changeset 0 02cd6b52f378
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dummy_foundation/lib/XML/XQL/Tutorial.pod	Thu May 28 10:10:03 2009 +0100
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+=head1 NAME
+XML::XQL::Tutorial - Describes the XQL query syntax
+This document describes basic the features of the XML Query Language (XQL.)
+A proposal for the XML Query Language (XQL) specification was submitted
+to the XSL Working Group in September 1998. 
+The spec can be found at L<http://www.w3.org/TandS/QL/QL98/pp/xql.html>.
+Since it is only a proposal at this point, things may change, but it is very
+likely that the final version will be close to the proposal.
+Most of this document was copied straight from the spec.
+See also the L<XML::XQL> man page.
+XQL (XML Query Language) provides a natural extension to the XSL pattern 
+language. It builds upon the capabilities XSL provides for identifying classes 
+of nodes, by adding Boolean logic, filters, indexing into collections of nodes, 
+and more.
+XQL is designed specifically for XML documents. 
+It is a general purpose query language, providing a single syntax
+that can be used for queries, addressing, and patterns. 
+XQL is concise, simple, and powerful.
+XQL is designed to be used in many contexts. Although it is a superset of XSL 
+patterns, it is also applicable to providing links to nodes, for searching 
+repositories, and for many other applications.
+Note that the term XQL is a working term for the language described in this 
+proposal. It is not their intent that this term be used permanently.
+Also, beware that another query language exists called XML-QL,
+which uses a syntax very similar to SQL.
+The L<XML::XQL> module has added functionality to the XQL spec, called I<XQL+>.
+To allow only XQL functionality as described in the spec, use the 
+XML::XQL::Strict module. Note that the XQL spec makes the distinction between 
+core XQL and XQL extensions. This implementation makes no distinction and
+the Strict module, therefore, implements everything described in the XQL spec.
+See the L<XML::XQL> man page for more information about the Strict module.
+This tutorial will clearly indicate when referring to XQL+.
+=head1 XQL Patterns
+This section describes the core XQL notation. These features should be part 
+of every XQL implementation, and serve as the base level of functionality 
+for its use in different technologies.
+The basic syntax for XQL mimics the URI directory navigation syntax, but 
+instead of specifying navigation through a
+physical file structure, the navigation is through elements in the XML tree.
+For example, the following URI means find the foo.jpg file within the bar 
+     bar/foo.jpg
+Similarly, in XQL, the following means find the collection of fuz elements 
+within baz elements:
+     baz/fuz
+Throughout this document you will find numerous samples. They refer to the data 
+shown in the sample file at the end of this man page.
+=head1 Context
+A I<context> is the set of nodes against which a query operates.
+For the entire query, which is passed to the L<XML::XQL::Query>
+constructor through the I<Expr> option, the context is the list of input nodes
+that is passed to the query() method.
+XQL allows a query to select between using the current context as the input 
+context and using the 'root context' as the input context. 
+The 'root context' is a context containing only the root-most
+element of the document. When using XML::DOM, this is the Document object.
+By default, a query uses the current context. A query prefixed with '/' 
+(forward slash) uses the root context. A query may
+optionally explicitly state that it is using the current context by using 
+the './' (dot, forward slash) prefix. Both of these
+notations are analogous to the notations used to navigate directories in a file 
+The './' prefix is only required in one situation. A query may use the '//' 
+operator to indicate recursive descent. When
+this operator appears at the beginning of the query, the initial '/' causes the 
+recursive decent to perform relative to the
+root of the document or repository. The prefix './/' allows a query to perform 
+a recursive descent relative to the current context.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all author elements within the current context. Since the period is really 
+not used alone, this example forward-references other features:
+     ./author
+Note that this is equivalent to:
+     author
+Find the root element (bookstore) of this document:
+     /bookstore
+Find all author elements anywhere within the current document:
+     //author
+Find all books where the value of the style attribute on the book is equal to 
+the value of the specialty attribute of the bookstore element at the root of 
+the document:
+     book[/bookstore/@specialty = @style]
+=head1 Query Results
+The collection returned by an XQL expression preserves document order, 
+hierarchy, and identity, to the extent that these are defined. 
+That is, a collection of elements will always be returned in document order 
+without repeats. Note that the spec states that the order of attributes within
+an element is undefined, but that this implementation does keep attributes
+in document order. See the L<XML::XQL> man page for more details regarding 
+I<Document Order>.
+=head1 Collections - 'element' and '.'
+The collection of all elements with a certain tag name is expressed using the 
+tag name itself. This can be qualified by showing that the elements are 
+selected from the current context './', but the current context is assumed and 
+often need not be noted explicitly.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all first-name elements. These examples are equivalent:
+     ./first-name
+     first-name
+Find all unqualified book elements:
+     book
+Find all first.name elements:
+     first.name
+=head1 Selecting children and descendants - '/' and '//'
+The collection of elements of a certain type can be determined using the path 
+operators ('/' or '//'). These operators take as their arguments a collection 
+(left side) from which to query elements, and a collection indicating which
+elements to select (right side). The child operator ('/')selects from immediate 
+children of the left-side collection, while the descendant operator ('//') 
+selects from arbitrary descendants of the left-side collection. 
+In effect, the '//' can be thought of as a substitute for one or more levels of 
+hierarchy. Note that the path operators change the context as the
+query is performed. By stringing them together users can 'drill down' into the 
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all first-name elements within an author element. Note that the author 
+children of the current context are found, and then first-name children are 
+found relative to the context of the author elements:
+     author/first-name
+Find all title elements, one or more levels deep in the bookstore 
+(arbitrary descendants):
+     bookstore//title
+Note that this is different from the following query, which finds all title 
+elements that are grandchildren of bookstore elements:
+     bookstore/*/title
+Find emph elements anywhere inside book excerpts, anywhere inside the bookstore:
+     bookstore//book/excerpt//emph
+Find all titles, one or more levels deep in the current context. Note that this 
+situation is essentially the only one where
+the period notation is required:
+     .//title
+=head1 Collecting element children - '*'
+An element can be referenced without using its name by substituting the '*' 
+collection. The '*' collection returns all
+elements that are children of the current context, regardless of their tag name.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all element children of author elements:
+     author/*
+Find all last-names that are grand-children of books:
+     book/*/last-name
+Find the grandchildren elements of the current context:
+     */*
+Find all elements with specialty attributes. Note that this example uses 
+subqueries, which are covered in Filters, and
+attributes, which are discussed in Finding an attribute:
+     *[@specialty]
+=head1 Finding an attribute - '@'
+Attribute names are preceded by the '@' symbol. XQL is designed to treat 
+attributes and sub-elements impartially,
+and capabilities are equivalent between the two types wherever possible.
+Note: attributes cannot contain subelements. Thus, attributes cannot have path 
+operators applied to them in a query.
+Such expressions will result in a syntax error. 
+The XQL spec states that attributes are inherently unordered and indices 
+cannot be applied to them, but this implementation allows it.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find the style attribute of the current element context:
+     @style
+Find the exchange attribute on price elements within the current context:
+     price/@exchange
+The following example is not valid:
+     price/@exchange/total
+Find all books with style attributes. Note that this example uses subqueries, 
+which are covered in Filters:
+     book[@style]
+Find the style attribute for all book elements:
+     book/@style
+=head1 XQL Literals
+XQL query expressions may contain literal values (i.e. constants.)
+Numbers (integers and floats) are wrapped in XML::XQL::Number objects and
+strings in XML::XQL::Text objects. Booleans (as returned by true() and false())
+are wrapped in XML::XQL::Boolean objects.
+Strings must be enclosed in single or double quotes. Since XQL does not allow
+escaping of special characters, it's impossible to create a string with both
+a single and a double quote in it. To remedy this, XQL+ has added the q// and
+qq// string delimiters which behave just like they do in Perl. 
+For Numbers, exponential notation is not allowed. Use the XQL+ function eval()
+to circumvent this problem. See L<XML::XQL> man page for details.
+The empty list or undef is represented by [] (i.e. reference to empty array)
+in this implementation.
+=over 4
+=item Example
+Integer Numbers:
+     234
+     -456
+Floating point Numbers:
+     1.23
+     -0.99
+     "some text with 'single' quotes"
+     'text with "double" quotes'
+Not allowed:
+     1.23E-4         (use eval("1.23E-4", "Number") in XQL+)          
+     "can't use \"double \"quotes"  (use q/can't use "double" quotes/ in XQL+) 
+=head1 Grouping - '()'
+Parentheses can be used to group collection operators for clarity or where the 
+normal precedence is inadequate to express an operation.
+=head1 Filters - '[]'
+Constraints and branching can be applied to any collection by adding a filter 
+clause '[ ]' to the collection. The filter is analogous to the SQL WHERE clause 
+with ANY semantics. The filter contains a query within it, called the
+subquery. The subquery evaluates to a Boolean, and is tested for each element 
+in the collection. Any elements in the collection failing the subquery test are 
+omitted from the result collection.
+For convenience, if a collection is placed within the filter, a Boolean TRUE 
+is generated if the collection contains any members, and a FALSE is generated 
+if the collection is empty. In essence, an expression such as author/degree
+implies a collection-to-Boolean conversion function like the following 
+mythical 'there-exists-a' method.
+     author[.there-exists-a(degree)]
+Note that any number of filters can appear at a given level of an expression. 
+Empty filters are not allowed.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all books that contain at least one excerpt element:
+     book[excerpt]
+Find all titles of books that contain at least one excerpt element:
+     book[excerpt]/title
+Find all authors of books where the book contains at least one excerpt, and 
+the author has at least one degree:
+     book[excerpt]/author[degree]
+Find all books that have authors with at least one degree:
+     book[author/degree]
+Find all books that have an excerpt and a title:
+     book[excerpt][title]
+=head2 Any and all semantics - '$any$' and '$all$'
+Users can explicitly indicate whether to use any or all semantics through 
+the $any$ and $all$ keywords.
+$any$ flags that a condition will hold true if any item in a set meets that 
+condition. $all$ means that all elements in a
+set must meet the condition for the condition to hold true.
+$any$ and $all$ are keywords that appear before a subquery expression within
+a filter.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all author elements where one of the last names is Bob:
+     author[last-name = 'Bob']
+     author[$any$ last-name = 'Bob']
+Find all author elements where none of the last-name elements are Bob:
+     author[$all$ last-name != 'Bob']
+Find all author elements where the first last name is Bob:
+     author[last-name[0] = 'Bob']
+=head1 Indexing into a collection - '[]' and '$to$'
+XQL makes it easy to find a specific node within a set of nodes. 
+Simply enclose the index ordinal within square brackets. The ordinal is 0 based.
+A range of elements can be returned. To do so, specify an expression rather 
+than a single value inside of the subscript operator (square brackets). 
+Such expressions can be a comma separated list of any of the following: 
+  n		Returns the nth element
+  -n		Returns the element that is n-1 units from the last element. 
+		E.g., -1 means the last element. -2 is the next to last element.
+  m $to$ n	Returns elements m through n, inclusive
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find the first author element:
+     author[0]
+Find the third author element that has a first-name:
+     author[first-name][2]
+Note that indices are relative to the parent. In other words, consider the 
+following data:
+     <x>
+       <y/>
+       <y/>
+     </x>
+     <x>
+       <y/>
+       <y/>
+     </x>
+The following expression will return the first y from each of the x's:
+     x/y[0]
+The following will return the first y from the entire set of y's within x's:
+     (x/y)[0]
+The following will return the first y from the first x:
+     x[0]/y[0]
+Find the first and fourth author elements: 
+     author[0,3]
+Find the first through fourth author elements: 
+     author[0 $to$ 3]
+Find the first, the third through fifth, and the last author elements: 
+     author[0, 2 $to$ 4, -1]
+Find the last author element: 
+     author[-1]
+=head1 Boolean Expressions
+Boolean expressions can be used within subqueries. For example, one could use 
+Boolean expressions to find all nodes of a particular value, or all nodes with 
+nodes in particular ranges. Boolean expressions are of the form
+${op}$, where {op} may be any expression of the form {b|a} - that is, the 
+operator takes lvalue and rvalue arguments and returns a Boolean result. 
+Note that the XQL Extensions section defines additional Boolean operations.
+=head2 Boolean AND and OR - '$and$' and '$or$'
+$and$ and $or$ are used to perform Boolean ands and ors.
+The Boolean operators, in conjunction with grouping parentheses, can be used to 
+build very sophisticated logical expressions.
+Note that spaces are not significant and can be omitted, or included for 
+clarity as shown here.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all author elements that contain at least one degree and one award.
+     author[degree $and$ award]
+Find all author elements that contain at least one degree or award and at 
+least one publication.
+     author[(degree $or$ award) $and$ publication]
+=head2 Boolean NOT - '$not$'
+$not$ is a Boolean operator that negates the value of an expression within a 
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all author elements that contain at least one degree element and that 
+contain no publication elements.
+     author[degree $and$ $not$ publication]
+Find all author elements that contain publications elements but do not contain 
+either degree elements or award elements.
+     author[$not$ (degree $or$ award) $and$ publication]
+=head1 Union and intersection - '$union$', '|' and '$intersect$'
+The $union$ operator (shortcut is '|') returns the combined set of values from 
+the query on the left and the query on the right. Duplicates are filtered out. 
+The resulting list is sorted in document order.
+Note: because this is a union, the set returned may include 0 or more elements
+of each element type in the list. To restrict the returned set to nodes that 
+contain at least one of each of the elements in the list, use a filter, as 
+discussed in Filters.
+The $intersect$ operator returns the set of elements in common between two sets.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all first-names and last-names:
+     first-name $union$ last-name
+Find all books and magazines from a bookstore:
+     bookstore/(book | magazine)
+Find all books and all authors:
+     book $union$ book/author
+Find the first-names, last-names, or degrees from authors within either books 
+or magazines:
+     (book $union$ magazine)/author/(first-name $union$ last-name $union$ degree)
+Find all books with author/first-name equal to 'Bob' and all magazines with 
+price less than 10: 
+     book[author/first-name = 'Bob'] $union$ magazine[price $lt$ 10]
+=head1 Equivalence - '$eq$', '=', '$ne$' and '!='
+The '=' sign is used for equality; '!=' for inequality. Alternatively, $eq$ and
+ $ne$ can be used for equality and inequality.
+Single or double quotes can be used for string delimiters in expressions. 
+This makes it easier to construct and pass XQL from within scripting languages.
+For comparing values of elements, the value() method is implied. That is, 
+last-name < 'foo' really means last-name!value() < 'foo'.
+Note that filters are always with respect to a context. That is, the expression 
+book[author] means for every book element that is found, see if it has an 
+author subelement. Likewise, book[author = 'Bob'] means for
+every book element that is found, see if it has a subelement named author 
+whose value is 'Bob'. One can examine the value of the context as well, by 
+using the . (period). For example, book[. = 'Trenton'] means for every
+book that is found, see if its value is 'Trenton'.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all author elements whose last name is Bob:
+     author[last-name = 'Bob']
+     author[last-name $eq$ 'Bob']
+Find all authors where the from attribute is not equal to 'Harvard':
+     degree[@from != 'Harvard']
+     degree[@from $ne$ 'Harvard']
+Find all authors where the last-name is the same as the /guest/last-name element:
+     author[last-name = /guest/last-name]
+Find all authors whose text is 'Matthew Bob':
+     author[. = 'Matthew Bob']
+     author = 'Matthew Bob'
+=head2 Comparison - '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '$lt', '$ilt$' etc.
+A set of binary comparison operators is available for comparing numbers and 
+strings and returning Boolean results.
+$lt$, $le$, $gt$, $ge$ are used for less than, less than or equal, greater 
+than, or greater than or equal. These same
+operators are also available in a case insensitive form: $ieq$, $ine$, $ilt$, 
+$ile$, $igt$, $ige$.
+<, <=, > and >= are allowed short cuts for $lt$, $le$, $gt$ and $ge$.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all author elements whose last name is bob and whose price is > 50
+     author[last-name = 'Bob' $and$ price $gt$ 50]
+Find all authors where the from attribute is not equal to 'Harvard':
+     degree[@from != 'Harvard']
+Find all authors whose last name begins with 'M' or greater:
+     author[last-name $ge$ 'M']
+Find all authors whose last name begins with 'M', 'm' or greater:
+     author[last-name $ige$ 'M']
+Find the first three books:
+     book[index() $le$ 2]
+Find all authors who have more than 10 publications:
+     author[publications!count() $gt$ 10]
+=head2 XQL+ Match operators - '$match$', '$no_match$', '=~' and '!~'
+XQL+ defines additional operators for pattern matching. The $match$ operator
+(shortcut is '=~') returns TRUE if the lvalue matches the pattern described by
+the rvalue. The $no_match$ operator (shortcut is '!~') returns FALSE if they
+match. Both lvalue and rvalue are first cast to strings.
+The rvalue string should have the syntax of a Perl rvalue, that is the delimiters
+should be included and modifiers are allowed. When using delimiters other than
+slashes '/', the 'm' should be included. The rvalue should be a string, so don't
+forget the quotes! (Or use the q// or qq// delimiters in XQL+, see L<XML::XQL>
+man page.)
+Note that you can't use the Perl substitution operator s/// here. Try using the
+XQL+ subst() function instead.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all authors whose name contains bob or Bob:
+    author[first-name =~ '/[Bb]ob/']
+Find all book titles that don't contain 'Trenton' (case-insensitive):
+    book[title !~ 'm!trenton!i']
+=head2 Oher XQL+ comparison operators - '$isa', '$can$'
+See the L<XML::XQL> man page for other operators available in XQL+.
+=head2 Comparisons and vectors
+The lvalue of a comparison can be a vector or a scalar. The rvalue of a 
+comparison must be a scalar or a value that can be cast at runtime to a scalar.
+If the lvalue of a comparison is a set, then any (exists) semantics are used 
+for the comparison operators. That is, the result of a comparison is true if 
+any item in the set meets the condition.
+=head2 Comparisons and literals
+The spec states that the lvalue of an expression cannot be a literal. 
+That is, I<'1' = a> is not allowed. This implementation allows it, but it's not
+clear how useful that is.
+=head2 Casting of literals during comparison
+Elements, attributes and other XML node types are casted to strings (Text)
+by applying the value() method. The value() method calls the text() method by 
+default, but this behavior can be altered by the user, so the value() method
+may return other XQL data types.
+When two values are compared, they are first casted to the same type.
+See the L<XML::XQL> man page for details on casting.
+Note that the XQL spec is not very clear on how values should be casted for 
+comparison. Discussions with the authors of the XQL spec revealed that there
+was some disagreement and their implementations differed on this point.
+This implementation is closest to that of Joe Lapp from webMethods, Inc.
+=head1 Methods - 'method()' or 'query!method()'
+XQL makes a distinction between functions and methods. 
+See the L<XML::XQL> man page for details.
+XQL provides methods for advanced manipulation of collections. These methods 
+provide specialized collections of nodes (see Collection methods), as well as 
+information about sets and nodes.
+Methods are of the form I<method(arglist)>
+Consider the query book[author]. It will find all books that have authors. 
+Formally, we call the book corresponding to a particular author the reference 
+node for that author. That is, every author element that is examined is an author
+for one of the book elements. (See the Annotated XQL BNF Appendix for a much 
+more thorough definition of reference node and other terms. See also the
+XML::XQL man page.) Methods always apply to the reference node.
+For example, the text() method returns the text contained within a node, 
+minus any structure. (That is, it is the concatenation of all text nodes 
+contained with an element and its descendants.) The following expression will 
+return all authors named 'Bob':
+     author[text() = 'Bob']
+The following will return all authors containing a first-name child whose 
+text is 'Bob':
+     author[first-name!text() = 'Bob']
+The following will return all authors containing a child named Bob:
+     author[*!text() = 'Bob']
+Method names are case sensitive.
+See the L<XML::XQL> man page on how to define your own methods and functions.
+=head2 Information methods
+The following methods provide information about nodes in a collection. 
+These methods return strings or numbers,
+and may be used in conjunction with comparison operators within subqueries.
+=over 4
+=item Method: text()
+The text() method concatenates text of the descendents of a node, 
+normalizing white space along the way. White space will be preserved for a node 
+if the node has the xml:space attribute set to 'preserve', or if the
+nearest ancestor with the xml:space attribute has the attribute set to 
+'preserve'. When white space is normalized, it is normalized across the 
+entire string. Spaces are used to separate the text between nodes. 
+When entity references are used in a document, spacing is not inserted 
+around the entity refs when they are expanded.
+In this implementation, the method may receive an optional parameter
+to indicate whether the text() of Element nodes should include the text() of
+its Element descendants. See L<XML::XQL> man page for details.
+Find the authors whose last name is 'Bob':
+     author[last-name!text() = 'Bob']
+Note this is equivalent to:
+     author[last-name = 'Bob']
+Find the authors with value 'Matthew Bob':
+     author[text() = 'Matthew Bob']
+     author[. = 'Matthew Bob']
+     author = 'Matthew Bob'
+=item Method: rawText()
+The rawText() method is similar to the text() method, but it does not
+normalize whitespace.
+In this implementation, the method may receive an optional parameter
+to indicate whether the rawText() of Element nodes should include the 
+rawText() of its Element descendants. See L<XML::XQL> man page for details.
+=item Method: value()
+Returns a type cast version of the value of a node. If no data type is
+provided, returns the same as text().
+=over 4
+=item Shortcuts
+For the purposes of comparison, value( )is implied if omitted. 
+In other words, when two items are compared, the comparison is between 
+the value of the two items. Remember that in absence of type information, 
+value() returns text().
+The following examples are equivalent:
+     author[last-name!value() = 'Bob' $and$ first-name!value() = 'Joe']
+     author[last-name = 'Bob' $and$ first-name = 'Joe']
+     price[@intl!value() = 'canada']
+     price[@intl = 'canada']
+=item Method: nodeType()
+Returns a number to indicate the type of the node. The values were based
+on the node type values in the DOM:
+	element		1
+	attribute	2
+	text		3
+	entity		6	(not in XQL spec)
+	PI		7
+	comment		8
+	document	9
+	doc. fragment	10	(not in XQL spec)
+	notation	11	(not in XQL spec)
+Note that in XQL, CDATASection nodes and EntityReference nodes also return 3,
+whereas in the DOM CDATASection returns 4 and EntityReference returns 5.
+Use the XQL+ method DOM_nodeType() to get DOM node type values.
+See the L<XML::DOM> man page for node type values of nodes not mentioned here.
+=item Method: nodeTypeString
+Returns the name of the node type in lowercase or an empty string. The 
+following node types are currently supported 1 (element), 2 (attribute), 
+3 (text), 7 (processing_instruction), 8 (comment), 9 (document)
+=item Method: nodeName()
+Returns the tag name for Element nodes and the attribute name of attributes.
+=head2 Collection index methods
+=over 4
+=item Method: index()
+Returns the index of the value within the search context (i.e. with the input
+list of the subquery.) This is not necessarily the same as the index of a 
+node within its parent node. Note that the XQL spec doesn't explain it well.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find the first 3 degrees:
+     degree[index() $lt$ 3]
+Note that it skips over other nodes that may exist between the degree elements.
+Consider the following data:
+     <x>
+       <y/>
+       <y/>
+     </x>
+     <x>
+       <y/>
+       <y/>
+     </x>
+The following expression will return the first y from each x:
+     x/y[index() = 0]
+This could also be accomplished by (see Indexing into a Collection):
+     x/y[0]
+=item Method: end()
+The end() method returns true for the last element in the search context. 
+Again, the XQL spec does not explain it well.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find the last book:
+     book[end()]
+Find the last author for each book:
+     book/author[end()]
+Find the last author from the entire set of authors of books:
+     (book/author)[end()]
+=head2 Aggregate methods
+=over 4
+=item Method: count( [QUERY] )
+Returns the number of values inside the search context. 
+In XQL+, when the optional QUERY parameter is supplied, it returns the number of 
+values returned by the QUERY.
+=head2 Namespace methods
+The following methods can be applied to a node to return namespace information.
+=over 4
+=item Method: baseName()
+Returns the local name portion of the node, excluding the prefix.
+Local names are defined only for element nodes and attribute nodes. 
+The local name of an element node is the local
+portion of the node's element type name. The local name of an attribute node is 
+the local portion of the node's attribute name. If a local name is not defined 
+for the reference node, the method evaluates to the empty set. 
+=item Method: namespace()
+Returns the URI for the namespace of the node.
+Namespace URIs are defined only for element nodes and attribute nodes. 
+The namespace URI of an element node is the namespace URI associated with the 
+node's element type name. The namespace URI of an attribute node is
+the namespace URI associated with the node's attribute name. If a namespace 
+URI is not defined for the reference node, the method evaluates to the 
+empty set. 
+=item Method: prefix()
+Returns the prefix for the node. Namespace prefixes are defined only for 
+element nodes and attribute nodes. The namespace prefix of an element
+node is the shortname for the namespace of the node's element type name. 
+The namespace prefix of an attribute
+node is the shortname for the namespace of the node's attribute name. 
+If a namespace prefix is not defined 
+for the reference node, the method evaluates to the empty set. 
+The spec states: A node's namespace prefix may be defined
+within the query expression, within the document under query, or within both 
+the query expression and the document under query. If it is defined in both 
+places the prefixes may not agree. In this case, the prefix assigned by
+the query expression takes precedence. 
+In this implementation you cannot define the namespace for a query, so this
+can never happen.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all unqualified book elements. Note that this does not return my:book 
+     book
+Find all book elements with the prefix 'my'. Note that this query does not 
+return unqualified book elements:
+     my:book
+Find all book elements with a 'my' prefix that have an author subelement:
+     my:book[author]
+Find all book elements with a 'my' prefix that have an author subelement with a 
+my prefix:
+     my:book[my:author]
+Find all elements with a prefix of 'my':
+     my:*
+Find all book elements from any namespace:
+     *:book
+Find any element from any namespace:
+     *
+Find the style attribute with a 'my' prefix within a book element:
+     book/@my:style
+All attributes of an element can be returned using @*. 
+This is potentially useful for applications that treat attributes
+as fields in a record.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find all attributes of the current element context:
+     @*
+Find style attributes from any namespace:
+     @*:style
+Find all attributes from the 'my' namespace, including unqualified attributes on 
+elements from the 'my' namespace:
+     @my:*
+=head1 Functions
+This section defines the functions of XQL. The spec states that: 
+XQL defines two kinds of functions: 
+collection functions and pure functions. Collection functions use the search 
+context of the Invocation instance, while pure functions ignore the
+search context, except to evaluate the function's parameters. A collection 
+function evaluates to a subset of the search context, and a pure function 
+evaluates to either a constant value or to a value that depends only on the
+function's parameters. 
+Don't worry if you don't get it. Just use them!
+=head2 Collection functions
+The collection functions provide access to the various types of nodes in a 
+document. Any of these collections can be constrained and indexed. 
+The collections return the set of children of the reference node meeting the 
+particular restriction. 
+=over 4
+=item Function: textNode()
+The collection of text nodes. 
+=item Function: comment()
+The collection of comment nodes. 
+=item Function: pi()
+The collection of processing instruction nodes.
+=item Function: element( [NAME] )
+The collection of all element nodes. If the optional text
+parameter is provided, it only returns element children
+matching that particular name.
+=item Function: attribute( [NAME] )
+The collection of all attribute nodes. If the optional text
+parameter is provided, it only returns attributes matching that
+particular name.
+=item Function: node()
+The collection of all non-attribute nodes.
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find the second text node in each p element in the current context: 
+     p/textNode()[1]
+Find the second comment anywhere in the document. See Context for details on 
+setting the context to the document root: 
+     //comment()[1]
+=head2 Other XQL Functions
+=over 4
+=item Function: ancestor(QUERY)
+Finds the nearest ancestor matching the provided query. It returns either a 
+single element result or an empty set [].
+Note that this node is never the reference node itself. 
+=over 4
+=item Examples:
+Find the nearest book ancestor of the current element:
+     ancestor(book)
+Find the nearest ancestor author element that is contained in a book element: 
+     ancestor(book/author)
+=item Function: id(NAME)
+Pure function that evaluates to a set. The set contains an element node that 
+has an 'id' attribute whose value is identical to the string that the Text 
+parameter quotes. The element node may appear anywhere within the
+document under query. If more than one element node meets these criteria,
+the function evaluates to a set that contains the first node appearing in a 
+document ordering of the nodes. 
+=item Function: true() and false()
+Pure functions that each evaluate to a Boolean. "true()" evaluates to 'true', 
+and "false()" evaluates to 'false'. These functions are useful in expressions 
+that are constructed using entity references or variable substitution, since 
+they may replace an expression found in an instance of Subquery without 
+violating the syntax required by the instance of Subquery. 
+They return an object of type XML::XQL::Boolean.
+=item Function: date(QUERY)
+"date" is a pure function that typecasts the value of its parameter to a set of 
+dates. If the parameter matches a single string, the value of the function is a 
+set containing a single date. If the parameter matches a QUERY, the value of 
+the function is a set of dates, where the set contains one date for each member
+of the set to which the parameter evaluates. 
+XQL does not define the representation of the date value, nor does it
+define how the function translates parameter values into dates. 
+This implementation uses the Date::Manip module to parse dates, which accepts
+almost any imaginable format. See L<XML::XQL> to plug in your own
+Date implementation.
+Include the L<XML::XQL::Date> package to add the XQL date type and the date() 
+function, like this:
+ use XML::XQL::Date;
+=item Perl builtin functions and other XQL+ functions
+XQL+ provides XQL function wrappers for most Perl builtin functions.
+It also provides other cool functions like subst(), map(), and eval() that
+allow you to modify documents and embed perl code.
+If this is still not enough, you can add your own function and methods.
+See L<XML::XQL> man page for details.
+=head1 Sequence Operators - ';' and ';;'
+The whitepaper 'The Design of XQL' by Jonathan Robie, which can be found
+at L<http://www.texcel.no/whitepapers/xql-design.html> describes the sequence
+operators ';;' (precedes) and ';' (immediately precedes.) Although these
+operators are not included in the XQL spec, I thought I'd add them anyway.
+=head2 Immediately Precedes - ';'
+=over 4
+=item Example:
+With the following input:
+  <ROWS>
+   <TR>
+    <TD>Shady Grove</TD>
+    <TD>Aeolian</TD>
+   </TR>
+   <TR>
+    <TD>Over the River, Charlie</TD>
+    <TD>Dorian</TD>
+   </TR>
+  </ROWS>
+ </TABLE>
+Find the TD node that contains "Shady Grove" and the TD node that immediately
+follows it:
+	//(TD="Shady Grove" ; TD)
+Note that in XML::DOM there is actually a text node with whitespace between
+the two TD nodes, but those are ignored by this operator, unless the text node
+has 'xml:space' set to 'preserve'. See ??? for details.
+=head2 Precedes - ';;'
+=over 4
+=item Example:
+With the following input (from Hamlet):
+  <LINE>Tis gone!</LINE>
+  <LINE>We do it wrong, being so majestical,</LINE>
+  <LINE>To offer it the show of violence;</LINE>
+  <LINE>For it is, as the air, invulnerable,</LINE>
+  <LINE>And our vain blows malicious mockery.</LINE>
+Return the STAGEDIR and all the LINEs that follow it:
+Suppose an actor playing the ghost wants to know when to exit; that is, he 
+wants to know who says what line just before
+he is supposed to exit. The line immediately precedes the stagedir, but the 
+speaker may occur at any time before the line.
+In this query, we will use the "precedes" operator (";;") to identify a speaker 
+that precedes the line somewhere within a
+speech. Our ghost can find the required information with the following query, 
+which selects the speaker, the line, and the stagedir:
+=head1 Operator Precedence
+The following table lists operators in precedence order, highest precedence 
+first, where operators of a given row have the same precedence. 
+The table also lists the associated productions:
+	Production	Operator(s)
+	----------	-----------
+	Grouping	( )
+	Filter		[ ]
+	Subscript	[ ]
+	Bang		!
+	Path		/ //
+	Match		$match$ $no_match$ =~ !~ (XQL+ only)
+	Comparison	= != < <= > >= $eq$ $ne$ $lt$ $le$ $gt$
+			$ge$ $ieq$ $ine$ $ilt$ $ile$ $igt$ $ige$
+	Intersection	$intersect$
+	Union		$union$ |
+	Negation	$not$
+	Conjunction	$and$
+	Disjunction	$or$
+	Sequence	; ;;
+=head1 Sample XML Document - bookstore.xml
+This file is also stored in samples/bookstore.xml that comes with the
+XML::XQL distribution.
+ <?xml version='1.0'?>
+ <!-- This file represents a fragment of a book store inventory database -->
+ <bookstore specialty='novel'>
+   <book style='autobiography'>
+     <title>Seven Years in Trenton</title>
+     <author>
+       <first-name>Joe</first-name>
+       <last-name>Bob</last-name>
+       <award>Trenton Literary Review Honorable Mention</award>
+     </author>
+     <price>12</price>
+   </book>
+   <book style='textbook'>
+     <title>History of Trenton</title>
+     <author>
+       <first-name>Mary</first-name>
+       <last-name>Bob</last-name>
+       <publication>
+         Selected Short Stories of
+         <first-name>Mary</first-name> <last-name>Bob</last-name>
+       </publication>
+     </author>
+     <price>55</price>
+   </book>
+   <magazine style='glossy' frequency='monthly'>
+     <title>Tracking Trenton</title>
+     <price>2.50</price>
+     <subscription price='24' per='year'/>
+   </magazine>
+   <book style='novel' id='myfave'>
+     <title>Trenton Today, Trenton Tomorrow</title>
+     <author>
+       <first-name>Toni</first-name>
+       <last-name>Bob</last-name>
+       <degree from='Trenton U'>B.A.</degree>
+       <degree from='Harvard'>Ph.D.</degree>
+       <award>Pulizer</award>
+       <publication>Still in Trenton</publication>
+       <publication>Trenton Forever</publication>
+     </author>
+     <price intl='canada' exchange='0.7'>6.50</price>
+     <excerpt>
+       <p>It was a dark and stormy night.</p>
+       <p>But then all nights in Trenton seem dark and
+       stormy to someone who has gone through what
+       <emph>I</emph> have.</p>
+       <definition-list>
+         <term>Trenton</term>
+         <definition>misery</definition>
+       </definition-list>
+     </excerpt>
+   </book>
+   <my:book style='leather' price='29.50' xmlns:my='http://www.placeholder-name-here.com/schema/'>
+     <my:title>Who's Who in Trenton</my:title>
+     <my:author>Robert Bob</my:author>
+   </my:book>
+ </bookstore>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+The Japanese version of this document can be found on-line at
+L<XML::XQL>, L<XML::XQL::Date>, L<XML::XQL::Query> and L<XML::XQL::DOM>