changeset 0 02cd6b52f378
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dummy_foundation/lib/Parse/Yapp/Grammar.pm	Thu May 28 10:10:03 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# Module Parse::Yapp::Grammar
+# (c) Copyright 1998-2001 Francois Desarmenien, all rights reserved.
+# (see the pod text in Parse::Yapp module for use and distribution rights)
+package Parse::Yapp::Grammar;
+@ISA=qw( Parse::Yapp::Options );
+require 5.004;
+use Carp;
+use strict;
+use Parse::Yapp::Options;
+use Parse::Yapp::Parse;
+# Constructor #
+sub new {
+    my($class)=shift;
+    my($values);
+    my($self)=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
+    my($parser)=new Parse::Yapp::Parse;
+        defined($self->Option('input'))
+    or  croak "No input grammar";
+    $values = $parser->Parse($self->Option('input'));
+    undef($parser);
+    $$self{GRAMMAR}=_ReduceGrammar($values);
+        ref($class)
+    and $class=ref($class);
+    bless($self, $class);
+# Methods #
+# Method To View Grammar #
+sub ShowRules {
+    my($self)=shift;
+    my($rules)=$$self{GRAMMAR}{RULES};
+    my($ruleno)=-1;
+    my($text);
+    for (@$rules) {
+        my($lhs,$rhs)=@$_;
+        $text.=++$ruleno.":\t".$lhs." -> ";
+        if(@$rhs) {
+            $text.=join(' ',map { $_ eq chr(0) ? '$end' : $_ } @$rhs);
+        }
+        else {
+            $text.="/* empty */";
+        }
+        $text.="\n";
+    }
+    $text;
+# Method To View Warnings #
+sub Warnings {
+    my($self)=shift;
+    my($text);
+    my($grammar)=$$self{GRAMMAR};
+        exists($$grammar{UUTERM})
+    and    do {
+            $text="Unused terminals:\n\n";
+            for (@{$$grammar{UUTERM}}) {
+                $text.="\t$$_[0], declared line $$_[1]\n";    
+            }
+        $text.="\n";
+        };
+        exists($$grammar{UUNTERM})
+    and    do {
+            $text.="Useless non-terminals:\n\n";
+            for (@{$$grammar{UUNTERM}}) {
+                $text.="\t$$_[0], declared line $$_[1]\n";    
+            }
+        $text.="\n";
+        };
+        exists($$grammar{UURULES})
+    and    do {
+            $text.="Useless rules:\n\n";
+            for (@{$$grammar{UURULES}}) {
+                $text.="\t$$_[0] -> ".join(' ',@{$$_[1]})."\n";    
+            }
+        $text.="\n";
+        };
+    $text;
+# Method to get summary about parser #
+sub Summary {
+    my($self)=shift;
+    my($text);
+    $text ="Number of rules         : ".
+            scalar(@{$$self{GRAMMAR}{RULES}})."\n";
+    $text.="Number of terminals     : ".
+            scalar(keys(%{$$self{GRAMMAR}{TERM}}))."\n";
+    $text.="Number of non-terminals : ".
+            scalar(keys(%{$$self{GRAMMAR}{NTERM}}))."\n";
+    $text;
+# Method to Ouput rules table #
+sub RulesTable {
+    my($self)=shift;
+    my($inputfile)=$self->Option('inputfile');
+    my($linenums)=$self->Option('linenumbers');
+    my($rules)=$$self{GRAMMAR}{RULES};
+    my($ruleno);
+    my($text);
+        defined($inputfile)
+    or  $inputfile = 'unkown';
+    $text="[\n\t";
+    $text.=join(",\n\t",
+                map {
+                    my($lhs,$rhs,$code)=@$_[0,1,3];
+                    my($len)=scalar(@$rhs);
+                    my($text);
+                    $text.="[#Rule ".$ruleno++."\n\t\t '$lhs', $len,";
+                    if($code) {
+                        $text.= "\nsub".
+                                (  $linenums
+                                 ? qq(\n#line $$code[1] "$inputfile"\n)
+                                 : " ").
+                                "{$$code[0]}";
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $text.=' undef';
+                    }
+                    $text.="\n\t]";
+                    $text;
+                } @$rules);
+    $text.="\n]";
+    $text;
+# Methods to get HEAD and TAIL #
+sub Head {
+    my($self)=shift;
+    my($inputfile)=$self->Option('inputfile');
+    my($linenums)=$self->Option('linenumbers');
+    my($text);
+        $$self{GRAMMAR}{HEAD}[0]
+    or  return '';
+        defined($inputfile)
+    or  $inputfile = 'unkown';
+    for (@{$$self{GRAMMAR}{HEAD}}) {
+            $linenums
+        and $text.=qq(#line $$_[1] "$inputfile"\n);
+        $text.=$$_[0];
+    }
+    $text
+sub Tail {
+    my($self)=shift;
+    my($inputfile)=$self->Option('inputfile');
+    my($linenums)=$self->Option('linenumbers');
+    my($text);
+        $$self{GRAMMAR}{TAIL}[0]
+    or  return '';
+        defined($inputfile)
+    or  $inputfile = 'unkown';
+        $linenums
+    and $text=qq(#line $$self{GRAMMAR}{TAIL}[1] "$inputfile"\n);
+    $text.=$$self{GRAMMAR}{TAIL}[0];
+    $text
+# Private Stuff #
+sub _UsefulRules {
+    my($rules,$nterm) = @_;
+    my($ufrules,$ufnterm);
+    my($done);
+    $ufrules=pack('b'.@$rules);
+    $ufnterm={};
+    vec($ufrules,0,1)=1;    #start rules IS always useful
+    RULE:
+    for (1..$#$rules) { # Ignore start rule
+        for my $sym (@{$$rules[$_][1]}) {
+                exists($$nterm{$sym})
+            and next RULE;
+        }
+        vec($ufrules,$_,1)=1;
+        ++$$ufnterm{$$rules[$_][0]};
+    }
+    do {
+        $done=1;
+        RULE:
+        for (grep { vec($ufrules,$_,1) == 0 } 1..$#$rules) {
+            for my $sym (@{$$rules[$_][1]}) {
+                    exists($$nterm{$sym})
+                and not exists($$ufnterm{$sym})
+                and next RULE;
+            }
+            vec($ufrules,$_,1)=1;
+                exists($$ufnterm{$$rules[$_][0]})
+            or  do {
+                $done=0;
+                ++$$ufnterm{$$rules[$_][0]};
+            };
+        }
+    }until($done);
+    ($ufrules,$ufnterm)
+sub _Reachable {
+    my($rules,$nterm,$term,$ufrules,$ufnterm)=@_;
+    my($reachable);
+    my(@fifo)=( 0 );
+    $reachable={ '$start' => 1 }; #$start is always reachable
+    while(@fifo) {
+        my($ruleno)=shift(@fifo);
+        for my $sym (@{$$rules[$ruleno][1]}) {
+                exists($$term{$sym})
+            and do {
+                ++$$reachable{$sym};
+                next;
+            };
+                (   not exists($$ufnterm{$sym})
+                 or exists($$reachable{$sym}) )
+            and next;
+            ++$$reachable{$sym};
+            push(@fifo, grep { vec($ufrules,$_,1) } @{$$nterm{$sym}});
+        }
+    }
+    $reachable
+sub _SetNullable {
+    my($rules,$term,$nullable) = @_;
+    my(@nrules);
+    my($done);
+    RULE:
+    for (@$rules) {
+        my($lhs,$rhs)=@$_;
+            exists($$nullable{$lhs})
+        and next;
+        for (@$rhs) {
+                exists($$term{$_})
+            and next RULE;
+        }
+        push(@nrules,[$lhs,$rhs]);
+    }
+    do {
+        $done=1;
+        RULE:
+        for (@nrules) {
+            my($lhs,$rhs)=@$_;
+                    exists($$nullable{$lhs})
+                and next;
+                for (@$rhs) {
+                        exists($$nullable{$_})
+                    or  next RULE;
+                }
+            $done=0;
+            ++$$nullable{$lhs};
+        }
+    }until($done);
+sub _ReduceGrammar {
+    my($values)=@_;
+    my($ufrules,$ufnterm,$reachable);
+    my($grammar)={ HEAD => $values->{HEAD},
+                   TAIL => $values->{TAIL},
+                   EXPECT => $values->{EXPECT} };
+    my($rules,$nterm,$term) =  @$values {'RULES', 'NTERM', 'TERM'};
+    ($ufrules,$ufnterm) = _UsefulRules($rules,$nterm);
+        exists($$ufnterm{$values->{START}})
+    or  die "*Fatal* Start symbol $values->{START} derives nothing, at eof\n";
+    $reachable = _Reachable($rules,$nterm,$term,$ufrules,$ufnterm);
+    $$grammar{TERM}{chr(0)}=undef;
+    for my $sym (keys %$term) {
+            (   exists($$reachable{$sym})
+             or exists($values->{PREC}{$sym}) )
+        and do {
+            $$grammar{TERM}{$sym}
+                = defined($$term{$sym}[0]) ? $$term{$sym} : undef;
+            next;
+        };
+        push(@{$$grammar{UUTERM}},[ $sym, $values->{SYMS}{$sym} ]);
+    }
+    $$grammar{NTERM}{'$start'}=[];
+    for my $sym (keys %$nterm) {
+            exists($$reachable{$sym})
+        and do {
+                exists($values->{NULL}{$sym})
+            and ++$$grammar{NULLABLE}{$sym};
+            $$grammar{NTERM}{$sym}=[];
+            next;
+        };
+        push(@{$$grammar{UUNTERM}},[ $sym, $values->{SYMS}{$sym} ]);
+    }
+    for my $ruleno (0..$#$rules) {
+            vec($ufrules,$ruleno,1)
+        and exists($$grammar{NTERM}{$$rules[$ruleno][0]})
+        and do {
+            push(@{$$grammar{RULES}},$$rules[$ruleno]);
+            push(@{$$grammar{NTERM}{$$rules[$ruleno][0]}},$#{$$grammar{RULES}});
+            next;
+        };
+        push(@{$$grammar{UURULES}},[ @{$$rules[$ruleno]}[0,1] ]);
+    }
+    _SetNullable(@$grammar{'RULES', 'TERM', 'NULLABLE'});
+    $grammar;