changeset 4 60053dab7e2a
parent 3 8b87ea768cb8
child 5 842a773e65f2
child 6 c34a018f3291
--- a/dummy_foundation/lib/XML/Checker.pm	Wed Jun 03 18:33:51 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2006 +0,0 @@
-# TO DO
-# - update docs regarding PerlSAX interface
-# - add current node to error context when checking DOM subtrees
-# - add parsed Entity to test XML files
-# - free circular references
-# - Implied handler?
-# - Notation, Entity, Unparsed checks, Default handler?
-# - check no root element (it's checked by expat) ?
-package XML::Checker::Term;
-use strict;
-sub new     
-    my ($class, %h) = @_;
-    bless \%h, $class;
-sub str     
-    '<' . $_[0]->{C} . $_[0]->{N} . '>'
-sub re
-    $_[0]->{S} 
-sub rel 
-    my $self = shift;
-    defined $self->{SL} ? @{ $self->{SL} } : ( $self->{S} );
-sub debug
-    my $t = shift;
-    my ($c, $n, $s) = ($t->{C}, $t->{N}, $t->{S});
-    my @sl = $t->rel;
-    "{C=$c N=$n S=$s SL=@sl}";
-package XML::Checker::Context;
-sub new
-    my ($class) = @_;
-    my $scalar;
-    bless \$scalar, $class;
-sub Start {}
-sub End   {}
-sub Char  {}
-# The initial Context when checking an entire XML Document
-package XML::Checker::DocContext;
-use vars qw( @ISA );
-@ISA = qw( XML::Checker::Context );
-sub new
-#??checker not used
-    my ($class, $checker) = @_;
-    bless { }, $class;
-sub setRootElement
-    $_[0]->{RootElement} = $_[1];
-sub Start 
-    my ($self, $checker, $tag) = @_;
-    if (exists $self->{Elem})
-    {
-	my $tags = join (", ", @{$self->{Elem}});
-	$checker->fail (155, "more than one root Element [$tags]");
-	push @{$self->{Elem}}, $tag;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	$self->{Elem} = [ $tag ];
-    }
-    my $exp_root = $self->{RootElement};
-    $checker->fail (156, "unexpected root Element [$tag], expected [$exp_root]")
-	if defined ($exp_root) and $tag ne $exp_root;
-sub debug
-    my $self = shift;
-    "DocContext[Count=" . $self->{Count} . ",Root=" . 
-	$self->{RootElement} . "]";
-package XML::Checker::Context::ANY;
-use vars qw( @ISA );
-@ISA = qw( XML::Checker::Context );
-# No overrides, because everything is accepted
-sub debug { "XML::Checker::Context::ANY" }
-package XML::Checker::Context::EMPTY;
-use vars qw( @ISA $ALLOW_WHITE_SPACE );
-@ISA = qw( XML::Checker::Context );
-sub debug { "XML::Checker::Context::EMPTY" }
-sub Start
-    my ($self, $checker, $tag) = @_;
-    $checker->fail (152, "Element should be EMPTY, found Element [$tag]");
-sub Char
-    my ($self, $checker, $str) = @_;
-    $checker->fail (153, "Element should be EMPTY, found text [$str]")
-	unless ($ALLOW_WHITE_SPACE and $checker->isWS ($str));
-    # NOTE: if $ALLOW_WHITE_SPACE = 1, the isWS call does not only check
-    # whether it is whitespace, but it also informs the checker that this 
-    # might be insignificant whitespace
-#?? what about Comments
-package XML::Checker::Context::Children;
-use vars qw( @ISA );
-@ISA = qw( XML::Checker::Context );
-sub new
-    my ($class, $rule) = @_;
-    bless { Name => $rule->{Name}, RE => $rule->{RE}, Buf => "", N => 0 }, $class;
-sub phash
-    my $href = shift;
-    my $str = "";
-    for (keys %$href)
-    {
-	$str .= ' ' if $str;
-	$str .= $_ . '=' . $href->{$_};
-    }
-    $str;
-sub debug
-    my $self = shift;
-    "Context::Children[Name=(" . phash ($self->{Name}) . ",N=" . $self->{N} .
-	",RE=" . $self->{RE} . ",Buf=[" . $self->{Buf} . "]";
-sub Start
-    my ($self, $checker, $tag) = @_;
-#print "Children.Start tag=$tag rule=$checker drule=" . $checker->debug . "\n";
-    if (exists $self->{Name}->{$tag})
-    {
-#print "Buf=[".$self->{Buf}. "] tag=[" . $self->{Name}->{$tag}->{S} . "]\n";
-	$self->{Buf} .= $self->{Name}->{$tag}->{S};
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	$checker->fail (157, "unexpected Element [$tag]", 
-			ChildElementIndex => $self->{N})
-    }
-    $self->{N}++;
-sub decode
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    my $re = $self->{RE};
-    my $name = $self->{Name};
-    my $buf = $self->{Buf};
-    my %s = ();
-    while (my ($key, $val) = each %$name)
-    {
-	$s{$val->{S}} = $key;
-    }
-    my ($len) = scalar (keys %$name);
-    $len = length $len;
-    my $dots = "[^()*+?]" x $len;
-    $buf =~ s/($dots)/$s{$1} . ","/ge;
-    chop $buf;
-    $re =~ s/($dots)/"(" . $s{$1} . ")"/ge;
-    "Found=[$buf] RE=[$re]"
-sub End
-    my ($self, $checker) = @_;
-    my $re = $self->{RE};
-#print "End " . $self->debug . "\n";
-    $checker->fail (154, "bad order of Elements " . $self->decode)
-	unless $self->{Buf} =~ /^$re$/;
-sub Char
-    my ($self, $checker, $str) = @_;
-    # Inform the checker that this might be insignificant whitespace
-    $checker->isWS ($str);
-package XML::Checker::Context::Mixed;
-use vars qw( @ISA );
-@ISA = qw( XML::Checker::Context );
-sub new
-    my ($class, $rule) = @_;
-    bless { Name => $rule->{Name}, N => 0 }, $class;
-sub debug
-    my $self = shift;
-    "Context::Mixed[Name=" . $self->{Name} . ",N=" , $self->{N} . "]";
-sub Start
-    my ($self, $checker, $tag) = @_;
-    $checker->fail (157, "unexpected Element [$tag]",
-		    ChildElementIndex => $self->{N})
-	unless exists $self->{Name}->{$tag};
-    $self->{N}++;
-package XML::Checker::ERule;
-package XML::Checker::ERule::EMPTY;
-use vars qw( @ISA );
-@ISA = qw( XML::Checker::ERule );
-sub new
-    my ($class) = @_;
-    bless {}, $class;
-my $context = new XML::Checker::Context::EMPTY;
-sub context { $context }	# share the context
-sub debug { "EMPTY" }
-package XML::Checker::ERule::ANY;
-use vars qw( @ISA );
-@ISA = qw( XML::Checker::ERule );
-sub new
-    my ($class) = @_;
-    bless {}, $class;
-my $any_context = new XML::Checker::Context::ANY;
-sub context { $any_context }	# share the context
-sub debug { "ANY" }
-package XML::Checker::ERule::Mixed;
-use vars qw( @ISA );
-@ISA = qw( XML::Checker::ERule );
-sub new
-    my ($class) = @_;
-    bless { Name => {} }, $class;
-sub context 
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    new XML::Checker::Context::Mixed ($self);
-sub setModel
-    my ($self, $model) = @_;
-    my $rule = $model;
-    # Mixed := '(' '#PCDATA' ')' '*'?
-    if ($rule =~ /^\(\s*#PCDATA\s*\)(\*)?$/)
-    {
-#? how do we interpret the '*' ??
-         return 1;
-    }
-    else	# Mixed := '(' '#PCDATA' ('|' Name)* ')*'
-    {
-	return 0 unless $rule =~ s/^\(\s*#PCDATA\s*//;
-	return 0 unless $rule =~ s/\s*\)\*$//;
-	my %names = ();
-	while ($rule =~ s/^\s*\|\s*($XML::RegExp::Name)//)
-	{
-	    $names{$1} = 1;
-	}
-	if ($rule eq "")
-	{
-	    $self->{Name} = \%names;
-	    return 1;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-sub debug
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    "Mixed[Names=" . join("|", keys %{$self->{Name}}) . "]";
-package XML::Checker::ERule::Children;
-use vars qw( @ISA %_name %_map $_n );
-@ISA = qw( XML::Checker::ERule );
-sub new
-    my ($class) = @_;
-    bless {}, $class;
-sub context 
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    new XML::Checker::Context::Children ($self);
-sub _add	# static
-    my $exp = new XML::Checker::Term (@_);
-    $_map{$exp->{N}} = $exp;
-    $exp->str;
-my $IDS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
-sub _tokenize
-    my ($self, $rule) = @_;
-    # Replace names with Terms of the form "<n#>", e.g. "<n2>".
-    # Lookup already used names and store new names in %_name.
-    # 
-    $$rule =~ s/($XML::RegExp::Name)(?!>)/
-	if (exists $_name{$1})		# name already used?
-	{
-	    $_name{$1}->str;
-	}
-        else
-	{
-	    my $exp = new XML::Checker::Term (C => 'n', N => $_n++, 
-					      Name => $1);
-	    $_name{$1} = $_map{$exp->{N}} = $exp;
-	    $exp->str;
-	}
-    /eg;
-    if ($_n < length $IDS)
-    {
-	# Generate regular expression for the name Term, i.e.
-	# a single character from $IDS
-	my $i = 0;
-	for (values %_name)
-	{
-	    $_->{S} = substr ($IDS, $i++, 1);
-#print "tokenized " . $_->{Name} . " num=" . $_->{N} . " to " . $_->{S} . "\n";
-	}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	# Generate RE, convert Term->{N} to hex string a la "(#)", 
-	# e.g. "(03d)". Calculate needed length of hex string first.
-	my $len = 1;
-	for (my $n = $_n - 1; ($n >> 4) > 0; $len++) {}
-	my $i = 0;
-	for (values %_name)
-	{
-	    $_->{S} = sprintf ("(0${len}lx)", $i++);
-#print "tokenized " . $_->{Name} . " num=" . $_->{N} . " to " . $_->{S} . "\n";
-	}
-    }
-sub setModel
-    my ($self, $rule) = @_;
-    local $_n = 0;
-    local %_map = ();
-    local %_name = ();
-    $self->_tokenize (\$rule);
-#?? check for single name - die "!ELEMENT contents can't be just a NAME" if $rule =~ /^$XML::RegExp::Name$/;
-    for ($rule)
-    {
-	my $n = 1;
-	while ($n)
-	{
-	    $n = 0;
-	    # cp := ( name | choice | seq ) ('?' | '*' | '+')?
-	    $n++ while s/<[ncs](\d+)>([?*+]?)/_add
-	    (C => 'a', N => $_n++, 
-	     S => ($_map{$1}->re . $2))/eg;
-	    # choice := '(' ch_l ')'
-	    $n++ while s/\(\s*<[ad](\d+)>\s*\)/_add
-	    (C => 'c', N => $_n++, 
-	     S => "(" . join ("|", $_map{$1}->rel) . ")")/eg;
-	    # ch_l := ( cp | ch_l ) '|' ( cp | ch_l )
-	    $n++ while s/<[ad](\d+)>\s*\|\s*<[ad](\d+)>/_add
-	    (C => 'd', N => $_n++, 
-	     SL => [ $_map{$1}->rel, $_map{$2}->rel ])/eg;
-	    # seq := '(' (seq_l ')'
-	    $n++ while s/\(\s*<[at](\d+)>\s*\)/_add
-	    (C => 's', N => $_n++, 
-	     S => "(".join("", $_map{$1}->rel).")")/eg;
-	    # seq_l := ( cp | seq_l ) ',' ( cp | seq_l )
-	    $n++ while s/<[at](\d+)>\s*,\s*<[at](\d+)>/_add
-	    (C => 't', N => $_n++, 
-	     SL => [ $_map{$1}->rel, $_map{$2}->rel ])/eg;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0 if ($rule !~ /^<a(\d+)>$/);
-    $self->{Name} = \%_name;
-    $self->{RE} = $_map{$1}->re;
-    return 1;
-sub debug
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    "Children[RE=" . $self->{RE} . "]";
-package XML::Checker::ARule;
-use XML::RegExp;
-sub new
-    my ($class, $elem, $checker) = @_;
-    bless { Elem => $elem, Checker => $checker, Required => {} }, $class;
-sub Attlist
-    my ($self, $attr, $type, $default, $fixed, $checker) = @_;
-    my ($c1, $c2);
-    if ($self->{Defined}->{$attr})
-    {
-	my $tag = $self->{Elem};
-	$self->fail ($attr, 110, "attribute [$attr] of element [$tag] already defined");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	$self->{Defined}->{$attr} = 1;
-    }
-    if ($default =~ /^\#(REQUIRED|IMPLIED)$/)
-    {
-	$c1 = $1;
-	# Keep list of all required attributes
-	if ($default eq '#REQUIRED')
-	{
-	    $self->{Required}->{$attr} = 1;
-	}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	$self->fail ($attr, 122, "invalid default attribute value [$default]")
-	    unless $default =~ /^$XML::RegExp::AttValue$/;
-	$default = substr ($default, 1, length($default)-2);
-	$self->{Default}->{$attr} = $default;
-	$c1 = 'FIXED' if $fixed;
-    }
-    if ($type eq 'ID')
-    {
-	$self->fail ($attr, 123, "invalid default ID [$default], must be #REQUIRED or #IMPLIED")
-	    unless $default =~ /^#(REQUIRED|IMPLIED)$/;
-	if (exists ($self->{ID}) && $self->{ID} ne $attr)
-	{
-	    $self->fail ($attr, 151, "only one ID allowed per ELEMENT " .
-			 "first=[" . $self->{ID} . "]");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    $self->{ID} = $attr;
-	}
-	$c2 = 'ID';
-    }
-    {
-	my $def = $self->{Default}->{$attr};
-	if (defined $def)
-	{
-	    my $re = ($type =~ /^[IE]/) ? $XML::RegExp::Name : $XML::RegExp::NmToken;
-	    if ($type =~ /S$/)
-	    {
-		for (split (/\s+/, $def))
-		{
-		    $self->fail ($attr, 121,
-				 "invalid default [$_] in $type [$def]")
-			unless $_ =~ /^$re$/;
-		}
-	    }
-	    else	# singular
-	    {
-		$self->fail ($attr, 120, "invalid default $type [$def]")
-			unless $def =~ /^$re$/;
-	    }
-	}
-	$c2 = $type;
-    }
-    elsif ($type ne 'CDATA')	# Enumerated := NotationType | Enumeration
-    {
-	if ($type =~ /^\s*NOTATION\s*\(\s*($XML::RegExp::Name(\s*\|\s*$XML::RegExp::Name)*)\s*\)\s*$/)
-	{
-	    $self->fail ($attr, 135, "empty NOTATION list in ATTLIST")
-		unless defined $1;
-	    my @tok = split (/\s*\|\s*/, $1);
-	    for (@tok)
-	    {
-		$self->fail ($attr, 100, "undefined NOTATION [$_] in ATTLIST")
-			unless exists $checker->{NOTATION}->{$_};
-	    }
-	    my $re = join ("|", @tok);
-	    $self->{NotationRE} = "^($re)\$";
-	    $c2 = 'NotationType';
-	}
-	elsif ($type =~ /^\s*\(\s*($XML::RegExp::NmToken(\s*\|\s*$XML::RegExp::NmToken)*)\s*\)\s*$/)
-	{
-	    # Enumeration
-	    $self->fail ($attr, 136, "empty Enumeration list in ATTLIST")
-		    unless defined $1;
-	    my @tok = split (/\s*\|\s*/, $1);
-	    for (@tok)
-	    {
-		$self->fail ($attr, 134,
-			     "invalid Enumeration value [$_] in ATTLIST")
-		unless $_ =~ /^$XML::RegExp::NmToken$/;
-	    }
-	    $self->{EnumRE}->{$attr} = '^(' . join ("|", @tok) . ')$'; #';
-	    $c2 = 'Enumeration';
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    $self->fail ($attr, 137, "invalid ATTLIST type [$type]");
-	}
-    }
-    $self->{Check1}->{$attr} = $c1 if $c1;
-    $self->{Check2}->{$attr} = $c2 if $c2;
-sub fail
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $attr = shift;
-    $self->{Checker}->fail (@_, Element => $self->{Elem}, Attr => $attr);
-sub check
-    my ($self, $attr) = @_;
-    my $func1 = $self->{Check1}->{$attr};
-    my $func2 = $self->{Check2}->{$attr};
-#    print "check func1=$func1 func2=$func2 @_\n";
-    if (exists $self->{ReqNotSeen}->{$attr})
-    {
-	delete $self->{ReqNotSeen}->{$attr};
-    }
-    no strict;
-    &$func1 (@_) if defined $func1;
-    &$func2 (@_) if defined $func2;
-# Copies the list of all required attributes from $self->{Required} to
-# $self->{ReqNotSeen}. 
-# When check() encounters a required attribute, it is removed from ReqNotSeen. 
-# In EndAttr we look at which attribute names are still in ReqNotSeen - those
-# are the ones that were not specified and are, therefore, in error.
-sub StartAttr
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %not_seen = %{ $self->{Required} };
-    $self->{ReqNotSeen} = \%not_seen;
-# Checks which of the #REQUIRED attributes were not specified
-sub EndAttr
-    my $self = shift;
-    for my $attr (keys %{ $self->{ReqNotSeen} })
-    {
-	$self->fail ($attr, 159, 
-		     "unspecified value for \#REQUIRED attribute [$attr]");
-    }
-sub FIXED
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-    my $default = $self->{Default}->{$attr};
-    $self->fail ($attr, 150, 
-		 "bad \#FIXED attribute value [$val], it should be [$default]")
-	unless ($val eq $default);
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-#?? should #IMPLIED be specified?
-    $self->fail ($attr, 158, 
-		 "unspecified value for \#IMPLIED attribute [$attr]")
-	unless $specified;
-#?? Implied handler ?
-# This is called when an attribute is passed to the check() method by
-# XML::Checker::Attr(), i.e. when the attribute was specified explicitly
-# or defaulted by the parser (which should never happen), *NOT* when the 
-# attribute was omitted. (The latter is checked by StartAttr/EndAttr)
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-#    print "REQUIRED attr=$attr val=$val spec=$specified\n";
-    $self->fail ($attr, 159, 
-		 "unspecified value for \#REQUIRED attribute [$attr]")
-	unless $specified;
-sub ID		# must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-    $self->fail ($attr, 131, "invalid ID [$val]")
-	unless $val =~ /^$XML::RegExp::Name$/;
-    $self->fail ($attr, 111, "ID [$val] already defined")
-	if $self->{Checker}->{ID}->{$val}++;
-sub IDREF
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-    $self->fail ($attr, 132, "invalid IDREF [$val]")
-	unless $val =~ /^$XML::RegExp::Name$/;
-    $self->{Checker}->{IDREF}->{$val}++;
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-    for (split /\s+/, $val)
-    {
-	$self->IDREF ($attr, $_);
-    }
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-#?? should it be specified?
-    $self->fail ($attr, 133, "invalid ENTITY name [$val]")
-	unless $val =~ /^$XML::RegExp::Name$/;
-    $self->fail ($attr, 102, "undefined unparsed ENTITY [$val]")
-	unless exists $self->{Checker}->{Unparsed}->{$val};
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-    for (split /\s+/, $val)
-    {
-	$self->ENTITY ($attr, $_);
-    }
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-    $self->fail ($attr, 130, "invalid NMTOKEN [$val]")
-	unless $val =~ /^$XML::RegExp::NmToken$/;
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-    for (split /\s+/, $val)
-    {
-	$self->NMTOKEN ($attr, $_, $specified);
-    }
-sub Enumeration
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-    my $re = $self->{EnumRE}->{$attr};
-    $self->fail ($attr, 160, "invalid Enumeration value [$val]")
-	unless $val =~ /$re/;
-sub NotationType
-    my ($self, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-    my $re = $self->{NotationRE};
-    $self->fail ($attr, 161, "invalid NOTATION value [$val]")
-	unless $val =~ /$re/;
-    $self->fail ($attr, 162, "undefined NOTATION [$val]")
-	unless exists $self->{Checker}->{NOTATION}->{$val};
-package XML::Checker;
-use vars qw ( $VERSION $FAIL $INSIGNIF_WS );
-    $VERSION = '0.09'; 
-$FAIL = \&print_error;
-# Whether the last seen Char data was insignicant whitespace
-sub new
-    my ($class, %args) = @_;
-    $args{ERule} = {};
-    $args{ARule} = {};
-    $args{InCDATA} = 0;
-#    $args{Debug} = 1;
-    bless \%args, $class;
-# PerlSAX API
-sub element_decl
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    $self->Element ($hash->{Name}, $hash->{Model});
-# Same parameter order as the Element handler in XML::Parser module
-sub Element
-    my ($self, $name, $model) = @_;
-    if (defined $self->{ERule}->{$name})
-    {
-	$self->fail (115, "ELEMENT [$name] already defined",
-		     Element => $name);
-    }
-    if ($model eq "EMPTY")
-    {
-	$self->{ERule}->{$name} = new XML::Checker::ERule::EMPTY;
-    }
-    elsif ($model eq "ANY")
-    {
-	$self->{ERule}->{$name} = new XML::Checker::ERule::ANY;
-    }
-    elsif ($model =~ /#PCDATA/)
-    {
-        my $rule = new XML::Checker::ERule::Mixed;
-	if ($rule->setModel ($model))
-        {
-	    $self->{ERule}->{$name} = $rule;
-	}
-        else
-        {
-	    $self->fail (124, "bad model [$model] for ELEMENT [$name]",
-			 Element => $name);
-	}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        my $rule = new XML::Checker::ERule::Children;
-	if ($rule->setModel ($model))
-        {
-	    $self->{ERule}->{$name} = $rule;
-	}
-        else
-        {
-	    $self->fail (124, "bad model [$model] for ELEMENT [$name]",
-			 Element => $name);
-	}
-    }
-    my $rule = $self->{ERule}->{$name};
-    print "added ELEMENT model for $name: " . $rule->debug . "\n"
-	   if $rule and $self->{Debug};
-# PerlSAX API
-sub attlist_decl
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    $self->Attlist ($hash->{ElementName}, $hash->{AttributeName},
-		    $hash->{Type}, $hash->{Default}, $hash->{Fixed});
-sub Attlist
-    my ($self, $tag, $attrName, $type, $default, $fixed) = @_;
-    my $arule = $self->{ARule}->{$tag} ||= 
-	new XML::Checker::ARule ($tag, $self);
-    $arule->Attlist ($attrName, $type, $default, $fixed, $self);
-# Initializes the context stack to check an XML::DOM::Element
-sub InitDomElem
-    my $self = shift;
-    # initialize Context stack
-    $self->{Context} = [ new XML::Checker::Context::ANY ($self) ];
-    $self->{InCDATA} = 0;
-# Clears the context stack after checking an XML::DOM::Element
-sub FinalDomElem
-    my $self = shift;
-    delete $self->{Context};
-# PerlSAX API
-sub start_document
-    shift->Init;
-sub Init
-    my $self = shift;
-    # initialize Context stack
-    $self->{Context} = [ new XML::Checker::DocContext ($self) ];
-    $self->{InCDATA} = 0;
-# PerlSAX API
-sub end_document
-    shift->Final;
-sub Final
-    my $self = shift;
-#?? could add more statistics: unreferenced Unparsed, ID
-    for (keys %{ $self->{IDREF} })
-    {
-	my $n = $self->{IDREF}->{$_};
-	$self->fail (200, "undefined ID [$_] was referenced [$n] times")
-	    unless defined $self->{ID}->{$_};
-    }
-    for (keys %{ $self->{ID} })
-    {
-	my $n = $self->{IDREF}->{$_} || 0;
-	$self->fail (300, "[$n] references to ID [$_]");
-    }
-    delete $self->{Context};
-sub getRootElement
-    my $self = shift;
-#    print "getRoot $self " . $self->{RootElement} . "\n";
-    $_[0]->{RootElement};
-# PerlSAX API
-sub doctype_decl
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    $self->Doctype ($hash->{Name}, $hash->{SystemId},
-		    $hash->{PublicId}, $hash->{Internal});
-sub Doctype
-    my ($self, $name, $sysid, $pubid, $internal) = @_;
-    $self->{RootElement} = $name;
-    my $context = $self->{Context}->[0];
-    $context->setRootElement ($name);
-#?? what else
-sub Attr
-    my ($self, $tag, $attr, $val, $specified) = @_;
-#print "Attr for tag=$tag attr=$attr val=$val spec=$specified\n";
-    my $arule = $self->{ARule}->{$tag};
-    if (defined $arule && $arule->{Defined}->{$attr})
-    {
-	$arule->check ($attr, $val, $specified);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	$self->fail (103, "undefined attribute [$attr]", Element => $tag);
-    }
-sub EndAttr
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $arule = $self->{CurrARule};
-    if (defined $arule)
-    {
-	$arule->EndAttr;
-    }
-# PerlSAX API
-sub start_element
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    my $tag = $hash->{Name};
-    my $attr = $hash->{Attributes};
-    $self->Start ($tag);
-    if (exists $hash->{AttributeOrder})
-    {
-	my $defaulted = $hash->{Defaulted};
-	my @order = @{ $hash->{AttributeOrder} };
-	# Specified attributes
-	for (my $i = 0; $i < $defaulted; $i++)
-	{
-	    my $a = $order[$i];
-	    $self->Attr ($tag, $a, $attr->{$a}, 1);
-	}
-	# Defaulted attributes
-	for (my $i = $defaulted; $i < @order; $i++)
-	{
-	    my $attr = $order[$i];
-	    $self->Attr ($tag, $a, $attr->{$a}, 0);
-	}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	# Assume all attributes were specified
-	my @attr = %$attr;
-	my ($key, $val);
-	while ($key = shift @attr)
-	{
-	    $val = shift @attr;
-	    $self->Attr ($tag, $key, $val, 1);
-	}
-    }
-    $self->EndAttr;
-sub Start
-    my ($self, $tag) = @_;
-#?? if first tag, check with root element - or does expat check this already?
-    my $context = $self->{Context};
-    $context->[0]->Start ($self, $tag);
-    my $erule = $self->{ERule}->{$tag};
-    if (defined $erule)
-    {
-	unshift @$context, $erule->context;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	# It's not a real error according to the XML Spec.
-	$self->fail (101, "undefined ELEMENT [$tag]");
-	unshift @$context, new XML::Checker::Context::ANY;
-    }
-#?? what about ARule ??
-    my $arule = $self->{ARule}->{$tag};
-    if (defined $arule)
-    {
-	$self->{CurrARule} = $arule;
-	$arule->StartAttr;
-    }
-# PerlSAX API
-sub end_element
-    shift->End;
-sub End
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    my $context = $self->{Context};
-    $context->[0]->End ($self);
-    shift @$context;
-# PerlSAX API
-sub characters
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    my $data = $hash->{Data};
-    if ($self->{InCDATA})
-    {
-	$self->CData ($data);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	$self->Char ($data);
-    }
-# PerlSAX API
-sub start_cdata
-    $_[0]->{InCDATA} = 1;
-# PerlSAX API
-sub end_cdata
-    $_[0]->{InCDATA} = 0;
-sub Char
-    my ($self, $text) = @_;
-    my $context = $self->{Context};
-    # NOTE: calls to isWS may set this to 1.
-    $INSIGNIF_WS = 0;
-    $context->[0]->Char ($self, $text);
-# Treat CDATASection same as Char (Text)
-sub CData
-    my ($self, $cdata) = @_;
-    my $context = $self->{Context};
-    $context->[0]->Char ($self, $cdata);
-    # CDATASection can never be insignificant whitespace
-    $INSIGNIF_WS = 0;
-#?? I'm not sure if this assumption is correct
-# PerlSAX API
-sub comment
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    $self->Comment ($hash->{Data});
-sub Comment
-# ?? what can be checked here?
-# PerlSAX API
-sub entity_reference
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    $self->EntityRef ($hash->{Name}, 0);
-#?? parameter entities (like %par;) are NOT supported!
-# PerlSAX::handle_default should be fixed!
-sub EntityRef
-    my ($self, $ref, $isParam) = @_;
-    if ($isParam)
-    {
-	# expand to "%name;"
-	print STDERR "XML::Checker::Entity -  parameter Entity (%ent;) not implemented\n";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	# Treat same as Char - for now
-	my $context = $self->{Context};
-	$context->[0]->Char ($self, "&$ref;");
-#?? I could count the number of times each Entity is referenced
-    }
-# PerlSAX API
-sub unparsed_entity_decl
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    $self->Unparsed ($hash->{Name});
-#?? what about Base, SytemId, PublicId ?
-sub Unparsed
-    my ($self, $entity) = @_;
-#    print "ARule::Unparsed $entity\n";
-    if ($self->{Unparsed}->{$entity})
-    {
-	$self->fail (112, "unparsed ENTITY [$entity] already defined");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	$self->{Unparsed}->{$entity} = 1;
-    }
-# PerlSAX API
-sub notation_decl
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    $self->Notation ($hash->{Name});
-#?? what about Base, SytemId, PublicId ?
-sub Notation
-    my ($self, $notation) = @_;
-    if ($self->{NOTATION}->{$notation})
-    {
-	$self->fail (113, "NOTATION [$notation] already defined");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	$self->{NOTATION}->{$notation} = 1;
-    }
-# PerlSAX API
-sub entity_decl
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    $self->Entity ($hash->{Name}, $hash->{Value}, $hash->{SystemId},
-		   $hash->{PublicId}, $hash->{'Notation'});
-sub Entity
-    my ($self, $name, $val, $sysId, $pubId, $ndata) = @_;
-    if (exists $self->{ENTITY}->{$name})
-    {
-	$self->fail (114, "ENTITY [$name] already defined");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	$self->{ENTITY}->{$name} = $val;
-    }    
-# PerlSAX API
-#sub xml_decl {} $hash=> Version, Encoding, Standalone
-# Don't implement resolve_entity() which is called by ExternEnt!
-#sub processing_instruction {} $hash=> Target, Data
-# Returns whether the Char data is whitespace and also updates the
-# $INSIGNIF_WS variable to indicate whether it is insignificant whitespace.
-# Note that this method is only called in places where potential whitespace
-# can be insignificant (i.e. when the ERule is Children or EMPTY)
-sub isWS
-    $INSIGNIF_WS = ($_[1] =~ /^\s*$/);
-sub isInsignifWS
-sub fail
-    my $self = shift;
-    &$FAIL (@_);
-sub print_error		# static
-    my $str = error_string (@_);
-    print STDERR $str;
-sub error_string	# static
-    my $code = shift;
-    my $msg = shift;
-    my @a = ();
-    my ($key, $val);
-    while ($key = shift)
-    {
-	$val = shift;
-	push @a, ("$key " . (defined $val ? $val : "(undef)"));
-    }
-    my $cat = $code >= 200 ? ($code >= 300 ? "INFO" : "WARNING") : "ERROR";
-    my $str = join (", ", @a);
-    $str = length($str) ? "\tContext: $str\n" : "";
-    "XML::Checker $cat-$code: $msg\n$str";
-sub debug
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    my $context = $self->{Context}->[0];
-    my $c = $context ? $context->debug : "no context";
-    my $root = $self->{RootElement};
-    "Checker[$c,RootElement=$root]";
-1; # package return code
-=head1 NAME
-XML::Checker - A perl module for validating XML
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-L<XML::Checker::Parser> - an L<XML::Parser> that validates at parse time
-L<XML::DOM::ValParser> - an L<XML::DOM::Parser> that validates at parse time
-(Some of the package names may change! This is only an alpha release...)
-XML::Checker can be used in different ways to validate XML. See the manual
-pages of L<XML::Checker::Parser> and L<XML::DOM::ValParser>
-for more information. 
-This document only describes common topics like error handling
-and the XML::Checker class itself.
-WARNING: Not all errors are currently checked. Almost everything is subject to
-change. Some reported errors may not be real errors.
-Whenever XML::Checker (or one of the packages that uses XML::Checker) detects a
-potential error, the 'fail handler' is called. It is currently also called 
-to report information, like how many times an Entity was referenced. 
-(The whole error handling mechanism is subject to change, I'm afraid...)
-The default fail handler is XML::Checker::print_error(), which prints an error 
-message to STDERR. It does not stop the XML::Checker, so it will continue 
-looking for other errors. 
-The error message is created with XML::Checker::error_string().
-You can define your
-own fail handler in two ways, locally and globally. Use a local variable to
-temporarily override the fail handler. This way the default fail handler is restored
-when the local variable goes out of scope, esp. when exceptions are thrown e.g.
- # Using a local variable to temporarily override the fail handler (preferred)
- { # new block - start of local scope
-   local $XML::Checker::FAIL = \&my_fail;
-   ... your code here ...
- } # end of block - the previous fail handler is restored
-You can also set the error handler globally, risking that your code may not 
-be reusable or may clash with other modules that use XML::Checker.
- # Globally setting the fail handler (not recommended)
- $XML::Checker::FAIL = \&my_fail;
- ... rest of your code ...
-The fail handler is called with the following parameters ($code, $msg, @context), 
-where $code is the error code, $msg is the error description and 
-@context contains information on where the error occurred. The @context is
-a (ordered) list of (key,value) pairs and can easily be turned into a hash.
-It contains the following information:
- Element - tag name of Element node (if applicable)
- Attr - attribute name (if applicable)
- ChildElementIndex - if applicable (see error 157)
- line - only when parsing
- column - only when parsing
- byte - only when parsing (-1 means: end of file)
-Some examples of fail handlers:
- # Don't print info messages
- sub my_fail
- {
-     my $code = shift;
-     print STDERR XML::Checker::error_message ($code, @_)
-         if $code < 300;
- }
- # Die when the first error is encountered - this will stop
- # the parsing process. Ignore information messages.
- sub my_fail
- {
-     my $code = shift;
-     die XML::Checker::error_message ($code, @_) if $code < 300;
- }
- # Count the number of undefined NOTATION references
- # and print the error as usual
- sub my_fail
- {
-     my $code = shift;
-     $count_undef_notations++ if $code == 100;
-     XML::Checker::print_error ($code, @_);
- }
- # Die when an error is encountered.
- # Don't die if a warning or info message is encountered, just print a message.
- sub my_fail {
-     my $code = shift;
-     die XML::Checker::error_string ($code, @_) if $code < 200;
-     XML::Checker::print_error ($code, @_);
- }
-XML::Checker keeps track of whether whitespace found in character data 
-is significant or not. It is considered insignicant if it is found inside
-an element that has a ELEMENT rule that is not of type Mixed or of type ANY. 
-(A Mixed ELEMENT rule does contains the #PCDATA keyword. 
-An ANY rule contains the ANY keyword. See the XML spec for more info.)
-XML::Checker can not determine whether whitespace is insignificant in those two 
-cases, because they both allow regular character data to appear within
-XML elements and XML::Checker can therefore not deduce whether whitespace 
-is part of the actual data or was just added for readability of the XML file.
-XML::Checker::Parser and XML::DOM::ValParser both have the option to skip
-insignificant whitespace when setting B<SkipInsignifWS> to 1 in their constructor.
-If set, they will not call the Char handler when insignificant whitespace is
-encountered. This means that in XML::DOM::ValParser no Text nodes are created
-for insignificant whitespace.
-Regardless of whether the SkipInsignifWS options is set, XML::Checker always 
-keeps track of whether whitespace is insignificant. After making a call to
-XML::Checker's Char handler, you can find out if it was insignificant whitespace
-by calling the isInsignifWS method.
-When using multiple (nested) XML::Checker instances or when using XML::Checker
-without using XML::Checker::Parser or XML::DOM::ValParser (which hardly anybody
-probably will), make sure to set a local variable in the scope of your checking
-code, e.g.
-  { # new block - start of local scope
-    local $XML::Checker::INSIGNIF_WS = 0;
-    ... insert your code here ...
-  } # end of scope
-There are 3 categories, errors, warnings and info messages.
-(The codes are still subject to change, as well the error descriptions.) 
-Most errors have a link to the appropriate Validaty Constraint (B<VC>)
-or other section in the XML specification.
-=head2 ERROR Messages
-=head2 100 - 109
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<100> - undefined NOTATION [$notation] in ATTLIST
-The ATTLIST contained a Notation reference that was not defined in a
-NOTATION definition. 
-B<VC:> L<Notation Attributes|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#notatn>
-=item *
-B<101> - undefined ELEMENT [$tagName]
-The specified Element was never defined in an ELEMENT definition.
-This is not an error according to the XML spec.
-See L<Element Type Declarations|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#elemdecls>
-=item *
-B<102> - undefined unparsed ENTITY [$entity]
-The attribute value referenced an undefined unparsed entity.
-B<VC:> L<Entity Name|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#entname>
-=item *
-B<103> - undefined attribute [$attrName]
-The specified attribute was not defined in an ATTLIST for that Element.
-B<VC:> L<Attribute Value Type|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#ValueType>
-=head2 110 - 119
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<110> - attribute [$attrName] of element [$tagName] already defined
-The specified attribute was already defined in this ATTLIST definition or
-in a previous one.
-This is not an error according to the XML spec.
-See L<Attribute-List Declarations|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#attdecls>
-=item *
-B<111> - ID [$value] already defined
-An ID with the specified value was already defined in an attribute
-within the same document.
-B<VC:> L<ID|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#id>
-=item *
-B<112> - unparsed ENTITY [$entity] already defined
-This is not an error according to the XML spec.
-See L<Entity Declarations|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#sec-entity-decl>
-=item *
-B<113> - NOTATION [$notation] already defined
-=item *
-B<114> - ENTITY [$entity] already defined
-This is not an error according to the XML spec.
-See L<Entity Declarations|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#sec-entity-decl>
-=item *
-B<115> - ELEMENT [$name] already defined
-B<VC:> L<Unique Element Type Declaration|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#EDUnique>
-=head2 120 - 129
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<120> - invalid default ENTITY [$default]
-(Or IDREF or NMTOKEN instead of ENTITY.)
-The ENTITY, IDREF or NMTOKEN reference in the default attribute 
-value for an attribute with types ENTITY, IDREF or NMTOKEN was not
-B<VC:> L<Attribute Default Legal|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#defattrvalid>
-=item *
-B<121> - invalid default [$token] in ENTITIES [$default]
-One of the ENTITY, IDREF or NMTOKEN references in the default attribute 
-value for an attribute with types ENTITIES, IDREFS or NMTOKENS was not
-B<VC:> L<Attribute Default Legal|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#defattrvalid>
-=item *
-B<122> - invalid default attribute value [$default]
-The specified default attribute value is not a valid attribute value.
-B<VC:> L<Attribute Default Legal|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#defattrvalid>
-=item *
-B<123> - invalid default ID [$default], must be #REQUIRED or #IMPLIED
-The default attribute value for an attribute of type ID has to be 
-B<VC:> L<ID Attribute Default|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#id-default>
-=item *
-B<124> - bad model [$model] for ELEMENT [$name]
-The model in the ELEMENT definition did not conform to the XML syntax 
-for Mixed models.
-See L<Mixed Content|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#sec-mixed-content>
-=head2 130 - 139
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<130> - invalid NMTOKEN [$attrValue]
-The attribute value is not a valid NmToken token.
-B<VC:> L<Enumeration|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#enum>
-=item *
-B<131> - invalid ID [$attrValue]
-The specified attribute value is not a valid Name token.
-B<VC:> L<ID|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#id>
-=item *
-B<132> - invalid IDREF [$value]
-The specified attribute value is not a valid Name token.  
-B<VC:> L<IDREF|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#idref>
-=item *
-B<133> - invalid ENTITY name [$name]
-The specified attribute value is not a valid Name token.  
-B<VC:> L<Entity Name|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#entname>
-=item *
-B<134> - invalid Enumeration value [$value] in ATTLIST
-The specified value is not a valid NmToken (see XML spec for def.)
-See definition of L<NmToken|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Nmtoken>
-=item *
-B<135> - empty NOTATION list in ATTLIST
-The NOTATION list of the ATTLIST definition did not contain any NOTATION
-See definition of L<NotationType|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-NotationType>
-=item *
-B<136> - empty Enumeration list in ATTLIST
-The ATTLIST definition of the attribute of type Enumeration did not
-contain any values.
-See definition of L<Enumeration|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Enumeration>
-=item *
-B<137> - invalid ATTLIST type [$type]
-The attribute type has to be one of: ID, IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY, ENTITIES, 
-See definition of L<AttType|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-AttType>
-=head2 150 - 159
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<150> - bad #FIXED attribute value [$value], it should be [$default]
-The specified attribute was defined as #FIXED in the ATTLIST definition
-and the found attribute $value differs from the specified $default value.
-B<VC:> L<Fixed Attribute Default|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#FixedAttr>
-=item *
-B<151> - only one ID allowed in ATTLIST per element first=[$attrName]
-The ATTLIST definitions for an Element may contain only one attribute
-with the type ID. The specified $attrName is the one that was found first.
-B<VC:> L<One ID per Element Type|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#one-id-per-el>
-=item *
-B<152> - Element should be EMPTY, found Element [$tagName]
-The ELEMENT definition for the specified Element said it should be
-EMPTY, but a child Element was found.
-B<VC:> L<Element Valid (sub1)|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#elementvalid>
-=item *
-B<153> - Element should be EMPTY, found text [$text]
-The ELEMENT definition for the specified Element said it should be
-EMPTY, but text was found. Currently, whitespace is not allowed between the
-open and close tag. (This may be wrong, please give feedback.)
-To allow whitespace (subject to change), set:
-    $XML::Checker::Context::EMPTY::ALLOW_WHITE_SPACE = 1;
-B<VC:> L<Element Valid (sub1)|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#elementvalid>
-=item *
-B<154> - bad order of Elements Found=[$found] RE=[$re]
-The child elements of the specified Element did not match the
-regular expression found in the ELEMENT definition. $found contains
-a comma separated list of all the child element tag names that were found.
-$re contains the (decoded) regular expression that was used internally.
-B<VC:> L<Element Valid|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#elementvalid>
-=item *
-B<155> - more than one root Element [$tags]
-An XML Document may only contain one Element.
-$tags is a comma separated list of element tag names encountered sofar.
-L<XML::Parser> (expat) throws 'no element found' exception.
-See two_roots.xml for an example.
-See definition of L<document|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#dt-root>
-=item *
-B<156> - unexpected root Element [$tagName], expected [$rootTagName]
-The tag name of the root Element of the XML Document differs from the name 
-specified in the DOCTYPE section.
-L<XML::Parser> (expat) throws 'not well-formed' exception.
-See bad_root.xml for an example.
-B<VC:> L<Root Element Type|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#vc-roottype>
-=item *
-B<157> - unexpected Element [$tagName]
-The ELEMENT definition for the specified Element does not allow child
-Elements with the specified $tagName.
-B<VC:> L<Element Valid|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#elementvalid>
-The error context contains ChildElementIndex which is the index within 
-its parent Element (counting only Element nodes.)
-=item *
-B<158> - unspecified value for #IMPLIED attribute [$attrName]
-The ATTLIST for the specified attribute said the attribute was #IMPLIED,
-which means the user application should supply a value, but the attribute
-value was not specified. (User applications should pass a value and set
-$specified to 1 in the Attr handler.)
-=item *
-B<159> - unspecified value for #REQUIRED attribute [$attrName]
-The ATTLIST for the specified attribute said the attribute was #REQUIRED,
-which means that a value should have been specified.
-B<VC:> L<Required Attribute|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#RequiredAttr>
-=head2 160 - 169
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<160> - invalid Enumeration value [$attrValue]
-The specified attribute value does not match one of the Enumeration values
-in the ATTLIST.
-B<VC:> L<Enumeration|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#enum>
-=item *
-B<161> - invalid NOTATION value [$attrValue]
-The specifed attribute value was not found in the list of possible NOTATION 
-references as found in the ATTLIST definition.
-B<VC:> L<Notation Attributes|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#notatn>
-=item *
-B<162> - undefined NOTATION [$attrValue]
-The NOTATION referenced by the specified attribute value was not defined.
-B<VC:> L<Notation Attributes|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#notatn>
-=head2 WARNING Messages (200 and up)
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<200> - undefined ID [$id] was referenced [$n] times
-The specified ID was referenced $n times, but never defined in an attribute
-value with type ID.
-B<VC:> L<IDREF|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#idref>
-=head2 INFO Messages (300 and up)
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<300> - [$n] references to ID [$id]
-The specified ID was referenced $n times.
-=head2 Not checked
-The following errors are already checked by L<XML::Parser> (expat) and
-are currently not checked by XML::Checker:
-(?? TODO - add more info)
-=over 4
-=item root element is missing
-L<XML::Parser> (expat) throws 'no element found' exception. 
-See no_root.xml for an example.
-=head1 XML::Checker
-XML::Checker can be easily plugged into your application. 
-It uses mostly the same style of event handlers (or callbacks) as L<XML::Parser>.
-See L<XML::Parser> manual page for descriptions of most handlers. 
-It also implements PerlSAX style event handlers. See L<PerlSAX interface>.
-Currently, the XML::Checker object is a blessed hash with the following 
-(potentially useful) entries:
- $checker->{RootElement} - root element name as found in the DOCTYPE
- $checker->{NOTATION}->{$notation} - is 1 if the NOTATION was defined
- $checker->{ENTITY}->{$name} - contains the (first) ENTITY value if defined
- $checker->{Unparsed}->{$entity} - is 1 if the unparsed ENTITY was defined
- $checker->{ID}->{$id} - is 1 if the ID was defined
- $checker->{IDREF}->{$id} - number of times the ID was referenced
- # Less useful:
- $checker->{ERule}->{$tag} - the ELEMENT rules by Element tag name
- $checker->{ARule}->{$tag} - the ATTLIST rules by Element tag name
- $checker->{Context} - context stack used internally
- $checker->{CurrARule} - current ATTLIST rule for the current Element
-=head2 XML:Checker methods
-This section is only interesting when using XML::Checker directly.
-XML::Checker supports most event handlers that L<XML::Parser> supports with minor 
-differences. Note that the XML::Checker event handler methods are 
-instance methods and not static, so don't forget to call them like this,
-without passing $expat (as in the L<XML::Parser>) handlers:
- $checker->Start($tagName);
-=over 4
-=item Constructor
- $checker = new XML::Checker;
- $checker = new XML::Checker (%user_args);
-User data may be stored by client applications. Only $checker->{User} is
-guaranteed not to clash with internal hash keys.
-=item getRootElement ()
- $tagName = $checker->getRootElement;
-Returns the root element name as found in the DOCTYPE
-=head2 Expat interface
-XML::Checker supports what I call the I<Expat> interface, which is 
-the collection of methods you normally specify as the callback handlers
-when using XML::Parser.
-Only the following L<XML::Parser> handlers are currently supported:
-Init, Final, Char, Start, End, Element, Attlist, Doctype,
-Unparsed, Entity, Notation. 
-I don't know how to correctly support the Default handler for all L<XML::Parser>
-releases. The Start handler works a little different (see below) and I
-added Attr, InitDomElem, FinalDomElem, CDATA and EntityRef handlers.
-See L<XML::Parser> for a description of the handlers that are not listed below.
-Note that this interface may disappear, when the PerlSAX interface stabilizes.
-=over 4
-=item Start ($tag)
- $checker->Start($tag);
-Call this when an Element with the specified $tag name is encountered.
-Different from the Start handler in L<XML::Parser>, in that no attributes 
-are passed in (use the Attr handler for those.)
-=item Attr ($tag, $attrName, $attrValue, $isSpecified)
- $checker->Attr($tag,$attrName,$attrValue,$spec);
-Checks an attribute with the specified $attrName and $attrValue against the
-ATTLIST definition of the element with the specified $tag name.
-$isSpecified means whether the attribute was specified (1) or defaulted (0).
-=item EndAttr ()
- $checker->EndAttr;
-This should be called after all attributes are passed with Attr().
-It will check which of the #REQUIRED attributes were not specified and generate
-the appropriate error (159) for each one that is missing.
-=item CDATA ($text)
- $checker->CDATA($text);
-This should be called whenever CDATASections are encountered.
-Similar to Char handler (but might perform different checks later...)
-=item EntityRef ($entity, $isParameterEntity)
- $checker->EntityRef($entity,$isParameterEntity);
-Checks the ENTITY reference. Set $isParameterEntity to 1 for 
-entity references that start with '%'.
-=item InitDomElem () and FinalDomElem ()
-Used by XML::DOM::Element::check() to initialize (and cleanup) the 
-context stack when checking a single element.
-=head2 PerlSAX interface
-XML::Checker now also supports the PerlSAX interface, so you can use XML::Checker
-wherever you use PerlSAX handlers.
-XML::Checker implements the following methods: start_document, end_document,
-start_element, end_element, characters, processing_instruction, comment,
-start_cdata, end_cdata, entity_reference, notation_decl, unparsed_entity_decl,
-entity_decl, element_decl, attlist_decl, doctype_decl, xml_decl
-Not implemented: set_document_locator, ignorable_whitespace
-See PerlSAX.pod for details. (It is called lib/PerlSAX.pod in the libxml-perl 
-distribution which can be found at CPAN.)
-=head1 CAVEATS
-This is an alpha release. Almost everything is subject to change.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Send bug reports, hints, tips, suggestions to Enno Derksen at
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-The home page of XML::Checker at L<http://www.erols.com/enno/checker/index.html>
-The XML spec (Extensible Markup Language 1.0) at L<http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml>
-The L<XML::Parser> and L<XML::Parser::Expat> manual pages.
-The other packages that come with XML::Checker: 
-L<XML::Checker::Parser>, L<XML::DOM::ValParser>
-The DOM Level 1 specification at L<http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1>
-The PerlSAX specification. It is currently in lib/PerlSAX.pod in the
-libxml-perl distribution by Ken MacLeod. 
-The original SAX specification (Simple API for XML) can be found at 
-L<http://www.megginson.com/SAX> and L<http://www.megginson.com/SAX/SAX2>