DBRTools - Added filtering support. It's currently implmented in checkenv and diffenv, but adding it to other commands is pretty easy.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Create a barebones OBY file from a dependency report text file.
"""Take a report generated by get_deps.py and attempt to create an OBY
file to build a ROM with the dependency list.
from build_graph import without_comments
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
import re
import sys
import logging
__author__ = 'James Aley'
__email__ = 'jamesa@symbian.org'
__version__ = '1.0'
# Logging config
_LOG_FORMAT = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(format=_LOG_FORMAT, level=logging.WARNING, stream=sys.stdout)
# Regexes for bld.inf parsing
_RE_OTHER_SECTION = '\\s*PRJ_[a-z]+\\s*'
_RE_IBY_OBY = '\\s*([^\\s]+\\.[oi]by)\\s+.*'
_p_export_section = re.compile(_RE_EXPORT_SECTION, re.I)
_p_other_section = re.compile(_RE_OTHER_SECTION, re.I)
_p_iby_oby = re.compile(_RE_IBY_OBY, re.I)
# OBY output templates
_OBY_HEADER = """// OBY file generated by genereate_oby.py.
// The following includes are derived from the dependency report: %s
// Required for: %s
// The following appear to be exported by this component,
// but were not found under the include directory:
// The following components are required in your dependency graph, but
// they appear not to export an IBY/OBY file. Your ROM will likely not
// build until you locate the correct include files for these.
_INCLUDE_TEMPLATE = '#include <%s>'
def bld_inf_list(report_path):
"""Returna list of bld.inf files from the report
bld_list = []
report_file = None
report_file = open(report_path)
except IOError, e:
logging.critical('Could not open report: %s' % (repr(e), ))
return filter(lambda x: x and not x.isspace(), [line.strip() for line in without_comments(report_file)])
def get_paths(bld_inf_file):
"""Returns a list of referenced OBY or IBY files from a bld.inf file.
bld_inf_file is an open file handle, which will not be closed by this
oby_iby = []
export_section = False
for line in without_comments(bld_inf_file):
if export_section:
match_iby_oby = _p_iby_oby.search(line)
if match_iby_oby:
file_name = match_iby_oby.groups()[0].strip()
match_other_section = _p_other_section.search(line)
if match_other_section:
export_section = False
match_export_section = _p_export_section.search(line)
if match_export_section:
export_section = True
obys = filter(lambda x: x.lower().endswith('.oby'), oby_iby)
if len(obys) > 0:
return obys
return oby_iby
def rom_file_list(bld_inf_paths):
"""Iterate through a list of bld.inf file paths and extra the references
to OBY or IBY files where appropriate (OBY takes precedence). Return a
dictionary of relevant files in the format:
{ 'component_bld_inf' : [ iby_file_list] }
obys_ibys = {}
for path in bld_inf_paths:
bld_inf_file = None
bld_inf_file = open(path)
except IOError, e:
logging.error('Unable to open bld.inf file: %s' % (repr(e), ))
rom_file_paths = get_paths(bld_inf_file)
obys_ibys[path] = rom_file_paths
return obys_ibys
def iby_map(iby_dict, dir_name, file_names):
"""Searches for the specified IBY/OBY file under the include_root path.
Returns the absolute path to the IBY/OBY if it was found, otherwise a blank string.
for component in iby_dict.keys():
# Map the file names for each component IBY file to a matching
# file name under the export directory, if it exists, otherwise
# keep the existing name for now - it might be matched later.
file_names = map(lambda x: x.lower(), file_names)
component_ibys = map(lambda x: os.path.basename(x).lower() in file_names \
and os.path.join(dir_name, os.path.basename(x)) \
or x, \
iby_dict[component] = component_ibys
def write_oby(out_path, iby_map, input_path, include_root):
"""Write an OBY file to include the required IBY and OBY files for this
ROM specification, given by iby_map.
out_file = None
out_file = open(out_path, 'w')
except IOError, e:
logging.critical('Unable to write OBY file: %s' % repr(e))
# Write the header with the input file name included
out_file.write(_OBY_HEADER % (input_path, ))
exports = filter(lambda x: len(iby_map[x]) > 0, iby_map.keys())
no_exports = filter(lambda x: len(iby_map[x]) == 0, iby_map.keys())
# Write the includes and missing exports
for component in exports:
iby_list = iby_map[component]
exported = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(include_root), iby_list)
# Need relative paths for include, but os.path.relpath is added
# in Python 2.6, which isn't supported by other Symbian tools
# at present :-(
exported = map(lambda x: x[len(include_root) + 1:], exported)
missing = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith(include_root), iby_list)
missing = map(lambda x: os.path.basename(x), missing)
# Write the IBY file includes for this component
out_file.write(_OBY_INCLUDE % (component, '\n'.join([_INCLUDE_TEMPLATE % (iby, ) for iby in exported]), ))
# Write the missing IBY reports
if len(missing) > 0:
out_file.write(_OBY_UNRESOLVED % ('\n'.join(['// %s' % (missed, ) for missed in missing]), ))
# Write report for the IBY that appear not to export any ROM include files
out_file.write(_OBY_NO_EXPORTS % ('\n'.join(['// %s' % (path,) for path in no_exports]), ))
# Main
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Options config
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-r', '--report', dest='report_path',
help='File name for the report generated by get_deps.py',
metavar='INPUT_FILE', default='dependencies.txt')
parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output_file',
help='OBY ouput file to write to.',
metavar='OUT_FILE', default='generated.oby')
parser.add_option('-i', '--include_root', dest='include_root',
help='Environment ROM inlcude root.',
default=os.path.sep.join(['epoc32', 'rom']))
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Read the report and get a list of bld.inf files, then convert to
# a dictionary of bld_inf -> [IBY file list] mappings.
bld_infs = bld_inf_list(options.report_path)
bld_iby_map = rom_file_list(bld_infs)
# Walk the include tree to find the exported IBYs.
os.path.walk(options.include_root, iby_map, bld_iby_map)
# Write the OBY file
write_oby(options.output_file, bld_iby_map, options.report_path, options.include_root)