--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tdroadmap_merger/gettd.pl Fri Jul 31 11:01:24 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+use IO::Socket;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $target_url;
+my $tdomain;
+my $csvfile;
+sub getpage
+ #arguments
+ ($page,$host,$auth,$myfile)=@_;
+ #output file
+ open ( outputfile, ">".$myfile);
+ $port = "http(80)";
+ $getmess = "GET " . $page ." HTTP/1.1\n" . $auth;
+ print "sending message - $getmess\n";
+ print outputfile "$getmess\n\n";
+ $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new
+ (
+ PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp',
+ ) ;
+ print $sock "$getmess\n\n";
+ while(<$sock>) {
+ print outputfile $_;
+ }
+ close ($sock);
+ close (outputfile);
+sub prntfeatures
+ ($release,$package,$features,$myfile,$domain)=@_;
+ $features = $features."<dt";
+ while ( $features =~ /dt\>(.*?)\<\/dt(.*?)\<dt/sg ){
+ $myfeat = $1;
+ $subfeat =$2;
+ $myfeat =~ s/\n/ /sg;
+ pos($features) = pos($features) -2;
+ $mystr="";
+ while ( $subfeat =~ /\<dd\>(.*?)\<\/dd\>/sg) {
+ $mysubfeat = $mysubfeat.$mystr.$1;
+ $mystr = " & ";
+ }
+ undef $mystr;
+ $mysubfeat =~ s/,/ /sg;
+ $mysubfeat =~ s/\n//sg;
+ $mysubfeat =~ s/\<.*?\>//sg;
+ $release =~ s/\\//sg;
+ print $myfile " $release, $domain, $package, $myfeat, $mysubfeat\n";
+ $mysubfeat = "";
+ }
+sub loadfile
+ $/ = " ";
+ #arguments
+ ($myfile)=@_;
+ open ( inputfile, "<".$myfile);
+ my $contents = do { local $/; <inputfile> };
+ close(inputfile);
+ return $contents;
+sub td_roadmap
+ #arguments
+ ($infile,$outfile,$domain,@releases)=@_;
+ $roadmap=loadfile $infile;
+ open ( outputfile, ">>".$outfile);
+ foreach (@releases) {
+ $exp="\\<h2\\>.*?\\>".$_;
+ if ($roadmap =~ m /($exp)/sg) {
+ print "Found entry for $_ \n";
+ $relroad =$';
+ if ($relroad =~ m /(.*?)\<h2/sg) { $relroad =$1;}
+ $i=0;
+ while ($relroad=~ m/\<h3\>.*\>(.*?)\<.*<\/h3/g) {
+ $package = $1;
+ $ppos[$i]= pos($relroad);
+ $pname[$i]= $package;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ for ( $i=0;$i<($#ppos); $i++){
+ $features= substr ($relroad, $ppos[$i],$ppos[$i+1]-$ppos[$i]);
+ prntfeatures($_,$pname[$i],$features,outputfile,$domain);
+ }
+ $features= substr ($relroad, $ppos[$i]);
+ prntfeatures($_,$pname[$i],$features,outputfile,$domain);
+ @ppos ="";
+ @pname ="";
+ undef ($features);
+ }
+ }
+ close (outputfile);
+#help print
+sub printhelp
+ print "\n\n version 0.2
+ \ngettd.pl -t=url -d=domain \nrequired parameters:\n\t -t url containing the technology domain roadmap\n\t -d the technology domain name
+ \n Optional parameters\n\t-o filename ,the output is logged into the output.csv file by default\n\t-h for help";
+ exit;
+#process command line options
+sub cmd_options
+ my $help;
+ GetOptions('h' => \$help,'t=s'=> \$target_url, 'd=s' => \$tdomain , 'o=s' => \$csvfile);
+ if ($help) {
+ printhelp;
+ }
+ if ( not $target_url) {
+ print "ERROR-missing arguments target url\n";
+ printhelp;
+ }
+ if (not $tdomain){
+ print "ERROR-missing arguments domain level\n";
+ printhelp;
+ }
+ print "\nINFO-downloading $target_url with label $tdomain\n";
+ if (not $csvfile) {
+ $csvfile="output.csv";
+ }
+ print "\nINFO-output recorded in $csvfile \n";
+$/ = " ";
+#file containing login details from http cookie
+$mycookie = loadfile("mycookie.txt");
+#$auth ="Authorization: Basic Zm91bmRhdGlvbjp0ZXN0MA==";
+$auth = "Cookie: " . $mycookie ;
+#foundation releases - add as required
+$host1 = "developer.symbian.org";
+getpage($target_url, $host1, $auth, "debug.txt");
+td_roadmap("debug.txt" , $csvfile, $tdomain ,@releases);