version 0.3 - add command line processing, --dryrun option, --nosrc option
Make sure that outstanding unzip commands are completed before unpacking "patch" files
Refactor the unzipping, to implement dryrun and give scope for throttling the number of unzips in progress
#! perl
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Perl script to synchronise a Perforce branch with a Mercurial repository
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; # for tempfile()
my $verbose;
my $debug = 0;
my $rootdir;
my $help;
my $remoterepo;
my $hgbranch;
my $sync_prefix = "sync_";
# abandon_sync, all ye who enter here
# This should send a notification to someone, as it will probably mean manual repair
sub abandon_sync(@)
print "ERROR - synchronisation of $rootdir abandoned\n\n";
print @_;
print "\n\n";
# utility to run an external command
sub run_cmd($;$)
my ($cmd,$failurematch) = @_;
print "--- $cmd\n" if ($verbose || $debug);
my @output = `$cmd`;
print @output,"\n---\n" if ($debug);
if (defined $failurematch)
if (grep /$failurematch/, @output)
abandon_sync("COMMAND FAILED: $cmd\n", @output,"\n\n",
"Output matched $failurematch\n");
print "CMD OK - Didn't match /$failurematch/\n" if ($debug);
if ($?)
print @output,"\n---\n" if ($verbose);
abandon_sync("COMMAND FAILED: exit status = $?\n",$cmd,"\n");
return @output;
# -------------- hg section -------------
# Code relating to other SCM system is abstracted into
# functions to do relatively simple actions. This section
# contains the driving logic for the script, and all of the
# manipulations of Mercurial
sub scm_usage(); # forward declarations
sub scm_options();
sub scm_init($@);
sub scm_checkout($); # non-destructive, i.e. leave untouched any workspace files not managed in SCM
sub scm_checkin($$$$$$);
sub Usage(;$)
my ($errmsg) = @_;
print "\nERROR: $errmsg\n" if (defined $errmsg);
print <<'EOF';
General options:
-root rootdir root of the Mercurial gateway repository
-v verbose
-h print this usage information
Setting up a new synchronisation:
-clone remoterepo clones gateway from remote repository
-branch hgbranch Mercurial branch name (if needed)
exit 1;
Usage() if !GetOptions(
'root=s' => \$rootdir,
'h' => \$help,
'v' => \$verbose,
'debug' => \$debug,
'clone=s' => \$remoterepo,
'branch=s' => \$hgbranch,
Usage() if ($help);
Usage("Must specify root directory for Mercurial gateway") if (!defined $rootdir);
Usage("-branch is only used with -clone") if (defined $hgbranch && !defined $remoterepo);
if ($verbose)
my @hgversion = run_cmd("hg --version");
print @hgversion;
# utility to return the heads descended from a particular point
sub hg_heads($)
my ($rev_on_branch) = @_;
my @heads = run_cmd("hg heads --template {rev}\\t{tags}\\n $rev_on_branch");
return @heads;
# return an unsorted list of synchronisation points, identified by
# tags beginning with "sync_"
sub hg_syncpoints(;$)
my ($tip_rev) = @_;
my @tags = run_cmd("hg tags");
my @syncpoints;
foreach my $tag (@tags)
if ($tag =~ /^tip\s+(\d+):\S+$/)
$$tip_rev = $1 if (defined $tip_rev);
if ($tag =~ /^$sync_prefix(.*\S)\s+\S+$/)
push @syncpoints, $1;
if ($debug)
printf "Found %d syncpoints in %d tags:", scalar @syncpoints, scalar @tags;
print join("\n * ", "",@syncpoints), "\n";
return @syncpoints;
my $hg_updated = 0;
# Update the Mercurial workspace to a given sync point
sub hg_checkout($)
my ($scmref) = @_;
my $tag = $sync_prefix.$scmref;
my @output = run_cmd("hg update --clean --rev $tag", "^abort:");
$hg_updated = 1; # could check the output in case it didn't change anything
# 0. Create the gateway repository, if -clone is specified
if (defined $remoterepo)
Usage("Cannot create gateway because $rootdir already exists") if (-d $rootdir);
my $clonecmd = "clone";
$clonecmd .= " --rev $hgbranch" if (defined $hgbranch);
my @output = run_cmd("hg $clonecmd $remoterepo $rootdir");
$hg_updated = 1;
chdir $rootdir;
Usage("$rootdir is not a Mercurial repository") if (!-d ".hg");
my $something_to_push = 0;
# 1. Prime the SCM system, and get the ordered list of changes available to
# convert into Mercurial commits
my $first_sync; # is this the first synchronisation?
my $scm_tip_only; # can we process a series of changes in the SCM system?
my $tip_rev = -1;
my @syncpoints = hg_syncpoints(\$tip_rev);
if (scalar @syncpoints != 0)
$first_sync = 0; # no - it's already synchronised
$scm_tip_only = 0; # so can allow sequence of SCM changes
print "First synchronisation through this gateway\n" if ($verbose);
$first_sync = 1;
if ($tip_rev != -1)
$scm_tip_only = 1; # because there's already something in the repository
print "Mercurial repository is empty\n" if ($verbose);
$scm_tip_only = 0; # allow multiple SCM changes, because there's nothing to merge with
my $opening_scmtag; # ancestor by which we judge the headcount of the result
my $latest_scmtag;
my @scmrefs = scm_init($scm_tip_only, @syncpoints);
if (scalar @scmrefs == 0)
print "No changes to process in local SCM\n";
$opening_scmtag = $tip_rev;
$opening_scmtag = $sync_prefix.$scmrefs[0];
$latest_scmtag = $opening_scmtag;
if ($scm_tip_only && scalar @scmrefs > 1)
print "ERROR - cannot handle multiple SCM changes in this situation\n";
# 2. Process the SCM changes, turning them into Mercurial commits and marking with tags
# - we guarantee that there is at most one change, if this is the first synchronisation
foreach my $scmref (@scmrefs)
my ($user,$date,@description) = scm_checkout($scmref);
# commit the result
my ($fh,$filename) = tempfile();
print $fh join("\n",@description), "\n";
close $fh;
run_cmd("hg commit --addremove --date \"$date\" --user \"$user\" --logfile $filename", "^abort\:");
$something_to_push = 1;
unlink($filename); # remove temporary file
my $tag = $sync_prefix.$scmref;
run_cmd("hg tag --local $tag");
$latest_scmtag = $tag;
print "Synchronised $scmref into Mercurial gateway repository\n";
# 3. Put the full Mercurial state into the SCM, if this is the first synchronisation
if ($first_sync)
my @traceback = run_cmd("hg log --limit 1 --template {rev}\\t{node}\\t{tags}\\n");
my $line = shift @traceback;
chomp $line;
my ($rev,$node,$tags) = split /\t/,$line;
if ($rev != 0)
# repository was not empty, so need to commit the current state back into Perforce
my @description = run_cmd("hg log --rev $rev --template \"{author}\\n{date|isodate}\\n{desc}\"");
chomp @description;
my $author = shift @description;
my $date = shift @description;
my @changes = run_cmd("hg status --clean"); # include info on unmodified files
@changes = sort @changes;
# Deliver changes to SCM
my $scmref = scm_checkin($node,$author,$date,\@changes,\@description,$tags);
my $tag = $sync_prefix.$scmref;
run_cmd("hg tag --local $tag");
$latest_scmtag = $tag;
print "Synchronised $scmref from Mercurial gateway, to initialise the synchronisation\n";
$opening_scmtag = $latest_scmtag; # don't consider history before this point
# 3. pull from Mercurial default path, deal with new stuff
my @pull_output = run_cmd("hg pull --update");
$hg_updated = 1;
my @heads = hg_heads($opening_scmtag);
if (scalar @heads > 1)
# more than one head - try a safe merge
print "WARNING: multiple heads\n",@heads,"\nMerge is needed\n\n\n" if ($verbose);
my @merge_output = run_cmd("hg --config \"ui.merge=internal:fail\" merge"); # which head?
if ($merge_output[0] =~ / 0 files unresolved/)
# successful merge - commit it.
run_cmd("hg commit --message \"Automatic merge\"");
$something_to_push = 1;
# clean up any partially merged files
run_cmd("hg update -C");
# 4. Identify the sequence of Mercurial changes on the trunk and put them into the SCM
# - Do only the head revision if this is the first synchronisation, to avoid copying ancient history
my $options = "--follow-first";
$options .= " --prune $latest_scmtag";
my @traceback = run_cmd("hg log $options --template {rev}\\t{node}\\t{tags}\\n");
foreach my $line (reverse @traceback)
chomp $line;
my ($rev,$node,$tags) = split /\t/,$line;
if ($tags =~ /$sync_prefix/)
# shouldn't happen - it would mean that tip goes back to an ancestor
# of the latest sync point
abandon_sync("Cannot handle this structure\n",@traceback);
# Read commit information and update workspace from Mercurial
my @description = run_cmd("hg log --rev $rev --template \"{author}\\n{date|isodate}\\n{desc}\"");
chomp @description;
my $author = shift @description;
my $date = shift @description;
my @changes = run_cmd("hg status --rev $latest_scmtag --rev $rev");
@changes = sort @changes;
run_cmd("hg update -C --rev $rev");
$hg_updated = 1;
# Deliver changes to SCM
my $scmref = scm_checkin($node,$author,$date,\@changes,\@description,$tags);
# Tag as the latest sync point
my $tag = $sync_prefix.$scmref;
run_cmd("hg tag --local $tag");
$latest_scmtag = $tag;
print "Synchronised $scmref from Mercurial gateway\n";
# 3. push changes to the destination gateway
if ($something_to_push)
my @output = run_cmd("hg -v push --force --rev $latest_scmtag");
print "\n",@output,"\n" if ($verbose);
print "Destination Mercurial repository has been updated\n";
print "Nothing to push to destination Mercurial repository\n";
# 4. Check to see if we are in a clean state
@heads = hg_heads($opening_scmtag);
if (scalar @heads > 1)
print "\n------------------\n";
print "WARNING: Mercurial repository has multiple heads - manual merge recommended\n";
# -------------- SCM section -------------
# Code relating to non-Mercurial SCM system.
# This version implements the sync with Perforce
sub scm_usage()
print <<'EOF';
perl -root rootdir [options]
version 0.7
Synchronise a branch in Perforce with a branch in Mercurial.
The branch starts at rootdir, which is a local Mercurial repository.
The Perforce clientspec is assumed to exist, to specify modtime & rmdir,
and to exclude the .hg directory from the rootdir.
The tool will sync rootdir/... to the specified changelist, and
then reflect all changes affecting this part of the directory tree into
The -first option is used to specify the first sync point if the gateway
has not been previously synchronised, e.g. when -clone is specified.
Perforce-related options:
-m maxchangelist highest changelist to consider
defaults to #head
my $max_changelist;
sub scm_options()
# set defaults
$max_changelist = "#head";
# return the GetOpt specification
return (
'm|max=s' => \$max_changelist,
sub p4_sync($)
my ($changelist)= @_;
my $sync = $hg_updated? "sync -k":"sync";
my @sync_output = run_cmd("p4 $sync ...\@$changelist 2>&1");
$hg_updated = 0; # avoid doing sync -f next time, if possible
return @sync_output;
sub scm_init($@)
my ($tip_only, @syncpoints) = @_;
my $first_changelist;
# decide on the range of changelists to process
if ($tip_only)
# Script says we must synchronise from the Perforce tip revision
my @changes = run_cmd("p4 changes -m2 ...");
foreach my $change (@changes)
if ($change =~ /^(Change (\d+) on (\S+) by (\S+)@\S+) /)
$first_changelist = $2;
if (!defined $first_changelist)
print "Perforce branch contains no changes\n";
return ();
print "Synchronisation from tip ($first_changelist)\n" if ($verbose);
$max_changelist = "#head";
# deduce the last synchronisation point from the tags
@syncpoints = sort {$b <=> $a} @syncpoints;
$first_changelist = shift @syncpoints;
printf "%d changes previously synchronised, most recent is %s\n",
1+scalar @syncpoints, $first_changelist;
# Get Mercurial & Perforce into the synchronised state
run_cmd("p4 revert ... 2>&1");
$first_changelist += 1; # we've already synched that one
# enumerate the changelists
my @changes = run_cmd("p4 changes ...\@$first_changelist,$max_changelist");
my @scmrefs;
foreach my $change (reverse @changes)
# Change 297463 on 2003/09/24 by ErnestoG@LON-ERNESTOG02 'Initial MRP files for Component
if ($change =~ /^(Change (\d+) on (\S+) by (\S+)@\S+) /)
my $scmref = $2;
push @scmrefs, $2;
if ($debug && scalar @scmrefs > 3)
print "DEBUG - Processing only the first 3 SCM changes\n";
@scmrefs = ($scmrefs[0],$scmrefs[1],$scmrefs[2]);
if ($verbose)
printf "Found %d new changelists to process (range %d to %s)\n",
scalar @scmrefs, $first_changelist, $max_changelist;
print join(", ", @scmrefs), "\n";
return @scmrefs;
# scm_checkout
# Update the workspace to reflect the given SCM reference
sub scm_checkout($)
my ($scmref) = @_;
my @changelist = run_cmd("p4 describe -s $scmref 2>&1", "$scmref - no such changelist");
my @change_description;
my $change_date;
my $change_user;
my $change_summary = shift @changelist;
if ($change_summary =~ /^Change (\d+) by (\S+)@\S+ on (\S+ \S+)/)
$change_user = $2;
$change_date = $3;
print "Failed to parse change summary => $change_summary\n";
# Extract the descriptive part of the change description, watching for
# the Symbian XML format enforced by the submission checker
my $symbian_format = 0;
foreach my $line (@changelist)
last if ($line =~ /^(Affected files|Jobs fixed)/);
$line =~ s/^\t//; # remove leading tab from description text
if ($line =~ /^<EXTERNAL>/)
$symbian_format = 1;
@change_description = ();
if ($line =~ /^<\/EXTERNAL>/)
$symbian_format = 2;
chomp $line;
push @change_description, $line if ($symbian_format < 2);
# <detail submitter= "Sangamma VChandangoudar" />
if ($line =~ /detail submitter=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/) # name in " marks
$change_user = $1;
$change_date =~ s/\//-/g; # convert to yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm::ss"
return ($change_user,$change_date,@change_description);
# scm_checkin
# Describe the changes to the workspace as an SCM change
# Return the new SCM reference
sub scm_checkin($$$$$$)
my ($hgnode,$author,$date,$changes,$description,$tags) = @_;
my @hg_tags = grep !/^tip$/, split /\s+/, $tags;
my @p4_edit;
my @p4_delete;
my @p4_add;
foreach my $line (@$changes)
my $type = substr($line,0,2,""); # removes type as well as extracting it
if ($type eq "M ")
push @p4_edit, $line;
if ($type eq "A " || $type eq "C ")
push @p4_add, $line;
if ($type eq "R ")
push @p4_delete, $line;
abandon_sync("Unexpected hg status line: $type$line");
if (scalar @p4_add)
open P4ADD, "|p4 -x - add";
print P4ADD @p4_add;
close P4ADD;
abandon_sync("Perforce error on p4 add: $?\n") if ($?);
if (scalar @p4_edit)
open P4EDIT, "|p4 -x - edit";
print P4EDIT @p4_edit;
close P4EDIT;
abandon_sync("Perforce error on p4 edit: $?\n") if ($?);
if (scalar @p4_delete)
open P4DELETE, "|p4 -x - delete";
print P4DELETE @p4_delete;
close P4DELETE;
abandon_sync("Perforce error on p4 delete: $?\n") if ($?);
my @pending_change = run_cmd("p4 change -o");
# Can't do anything with the author or date information?
my ($fh,$filename) = tempfile();
my $hasfiles = 0;
foreach my $line (@pending_change)
if ($line =~ /<enter description here>/)
print $fh "\t(Synchronised from Mercurial commit $hgnode: $date $author)";
print $fh "\t(Mercurial tags: ", join(", ",$tags),")" if (scalar @hg_tags != 0);
print $fh join("\n\t", "", @$description), "\n";
$hasfiles = 1 if ($line =~/^Files:/);
print $fh $line;
close $fh;
abandon_sync("No files in Perforce submission? $filename\n", @pending_change) if (!$hasfiles);
my @submission = run_cmd("p4 submit -i < $filename 2>&1");
unlink($filename); # remove temporary file
# Change 1419488 renamed change 1419490 and submitted.
# Change 1419487 submitted.
foreach my $line (reverse @submission)
if ($line =~ /change (\d+)( and)? submitted/i)
return $1;
abandon_sync("Failed to parse output of p4 submit:\n",@submission);