#!/usr/bin/perl# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd# This component and the accompanying materials are made available# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"# which accompanies this distribution, and is available# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".## Initial Contributors:# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.# # Contributors:## Description:# Parse "ant" logs from SBS build to determine missing source filesmy $pdk_src = "../.."; # path to sf tree - correct from "build/output"my %missing_files;my %damaged_components;my %excluded_things;my %damaged_bldinfs;sub canonical_path($) { my ($path) = @_; my @bits = split /\//, $path; my @newbits = (); foreach my $bit (@bits) { next if ($bit eq "."); if ($bit eq "..") { pop @newbits; next; } push @newbits, $bit; } return join("/", @newbits); }sub excluded_thing($$$) { my ($path, $missing, $reason) = @_; if (!defined $excluded_things{$path}) { @{$excluded_things{$path}} = (); } push @{$excluded_things{$path}}, $missing; # print "Missing $missing from excluded $path ($reason)\n"; }sub do_missing_file($$$) { my ($missing, $missing_from, $reason) = @_; $missing = canonical_path($missing); $missing_from = canonical_path($missing_from); my $component = "??"; if ($missing_from ne "??") { my @dirs = split /\//, $missing_from; shift @dirs if ($dirs[0] eq "sf"); $path = $pdk_src . "/sf/$dirs[0]/$dirs[1]"; if (!-e $path) { # no sign of the package excluded_thing($path, $missing, $reason); return; } $path .= "/$dirs[2]"; if (!-e $path) { # no sign of the collection excluded_thing($path, $missing, $reason); return; } $path .= "/$dirs[3]"; if (!-e $path) { # no sign of the component excluded_thing($path, $missing, $reason); return; } $component = join("/", $dirs[0], $dirs[1], $dirs[2], $dirs[3]); } $missing_files{$missing} = $reason if ($missing ne "??"); if (!defined $damaged_components{$component}) { @{$damaged_components{$component}} = (); } push @{$damaged_components{$component}}, $missing; }sub scan_logfile($){ my ($logfile) = @_; open FILE, "<$logfile" or print "Error: cannot open $logfile: $!\n" and return; my $line; while ($line = <FILE>) { # Source of export does not exist: s:/sf/mw/messagingmw/messagingfw/msgtests/group/msgerr.ra # Source zip for export does not exist: s:/sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/S60LocFiles/data/96.zip if ($line =~ /Source (of|zip for) export does not exist.\s+.*\/(sf\/.*)$/) { do_missing_file($2, "??", "source of export"); next; } # No bld.inf found at sf/os/buildtools/toolsandutils/burtestserver/Group in s:/output/build/canonical_system_definition_GT_tb91sf.xml # No bld.inf found at s:/sf/adaptation/stubs/licensee_tsy_stub/group in s:/output/build/canonical_system_definition_S60_5_1_clean.xml if ($line =~ /No bld.inf found at (.*\/)?(sf\/.*) in /i) { my $bldinf = "$2/bld.inf"; do_missing_file($bldinf, $bldinf, "no bld.inf"); $damaged_bldinfs{"$bldinf\t(missing)"} = 1; next; } # Can't find mmp file 'm:/sf/mw/mmmw/mmmiddlewarefws/mmfw/SoundDev/PlatSec/MMPFiles/Sounddevice/advancedaacencodesettingsci.mmp' referred to by 'm:/sf/mw/mmmw/mmmiddlewarefws/mmfw/SoundDev/group_pluginsupport/bld.inf' if ($line =~ /Can.t find mmp file .*(sf\/.*)' referred to by .*(sf\/.*)'/i) { my $mmpfile = $1; my $bldinf = $2; do_missing_file($mmpfile, $bldinf, "no mmp file"); next; } # D:/Symbian/Tools/PDT_1.0/raptor/win32/mingw/bin/cpp.exe: s:/sf/os/networkingsrv/networksecurity/ipsec/group/bld.inf:19:42: ../eventmediator/group/bld.inf: No such file or directory if ($line =~ /cpp.exe: .*\/(sf\/[^:]*):.*\s+([^:]+): No such file/) { my $parent = $1; my $relative = $2; if ($parent =~ /\.inf$/i) { my $parent = canonical_path($parent); $damaged_bldinfs{"$parent\t$relative"} = 1; } do_missing_file("$parent/../$relative", $parent, "#include"); next; } # make.exe: *** No rule to make target `m:/sf/os/security/crypto/weakcrypto/source/symmetric/des.cpp', needed by `m:/epoc32/build/weakcrypto/c_126994d895f12d1a/weak_cryptography_dll/winscw/udeb/des.o'. if ($line =~ /No rule to make target .*(sf\/.*)', needed by .*(epoc32\/.*)'/) { my $missing = $1; my $impact = "building $2"; # epoc32/build/weakcrypto/c_126994d895f12d1a/weak_cryptography_dll if ($impact =~ /epoc32\/build\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/([^\/]+)\//) { $impact = "building $1"; } do_missing_file($missing, "??", $impact); next; } } close FILE; } my @logfiles = map(glob,@ARGV); foreach my $logfile (@logfiles) { print "Scanning $logfile...\n"; scan_logfile($logfile); } printf "%d Excluded things\n", scalar keys %excluded_things; foreach my $component (sort keys %excluded_things) { my @list = @{$excluded_things{$component}}; my %hash; foreach my $missing (@list) { $hash{$missing} = 1; } printf "%s\t%d\n", $component, scalar keys %hash; print "\t", join("\n\t", sort keys %hash), "\n"; } print "\nDamaged components\n"; foreach my $component (sort keys %damaged_components) { my @list = @{$damaged_components{$component}}; my %hash; foreach my $missing (@list) { $hash{$missing} = 1; } printf "%s\t%d\n", $component, scalar keys %hash; print "\t", join("\n\t", sort keys %hash), "\n"; } print "\nMissing files\n"; foreach my $missing (sort keys %missing_files) { my $reason = $missing_files{$missing}; my @dirs = split /\//, $missing; my $path = shift @dirs; my $dir; while ($dir = shift @dirs) { if (-e "$pdk_src/$path/$dir") { # still exists at this point $path .= "/$dir"; next; } print "\t$reason\t$path\t\t", join("/", $dir,@dirs), "\n"; last; } } print "\nDamaged bld.infs\n"; print join("\n", sort keys %damaged_bldinfs, ""); print "\n\n"; printf "%d files missing from ", scalar keys %missing_files; printf "%d damaged components\n", scalar keys %damaged_components;