Add --norev option to ignore the revision information in packagelists (mostly for the default hg pull behaviour)
Improve the csv file parsing to allow spaces in the comma-separated information
Remove the export_control_special_case in line with the main website practice
Add a distinct hostname for the pushurl, so we pull from "" and push to ""
# $Id:,v 1.3 2003/07/30 13:39:23 matt Exp $
package XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader;
use strict;
sub set_raw_stream {
# no-op
sub switch_encoding_stream {
my ($fh, $encoding) = @_;
throw XML::SAX::Exception::Parse (
Message => "Only ASCII encoding allowed without perl 5.7.2 or higher. You tried: $encoding",
) if $encoding !~ /(ASCII|UTF\-?8)/i;
sub switch_encoding_string {
my (undef, $encoding) = @_;
throw XML::SAX::Exception::Parse (
Message => "Only ASCII encoding allowed without perl 5.7.2 or higher. You tried: $encoding",
) if $encoding !~ /(ASCII|UTF\-?8)/i;