DBRTools - did some fixes to the nasty path appending I'd done for patches. This fixes some of the problems with doing 'diffenv' on patched databases with UNC paths.
#!perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: bzcsv2mw.pl - simple script for converting CSV report files from Bugzilla to MediaWiKi text files
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
use Getopt::Long;
sub Usage($)
my ($msg) = @_;
print "$msg\n\n" if ($msg ne "");
print <<'EOF';
bzcsv2mw.pl - simple script for converting CSV report files from Bugzilla to MediaWiki text files
-csv CSV file generated by Bugzilla
-h|-help print this help information
exit (1);
my $file = "";
my $help = 0;
my $count_nb_total_bugs=0;
if (!GetOptions(
"csv=s" => \$file,
"h|help" => \$help,
Usage("Invalid argument");
Usage("Too few arguments....use -csv") if ($file eq "");
Usage("") if ($help);
#my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $csv = Text::CSV->new();
my $mwtxt = $file.".mw.txt";
open (CSV, "<", $file) or die $!;
open (MWTXT,">$mwtxt");
print MWTXT "{|\n";
my %headermap = ("bug_id"=>"ID","bug_severity"=>"Severity","reporter"=>"Reporter","bug_status"=>"Status","product"=>"Package",
"short_desc"=>"Title","priority"=>"Priority","assigned_to"=>"Assigned To","resolution"=>"Resolution","op_sys"=>"OS",);
my $header=0;
while (<CSV>) {
if ($csv->parse($_))
my @columns = $csv->fields();
foreach (@columns)
#my $val = $_;
#if(defined $headermap{$val}){$val = $headermap{$val};}
print MWTXT "!".$headermap{$_}."\n";
if ($columns[0] =~ m/(\d+)/)
$columns[0] = "[http://developer.symbian.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=$columns[0] Bug$columns[0]]";
foreach (@columns)
print MWTXT "|$_\n";
my $err = $csv->error_input;
print "Failed to parse line: $err";
print MWTXT "|----\n";
close CSV;
print MWTXT "|}\n";
close MWTXT;
print "\nThe number of bugs is: $count_nb_total_bugs\n";