changeset 145 1daa251167e8
parent 144 6e81c130aa29
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hg_hooks/blacklist/blacklist.py	Wed Feb 03 16:24:25 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Mozilla Foundation
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Symbian Foundation
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+# Initial Contributors:
+#  Pat Downey <patd@symbian.org>
+# Contributors:
+#  Your name here?
+# Description:
+# An extension to mercurial that adds the ability to specify a blacklist for 
+# a repository. That is to deny a changeset from being pushed/pulled/unbundled
+# if it matches one of a set of patterns.
+# At present it can deny nodes based on their changeset id, a regular expression
+# matched against the user field, or a regular expression matched against the
+# changeset's file list.
+# Note: With the regular expression rules, if you want to match a string anywhere
+# with in a string, e.g. create a rule against files within directories called 
+# 'internal' the rule would need to be ..*/internal/.*'. That is you need to be 
+# explicit in specifying a set of any characters otherwise it will perform a
+# direct string comparison. #
+# Requires sqlite extension (included in python 2.5 onwards)
+#  * Available for python 2.4 in python-sqlite2 package on RHEL5.2+
+# Ideas for implementation came strongly from:
+# http://hg.mozilla.org/users/bsmedberg_mozilla.com/hghooks/file/tip/mozhghooks/pushlog.py
+'''manage repository changeset blacklist
+from mercurial import demandimport
+    import sqlite3 as sqlite
+except ImportError:
+    from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
+import binascii
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import stat
+import sys
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+# changeset identifier 12-40 hex chars 
+def blacklist(ui,repo,*args,**opts):
+  '''manage repository changeset blacklist
+  This extension is used to manage a blacklist for the repository.
+  Can blacklist changesets by changeset id, and regular expressions against
+  the user field of a changeset and also a changesets file list.
+  Current rules can be viewed using the [-l|--list] operation.
+  Each modification to a blacklist is logged. These can be viewed using the 
+  --auditlog operation.
+  Each time a changeset is blocked/denied it's logged. These can be viewed
+  using the --blocklog operation.
+  Types of changeset blacklist rules can be defined implicitly or explicitly:
+    If a rule definition contains between 12 and 40 hexadecimal characters 
+    it is assumed to be a rule matched against changeset id. Can be set 
+    explicitly set with the -n flag to the --add operation.
+    If a rule definition contains a '@' it is assumed to be a rule matched 
+    against a changeset's user property. Can be set explicitly with 
+    the -u flag to the --add operation.
+    Otherwise the rule is assumed to be matched against a changeset's file 
+    list. Can be set explicitly with the -f flag to the --add operation.
+    When this extension is enabled a hook is also added to the 
+    'pretxnchangegroup' action that will block any incoming changesets 
+    (via pull/push/unbundle) if they are blacklisted.
+    It won't block any local commits.
+  '''
+  conn = openconn(ui, repo )      
+  if 'list' in opts and opts['list'] :
+    listblacklistrule(ui,conn,args,opts)
+  elif 'blocklog' in opts and opts['blocklog'] :
+    listblacklistblocklog(ui,conn,args,opts)
+  elif 'auditlog' in opts and opts['auditlog'] :
+    listblacklistauditlog(ui,conn,args,opts)
+  elif 'enable' in opts and opts['enable'] :
+    enableblacklistrule(ui,conn,args,opts) 
+  elif 'disable' in opts and opts['disable'] :
+    disableblacklistrule(ui,conn,args,opts)
+  elif 'remove' in opts and opts['remove'] :
+    removeblacklistrule(ui,conn,args,opts)
+  elif 'add' in opts and opts['add'] :
+    addblacklistrule(ui,conn,args,opts)
+  else :
+    ui.warn( 'invalid operation specified\n' )
+  conn.close( )  
+####### Database setup methods
+# this part derived from mozilla's pushlog.py hook
+def openconn(ui,repo):
+  blacklistdb = os.path.join(repo.path, 'blacklist.db')
+  createdb = False
+  if not os.path.exists(blacklistdb):
+    createdb = True
+  conn = sqlite.connect(blacklistdb)
+  if not createdb and not schemaexists(conn):
+    createdb = True
+  if createdb:
+    createblacklistdb(ui,conn)
+    st = os.stat(blacklistdb)
+    os.chmod(blacklistdb, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWGRP)
+  return conn
+# Derived from mozilla's pushlog hook
+def schemaexists(conn):
+    return 3 == conn.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SQLITE_MASTER WHERE name IN ( ?, ?, ?)" , ['blacklist_rule','blacklist_auditlog','blacklist_blocklog']).fetchone()[0]
+# Derived from mozilla's pushlog hook
+def createblacklistdb(ui,conn):
+    # record of different blacklist rule, type should be either 'node' or 'file' or 'user'
+    # 'node' - compare pattern with changeset identifier
+    # 'file' - used as regular expression against changeset file manifest
+    # 'user' - used as regular expression against changeset author/user
+    # (id,pattern,type,enabled)
+    conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blacklist_rule (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, pattern TEXT, type TEXT, enabled INTEGER,comment TEXT)")
+    conn.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS blacklist_rule_idx ON blacklist_rule (pattern,type)" )
+    # records additions and modifications to the blacklist_rule table
+    # (id, operation, rule_id, user, date, comment)
+    conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blacklist_auditlog (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, operation TEXT, rule_id INTEGER, user TEXT, date INTEGER, comment TEXT)")
+    conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS blacklist_auditlog_rule_idx ON blacklist_auditlog (rule_id)" )
+    # log attempted pushes and the http users trying to push a blocked changeset
+    # (id,rule_id,cset_id, cset_user, cset_desc, user,date)
+    conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blacklist_blocklog (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, rule_id INTEGER, cset_id TEXT, cset_user TEXT, cset_desc TEXT, user TEXT, date INTEGER)")
+    conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS blacklist_blocklog_rule_idx ON blacklist_blocklog (rule_id)" )
+    conn.commit()
+# Methods for extension commands      
+def __getblacklistruletype( ui, pattern, opts ):
+  type=None
+  if opts['nodeType'] :
+    type = 'node'
+  elif opts['fileType'] :
+    type = 'file'
+  elif opts['userType'] :
+    type = 'user'
+  # try and work out type of blacklist if none specified
+  # default to regexp
+  if type == None :
+    if re.match( NODE_RE, pattern ) :
+      type = 'node'
+    elif '@' in pattern :
+      type = 'user'
+    else :
+      type = 'file'
+    ui.note( 'type implicitly set to \'%s\'\n' % type )  
+  return type
+def addblacklistrule(ui,conn,args,opts):
+  ret = 1
+  if len(args) == 1 :
+    createrule = True
+    pattern = args[0]
+    type = __getblacklistruletype( ui, pattern, opts )
+    if type == 'node' :
+      # if pattern has been specified as a node type
+      # check that pattern is a valid node
+      if not re.match( NODE_RE, pattern ) :
+        ui.warn( 'node should be 12 or 40 characters.\n' )
+        createrule = False 
+    if createrule :
+      comment = None
+      if 'desc' in opts and opts['desc'] :
+        if opts['desc'] != '' :
+          comment = opts['desc']
+      insertblacklistrule(ui,conn,pattern,type, comment=comment)
+  else :
+    ui.warn( 'missing pattern argument.\n' )
+  return ret      
+def removeblacklistrule(ui,conn,args,opts):
+  if len(args) == 1 :
+    deleteblacklistrule(ui,conn,args[0])
+  else :
+    ui.warn( 'rule id argument required.\n' )
+  return 0
+def disableblacklistrule(ui,conn,args,opts):
+  if len(args) == 1 :
+    updateblacklistrule(ui,conn,args[0],False)
+  else :
+    ui.warn( 'rule id argument required.\n' )
+  return 0    
+def enableblacklistrule(ui,conn,args,opts):
+  if len(args) == 1 :
+    updateblacklistrule(ui,conn,args[0],True)
+  else :
+    ui.warn( 'rule id argument required.\n' )
+  return 0    
+def listblacklistrule(ui,conn,args,opts):
+  if len(args) in (0,1) :
+    res = selectblacklistrule(ui,conn,args)
+    printblacklist(ui,res)
+  else :
+    ui.warn( 'too many arguments.\n' )
+  return 0
+def listblacklistauditlog(ui,conn,args,opts):
+  if len(args) in (0,1) :
+    res = selectblacklistauditlog(ui, conn, args )
+    printauditlog(ui,res)
+  else :
+    ui.warn( 'too many arguments.\n' )
+  return 0
+def listblacklistblocklog(ui,conn,args,opts):
+  if len(args) in (0,1) :
+    res = selectblacklistblocklog(ui, conn, args )
+    printblocklog(ui,res)
+  else :
+    ui.warn( 'too many arguments.\n' )
+  return 0
+def insertblacklistaudit(ui, conn, operation, rule_id, comment=None ):
+  user = __getenvuser( )
+  audit_date = int(time.time())
+  audit_sql = 'INSERT INTO blacklist_auditlog ( operation, rule_id, user, date, comment ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )'
+  conn.execute( audit_sql, (operation, rule_id, user, audit_date, comment ) )
+def insertblacklistrule(ui, conn, pattern, type, enabled=True, comment=None):
+  rule_sql = 'INSERT INTO blacklist_rule ( pattern, type, enabled,comment ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )'
+  res = conn.execute( rule_sql, (pattern,type,enabled,comment) )
+  rule_id= res.lastrowid
+  insertblacklistaudit(ui, conn, 'add', rule_id,comment=comment )
+  conn.commit( )
+def __getenvuser( ):
+  # look at REMOTE_USER first  
+  # then look at LOGUSER
+  # then look at USER
+  for e in ['REMOTE_USER','SUDO_USER','LOGUSER','USER'] :
+    if e in os.environ :
+      user = '%s:%s' %( e, os.environ.get( e ) )
+      break
+  return user
+def insertblacklistblocklog( ui, conn, rule, ctx ):
+  # (id, rule_id, user, date)
+  rule_id=rule[0]
+  log_user = __getenvuser( )
+  audit_date = int(time.time())
+  ctx_node = binascii.hexlify(ctx.node())
+  ctx_user = ctx.user()
+  ctx_desc = ctx.description()
+  log_sql = 'INSERT INTO blacklist_blocklog (rule_id,user,date,cset_id,cset_user,cset_desc) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)'
+  conn.execute( log_sql, (rule_id,log_user,audit_date, ctx_node, ctx_user, ctx_desc))
+  conn.commit()    
+def updateblacklistrule(ui, conn, rule_id, enabled):
+  rule_sql = 'UPDATE blacklist_rule SET enabled=? WHERE id=?'
+  conn.execute( rule_sql, [enabled, rule_id] )
+  insertblacklistaudit(ui, conn, 'update', rule_id, 'enabled=%s' % enabled )
+  conn.commit( )
+def deleteblacklistrule(ui, conn, rule_id ):
+  if rule_id != None :
+    res = selectblacklistrule(ui, conn, rule_id )
+    processed = False
+    for (id,pattern,type,enabled,comment) in res :
+      comment = 'deleted: pattern=%s, type=%s, enabled=%s' % (pattern, type, enabled)
+      rule_sql = 'DELETE FROM blacklist_rule WHERE id=?'
+      conn.execute( rule_sql, [rule_id] )
+      insertblacklistaudit(ui, conn, 'delete', rule_id, comment)      
+      conn.commit( )
+      processed = True
+    if not processed :
+      ui.warn( 'no matching blacklist rule found with id %s\n' % rule_id )
+  else :
+    ui.warn( 'no rule id specified\n' )
+def selectblacklistrule(ui, conn, rule_id ):
+  # (id, operation, rule_id, user, date, comment)
+  if rule_id :
+    rule_sql = 'SELECT id,pattern,type,enabled,comment FROM blacklist_rule WHERE id=? ORDER BY id ASC'
+    res = conn.execute( rule_sql, rule_id )
+  else :
+    rule_sql = 'SELECT id,pattern,type,enabled,comment FROM blacklist_rule ORDER BY id ASC'
+    res = conn.execute( rule_sql )
+  return res  
+def selectblacklistauditlog(ui,conn,rule_id=None) :
+  # (id, operation, rule_id, user, date, comment)
+  if rule_id :
+    rule_sql = 'SELECT id,operation,rule_id,user,date,comment FROM blacklist_auditlog WHERE rule_id=? ORDER BY date ASC'
+    res = conn.execute( rule_sql, rule_id )
+  else :
+    rule_sql = 'SELECT id,operation,rule_id,user,date,comment FROM blacklist_auditlog ORDER BY date ASC'
+    res = conn.execute( rule_sql )
+  return res
+def selectblacklistblocklog(ui,conn,rule_id=None) :
+  # (id, rule_id, node, user, date)
+  if rule_id :
+    rule_sql = 'SELECT id,rule_id,cset_id,cset_user,cset_desc,user,date FROM blacklist_blocklog WHERE rule_id=? ORDER BY date ASC'
+    res = conn.execute( rule_sql, rule_id )
+  else :
+    rule_sql = 'SELECT id,rule_id,cset_id,cset_user,cset_desc,user,date FROM blacklist_blocklog ORDER BY date ASC'
+    res = conn.execute( rule_sql )
+  return res  
+def printblacklist(ui,res):
+  for r in res :
+    (id,pattern,type,enabled,comment) = r  
+    if enabled == 1 :
+      enabled = True
+    elif enabled == 0 :
+      enabled = False
+    ui.write( 'rule:     %d:%s\n' % (id,type) )
+    ui.write( 'pattern:  %s\n' % pattern )
+    ui.write( 'enabled:  %s\n' % enabled )
+    if comment :
+      ui.write( 'comment:  %s\n' % comment )
+    ui.write( '\n' )
+def printauditlog(ui,res):
+  for r in res :
+    (id, operation, rule_id, user, date, comment) = r
+    date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(date).isoformat()  
+    if not comment :
+      comment = '' 
+    ui.write( 'date:      %s\n' % date )
+    ui.write( 'operation: %s\n' % operation )
+    ui.write( 'user:      %s\n' % user )
+    ui.write( 'rule:      %s\n' % rule_id )
+    ui.write( 'comment:   %s\n' % comment )
+    ui.write( '\n' )
+def printblocklog(ui,res):
+  for r in res :
+    (id, rule_id, cset_id, cset_user, cset_desc, user, date) = r
+    date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(date).isoformat()  
+    ui.write( 'cset:      %s\n' % cset_id )
+    ui.write( 'cset-user: %s\n' % cset_user)
+    ui.write( 'cset-desc: %s\n' % cset_desc )
+    ui.write( 'rule:      %s\n' % rule_id )
+    ui.write( 'date:      %s\n' % date )
+    ui.write( 'user:      %s\n' % user )
+    ui.write( '\n' )
+# Hook specific functions follow
+def excludecsetbyfile(ctx,pattern):
+  exclude = False
+  file_re = re.compile( '%s' % pattern, re.I )
+  for f in ctx.files() :
+    if file_re.match( f ) :
+      exclude = True
+      break
+  return exclude
+def excludecsetbynode(ctx,pattern):
+  exclude = False
+  node = binascii.hexlify(ctx.node())
+  if node.startswith( pattern ) :
+    exclude = True
+  return exclude
+def excludecsetbyuser(ctx,pattern):
+  exclude = False
+  userStr = ctx.user()
+  user_re = re.compile( '^.*%s.*$' % pattern, re.I )
+  if user_re.match( userStr ) :
+    exclude = True
+  return exclude  
+def excludeblacklistcset(ui,conn,ctx):
+  bl_sql = 'SELECT id,pattern,type FROM blacklist_rule WHERE enabled=1'
+  res = conn.execute( bl_sql )
+  (exclude,rule) = (False,None)
+  for (id,pattern,type) in res :
+    if type == 'node' :
+      exclude = excludecsetbynode(ctx,pattern)
+    elif type == 'user' :
+      exclude = excludecsetbyuser(ctx,pattern)
+    elif type == 'file' :
+      exclude = excludecsetbyfile(ctx,pattern)
+    else :
+      ui.warn('unrecognised rule type \'%s\'' % type )
+    if exclude :
+      rule = (id,pattern,type)
+      break
+  return (exclude,rule)
+# The hook method that is used to block bad changesets from being introduced 
+# to the current repository
+def pretxnchangegroup(ui,repo,hooktype,node,**args):
+  start = repo[node].rev()
+  end = len(repo)
+  conn = openconn(ui, repo )
+  blocked = False
+  for rev in xrange(start, end):
+    ctx = repo[rev]
+    (blocked,rule) = excludeblacklistcset( ui, conn, ctx)
+    if blocked :
+      insertblacklistblocklog( ui, conn, rule, ctx )
+      (id,pattern,type) = rule
+      ui.write( 'blocked: cset %s in changegroup blocked by blacklist\n' % str(ctx) )
+      ui.write( 'blocked-reason: %s matched against \'%s\'\n' % ( type,pattern ))
+      break
+  conn.close( )    
+  return blocked
+def setupblacklisthook(ui):
+  ui.setconfig('hooks', 'pretxnchangegroup.blacklist', pretxnchangegroup)
+def reposetup(ui,repo):
+  # print 'in blacklist reposetup'
+  setupblacklisthook( ui )
+def uisetup(ui):
+  # print 'in blacklist uisetup'
+  setupblacklisthook( ui )
+cmdtable = {
+            'blacklist': (blacklist,
+                          [
+                           ('l','list',None,'list blacklist entries'),
+                           ('','blocklog',None,'list blocked changesets'),
+                           ('','auditlog',None,'show audit log for blacklist'),
+                           ('a','add',None,'add node to blacklist'),
+                           ('d','disable',None,'disable blacklist rule'),
+                           ('e','enable',None,'enable blacklist rule'),
+                           ('r','remove',None,'remove node from blacklist'),
+                           ('n','nodeType',False,'parse argument as node to blacklist'),
+                           ('f','fileType',False,'parse argument as file path to blacklist'),
+                           ('u','userType',False,'parse argument as user regexp to blacklist'),
+                           ('','desc','','comment to attach to rule')],
+                          "")
+            }