author Dario Sestito <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:39:58 +0100
changeset 314 2733de861a5d
parent 307 150026b6d3e6
child 326 c0fb460d1a21
permissions -rw-r--r--
Rename missing_source_file category to could_not_export_file

# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation.
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation - Initial contribution
# Description:
# Script to download and unpack a Symbian PDK - assumes "7z" installed to unzip the files

import socket
import urllib2
import urllib
import os.path
import cookielib
import sys
import getpass
import re
import time
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from optparse import OptionParser
import hashlib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 

version = '0.20'
user_agent = ' script v' + version
headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent }
top_level_url = ""
passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()	# not relevant for live Symbian website
download_list = []
failure_list = []
unzip_list = []

def build_opener(debug=False):
	# Create a HTTP and HTTPS handler with the appropriate debug
	# level.  We intentionally create a new one because the
	# OpenerDirector class in urllib2 is smart enough to replace
	# its internal versions with ours if we pass them into the
	# urllib2.build_opener method.  This is much easier than trying
	# to introspect into the OpenerDirector to find the existing
	# handlers.
	http_handler = urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=debug)
	https_handler = urllib2.HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=debug)
	# We want to process cookies, but only in memory so just use
	# a basic memory-only cookie jar instance
	cookie_jar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
	cookie_handler = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar)
	# add HTTP authentication password handler (only relevant for Symbian staging server)
	authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
	handlers = [authhandler, http_handler, https_handler, cookie_handler]
	opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers)
	# Save the cookie jar with the opener just in case it's needed
	# later on
	opener.cookie_jar = cookie_jar

	return opener

urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
Request = urllib2.Request

def quick_networking_check():
	global options
	defaulttimeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
	probesite = top_level_url
	probeurl = probesite + '/main/user_profile/login.php'
	headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent }

	req = urllib2.Request(probeurl, None, headers)

		response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
	except urllib2.URLError, e:
		if hasattr(e, 'code') and e.code == 401:#
			# Needs HTTP basic authentication
			print >> sys.stderr, 'HTTP username: ',
			http_password=getpass.getpass('HTTP password: ')
			passman.add_password(None, top_level_url, http_username, http_password)
			# now try again...

		response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
	except urllib2.URLError, e:
		print '*** Problem accessing ' + probesite
		if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
			print '*** Reason: ', e.reason
		elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
			print '*** Error code: ', e.code
		print "Do you need to use a proxy server to access the %s website?" % probesite
	socket.setdefaulttimeout(defaulttimeout)	# restore the default timeout
	if options.progress:
		print "Confirmed that we can access " + probesite

def login(prompt):
	global options
	loginurl =  top_level_url + '/main/user_profile/login.php'
	if prompt:
		if options.username == '':
			print >> sys.stderr, 'username: ',
		if options.password == '':
	values = {'username' : options.username,
	          'password' : options.password,
	          'submit': 'Login'}
	headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent }
	data = urllib.urlencode(values)
	req = urllib2.Request(loginurl, data, headers)

	response = urllib2.urlopen(req)      

	if doc.find('Please try again') != -1:
		print >> sys.stderr, 'Login failed'
		return False
	return True

from threading import Thread

class unzipfile(Thread):
	def __init__ (self,filename,levels=1,deletelevels=0):
		self.filename = filename
		self.levels = levels
		self.deletelevels = deletelevels
		self.status = -1
	def unzip(self,filename,unziplevel,deletelevel):
		if unziplevel < 1:
			return 0   # do nothing

		print "  Unzipping " + filename
		filelist = os.popen("7z x -y "+self.filename)
		subzips = []
		for line in filelist.readlines():
			# Extracting
			match = re.match(r"^Extracting\s+(\$", line)
			if match is None: continue
		topstatus = filelist.close()

		if deletelevel > 0:
			print "  Deleting " + filename
		if unziplevel > 1 and len(subzips) > 0:
			print "  Expanding %d zip files from %s" % (len(subzips), filename)
			for subzip in subzips:
				self.unzip(subzip, unziplevel-1, deletelevel-1)
		return topstatus
	def run(self):
		self.status = self.unzip(self.filename, self.levels, self.deletelevels)

threadlist = []
def schedule_unzip(filename, unziplevel, deletelevel):
	global options
	if options.nounzip :
	if options.nodelete :
		deletelevel = 0
	if options.dryrun :
		global unzip_list
		if unziplevel > 0:
			unzip_list.append("7z x -y %s" % filename)
			if unziplevel > 1:
				unzip_list.append("# unzip recursively %d more times" % unziplevel-1)
		if deletelevel > 0:
			unzip_list.append("# delete %s" % filename)
			if deletelevel > 1:
				unzip_list.append("# delete zip files recursively %d more times" % deletelevel-1)
	unzipthread = unzipfile(filename, unziplevel, deletelevel)
	global threadlist

def complete_outstanding_unzips():
	global options
	if options.dryrun or options.nounzip:
	print "Waiting for outstanding commands to finish..."
	for thread in threadlist:

def check_unzip_environment():
	global options
	if options.nounzip:
		return True		# if we aren't unzipping, no need to have 7z installed
	help = os.popen("7z -h")
	for line in help.readlines():
		if re.match('7-Zip', line) :
			return True
	return False

def orderResults(x,y) :
	def ranking(name) :
		# 0th = release_metadata
		if re.match(r"release_metadata", name):
			return 0000;
		# 1st = release_metadata, (both small things!)
		if re.match(r"build_BOM", name):
			return 1000;
		# 2nd = tools, binaries (required for execution and compilation)
		elif re.match(r"(binaries_|tools_)", name):
			return 2000;
		# 3rd = rnd binaries, binary patches
		elif re.match(r"(bin_)", name):
			return 3000;
		# 4th = sources
		elif re.match(r"(src_sfl|src_oss)", name):
			return 4000;
		# 5rd = rnd sources, source patches (not sure we'd ever have those)
		elif re.match(r"(src_)", name):
			return 5000;
		# Last, anything else
		return 10000;
	xtitle = x['title']
	ytitle = y['title']
	return cmp(ranking(xtitle)+cmp(xtitle,ytitle), ranking(ytitle))

def md5_checksum(filename):
	MD5_BLOCK_SIZE = 128 * 1024
	md5 = hashlib.md5()
		file = open(filename,"rb")
	except IOError:
		print "Terminating script: Unable to open %S" % filename
	while True:
		data =
		if not data:
	return md5.hexdigest().upper()

checksums = {}
filesizes = {}
def parse_release_metadata(filename):
	if os.path.exists(filename):
		tree = ET.parse(filename)
		iter = tree.getiterator('package')
		for element in iter:
			if element.keys():
				file = element.get("name")
				md5 = element.get("md5checksum")
				checksums[file] = md5.upper()
				size = element.get("size")
				filesizes[file] = int(size)

def download_file(filename,url):
	global options
	global checksums
	global filesizes
	resume_start = 0
	if os.path.exists(filename):
		if filename in checksums:
			print 'Checking existing ' + filename
			file_size = os.stat(filename).st_size
			if file_size == filesizes[filename]:
				file_checksum = md5_checksum(filename)
				if file_checksum == checksums[filename]:
					if options.progress:
						print '- OK ' + filename
					return True
			elif file_size < filesizes[filename]:
				if options.progress:
					print '- %s is too short' % (filename)
				if options.debug:
					print '- %s is %d bytes, should be %d bytes' % (filename, file_size, filesizes[filename])
				if options.resume:
					resume_start = file_size

	if options.dryrun and not re.match(r"release_metadata", filename):
		global download_list
		download_info = "download %s %s" % (filename, url)
		return True

	print 'Downloading ' + filename
	global headers
	request_headers = headers.copy()		# want a fresh copy for each request
	if resume_start > 0:
		request_headers['Range'] = "bytes=%d-%d" % (resume_start, filesizes[filename])
	req = urllib2.Request(url, None, request_headers)
	CHUNK = 128 * 1024
	size = 0
	filesize = -1
	start_time = time.time()
	last_time = start_time
	last_size = size
		response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
		chunk =
		if chunk.find('<div class="signin">') != -1:
			# our urllib2 cookies have gone awol - login again
			if options.debug:
				print "Redirected to login page? login again.."
			req = urllib2.Request(url, None, request_headers)
			response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
			chunk =
			if chunk.find('<div class="signin">') != -1:
				# still broken - give up on this one
				print "*** ERROR trying to download %s" % (filename)
				return False
		info =
		if 'Content-Length' in info:
			filesize = resume_start + int(info['Content-Length'])		# NB. length of the requested content, taking into account the range
			if resume_start > 0 and 'Content-Range' not in info:
				# server doesn't believe in our range
				filesize = int(info['Content-Length'])
				if options.debug:
					print "Server reports filesize as %d, ignoring our range request (%d-%d)" % (filesize, resume_start, filesizes[filename])
				resume_start = 0;	# will have to download from scratch
			if filename in filesizes:
				if filesize != filesizes[filename]:
					print "WARNING:  %s size %d does not match release_metadata.xml (%d)" % ( filename, filesize, filesizes[filename])
			match ='>([^>]+Licen[^<]+)<', chunk, re.IGNORECASE)
			if match:
				license ='&amp;','&')
				print "*** %s is subject to the %s which you have not yet accepted\n" % (filename,license)
				return False
			print "*** HTTP response did not contain 'Content-Length' when expected"
			if options.debug:
				print info
				print chunk
			return False

	except urllib2.URLError, e:
		print '- ERROR: Failed to start downloading ' + filename
		if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
			print 'Reason: ', e.reason
		elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
			print 'Error code: ', e.code
		return False

	# we are now up and running, and chunk contains the start of the download
	if options.debug:
		print "\nReading %s from effective URL %s" % (filename, response.geturl())

		if resume_start > 0:
			fp = open(filename, 'a+b')	# append to existing content
			if options.progress:
				print " - Resuming at offset %d" % (resume_start)
				size = resume_start
				last_size = size
			fp = open(filename, 'wb')		# write new file
		md5 = hashlib.md5()
		while True:
			size += len(chunk)
			now = time.time()
			if options.progress and now-last_time > 20:
				rate = (size-last_size)/(now-last_time)
				estimate = ""
				if filesize > 0 and rate > 0:
					remaining_seconds = (filesize-size)/rate
					if remaining_seconds > 110:
						remaining = "%d minutes" % (remaining_seconds/60)
						remaining = "%d seconds" % remaining_seconds
					estimate = "- %d%% est. %s" % ((100*size/filesize), remaining)
				print "- %d Kb (%d Kb/s) %s" % (size/1024, (rate/1024)+0.5, estimate)
				last_time = now
				last_size = size
			chunk =
			if not chunk: break


	#handle errors
	except urllib2.URLError, e:
		print '- ERROR: Failed while downloading ' + filename
		if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
			print 'Reason: ', e.reason
		elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
			print 'Error code: ', e.code
		return False

	if options.debug:
		info =
		print "Info from final response of transfer:"

	if filesize > 0 and size != filesize:
		print "Incomplete transfer - only received %d bytes of the expected %d byte file" % (size, filesize)
		if options.debug:
			print "Transfer delivered %d bytes in %s seconds" % (size-resume_start, now-start_time)
		return False
	if options.progress:
		now = time.time()
		print "- Completed %s - %d Kb in %d seconds" % (filename, (filesize/1024)+0.5, now-start_time)

	if filename in checksums:
		download_checksum = md5.hexdigest().upper()
		if resume_start > 0:
			# did a partial download, so need to checksum the whole file
			download_checksum = md5_checksum(filename)
		if download_checksum != checksums[filename]:
			if options.debug:
				print '- Checksum for %s was %s, expected %s' % (filename, download_checksum, checksums[filename])
			print '- ERROR: %s checksum does not match' % filename
			return False

	return True

def report_to_symbian(version, what):
	global options
	if not options.publicity:
	reporting_url = "" % (version, what)
	if options.dryrun:
		reporting_url += "+dryrun" 
	if options.nosrc:
		reporting_url += "+nosrc" 
	if options.nowinscw:
		reporting_url += "+nowinscw" 
	if options.noarmv5:
		reporting_url += "+noarmv5" 
	if options.nounzip:
		reporting_url += "+nounzip" 
	if options.nodelete:
		reporting_url += "+nodelete" 
	if options.progress:
		reporting_url += "+progress" 
	if options.resume:
		reporting_url += "+resume" 
	if options.debug:
		reporting_url += "+debug" 
	req = urllib2.Request(reporting_url, None, headers)
		urllib2.urlopen(req)	# ignore the response, which will always be 404
	except urllib2.URLError, e:

def downloadkit(version):	
	global headers
	global options
	global failure_list
	urlbase = top_level_url + '/main/tools_and_kits/downloads/'

	viewid = 5   # default to Symbian^3
	if version[0] == '2':
		viewid = 1  # Symbian^2
	if version[0] == '3':
		viewid = 5  # Symbian^3
	if version.startswith('lucky'):
		viewid = 12 # Do you feel lucky?
		version = version[5:]
	url = urlbase + ('view.php?id=%d'% viewid)
	if len(version) > 1:
		# single character version means "give me the latest"
		url = url + '&vId=' + version

	req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
	response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
	if options.debug:
		f = open("downloadpage.html","w")
		print >>f, doc 

	# BeatifulSoup chokes on some javascript, so we cut away everything before the <body>
		doc = doc[bodystart:]


	# check that this is the right version
	match =' v(\S+)</h2>', doc, re.IGNORECASE)
	if not match:
		print "*** ERROR: no version information in the download page"
		return 0
	if len(version) > 1:
		if != version:
			print "*** ERROR: version %s is not available" % version
			print "*** the website is offering version %s instead" %
			return 0
		print "The latest version of Symbian^%s is PDK %s" % (version,
	# let's hope the HTML format never changes...
	# <a href='download.php?id=27&cid=60&iid=270' title=''> ...</a> 
	threadlist = []
	results=soup.findAll('a', href=re.compile("^download"), title=re.compile("\.(zip|xml)$"))
	for result in results:
		downloadurl = urlbase + result['href']
		filename = result['title']

		if options.nosrc and re.match(r"(src_sfl|src_oss)", filename) :
			continue 	# no snapshots of Mercurial source thanks...
		if options.nowinscw and"winscw", filename) :
			continue 	# no winscw emulator...
		if options.noarmv5 and"armv5", filename) :
			continue 	# no armv5 emulator...
		if options.noarmv5 and options.nowinscw and"|binaries_epoc_sdk", filename) :
			continue 	# skip binaries_epoc and binaries_sdk ...
		if download_file(filename, downloadurl) != True :
			continue # download failed

		# unzip the file (if desired)
		if re.match(r"patch", filename):
			complete_outstanding_unzips()	# ensure that the thing we are patching is completed first
		if re.match(r"release_metadata", filename):
			parse_release_metadata(filename)	# read the md5 checksums etc
		elif re.match(r"(bin|tools).*\.zip", filename):
			schedule_unzip(filename, 1, 0)   # unzip once, don't delete
		elif re.match(r"src_.*\.zip", filename):
			schedule_unzip(filename, 1, 1)   # zip of zips, delete top level
		elif re.match(r"", filename):
			schedule_unzip(filename, 1, 1)   # unpack then delete zip as it's not needed again

	report_to_symbian(version, "downfailures_%d" % len(failure_list))

	# wait for the unzipping threads to complete

	if len(failure_list) > 0:
		print "\n"
		print "Downloading completed, with failures in %d files\n" % (len(failure_list))
		print "\n\t".join(failure_list)
		print "\n"
	elif not options.dryrun:
		print "\nDownloading completed successfully"
	return 1

parser = OptionParser(version="%prog "+version, usage="Usage: %prog [options] version")
parser.add_option("-n", "--dryrun", action="store_true", dest="dryrun",
	help="print the files to be downloaded, the 7z commands, and the recommended deletions")
parser.add_option("--nosrc", action="store_true", dest="nosrc",
	help="Don't download any of the source code available directly from Mercurial")
parser.add_option("--nowinscw", action="store_true", dest="nowinscw",
	help="Don't download the winscw emulator")
parser.add_option("--noarmv5", action="store_true", dest="noarmv5",
	help="Don't download the armv5 binaries")
parser.add_option("--nounzip", action="store_true", dest="nounzip",
	help="Just download, don't unzip or delete any files")
parser.add_option("--nodelete", action="store_true", dest="nodelete",
	help="Do not delete files after unzipping")
parser.add_option("--progress", action="store_true", dest="progress",
	help="Report download progress")
parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="username", metavar="USER",
	help="login to website as USER")
parser.add_option("--password", dest="password", metavar="PWD",		
	help="specify the account password")
parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", 
	help="debug HTML traffic (not recommended!)")
parser.add_option("--webhost", dest="webhost", metavar="SITE",
	help="use alternative website (for testing!)")
parser.add_option("--noresume", action="store_false", dest="resume",
	help="Do not attempt to continue a previous failed transfer")
parser.add_option("--nopublicity", action="store_false", dest="publicity",
	help="Do not tell Symbian how I am using downloadkit")
	webhost = '',

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
	parser.error("Must supply a PDK version, e.g. 3 or 3.0.h")
if not check_unzip_environment() :
	parser.error("Unable to execute 7z command")

top_level_url = "https://" + options.webhost
opener = build_opener(options.debug)

report_to_symbian(args[0], "what")
success = downloadkit(args[0])
if success:
	report_to_symbian(args[0], "success")
	report_to_symbian(args[0], "failed")
if options.dryrun:
	print "# instructions for downloading kit " + args[0]
	for download in download_list:
		print download
	for command in unzip_list:
		print command