author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Thu, 30 Sep 2010 11:54:42 +0100
changeset 325 28c70cc5e86f
parent 177 6d3c3db11e72
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add --norev option to ignore the revision information in packagelists (mostly for the default hg pull behaviour) Improve the csv file parsing to allow spaces in the comma-separated information Remove the export_control_special_case in line with the main website practice Add a distinct hostname for the pushurl, so we pull from "developer.symbian.org" and push to "developer-secure.symbian.org"

package XML::SAX::Exception;

use strict;

use overload '""' => "stringify",
    'fallback' => 1;

use vars qw/$StackTrace $VERSION/;
$VERSION = '1.01';
use Carp;

$StackTrace = $ENV{XML_DEBUG} || 0;

# Other exception classes:

@XML::SAX::Exception::NotRecognized::ISA = ('XML::SAX::Exception');
@XML::SAX::Exception::NotSupported::ISA = ('XML::SAX::Exception');
@XML::SAX::Exception::Parse::ISA = ('XML::SAX::Exception');

sub throw {
    my $class = shift;
    if (ref($class)) {
        die $class;
    die $class->new(@_);

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %opts = @_;
    confess "Invalid options: " . join(', ', keys %opts) unless exists $opts{Message};
    bless { ($StackTrace ? (StackTrace => stacktrace()) : ()), %opts },

sub stringify {
    my $self = shift;
    local $^W;
    my $error;
    if (exists $self->{LineNumber}) {
        $error = $self->{Message} . " [Ln: " . $self->{LineNumber} . 
                ", Col: " . $self->{ColumnNumber} . "]";
    else {
        $error = $self->{Message};
    if ($StackTrace) {
        $error .= stackstring($self->{StackTrace});
    $error .= "\n";
    return $error;

sub stacktrace {
    my $i = 2;
    my @fulltrace;
    while (my @trace = caller($i++)) {
        my %hash;
        @hash{qw(Package Filename Line)} = @trace[0..2];
        push @fulltrace, \%hash;
    return \@fulltrace;

sub stackstring {
    my $stacktrace = shift;
    my $string = "\nFrom:\n";
    foreach my $current (@$stacktrace) {
        $string .= $current->{Filename} . " Line: " . $current->{Line} . "\n";
    return $string;



=head1 NAME

XML::SAX::Exception - Exception classes for XML::SAX


  throw XML::SAX::Exception::NotSupported(
          Message => "The foo feature is not supported",


This module is the base class for all SAX Exceptions, those defined in
the spec as well as those that one may create for one's own SAX errors.

There are three subclasses included, corresponding to those of the SAX


Use them wherever you want, and as much as possible when you encounter
such errors. SAX is meant to use exceptions as much as possible to 
flag problems.


All you need to do to create a new exception class is:

  @XML::SAX::Exception::MyException::ISA = ('XML::SAX::Exception')

The given package doesn't need to exist, it'll behave correctly this 
way. If your exception refines an existing exception class, then you
may also inherit from that instead of from the base class.


This is as simple as exemplified in the SYNOPSIS. In fact, there's 
nothing more to know. All you have to do is:

  throw XML::SAX::Exception::MyException( Message => 'Something went wrong' );

and voila, you've thrown an exception which can be caught in an eval block.
