Changes to control the order of downloading, and hopefully the resulting unzipping (for patches in particular)
#! perl
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Summarise the " -exec -- hg status --rev a --rev b" output
use strict;
my %listings;
my $current_repo = "";
my @filelist = ();
my %all_repos;
sub record_file($$)
my ($file, $change) = @_;
next if ($file eq ".hgtags");
push @filelist, "$file$change";
sub finished_repo()
if ($current_repo ne "")
$current_repo =~ s/^.*CL\/sf/sf/; # remove leading MCL or FCL stuff
$all_repos{$current_repo} = 1;
if (scalar @filelist > 0)
@{$listings{$current_repo}} = sort @filelist;
# printf STDERR "* %s %d\n", $current_repo, scalar @filelist;
@filelist = ();
$current_repo = "";
my $line;
while ($line = <>)
# Processing sfl/MCL/sf/app/imgvieweruis...
if ($line =~ /^Processing (.*)\.\.\./)
$current_repo = $1;
# abort: unknown revision 'PDK_2.0.c'!
if ($line =~ /^abort/)
# ignore the current repo, as it probably didn't have the right tag
# $current_repo = "";
if ($line =~ /^([MARC]) (\S.*\S)\s*$/)
my $change = $1;
my $file = $2;
record_file($file, $change);
foreach my $repo (sort keys %all_repos)
next if (defined $listings{$repo});
print STDERR "No valid comparison for $repo\n";
print "Package\tChange\tComponent\tFilename\tCount\n";
foreach my $repo (sort keys %listings)
my @filelist = @{$listings{$repo}};
my $last_component = "";
my @component_files = ();
my @clean_files = ();
my $clean_count = 0;
my $component = "";
foreach my $item (@filelist, ":boo:/:hoo:/:for:/:you:M")
my $change = substr($item,-1);
my $file = substr($item,0,-1);
my @names = split /\\/, $file;
$component = "";
if (scalar @names > 2)
my $collection = shift @names;
$component = shift @names;
$component = $collection . "/" . $component;
$file = join("/", @names);
if ($component ne $last_component)
if (scalar @component_files > 0)
# previous component contained some A, M or R files
print @component_files;
if ($clean_count > 0)
print "$repo\tsame\t$last_component\t...\t$clean_count\n";
# reset, ready for next component;
$last_component = $component;
$clean_count = 0;
@component_files = ();
@clean_files = ();
if ($change eq "C")
$clean_count += 1;
push @clean_files, "$repo\tsame\t$component\t$file\t1\n";
push @component_files, "$repo\t$change\t$component\t$file\t1\n";