Changed script to use CSV formatted input, rather than TSV.
This means that the script can directly process the CSV downloaded from Bugzilla, without any need to use Excel to convert it.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Maciej Seroka,
# Description:
# This is a tool for adding BC issues to Known Issues list.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use XML::Simple;
use Tie::File;
my $hdr_report;
my $lib_report;
my $ki_file;
my $current_report;
my $header_num;
my $issues_num;
my $n;
my $m;
my $offset;
my $counter;
my $file_name;
my $check_sum;
my $comment = "Issue closed as invalid by the PkO (Not a BC break)."; # This is a default comment that will be added to Known Issues list with each header file.
my $header_found;
my $library_found;
my $issue_found;
my $status;
my $line;
my @lines;
my $temp_ref;
my $temp_line;
my $temp_issues_num;
my $my_issue;
my $help;
sub usage($);
sub help();
sub usage_error();
my %optmap = ( 'headers-report' => \$hdr_report,
'libraries-report' => \$lib_report,
'knownissues-file' => \$ki_file,
'help' => \$help);
or usage_error();
if ($help) {
# --headers-report is mandatory.
usage_error(), unless (defined($hdr_report) || defined($lib_report));
# --knownissues-file is mandatory.
usage_error(), unless (defined($ki_file));
# Open Known Isses file.
tie @lines, 'Tie::File', $ki_file or die ("Cannot tie file \"$ki_file\". $!\n");
if ($hdr_report) {
# Parse the input XML into hashrefs.
print "Parsing " . $hdr_report . "... ";
$current_report = XMLin("./$hdr_report", keeproot => 1,
forcearray => [ 'header', 'baselineversion', 'currentversion', 'timestamp', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', #
'haversion', 'formatversion', 'cmdlineparms', 'parm', 'pname', 'pvalue', 'knownissuesversion', 'os', 'version', 'buildweek', 'issuelist',#
'headerfile', 'filename', 'comparefilename', 'status', 'comment', 'issue', 'checksum', 'shortname', 'issueid', 'typeid', 'identityid', #
'identitydescription', 'typestring', 'cause', 'documentation', 'ignoreinformation', 'linenumber', 'severity', 'scseverity'], keyattr => [] );
print "complete \n";
# Get number of header files.
my $header_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'headerfile'}};
print "Number of header files in the report: $header_num \n";
$n = 0;
while ($n < $header_num) {
$file_name = $current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'headerfile'}->[$n]->{'shortname'}->[0];
$check_sum = $current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'headerfile'}->[$n]->{'checksum'}->[0];
$m = 0;
$header_found = 0;
$status = 0;
foreach (@lines) {
if (@lines[$m] =~ "\"$file_name\"") { # Mark header file as present in the Known Issues file.
$header_found = 1;
$line = $m;
if ($header_found) { # Ensure there is no duplicate in the Known Issues file.
$m = 0;
foreach (@lines) {
if (@lines[$m] =~ "checksum=\"$check_sum\"") {
$status = 1; # Means OK issue (already known).
print "Duplicate found ($check_sum) for header file: $file_name\n";
if (($header_found) && (!($status))) { # Insert new version of header file.
splice @lines, $line+1, 0, " <version checksum=\"$check_sum\">";
splice @lines, $line+2, 0, " <status>OK<\/status>";
splice @lines, $line+3, 0, " <comment>$comment<\/comment>";
splice @lines, $line+4, 0, " <\/version>";
print "New version ($check_sum) of header file: $file_name added to Known Issues list\n";
if (!($header_found)) { # Insert new header file.
# Find the first occurrence of <headerfile>. - ASSUMPTION: at least one entry exists.
$m = 0;
foreach (@lines) {
if (@lines[$m] =~ "<headerfile") {
last; }
else {
splice @lines, $m, 0, " <headerfile name=\"$file_name\">";
splice @lines, $m+1, 0, " <version checksum=\"$check_sum\">";
splice @lines, $m+2, 0, " <status>OK<\/status>";
splice @lines, $m+3, 0, " <comment>$comment<\/comment>";
splice @lines, $m+4, 0, " <\/version>";
splice @lines, $m+5, 0, " <\/headerfile>";
print "Header file: $file_name ($check_sum) added to Known Issues list\n";
# Free up memory resources.
$current_report = ();
print "OK\n";
if ($lib_report) {
# Parse the input XMLs into hashrefs.
print "Parsing " . $lib_report . "... ";
$current_report = XMLin("./$lib_report", keeproot => 1,
forcearray => [ 'header', 'baselineversion', 'currentversion', 'timestamp', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', #
'laversion', 'formatversion', 'cmdlineparms', 'parm', 'pname', 'pvalue', 'knownissuesversion', 'os', 'version', 'buildweek', 'issuelist',#
'library', 'name', 'comparefilename', 'shortname', 'baseplatform', 'currentplatform', 'issue', 'typeinfo', 'typeid', 'funcname', 'newfuncname', 'newfuncpos', #
'bc_severity', 'sc_severity', 'status', 'comment', 'funcpos' ], keyattr => [] );
print "complete \n";
# Get number of libraries.
my $lib_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}};
print "Number of libraries in the report: $lib_num \n";
$n = 0;
while ($n < $lib_num) {
$file_name = $current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'shortname'}->[0];
# Check if library present in the Known Issues file.
$m = 0;
$library_found = 0;
foreach (@lines) {
if (@lines[$m] =~ "\"$file_name\"") { # Mark header file as present in the Known Issues file.
$library_found = 1;
$line = $m;
if ($library_found) { # Some entries already persent in the Known Issues file for the current library.
print "Found library: $file_name in line: $line\n";
$issues_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}};
# Get library with all issues to $temp_ref;
$m = $line - 1;
$temp_line = "";
do {
$temp_line = $temp_line . @lines[$m];
} while (@lines[$m] !~ "<\/library>");
$temp_ref = XMLin($temp_line, keeproot => 1,
forcearray => [ 'library', 'issue', 'typeid', 'typeinfo', 'funcname', 'newfuncname', 'funcpos', #
'newfuncpos', 'bc_severity', 'sc_severity', 'status', 'comment' ], keyattr => [] );
$temp_issues_num = @{$temp_ref->{'library'}->[0]->{'issue'}};
# For each issue related to the current library check for a matching issue in $temp_ref.
foreach $my_issue (@{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}}) {
$issue_found = 0;
$m = 0;
while ($m < $temp_issues_num) {
# Compare all possible values.
if (($my_issue->{'typeid'}->[0] eq $temp_ref->{'library'}->[0]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'typeid'}->[0]) &&
($my_issue->{'typeinfo'}->[0] eq $temp_ref->{'library'}->[0]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'typeinfo'}->[0]) &&
($my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0] eq $temp_ref->{'library'}->[0]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'funcname'}->[0]) &&
($my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0] eq $temp_ref->{'library'}->[0]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'newfuncname'}->[0]) &&
($my_issue->{'funcpos'}->[0] eq $temp_ref->{'library'}->[0]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'funcpos'}->[0]) &&
($my_issue->{'newfuncpos'}->[0] eq $temp_ref->{'library'}->[0]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'newfuncpos'}->[0]) &&
($my_issue->{'bc_severity'}->[0] eq $temp_ref->{'library'}->[0]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'bc_severity'}->[0]) &&
($my_issue->{'sc_severity'}->[0] eq $temp_ref->{'library'}->[0]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'sc_severity'}->[0]) &&
($temp_ref->{'library'}->[0]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'status'}->[0]) =~ "OK") {
print "Duplicated issue found for library: $file_name\n";
$issue_found = 1; # Do not add this issue to the Known Issues file.
if (!$issue_found) { # Add the issue to the Known Issues file for exising library entry (as the top one).
$offset = 1; # Initial offset value.
splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <issue>"; $offset++;
if ($my_issue->{'typeid'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <typeid>$my_issue->{'typeid'}->[0]<\/typeid>"; $offset++; }
if ($my_issue->{'typeinfo'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <typeinfo>$my_issue->{'typeinfo'}->[0]<\/typeinfo>"; $offset++; }
if ($my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0]) {
# Fix ampersand, greater-than and less-than characters before saving.
$my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0] =~ s/&/&/g;
$my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0] =~ s/</</g;
$my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0] =~ s/>/>/g;
splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <funcname>$my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0]<\/funcname>";
if ($my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0]) {
# Fix ampersand, greater-than and less-than characters before saving.
$my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0] =~ s/&/&/g;
$my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0] =~ s/</</g;
$my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0] =~ s/>/>/g;
splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <newfuncname>$my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0]<\/newfuncname>";
if ($my_issue->{'funcpos'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <funcpos>$my_issue->{'funcpos'}->[0]<\/funcpos>"; $offset++; }
if ($my_issue->{'newfuncpos'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <newfuncpos>$my_issue->{'newfuncpos'}->[0]<\/newfuncpos>"; $offset++; }
if ($my_issue->{'bc_severity'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <bc_severity>$my_issue->{'bc_severity'}->[0]<\/bc_severity>"; $offset++; }
if ($my_issue->{'sc_severity'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <sc_severity>$my_issue->{'sc_severity'}->[0]<\/sc_severity>"; $offset++; }
splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <status>OK<\/status>"; $offset++;
splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <comment>$comment<\/comment>"; $offset++;
splice @lines, $line+$offset, 0, " <\/issue>";
print "New issue added to Known Issues list for library: $file_name\n";
$temp_ref = ();
} else { # Add the whole new entry for the current library.
# Find the first occurrence of <library>. - ASSUMPTION: at least one entry exists.
$m = 0;
foreach (@lines) {
if (@lines[$m] =~ "<library") {
last; }
else {
$offset = 0; # Initial offset value.
splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <library name=\"$file_name\">"; $offset++;
print "Library: $file_name added to Known Issues list\n";
$counter = 1;
foreach $my_issue (@{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}}) {
print "Adding issue: $counter... ";
splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <issue>"; $offset++;
if ($my_issue->{'typeid'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <typeid>$my_issue->{'typeid'}->[0]<\/typeid>"; $offset++; }
if ($my_issue->{'typeinfo'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <typeinfo>$my_issue->{'typeinfo'}->[0]<\/typeinfo>"; $offset++; }
if ($my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0]) {
# Fix ampersand, greater-than and less-than characters before saving.
$my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0] =~ s/&/&/g;
$my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0] =~ s/</</g;
$my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0] =~ s/>/>/g;
splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <funcname>$my_issue->{'funcname'}->[0]<\/funcname>";
if ($my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0]) {
# Fix ampersand, greater-than and less-than characters before saving.
$my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0] =~ s/&/&/g;
$my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0] =~ s/</</g;
$my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0] =~ s/>/>/g;
splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <newfuncname>$my_issue->{'newfuncname'}->[0]<\/newfuncname>";
if ($my_issue->{'funcpos'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <funcpos>$my_issue->{'funcpos'}->[0]<\/funcpos>"; $offset++; }
if ($my_issue->{'newfuncpos'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <newfuncpos>$my_issue->{'newfuncpos'}->[0]<\/newfuncpos>"; $offset++; }
if ($my_issue->{'bc_severity'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <bc_severity>$my_issue->{'bc_severity'}->[0]<\/bc_severity>"; $offset++; }
if ($my_issue->{'sc_severity'}->[0]) { splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <sc_severity>$my_issue->{'sc_severity'}->[0]<\/sc_severity>"; $offset++; }
splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <status>OK<\/status>"; $offset++;
splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <comment>$comment<\/comment>"; $offset++;
splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <\/issue>"; $offset++;
print "done\n";
splice @lines, $m+$offset, 0, " <\/library>";
# Free up memory resources.
$current_report = ();
print "OK\n";
untie @lines;
exit 0;
sub usage($)
my $error = shift;
my $fh = $error == 0 ? *STDOUT : *STDERR;
print $fh "\n" .
"Specify the headers report or\/and libraries report and the known issues file\n" .
"synopsis:\n" .
" --help\n" .
" [--headers-report=FILENAME1] [--libraries-report=FILENAME2] [--knownissues-file=FILENAME3] \n" .
"options:\n" .
" --help Display this help and exit\n" .
" --headers-report=FILENAME1 FILENAME1 is the name of the filtered headers (sub-)report.\n" .
" --libraries-report=FILENAME2 FILENAME2 is the name of the filtered libraries report. This option is not implemented yet.\n" .
" --knownissues-file=FILENAME3 FILENAME3 is the name of the known issues file which will be updated.\n";
exit $error;
sub help()
sub usage_error()