changeset 234 74890d706f0c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bc_tools/BBCResults.xsl	Mon Apr 12 11:55:43 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2376 @@
+- Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+- All rights reserved.
+- This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+- under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+- which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+- at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+- Initial Contributors:
+- Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+- Contributors:
+-   Maciej Seroka, maciejs@symbian.org
+- Description:
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.1" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
+<xsl:param name="paramIssu" select="'All'" />
+<xsl:param name="paramSort" select="'0'" />
+<xsl:param name="paramShowOk" select="'0'" />
+<xsl:variable name="show_API">
+  <xsl:choose>
+    <xsl:when test="count(//api) &gt; 0">1</xsl:when>
+    <xsl:otherwise>0</xsl:otherwise>
+  </xsl:choose>
+<xsl:variable name="sort1">
+	<xsl:if test="$paramSort = 1">api</xsl:if>
+	<xsl:if test="$paramSort != 1">nonode</xsl:if>
+<xsl:variable name="sort2">
+	<xsl:if test="$paramSort = 2">api</xsl:if>
+	<xsl:if test="$paramSort != 2">nonode</xsl:if>
+<xsl:variable name="sort0">
+	<xsl:choose>
+		<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 0 and count(//shortname) &gt; 0">shortname</xsl:when>
+		<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 0 and count(//shortname) = 0">name</xsl:when>
+		<xsl:otherwise test="$paramSort != 0">nonode</xsl:otherwise>
+	</xsl:choose>
+<xsl:variable name="xslRepBlk">
+	<xsl:choose>
+		<xsl:when test="$paramSort!=0">okRepBlock</xsl:when>
+		<xsl:otherwise>repBlock</xsl:otherwise>
+	</xsl:choose>
+<xsl:template match="/">
+<HTML xmlns:msie="urn:default">
+<msie:download id="dler" style="behavior:url(#default#download)"/>
+<xsl:variable name="reporttype">
+  <xsl:choose>
+    <xsl:when test="count(bbcresults/header/haversion) &gt; 0">HDR</xsl:when>
+    <xsl:when test="count(bbcresults/header/laversion) &gt; 0">LIB</xsl:when>
+    <xsl:otherwise>NON</xsl:otherwise>
+  </xsl:choose>
+<TITLE>Binary Compatibility Report :: 
+		<xsl:choose>
+      <xsl:when test="$reporttype='HDR'">Headerfiles</xsl:when>
+      <xsl:otherwise>Libraries</xsl:otherwise>
+    </xsl:choose>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+var diffFileName = new Array(2);
+var diffFileContent = new Array(2);
+var diffFileIndex;
+var popup;
+var hasFailed = false;
+var diffTitle = "";
+var diffFileName1;
+var diffFileName2;
+var repBlk = '<xsl:value-of select="$xslRepBlk"/>';
+var hrefLoaction;
+hrefLoaction = window.location.href;
+function switchMenu(obj) {
+	if (document.getElementById)
+	{
+		var el = document.getElementById(obj);
+		if (el)
+		{
+				if ( el.style.display != "none" ) {
+				   el.style.display = 'none';
+				   document.getElementById("cl").innerHTML = "View OK Issues";
+			   	}
+				else {
+				   el.style.display = 'inline';
+				   document.getElementById("cl").innerHTML = "Hide OK Issues";
+				}
+		}
+	}
+function switchBacklink(obj)
+if (document.getElementById)
+	{
+		var el = document.getElementById(obj);
+		if (el)
+		{				
+				   el.style.display = 'none';
+				   window.location.href = hrefLoaction;
+		}
+	}
+function openPath( file )
+	var thefile = file;
+	thefile = file.replace( /\\/g, "/" );
+	if ( thefile != null )
+	{
+	  pos1=thefile.lastIndexOf('/');	  
+	  thefile=thefile.substring(0,pos1);
+	}
+	if ( thefile != null )
+		window.location = "file://" + thefile;
+function showFile( file1, file2 )
+	var thefile = null;
+	origbasedir = document.getElementById( "origbaselinedir" ).value.replace( /\\/g, "/" ).replace( /\*\.h/g, "" ).replace(/\/s*$/, "");
+	newbasedir = document.getElementById( "baselinedir" ).firstChild.data.replace( /\\/g, "/" ).replace(/\/s*$/, "");
+	origcurrdir = document.getElementById( "origcurrentdir" ).value.replace( /\\/g, "/" ).replace(/\/s*$/, "");;
+	newcurrdir = document.getElementById( "currentdir" ).firstChild.data.replace( /\\/g, "/" ).replace(/\/s*$/, "");;
+	if ( file1 != null )
+		thefile = file1.replace( origbasedir, newbasedir );
+	else if ( file2 != null )
+		thefile = file2.replace( origcurrdir, newcurrdir );
+	if ( thefile != null )
+		window.location = "file://" + thefile;
+function showDiff( title, file1, file2 )
+	diffTitle = "diff : " + title;
+	origbasedir = document.getElementById( "origbaselinedir" ).value.replace( /\\/g, "/" ).replace( /\*\.h/g, "" ).replace(/\/s*$/, "");
+	newbasedir = document.getElementById( "baselinedir" ).firstChild.data.replace( /\\/g, "/" ).replace(/\/s*$/, "");
+	origcurrdir = document.getElementById( "origcurrentdir" ).value.replace( /\\/g, "/" ).replace(/\/s*$/, "");;
+	newcurrdir = document.getElementById( "currentdir" ).firstChild.data.replace( /\\/g, "/" ).replace(/\/s*$/, "");;
+	file1 = diffFileName1 = file1.replace( origbasedir, newbasedir );
+	file2 = diffFileName2 = file2.replace( origcurrdir, newcurrdir );
+	diffFileName[0] = file1; diffFileName[1] = file2;
+	diffFileContent[0] = ""; diffFileContent[1] = "";
+	diffFileIndex = 0;
+	if ( typeof(dler) != "undefined" &amp;&amp; typeof(dler.startDownload) != "undefined" ) ieLoad( "" );
+	else ffLoad();
+	window.setTimeout( "loadFailed()", 1500 );	
+function loadFailed()
+	if ( hasFailed ) return;
+	else hasFailed = true;
+	if ( diffFileContent[0] == "" ) alert( "Could not load file: " + diffFileName[0] );
+	else if ( diffFileContent[1] == "" ) alert( "Could not load file: " + diffFileName[1] );
+function ffLoad()
+	var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
+	req.onreadystatechange = function() { 
+		if (req.readyState == 4 ) {
+			diffFileContent[diffFileIndex++] = req.responseText;
+			if ( diffFileIndex == 1 ) ffLoad();
+			else diffFilesLoaded();
+		}
+	};
+	req.open( "GET", "file:///" + diffFileName[diffFileIndex], true ); 
+	req.send( null ); 
+function ieLoad( text )
+	if ( diffFileIndex &gt; 0 ) {
+		if ( text == "" ) {
+			loadFailed();
+			return;
+		}
+		diffFileContent[diffFileIndex-1] = text;
+	}
+	++diffFileIndex;
+	if ( diffFileIndex &lt;= 2 ) dler.startDownload( diffFileName[diffFileIndex-1], ieLoad );
+	else diffFilesLoaded();
+function setProgress( percentage )
+	var prog1 = Math.max( 1, Math.round( percentage * 1.5 ) );
+	var prog2 = 150 - prog1;
+function SetFocus(element)
+var tmp=document.getElementById(element);
+if(tmp !=null)
+return true;
+function diffFilesLoaded()
+	var w = window.screen.availWidth - 50;
+	var h = window.screen.availHeight - 150;
+	popup = window.open( "", "_self");
+	popup.document.title = diffTitle;
+	popup.document.body.style.margin = 0;
+	var oldcontent = diffFileContent[0];
+	var newcontent = diffFileContent[1];
+	var oldlines = oldcontent.replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n");
+	var newlines = newcontent.replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n");
+	res = diff( oldlines, newlines );
+	var matching = res.matching;
+	var matchtype = res.matchtype;
+	var output = "&lt;table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1' border='0' style='font-family: Courier; font-size=1;'&gt;";
+	var lastA = -1;
+	var lastB = -1;
+	for ( i = 0; i &lt;= matching.length; i++ ) {
+		if ( i == matching.length || matching[i] != -1 ) {
+			// all lines ]lastA..i[ --&gt; removed
+			for ( j = lastA + 1; j &lt; i; ++j ) {
+				output += "&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td bgColor='#ff9080'&gt;" + repfunc( oldlines[j] ) + "&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td width='1' bgColor='black'&gt;&lt;/td&gt;" +
+						  "&lt;td bgColor='#e0e0e0'&gt;" + repfunc( "" ) + "&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;";
+			}
+			// all lines ]lastB..matching[i][ --&gt; inserted
+			if ( i &lt; matching.length )
+				untilB = matching[i];
+			else
+				untilB = newlines.length;
+			for ( j = lastB + 1; j &lt; untilB; ++j ) {
+				output += "&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td bgColor='#e0e0e0'&gt;" + repfunc( "" ) + "&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td width='1' bgColor='black'&gt;&lt;/td&gt;" +
+						  "&lt;td bgColor='#a0e0a0'&gt;" + repfunc( newlines[j] ) + "&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;";
+			}
+			// matching line
+			if ( i &lt; matching.length ) {
+				if ( matchtype[i] == 0 ) {
+					output += "&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;" + repfunc( oldlines[i] ) + "&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td width='1' bgColor='black'&gt;&lt;/td&gt;" +
+							  "&lt;td&gt;" + repfunc( newlines[matching[i]] ) + "&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;";
+				}
+				else {
+					output += "&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td bgColor='#ffff80'&gt;" + repfunc( oldlines[i] ) + "&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td width='1' bgColor='black'&gt;&lt;/td&gt;" +
+							  "&lt;td bgColor='#ffff80'&gt;" + repfunc( newlines[matching[i]] ) + "&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;";
+				}
+				lastA = i;
+				lastB = matching[i];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	output += "&lt;/table&gt;";
+	var backlink = document.getElementById("backlink");
+	if(backlink != null)
+	backlink.innerHTML = "Close diff view";
+	var titleconent = document.getElementById("title");
+	if(titleconent != null)
+	titleconent.innerHTML = "Viewing diff between  " + diffFileName1 + "  and   " + diffFileName2;
+  var diffconent = document.getElementById("diff");
+  if(diffconent != null)
+	diffconent.innerHTML = output;
+  var backlink1 = document.getElementById("backlink1");
+  if(backlink1 != null)
+	backlink1.innerHTML = "Close diff view";  
+	if(backlink != null)
+	SetFocus(backlink);
+function repfunc( str )
+	if ( str.length &gt; 70 )
+		str = str.substring(0,69) + "..."
+	else if ( str.replace(/\s+/g,"").length == 0 )
+		str = "&amp;nbsp;";
+	return "&lt;nobr&gt;" + str.replace(/&lt;/g, "&amp;lt;").replace(/&gt;/g, "&amp;gt;").replace(/\s/g, "&amp;nbsp;") + "&lt;/nobr&gt;";
+function diff( o, n )
+	var olen = o.length;
+	var nlen = n.length;
+	var crcTable = new Array( 256 );
+	for ( i = 0; i &lt; 256; i++ ) {
+		crc = i;
+		for ( j = 8 ; j &gt; 0; j-- ) {
+			if ( crc &amp; 1 ) crc = ( crc &gt;&gt;&gt; 1 ) ^ 0xEDB88320;
+			else crc &gt;&gt;&gt;= 1;
+		}
+		crcTable[i] = crc;
+	}
+	var aHash = new Array( olen );
+	for ( i = 0; i &lt; olen; ++i ) {
+		str = o[i].replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
+		crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+		for ( k = 0; k &lt; str.length; ++k )
+			crc = crcTable[ ( crc &amp; 0xff ) ^ str.charCodeAt(k) ] ^ ( crc &gt;&gt;&gt; 8 );
+		aHash[i] = crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	}
+	var bHash = new Array( nlen );
+	for ( i = 0; i &lt; nlen; ++i ) {
+		str = n[i].replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
+		crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+		for ( k = 0; k &lt; str.length; ++k )
+			crc = crcTable[ ( crc &amp; 0xff ) ^ str.charCodeAt(k) ] ^ ( crc &gt;&gt;&gt; 8 );
+		bHash[i] = crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	}
+	matches = lcs( aHash, bHash, 0 ).matching;
+	for ( i = 0; i &lt; olen; ++i )
+		if ( matches[i] != -1 &amp;&amp; o[i].replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "") != n[matches[i]].replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "") )
+			matches[i] = -1;
+	matchtype = new Array ( olen );
+	for ( i = 0; i &lt; olen; ++i )
+		matchtype[i] = 0;
+	olast = -1;
+	nlast = -1;
+	for ( oline = 0; oline &lt;= olen; ++oline ) {
+		setProgress( 75 + ( oline + 1 ) * 25 / ( olen + 1 ) );
+		if ( oline == olen || matches[oline] != -1 ) {
+			if ( oline &lt; olen )
+				nline = matches[oline];
+			else
+				nline = nlen;
+			for ( ocurrent = olast + 1; ocurrent &lt; oline; ++ocurrent ) {
+				for ( ncurrent = nlast + 1; ncurrent &lt; nline; ++ncurrent ) {
+					str1 = o[ocurrent];
+					str2 = n[ncurrent];
+					if ( ( pos = str1.lastIndexOf( "//" ) ) != -1 ) str1 = str1.substring( 0, pos );
+					if ( ( pos = str2.lastIndexOf( "//" ) ) != -1 ) str2 = str2.substring( 0, pos );
+					str1 = str1.replace( /\s+/g, " " );
+					str2 = str2.replace( /\s+/g, " " );
+					if ( str1.length == 0 ) {
+						if ( str2.replace(/\s/g, "").length == 0 )
+							break;
+						else
+							continue;
+					}
+					else if ( str2.length == 0 ) {
+						if ( str1.replace( /\s/g, "" ).length == 0 )
+							break;
+						else
+							continue;
+					}
+					if ( str1.length &lt; str2.length / 3 || str2.length &lt; str1.length / 3 )
+						continue;
+					matchlen = lcs( str1, str2, 1 ).length;
+					if ( matchlen &gt;= str1.length * 4 / 5 || matchlen &gt;= str2.length * 4 / 5 )
+						break;
+				}
+				if ( ncurrent &lt; nline ) {
+					matches[ocurrent] = ncurrent;
+					matchtype[ocurrent] = 1;
+					nlast = ncurrent;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( oline &lt; olen ) {
+				olast = oline;
+				nlast = nline;
+				matchtype[oline] = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return { matching: matches, matchtype: matchtype };
+function lcs( A, B, valueType )
+	m = A.length;
+	n = B.length;
+	V = new Array( n );
+	if ( valueType == 0 ) {
+		for ( i = 0; i &lt; n; ++i )
+			V[i] = { pos: i, value: B[i] };
+	}
+	else {
+		for ( i = 0; i &lt; n; ++i )
+			V[i] = { pos: i, value: B.charCodeAt(i) };
+	}
+	V.sort( sortByValue );
+	E = new Array( n + 1 );
+	E[0] = { pos: -1, last: true};
+	for ( i = 0; i &lt; n; ++i )
+		E[i+1] = { pos: V[i].pos, last: ( i == n-1 || V[i].value != V[i+1].value ) };
+	P = new Array( m );
+	for ( i = 0; i &lt; m; ++i ) {
+		var idx;
+		var val = ( valueType == 0 ? A[i] : A.charCodeAt(i) );
+		for ( min = 0, max = n-1, idx = ( n - 1 ) &gt;&gt; 1; true; idx = ( min + max ) &gt;&gt; 1 ) {
+			if ( val &lt; V[idx].value )
+				max = idx - 1;
+			else if ( val &gt; V[idx].value )
+				min = idx + 1;
+			else if ( !E[idx].last )
+				max = idx - 1;
+			else
+				break;
+			if ( min &gt; max )
+				break;
+		}
+		if ( val == V[idx].value &amp;&amp; E[idx].last )
+			P[i] = idx;
+		else
+			P[i] = -1;
+	}
+	K = new Array( Math.min( m, n ) + 2 );
+	K[0] = new candidate( -1, -1, null );
+	K[1] = new candidate( m, n, null );
+	k = 0;
+	for ( i = 0; i &lt; m; ++i ) {
+		if ( valueType == 0 )
+			setProgress( ( i + 1 ) * 75 / ( m + 1 ) );
+		if ( P[i] != -1 ) {
+			r = 0;
+			c = K[0];
+			p = P[i] + 1;
+			var s;
+			while ( true ) {
+				j = E[p].pos;
+				for ( min = r, max = k, s = ( r + k ) &gt;&gt; 1; true; s = ( min + max ) &gt;&gt; 1 ) {
+					if ( j &lt; K[s].b )
+						max = s - 1;
+					else if ( j &gt; K[s + 1].b )
+						min = s + 1;
+					else
+						break;
+					if ( min &gt; max )
+						break;
+				}
+				if ( j &gt; K[s].b &amp;&amp; j &lt; K[s + 1].b ) {
+					temp = new candidate( i, j, K[s] );
+					K[r] = c;
+					c = temp;
+					r = s + 1;
+					if ( s == k ) {
+						K[k + 2] = K[k + 1];
+						++k;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( E[p].last )
+					break;
+				++p;
+			}
+			K[r] = c;
+		}
+	}
+	J = new Array( m );
+	len = 0;
+	for ( i = 0; i &lt; m; ++i )
+		J[i] = -1;
+	for ( c = K[k]; c.a != -1; c = c.previous, ++len ) {
+		J[c.a] = c.b;
+	}
+	return { matching: J, length: len };
+function candidate( a, b, previous )
+  this.a = a;
+  this.b = b;
+  this.previous = previous;
+function sortByValue( a, b )
+  ret = a.value - b.value;
+  return ( ret != 0 ? ret : a.pos - b.pos );
+function pw() {return window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth}
+function mouseX(evt) {return evt.clientX ? evt.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft) : evt.pageX;}
+function mouseY(evt) {return evt.clientY ? evt.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) : evt.pageY}
+function popUp(evt,oi) 
+	if (document.getElementById)
+	{
+		var wp = pw();
+		dm = document.getElementById(oi);
+		ds = dm.style; st = ds.visibility;
+		if (dm.offsetWidth)
+			ew = dm.offsetWidth;
+		else if (dm.clip.width)
+			ew = dm.clip.width;
+		if (st == "visible" || st == "show")
+		{
+			ds.visibility = "hidden";
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			tv = mouseY(evt) - 40;
+			lv = mouseX(evt) + (ew/8);
+			if (2 > lv)
+				lv = 2;
+			else if (lv + ew > wp) lv -= ew/2;
+			lv += 'px';
+			tv += 'px'; 
+			ds.left = lv;
+			ds.top = tv;
+			ds.visibility = "visible";
+		}
+	}
+function getIssueTableIdx( aRepBlock )
+	var len = aRepBlock.getElementsByTagName("table").length;
+	if( len &gt; 0 ) {
+		var aTable = aRepBlock.getElementsByTagName("table");
+		for( i = 0; i &lt; len; i++) {
+			if( aTable[i].id == "issueTable" ) {
+				return i;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return -1;
+function getSeverityColIdx(aVal, tdNodes)
+	if( tdNodes.length &gt; 0 )
+	{
+		for( i = 0 ; i &lt; tdNodes.length; i++ ) {
+			if( tdNodes[i].id == aVal ) {
+			    return i;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return -1;
+function showAllIssues( aRepBlock, n, tableIdx, x, y)
+	for( i = 0; i &lt; n; i++ ) {
+		// getting row that displays information
+		aTr = aRepBlock[i].getElementsByTagName("table")[tableIdx].getElementsByTagName("tr");
+		nTr = aTr.length;
+		for( j = 0; j &lt; nTr ; j++ ) {
+			aTr[j].style.display = ""; //unhide row
+			aTr[j].childNodes[x].style.display = ""; //unhide BC column
+			aTr[j].childNodes[y].style.display = ""; //unhide SC column
+		}
+		aRepBlock[i].style.display = ""; //unhide Report Block
+	}
+	return true;
+function hideIssues(aRepBlock, n, tableIdx, x, y)
+	var rtn = false;
+	for( i = 0; i &lt; n; i++ ) {
+		// getting row that displays information
+		aTr = aRepBlock[i].getElementsByTagName("table")[tableIdx].getElementsByTagName("tr");
+		nTr = aTr.length;
+		// hiding header row
+		aTr[0].childNodes[x].style.display = "";
+		aTr[0].childNodes[y].style.display = "none";
+		hideBlock = 1; // flag for hiding the report block
+		for( j = 1; j &lt; nTr; j++ ) {
+			// hiding row if "None"
+			if( aTr[j].childNodes[x].innerHTML == "None" ) {
+				aTr[j].style.display = "none";
+			}
+			else {
+				// else hiding column only
+				aTr[j].childNodes[x].style.display = "";
+				aTr[j].childNodes[y].style.display = "none";
+				aTr[j].style.display = "";		// unhiding row if it was hidden
+				hideBlock = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		if( hideBlock == 1 ) {
+			aRepBlock[i].style.display = "none";		// hiding entire "Report Block"
+		}
+		else {
+			aRepBlock[i].style.display = "";				// unhiding entire "Report Block"
+			rtn = true;
+		}
+	}
+	return rtn;
+function isGrpNull(aNode) {
+	if( aNode.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML == null ) {
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+function isExpand(aNode)
+	if (aNode.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML.charAt(0) == "-") {
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+function showGrp (aNode,bVal)
+	if (bVal) {
+		if (!isGrpNull(aNode) &amp;&amp; isExpand(aNode)) {
+			aNode.nextSibling.style.display = "";
+		}
+		aNode.style.display = "";
+	}
+	else {
+		aNode.style.display = "none";
+		aNode.nextSibling.style.display = "none";
+	}
+function selectIssue2 (aRepBlock, aVal) {
+	if(aRepBlock ) {
+		if( aRepBlock.length > 0 ) {
+			tableIdx = getIssueTableIdx(aRepBlock[0]);
+			if( tableIdx == -1 ) {
+				alert("Error: Table of issue details not found.\nPossibly change in HTML!");
+				return true;
+			}
+			// these values are set considering BC Break as default
+			var bc = getSeverityColIdx("BCSeverity", aRepBlock[0].getElementsByTagName("table")[tableIdx].getElementsByTagName("tr")[0].childNodes),
+			    sc = getSeverityColIdx("SCSeverity", aRepBlock[0].getElementsByTagName("table")[tableIdx].getElementsByTagName("tr")[0].childNodes);
+			if( bc == -1 || sc == -1 ) {
+				alert("Error: BC/SC Severity column not found.\nPossibly change in HTML!");
+				return true;
+			}
+			if ( aVal == "All" ) {
+			// if user selects All, show everything
+				return showAllIssues( aRepBlock, aRepBlock.length, tableIdx, bc, sc );
+			}
+			else {
+				// code if user selects BC or SC
+				if ( aVal == "SC Break" ) {
+					return hideIssues(aRepBlock, aRepBlock.length, tableIdx, sc, bc); // changing rows id if its a SC Break
+				}
+				else {
+					return hideIssues(aRepBlock, aRepBlock.length, tableIdx, bc, sc);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+function selectIssue( aVal ) {
+<xsl:if test="$paramSort=3">
+	if(aVal == 'BC Break')
+	{
+		var grps = document.getElementsByName("issBC");
+		var len = grps.length;
+		for ( var i = 0; i &lt; len; i++ ) {
+			showGrp(grps[i], true);
+		}
+		grps = document.getElementsByName("issSC");
+		len = grps.length;
+		for ( var i = 0; i &lt; len; i++ ) {
+			showGrp(grps[i], false);
+		}
+	}
+	else if(aVal == 'SC Break')
+	{
+		var grps = document.getElementsByName("issBC");
+		var len = grps.length;
+		for ( var i = 0; i &lt; len; i++ ) {
+			showGrp(grps[i], false);
+		}
+		grps = document.getElementsByName("issSC");
+		len = grps.length;
+		for ( var i = 0; i &lt; len; i++ ) {
+			showGrp(grps[i], true);
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		var grps = document.getElementsByName("issBC");
+		var len = grps.length;
+		for ( var i = 0; i &lt; len; i++ ) {
+			showGrp(grps[i], true);
+		}
+		grps = document.getElementsByName("issSC");
+		len = grps.length;
+		for ( var i = 0; i &lt; len; i++ ) {
+			showGrp(grps[i], true);
+		}
+	}
+	chkExpandAnc();
+<xsl:if test="$paramSort=1 or $paramSort=2">
+	var grps = document.getElementsByName("issGrp");
+	for (var i = 0; i &lt; grps.length; i++) {
+		var divs = grps[i].nextSibling.firstChild.childNodes;
+		if (selectIssue2(divs, aVal)) {
+			grps[i].style.display = "";
+		}
+		else {
+			grps[i].style.display = "none";
+		}
+	}
+	chkExpandAnc();	
+		// get "Report Blocks" in array
+		aRepBlock = document.getElementsByName(repBlk);
+		selectIssue2 (aRepBlock, aVal);
+function isAllExpand(grpV) {
+	var grps = document.getElementsByName(grpV);
+	for( var i = 0; i &lt; grps.length; i++ ) {
+		if ( !isGrpNull(grps[i]) &amp;&amp; !isExpand(grps[i])) {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	return true;
+function expandGrp(aBool,grpV) {
+	var grps = document.getElementsByName(grpV);
+	for( var i = 0; i &lt; grps.length; i++ ) {
+		if ( !isGrpNull(grps[i]) &amp;&amp; (aBool &amp;&amp; !isExpand(grps[i]) || !aBool &amp;&amp; isExpand(grps[i]))) {
+			toggleIWView2(grpV+(i+1));
+		}
+	}
+function setExpandAnc(cn) {
+	if (cn) {
+		document.getElementById("expandAnc").innerHTML = "Expand All";
+	} else {
+		document.getElementById("expandAnc").innerHTML = "Collapse All";
+	}
+function toggleExpand()
+	var cn = document.getElementById("expandAnc").innerHTML == "Expand All";
+<xsl:if test="$paramSort=3">
+	if (document.getElementById("issueDropD").value != "SC Break") {
+		expandGrp(cn,"issBC");
+	}
+	if (document.getElementById("issueDropD").value != "BC Break") {
+		expandGrp(cn,"issSC");
+	}
+<xsl:if test="$paramSort!=3">
+		expandGrp(cn,"issGrp");
+	setExpandAnc(!cn);
+function toggleIWView2(aVal)
+	if( document.getElementById(aVal+"dtl").style.display == "none" ) {
+		document.getElementById(aVal).innerHTML = "- "+document.getElementById(aVal).innerHTML.substring(2);
+		document.getElementById(aVal+"dtl").style.display = "";
+	}
+	else {
+		document.getElementById(aVal).innerHTML = "+ "+document.getElementById(aVal).innerHTML.substring(2);
+		document.getElementById(aVal+"dtl").style.display = "none";
+	}
+function chkExpandAnc() {
+<xsl:if test="$paramSort=3">
+		var cn = false;
+		if (document.getElementById("issueDropD").value != "SC Break") {
+			cn = !isAllExpand("issBC");
+		}
+		if (document.getElementById("issueDropD").value != "BC Break") {
+			if (!cn) {
+				cn = !isAllExpand("issSC");
+			}
+		}
+<xsl:if test="$paramSort!=3">
+		var cn = !isAllExpand("issGrp");
+	setExpandAnc(cn);
+function toggleIWView(aVal)
+	toggleIWView2(aVal);
+	chkExpandAnc();
+function changeSort()
+	loadXML();
+function loadXML() {
+	if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ //test for MSIE x.x;
+		var objXSLT = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.FreeThreadedDomDocument");
+		objXSLT.async = false;
+		objXSLT.load("BBCResults.xsl");
+		var objCompiled = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XSLTemplate");
+		objCompiled.stylesheet = objXSLT.documentElement;
+		var objXSLProc = objCompiled.createProcessor();
+		var objXML = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.FreeThreadedDomDocument");
+		objXML.async = false;
+		objXML.load(document.URL);
+		objXSLProc.input = objXML;
+		eval(objXSLProc.addParameter("paramSort", document.getElementById("sortDropD").value));
+		eval(objXSLProc.addParameter("paramIssu",document.getElementById("issueDropD").value));
+		if( document.getElementById('sd').style.display != "none" ) {
+			eval(objXSLProc.addParameter("paramShowOk", "1"));
+		}
+		objXSLProc.transform();
+		document.write(objXSLProc.output);
+		document.close();
+	}
+	else if (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ //test for Firefox/x.x or Firefox 
+		var oXmlDom = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
+		oXmlDom.async = false;
+		var oXslDom = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
+		oXslDom.async = false;
+		oXmlDom.load(document.URL);
+		oXslDom.load("BBCResults.xsl");
+		var oProcessor = new XSLTProcessor()
+		oProcessor.importStylesheet(oXslDom);
+		oProcessor.setParameter(null, "paramSort", document.getElementById("sortDropD").value);
+		oProcessor.setParameter(null, "paramIssu",document.getElementById("issueDropD").value);
+		if( document.getElementById('sd').style.display != "none" ) {
+			oProcessor.setParameter(null, "paramShowOk", "1");
+		}
+		var oResultDom = oProcessor.transformToDocument(oXmlDom);
+		var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
+		var xml = serializer.serializeToString(oResultDom);
+		document.write(xml.replace(/&amp;gt;/g,"&gt;").replace(/&amp;lt;/g,"&lt;").replace(/&amp;amp;/g,"&amp;"));
+		document.close();
+	}
+	else {
+		alert("Un supported browser");
+	}
+function init()
+	document.getElementById("sortDropD").value = "<xsl:value-of select='$paramSort' />";
+	document.getElementById("issueDropD").value = "<xsl:value-of select='$paramIssu' />";
+	if( document.getElementById("issueDropD").value != 'All' ) {
+		selectIssue( document.getElementById("issueDropD").value );
+	}
+	<xsl:if test="$paramShowOk = 1">switchMenu('sd');</xsl:if>
+<style type="text/css">
+                    div.tip {font:12px/14px
+                    Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; border:solid 1px
+                    #666666; width:270px; padding:1px;
+                    position:absolute; z-index:100;
+                    visibility:hidden; color:#333333; top:20px;
+                    left:90px; background-color:#ffffcc;
+                    layer-background-color:#ffffcc;}
+	<BODY bgColor="#f8f8f8" onLoad="init();">
+		<font size="4"><a id ="backlink" onclick="switchBacklink('dl');" href=""></a></font><BR/>
+	    <ul id="dl" style="display:none">	
+	      <a name="back"></a>
+	    </ul>
+	  <font size="4"><a id ="title"></a></font>
+	    <ul id="dl" style="display:none">	
+	      <a name="title"></a>
+	    </ul>
+	  <font size="2"><a id ="diff"></a></font>
+	    <ul id="dl" style="display:none">	
+	      <a name="diff"></a>
+	    </ul>	          
+    <font size="4"><a id ="backlink1" onclick="switchBacklink('dl');" href=""></a></font><BR/>
+	    <ul id="dl" style="display:none">	
+	      <a name="back"></a>
+	    </ul>
+		<font size="5"><a id ="ReportInformation" > Report Information</a></font><BR/><HR/>
+		<TABLE >
+			<TR>
+				<TD><i>type</i></TD>
+				<TD>
+		       <xsl:choose>
+             <xsl:when test="$reporttype='HDR'">Headerfiles</xsl:when>
+             <xsl:otherwise>Libraries</xsl:otherwise>
+           </xsl:choose>
+				</TD>
+			</TR>
+			<TR>
+				<TD><i>creation date</i></TD>
+				<TD>
+					<xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/timestamp/year"/>-<xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/timestamp/month"/>-<xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/timestamp/day"/>
+					   at <xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/timestamp/hour"/>:<xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/timestamp/minute"/>.<xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/timestamp/second"/>
+				</TD>
+			</TR>
+			<TR>
+				<TD><i>baseline version</i></TD>
+				<TD><xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/baselineversion"/></TD>
+			</TR>
+			<TR>
+				<TD><i>current version</i></TD>
+				<TD><xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/currentversion"/></TD>
+			</TR>
+			<TR>
+				<TD><i>known issues list</i></TD>
+				<TD><xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/knownissuesversion"/></TD>
+			</TR>
+			<TR>
+				<TD><i>known issue platform versions</i></TD>
+				<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/header/os">
+				<TR><TD>-</TD><TD><xsl:value-of select="version"/>_<xsl:value-of select="buildweek"/></TD></TR>
+				</xsl:for-each>
+			</TR>
+			<TR>
+				<TD><i>software version</i></TD>
+				<TD>
+				  <xsl:if test="$reporttype='HDR'"><xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/haversion"/></xsl:if>
+				  <xsl:if test="$reporttype='LIB'"><xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/laversion"/></xsl:if>
+				</TD>
+			</TR>
+			<TR>
+				<TD><i>report format version</i></TD>
+				<TD><xsl:value-of select="bbcresults/header/formatversion"/></TD>
+			</TR>
+		</TABLE>
+		<BR/><BR/>
+		<font size="5">Command-Line Parameters</font><BR/><HR/>
+		<TABLE>
+			<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/header/cmdlineparms/parm">
+			<TR>
+				<xsl:choose>
+				  <xsl:when test="pname='baselinedir' and $reporttype = 'HDR'">
+				    <TD align="left"><I><xsl:value-of select="pname"/></I></TD>
+				    <TD id="baselinedir" align="left">      
+				      <xsl:choose>
+				        <xsl:when test="contains(pvalue,'*.h')">
+				          <xsl:value-of select="substring(pvalue,0,string-length(pvalue)-3)"/>   
+				        </xsl:when>
+				        <xsl:otherwise>
+				          <xsl:value-of select="pvalue"/>
+				       </xsl:otherwise>
+				     </xsl:choose>
+				     </TD>
+				    <input type="hidden" name="origbaselinedir" id="origbaselinedir">
+				      <xsl:attribute name="value">
+				        <xsl:value-of select="pvalue"/>
+				      </xsl:attribute>
+				    </input>
+				  </xsl:when>
+				  <xsl:when test="pname='currentdir' and $reporttype = 'HDR'">
+				    <TD align="left"><I><xsl:value-of select="pname"/></I></TD>
+				    <TD id="currentdir" align="left">  
+				      <xsl:value-of select="pvalue"/>
+				    </TD>
+				    <input type="hidden" name="origcurrentdir" id="origcurrentdir">
+				      <xsl:attribute name="value">
+				        <xsl:value-of select="pvalue"/>
+				      </xsl:attribute>
+				    </input>
+				  </xsl:when>
+				  <xsl:when test="pname='warning'">
+				    <TD></TD>
+				    <TD align="left"><b><xsl:value-of select="pvalue"/></b></TD>
+				  </xsl:when>  
+				  <xsl:otherwise>
+				    <TD align="left"><I><xsl:value-of select="pname"/></I></TD>
+				    <TD align="left"><xsl:value-of select="pvalue"/></TD>
+				  </xsl:otherwise>
+		    </xsl:choose>
+	    </TR>
+	    </xsl:for-each>
+    </TABLE>
+		<BR/><BR/>
+		<font size="5">Compatibility Issues</font><HR/>
+		<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td>
+				<table border="0">
+					<tr><td><b>Sort by</b></td>
+					<td>
+						<select id="sortDropD" onchange="changeSort()">
+							<option value="0">
+								<xsl:choose>
+						      <xsl:when test="$reporttype='HDR'">Header Names</xsl:when>
+						      <xsl:otherwise>Library Names</xsl:otherwise>
+						    </xsl:choose></option>
+			<xsl:if test="$show_API = 1">
+							<option value="1">API Name</option>
+							<option value="2">Category Name</option>
+			</xsl:if>
+							<option value="3">Issue Severity</option>
+						</select>
+					</td></tr>
+					<tr><td><b>Issue Type</b></td>
+					<td><select id="issueDropD" onchange="selectIssue(this.value)">
+							<option value="All">All</option>
+							<option value="BC Break">BC Break</option>
+							<option value="SC Break">SC Break</option>
+						</select>
+					</td></tr>
+				</table>
+			</td><td align="right" valign="bottom">
+				<xsl:attribute name="style">display:<xsl:if test="$paramSort=0">none</xsl:if></xsl:attribute>
+				<font size="3"><a id="expandAnc" onclick="toggleExpand();return false;" href="#expandAnc">Expand All</a></font>
+			</td></tr>
+		</table>
+			<HR/>
+			<br/>
+	<xsl:choose>
+		<xsl:when test="$paramSort=0">
+		  <xsl:if test="$reporttype='LIB'">
+		    <xsl:if test="count(bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status)=0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14]]) = 0">
+		      <i>There are no issues.</i><BR/>
+		    </xsl:if>
+	    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status)=0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14]]">
+				<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+					<xsl:call-template name="LIBNotOK" />
+				</xsl:for-each>
+		  </xsl:if>
+		  <xsl:if test="$reporttype='HDR'">
+		    <xsl:if test="count(bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK']) = 0">
+		      <i>There are no issues.</i><BR/>
+		    </xsl:if>
+	    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK']">
+				<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+					<xsl:call-template name="HDRNotOK" />
+				</xsl:for-each>
+		  </xsl:if>
+		</xsl:when>
+		<xsl:when test="$paramSort=1 or $paramSort=2">
+	  <xsl:if test="$reporttype='LIB'">
+	  	<xsl:choose>
+	    <xsl:when test="count(bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status)=0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14]]) = 0">
+	      <i>There are no issues.</i><BR/>
+	    </xsl:when>
+	    <xsl:otherwise>
+			  <table width="100%">
+		    	<xsl:for-each select="//library[issue[(count(status) = 0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14] and (($paramSort=1 and not(api/@name=preceding::api/@name)) or ($paramSort=2 and not(api/@category=preceding::api/@category)))]">
+					<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+						<xsl:variable name="lbl">
+							<xsl:if test="$paramSort=1"><xsl:value-of select="api/@name"/></xsl:if>
+							<xsl:if test="$paramSort=2"><xsl:value-of select="api/@category"/></xsl:if>  </xsl:variable>
+						<xsl:variable name="grId">issGrp<xsl:value-of select="position()" /></xsl:variable>
+						<tr name="issGrp" id="issGrp"><td><font size="4"> <a><xsl:attribute name="onclick">toggleIWView('<xsl:value-of select="$grId"/>');return false;</xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="$grId"/></xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:attribute name="href">#<xsl:value-of select="$grId"/></xsl:attribute>+ <xsl:value-of select="$lbl"/></a></font></td></tr>
+						<tr style="display:none"><xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="$grId"/>dtl</xsl:attribute> <td>
+					   	<xsl:for-each select="//library[(issue[(count(status) = 0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14]) and (($paramSort=1 and api/@name=$lbl) or ($paramSort=2 and api/@category=$lbl))]">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="LIBNotOK">
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'3'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+						</td></tr>
+					</xsl:for-each>
+				</table>
+	   	</xsl:otherwise>
+	  	</xsl:choose>
+		</xsl:if>
+	  <xsl:if test="$reporttype='HDR'">
+	  	<xsl:choose>
+	    <xsl:when test="count(bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK']) = 0">
+	      <i>There are no issues.</i><BR/>
+	    </xsl:when>
+	    <xsl:otherwise>
+			  <table width="100%">
+		    	<xsl:for-each select="//headerfile[status!='OK' and (($paramSort=1 and not(api/@name=preceding::api/@name)) or ($paramSort=2 and not(api/@category=preceding::api/@category)))]">
+					<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+						<xsl:variable name="lbl">
+							<xsl:if test="$paramSort=1"><xsl:value-of select="api/@name"/></xsl:if>
+							<xsl:if test="$paramSort=2"><xsl:value-of select="api/@category"/></xsl:if>  </xsl:variable>
+						<xsl:variable name="grId">issGrp<xsl:value-of select="position()" /></xsl:variable>
+						<tr name="issGrp" id="issGrp"><td><font size="4"> <a><xsl:attribute name="onclick">toggleIWView('<xsl:value-of select="$grId"/>');return false;</xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="$grId"/></xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:attribute name="href">#<xsl:value-of select="$grId"/></xsl:attribute>+ <xsl:value-of select="$lbl"/></a></font></td></tr>
+						<tr style="display:none"><xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="$grId"/>dtl</xsl:attribute> <td>
+					   	<xsl:for-each select="//headerfile[status!='OK' and (($paramSort=1 and api/@name=$lbl) or ($paramSort=2 and api/@category=$lbl))]">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="HDRNotOK" />
+								</xsl:for-each>
+						</td></tr>
+					</xsl:for-each>
+				</table>
+	  	</xsl:otherwise>
+	  	</xsl:choose>
+		</xsl:if>
+	</xsl:when>
+	<xsl:when test="$paramSort=3">
+	  <xsl:if test="$reporttype='LIB'">
+	  <xsl:choose>
+	    <xsl:when test="count(bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status)=0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2]]) = 0">
+	      <i>There are no issues.</i><BR/>
+	    </xsl:when>
+	    <xsl:otherwise>
+				<table width="100%">
+							<tr name="issBC" id="issBC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issBC1');return false;" id="issBC1" href="#issBC1">+ BBC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issBC1dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status) = 0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and bc_severity='BBC Break']]">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="LIBNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'BBC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'1'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issBC" id="issBC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issBC2');return false;" id="issBC2" href="#issBC2">+ FC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issBC2dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status) = 0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and bc_severity='FC Break']]">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="LIBNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'FC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'1'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issSC" id="issSC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issSC1');return false;" id="issSC1" href="#issSC1">+ SC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issSC1dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status) = 0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and sc_severity='SC Break']]">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="LIBNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'SC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'2'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issBC" id="issBC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issBC3');return false;" id="issBC3" href="#issBC3">+ Possible BBC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issBC3dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status) = 0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and bc_severity='Possible BBC Break']]">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="LIBNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'Possible BBC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'1'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issBC" id="issBC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issBC4');return false;" id="issBC4" href="#issBC4">+ Possible FC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issBC4dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status) = 0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and bc_severity='Possible FC Break']]">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="LIBNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'Possible FC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'1'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issSC" id="issSC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issSC2');return false;" id="issSC2" href="#issSC2">+ Possible SC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issSC2dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status) = 0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and sc_severity='Possible SC Break']]">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="LIBNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'Possible SC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'2'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issBC" id="issBC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issBC5');return false;" id="issBC5" href="#issBC5">+ BC Informative</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issBC5dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status) = 0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and bc_severity='Informative']]">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="LIBNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'Informative'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'1'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issSC" id="issSC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issSC3');return false;" id="issSC3" href="#issSC3">+ SC Informative</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issSC3dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[(count(status) = 0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and sc_severity='Informative']]">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="LIBNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'Informative'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'2'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+				</table>
+			</xsl:otherwise>
+		</xsl:choose>
+		</xsl:if>
+	  <xsl:if test="$reporttype='HDR'">
+	    <xsl:if test="count(bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK']) = 0">
+	      <i>There are no issues.</i><BR/>
+	    </xsl:if>
+	    <xsl:if test="count(bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK']) &gt; 0">
+				<table id="iwTable" name="iwTable" width="100%">
+							<tr name="issBC" id="issBC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issBC1');return false;" id="issBC1" href="#issBC1">+ BBC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issBC1dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK' and issue/severity/typestring='BBC Break']">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="HDRNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'BBC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'1'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issBC" id="issBC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issBC2');return false;" id="issBC2" href="#issBC2">+ FC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issBC2dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK' and issue/severity/typestring='FC Break']">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="HDRNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'FC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'1'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issSC" id="issSC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issSC1');return false;" id="issSC1" href="#issSC1">+ SC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issSC1dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK' and issue/scseverity/typestring='SC Break']">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="HDRNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'SC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'2'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issBC" id="issBC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issBC3');return false;" id="issBC3" href="#issBC3">+ Possible BBC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issBC3dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK' and issue/severity/typestring='Possible BBC Break']">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="HDRNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'Possible BBC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'1'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issBC" id="issBC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issBC4');return false;" id="issBC4" href="#issBC4">+ Possible FC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issBC4dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK' and issue/severity/typestring='Possible FC Break']">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="HDRNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'Possible FC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'1'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issSC" id="issSC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issSC2');return false;" id="issSC2" href="#issSC2">+ Possible SC Break</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issSC2dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK' and issue/scseverity/typestring='Possible SC Break']">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="HDRNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'Possible SC Break'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'2'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issBC" id="issBC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issBC5');return false;" id="issBC5" href="#issBC5">+ BC Informative</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issBC5dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK' and issue/severity/typestring='Informative']">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="HDRNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'Informative'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'1'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+							<tr name="issSC" id="issSC"><td><font size="4"><a onclick="toggleIWView('issSC3');return false;" id="issSC3" href="#issSC3">+ SC Informative</a></font></td></tr>
+							<tr id="issSC3dtl" style="display:none"><td>
+					    	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status!='OK' and issue/scseverity/typestring='Informative']">
+								<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+									<xsl:call-template name="HDRNotOK" >
+										<xsl:with-param name="issTyp" select="'Informative'" />
+										<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="'2'" />
+									</xsl:call-template>
+								</xsl:for-each>
+							</td></tr>
+				</table>
+			</xsl:if>
+		</xsl:if>
+	</xsl:when>
+	</xsl:choose>
+<font size="3"><a id ="cl" onclick="switchMenu('sd');return false;" href="#hd">View OK Issues</a></font><BR/><BR/>
+<ul id="sd" name="sd" style="display:none">	
+  <a name="hd"></a><BR/><font size="5" >Compatibility OK Issues</font><HR/>
+  <xsl:if test="$reporttype='LIB'">
+    <xsl:if test="count(bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[status='OK' and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14]]) = 0">
+      <TR><i>There are no issues.</i></TR>
+    </xsl:if>
+  	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/library[issue[status='OK' and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14]]">
+		<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+			<xsl:call-template name="LIBOK" />
+		</xsl:for-each>
+  </xsl:if>
+  <xsl:if test="$reporttype='HDR'">
+    <xsl:if test="count(bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status='OK']) = 0">
+      <TR><i>There are no issues.</i></TR>
+    </xsl:if>
+  	<xsl:for-each select="bbcresults/issuelist/headerfile[status='OK']">
+		<xsl:sort select="*[name()=$sort1]/@name | *[name()=$sort2]/@category | *[name()=$sort0]" />
+			<xsl:call-template name="HDROK" />
+		</xsl:for-each>
+  </xsl:if>	
+		</BODY>
+	<xsl:template name="HDRNotOK" >
+		<xsl:param name="issTyp" select="-1" />
+		<xsl:param name="issBCSC" select="'0'" />
+		<div id="repBlock" name="repBlock">
+			<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="visibility:visible">
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="visibility:visible">
+			<tr>
+				<td colspan="3">
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 0 and $show_API=1"><font size="4"><b><xsl:value-of select="shortname"/></b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="4"><xsl:value-of select="shortname"/></font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			</tr>
+		<xsl:if test="$show_API=1">
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 1"><font size="4"><b><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@name"/></i></b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="3"><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@name"/></i></font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			  <td width="30" align="center"><font size="3"><b>:</b></font></td>
+				<td>
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 2"><font size="4"><b><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@category"/></i></b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="3"><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@category"/></i></font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			</tr>
+		</xsl:if>
+		</table>
+				</td>
+			  <td valign="bottom" align="right">
+						<A>
+							<xsl:attribute name="href">
+							  javascript:showFile( '<xsl:value-of select="translate(filename, '\\', '/')"/>', null );
+							</xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:if test="filename != ''">baseline</xsl:if>
+						</A>		
+			<xsl:if test="filename = ''"><font color="#808080">baseline</font></xsl:if>
+			<font size="3"> . </font>
+						<A>
+							<xsl:attribute name="href">
+							  javascript:showFile( null, '<xsl:value-of select="translate(comparefilename, '\\', '/')"/>' );
+							</xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:if test="comparefilename != ''">current</xsl:if>
+						</A>
+			<xsl:if test="comparefilename = ''"><font color="#808080">current</font></xsl:if>
+			<font size="3"> . </font>
+			<xsl:choose>
+			  <xsl:when test="filename != '' and comparefilename != ''">
+			    <A>
+						<xsl:attribute name="href">
+							javascript:showDiff( '<xsl:value-of select="translate(shortname, '\\', '/')"/>', '<xsl:value-of select="translate(filename, '\\', '/')"/>', '<xsl:value-of select="translate(comparefilename, '\\', '/')"/>' );
+						</xsl:attribute>
+						diff
+			    </A>
+			  </xsl:when>
+				<xsl:otherwise>
+			    <font color="#808080">diff</font>
+				</xsl:otherwise>
+			</xsl:choose>
+			</td></tr>
+			</table>
+			<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bgColor="black" width = "100%">
+			<TR><TD><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width = "100%">
+			<TR>
+         <xsl:attribute name="bgColor">
+			    <xsl:choose>
+			      <xsl:when test="status = 'OK'">#a8d098</xsl:when>
+			      <xsl:otherwise>#d0c8c0</xsl:otherwise>
+			    </xsl:choose>
+			  </xsl:attribute>
+			<TD align="left">
+			<xsl:choose>
+			    <xsl:when test="status = 'NOK'"><b>This header contains changes that cause incompatibility. It must be fixed.</b></xsl:when>
+			    <xsl:when test="status = 'MOK'"><b>This header contains changes that cannot be verified automatically; they must be investigated manually.</b></xsl:when>
+			    <xsl:when test="status = 'OK'"><b>This header is known to be ok.</b></xsl:when>
+			    <xsl:when test="status = 'IOK'"><b>This issue is known to be ok. But the header contains other unrelated changes.</b></xsl:when>
+				<xsl:otherwise><b>This header contains changes that may cause incompatibility. It must be analysed by an expert.</b></xsl:otherwise>
+			</xsl:choose>
+			<xsl:choose>
+			    <xsl:when test="status = 'NOK' or status = 'MOK' or status = 'OK' or status = 'IOK'">
+			      <HR/><xsl:value-of select="comment"/>
+				</xsl:when>
+			</xsl:choose>
+			</TD></TR>
+			</table>
+				<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgColor="black" height="1"><tr><td/></tr></table>
+				<table width = "100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgColor="#b0a8a0">
+				<tr><td><table width = "100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"  id="issueTable">
+				<tr bgcolor="#f0e8e0">
+				<TH align="left" width = "350"><B>Problem description</B></TH>
+				<TH align="left"><B>Cause</B></TH>
+				<TH align="left" width = "150" id="BCSeverity">
+					<xsl:if test="$issBCSC=2"><xsl:attribute name="style">display:none</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
+					<B>BC Severity</B></TH>
+				<xsl:if test="count(issue/scseverity) &gt; 0">	
+				  <TH align="left" width = "150" id="SCSeverity">
+				  	<xsl:if test="$issBCSC=1"><xsl:attribute name="style">display:none</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
+				  	<B>SC Severity</B></TH>		
+				</xsl:if>	
+				</tr>
+				<xsl:choose>
+					<xsl:when test="$issBCSC='0'">
+						<xsl:for-each select="issue">
+							<xsl:call-template name="issHDRNotOK" />
+						</xsl:for-each>
+					</xsl:when>
+					<xsl:when test="$issBCSC='1'">
+						<xsl:for-each select="issue[severity/typestring=$issTyp]">
+							<xsl:call-template name="issHDRNotOK">
+								<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="$issBCSC" />
+							</xsl:call-template>
+						</xsl:for-each>
+					</xsl:when>
+					<xsl:when test="$issBCSC='2'">
+						<xsl:for-each select="issue[scseverity/typestring=$issTyp]">
+							<xsl:call-template name="issHDRNotOK">
+								<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="$issBCSC" />
+							</xsl:call-template>
+						</xsl:for-each>
+					</xsl:when>
+				</xsl:choose>
+				</table></td></tr></table>
+			</TD></TR></table>
+			<BR/>
+			</div>
+		</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template name="issHDRNotOK" >
+		<xsl:param name="issBCSC" select="'0'" />
+				<xsl:variable name="bccellbgcolour">
+				<xsl:choose>
+				<xsl:when test="count(scseverity) &gt; 0">	
+				  <xsl:choose>
+					  <xsl:when test="severity/typeid = 1 or severity/typeid = 4"><xsl:text>#ffb880</xsl:text></xsl:when>			   
+					  <xsl:when test="severity/typeid = 2 or severity/typeid = 5"><xsl:text>#ffffa0</xsl:text></xsl:when>			  
+				    <xsl:otherwise><xsl:text>White</xsl:text></xsl:otherwise>
+				  </xsl:choose>
+				</xsl:when>			  
+				<xsl:otherwise>
+				  <xsl:choose>
+				    <xsl:when test="severity/typeid = 0"><xsl:text>#ffb880</xsl:text></xsl:when>			   
+				    <xsl:when test="severity/typeid = 1"><xsl:text>#ffffa0</xsl:text></xsl:when>			  
+				    <xsl:otherwise><xsl:text>White</xsl:text></xsl:otherwise>
+				  </xsl:choose>
+				</xsl:otherwise> 
+				</xsl:choose> 
+				</xsl:variable>
+				<xsl:variable name="sccellbgcolour">		
+				  <xsl:choose>
+				    <xsl:when test="scseverity/typeid = 1"><xsl:text>#ffb880</xsl:text></xsl:when>
+					  <xsl:when test="scseverity/typeid = 2"><xsl:text>#ffffa0</xsl:text></xsl:when>
+					  <xsl:otherwise><xsl:text>White</xsl:text></xsl:otherwise>
+				  </xsl:choose>				
+				</xsl:variable>				
+		        <TR bgcolor= "White">
+			    <xsl:variable name = "notSpecified">
+					<xsl:text>Not specified</xsl:text>
+				</xsl:variable>	
+				<xsl:variable name = "valueFromDocument">					
+					<xsl:value-of select="documentation" />					
+				</xsl:variable>
+				<xsl:variable name="global">
+					<xsl:value-of select="identitydescription"/>
+					<xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+					<xsl:value-of select="typestring"/>										
+				</xsl:variable>				
+				<TD><xsl:value-of select="$global"/></TD>
+				<xsl:choose>
+					<xsl:when test = "typeid = 13 and identityid = 13">
+						<xsl:variable name="compErrID">
+							<xsl:text>err</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="issueid" />							
+						</xsl:variable>
+						<TD>
+							<div>
+								<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="$compErrID" /></xsl:attribute>
+								<xsl:attribute name="class">tip</xsl:attribute>
+								<xsl:value-of select="compilationerror"/>
+							</div>
+							<a>
+								<xsl:attribute name="href">#</xsl:attribute>
+								<xsl:attribute name="onmouseout">popUp(event,'<xsl:value-of select="$compErrID"/>')</xsl:attribute>
+								<xsl:attribute name="onmouseover">popUp(event,'<xsl:value-of select="$compErrID"/>')</xsl:attribute>
+								<xsl:attribute name="onclick">return false</xsl:attribute>
+								<font color="#FF0000">Compilation Error</font>
+							</a>
+						</TD>
+					</xsl:when>
+					<xsl:when test = "contains($valueFromDocument, $notSpecified)">
+						<TD><xsl:value-of select="cause"/></TD>
+					</xsl:when>
+					<xsl:otherwise>
+						<TD> <A><xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="documentation" /></xsl:attribute><xsl:value-of select="cause"/></A></TD>
+					</xsl:otherwise>
+				</xsl:choose>
+	    		<TD bgcolor= "{$bccellbgcolour}">
+	    			<xsl:if test="$issBCSC=2"><xsl:attribute name="style">display:none</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
+	    			<xsl:value-of select="severity/typestring"/></TD>
+	    		<xsl:if test="count(scseverity) &gt; 0">	
+	    		<TD bgcolor= "{$sccellbgcolour}">
+	    			<xsl:if test="$issBCSC=1"><xsl:attribute name="style">display:none</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
+	    			<xsl:value-of select="scseverity/typestring"/></TD>
+	    		</xsl:if>
+				</TR>
+	</xsl:template>
+		<xsl:template name="HDROK">
+			<div>
+				<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="$xslRepBlk"/></xsl:attribute>
+				<xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="$xslRepBlk"/></xsl:attribute>
+			<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
+			<tr>
+				<td colspan="3">
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$show_API = 1 and $paramSort = 0"><font size="4"><b><xsl:value-of select="shortname"/></b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="4"><xsl:value-of select="shortname"/></font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			</tr>
+		<xsl:if test="$show_API=1">
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 1"><font size="4"><b><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@name"/></i></b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="3"><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@name"/></i></font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+				<td width="30" align="center"><font size="3"><b>:</b></font></td>
+				<td>
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 2"><font size="4"><b><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@category"/></i></b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="3"><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@category"/></i></font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			</tr>
+		</xsl:if>
+		</table>
+				</td>
+			  <td align="right" valign="bottom">
+						<A>
+							<xsl:attribute name="href">
+							  javascript:showFile( '<xsl:value-of select="translate(filename, '\\', '/')"/>', null );
+							</xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:if test="filename != ''">baseline</xsl:if>
+					  </A>
+			<xsl:if test="filename = ''"><font color="#808080">baseline</font></xsl:if>
+			<font size="3"> . </font>
+						<A>
+							<xsl:attribute name="href">
+							  javascript:showFile( null, '<xsl:value-of select="translate(comparefilename, '\\', '/')"/>' );
+							</xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:if test="comparefilename != ''">current</xsl:if>
+						</A>
+			<xsl:if test="comparefilename = ''"><font color="#808080">current</font></xsl:if>
+			<font size="3"> . </font>
+			<xsl:choose>
+			  <xsl:when test="filename != '' and comparefilename != ''">
+			    <A>
+						<xsl:attribute name="href">
+							javascript:showDiff( '<xsl:value-of select="translate(shortname, '\\', '/')"/>', '<xsl:value-of select="translate(filename, '\\', '/')"/>', '<xsl:value-of select="translate(comparefilename, '\\', '/')"/>' );
+						</xsl:attribute>
+						diff
+			    </A>
+			  </xsl:when>
+				<xsl:otherwise>
+			    <font color="#808080">diff</font>
+				</xsl:otherwise>
+			</xsl:choose>
+			</td></tr>
+			</table>
+			<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bgColor="black" width = "100%">
+			<TR><TD><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width = "100%">
+			<TR>
+              <xsl:attribute name="bgColor">
+			    <xsl:choose>
+			      <xsl:when test="status = 'OK'">#a8d098</xsl:when>
+			      <xsl:otherwise>#d0c8c0</xsl:otherwise>
+			    </xsl:choose>
+			  </xsl:attribute>
+			<TD align="left">
+			<xsl:choose>
+			    <xsl:when test="status = 'NOK'"><b>This header contains changes that cause incompatibility. It must be fixed.</b></xsl:when>
+			    <xsl:when test="status = 'MOK'"><b>This header contains changes that cannot be verified automatically; they must be investigated manually.</b></xsl:when>
+			    <xsl:when test="status = 'OK'"><b>This header is known to be ok.</b></xsl:when>
+			    <xsl:when test="status = 'IOK'"><b>This issue is known to be ok. But the header contains other unrelated changes.</b></xsl:when>
+				<xsl:otherwise><b>This header contains changes that may cause incompatibility. It must be analysed by an expert.</b></xsl:otherwise>
+			</xsl:choose>
+			<xsl:choose>
+			    <xsl:when test="status = 'NOK' or status = 'MOK' or status = 'OK' or status = 'IOK'">
+			      <HR/><xsl:value-of select="comment"/>
+				</xsl:when>
+			</xsl:choose>
+			</TD></TR>
+			</table>
+				<table width = "100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgColor="black" height="1"><tr><td></td></tr></table>
+				<table width = "100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgColor="#b0a8a0">
+				<tr><td><table width = "100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" id="issueTable">
+				<tr bgcolor="#f0e8e0">
+				<TH align="left" width = "350"><B>Problem description</B></TH>
+				<TH align="left"><B>Cause</B></TH>
+				<TH align="left" width = "150" id="BCSeverity"><B>BC Severity</B></TH>	
+				<xsl:if test="count(issue/scseverity) &gt; 0">	
+				  <TH align="left" width = "150" id="SCSeverity"><B>SC Severity</B></TH>		
+				</xsl:if>		
+				</tr>
+				<xsl:for-each select="issue">
+		        <TR bgcolor= "White">
+			    <xsl:variable name = "notSpecified">
+					<xsl:text>Not specified</xsl:text>
+				</xsl:variable>	
+				<xsl:variable name = "valueFromDocument">					
+					<xsl:value-of select="documentation" />					
+				</xsl:variable>
+				<xsl:variable name="global">
+					<xsl:value-of select="identitydescription"/>
+					<xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+					<xsl:value-of select="typestring"/>										
+				</xsl:variable>				
+				<TD><xsl:value-of select="$global"/></TD>
+				<xsl:choose>
+				  <xsl:when test = "typeid = 13 and identityid = 13">
+						<xsl:variable name="compErrID">
+							<xsl:text>err</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="issueid" />							
+						</xsl:variable>
+						<TD>
+							<div>
+								<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="$compErrID" /></xsl:attribute>
+								<xsl:attribute name="class">tip</xsl:attribute>
+								<xsl:value-of select="compilationerror"/>
+							</div>							
+							<a>
+								<xsl:attribute name="href">#</xsl:attribute>
+								<xsl:attribute name="onmouseout">popUp(event,'<xsl:value-of select="$compErrID"/>')</xsl:attribute>
+								<xsl:attribute name="onmouseover">popUp(event,'<xsl:value-of select="$compErrID"/>')</xsl:attribute>
+								<xsl:attribute name="onclick">return false</xsl:attribute>
+								<font color="#FF0000">Compilation Error</font>
+							</a>
+						</TD>
+					</xsl:when>
+					<xsl:when test = "contains($valueFromDocument, $notSpecified)">
+						<TD><xsl:value-of select="cause"/></TD>
+					</xsl:when>
+					<xsl:otherwise>
+						<TD> <A><xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="documentation" /></xsl:attribute><xsl:value-of select="cause"/></A></TD>
+					</xsl:otherwise>
+				</xsl:choose>
+	    		<TD ><xsl:value-of select="severity/typestring"/></TD>
+	    		<xsl:if test="count(scseverity) &gt; 0">	
+	    		<TD ><xsl:value-of select="scseverity/typestring"/></TD>
+	    		</xsl:if>
+				</TR>
+				</xsl:for-each>			
+				</table></td></tr></table>
+			</TD></TR></table>
+			<BR/>
+			</div>
+		</xsl:template>
+		<xsl:template name="LIBNotOK">
+		<xsl:param name="issTyp" select="-1" />
+		<xsl:param name="issBCSC" select="'0'" />
+			<!--
+			<xsl:if test="(count(issue[status='NOK'and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14]) &gt; 0 or count(issue[count(status) = 0 and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14]) &gt; 0) ">
+			-->
+			<!-- Added by maciejs (6 lines)-->
+			<xsl:variable name="isHdrRef">
+				<xsl:choose>
+					<xsl:when test="count(issue/refheaderfile) &gt; 0">true</xsl:when>
+					<xsl:otherwise>false</xsl:otherwise>
+			    </xsl:choose>
+			</xsl:variable>
+			<div id="repBlock" name="repBlock">
+			 <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width = "100%">
+			<TR>
+				<td>
+			 <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+			<tr>
+				<td colspan="3">
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$show_API = 1 and $paramSort = 0"><font size="4"><b>
+		  				<xsl:if test="count(shortname) &gt; 0"><xsl:value-of select="shortname"/></xsl:if>
+						  <xsl:if test="count(shortname) = 0"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></xsl:if>
+		  			</b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="4">
+		  				<xsl:if test="count(shortname) &gt; 0"><xsl:value-of select="shortname"/></xsl:if>
+						  <xsl:if test="count(shortname) = 0"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></xsl:if>
+		  			</font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			</tr>
+		<xsl:if test="$show_API=1">
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 1"><font size="4"><b><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@name"/></i></b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="3"><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@name"/></i></font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			  <td width="30" align="center"><font size="3"><b>:</b></font></td>
+				<td>
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 2"><font size="4"><b><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@category"/></i></b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="3"><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@category"/></i></font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			 </tr>
+		</xsl:if>
+		</table>
+				</td>
+			  <TD align="right" valign="bottom">
+						<A>
+							<xsl:attribute name="href">
+							  javascript:openPath( '<xsl:value-of select="translate(name, '\\', '/')"/>' );
+							</xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:if test="name != ''">baseline</xsl:if>
+						</A>		
+			<xsl:if test="name = ''"><font color="#808080">baseline</font></xsl:if>
+			<font size="3"> . </font>
+						<A>
+							<xsl:attribute name="href">
+							  javascript:openPath( '<xsl:value-of select="translate(comparefilename, '\\', '/')"/>' );
+							</xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:if test="comparefilename != ''">current</xsl:if>
+						</A>
+			<xsl:if test="comparefilename = ''"><font color="#808080">current</font></xsl:if>
+			<font size="3"> . </font> 
+			</TD></TR>
+     </table>
+     <table>
+			  <xsl:choose>
+			    <xsl:when test="count(baseplatform) &gt; 0 and count(currentplatform) &gt; 0 ">
+			      <tr>
+			      <td>
+			      <xsl:choose>
+					    <xsl:when test="baseplatform!=''"><font size="2">base platform: <xsl:value-of select="baseplatform"/></font></xsl:when>
+					    <xsl:otherwise><font size="2">base platform: Unknown</font></xsl:otherwise>
+					  </xsl:choose>
+					  </td>
+					  <xsl:if test="comparefilename != ''">
+					  <td/><td/><td/><td/><td/>
+					  <td>
+					  <xsl:choose>
+					    <xsl:when test="currentplatform!=''"><font size="2">current platform: <xsl:value-of select="currentplatform"/></font></xsl:when>
+					    <xsl:otherwise><font size="2">current platform: Unknown</font></xsl:otherwise>
+					  </xsl:choose>
+					  </td>
+					  </xsl:if>
+					  </tr>
+				 </xsl:when>
+			 </xsl:choose>
+			</table>
+			<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bgColor="black" width = "100%">
+			<TR><TD><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width = "100%">
+			<TR>
+              <xsl:attribute name="bgColor">
+			    <xsl:choose>
+			      <xsl:when test="status = 'OK'">#a8d098</xsl:when>
+			      <xsl:otherwise>#d0c8c0</xsl:otherwise>
+			    </xsl:choose>
+			  </xsl:attribute>
+			<TD align="left">
+			<xsl:choose>
+			    <xsl:when test="count(issue[status='NOK']) &gt; 0"><b>This library contains changes that cause incompatibility. It must be fixed.</b></xsl:when>
+				  <xsl:otherwise><b>This library contains changes that may cause incompatibility. It must be analysed by an expert.</b></xsl:otherwise>
+			</xsl:choose>
+			</TD></TR>
+			</table>
+				<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgColor="black" height="1"><tr><td/></tr></table>
+				<table width = "100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgColor="#b0a8a0">
+				<tr><td><table width = "100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" id="issueTable">
+				<tr bgcolor="#f0e8e0">
+				<TH align="center" width="70"><B>Change</B></TH>
+				<TH align="center" width="70"><B>Pos</B></TH>
+				<TH align="left"><B>Details</B></TH>
+				<!-- Added by maciejs (3 lines) -->
+				<xsl:if test="$isHdrRef = 'true'">
+					<TH align="left" width="200"><B>Header reference</B></TH>
+				</xsl:if>
+				<TH align="left" width="130" id="BCSeverity">
+					<xsl:if test="$issBCSC=2"><xsl:attribute name="style">display:none</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
+					<B>BC Severity</B></TH>
+				<xsl:if test="count(issue/sc_severity) &gt; 0">
+				<TH align="left" width="130" id="SCSeverity">
+					<xsl:if test="$issBCSC=1"><xsl:attribute name="style">display:none</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
+					<B>SC Severity</B></TH>
+				</xsl:if>
+				</tr>
+				<xsl:choose>
+				<xsl:when test="$issBCSC='0'">
+					<xsl:for-each select="issue[(count(status)=0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14 ]">
+						<xsl:call-template name="issLIBNotOK">
+							<!-- Added by maciejs (2 lines) -->
+							<xsl:with-param name="isHdrRef" select="$isHdrRef" />
+						</xsl:call-template>
+					</xsl:for-each>
+				</xsl:when>
+				<xsl:when test="$issBCSC='3'">
+					<xsl:for-each select="issue[(count(status)=0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14]">
+						<xsl:call-template name="issLIBNotOK">
+							<!-- Added by maciejs (2 lines) -->
+							<xsl:with-param name="isHdrRef" select="$isHdrRef" />
+						</xsl:call-template>
+					</xsl:for-each>
+				</xsl:when>
+				<xsl:when test="$issBCSC='1'">
+					<xsl:for-each select="issue[(count(status)=0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and bc_severity=$issTyp]">
+						<xsl:call-template name="issLIBNotOK">
+							<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="$issBCSC" />
+							<!-- Added by maciejs (1 line) -->
+							<xsl:with-param name="isHdrRef" select="$isHdrRef" />
+						</xsl:call-template>
+					</xsl:for-each>
+				</xsl:when>
+				<xsl:when test="$issBCSC='2'">
+					<xsl:for-each select="issue[(count(status)=0 or status!='OK') and typeid!=2 and sc_severity=$issTyp]">
+						<xsl:call-template name="issLIBNotOK">
+							<xsl:with-param name="issBCSC" select="$issBCSC" />
+							<!-- Added by maciejs (1 line) -->
+							<xsl:with-param name="isHdrRef" select="$isHdrRef" />
+						</xsl:call-template>
+					</xsl:for-each>
+				</xsl:when>
+				</xsl:choose>
+				</table></td></tr></table>
+			</TD></TR></table>
+			<BR/>
+			</div>
+			<!--
+			</xsl:if>
+			-->
+		</xsl:template>
+		<xsl:template name="issLIBNotOK">
+			<xsl:param name="issBCSC" select="'0'" />
+			<xsl:param name="isHdrRef" select="'false'" />
+				<xsl:if test="(count(status) = 0) or status!='OK'">
+ 				<xsl:variable name="bccellbgcolour">
+				<xsl:choose>
+				<xsl:when test="count(bc_severity) &gt; 0">	
+				  <xsl:choose>
+					  <xsl:when test="bc_severity = 'BBC Break'"><xsl:text>#ffb880</xsl:text></xsl:when>			   
+					  <xsl:when test="bc_severity = 'Possible BBC Break' or bc_severity = 'Informative'"><xsl:text>#ffffa0</xsl:text></xsl:when>			  
+				    <xsl:otherwise><xsl:text>White</xsl:text></xsl:otherwise>
+				  </xsl:choose>
+				</xsl:when>			   
+				</xsl:choose> 
+				</xsl:variable>
+				<xsl:variable name="sccellbgcolour">		
+				  <xsl:choose>
+				    <xsl:when test="sc_severity = 'SC Break'"><xsl:text>#ffb880</xsl:text></xsl:when>
+					  <xsl:when test="sc_severity = 'Possible SC Break' or sc_severity = 'Informative'"><xsl:text>#ffffa0</xsl:text></xsl:when>
+					  <xsl:otherwise><xsl:text>White</xsl:text></xsl:otherwise>
+				  </xsl:choose>				
+				</xsl:variable>	
+ 				<xsl:variable name="sevdesc">
+					<xsl:choose>
+					  <xsl:when test="typeid=7">Informative</xsl:when>					  
+					  <xsl:when test="status='NOK'">BBC Break</xsl:when>
+				  	<xsl:when test="status='OK'">Informative</xsl:when>
+				  	<xsl:otherwise>Possible BBC Break</xsl:otherwise>
+					</xsl:choose>
+				</xsl:variable>
+				<xsl:variable name="sTxtColor">
+					<xsl:choose>
+						<xsl:when test="count(status) = 0 or normalize-space(status) = ''">#6611ff</xsl:when>
+						<xsl:otherwise>Black</xsl:otherwise>
+					</xsl:choose>
+				</xsl:variable>
+		    <TR bgcolor= "White">
+				  <xsl:choose>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=1">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>removed</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>-</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD ><font color="{$sTxtColor}">Library is no longer available</font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=3">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>moved</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><b><xsl:value-of select="funcpos"/> <font size="2"> =&gt; </font> <xsl:value-of select="newfuncpos"/></b></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="funcname"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=4">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>deleted</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><b><xsl:value-of select="funcpos"/></b></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="funcname"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=5">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>inserted</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><b><xsl:value-of select="newfuncpos"/></b></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="newfuncname"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=6">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>modified</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><b><xsl:value-of select="funcpos"/></b></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><b><i>was </i></b><xsl:value-of select="funcname"/><br/>
+				          <b><i>now </i></b><xsl:value-of select="newfuncname"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=7">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>added</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><b><xsl:value-of select="newfuncpos"/></b></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="newfuncname"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=8">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>modified</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>-</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=9">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>modified</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>-</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=10">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>modified</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>-</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=11">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>modified</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>-</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=12">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>modified</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>-</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=13">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>removed</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>-</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=14">
+				      <TD align="center"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>not available</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><i>-</i></font></TD>
+				      <TD><font color="{$sTxtColor}"><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></font></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				   </xsl:choose>
+				   <!-- Added by maciejs (3 lines) -->
+				   <xsl:if test="$isHdrRef = 'true'">
+					   <TD><xsl:value-of select="refheaderfile"/></TD>
+				   </xsl:if>
+				  <xsl:choose>
+				    <xsl:when test="count(bc_severity) = 0">
+				      <TD bgcolor="{$bccellbgcolour}"><xsl:value-of select="$sevdesc"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:otherwise>
+		          <TD bgcolor="{$bccellbgcolour}">
+		          	<xsl:if test="$issBCSC=2"><xsl:attribute name="style">display:none</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
+		          	<xsl:value-of select="bc_severity"/></TD>
+		          <TD bgcolor="{$sccellbgcolour}">
+		          	<xsl:if test="$issBCSC=1"><xsl:attribute name="style">display:none</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
+		          	<xsl:value-of select="sc_severity"/></TD>
+		        </xsl:otherwise>
+		      </xsl:choose>
+				</TR>
+				</xsl:if>
+		</xsl:template>
+		<xsl:template name="LIBOK">
+			<!-- Added by maciejs (6 lines)-->
+			<xsl:variable name="isHdrRef">
+				<xsl:choose>
+					<xsl:when test="count(issue/refheaderfile) &gt; 0">true</xsl:when>
+					<xsl:otherwise>false</xsl:otherwise>
+			    </xsl:choose>
+			</xsl:variable>
+			<div>
+			<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="$xslRepBlk"/></xsl:attribute>
+			<xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="$xslRepBlk"/></xsl:attribute>
+			<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width = "100%">
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+			<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+			<tr>
+				<td colspan="3">
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$show_API = 1 and $paramSort = 0"><font size="4"><b>
+		  				<xsl:if test="count(shortname) &gt; 0"><xsl:value-of select="shortname"/></xsl:if>
+						  <xsl:if test="count(shortname) = 0"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></xsl:if>
+		  			</b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="4">
+		  				<xsl:if test="count(shortname) &gt; 0"><xsl:value-of select="shortname"/></xsl:if>
+						  <xsl:if test="count(shortname) = 0"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></xsl:if>
+		  			</font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			 </tr>
+		<xsl:if test="$show_API=1">
+			<tr>
+				<td>
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 1"><font size="4"><b><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@name"/></i></b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="3"><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@name"/></i></font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			  <td width="30" align="center"><font size="3"><b>:</b></font></td>
+				<td>
+			  	<xsl:choose>
+		  			<xsl:when test="$paramSort = 2"><font size="4"><b><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@category"/></i></b></font></xsl:when>
+		  			<xsl:otherwise><font size="3"><i><xsl:value-of select="api/@category"/></i></font></xsl:otherwise>
+			  	</xsl:choose>
+			  </td>
+			</tr>
+		</xsl:if>
+		</table>
+				</td>
+			  <TD align="right" valign="bottom">
+						<A>
+							<xsl:attribute name="href">
+							  javascript:openPath( '<xsl:value-of select="translate(name, '\\', '/')"/>' );
+							</xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:if test="name != ''">baseline</xsl:if>
+						</A>		
+			<xsl:if test="name = ''"><font color="#808080">baseline</font></xsl:if>
+			<font size="3"> . </font>
+						<A>
+							<xsl:attribute name="href">
+							  javascript:openPath( '<xsl:value-of select="translate(comparefilename, '\\', '/')"/>' );
+							</xsl:attribute>
+							<xsl:if test="comparefilename != ''">current</xsl:if>
+						</A>
+			<xsl:if test="comparefilename = ''"><font color="#808080">current</font></xsl:if>
+			<font size="3"> . </font> 
+			</TD></tr>
+     </table>
+     <table>
+			  <xsl:choose>
+			    <xsl:when test="count(baseplatform) &gt; 0 and count(currentplatform) &gt; 0 ">
+			      <tr>
+			      <td>
+			      <xsl:choose>
+					    <xsl:when test="baseplatform!=''"><font size="2">base platform: <xsl:value-of select="baseplatform"/></font></xsl:when>
+					    <xsl:otherwise><font size="2">base platform: Unknown</font></xsl:otherwise>
+					  </xsl:choose>
+					  </td>
+					  <xsl:if test="comparefilename != ''">
+					  <td/><td/><td/><td/><td/>
+					  <td>
+					  <xsl:choose>
+					    <xsl:when test="currentplatform!=''"><font size="2">current platform: <xsl:value-of select="currentplatform"/></font></xsl:when>
+					    <xsl:otherwise><font size="2">current platform: Unknown</font></xsl:otherwise>
+					  </xsl:choose>
+					  </td>
+					  </xsl:if>
+					  </tr>
+				 </xsl:when>
+			 </xsl:choose>
+			</table> 
+			<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bgColor="black" width = "100%">
+			<TR><TD><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width = "100%">
+			<TR>
+              <xsl:attribute name="bgColor">
+			    <xsl:choose>
+			      <xsl:when test="status = 'OK'">#a8d098</xsl:when>
+			      <xsl:otherwise>#a8d098</xsl:otherwise>
+			    </xsl:choose>
+			  </xsl:attribute>
+			<TD align="left">
+			    <b>This library is known to be ok.</b>
+			</TD></TR>
+			</table>
+				<table width = "100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgColor="black" height="1"><tr><td></td></tr></table>
+				<table width = "100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgColor="#b0a8a0">
+				<tr><td><table width = "100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" id="issueTable">
+				<tr bgcolor="#f0e8e0">
+				<TH align="center" width="70"><B>Change</B></TH>
+				<TH align="center" width="70"><B>Pos</B></TH>
+				<TH align="left"><B>Details</B></TH>
+				<!-- Added by maciejs (3 lines) -->
+				<xsl:if test="$isHdrRef = 'true'">
+					<TH align="left" width="200"><B>Header reference</B></TH>
+				</xsl:if>
+				<TH align="left" width="130" id="BCSeverity"><B>BC Severity</B></TH>
+				<xsl:if test="count(issue/sc_severity) &gt; 0">
+				<TH align="left" width="130" id="SCSeverity"><B>SC Severity</B></TH>
+				</xsl:if>
+				</tr>
+				<xsl:for-each select="issue[status='OK' and typeid!=2 and typeid!=7 and typeid!=14]">
+				<xsl:if test="(status='OK')">
+ 				<xsl:variable name="bgcol">
+					<xsl:choose>
+					  <xsl:when test="typeid=7">#ffffff</xsl:when>
+					  <xsl:when test="typeid=14">#ffffff</xsl:when>
+				  	<xsl:when test="status='NOK'">#ffb880</xsl:when>
+				  	<xsl:when test="status='OK'">#ffffff</xsl:when>
+				  	<xsl:otherwise>#ffffa0</xsl:otherwise>
+					</xsl:choose>
+				</xsl:variable>
+ 				<xsl:variable name="sevdesc">
+					<xsl:choose>
+					  <xsl:when test="typeid=7">Informative</xsl:when>
+					  <xsl:when test="typeid=14">Informative</xsl:when>
+					  <xsl:when test="status='NOK'">BBC Break</xsl:when>
+				  	<xsl:when test="status='OK'">Informative</xsl:when>
+				  	<xsl:otherwise>Possible BBC Break</xsl:otherwise>
+					</xsl:choose>
+				</xsl:variable>
+		    <TR bgcolor= "White">
+				  <xsl:choose>
+				    	<xsl:when test="typeid=1">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>removed</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><i>-</i></TD>
+				      <TD >Library is no longer available</TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=3">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>moved</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><b><xsl:value-of select="funcpos"/> <font size="2"> =&gt; </font> <xsl:value-of select="newfuncpos"/></b></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="funcname"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=4">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>deleted</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><b><xsl:value-of select="funcpos"/></b></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="funcname"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=5">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>inserted</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><b><xsl:value-of select="newfuncpos"/></b></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="newfuncname"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=6">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>modified</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><b><xsl:value-of select="funcpos"/></b></TD>
+				      <TD><b><i>was </i></b><xsl:value-of select="funcname"/><br/>
+				          <b><i>now </i></b><xsl:value-of select="newfuncname"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=7">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>added</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"><b><xsl:value-of select="newfuncpos"/></b></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="newfuncname"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=8">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>modified</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><i>-</i></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=9">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>modified</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><i>-</i></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=10">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>modified</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><i>-</i></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=11">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>modified</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><i>-</i></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=12">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>modified</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><i>-</i></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=13">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>removed</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f4f4f4"><i>-</i></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:when test="typeid=14">
+				      <TD align="center"><i>not available</i></TD>
+				      <TD align="center" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"><i>-</i></TD>
+				      <TD><xsl:value-of select="typeinfo"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				  </xsl:choose>
+				  <!-- Added by maciejs (3 lines) -->
+				  <xsl:if test="$isHdrRef = 'true'">
+					<TD><xsl:value-of select="refheaderfile"/></TD>
+				  </xsl:if>
+				  <xsl:choose>
+				    <xsl:when test="count(bc_severity) = 0">
+				      <TD bgcolor="{$bgcol}"><xsl:value-of select="$sevdesc"/></TD>
+				    </xsl:when>
+				    <xsl:otherwise>
+		          <TD bgcolor="{$bgcol}"><xsl:value-of select="bc_severity"/></TD>
+		          <TD bgcolor="{$bgcol}"><xsl:value-of select="sc_severity"/></TD>
+		        </xsl:otherwise>
+		      </xsl:choose>
+				</TR>
+				</xsl:if>
+				</xsl:for-each>
+				</table></td></tr></table>
+			</TD></TR></table>
+			<BR/>
+			</div>
+		</xsl:template>