Add a utility to convert raptor timestamps back into localtime.
Lots of change to the script, trying to get more insight
Add filename globbing to the script, so you can scan *compile*
package XML::DOM::PerlSAX;
use strict;
if ($^W)
warn "XML::DOM::PerlSAX has been renamed to XML::Handler::DOM, "
"please modify your code accordingly.";
use XML::Handler::DOM;
use vars qw{ @ISA };
@ISA = qw{ XML::Handler::DOM };
1; # package return code
=head1 NAME
XML::DOM::PerlSAX - Old name of L<XML::Handler::BuildDOM>
See L<XML::DOM::BuildDOM>
XML::DOM::PerlSAX was renamed to L<XML::Handler::BuildDOM> to comply
with naming conventions for PerlSAX filters/handlers.
For backward compatibility, this package will remain in existence
(it simply includes XML::Handler::BuildDOM), but it will print a warning when
running with I<'perl -w'>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Send bug reports, hints, tips, suggestions to Enno Derksen at
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<XML::Handler::BuildDOM>, L<XML::DOM>