ($mon<0) {
+    $mon *= -1;
+    $sign1="-";
+  }
+  $y    = $mon/12;                       # convert m to y
+  $mon -= $y*12;
+  $y=0    if ($y eq "-0");               # get around silly -0 problem
+  $mon=0  if ($mon eq "-0");
+  # Do the wk/day/hour/min/sec part
+  {
+    # Unfortunately, $s is overflowing for dates more than ~70 years
+    # apart.
+    no integer;
+    if ($mode==3 || $mode==2) {
+      $s += $d*$len*60 + $h*3600 + $m*60;        # convert d/h/m to s
+    } else {
+      $s += ($d+7*$w)*$len*60 + $h*3600 + $m*60; # convert w/d/h/m to s
+    }
+    $sign2="+";
+    if ($s<0) {
+      $s*=-1;
+      $sign2="-";
+    }
+    $m  = int($s/60);                    # convert s to m
+    $s -= $m*60;
+    $d  = int($m/$len);                  # convert m to d
+    $m -= $d*$len;
+    # The rest should be fine.
+  }
+  $h  = $m/60;                           # convert m to h
+  $m -= $h*60;
+  if ($mode == 3 || $mode == 2) {
+    $w  = $w*1;                          # get around +0 problem
+  } else {
+    $w  = $d/7;                          # convert d to w
+    $d -= $w*7;
+  }
+  $w=0    if ($w eq "-0");               # get around silly -0 problem
+  $d=0    if ($d eq "-0");
+  $h=0    if ($h eq "-0");
+  $m=0    if ($m eq "-0");
+  $s=0    if ($s eq "-0");
+  # Only include two signs if necessary
+  $sign1=$sign2  if ($y==0 and $mon==0);
+  $sign2=$sign1  if ($w==0 and $d==0 and $h==0 and $m==0 and $s==0);
+  $sign2=""  if ($sign1 eq $sign2  and  ! $Cnf{"DeltaSigns"});
+  if ($Cnf{"DeltaSigns"}) {
+    return "$sign1$y:$sign1$mon:$sign2$w:$sign2$d:$sign2$h:$sign2$m:$sign2$s";
+  } else {
+    return "$sign1$y:$mon:$sign2$w:$d:$h:$m:$s";
+  }
+# This checks a delta to make sure it is valid.  If it is, it splits
+# it and returns the elements with a sign on each.  The 2nd argument
+# specifies the default sign.  Blank elements are set to 0.  If the
+# third element is non-nil, exactly 7 elements must be included.
+sub Delta_Split {
+  print "DEBUG: Delta_Split\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($delta,$sign,$exact)=@_;
+  my(@delta)=split(/:/,$delta);
+  return ()  if ($exact  and $#delta != 6);
+  my($i)=();
+  $sign="+"  if (! defined $sign);
+  for ($i=0; $i<=$#delta; $i++) {
+    $delta[$i]="0"  if (! $delta[$i]);
+    return ()  if ($delta[$i] !~ /^[+-]?\d+$/);
+    $sign = ($delta[$i] =~ s/^([+-])// ? $1 : $sign);
+    $delta[$i] = $sign.$delta[$i];
+  }
+  @delta;
+# Reads up to 3 arguments.  $h may contain the time in any international
+# format.  Any empty elements are set to 0.
+sub Date_ParseTime {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_ParseTime\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($h,$m,$s)=@_;
+  my($t)=&CheckTime("one");
+  if (defined $h  and  $h =~ /$t/) {
+    $h=$1;
+    $m=$2;
+    $s=$3   if (defined $3);
+  }
+  $h="00"  if (! defined $h);
+  $m="00"  if (! defined $m);
+  $s="00"  if (! defined $s);
+  ($h,$m,$s);
+# Forms a date with the 6 elements passed in (all of which must be defined).
+# No check as to validity is made.
+sub Date_Join {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Join\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  foreach (0 .. $#_) {
+      croak "undefined arg $_ to Date_Join()" if not defined $_[$_];
+  }
+  my($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=@_;
+  my($ym,$md,$dh,$hmn,$mns)=();
+  if      ($Cnf{"Internal"} == 0) {
+    $ym=$md=$dh="";
+    $hmn=$mns=":";
+  } elsif ($Cnf{"Internal"} == 1) {
+    $ym=$md=$dh=$hmn=$mns="";
+  } elsif ($Cnf{"Internal"} == 2) {
+    $ym=$md="-";
+    $dh=" ";
+    $hmn=$mns=":";
+  } else {
+    confess "ERROR: Invalid internal format in Date_Join.\n";
+  }
+  $m="0$m"    if (length($m)==1);
+  $d="0$d"    if (length($d)==1);
+  $h="0$h"    if (length($h)==1);
+  $mn="0$mn"  if (length($mn)==1);
+  $s="0$s"    if (length($s)==1);
+  "$y$ym$m$md$d$dh$h$hmn$mn$mns$s";
+# This checks a time.  If it is valid, it splits it and returns 3 elements.
+# If "one" or "two" is passed in, a regexp with 1/2 or 2 digit hours is
+# returned.
+sub CheckTime {
+  print "DEBUG: CheckTime\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($time)=@_;
+  my($h)='(?:0?[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])';
+  my($h2)='(?:0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])';
+  my($m)='[0-5][0-9]';
+  my($s)=$m;
+  my($hm)="(?:". $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"SepHM"} ."|:)";
+  my($ms)="(?:". $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"SepMS"} ."|:)";
+  my($ss)=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"SepSS"};
+  my($t)="^($h)$hm($m)(?:$ms($s)(?:$ss\\d+)?)?\$";
+  if ($time eq "one") {
+    return $t;
+  } elsif ($time eq "two") {
+    $t="^($h2)$hm($m)(?:$ms($s)(?:$ss\\d+)?)?\$";
+    return $t;
+  }
+  if ($time =~ /$t/i) {
+    ($h,$m,$s)=($1,$2,$3);
+    $h="0$h" if (length($h)<2);
+    $m="0$m" if (length($m)<2);
+    $s="00"  if (! defined $s);
+    return ($h,$m,$s);
+  } else {
+    return ();
+  }
+# This checks a recurrence.  If it is valid, it splits it and returns the
+# elements.  Otherwise, it returns an empty list.
+#    ($recur0,$recur1,$flags,$dateb,$date0,$date1)=&Recur_Split($recur);
+sub Recur_Split {
+  print "DEBUG: Recur_Split\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($recur)=@_;
+  my(@ret,@tmp);
+  my($R)  = '(\*?(?:[-,0-9]+[:\*]){6}[-,0-9]+)';
+  my($F)  = '(?:\*([^*]*))';
+  my($DB,$D0,$D1);
+  $DB=$D0=$D1=$F;
+  if ($recur =~ /^$R$F?$DB?$D0?$D1?$/) {
+    @ret=($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
+    @tmp=split(/\*/,shift(@ret));
+    return ()  if ($#tmp>1);
+    return (@tmp,"",@ret)  if ($#tmp==0);
+    return (@tmp,@ret);
+  }
+  return ();
+# This checks a date.  If it is valid, it splits it and returns the elements.
+# If no date is passed in, it returns a regular expression for the date.
+# The optional second argument says 'I really expect this to be a
+# valid Date::Manip object, please throw an exception if it is
+# not'.  Otherwise, errors are signalled by returning ().
+sub Date_Split {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Split\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date, $definitely_valid)=@_;
+  $definitely_valid = 0 if not defined $definitely_valid;
+  my($ym,$md,$dh,$hmn,$mns)=();
+  my($y)='(\d{4})';
+  my($m)='(0[1-9]|1[0-2])';
+  my($d)='(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])';
+  my($h)='([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3])';
+  my($mn)='([0-5][0-9])';
+  my($s)=$mn;
+  if      ($Cnf{"Internal"} == 0) {
+    $ym=$md=$dh="";
+    $hmn=$mns=":";
+  } elsif ($Cnf{"Internal"} == 1) {
+    $ym=$md=$dh=$hmn=$mns="";
+  } elsif ($Cnf{"Internal"} == 2) {
+    $ym=$md="-";
+    $dh=" ";
+    $hmn=$mns=":";
+  } else {
+    confess "ERROR: Invalid internal format in Date_Split.\n";
+  }
+  my($t)="^$y$ym$m$md$d$dh$h$hmn$mn$mns$s\$";
+  if (not defined $date or $date eq '') {
+      if ($definitely_valid) {
+	  die "bad date '$date'";
+      } else {
+	  return $t;
+      }
+  }
+  if ($date =~ /$t/) {
+    ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
+    my(@d_in_m)=(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
+    $d_in_m[2]=29  if (&Date_LeapYear($y));
+    if ($d>$d_in_m[$m]) {
+	my $msg = "invalid date $date: day $d of month $m, but only $d_in_m[$m] days in that month";
+	if ($definitely_valid) {
+	    die $msg;
+	}
+	else {
+	    warn $msg;
+	    return ();
+	}
+    }
+    return ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s);
+  }
+  if ($definitely_valid) {
+      die "invalid date $date: doesn't match regexp $t";
+  }
+  return ();
+# This returns the date easter occurs on for a given year as ($month,$day).
+# This is from the Calendar FAQ.
+sub Date_Easter {
+  my($y)=@_;
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)==2);
+  my($c) = $y/100;
+  my($g) = $y % 19;
+  my($k) = ($c-17)/25;
+  my($i) = ($c - $c/4 - ($c-$k)/3 + 19*$g + 15) % 30;
+  $i     = $i - ($i/28)*(1 - ($i/28)*(29/($i+1))*((21-$g)/11));
+  my($j) = ($y + $y/4 + $i + 2 - $c + $c/4) % 7;
+  my($l) = $i-$j;
+  my($m) = 3 + ($l+40)/44;
+  my($d) = $l + 28 - 31*($m/4);
+  return ($m,$d);
+# This takes a list of years, months, WeekOfMonth's, and optionally
+# DayOfWeek's, and returns a list of dates.  Optionally, a list of dates
+# can be passed in as the 1st argument (with the 2nd argument the null list)
+# and the year/month of these will be used.
+# If $FDn is non-zero, the first week of the month contains the first
+# occurence of this day (1=Monday).  If $FIn is non-zero, the first week of
+# the month contains the date (i.e. $FIn'th day of the month).
+sub Date_Recur_WoM {
+  my($y,$m,$w,$d,$FDn,$FIn)=@_;
+  my(@y)=@$y;
+  my(@m)=@$m;
+  my(@w)=@$w;
+  my(@d)=@$d;
+  my($date0,$date1,@tmp,@date,$d0,$d1,@tmp2)=();
+  if (@m) {
+    @tmp=();
+    foreach $y (@y) {
+      return ()  if (length($y)==1 || length($y)==3 || ! &IsInt($y,0,9999));
+      $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)==2);
+      push(@tmp,$y);
+    }
+    @y=sort { $a<=>$b } (@tmp);
+    return ()  if (! @m);
+    foreach $m (@m) {
+      return ()  if (! &IsInt($m,1,12));
+    }
+    @m=sort { $a<=>$b } (@m);
+    @tmp=@tmp2=();
+    foreach $y (@y) {
+      foreach $m (@m) {
+        push(@tmp,$y);
+        push(@tmp2,$m);
+      }
+    }
+    @y=@tmp;
+    @m=@tmp2;
+  } else {
+    foreach $d0 (@y) {
+      @tmp=&Date_Split($d0);
+      return ()  if (! @tmp);
+      push(@tmp2,$tmp[0]);
+      push(@m,$tmp[1]);
+    }
+    @y=@tmp2;
+  }
+  return ()  if (! @w);
+  foreach $w (@w) {
+    return ()  if ($w==0  ||  ! &IsInt($w,-5,5));
+  }
+  if (@d) {
+    foreach $d (@d) {
+      return ()  if (! &IsInt($d,1,7));
+    }
+    @d=sort { $a<=>$b } (@d);
+  }
+  @date=();
+  foreach $y (@y) {
+    $m=shift(@m);
+    # Find 1st day of this month and next month
+    $date0=&Date_Join($y,$m,1,0,0,0);
+    $date1=&DateCalc($date0,"+0:1:0:0:0:0:0");
+    if (@d) {
+      foreach $d (@d) {
+        # Find 1st occurence of DOW (in both months)
+        $d0=&Date_GetNext($date0,$d,1);
+        $d1=&Date_GetNext($date1,$d,1);
+        @tmp=();
+        while (&Date_Cmp($d0,$d1)<0) {
+          push(@tmp,$d0);
+          $d0=&DateCalc($d0,"+0:0:1:0:0:0:0");
+        }
+        @tmp2=();
+        foreach $w (@w) {
+          if ($w>0) {
+            push(@tmp2,$tmp[$w-1]);
+          } else {
+            push(@tmp2,$tmp[$#tmp+1+$w]);
+          }
+        }
+        @tmp2=sort(@tmp2);
+        push(@date,@tmp2);
+      }
+    } else {
+      # Find 1st day of 1st week
+      if ($FDn != 0) {
+        $date0=&Date_GetNext($date0,$FDn,1);
+      } else {
+        $date0=&Date_Join($y,$m,$FIn,0,0,0);
+      }
+      $date0=&Date_GetPrev($date0,$Cnf{"FirstDay"},1);
+      # Find 1st day of 1st week of next month
+      if ($FDn != 0) {
+        $date1=&Date_GetNext($date1,$FDn,1);
+      } else {
+        $date1=&DateCalc($date1,"+0:0:0:".($FIn-1).":0:0:0")  if ($FIn>1);
+      }
+      $date1=&Date_GetPrev($date1,$Cnf{"FirstDay"},1);
+      @tmp=();
+      while (&Date_Cmp($date0,$date1)<0) {
+        push(@tmp,$date0);
+        $date0=&DateCalc($date0,"+0:0:1:0:0:0:0");
+      }
+      @tmp2=();
+      foreach $w (@w) {
+        if ($w>0) {
+          push(@tmp2,$tmp[$w-1]);
+        } else {
+          push(@tmp2,$tmp[$#tmp+1+$w]);
+        }
+      }
+      @tmp2=sort(@tmp2);
+      push(@date,@tmp2);
+    }
+  }
+  @date;
+# This returns a sorted list of dates formed by adding/subtracting
+# $delta to $dateb in the range $date0<=$d<$dateb.  The first date int
+# the list is actually the first date<$date0 and the last date in the
+# list is the first date>=$date1 (because sometimes the set part will
+# move the date back into the range).
+sub Date_Recur {
+  my($date0,$date1,$dateb,$delta)=@_;
+  my(@ret,$d)=();
+  while (&Date_Cmp($dateb,$date0)<0) {
+    $dateb=&DateCalc_DateDelta($dateb,$delta);
+  }
+  while (&Date_Cmp($dateb,$date1)>=0) {
+    $dateb=&DateCalc_DateDelta($dateb,"-$delta");
+  }
+  # Add the dates $date0..$dateb
+  $d=$dateb;
+  while (&Date_Cmp($d,$date0)>=0) {
+    unshift(@ret,$d);
+    $d=&DateCalc_DateDelta($d,"-$delta");
+  }
+  # Add the first date earler than the range
+  unshift(@ret,$d);
+  # Add the dates $dateb..$date1
+  $d=&DateCalc_DateDelta($dateb,$delta);
+  while (&Date_Cmp($d,$date1)<0) {
+    push(@ret,$d);
+    $d=&DateCalc_DateDelta($d,$delta);
+  }
+  # Add the first date later than the range
+  push(@ret,$d);
+  @ret;
+# This sets the values in each date of a recurrence.
+# $h,$m,$s can each be values or lists "1-2,4".  If any are equal to "-1",
+# they are not set (and none of the larger elements are set).
+sub Date_RecurSetTime {
+  my($date0,$date1,$dates,$h,$m,$s)=@_;
+  my(@dates)=@$dates;
+  my(@h,@m,@s,$date,@tmp)=();
+  $m="-1"  if ($s eq "-1");
+  $h="-1"  if ($m eq "-1");
+  if ($h ne "-1") {
+    @h=&ReturnList($h);
+    return ()  if ! (@h);
+    @h=sort { $a<=>$b } (@h);
+    @tmp=();
+    foreach $date (@dates) {
+      foreach $h (@h) {
+        push(@tmp,&Date_SetDateField($date,"h",$h,1));
+      }
+    }
+    @dates=@tmp;
+  }
+  if ($m ne "-1") {
+    @m=&ReturnList($m);
+    return ()  if ! (@m);
+    @m=sort { $a<=>$b } (@m);
+    @tmp=();
+    foreach $date (@dates) {
+      foreach $m (@m) {
+        push(@tmp,&Date_SetDateField($date,"mn",$m,1));
+      }
+    }
+    @dates=@tmp;
+  }
+  if ($s ne "-1") {
+    @s=&ReturnList($s);
+    return ()  if ! (@s);
+    @s=sort { $a<=>$b } (@s);
+    @tmp=();
+    foreach $date (@dates) {
+      foreach $s (@s) {
+        push(@tmp,&Date_SetDateField($date,"s",$s,1));
+      }
+    }
+    @dates=@tmp;
+  }
+  @tmp=();
+  foreach $date (@dates) {
+    push(@tmp,$date)  if (&Date_Cmp($date,$date0)>=0  &&
+                          &Date_Cmp($date,$date1)<0  &&
+                          &Date_Split($date));
+  }
+  @tmp;
+sub DateCalc_DateDate {
+  print "DEBUG: DateCalc_DateDate\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($D1,$D2,$mode)=@_;
+  my(@d_in_m)=(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
+  $mode=0  if (! defined $mode);
+  # Exact mode
+  if ($mode==0) {
+    my($y1,$m1,$d1,$h1,$mn1,$s1)=&Date_Split($D1, 1);
+    my($y2,$m2,$d2,$h2,$mn2,$s2)=&Date_Split($D2, 1);
+    my($i,@delta,$d,$delta,$y)=();
+    # form the delta for hour/min/sec
+    $delta[4]=$h2-$h1;
+    $delta[5]=$mn2-$mn1;
+    $delta[6]=$s2-$s1;
+    # form the delta for yr/mon/day
+    $delta[0]=$delta[1]=0;
+    $d=0;
+    if ($y2>$y1) {
+      $d=&Date_DaysInYear($y1) - &Date_DayOfYear($m1,$d1,$y1);
+      $d+=&Date_DayOfYear($m2,$d2,$y2);
+      for ($y=$y1+1; $y<$y2; $y++) {
+        $d+= &Date_DaysInYear($y);
+      }
+    } elsif ($y2<$y1) {
+      $d=&Date_DaysInYear($y2) - &Date_DayOfYear($m2,$d2,$y2);
+      $d+=&Date_DayOfYear($m1,$d1,$y1);
+      for ($y=$y2+1; $y<$y1; $y++) {
+        $d+= &Date_DaysInYear($y);
+      }
+      $d *= -1;
+    } else {
+      $d=&Date_DayOfYear($m2,$d2,$y2) - &Date_DayOfYear($m1,$d1,$y1);
+    }
+    $delta[2]=0;
+    $delta[3]=$d;
+    for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) {
+      $delta[$i]="+".$delta[$i]  if ($delta[$i]>=0);
+    }
+    $delta=join(":",@delta);
+    $delta=&Delta_Normalize($delta,0);
+    return $delta;
+  }
+  my($date1,$date2)=($D1,$D2);
+  my($tmp,$sign,$err,@tmp)=();
+  # make sure both are work days
+  if ($mode==2 || $mode==3) {
+    $date1=&Date_NextWorkDay($date1,0,1);
+    $date2=&Date_NextWorkDay($date2,0,1);
+  }
+  # make sure date1 comes before date2
+  if (&Date_Cmp($date1,$date2)>0) {
+    $sign="-";
+    $tmp=$date1;
+    $date1=$date2;
+    $date2=$tmp;
+  } else {
+    $sign="+";
+  }
+  if (&Date_Cmp($date1,$date2)==0) {
+    return "+0:+0:+0:+0:+0:+0:+0"  if ($Cnf{"DeltaSigns"});
+    return "+0:0:0:0:0:0:0";
+  }
+  my($y1,$m1,$d1,$h1,$mn1,$s1)=&Date_Split($date1, 1);
+  my($y2,$m2,$d2,$h2,$mn2,$s2)=&Date_Split($date2, 1);
+  my($dy,$dm,$dw,$dd,$dh,$dmn,$ds,$ddd)=(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+  if ($mode != 3) {
+    # Do years
+    $dy=$y2-$y1;
+    $dm=0;
+    if ($dy>0) {
+      $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date1,"+$dy:0:0:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+      if (&Date_Cmp($tmp,$date2)>0) {
+        $dy--;
+        $tmp=$date1;
+        $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date1,"+$dy:0:0:0:0:0:0",\$err,0)
+          if ($dy>0);
+        $dm=12;
+      }
+      $date1=$tmp;
+    }
+    # Do months
+    $dm+=$m2-$m1;
+    if ($dm>0) {
+      $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date1,"+0:$dm:0:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+      if (&Date_Cmp($tmp,$date2)>0) {
+        $dm--;
+        $tmp=$date1;
+        $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date1,"+0:$dm:0:0:0:0:0",\$err,0)
+          if ($dm>0);
+      }
+      $date1=$tmp;
+    }
+    # At this point, check to see that we're on a business day again so that
+    # Aug 3 (Monday) -> Sep 3 (Sunday) -> Sep 4 (Monday)  = 1 month
+    if ($mode==2) {
+      if (! &Date_IsWorkDay($date1,0)) {
+        $date1=&Date_NextWorkDay($date1,0,1);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Do days
+  if ($mode==2 || $mode==3) {
+    $dd=0;
+    while (1) {
+      $tmp=&Date_NextWorkDay($date1,1,1);
+      if (&Date_Cmp($tmp,$date2)<=0) {
+        $dd++;
+        $date1=$tmp;
+      } else {
+        last;
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    ($y1,$m1,$d1)=( &Date_Split($date1, 1) )[0..2];
+    $dd=0;
+    # If we're jumping across months, set $d1 to the first of the next month
+    # (or possibly the 0th of next month which is equivalent to the last day
+    # of this month)
+    if ($m1!=$m2) {
+      $d_in_m[2]=29  if (&Date_LeapYear($y1));
+      $dd=$d_in_m[$m1]-$d1+1;
+      $d1=1;
+      $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date1,"+0:0:0:$dd:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+      if (&Date_Cmp($tmp,$date2)>0) {
+        $dd--;
+        $d1--;
+        $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date1,"+0:0:0:$dd:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+      }
+      $date1=$tmp;
+    }
+    $ddd=0;
+    if ($d1<$d2) {
+      $ddd=$d2-$d1;
+      $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date1,"+0:0:0:$ddd:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+      if (&Date_Cmp($tmp,$date2)>0) {
+        $ddd--;
+        $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date1,"+0:0:0:$ddd:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+      }
+      $date1=$tmp;
+    }
+    $dd+=$ddd;
+  }
+  # in business mode, make sure h1 comes before h2 (if not find delta between
+  # now and end of day and move to start of next business day)
+  $d1=( &Date_Split($date1, 1) )[2];
+  $dh=$dmn=$ds=0;
+  if ($mode==2 || $mode==3  and  $d1 != $d2) {
+    $tmp=&Date_SetTime($date1,$Cnf{"WorkDayEnd"});
+    $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDelta($tmp,"+0:0:0:0:0:1:0")
+      if ($Cnf{"WorkDay24Hr"});
+    $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDate($date1,$tmp,0);
+    ($tmp,$tmp,$tmp,$tmp,$dh,$dmn,$ds)=&Delta_Split($tmp);
+    $date1=&Date_NextWorkDay($date1,1,0);
+    $date1=&Date_SetTime($date1,$Cnf{"WorkDayBeg"});
+    $d1=( &Date_Split($date1, 1) )[2];
+    confess "ERROR: DateCalc DateDate Business.\n"  if ($d1 != $d2);
+  }
+  # Hours, minutes, seconds
+  $tmp=&DateCalc_DateDate($date1,$date2,0);
+  @tmp=&Delta_Split($tmp);
+  $dh  += $tmp[4];
+  $dmn += $tmp[5];
+  $ds  += $tmp[6];
+  $tmp="$sign$dy:$dm:0:$dd:$dh:$dmn:$ds";
+  &Delta_Normalize($tmp,$mode);
+sub DateCalc_DeltaDelta {
+  print "DEBUG: DateCalc_DeltaDelta\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($D1,$D2,$mode)=@_;
+  my(@delta1,@delta2,$i,$delta,@delta)=();
+  $mode=0  if (! defined $mode);
+  @delta1=&Delta_Split($D1);
+  @delta2=&Delta_Split($D2);
+  for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) {
+    $delta[$i]=$delta1[$i]+$delta2[$i];
+    $delta[$i]="+".$delta[$i]  if ($delta[$i]>=0);
+  }
+  $delta=join(":",@delta);
+  $delta=&Delta_Normalize($delta,$mode);
+  return $delta;
+sub DateCalc_DateDelta {
+  print "DEBUG: DateCalc_DateDelta\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($D1,$D2,$errref,$mode)=@_;
+  my($date)=();
+  my(@d_in_m)=(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
+  my($h1,$m1,$h2,$m2,$len,$hh,$mm)=();
+  $mode=0  if (! defined $mode);
+  if ($mode==2 || $mode==3) {
+    $h1=$Curr{"WDBh"};
+    $m1=$Curr{"WDBm"};
+    $h2=$Curr{"WDEh"};
+    $m2=$Curr{"WDEm"};
+    $hh=$h2-$h1;
+    $mm=$m2-$m1;
+    if ($mm<0) {
+      $hh--;
+      $mm+=60;
+    }
+  }
+  # Date, delta
+  my($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=&Date_Split($D1, 1);
+  my($dy,$dm,$dw,$dd,$dh,$dmn,$ds)=&Delta_Split($D2);
+  # do the month/year part
+  $y+=$dy;
+  while (length($y)<4) {
+    $y = "0$y";
+  }
+  &ModuloAddition(-12,$dm,\$m,\$y);   # -12 means 1-12 instead of 0-11
+  $d_in_m[2]=29  if (&Date_LeapYear($y));
+  # if we have gone past the last day of a month, move the date back to
+  # the last day of the month
+  if ($d>$d_in_m[$m]) {
+    $d=$d_in_m[$m];
+  }
+  # do the week part
+  if ($mode==0  ||  $mode==1) {
+    $dd += $dw*7;
+  } else {
+    $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta(&Date_Join($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s),
+                              "+0:0:$dw:0:0:0:0",0);
+    ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=&Date_Split($date, 1);
+  }
+  # in business mode, set the day to a work day at this point so the h/mn/s
+  # stuff will work out
+  if ($mode==2 || $mode==3) {
+    $d=$d_in_m[$m] if ($d>$d_in_m[$m]);
+    $date=&Date_NextWorkDay(&Date_Join($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s),0,1);
+    ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=&Date_Split($date, 1);
+  }
+  # seconds, minutes, hours
+  &ModuloAddition(60,$ds,\$s,\$mn);
+  if ($mode==2 || $mode==3) {
+    while (1) {
+      &ModuloAddition(60,$dmn,\$mn,\$h);
+      $h+= $dh;
+      if ($h>$h2  or  $h==$h2 && $mn>$m2) {
+        $dh=$h-$h2;
+        $dmn=$mn-$m2;
+        $h=$h1;
+        $mn=$m1;
+        $dd++;
+      } elsif ($h<$h1  or  $h==$h1 && $mn<$m1) {
+        $dh=$h-$h1;
+        $dmn=$m1-$mn;
+        $h=$h2;
+        $mn=$m2;
+        $dd--;
+      } elsif ($h==$h2  &&  $mn==$m2) {
+        $dd++;
+        $dh=-$hh;
+        $dmn=-$mm;
+      } else {
+        last;
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    &ModuloAddition(60,$dmn,\$mn,\$h);
+    &ModuloAddition(24,$dh,\$h,\$d);
+  }
+  # If we have just gone past the last day of the month, we need to make
+  # up for this:
+  if ($d>$d_in_m[$m]) {
+    $dd+= $d-$d_in_m[$m];
+    $d=$d_in_m[$m];
+  }
+  # days
+  if ($mode==2 || $mode==3) {
+    if ($dd>=0) {
+      $date=&Date_NextWorkDay(&Date_Join($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s),$dd,1);
+    } else {
+      $date=&Date_PrevWorkDay(&Date_Join($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s),-$dd,1);
+    }
+    ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s)=&Date_Split($date, 1);
+  } else {
+    $d_in_m[2]=29  if (&Date_LeapYear($y));
+    $d=$d_in_m[$m]  if ($d>$d_in_m[$m]);
+    $d += $dd;
+    while ($d<1) {
+      $m--;
+      if ($m==0) {
+        $m=12;
+        $y--;
+        if (&Date_LeapYear($y)) {
+          $d_in_m[2]=29;
+        } else {
+          $d_in_m[2]=28;
+        }
+      }
+      $d += $d_in_m[$m];
+    }
+    while ($d>$d_in_m[$m]) {
+      $d -= $d_in_m[$m];
+      $m++;
+      if ($m==13) {
+        $m=1;
+        $y++;
+        if (&Date_LeapYear($y)) {
+          $d_in_m[2]=29;
+        } else {
+          $d_in_m[2]=28;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ($y<0 or $y>9999) {
+    $$errref=3;
+    return;
+  }
+  &Date_Join($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s);
+sub Date_UpdateHolidays {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_UpdateHolidays\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($year)=@_;
+  $Holiday{"year"}=$year;
+  $Holiday{"dates"}{$year}={};
+  my($date,$delta,$err)=();
+  my($key,@tmp,$tmp);
+  foreach $key (keys %{ $Holiday{"desc"} }) {
+    @tmp=&Recur_Split($key);
+    if (@tmp) {
+      $tmp=&ParseDateString("${year}010100:00:00");
+      ($date)=&ParseRecur($key,$tmp,$tmp,($year+1)."-01-01");
+      next  if (! $date);
+    } elsif ($key =~ /^(.*)([+-].*)$/) {
+      # Date +/- Delta
+      ($date,$delta)=($1,$2);
+      $tmp=&ParseDateString("$date $year");
+      if ($tmp) {
+        $date=$tmp;
+      } else {
+        $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+        next  if ($date !~ /^$year/);
+      }
+      $date=&DateCalc($date,$delta,\$err,0);
+    } else {
+      # Date
+      $date=$key;
+      $tmp=&ParseDateString("$date $year");
+      if ($tmp) {
+        $date=$tmp;
+      } else {
+        $date=&ParseDateString($date);
+        next  if ($date !~ /^$year/);
+      }
+    }
+    $Holiday{"dates"}{$year}{$date}=$Holiday{"desc"}{$key};
+  }
+# This sets a Date::Manip config variable.
+sub Date_SetConfigVariable {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_SetConfigVariable\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($var,$val)=@_;
+  # These are most appropriate for command line options instead of in files.
+  $Cnf{"PathSep"}=$val,          return  if ($var =~ /^PathSep$/i);
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnf"}=$val,      return  if ($var =~ /^PersonalCnf$/i);
+  $Cnf{"PersonalCnfPath"}=$val,  return  if ($var =~ /^PersonalCnfPath$/i);
+  &EraseHolidays(),              return  if ($var =~ /^EraseHolidays$/i);
+  $Cnf{"IgnoreGlobalCnf"}=1,     return  if ($var =~ /^IgnoreGlobalCnf$/i);
+  $Cnf{"GlobalCnf"}=$val,        return  if ($var =~ /^GlobalCnf$/i);
+  $Curr{"InitLang"}=1,
+  $Cnf{"Language"}=$val,         return  if ($var =~ /^Language$/i);
+  $Cnf{"DateFormat"}=$val,       return  if ($var =~ /^DateFormat$/i);
+  $Cnf{"TZ"}=$val,               return  if ($var =~ /^TZ$/i);
+  $Cnf{"ConvTZ"}=$val,           return  if ($var =~ /^ConvTZ$/i);
+  $Cnf{"Internal"}=$val,         return  if ($var =~ /^Internal$/i);
+  $Cnf{"FirstDay"}=$val,         return  if ($var =~ /^FirstDay$/i);
+  $Cnf{"WorkWeekBeg"}=$val,      return  if ($var =~ /^WorkWeekBeg$/i);
+  $Cnf{"WorkWeekEnd"}=$val,      return  if ($var =~ /^WorkWeekEnd$/i);
+  $Cnf{"WorkDayBeg"}=$val,
+  $Curr{"ResetWorkDay"}=1,       return  if ($var =~ /^WorkDayBeg$/i);
+  $Cnf{"WorkDayEnd"}=$val,
+  $Curr{"ResetWorkDay"}=1,       return  if ($var =~ /^WorkDayEnd$/i);
+  $Cnf{"WorkDay24Hr"}=$val,
+  $Curr{"ResetWorkDay"}=1,       return  if ($var =~ /^WorkDay24Hr$/i);
+  $Cnf{"DeltaSigns"}=$val,       return  if ($var =~ /^DeltaSigns$/i);
+  $Cnf{"Jan1Week1"}=$val,        return  if ($var =~ /^Jan1Week1$/i);
+  $Cnf{"YYtoYYYY"}=$val,         return  if ($var =~ /^YYtoYYYY$/i);
+  $Cnf{"UpdateCurrTZ"}=$val,     return  if ($var =~ /^UpdateCurrTZ$/i);
+  $Cnf{"IntCharSet"}=$val,       return  if ($var =~ /^IntCharSet$/i);
+  $Curr{"DebugVal"}=$val,        return  if ($var =~ /^Debug$/i);
+  $Cnf{"TomorrowFirst"}=$val,    return  if ($var =~ /^TomorrowFirst$/i);
+  $Cnf{"ForceDate"}=$val,        return  if ($var =~ /^ForceDate$/i);
+  confess "ERROR: Unknown configuration variable $var in Date::Manip.\n";
+sub EraseHolidays {
+  print "DEBUG: EraseHolidays\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  $Cnf{"EraseHolidays"}=0;
+  delete $Holiday{"list"};
+  $Holiday{"list"}={};
+  delete $Holiday{"desc"};
+  $Holiday{"desc"}={};
+  $Holiday{"dates"}={};
+# This returns a pointer to a list of times and events in the format
+#    [ date, [ events ], date, [ events ], ... ]
+# where each list of events are events that are in effect at the date
+# immediately preceding the list.
+# This takes either one date or two dates as arguments.
+sub Events_Calc {
+  print "DEBUG: Events_Calc\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($date0,$date1)=@_;
+  my($tmp);
+  $date0=&ParseDateString($date0);
+  return undef  if (! $date0);
+  if ($date1) {
+    $date1=&ParseDateString($date1);
+    if (&Date_Cmp($date0,$date1)>0) {
+      $tmp=$date1;
+      $date1=$date0;
+      $date0=$tmp;
+    }
+  } else {
+    $date1=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date0,"+0:0:0:0:0:0:1");
+  }
+  #
+  #   [ d0,d1,del,name ]     => [ d0, d1+del )
+  #   [ d0,0,del,name ]      => [ d0, d0+del )
+  #
+  my(%ret,$d0,$d1,$del,$name,$c0,$c1);
+  my(@tmp)=@{ $Events{"dates"} };
+ DATE: while (@tmp) {
+    ($d0,$d1,$del,$name)=splice(@tmp,0,4);
+    $d0=&ParseDateString($d0);
+    $d1=&ParseDateString($d1)   if ($d1);
+    $del=&ParseDateDelta($del)  if ($del);
+    if ($d1) {
+      if ($del) {
+        $d1=&DateCalc_DateDelta($d1,$del);
+      }
+    } else {
+      $d1=&DateCalc_DateDelta($d0,$del);
+    }
+    if (&Date_Cmp($d0,$d1)>0) {
+      $tmp=$d1;
+      $d1=$d0;
+      $d0=$tmp;
+    }
+    #         [ date0,date1 )
+    # [ d0,d1 )      OR     [ d0,d1 )
+    next DATE  if (&Date_Cmp($d1,$date0)<=0  ||
+                   &Date_Cmp($d0,$date1)>=0);
+    #      [ date0,date1 )
+    # [ d0,d1 )
+    # [ d0,                  d1 )
+    if (&Date_Cmp($d0,$date0)<=0) {
+      push @{ $ret{$date0} },$name;
+      push @{ $ret{$d1} },"!$name"  if (&Date_Cmp($d1,$date1)<0);
+      next DATE;
+    }
+    #      [ date0,date1 )
+    #                 [ d0,d1 )
+    if (&Date_Cmp($d1,$date1)>=0) {
+      push @{ $ret{$d0} },$name;
+      next DATE;
+    }
+    #      [ date0,date1 )
+    #         [ d0,d1 )
+    push @{ $ret{$d0} },$name;
+    push @{ $ret{$d1} },"!$name";
+  }
+  #
+  #   [ recur,delta0,delta1,name ]   => [ {date-delta0},{date+delta1} )
+  #
+  my($rec,$del0,$del1,@d);
+  @tmp=@{ $Events{"recur"} };
+ RECUR: while (@tmp) {
+    ($rec,$del0,$del1,$name)=splice(@tmp,0,4);
+    @d=();
+  }
+  # Sort them AND take into account the "!$name" entries.
+  my(%tmp,$date,@tmp2,@ret);
+  @d=sort { &Date_Cmp($a,$b) } keys %ret;
+  foreach $date (@d) {
+    @tmp=@{ $ret{$date} };
+    @tmp2=();
+    foreach $tmp (@tmp) {
+      push(@tmp2,$tmp), next  if ($tmp =~ /^!/);
+      $tmp{$tmp}=1;
+    }
+    foreach $tmp (@tmp2) {
+      $tmp =~ s/^!//;
+      delete $tmp{$tmp};
+    }
+    push(@ret,$date,[ keys %tmp ]);
+  }
+  return \@ret;
+# This parses the raw events list
+sub Events_ParseRaw {
+  print "DEBUG: Events_ParseRaw\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  # Only need to be parsed once
+  my($force)=@_;
+  $Events{"parsed"}=0  if ($force);
+  return  if ($Events{"parsed"});
+  $Events{"parsed"}=1;
+  my(@events)=@{ $Events{"raw"} };
+  my($event,$name,@event,$date0,$date1,$tmp,$delta,$recur0,$recur1,@recur,$r,
+     $recur);
+ EVENT: while (@events) {
+    ($event,$name)=splice(@events,0,2);
+    @event=split(/\s*;\s*/,$event);
+    if ($#event == 0) {
+      if ($date0=&ParseDateString($event[0])) {
+        #
+        # date = event
+        #
+        $tmp=&ParseDateString("$event[0] 00:00:00");
+        if ($tmp  &&  $tmp eq $date0) {
+          $delta="+0:0:0:1:0:0:0";
+        } else {
+          $delta="+0:0:0:0:1:0:0";
+        }
+        push @{ $Events{"dates"} },($date0,0,$delta,$name);
+      } elsif ($recur=&ParseRecur($event[0])) {
+        #
+        # recur = event
+        #
+        ($recur0,$recur1)=&Recur_Split($recur);
+        if ($recur0) {
+          if ($recur1) {
+            $r="$recur0:$recur1";
+          } else {
+            $r=$recur0;
+          }
+        } else {
+          $r=$recur1;
+        }
+        (@recur)=split(/:/,$r);
+        if (pop(@recur)==0  &&  pop(@recur)==0  &&  pop(@recur)==0) {
+          $delta="+0:0:0:1:0:0:0";
+        } else {
+          $delta="+0:0:0:0:1:0:0";
+        }
+        push @{ $Events{"recur"} },($recur,0,$delta,$name);
+      } else {
+        # ??? = event
+        warn "WARNING: illegal event ignored [ @event ]\n";
+        next EVENT;
+      }
+    } elsif ($#event == 1) {
+      if ($date0=&ParseDateString($event[0])) {
+        if ($date1=&ParseDateString($event[1])) {
+          #
+          # date ; date = event
+          #
+          $tmp=&ParseDateString("$event[1] 00:00:00");
+          if ($tmp  &&  $tmp eq $date1) {
+            $date1=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date1,"+0:0:0:1:0:0:0");
+          }
+          push @{ $Events{"dates"} },($date0,$date1,0,$name);
+        } elsif ($delta=&ParseDateDelta($event[1])) {
+          #
+          # date ; delta = event
+          #
+          push @{ $Events{"dates"} },($date0,0,$delta,$name);
+        } else {
+          # date ; ??? = event
+          warn "WARNING: illegal event ignored [ @event ]\n";
+          next EVENT;
+        }
+      } elsif ($recur=&ParseRecur($event[0])) {
+        if ($delta=&ParseDateDelta($event[1])) {
+          #
+          # recur ; delta = event
+          #
+          push @{ $Events{"recur"} },($recur,0,$delta,$name);
+        } else {
+          # recur ; ??? = event
+          warn "WARNING: illegal event ignored [ @event ]\n";
+          next EVENT;
+        }
+      } else {
+        # ??? ; ??? = event
+        warn "WARNING: illegal event ignored [ @event ]\n";
+        next EVENT;
+      }
+    } else {
+      # date ; delta0 ; delta1 = event
+      # recur ; delta0 ; delta1 = event
+      # ??? ; ??? ; ??? ... = event
+      warn "WARNING: illegal event ignored [ @event ]\n";
+      next EVENT;
+    }
+  }
+# This reads an init file.
+sub Date_InitFile {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_InitFile\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($file)=@_;
+  my($in)=new IO::File;
+  local($_)=();
+  my($section)="vars";
+  my($var,$val,$recur,$name)=();
+  $in->open($file)  ||  return;
+  while(defined ($_=<$in>)) {
+    chomp;
+    s/^\s+//;
+    s/\s+$//;
+    next  if (! $_  or  /^\#/);
+    if (/^\*holiday/i) {
+      $section="holiday";
+      &EraseHolidays()  if ($section =~ /holiday/i  &&  $Cnf{"EraseHolidays"});
+      next;
+    } elsif (/^\*events/i) {
+      $section="events";
+      next;
+    }
+    if ($section =~ /var/i) {
+      confess "ERROR: invalid Date::Manip config file line.\n  $_\n"
+        if (! /(.*\S)\s*=\s*(.*)$/);
+      ($var,$val)=($1,$2);
+      &Date_SetConfigVariable($var,$val);
+    } elsif ($section =~ /holiday/i) {
+      confess "ERROR: invalid Date::Manip config file line.\n  $_\n"
+        if (! /(.*\S)\s*=\s*(.*)$/);
+      ($recur,$name)=($1,$2);
+      $name=""  if (! defined $name);
+      $Holiday{"desc"}{$recur}=$name;
+    } elsif ($section =~ /events/i) {
+      confess "ERROR: invalid Date::Manip config file line.\n  $_\n"
+        if (! /(.*\S)\s*=\s*(.*)$/);
+      ($val,$var)=($1,$2);
+      push @{ $Events{"raw"} },($val,$var);
+    } else {
+      # A section not currently used by Date::Manip (but may be
+      # used by some extension to it).
+      next;
+    }
+  }
+  close($in);
+# $flag=&Date_TimeCheck(\$h,\$mn,\$s,\$ampm);
+#   Returns 1 if any of the fields are bad.  All fields are optional, and
+#   all possible checks are done on the data.  If a field is not passed in,
+#   it is set to default values.  If data is missing, appropriate defaults
+#   are supplied.
+sub Date_TimeCheck {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_TimeCheck\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($h,$mn,$s,$ampm)=@_;
+  my($tmp1,$tmp2,$tmp3)=();
+  $$h=""     if (! defined $$h);
+  $$mn=""    if (! defined $$mn);
+  $$s=""     if (! defined $$s);
+  $$ampm=""  if (! defined $$ampm);
+  $$ampm=uc($$ampm)  if ($$ampm);
+  # Check hour
+  $tmp1=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"AmPm"};
+  $tmp2="";
+  if ($$ampm =~ /^$tmp1$/i) {
+    $tmp3=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"AM"};
+    $tmp2="AM"  if ($$ampm =~ /^$tmp3$/i);
+    $tmp3=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"PM"};
+    $tmp2="PM"  if ($$ampm =~ /^$tmp3$/i);
+  } elsif ($$ampm) {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if ($tmp2 eq "AM" || $tmp2 eq "PM") {
+    $$h="0$$h"    if (length($$h)==1);
+    return 1      if ($$h<1 || $$h>12);
+    $$h="00"      if ($tmp2 eq "AM"  and  $$h==12);
+    $$h += 12     if ($tmp2 eq "PM"  and  $$h!=12);
+  } else {
+    $$h="00"      if ($$h eq "");
+    $$h="0$$h"    if (length($$h)==1);
+    return 1      if (! &IsInt($$h,0,23));
+    $tmp2="AM"    if ($$h<12);
+    $tmp2="PM"    if ($$h>=12);
+  }
+  $$ampm=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"AMstr"};
+  $$ampm=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"PMstr"}  if ($tmp2 eq "PM");
+  # Check minutes
+  $$mn="00"       if ($$mn eq "");
+  $$mn="0$$mn"    if (length($$mn)==1);
+  return 1        if (! &IsInt($$mn,0,59));
+  # Check seconds
+  $$s="00"        if ($$s eq "");
+  $$s="0$$s"      if (length($$s)==1);
+  return 1        if (! &IsInt($$s,0,59));
+  return 0;
+# $flag=&Date_DateCheck(\$y,\$m,\$d,\$h,\$mn,\$s,\$ampm,\$wk);
+#   Returns 1 if any of the fields are bad.  All fields are optional, and
+#   all possible checks are done on the data.  If a field is not passed in,
+#   it is set to default values.  If data is missing, appropriate defaults
+#   are supplied.
+#   If the flag UpdateHolidays is set, the year is set to
+#   CurrHolidayYear.
+sub Date_DateCheck {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_DateCheck\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s,$ampm,$wk)=@_;
+  my($tmp1,$tmp2,$tmp3)=();
+  my(@d_in_m)=(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
+  my($curr_y)=$Curr{"Y"};
+  my($curr_m)=$Curr{"M"};
+  my($curr_d)=$Curr{"D"};
+  $$m=1, $$d=1  if (defined $$y and ! defined $$m and ! defined $$d);
+  $$y=""     if (! defined $$y);
+  $$m=""     if (! defined $$m);
+  $$d=""     if (! defined $$d);
+  $$wk=""    if (! defined $$wk);
+  $$d=$curr_d  if ($$y eq "" and $$m eq "" and $$d eq "");
+  # Check year.
+  $$y=$curr_y             if ($$y eq "");
+  $$y=&Date_FixYear($$y)  if (length($$y)<4);
+  return 1                if (! &IsInt($$y,0,9999));
+  $d_in_m[2]=29           if (&Date_LeapYear($$y));
+  # Check month
+  $$m=$curr_m             if ($$m eq "");
+  $$m=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"MonthH"}{lc($$m)}
+    if (exists $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"MonthH"}{lc($$m)});
+  $$m="0$$m"              if (length($$m)==1);
+  return 1                if (! &IsInt($$m,1,12));
+  # Check day
+  $$d="01"                if ($$d eq "");
+  $$d="0$$d"              if (length($$d)==1);
+  return 1                if (! &IsInt($$d,1,$d_in_m[$$m]));
+  if ($$wk) {
+    $tmp1=&Date_DayOfWeek($$m,$$d,$$y);
+    $tmp2=$Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"WeekH"}{lc($$wk)}
+      if (exists $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"WeekH"}{lc($$wk)});
+    return 1      if ($tmp1 != $tmp2);
+  }
+  return &Date_TimeCheck($h,$mn,$s,$ampm);
+# Takes a year in 2 digit form and returns it in 4 digit form
+sub Date_FixYear {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_FixYear\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($y)=@_;
+  my($curr_y)=$Curr{"Y"};
+  $y=$curr_y  if (! defined $y  or  ! $y);
+  return $y  if (length($y)==4);
+  confess "ERROR: Invalid year ($y)\n"  if (length($y)!=2);
+  my($y1,$y2)=();
+  if (lc($Cnf{"YYtoYYYY"}) eq "c") {
+    $y1=substring($y,0,2);
+    $y="$y1$y";
+  } elsif ($Cnf{"YYtoYYYY"} =~ /^c(\d{2})$/i) {
+    $y1=$1;
+    $y="$y1$y";
+  } elsif ($Cnf{"YYtoYYYY"} =~ /^c(\d{2})(\d{2})$/i) {
+    $y1="$1$2";
+    $y ="$1$y";
+    $y += 100  if ($y<$y1);
+  } else {
+    $y1=$curr_y-$Cnf{"YYtoYYYY"};
+    $y2=$y1+99;
+    $y="19$y";
+    while ($y<$y1) {
+      $y+=100;
+    }
+    while ($y>$y2) {
+      $y-=100;
+    }
+  }
+  $y;
+# &Date_NthWeekOfYear($y,$n);
+#   Returns a list of (YYYY,MM,DD) for the 1st day of the Nth week of the
+#   year.
+# &Date_NthWeekOfYear($y,$n,$dow,$flag);
+#   Returns a list of (YYYY,MM,DD) for the Nth DoW of the year.  If flag
+#   is nil, the first DoW of the year may actually be in the previous
+#   year (since the 1st week may include days from the previous year).
+#   If flag is non-nil, the 1st DoW of the year refers to the 1st one
+#   actually in the year
+sub Date_NthWeekOfYear {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_NthWeekOfYear\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($y,$n,$dow,$flag)=@_;
+  my($m,$d,$err,$tmp,$date,%dow)=();
+  $y=$Curr{"Y"}  if (! defined $y  or  ! $y);
+  $n=1       if (! defined $n  or  $n eq "");
+  return ()  if ($n<0  ||  $n>53);
+  if (defined $dow) {
+    $dow=lc($dow);
+    %dow=%{ $Lang{$Cnf{"Language"}}{"WeekH"} };
+    $dow=$dow{$dow}  if (exists $dow{$dow});
+    return ()  if ($dow<1 || $dow>7);
+    $flag=""   if (! defined $flag);
+  } else {
+    $dow="";
+    $flag="";
+  }
+  $y=&Date_FixYear($y)  if (length($y)<4);
+  if ($Cnf{"Jan1Week1"}) {
+    $date=&Date_Join($y,1,1,0,0,0);
+  } else {
+    $date=&Date_Join($y,1,4,0,0,0);
+  }
+  $date=&Date_GetPrev($date,$Cnf{"FirstDay"},1);
+  $date=&Date_GetNext($date,$dow,1)  if ($dow ne "");
+  if ($flag) {
+    ($tmp)=&Date_Split($date, 1);
+    $n++  if ($tmp != $y);
+  }
+  if ($n>1) {
+    $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"+0:0:". ($n-1) . ":0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+  } elsif ($n==0) {
+    $date=&DateCalc_DateDelta($date,"-0:0:1:0:0:0:0",\$err,0);
+  }
+  ($y,$m,$d)=&Date_Split($date, 1);
+  ($y,$m,$d);
+# 8-bit international characters can be gotten by "\xXX".  I don't know
+# how to get 16-bit characters.  I've got to read up on perllocale.
+sub Char_8Bit {
+  my($hash)=@_;
+  #   grave `
+  #     A`    00c0     a`    00e0
+  #     E`    00c8     e`    00e8
+  #     I`    00cc     i`    00ec
+  #     O`    00d2     o`    00f2
+  #     U`    00d9     u`    00f9
+  #     W`    1e80     w`    1e81
+  #     Y`    1ef2     y`    1ef3
+  $$hash{"A`"} = "\xc0";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+  $$hash{"E`"} = "\xc8";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+  $$hash{"I`"} = "\xcc";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+  $$hash{"O`"} = "\xd2";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+  $$hash{"U`"} = "\xd9";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+  $$hash{"a`"} = "\xe0";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+  $$hash{"e`"} = "\xe8";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+  $$hash{"i`"} = "\xec";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+  $$hash{"o`"} = "\xf2";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+  $$hash{"u`"} = "\xf9";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+  #   acute '
+  #     A'    00c1     a'    00e1
+  #     C'    0106     c'    0107
+  #     E'    00c9     e'    00e9
+  #     I'    00cd     i'    00ed
+  #     L'    0139     l'    013a
+  #     N'    0143     n'    0144
+  #     O'    00d3     o'    00f3
+  #     R'    0154     r'    0155
+  #     S'    015a     s'    015b
+  #     U'    00da     u'    00fa
+  #     W'    1e82     w'    1e83
+  #     Y'    00dd     y'    00fd
+  #     Z'    0179     z'    017a
+  $$hash{"A'"} = "\xc1";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"E'"} = "\xc9";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"I'"} = "\xcd";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"O'"} = "\xd3";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"U'"} = "\xda";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"Y'"} = "\xdd";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"a'"} = "\xe1";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"e'"} = "\xe9";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"i'"} = "\xed";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"o'"} = "\xf3";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"u'"} = "\xfa";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+  $$hash{"y'"} = "\xfd";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+  #   double acute "         "
+  #     O"    0150     o"    0151
+  #     U"    0170     u"    0171
+  #   circumflex ^
+  #     A^    00c2     a^    00e2
+  #     C^    0108     c^    0109
+  #     E^    00ca     e^    00ea
+  #     G^    011c     g^    011d
+  #     H^    0124     h^    0125
+  #     I^    00ce     i^    00ee
+  #     J^    0134     j^    0135
+  #     O^    00d4     o^    00f4
+  #     S^    015c     s^    015d
+  #     U^    00db     u^    00fb
+  #     W^    0174     w^    0175
+  #     Y^    0176     y^    0177
+  $$hash{"A^"} = "\xc2";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+  $$hash{"E^"} = "\xca";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+  $$hash{"I^"} = "\xce";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+  $$hash{"O^"} = "\xd4";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+  $$hash{"U^"} = "\xdb";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+  $$hash{"a^"} = "\xe2";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+  $$hash{"e^"} = "\xea";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+  $$hash{"i^"} = "\xee";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+  $$hash{"o^"} = "\xf4";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+  $$hash{"u^"} = "\xfb";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+  #   tilde ~
+  #     A~    00c3    a~    00e3
+  #     I~    0128    i~    0129
+  #     N~    00d1    n~    00f1
+  #     O~    00d5    o~    00f5
+  #     U~    0168    u~    0169
+  $$hash{"A~"} = "\xc3";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+  $$hash{"N~"} = "\xd1";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+  $$hash{"O~"} = "\xd5";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+  $$hash{"a~"} = "\xe3";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+  $$hash{"n~"} = "\xf1";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+  $$hash{"o~"} = "\xf5";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+  #   macron -
+  #     A-    0100    a-    0101
+  #     E-    0112    e-    0113
+  #     I-    012a    i-    012b
+  #     O-    014c    o-    014d
+  #     U-    016a    u-    016b
+  #   breve ( [half circle up]
+  #     A(    0102    a(    0103
+  #     G(    011e    g(    011f
+  #     U(    016c    u(    016d
+  #   dot .
+  #     C.    010a    c.    010b
+  #     E.    0116    e.    0117
+  #     G.    0120    g.    0121
+  #     I.    0130
+  #     Z.    017b    z.    017c
+  #   diaeresis :  [side by side dots]
+  #     A:    00c4    a:    00e4
+  #     E:    00cb    e:    00eb
+  #     I:    00cf    i:    00ef
+  #     O:    00d6    o:    00f6
+  #     U:    00dc    u:    00fc
+  #     W:    1e84    w:    1e85
+  #     Y:    0178    y:    00ff
+  $$hash{"A:"} = "\xc4";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"E:"} = "\xcb";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"I:"} = "\xcf";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"O:"} = "\xd6";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"U:"} = "\xdc";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"a:"} = "\xe4";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"e:"} = "\xeb";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"i:"} = "\xef";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"o:"} = "\xf6";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"u:"} = "\xfc";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"y:"} = "\xff";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
+  #   ring o
+  #     U0    016e    u0    016f
+  #   cedilla ,  [squiggle down and left below the letter]
+  #     ,C    00c7    ,c    00e7
+  #     ,G    0122    ,g    0123
+  #     ,K    0136    ,k    0137
+  #     ,L    013b    ,l    013c
+  #     ,N    0145    ,n    0146
+  #     ,R    0156    ,r    0157
+  #     ,S    015e    ,s    015f
+  #     ,T    0162    ,t    0163
+  $$hash{",C"} = "\xc7";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+  $$hash{",c"} = "\xe7";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+  #   ogonek ;  [squiggle down and right below the letter]
+  #     A;    0104    a;    0105
+  #     E;    0118    e;    0119
+  #     I;    012e    i;    012f
+  #     U;    0172    u;    0173
+  #   caron <  [little v on top]
+  #     A<    01cd    a<    01ce
+  #     C<    010c    c<    010d
+  #     D<    010e    d<    010f
+  #     E<    011a    e<    011b
+  #     L<    013d    l<    013e
+  #     N<    0147    n<    0148
+  #     R<    0158    r<    0159
+  #     S<    0160    s<    0161
+  #     T<    0164    t<    0165
+  #     Z<    017d    z<    017e
+  # Other characters
+  # First character is below, 2nd character is above
+  $$hash{"||"} = "\xa6";   #   BROKEN BAR
+  $$hash{" :"} = "\xa8";   #   DIAERESIS
+  $$hash{"-a"} = "\xaa";   #   FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+  #$$hash{" -"}= "\xaf";   #   MACRON   (narrow bar)
+  $$hash{" -"} = "\xad";   #   HYPHEN   (wide bar)
+  $$hash{" o"} = "\xb0";   #   DEGREE SIGN
+  $$hash{"-+"} = "\xb1";   #   PLUS\342\200\220MINUS SIGN
+  $$hash{" 1"} = "\xb9";   #   SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+  $$hash{" 2"} = "\xb2";   #   SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+  $$hash{" 3"} = "\xb3";   #   SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+  $$hash{" '"} = "\xb4";   #   ACUTE ACCENT
+  $$hash{"-o"} = "\xba";   #   MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+  $$hash{" ."} = "\xb7";   #   MIDDLE DOT
+  $$hash{", "} = "\xb8";   #   CEDILLA
+  $$hash{"Ao"} = "\xc5";   #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+  $$hash{"ao"} = "\xe5";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+  $$hash{"ox"} = "\xf0";   #   LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
+  # upside down characters
+  $$hash{"ud!"} = "\xa1";  #   INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
+  $$hash{"ud?"} = "\xbf";  #   INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+  # overlay characters
+  $$hash{"X o"} = "\xa4";  #   CURRENCY SIGN
+  $$hash{"Y ="} = "\xa5";  #   YEN SIGN
+  $$hash{"S o"} = "\xa7";  #   SECTION SIGN
+  $$hash{"O c"} = "\xa9";  #   COPYRIGHT SIGN    Copyright
+  $$hash{"O R"} = "\xae";  #   REGISTERED SIGN
+  $$hash{"D -"} = "\xd0";  #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
+  $$hash{"O /"} = "\xd8";  #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+  $$hash{"o /"} = "\xf8";  #   LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+  # special names
+  $$hash{"1/4"} = "\xbc";  #   VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+  $$hash{"1/2"} = "\xbd";  #   VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+  $$hash{"3/4"} = "\xbe";  #   VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+  $$hash{"<<"}  = "\xab";  #   LEFT POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+  $$hash{">>"}  = "\xbb";  #   RIGHT POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+  $$hash{"cent"}= "\xa2";  #   CENT SIGN
+  $$hash{"lb"}  = "\xa3";  #   POUND SIGN
+  $$hash{"mu"}  = "\xb5";  #   MICRO SIGN
+  $$hash{"beta"}= "\xdf";  #   LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+  $$hash{"para"}= "\xb6";  #   PILCROW SIGN
+  $$hash{"-|"}  = "\xac";  #   NOT SIGN
+  $$hash{"AE"}  = "\xc6";  #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+  $$hash{"ae"}  = "\xe6";  #   LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+  $$hash{"x"}   = "\xd7";  #   MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+  $$hash{"P"}   = "\xde";  #   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
+  $$hash{"/"}   = "\xf7";  #   DIVISION SIGN
+  $$hash{"p"}   = "\xfe";  #   LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
+# $hashref = &Date_Init_LANGUAGE;
+#   This returns a hash containing all of the initialization for a
+#   specific language.  The hash elements are:
+#   @ month_name      full month names          January February ...
+#   @ month_abb       month abbreviations       Jan Feb ...
+#   @ day_name        day names                 Monday Tuesday ...
+#   @ day_abb         day abbreviations         Mon Tue ...
+#   @ day_char        day character abbrevs     M T ...
+#   @ am              AM notations
+#   @ pm              PM notations
+#   @ num_suff        number with suffix        1st 2nd ...
+#   @ num_word        numbers spelled out       first second ...
+#   $ now             words which mean now      now today ...
+#   $ last            words which mean last     last final ...
+#   $ each            words which mean each     each every ...
+#   $ of              of (as in a member of)    in of ...
+#                     ex.  4th day OF June
+#   $ at              at 4:00                   at
+#   $ on              on Sunday                 on
+#   $ future          in the future             in
+#   $ past            in the past               ago
+#   $ next            next item                 next
+#   $ prev            previous item             last previous
+#   $ later           2 hours later
+#   % offset          a hash of special dates   { tomorrow->0:0:0:1:0:0:0 }
+#   % times           a hash of times           { noon->12:00:00 ... }
+#   $ years           words for year            y yr year ...
+#   $ months          words for month
+#   $ weeks           words for week
+#   $ days            words for day
+#   $ hours           words for hour
+#   $ minutes         words for minute
+#   $ seconds         words for second
+#   % replace
+#       The replace element is quite important, but a bit tricky.  In
+#       English (and probably other languages), one of the abbreviations
+#       for the word month that would be nice is "m".  The problem is that
+#       "m" matches the "m" in "minute" which causes the string to be
+#       improperly matched in some cases.  Hence, the list of abbreviations
+#       for month is given as:
+#         "mon month months"
+#       In order to allow you to enter "m", replacements can be done.
+#       $replace is a list of pairs of words which are matched and replaced
+#       AS ENTIRE WORDS.  Having $replace equal to "m"->"month" means that
+#       the entire word "m" will be replaced with "month".  This allows the
+#       desired abbreviation to be used.  Make sure that replace contains
+#       an even number of words (i.e. all must be pairs).  Any time a
+#       desired abbreviation matches the start of any other, it has to go
+#       here.
+#   $ exact           exact mode                exactly
+#   $ approx          approximate mode          approximately
+#   $ business        business mode             business
+#   r sephm           hour/minute separator     (?::)
+#   r sepms           minute/second separator   (?::)
+#   r sepss           second/fraction separator (?:[.:])
+#   Elements marked with an asterix (@) are returned as a set of lists.
+#   Each list contains the strings for each element.  The first set is used
+#   when the 7-bit ASCII (US) character set is wanted.  The 2nd set is used
+#   when an international character set is available.  Both of the 1st two
+#   sets should be complete (but the 2nd list can be left empty to force the
+#   first set to be used always).  The 3rd set and later can be partial sets
+#   if desired.
+#   Elements marked with a dollar ($) are returned as a simple list of words.
+#   Elements marked with a percent (%) are returned as a hash list.
+#   Elements marked with (r) are regular expression elements which must not
+#   create a back reference.
+# ***NOTE*** Every hash element (unless otherwise noted) MUST be defined in
+# every language.
+sub Date_Init_English {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_English\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [["January","February","March","April","May","June",
+      "July","August","September","October","November","December"]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun",
+      "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],
+     [],
+     ["","","","","","","","","Sept"]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"],
+     ["",   "Tues","",  "Thur","",  "",   ""]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["M","T","W","Th","F","Sa","S"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th","7th","8th","9th","10th",
+      "11th","12th","13th","14th","15th","16th","17th","18th","19th","20th",
+      "21st","22nd","23rd","24th","25th","26th","27th","28th","29th","30th",
+      "31st"]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [["first","second","third","fourth","fifth","sixth","seventh","eighth",
+      "ninth","tenth","eleventh","twelfth","thirteenth","fourteenth",
+      "fifteenth","sixteenth","seventeenth","eighteenth","nineteenth",
+      "twentieth","twenty-first","twenty-second","twenty-third",
+      "twenty-fourth","twenty-fifth","twenty-sixth","twenty-seventh",
+      "twenty-eighth","twenty-ninth","thirtieth","thirty-first"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["today","now"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["last","final"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["each","every"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["in","of"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["at"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["on"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["in"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["ago"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["next"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["previous","last"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["later"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["exactly"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["approximately"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["business"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["yesterday","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0","tomorrow","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["noon","12:00:00","midnight","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["y","yr","year","yrs","years"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["mon","month","months"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["w","wk","wks","week","weeks"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["d","day","days"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["h","hr","hrs","hour","hours"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["mn","min","minute","minutes"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["s","sec","second","seconds"];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["m","month"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["AM","A.M."];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["PM","P.M."];
+sub Date_Init_Italian {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_Italian\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  my(%h)=();
+  &Char_8Bit(\%h);
+  my($i)=$h{"i'"};
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [[qw(Gennaio Febbraio Marzo Aprile Maggio Giugno
+         Luglio Agosto Settembre Ottobre Novembre Dicembre)]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [[qw(Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu Lug Ago Set Ott Nov Dic)]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [[qw(Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica)],
+     [qw(Luned${i} Marted${i} Mercoled${i} Gioved${i} Venerd${i})]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [[qw(Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom)]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [[qw(L Ma Me G V S D)]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [[qw(1mo 2do 3zo 4to 5to 6to 7mo 8vo 9no 10mo 11mo 12mo 13mo 14mo 15mo
+         16mo 17mo 18mo 19mo 20mo 21mo 22mo 23mo 24mo 25mo 26mo 27mo 28mo
+         29mo 3mo 31mo)]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [[qw(primo secondo terzo quarto quinto sesto settimo ottavo nono decimo
+         undicesimo dodicesimo tredicesimo quattordicesimo quindicesimo
+         sedicesimo diciassettesimo diciottesimo diciannovesimo ventesimo
+         ventunesimo ventiduesimo ventitreesimo ventiquattresimo
+         venticinquesimo ventiseiesimo ventisettesimo ventottesimo
+         ventinovesimo trentesimo trentunesimo)]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =[qw(adesso oggi)];
+  $$d{"last"}    =[qw(ultimo)];
+  $$d{"each"}    =[qw(ogni)];
+  $$d{"of"}      =[qw(della del)];
+  $$d{"at"}      =[qw(alle)];
+  $$d{"on"}      =[qw(di)];
+  $$d{"future"}  =[qw(fra)];
+  $$d{"past"}    =[qw(fa)];
+  $$d{"next"}    =[qw(prossimo)];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =[qw(ultimo)];
+  $$d{"later"}   =[qw(dopo)];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =[qw(esattamente)];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =[qw(circa)];
+  $$d{"business"}=[qw(lavorativi lavorativo)];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =[qw(ieri -0:0:0:1:0:0:0 domani +0:0:0:1:0:0:0)];
+  $$d{"times"}   =[qw(mezzogiorno 12:00:00 mezzanotte 00:00:00)];
+  $$d{"years"}   =[qw(anni anno a)];
+  $$d{"months"}  =[qw(mesi mese mes)];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =[qw(settimane settimana sett)];
+  $$d{"days"}    =[qw(giorni giorno g)];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =[qw(ore ora h)];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =[qw(minuti minuto min)];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =[qw(secondi secondo sec)];
+  $$d{"replace"} =[qw(s sec m mes)];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = [qw(AM)];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = [qw(PM)];
+sub Date_Init_French {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_French\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  my(%h)=();
+  &Char_8Bit(\%h);
+  my($e)=$h{"e'"};
+  my($u)=$h{"u^"};
+  my($a)=$h{"a'"};
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [["janvier","fevrier","mars","avril","mai","juin",
+      "juillet","aout","septembre","octobre","novembre","decembre"],
+     ["janvier","f${e}vrier","mars","avril","mai","juin",
+      "juillet","ao${u}t","septembre","octobre","novembre","d${e}cembre"]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["jan","fev","mar","avr","mai","juin",
+      "juil","aout","sept","oct","nov","dec"],
+     ["jan","f${e}v","mar","avr","mai","juin",
+      "juil","ao${u}t","sept","oct","nov","d${e}c"]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi","dimanche"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["lun","mar","mer","jeu","ven","sam","dim"]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["l","ma","me","j","v","s","d"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["1er","2e","3e","4e","5e","6e","7e","8e","9e","10e",
+      "11e","12e","13e","14e","15e","16e","17e","18e","19e","20e",
+      "21e","22e","23e","24e","25e","26e","27e","28e","29e","30e",
+      "31e"]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [["premier","deux","trois","quatre","cinq","six","sept","huit","neuf",
+      "dix","onze","douze","treize","quatorze","quinze","seize","dix-sept",
+      "dix-huit","dix-neuf","vingt","vingt et un","vingt-deux","vingt-trois",
+      "vingt-quatre","vingt-cinq","vingt-six","vingt-sept","vingt-huit",
+      "vingt-neuf","trente","trente et un"],
+     ["1re"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["aujourd'hui","maintenant"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["dernier"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["chaque","tous les","toutes les"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["en","de"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["a","${a}0"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["sur"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["en"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["il y a"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["suivant"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["precedent","pr${e}c${e}dent"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["plus tard"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["exactement"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["approximativement"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["professionel"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["hier","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0","demain","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["midi","12:00:00","minuit","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["an","annee","ans","annees","ann${e}e","ann${e}es"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["mois"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["sem","semaine"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["j","jour","jours"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["h","heure","heures"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["mn","min","minute","minutes"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["s","sec","seconde","secondes"];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["m","mois"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   ='[h:]';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:,]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["du matin"];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["du soir"];
+sub Date_Init_Romanian {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_Romanian\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  my(%h)=();
+  &Char_8Bit(\%h);
+  my($p)=$h{"p"};
+  my($i)=$h{"i^"};
+  my($a)=$h{"a~"};
+  my($o)=$h{"-o"};
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [["ianuarie","februarie","martie","aprilie","mai","iunie",
+      "iulie","august","septembrie","octombrie","noiembrie","decembrie"]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["ian","febr","mart","apr","mai","iun",
+      "iul","aug","sept","oct","nov","dec"],
+     ["","feb"]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["luni","marti","miercuri","joi","vineri","simbata","duminica"],
+     ["luni","mar${p}i","miercuri","joi","vineri","s${i}mb${a}t${a}",
+      "duminic${a}"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["lun","mar","mie","joi","vin","sim","dum"],
+     ["lun","mar","mie","joi","vin","s${i}m","dum"]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["L","Ma","Mi","J","V","S","D"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["prima","a doua","a 3-a","a 4-a","a 5-a","a 6-a","a 7-a","a 8-a",
+      "a 9-a","a 10-a","a 11-a","a 12-a","a 13-a","a 14-a","a 15-a",
+      "a 16-a","a 17-a","a 18-a","a 19-a","a 20-a","a 21-a","a 22-a",
+      "a 23-a","a 24-a","a 25-a","a 26-a","a 27-a","a 28-a","a 29-a",
+      "a 30-a","a 31-a"]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [["prima","a doua","a treia","a patra","a cincea","a sasea","a saptea",
+      "a opta","a noua","a zecea","a unsprezecea","a doisprezecea",
+      "a treisprezecea","a patrusprezecea","a cincisprezecea","a saiprezecea",
+      "a saptesprezecea","a optsprezecea","a nouasprezecea","a douazecea",
+      "a douazecisiuna","a douazecisidoua","a douazecisitreia",
+      "a douazecisipatra","a douazecisicincea","a douazecisisasea",
+      "a douazecisisaptea","a douazecisiopta","a douazecisinoua","a treizecea",
+      "a treizecisiuna"],
+     ["prima","a doua","a treia","a patra","a cincea","a ${o}asea",
+      "a ${o}aptea","a opta","a noua","a zecea","a unsprezecea",
+      "a doisprezecea","a treisprezecea","a patrusprezecea","a cincisprezecea",
+      "a ${o}aiprezecea","a ${o}aptesprezecea","a optsprezecea",
+      "a nou${a}sprezecea","a dou${a}zecea","a dou${a}zeci${o}iuna",
+      "a dou${a}zeci${o}idoua","a dou${a}zeci${o}itreia",
+      "a dou${a}zeci${o}ipatra","a dou${a}zeci${o}icincea",
+      "a dou${a}zeci${o}i${o}asea","a dou${a}zeci${o}i${o}aptea",
+      "a dou${a}zeci${o}iopta","a dou${a}zeci${o}inoua","a treizecea",
+      "a treizeci${o}iuna"],
+     ["intii", "doi", "trei", "patru", "cinci", "sase", "sapte",
+      "opt","noua","zece","unsprezece","doisprezece",
+      "treisprezece","patrusprezece","cincisprezece","saiprezece",
+      "saptesprezece","optsprezece","nouasprezece","douazeci",
+      "douazecisiunu","douazecisidoi","douazecisitrei",
+      "douazecisipatru","douazecisicinci","douazecisisase","douazecisisapte",
+      "douazecisiopt","douazecisinoua","treizeci","treizecisiunu"],
+     ["${i}nt${i}i", "doi", "trei", "patru", "cinci", "${o}ase", "${o}apte",
+      "opt","nou${a}","zece","unsprezece","doisprezece",
+      "treisprezece","patrusprezece","cincisprezece","${o}aiprezece",
+      "${o}aptesprezece","optsprezece","nou${a}sprezece","dou${a}zeci",
+      "dou${a}zeci${o}iunu","dou${a}zeci${o}idoi","dou${a}zeci${o}itrei",
+      "dou${a}zecisipatru","dou${a}zeci${o}icinci","dou${a}zeci${o}i${o}ase",
+      "dou${a}zeci${o}i${o}apte","dou${a}zeci${o}iopt",
+      "dou${a}zeci${o}inou${a}","treizeci","treizeci${o}iunu"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["acum","azi","astazi","ast${a}zi"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["ultima"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["fiecare"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["din","in","n"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["la"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["on"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["in","${i}n"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["in urma", "${i}n urm${a}"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["urmatoarea","urm${a}toarea"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["precedenta","ultima"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["mai tirziu", "mai t${i}rziu"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["exact"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["aproximativ"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["de lucru","lucratoare","lucr${a}toare"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["ieri","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "alaltaieri", "-0:0:0:2:0:0:0",
+                   "alalt${a}ieri","-0:0:0:2:0:0:0",
+                   "miine","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "m${i}ine","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "poimiine","+0:0:0:2:0:0:0",
+                   "poim${i}ine","+0:0:0:2:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["amiaza","12:00:00",
+                   "amiaz${a}","12:00:00",
+                   "miezul noptii","00:00:00",
+                   "miezul nop${p}ii","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["ani","an","a"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["luni","luna","lun${a}","l"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["saptamini","s${a}pt${a}m${i}ni","saptamina",
+                   "s${a}pt${a}m${i}na","sapt","s${a}pt"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["zile","zi","z"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["ore", "ora", "or${a}", "h"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["minute","min","m"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["secunde","sec",];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["s","secunde"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:,]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["AM","A.M."];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["PM","P.M."];
+sub Date_Init_Swedish {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_Swedish\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  my(%h)=();
+  &Char_8Bit(\%h);
+  my($ao)=$h{"ao"};
+  my($o) =$h{"o:"};
+  my($a) =$h{"a:"};
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [["Januari","Februari","Mars","April","Maj","Juni",
+      "Juli","Augusti","September","Oktober","November","December"]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Maj","Jun",
+      "Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec"]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["Mandag","Tisdag","Onsdag","Torsdag","Fredag","Lordag","Sondag"],
+     ["M${ao}ndag","Tisdag","Onsdag","Torsdag","Fredag","L${o}rdag",
+      "S${o}ndag"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["Man","Tis","Ons","Tor","Fre","Lor","Son"],
+     ["M${ao}n","Tis","Ons","Tor","Fre","L${o}r","S${o}n"]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["M","Ti","O","To","F","L","S"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["1:a","2:a","3:e","4:e","5:e","6:e","7:e","8:e","9:e","10:e",
+      "11:e","12:e","13:e","14:e","15:e","16:e","17:e","18:e","19:e","20:e",
+      "21:a","22:a","23:e","24:e","25:e","26:e","27:e","28:e","29:e","30:e",
+      "31:a"]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [["forsta","andra","tredje","fjarde","femte","sjatte","sjunde",
+      "attonde","nionde","tionde","elfte","tolfte","trettonde","fjortonde",
+      "femtonde","sextonde","sjuttonde","artonde","nittonde","tjugonde",
+      "tjugoforsta","tjugoandra","tjugotredje","tjugofjarde","tjugofemte",
+      "tjugosjatte","tjugosjunde","tjugoattonde","tjugonionde",
+      "trettionde","trettioforsta"],
+     ["f${o}rsta","andra","tredje","fj${a}rde","femte","sj${a}tte","sjunde",
+      "${ao}ttonde","nionde","tionde","elfte","tolfte","trettonde","fjortonde",
+      "femtonde","sextonde","sjuttonde","artonde","nittonde","tjugonde",
+      "tjugof${o}rsta","tjugoandra","tjugotredje","tjugofj${a}rde","tjugofemte",
+      "tjugosj${a}tte","tjugosjunde","tjugo${ao}ttonde","tjugonionde",
+      "trettionde","trettiof${o}rsta"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["idag","nu"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["forra","f${o}rra","senaste"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["varje"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["om"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["kl","kl.","klockan"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["pa","p${ao}"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["om"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["sedan"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["nasta","n${a}sta"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["forra","f${o}rra"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["senare"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["exakt"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["ungefar","ungef${a}r"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["arbetsdag","arbetsdagar"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["ig${ao}r","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0","igar","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "imorgon","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["mitt pa dagen","12:00:00","mitt p${ao} dagen","12:00:00",
+                   "midnatt","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["ar","${ao}r"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["man","manad","manader","m${ao}n","m${ao}nad","m${ao}nader"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["v","vecka","veckor"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["d","dag","dagar"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["t","tim","timme","timmar"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["min","minut","minuter"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["s","sek","sekund","sekunder"];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["m","minut"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   ='[.:]';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["FM"];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["EM"];
+sub Date_Init_German {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_German\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  my(%h)=();
+  &Char_8Bit(\%h);
+  my($a)=$h{"a:"};
+  my($u)=$h{"u:"};
+  my($o)=$h{"o:"};
+  my($b)=$h{"beta"};
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [["Januar","Februar","Maerz","April","Mai","Juni",
+      "Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember"],
+    ["J${a}nner","Februar","M${a}rz","April","Mai","Juni",
+      "Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember"]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mai","Jun",
+      "Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez"],
+     ["J${a}n","Feb","M${a}r","Apr","Mai","Jun",
+      "Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez"]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag",
+      "Sonntag"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["Mon","Die","Mit","Don","Fre","Sam","Son"]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["M","Di","Mi","Do","F","Sa","So"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["1.","2.","3.","4.","5.","6.","7.","8.","9.","10.",
+      "11.","12.","13.","14.","15.","16.","17.","18.","19.","20.",
+      "21.","22.","23.","24.","25.","26.","27.","28.","29.","30.",
+      "31."]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [
+     ["erste","zweite","dritte","vierte","funfte","sechste","siebente",
+      "achte","neunte","zehnte","elfte","zwolfte","dreizehnte","vierzehnte",
+      "funfzehnte","sechzehnte","siebzehnte","achtzehnte","neunzehnte",
+      "zwanzigste","einundzwanzigste","zweiundzwanzigste","dreiundzwanzigste",
+      "vierundzwanzigste","funfundzwanzigste","sechundzwanzigste",
+      "siebundzwanzigste","achtundzwanzigste","neunundzwanzigste",
+      "dreibigste","einunddreibigste"],
+     ["erste","zweite","dritte","vierte","f${u}nfte","sechste","siebente",
+      "achte","neunte","zehnte","elfte","zw${o}lfte","dreizehnte",
+      "vierzehnte","f${u}nfzehnte","sechzehnte","siebzehnte","achtzehnte",
+      "neunzehnte","zwanzigste","einundzwanzigste","zweiundzwanzigste",
+      "dreiundzwanzigste","vierundzwanzigste","f${u}nfundzwanzigste",
+      "sechundzwanzigste","siebundzwanzigste","achtundzwanzigste",
+      "neunundzwanzigste","drei${b}igste","einunddrei${b}igste"],
+    ["erster"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["heute","jetzt"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["letzte","letzten"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["jeden"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["der","im","des"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["um"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["am"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["in"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["vor"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["nachste","n${a}chste","nachsten","n${a}chsten"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["vorherigen","vorherige","letzte","letzten"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["spater","sp${a}ter"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["genau"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["ungefahr","ungef${a}hr"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["Arbeitstag"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["gestern","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0","morgen","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["mittag","12:00:00","mitternacht","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["j","Jahr","Jahre"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["Monat","Monate"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["w","Woche","Wochen"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["t","Tag","Tage"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["h","std","Stunde","Stunden"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["min","Minute","Minuten"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["s","sek","Sekunde","Sekunden"];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["m","Monat"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   ='[: ]';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["FM"];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["EM"];
+sub Date_Init_Dutch {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_Dutch\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  my(%h)=();
+  &Char_8Bit(\%h);
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [["januari","februari","maart","april","mei","juni","juli","augustus",
+      "september","october","november","december"],
+     ["","","","","","","","","","oktober"]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["jan","feb","maa","apr","mei","jun","jul",
+      "aug","sep","oct","nov","dec"],
+     ["","","mrt","","","","","","","okt"]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["maandag","dinsdag","woensdag","donderdag","vrijdag","zaterdag",
+      "zondag"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["ma","di","wo","do","vr","zat","zon"],
+     ["","","","","","za","zo"]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["M","D","W","D","V","Za","Zo"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["1ste","2de","3de","4de","5de","6de","7de","8ste","9de","10de",
+      "11de","12de","13de","14de","15de","16de","17de","18de","19de","20ste",
+      "21ste","22ste","23ste","24ste","25ste","26ste","27ste","28ste","29ste",
+      "30ste","31ste"]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [["eerste","tweede","derde","vierde","vijfde","zesde","zevende","achtste",
+      "negende","tiende","elfde","twaalfde",
+      map {"${_}tiende";} qw (der veer vijf zes zeven acht negen),
+      "twintigste",
+      map {"${_}entwintigste";} qw (een twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht
+                                    negen),
+      "dertigste","eenendertigste"],
+     ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",
+      map {"${_}-en-twintigste";} qw (een twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht
+                                      negen),
+      "dertigste","een-en-dertigste"],
+     ["een","twee","drie","vier","vijf","zes","zeven","acht","negen","tien",
+      "elf","twaalf",
+      map {"${_}tien"} qw (der veer vijf zes zeven acht negen),
+      "twintig",
+      map {"${_}entwintig"} qw (een twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht negen),
+      "dertig","eenendertig"],
+     ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",
+      map {"${_}-en-twintig"} qw (een twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht
+                                  negen),
+      "dertig","een-en-dertig"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["nu","nou","vandaag"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["laatste"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["elke","elk"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["in","van"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["om"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["op"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["over"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["geleden","vroeger","eerder"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["volgende","volgend"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["voorgaande","voorgaand"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["later"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["exact","precies","nauwkeurig"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["ongeveer","ong",'ong\.',"circa","ca",'ca\.'];
+  $$d{"business"}=["werk","zakelijke","zakelijk"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["morgen","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0","overmorgen","+0:0:0:2:0:0:0",
+                   "gisteren","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0","eergisteren","-0::00:2:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["noen","12:00:00","middernacht","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["jaar","jaren","ja","j"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["maand","maanden","mnd"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["week","weken","w"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["dag","dagen","d"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["uur","uren","u","h"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["minuut","minuten","min"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["seconde","seconden","sec","s"];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["m","minuten"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   ='[:.uh]';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   ='[:.m]';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["am","a.m.","vm","v.m.","voormiddag","'s_ochtends",
+                    "ochtend","'s_nachts","nacht"];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["pm","p.m.","nm","n.m.","namiddag","'s_middags","middag",
+                    "'s_avonds","avond"];
+sub Date_Init_Polish {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_Polish\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [["stycznia","luty","marca","kwietnia","maja","czerwca",
+      "lipca","sierpnia","wrzesnia","pazdziernika","listopada","grudnia"],
+     ["stycznia","luty","marca","kwietnia","maja","czerwca","lipca",
+      "sierpnia","wrze\x9cnia","pa\x9fdziernika","listopada","grudnia"]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["sty.","lut.","mar.","kwi.","maj","cze.",
+      "lip.","sie.","wrz.","paz.","lis.","gru."],
+     ["sty.","lut.","mar.","kwi.","maj","cze.",
+      "lip.","sie.","wrz.","pa\x9f.","lis.","gru."]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["poniedzialek","wtorek","sroda","czwartek","piatek","sobota",
+      "niedziela"],
+     ["poniedzia\x81\xb3ek","wtorek","\x9croda","czwartek","pi\x81\xb9tek",
+      "sobota","niedziela"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["po.","wt.","sr.","cz.","pi.","so.","ni."],
+     ["po.","wt.","\x9cr.","cz.","pi.","so.","ni."]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["p","w","e","c","p","s","n"],
+     ["p","w","\x9c.","c","p","s","n"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["1.","2.","3.","4.","5.","6.","7.","8.","9.","10.",
+      "11.","12.","13.","14.","15.","16.","17.","18.","19.","20.",
+      "21.","22.","23.","24.","25.","26.","27.","28.","29.","30.",
+      "31."]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [["pierwszego","drugiego","trzeczego","czwartego","piatego","szostego",
+      "siodmego","osmego","dziewiatego","dziesiatego",
+      "jedenastego","dwunastego","trzynastego","czternastego","pietnastego",
+      "szestnastego","siedemnastego","osiemnastego","dziewietnastego",
+      "dwudziestego",
+      "dwudziestego pierwszego","dwudziestego drugiego",
+      "dwudziestego trzeczego","dwudziestego czwartego",
+      "dwudziestego piatego","dwudziestego szostego",
+      "dwudziestego siodmego","dwudziestego osmego",
+      "dwudziestego dziewiatego","trzydziestego","trzydziestego pierwszego"],
+     ["pierwszego","drugiego","trzeczego","czwartego","pi\x81\xb9tego",
+      "sz\x81\xf3stego","si\x81\xf3dmego","\x81\xf3smego","dziewi\x81\xb9tego",
+      "dziesi\x81\xb9tego","jedenastego","dwunastego","trzynastego",
+      "czternastego","pi\x81\xeatnastego","szestnastego","siedemnastego",
+      "osiemnastego","dziewietnastego","dwudziestego",
+      "dwudziestego pierwszego","dwudziestego drugiego",
+      "dwudziestego trzeczego","dwudziestego czwartego",
+      "dwudziestego pi\x81\xb9tego","dwudziestego sz\x81\xf3stego",
+      "dwudziestego si\x81\xf3dmego","dwudziestego \x81\xf3smego",
+      "dwudziestego dziewi\x81\xb9tego","trzydziestego",
+      "trzydziestego pierwszego"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["dzisaj","teraz"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["ostatni","ostatna"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["kazdy","ka\x81\xbfdy", "kazdym","ka\x81\xbfdym"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["w","z"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["o","u"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["na"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["za"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["temu"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["nastepny","nast\x81\xeapny","nastepnym","nast\x81\xeapnym",
+                   "przyszly","przysz\x81\xb3y","przyszlym",
+                   "przysz\x81\xb3ym"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["zeszly","zesz\x81\xb3y","zeszlym","zesz\x81\xb3ym"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["later"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["doklandnie","dok\x81\xb3andnie"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["w przyblizeniu","w przybli\x81\xbfeniu","mniej wiecej",
+                   "mniej wi\x81\xeacej","okolo","oko\x81\xb3o"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["sluzbowy","s\x81\xb3u\x81\xbfbowy","sluzbowym",
+                   "s\x81\xb3u\x81\xbfbowym"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["po\x81\xb3udnie","12:00:00",
+                   "p\x81\xf3\x81\xb3noc","00:00:00",
+                   "poludnie","12:00:00","polnoc","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["wczoraj","-0:0:1:0:0:0","jutro","+0:0:1:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["rok","lat","lata","latach"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["m.","miesiac","miesi\x81\xb9c","miesiecy",
+                   "miesi\x81\xeacy","miesiacu","miesi\x81\xb9cu"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["ty.","tydzien","tydzie\x81\xf1","tygodniu"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["d.","dzien","dzie\x81\xf1","dni"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["g.","godzina","godziny","godzinie"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["mn.","min.","minut","minuty"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["s.","sekund","sekundy"];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["m.","miesiac"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["AM","A.M."];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["PM","P.M."];
+sub Date_Init_Spanish {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_Spanish\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  my(%h)=();
+  &Char_8Bit(\%h);
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [["Enero","Febrero","Marzo","Abril","Mayo","Junio","Julio","Agosto",
+      "Septiembre","Octubre","Noviembre","Diciembre"]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["Ene","Feb","Mar","Abr","May","Jun","Jul","Ago","Sep","Oct",
+      "Nov","Dic"]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["Lunes","Martes","Miercoles","Jueves","Viernes","Sabado","Domingo"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["Lun","Mar","Mie","Jue","Vie","Sab","Dom"]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["L","Ma","Mi","J","V","S","D"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["1o","2o","3o","4o","5o","6o","7o","8o","9o","10o",
+      "11o","12o","13o","14o","15o","16o","17o","18o","19o","20o",
+      "21o","22o","23o","24o","25o","26o","27o","28o","29o","30o","31o"],
+     ["1a","2a","3a","4a","5a","6a","7a","8a","9a","10a",
+      "11a","12a","13a","14a","15a","16a","17a","18a","19a","20a",
+      "21a","22a","23a","24a","25a","26a","27a","28a","29a","30a","31a"]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [["Primero","Segundo","Tercero","Cuarto","Quinto","Sexto","Septimo",
+      "Octavo","Noveno","Decimo","Decimo Primero","Decimo Segundo",
+      "Decimo Tercero","Decimo Cuarto","Decimo Quinto","Decimo Sexto",
+      "Decimo Septimo","Decimo Octavo","Decimo Noveno","Vigesimo",
+      "Vigesimo Primero","Vigesimo Segundo","Vigesimo Tercero",
+      "Vigesimo Cuarto","Vigesimo Quinto","Vigesimo Sexto",
+      "Vigesimo Septimo","Vigesimo Octavo","Vigesimo Noveno","Trigesimo",
+      "Trigesimo Primero"],
+     ["Primera","Segunda","Tercera","Cuarta","Quinta","Sexta","Septima",
+      "Octava","Novena","Decima","Decimo Primera","Decimo Segunda",
+      "Decimo Tercera","Decimo Cuarta","Decimo Quinta","Decimo Sexta",
+      "Decimo Septima","Decimo Octava","Decimo Novena","Vigesima",
+      "Vigesimo Primera","Vigesimo Segunda","Vigesimo Tercera",
+      "Vigesimo Cuarta","Vigesimo Quinta","Vigesimo Sexta",
+      "Vigesimo Septima","Vigesimo Octava","Vigesimo Novena","Trigesima",
+      "Trigesimo Primera"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["Hoy","Ahora"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["ultimo"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["cada"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["en","de"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["a"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["el"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["en"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["hace"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["siguiente"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["anterior"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["later"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["exactamente"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["aproximadamente"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["laborales"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["ayer","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0","manana","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["mediodia","12:00:00","medianoche","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["a","ano","ano","anos","anos"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["m","mes","mes","meses"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["sem","semana","semana","semanas"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["d","dia","dias"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["hr","hrs","hora","horas"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["min","min","minuto","minutos"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["s","seg","segundo","segundos"];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["m","mes"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["AM","A.M."];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["PM","P.M."];
+sub Date_Init_Portuguese {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_Portuguese\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  my(%h)=();
+  &Char_8Bit(\%h);
+  my($o) = $h{"-o"};
+  my($c) = $h{",c"};
+  my($a) = $h{"a'"};
+  my($e) = $h{"e'"};
+  my($u) = $h{"u'"};
+  my($o2)= $h{"o'"};
+  my($a2)= $h{"a`"};
+  my($a3)= $h{"a~"};
+  my($e2)= $h{"e^"};
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [["Janeiro","Fevereiro","Marco","Abril","Maio","Junho",
+      "Julho","Agosto","Setembro","Outubro","Novembro","Dezembro"],
+     ["Janeiro","Fevereiro","Mar${c}o","Abril","Maio","Junho",
+      "Julho","Agosto","Setembro","Outubro","Novembro","Dezembro"]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["Jan","Fev","Mar","Abr","Mai","Jun",
+      "Jul","Ago","Set","Out","Nov","Dez"]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["Segunda","Terca","Quarta","Quinta","Sexta","Sabado","Domingo"],
+     ["Segunda","Ter${c}a","Quarta","Quinta","Sexta","S${a}bado","Domingo"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["Seg","Ter","Qua","Qui","Sex","Sab","Dom"],
+     ["Seg","Ter","Qua","Qui","Sex","S${a}b","Dom"]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["Sg","T","Qa","Qi","Sx","Sb","D"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["1${o}","2${o}","3${o}","4${o}","5${o}","6${o}","7${o}","8${o}",
+      "9${o}","10${o}","11${o}","12${o}","13${o}","14${o}","15${o}",
+      "16${o}","17${o}","18${o}","19${o}","20${o}","21${o}","22${o}",
+      "23${o}","24${o}","25${o}","26${o}","27${o}","28${o}","29${o}",
+      "30${o}","31${o}"]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [["primeiro","segundo","terceiro","quarto","quinto","sexto","setimo",
+      "oitavo","nono","decimo","decimo primeiro","decimo segundo",
+      "decimo terceiro","decimo quarto","decimo quinto","decimo sexto",
+      "decimo setimo","decimo oitavo","decimo nono","vigesimo",
+      "vigesimo primeiro","vigesimo segundo","vigesimo terceiro",
+      "vigesimo quarto","vigesimo quinto","vigesimo sexto","vigesimo setimo",
+      "vigesimo oitavo","vigesimo nono","trigesimo","trigesimo primeiro"],
+     ["primeiro","segundo","terceiro","quarto","quinto","sexto","s${e}timo",
+      "oitavo","nono","d${e}cimo","d${e}cimo primeiro","d${e}cimo segundo",
+      "d${e}cimo terceiro","d${e}cimo quarto","d${e}cimo quinto",
+      "d${e}cimo sexto","d${e}cimo s${e}timo","d${e}cimo oitavo",
+      "d${e}cimo nono","vig${e}simo","vig${e}simo primeiro",
+      "vig${e}simo segundo","vig${e}simo terceiro","vig${e}simo quarto",
+      "vig${e}simo quinto","vig${e}simo sexto","vig${e}simo s${e}timo",
+      "vig${e}simo oitavo","vig${e}simo nono","trig${e}simo",
+      "trig${e}simo primeiro"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["agora","hoje"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["${u}ltimo","ultimo"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["cada"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["da","do"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["as","${a2}s"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["na","no"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["em"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["a","${a2}"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["proxima","proximo","pr${o2}xima","pr${o2}ximo"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["ultima","ultimo","${u}ltima","${u}ltimo"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["passadas","passados"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["exactamente"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["aproximadamente"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["util","uteis"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["ontem","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "amanha","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0","amanh${a3}","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["meio-dia","12:00:00","meia-noite","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["anos","ano","ans","an","a"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["meses","m${e2}s","mes","m"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["semanas","semana","sem","sems","s"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["dias","dia","d"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["horas","hora","hr","hrs"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["minutos","minuto","min","mn"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["segundos","segundo","seg","sg"];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["m","mes","s","sems"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[,]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["AM","A.M."];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["PM","P.M."];
+sub Date_Init_Russian {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_Russian\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  my(%h)=();
+  &Char_8Bit(\%h);
+  my($a) =$h{"a:"};
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [
+     ["\xd1\xce\xd7\xc1\xd2\xd1","\xc6\xc5\xd7\xd2\xc1\xcc\xd1",
+      "\xcd\xc1\xd2\xd4\xc1","\xc1\xd0\xd2\xc5\xcc\xd1","\xcd\xc1\xd1",
+      "\xc9\xc0\xce\xd1",
+      "\xc9\xc0\xcc\xd1","\xc1\xd7\xc7\xd5\xd3\xd4\xc1",
+      "\xd3\xc5\xce\xd4\xd1\xc2\xd2\xd1","\xcf\xcb\xd4\xd1\xc2\xd2\xd1",
+      "\xce\xcf\xd1\xc2\xd2\xd1","\xc4\xc5\xcb\xc1\xc2\xd2\xd1"],
+     ["\xd1\xce\xd7\xc1\xd2\xd8","\xc6\xc5\xd7\xd2\xc1\xcc\xd8",
+      "\xcd\xc1\xd2\xd4","\xc1\xd0\xd2\xc5\xcc\xd8","\xcd\xc1\xca",
+      "\xc9\xc0\xce\xd8",
+      "\xc9\xc0\xcc\xd8","\xc1\xd7\xc7\xd5\xd3\xd4",
+      "\xd3\xc5\xce\xd4\xd1\xc2\xd2\xd8","\xcf\xcb\xd4\xd1\xc2\xd2\xd8",
+      "\xce\xcf\xd1\xc2\xd2\xd8","\xc4\xc5\xcb\xc1\xc2\xd2\xd8"]
+    ];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["\xd1\xce\xd7","\xc6\xc5\xd7","\xcd\xd2\xd4","\xc1\xd0\xd2",
+      "\xcd\xc1\xca","\xc9\xc0\xce",
+      "\xc9\xc0\xcc","\xc1\xd7\xc7","\xd3\xce\xd4","\xcf\xcb\xd4",
+      "\xce\xcf\xd1\xc2","\xc4\xc5\xcb"],
+     ["","\xc6\xd7\xd2","","","\xcd\xc1\xd1","",
+      "","","\xd3\xc5\xce","\xcf\xcb\xd4","\xce\xcf\xd1",""]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["\xd0\xcf\xce\xc5\xc4\xc5\xcc\xd8\xce\xc9\xcb",
+      "\xd7\xd4\xcf\xd2\xce\xc9\xcb","\xd3\xd2\xc5\xc4\xc1",
+      "\xde\xc5\xd4\xd7\xc5\xd2\xc7","\xd0\xd1\xd4\xce\xc9\xc3\xc1",
+      "\xd3\xd5\xc2\xc2\xcf\xd4\xc1",
+      "\xd7\xcf\xd3\xcb\xd2\xc5\xd3\xc5\xce\xd8\xc5"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["\xd0\xce\xc4","\xd7\xd4\xd2","\xd3\xd2\xc4","\xde\xd4\xd7",
+      "\xd0\xd4\xce","\xd3\xd5\xc2","\xd7\xd3\xcb"],
+     ["\xd0\xcf\xce","\xd7\xd4\xcf","\xd3\xd2e","\xde\xc5\xd4",
+      "\xd0\xd1\xd4","\xd3\xd5\xc2","\xd7\xcf\xd3\xcb"]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["\xd0\xce","\xd7\xd4","\xd3\xd2","\xde\xd4","\xd0\xd4","\xd3\xc2",
+      "\xd7\xd3"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["1 ","2 ","3 ","4 ","5 ","6 ","7 ","8 ","9 ","10 ",
+      "11 ","12 ","13 ","14 ","15 ","16 ","17 ","18 ","19 ","20 ",
+      "21 ","22 ","23 ","24 ","25 ","26 ","27 ","28 ","29 ","30 ",
+      "31 "]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [["\xd0\xc5\xd2\xd7\xd9\xca","\xd7\xd4\xcf\xd2\xcf\xca",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc5\xd4\xc9\xca","\xde\xc5\xd4\xd7\xc5\xd2\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xd0\xd1\xd4\xd9\xca","\xdb\xc5\xd3\xd4\xcf\xca",
+      "\xd3\xc5\xc4\xd8\xcd\xcf\xca","\xd7\xcf\xd3\xd8\xcd\xcf\xca",
+      "\xc4\xc5\xd7\xd1\xd4\xd9\xca","\xc4\xc5\xd3\xd1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xcf\xc4\xc9\xce\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc5\xce\xc1\xc4\xde\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc5\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xde\xc5\xd4\xd9\xd2\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xd0\xd1\xd4\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xdb\xc5\xd3\xd4\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xd3\xc5\xcd\xd8\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xd7\xcf\xd3\xc5\xcd\xd8\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xc4\xc5\xd7\xd1\xd4\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd0\xc5\xd2\xd7\xd9\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd7\xd4\xcf\xd2\xcf\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd4\xd2\xc5\xd4\xc9\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xde\xc5\xd4\xd7\xc5\xd2\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd0\xd1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xdb\xc5\xd3\xd4\xcf\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd3\xc5\xc4\xd8\xcd\xcf\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd7\xcf\xd3\xd8\xcd\xcf\xca",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xc4\xc5\xd7\xd1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc9\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd9\xca",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc9\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd0\xc5\xd2\xd7\xd9\xca"],
+     ["\xd0\xc5\xd2\xd7\xcf\xc5","\xd7\xd4\xcf\xd2\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc5\xd4\xd8\xc5","\xde\xc5\xd4\xd7\xc5\xd2\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xd0\xd1\xd4\xcf\xc5","\xdb\xc5\xd3\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xd3\xc5\xc4\xd8\xcd\xcf\xc5","\xd7\xcf\xd3\xd8\xcd\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xc5\xd7\xd1\xd4\xcf\xc5","\xc4\xc5\xd3\xd1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xcf\xc4\xc9\xce\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc5\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc5\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xde\xc5\xd4\xd9\xd2\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xd0\xd1\xd4\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xdb\xc5\xd3\xd4\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xd3\xc5\xcd\xd8\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xd7\xcf\xd3\xc5\xcd\xd8\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xc5\xd7\xd1\xd4\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd0\xc5\xd2\xd7\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd7\xd4\xcf\xd2\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd4\xd2\xc5\xd4\xd8\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xde\xc5\xd4\xd7\xc5\xd2\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd0\xd1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xdb\xc5\xd3\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd3\xc5\xc4\xd8\xcd\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd7\xcf\xd3\xd8\xcd\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xc4\xc5\xd7\xd1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc9\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc9\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd0\xc5\xd2\xd7\xcf\xc5"],
+     ["\xd0\xc5\xd2\xd7\xcf\xc7\xcf","\xd7\xd4\xcf\xd2\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc5\xd4\xd8\xc5\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xde\xc5\xd4\xd7\xc5\xd2\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf","\xd0\xd1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xdb\xc5\xd3\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf","\xd3\xc5\xc4\xd8\xcd\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xd7\xcf\xd3\xd8\xcd\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xc5\xd7\xd1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf","\xc4\xc5\xd3\xd1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xcf\xc4\xc9\xce\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc5\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc5\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xde\xc5\xd4\xd9\xd2\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xd0\xd1\xd4\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xdb\xc5\xd3\xd4\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xd3\xc5\xcd\xd8\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xd7\xcf\xd3\xc5\xcd\xd8\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xc5\xd7\xd1\xd4\xce\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd0\xc5\xd2\xd7\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd7\xd4\xcf\xd2\xcf\xc5",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd4\xd2\xc5\xd4\xd8\xc5\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xde\xc5\xd4\xd7\xc5\xd2\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd0\xd1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xdb\xc5\xd3\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd3\xc5\xc4\xd8\xcd\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd7\xcf\xd3\xd8\xcd\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xc4\xd7\xc1\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xc4\xc5\xd7\xd1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc9\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf",
+      "\xd4\xd2\xc9\xc4\xc3\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd0\xc5\xd2\xd7\xcf\xc7\xcf"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["\xd3\xc5\xc7\xcf\xc4\xce\xd1","\xd3\xc5\xca\xde\xc1\xd3"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["\xd0\xcf\xd3\xcc\xc5\xc4\xce\xc9\xca"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["\xcb\xc1\xd6\xc4\xd9\xca"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =[" "];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["\xd7"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["\xd7"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["\xd7\xd0\xc5\xd2\xc5\xc4 \xce\xc1"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["\xce\xc1\xda\xc1\xc4 \xce\xc1 "];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["\xd3\xcc\xc5\xc4\xd5\xc0\xdd\xc9\xca"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["\xd0\xd2\xc5\xc4\xd9\xc4\xd5\xdd\xc9\xca"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["\xd0\xcf\xda\xd6\xc5"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["\xd4\xcf\xde\xce\xcf"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["\xd0\xd2\xc9\xcd\xc5\xd2\xce\xcf"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["\xd2\xc1\xc2\xcf\xde\xc9\xc8"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["\xd0\xcf\xda\xc1\xd7\xde\xc5\xd2\xc1","-0:0:0:2:0:0:0",
+                   "\xd7\xde\xc5\xd2\xc1","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "\xda\xc1\xd7\xd4\xd2\xc1","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "\xd0\xcf\xd3\xcc\xc5\xda\xc1\xd7\xd4\xd2\xc1",
+                   "+0:0:0:2:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["\xd0\xcf\xcc\xc4\xc5\xce\xd8","12:00:00",
+                   "\xd0\xcf\xcc\xce\xcf\xde\xd8","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["\xc7","\xc7\xc4","\xc7\xcf\xc4","\xcc\xc5\xd4",
+                   "\xcc\xc5\xd4","\xc7\xcf\xc4\xc1"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["\xcd\xc5\xd3","\xcd\xc5\xd3\xd1\xc3",
+                   "\xcd\xc5\xd3\xd1\xc3\xc5\xd7"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["\xce\xc5\xc4\xc5\xcc\xd1","\xce\xc5\xc4\xc5\xcc\xd8",
+                   "\xce\xc5\xc4\xc5\xcc\xc9","\xce\xc5\xc4\xc5\xcc\xc0"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["\xc4","\xc4\xc5\xce\xd8","\xc4\xce\xc5\xca",
+                   "\xc4\xce\xd1"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["\xde","\xde.","\xde\xd3","\xde\xd3\xd7","\xde\xc1\xd3",
+                   "\xde\xc1\xd3\xcf\xd7","\xde\xc1\xd3\xc1"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["\xcd\xce","\xcd\xc9\xce","\xcd\xc9\xce\xd5\xd4\xc1",
+                   "\xcd\xc9\xce\xd5\xd4"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["\xd3","\xd3\xc5\xcb","\xd3\xc5\xcb\xd5\xce\xc4\xc1",
+                   "\xd3\xc5\xcb\xd5\xce\xc4"];
+  $$d{"replace"} =[];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   ="[:\xde]";
+  $$d{"sepms"}   ="[:\xcd]";
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ="[:.\xd3]";
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["\xc4\xd0","${a}\xf0","${a}.\xf0.","\xce\xcf\xde\xc9",
+                    "\xd5\xd4\xd2\xc1",
+                    "\xc4\xcf \xd0\xcf\xcc\xd5\xc4\xce\xd1"];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["\xd0\xd0","\xf0\xf0","\xf0.\xf0.","\xc4\xce\xd1",
+                    "\xd7\xc5\xde\xc5\xd2\xc1",
+                    "\xd0\xcf\xd3\xcc\xc5 \xd0\xcf\xcc\xd5\xc4\xce\xd1",
+                    "\xd0\xcf \xd0\xcf\xcc\xd5\xc4\xce\xc0"];
+sub Date_Init_Turkish {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_Turkish\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [
+     ["ocak","subat","mart","nisan","mayis","haziran",
+      "temmuz","agustos","eylul","ekim","kasim","aralik"],
+     ["ocak","\xfeubat","mart","nisan","may\xfds","haziran",
+      "temmuz","a\xf0ustos","eyl\xfcl","ekim","kas\xfdm","aral\xfdk"]
+     ];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [
+     ["oca","sub","mar","nis","may","haz",
+      "tem","agu","eyl","eki","kas","ara"],
+     ["oca","\xfeub","mar","nis","may","haz",
+      "tem","a\xf0u","eyl","eki","kas","ara"]
+     ];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [
+     ["pazartesi","sali","carsamba","persembe","cuma","cumartesi","pazar"],
+     ["pazartesi","sal\xfd","\xe7ar\xfeamba","per\xfeembe","cuma",
+      "cumartesi","pazar"],
+     ];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [
+     ["pzt","sal","car","per","cum","cts","paz"],
+     ["pzt","sal","\xe7ar","per","cum","cts","paz"],
+     ];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["Pt","S","Cr","Pr","C","Ct","P"],
+     ["Pt","S","\xc7","Pr","C","Ct","P"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [[ "1.", "2.", "3.", "4.", "5.", "6.", "7.", "8.", "9.", "10.",
+       "11.", "12.", "13.", "14.", "15.", "16.", "17.", "18.", "19.", "20.",
+       "21.", "22.", "23.", "24.", "25.", "26.", "27.", "28.", "29.", "30.",
+       "31."]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [
+     ["birinci","ikinci","ucuncu","dorduncu",
+      "besinci","altinci","yedinci","sekizinci",
+      "dokuzuncu","onuncu","onbirinci","onikinci",
+      "onucuncu","ondordoncu",
+      "onbesinci","onaltinci","onyedinci","onsekizinci",
+      "ondokuzuncu","yirminci","yirmibirinci","yirmikinci",
+      "yirmiucuncu","yirmidorduncu",
+      "yirmibesinci","yirmialtinci","yirmiyedinci","yirmisekizinci",
+      "yirmidokuzuncu","otuzuncu","otuzbirinci"],
+     ["birinci","ikinci","\xfc\xe7\xfcnc\xfc","d\xf6rd\xfcnc\xfc",
+      "be\xfeinci","alt\xfdnc\xfd","yedinci","sekizinci",
+      "dokuzuncu","onuncu","onbirinci","onikinci",
+      "on\xfc\xe7\xfcnc\xfc","ond\xf6rd\xfcnc\xfc",
+      "onbe\xfeinci","onalt\xfdnc\xfd","onyedinci","onsekizinci",
+      "ondokuzuncu","yirminci","yirmibirinci","yirmikinci",
+      "yirmi\xfc\xe7\xfcnc\xfc","yirmid\xf6rd\xfcnc\xfc",
+      "yirmibe\xfeinci","yirmialt\xfdnc\xfd","yirmiyedinci","yirmisekizinci",
+      "yirmidokuzuncu","otuzuncu","otuzbirinci"]
+     ];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["\xfeimdi", "simdi", "bugun","bug\xfcn"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["son", "sonuncu"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["her"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["of"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["saat"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["on"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["gelecek"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["ge\xe7mi\xfe", "gecmis","gecen", "ge\xe7en"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["gelecek","sonraki"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["onceki","\xf6nceki"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["sonra"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["tam"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["yakla\xfe\xfdk", "yaklasik"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["i\xfe","\xe7al\xfd\xfema","is", "calisma"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["d\xfcn","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "dun", "-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "yar\xfdn","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "yarin","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["\xf6\xf0len","12:00:00",
+                   "oglen","12:00:00",
+                   "yarim","12:300:00",
+                   "yar\xfdm","12:30:00",
+                   "gece yar\xfds\xfd","00:00:00",
+                   "gece yarisi","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["yil","y"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["ay","a"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["hafta", "h"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["gun","g"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["saat"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["dakika","dak","d"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["saniye","sn",];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["s","saat"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:,]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["\xf6gleden \xf6nce","ogleden once"];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["\xf6\xf0leden sonra","ogleden sonra"];
+sub Date_Init_Danish {
+  print "DEBUG: Date_Init_Danish\n"  if ($Curr{"Debug"} =~ /trace/);
+  my($d)=@_;
+  $$d{"month_name"}=
+    [["Januar","Februar","Marts","April","Maj","Juni",
+      "Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","December"]];
+  $$d{"month_abb"}=
+    [["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Maj","Jun",
+      "Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec"]];
+  $$d{"day_name"}=
+    [["Mandag","Tirsdag","Onsdag","Torsdag","Fredag","Lordag","Sondag"],
+     ["Mandag","Tirsdag","Onsdag","Torsdag","Fredag","L\xf8rdag","S\xf8ndag"]];
+  $$d{"day_abb"}=
+    [["Man","Tis","Ons","Tor","Fre","Lor","Son"],
+     ["Man","Tis","Ons","Tor","Fre","L\xf8r","S\xf8n"]];
+  $$d{"day_char"}=
+    [["M","Ti","O","To","F","L","S"]];
+  $$d{"num_suff"}=
+    [["1:e","2:e","3:e","4:e","5:e","6:e","7:e","8:e","9:e","10:e",
+      "11:e","12:e","13:e","14:e","15:e","16:e","17:e","18:e","19:e","20:e",
+      "21:e","22:e","23:e","24:e","25:e","26:e","27:e","28:e","29:e","30:e",
+      "31:e"]];
+  $$d{"num_word"}=
+    [["forste","anden","tredie","fjerde","femte","sjette","syvende",
+      "ottende","niende","tiende","elfte","tolvte","trettende","fjortende",
+      "femtende","sekstende","syttende","attende","nittende","tyvende",
+      "enogtyvende","toogtyvende","treogtyvende","fireogtyvende","femogtyvende",
+      "seksogtyvende","syvogtyvende","otteogtyvende","niogtyvende",
+      "tredivte","enogtredivte"],
+     ["f\xf8rste","anden","tredie","fjerde","femte","sjette","syvende",
+      "ottende","niende","tiende","elfte","tolvte","trettende","fjortende",
+      "femtende","sekstende","syttende","attende","nittende","tyvende",
+      "enogtyvende","toogtyvende","treogtyvende","fireogtyvende","femogtyvende",
+      "seksogtyvende","syvogtyvende","otteogtyvende","niogtyvende",
+      "tredivte","enogtredivte"]];
+  $$d{"now"}     =["idag","nu"];
+  $$d{"last"}    =["forrige","sidste","nyeste"];
+  $$d{"each"}    =["hver"];
+  $$d{"of"}      =["om"];
+  $$d{"at"}      =["kl","kl.","klokken"];
+  $$d{"on"}      =["pa","p\xe5"];
+  $$d{"future"}  =["om"];
+  $$d{"past"}    =["siden"];
+  $$d{"next"}    =["nasta","n\xe6ste"];
+  $$d{"prev"}    =["forrige"];
+  $$d{"later"}   =["senere"];
+  $$d{"exact"}   =["pracist","pr\xe6cist"];
+  $$d{"approx"}  =["circa"];
+  $$d{"business"}=["arbejdsdag","arbejdsdage"];
+  $$d{"offset"}  =["ig\xe5r","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0","igar","-0:0:0:1:0:0:0",
+                   "imorgen","+0:0:0:1:0:0:0"];
+  $$d{"times"}   =["midt pa dagen","12:00:00","midt p\xe5 dagen","12:00:00",
+                   "midnat","00:00:00"];
+  $$d{"years"}   =["ar","\xe5r"];
+  $$d{"months"}  =["man","maned","maneder","m\xe5n","m\xe5ned","m\xe5neder"];
+  $$d{"weeks"}   =["u","uge","uger"];
+  $$d{"days"}    =["d","dag","dage"];
+  $$d{"hours"}   =["t","tim","time","timer"];
+  $$d{"minutes"} =["min","minut","minutter"];
+  $$d{"seconds"} =["s","sek","sekund","sekunder"];
+  $$d{"replace"} =["m","minut"];
+  $$d{"sephm"}   ='[.:]';
+  $$d{"sepms"}   =':';
+  $$d{"sepss"}   ='[.:]';
+  $$d{"am"}      = ["FM"];
+  $$d{"pm"}      = ["EM"];
+no integer;
+# &ModuloAddition($N,$add,\$val,\$rem);
+#   This calculates $val=$val+$add and forces $val to be in a certain range.
+#   This is useful for adding numbers for which only a certain range is
+#   allowed (for example, minutes can be between 0 and 59 or months can be
+#   between 1 and 12).  The absolute value of $N determines the range and
+#   the sign of $N determines whether the range is 0 to N-1 (if N>0) or
+#   1 to N (N<0).  The remainder (as modulo N) is added to $rem.
+#   Example:
+#     To add 2 hours together (with the excess returned in days) use:
+#       &ModuloAddition(60,$s1,\$s,\$day);
+sub ModuloAddition {
+  my($N,$add,$val,$rem)=@_;
+  return  if ($N==0);
+  $$val+=$add;
+  if ($N<0) {
+    # 1 to N
+    $N = -$N;
+    if ($$val>$N) {
+      $$rem+= int(($$val-1)/$N);
+      $$val = ($$val-1)%$N +1;
+    } elsif ($$val<1) {
+      $$rem-= int(-$$val/$N)+1;
+      $$val = $N-(-$$val % $N);
+    }
+  } else {
+    # 0 to N-1
+    if ($$val>($N-1)) {
+      $$rem+= int($$val/$N);
+      $$val = $$val%$N;
+    } elsif ($$val<0) {
+      $$rem-= int(-($$val+1)/$N)+1;
+      $$val = ($N-1)-(-($$val+1)%$N);
+    }
+  }
+# $Flag=&IsInt($String [,$low, $high]);
+#    Returns 1 if $String is a valid integer, 0 otherwise.  If $low is
+#    entered, $String must be >= $low.  If $high is entered, $String must
+#    be <= $high.  It is valid to check only one of the bounds.
+sub IsInt {
+  my($N,$low,$high)=@_;
+  return 0  if (! defined $N  or
+                $N !~ /^\s*[-+]?\d+\s*$/  or
+                defined $low   &&  $N<$low  or
+                defined $high  &&  $N>$high);
+  return 1;
+# $Pos=&SinLindex(\@List,$Str [,$offset [,$CaseInsensitive]]);
+#    Searches for an exact string in a list.
+#    This is similar to RinLindex except that it searches for elements
+#    which are exactly equal to $Str (possibly case insensitive).
+sub SinLindex {
+  my($listref,$Str,$offset,$Insensitive)=@_;
+  my($i,$len,$tmp)=();
+  $len=$#$listref;
+  return -2  if ($len<0 or ! $Str);
+  return -1  if (&Index_First(\$offset,$len));
+  $Str=uc($Str)  if ($Insensitive);
+  for ($i=$offset; $i<=$len; $i++) {
+    $tmp=$$listref[$i];
+    $tmp=uc($tmp)  if ($Insensitive);
+    return $i  if ($tmp eq $Str);
+  }
+  return -1;
+sub Index_First {
+  my($offsetref,$max)=@_;
+  $$offsetref=0  if (! $$offsetref);
+  if ($$offsetref < 0) {
+    $$offsetref += $max + 1;
+    $$offsetref=0  if ($$offsetref < 0);
+  }
+  return -1 if ($$offsetref > $max);
+  return 0;
+# $File=&CleanFile($file);
+#   This cleans up a path to remove the following things:
+#     double slash       /a//b  -> /a/b
+#     trailing dot       /a/.   -> /a
+#     leading dot        ./a    -> a
+#     trailing slash     a/     -> a
+sub CleanFile {
+  my($file)=@_;
+  $file =~ s/\s*$//;
+  $file =~ s/^\s*//;
+  $file =~ s|//+|/|g;  # multiple slash
+  $file =~ s|/\.$|/|;  # trailing /. (leaves trailing slash)
+  $file =~ s|^\./||    # leading ./
+    if ($file ne "./");
+  $file =~ s|/$||      # trailing slash
+    if ($file ne "/");
+  return $file;
+# $File=&ExpandTilde($file);
+#   This checks to see if a "~" appears as the first character in a path.
+#   If it does, the "~" expansion is interpreted (if possible) and the full
+#   path is returned.  If a "~" expansion is used but cannot be
+#   interpreted, an empty string is returned.
+#   This is Windows/Mac friendly.
+#   This is efficient.
+sub ExpandTilde {
+  my($file)=shift;
+  my($user,$home)=();
+  # ~aaa/bbb=      ~  aaa      /bbb
+  if ($file =~ s|^~([^/]*)||) {
+    $user=$1;
+    # Single user operating systems (Mac, MSWindows) don't have the getpwnam
+    # and getpwuid routines defined.  Try to catch various different ways
+    # of knowing we are on one of these systems:
+    return ""  if ($OS eq "Windows"  or
+                   $OS eq "Mac"  or
+                   $OS eq "Netware"  or
+                   $OS eq "MPE");
+    $user=""  if (! defined $user);
+    if ($user) {
+      $home= (getpwnam($user))[7];
+    } else {
+      $home= (getpwuid($<))[7];
+    }
+    $home = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($home)  if ($OS eq "VMS");
+    return ""  if (! $home);
+    $file="$home/$file";
+  }
+  $file;
+# $File=&FullFilePath($file);
+#   Returns the full or relative path to $file (expanding "~" if necessary).
+#   Returns an empty string if a "~" expansion cannot be interpreted.  The
+#   path does not need to exist.  CleanFile is called.
+sub FullFilePath {
+  my($file)=shift;
+  my($rootpat) = '^/'; #default pattern to match absolute path
+  $rootpat = '^(\\|/|([A-Za-z]:[\\/]))' if ($OS eq 'Windows');
+  $file=&ExpandTilde($file);
+  return ""  if (! $file);
+  return &CleanFile($file);
+# $Flag=&CheckFilePath($file [,$mode]);
+#   Checks to see if $file exists, to see what type it is, and whether
+#   the script can access it.  If it exists and has the correct mode, 1
+#   is returned.
+#   $mode is a string which may contain any of the valid file test operator
+#   characters except t, M, A, C.  The appropriate test is run for each
+#   character.  For example, if $mode is "re" the -r and -e tests are both
+#   run.
+#   An empty string is returned if the file doesn't exist.  A 0 is returned
+#   if the file exists but any test fails.
+#   All characters in $mode which do not correspond to valid tests are
+#   ignored.
+sub CheckFilePath {
+  my($file,$mode)=@_;
+  my($test)=();
+  $file=&FullFilePath($file);
+  $mode = ""  if (! defined $mode);
+  # Run tests
+  return 0  if (! defined $file or ! $file);
+  return 0  if ((                  ! -e $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /r/  &&  ! -r $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /w/  &&  ! -w $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /x/  &&  ! -x $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /R/  &&  ! -R $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /W/  &&  ! -W $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /X/  &&  ! -X $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /o/  &&  ! -o $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /O/  &&  ! -O $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /z/  &&  ! -z $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /s/  &&  ! -s $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /f/  &&  ! -f $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /d/  &&  ! -d $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /l/  &&  ! -l $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /s/  &&  ! -s $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /p/  &&  ! -p $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /b/  &&  ! -b $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /c/  &&  ! -c $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /u/  &&  ! -u $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /g/  &&  ! -g $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /k/  &&  ! -k $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /T/  &&  ! -T $file) or
+                ($mode =~ /B/  &&  ! -B $file));
+  return 1;
+# $Path=&FixPath($path [,$full] [,$mode] [,$error]);
+#   Makes sure that every directory in $path (a colon separated list of
+#   directories) appears as a full path or relative path.  All "~"
+#   expansions are removed.  All trailing slashes are removed also.  If
+#   $full is non-nil, relative paths are expanded to full paths as well.
+#   If $mode is given, it may be either "e", "r", or "w".  In this case,
+#   additional checking is done to each directory.  If $mode is "e", it
+#   need ony exist to pass the check.  If $mode is "r", it must have have
+#   read and execute permission.  If $mode is "w", it must have read,
+#   write, and execute permission.
+#   The value of $error determines what happens if the directory does not
+#   pass the test.  If it is non-nil, if any directory does not pass the
+#   test, the subroutine returns the empty string.  Otherwise, it is simply
+#   removed from $path.
+#   The corrected path is returned.
+sub FixPath {
+  my($path,$full,$mode,$err)=@_;
+  local($_)="";
+  my(@dir)=split(/$Cnf{"PathSep"}/,$path);
+  $full=0  if (! defined $full);
+  $mode="" if (! defined $mode);
+  $err=0   if (! defined $err);
+  $path="";
+  if ($mode eq "e") {
+    $mode="de";
+  } elsif ($mode eq "r") {
+    $mode="derx";
+  } elsif ($mode eq "w") {
+    $mode="derwx";
+  }
+  foreach (@dir) {
+    # Expand path
+    if ($full) {
+      $_=&FullFilePath($_);
+    } else {
+      $_=&ExpandTilde($_);
+    }
+    if (! $_) {
+      return ""  if ($err);
+      next;
+    }
+    # Check mode
+    if (! $mode  or  &CheckFilePath($_,$mode)) {
+      $path .= $Cnf{"PathSep"} . $_;
+    } else {
+      return "" if ($err);
+    }
+  }
+  $path =~ s/^$Cnf{"PathSep"}//;
+  return $path;
+# $File=&SearchPath($file,$path [,$mode] [,@suffixes]);
+#   Searches through directories in $path for a file named $file.  The
+#   full path is returned if one is found, or an empty string otherwise.
+#   The file may exist with one of the @suffixes.  The mode is checked
+#   similar to &CheckFilePath.
+#   The first full path that matches the name and mode is returned.  If none
+#   is found, an empty string is returned.
+sub SearchPath {
+  my($file,$path,$mode,@suff)=@_;
+  my($f,$s,$d,@dir,$fs)=();
+  $path=&FixPath($path,1,"r");
+  @dir=split(/$Cnf{"PathSep"}/,$path);
+  foreach $d (@dir) {
+    $f="$d/$file";
+    $f=~ s|//|/|g;
+    return $f if (&CheckFilePath($f,$mode));
+    foreach $s (@suff) {
+      $fs="$f.$s";
+      return $fs if (&CheckFilePath($fs,$mode));
+    }
+  }
+  return "";
+# @list=&ReturnList($str);
+#    This takes a string which should be a comma separated list of integers
+#    or ranges (5-7).  It returns a sorted list of all integers referred to
+#    by the string, or () if there is an invalid element.
+#    Negative integers are also handled.  "-2--1" is equivalent to "-2,-1".
+sub ReturnList {
+  my($str)=@_;
+  my(@ret,@str,$from,$to,$tmp)=();
+  @str=split(/,/,$str);
+  foreach $str (@str) {
+    if ($str =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/) {
+      push(@ret,$str);
+    } elsif ($str =~ /^([-+]?\d+)-([-+]?\d+)$/) {
+      ($from,$to)=($1,$2);
+      if ($from>$to) {
+        $tmp=$from;
+        $from=$to;
+        $to=$tmp;
+      }
+      push(@ret,$from..$to);
+    } else {
+      return ();
+    }
+  }
+  @ret;