sf/adaptation/stubs now oss. Also fixed type on sftools/depl/doctools
#! perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use FindBin;
#my $churn_core = "D:\\mirror\\churn_core.pl";
my $churn_core = "$FindBin::Bin\\churn_core.pl";
my $churn_output_temp = "$FindBin::Bin\\fbf_churn_output";
mkdir $churn_output_temp;
my $path = $FindBin::Bin;
$path =~ s/\//\\/g;
my $clone_packages = "$path\\..\\clone_packages\\clone_all_packages.pl";
sub Usage($)
my ($msg) = @_;
print "$msg\n\n" if ($msg ne "");
print <<'EOF';
fbf_churn.pl - simple script for calculating code churn in between two revisions
or labels for a package. This script can also be used to calculate code size for
a package.
When used without a package name or filter, this script runs for all the packages
in the BOM (build-info.xml) file supplied to it.
This script uses clone_all_packages.pl which clones all repositories listed in
the BOM or pull changes into a previously cloned repository.
This script uses its accompayning script churn_core.pl - which should be
present in the same directory as this script.
If a BOM is not supplied to the script using the -bom option, then the script
runs on the package locations inside both MCL and FCL producing two results
for a single package. For running the script for calculating code churn between
two release buils (using labels) or for calculating code size for a release build,
it is essential that a BOM (preferably for the newer build) is passed as an
argument using the -bom option.
-o --old old revision or label for a package/respoitory
-n --new new revision or label for a package/respoitory
--rev revision for package/respoitory - Use this while calculating code size for a single package
--label revision tag for package or release build - Use this while calculating code size
-bom --bom build-info.xml files supplied with Symbian PDKs
-verbose print the underlying "clone_all_packages" & "hg" commands before executing them
-help print this help information
-package <RE> only process repositories matching regular expression <RE>
-filter <RE> only process repositories matching regular expression <RE>
exit (1);
print "\n\n==Symbian Foundation Code Churn Tool v1.0==\n\n";
my $old = "null";
my $new = "";
my $filter = "";
my $codeline = "";
my $package = "";
my $licence = "";
my $packagelist = "";
my $verbose = 0;
my $help = 0;
sub do_system
my (@args) = @_;
print "* ", join(" ", @args), "\n" if ($verbose);
return system(@args);
# Analyse the command-line parameters
if (!GetOptions(
"n|new-rev|new-label|label|rev=s" => \$new,
"o|old-rev|old-label=s" => \$old,
"f|filter=s" => \$filter,
"p|package=s" => \$filter,
"cl|codeline=s" => \$codeline,
"li|licence=s" => \$licence,
"bom|bom=s" => \$packagelist,
"v|verbose" => \$verbose,
"h|help" => \$help,
Usage("Invalid argument");
Usage("") if ($help);
Usage("Too few arguments....use at least one from -n|new-rev|new-label|label|rev or -bom") if ($new eq "" && $packagelist eq "");
#Usage("Too many arguments") if ($new ne "" && $packagelist ne "");
if ($old eq 'null')
print "\nCode size calculation....\n";
print "\nCode churn calculation....\n";
my @packagelistopts = ();
@packagelistopts = ("-packagelist", $packagelist) if ($packagelist ne "");
my @verboseopt = ();
@verboseopt = "-v" if ($verbose);
my $new_rev = $new;
$new_rev = "%REV%" if ($new_rev eq "");
#TO_DO: Locate clone_all_packages relative to the location of this script.
#TO_DO: Remove references to absolute paths, change to relative paths.