diffenv - Added some basic support for diffing with zipped builds over http (such as the internal foundation builds). for example: dbr diffenv 'http://builds.symbian.org/SF_builds/symbian3/builds/FCL/symbian3_FCL.single.555/'
# $Id: ParserFactory.pm,v 1.13 2002/11/19 18:25:47 matt Exp $package XML::SAX::ParserFactory;use strict;use vars qw($VERSION);$VERSION = '1.01';use Symbol qw(gensym);use XML::SAX;use XML::SAX::Exception;sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; # TODO : Fix this in spec. my $self = bless \%params, $class; $self->{KnownParsers} = XML::SAX->parsers(); return $self;}sub parser { my $self = shift; my @parser_params = @_; if (!ref($self)) { $self = $self->new(); } my $parser_class = $self->_parser_class(); my $version = ''; if ($parser_class =~ s/\s*\(([\d\.]+)\)\s*$//) { $version = " $1"; } { no strict 'refs'; if (!keys %{"${parser_class}::"}) { eval "use $parser_class $version;"; } } return $parser_class->new(@parser_params);}sub require_feature { my $self = shift; my ($feature) = @_; $self->{RequiredFeatures}{$feature}++; return $self;}sub _parser_class { my $self = shift; # First try ParserPackage if ($XML::SAX::ParserPackage) { return $XML::SAX::ParserPackage; } # Now check if required/preferred is there if ($self->{RequiredFeatures}) { my %required = %{$self->{RequiredFeatures}}; # note - we never go onto the next try (ParserDetails.ini), # because if we can't provide the requested feature # we need to throw an exception. PARSER: foreach my $parser (reverse @{$self->{KnownParsers}}) { foreach my $feature (keys %required) { if (!exists $parser->{Features}{$feature}) { next PARSER; } } # got here - all features must exist! return $parser->{Name}; } # TODO : should this be NotSupported() ? throw XML::SAX::Exception ( Message => "Unable to provide required features", ); } # Next try SAX.ini for my $dir (@INC) { my $fh = gensym(); if (open($fh, "$dir/SAX.ini")) { my $param_list = XML::SAX->_parse_ini_file($fh); my $params = $param_list->[0]->{Features}; if ($params->{ParserPackage}) { return $params->{ParserPackage}; } else { # we have required features (or nothing?) PARSER: foreach my $parser (reverse @{$self->{KnownParsers}}) { foreach my $feature (keys %$params) { if (!exists $parser->{Features}{$feature}) { next PARSER; } } return $parser->{Name}; } XML::SAX->do_warn("Unable to provide SAX.ini required features. Using fallback\n"); } last; # stop after first INI found } } if (@{$self->{KnownParsers}}) { return $self->{KnownParsers}[-1]{Name}; } else { return "XML::SAX::PurePerl"; # backup plan! }}1;__END__=head1 NAMEXML::SAX::ParserFactory - Obtain a SAX parser=head1 SYNOPSIS use XML::SAX::ParserFactory; use XML::SAX::XYZHandler; my $handler = XML::SAX::XYZHandler->new(); my $p = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser(Handler => $handler); $p->parse_uri("foo.xml"); # or $p->parse_string("<foo/>") or $p->parse_file($fh);=head1 DESCRIPTIONXML::SAX::ParserFactory is a factory class for providing an applicationwith a Perl SAX2 XML parser. It is akin to DBI - a front end for otherparser classes. Each new SAX2 parser installed will register itselfwith XML::SAX, and then it will become available to all applicationsthat use XML::SAX::ParserFactory to obtain a SAX parser.Unlike DBI however, XML/SAX parsers almost all work alike (especiallyif they subclass XML::SAX::Base, as they should), so rather thanspecifying the parser you want in the call to C<parser()>, XML::SAXhas several ways to automatically choose which parser to use:=over 4=item * $XML::SAX::ParserPackageIf this package variable is set, then this package is C<require()>dand an instance of this package is returned by calling the C<new()>class method in that package. If it cannot be loaded or there isan error, an exception will be thrown. The variable can also containa version number: $XML::SAX::ParserPackage = "XML::SAX::Expat (0.72)";And the number will be treated as a minimum version number.=item * Required featuresIt is possible to require features from the parsers. For example, youmay wish for a parser that supports validation via a DTD. To do that,use the following code: use XML::SAX::ParserFactory; my $factory = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->new(); $factory->require_feature('http://xml.org/sax/features/validation'); my $parser = $factory->parser(...);Alternatively, specify the required features in the call to theParserFactory constructor: my $factory = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->new( RequiredFeatures => { 'http://xml.org/sax/features/validation' => 1, } );If the features you have asked for are unavailable (for example theuser might not have a validating parser installed), then anexception will be thrown.The list of known parsers is searched in reverse order, so it willalways return the last installed parser that supports all of yourrequested features (Note: this is subject to change if someonecomes up with a better way of making this work).=item * SAX.iniParserFactory will search @INC for a file called SAX.ini, whichis in a simple format: # a comment looks like this, ; or like this, and are stripped anywhere in the file key = value # SAX.in contains key/value pairs.All whitespace is non-significant.This file can contain either a line: ParserPackage = MyParserModule (1.02)Where MyParserModule is the module to load and use for the parser,and the number in brackets is a minimum version to load.Or you can list required features: http://xml.org/sax/features/validation = 1And each feature with a true value will be required.=item * FallbackIf none of the above works, the last parser installed on the user'ssystem will be used. The XML::SAX package ships with a pure perlXML parser, XML::SAX::PurePerl, so that there will always be afallback parser.=back=head1 AUTHORMatt Sergeant, matt@sergeant.org=head1 LICENSEThis is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the sameterms as Perl itself.=cut