author Simon Howkins <simonh@symbian.org>
Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:58:22 +0100
changeset 239 d57b367400c0
parent 234 74890d706f0c
child 240 e662a2267ea5
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updated release notes generation: Added copyright message Proper command line parsing Usage message if inputs are not right Added explanatory preamble to output "NEW" FCLs are marked as such Merge changesets are included in output


# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
#	Maciej Seroka, maciejs@symbian.org
# Description:
#   This is a tool for filtering static BC libraries reports.

use strict;
use XML::Simple;
use File::Copy;
use Tie::File;
use Data::Dumper;

my $report;
my $xref_file;
my $destfile;
my $missing_destfile;
my @lines;
my $line;
my $n;
my $m;
my $counter;
my $short_name;
my $del_ok_issues = 1; # This variable determines whether to delete OK issues first.
my $gen_missing_report = 1; # This variable determines whether to produce report for missing libraries.
my $issues_num;
my $issue_name;
my $xref_name;
my $xref_type;
my $xref_line;
my $xref_hdr;
my $xref_def;
my $delete_node;
my @non_public_list;
my $current_item;
my $check_against_xref;
my $temp_lib_num;
my $temp_counter;

if ($ARGV[1]) {
	$report = $ARGV[0];
	$xref_file = $ARGV[1];
	$destfile = "filtered_" . $report;
	$missing_destfile = "missing_" . $report;
} else { 
	die "Missing parameter(s). For example: la_filter.pl libraries_report.xml my_xref_file.txt"; 

# Parse the input XMLs into hashrefs.
print "Parsing " . $report . "... ";
my $current_report = XMLin("./$report", keeproot => 1,
    forcearray => [ 'header', 'baselineversion', 'currentversion', 'timestamp', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', #
	'laversion', 'formatversion', 'cmdlineparms', 'parm', 'pname', 'pvalue', 'knownissuesversion', 'os', 'version', 'buildweek', 'issuelist',#
	'library', 'name', 'comparefilename', 'shortname', 'baseplatform', 'currentplatform', 'issue', 'typeinfo', 'typeid', 'funcname', 'newfuncname', 'newfuncpos', #
	'bc_severity', 'sc_severity', 'status', 'funcpos' ], keyattr => [] );
print "complete \n";

# Get number of libraries.
my $lib_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}};
print "Number of all libraries with issues: $lib_num \n";

# Delete known issues.
if ($del_ok_issues) {
	$n = 0;
	while ($n < $lib_num) {
		$issues_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}};
		$m = 0;
		while ($m < $issues_num) {
			if ($current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'status'}->[0]) { # I.e. if any status set (OK / _OK_).
				splice(@{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}},$m, 1);
				print "Known issue in: $current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'shortname'}->[0] ...deleted\n";
			} else {
		if ($issues_num == 0) { # If all issues deleted - remove the whole entry.
			splice(@{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}},$n, 1);
		} else {
	# Get number of libraries again.
	$lib_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}};
	print "Number of remaining libraries with issues: $lib_num \n";

# Delete non-public API issues.
$n = 0;
$counter = 1;
$temp_counter = 0;
$temp_lib_num = $lib_num;
# Temporary variables - namespace fix.
my $count;
my $temp_issue;
while ($n < $lib_num) {
	print "Processing library: $current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'shortname'}->[0] ( $counter out of $temp_lib_num )\n";
	$issues_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}};
	$m = 0;
	while ($m < $issues_num) {
		$delete_node = 1;
		$issue_name = "";
		# Get issue name based on funcname or newfuncname (If both available get newfuncname).
		if ($current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'newfuncname'}->[0]) {
			$issue_name = $current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'newfuncname'}->[0];
#			print "newfuncname - $issue_name \n";
		} elsif ($current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'funcname'}->[0]) {
			$issue_name = $current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'funcname'}->[0];
#			print "funcname - $issue_name \n";
		if ($issue_name) {
			# Leave only Class name - modified to fix namespace issue.
#			$issue_name =~ s/::.*//;
			# Find '(' and delete all characters following it.
			$issue_name =~ s/\(.*//;
			# Count the number of '::'.
			$count = () = $issue_name =~ /::/g;
			if ($count > 1) { # Means the following format: xx::yy::zz/
				# Get the 2nd part (yy).
				($temp_issue, $issue_name) = split /:+/,$issue_name;
			} else { # Means the following format: xx::yy
				# For 'non-virtual thunk to ' (always refering to a method) - 1st part should be left in.
				$issue_name =~ s/^non-virtual.* //; # Results in no more spaces left in the string.
				# For vtable/typeinfo issues like: typeinfo for CommsFW::TCFDeregisterHookSignal get rid of the 1st part.
				$issue_name =~ s/^.* .*:://; 
				# Leave only the 1st part (xx) for other issues.
				$issue_name =~ s/::.*//;
			# Find '<' and delete all characters following it, e.g. TMeta<CommsDat
			$issue_name =~ s/<.*//;
			# Delete for example: 'typeinfo for ', 'vtable for ', etc. - will only be done for the likes of vtable for CTransportSelfSender (without '::').
			$issue_name =~ s/^.* //; 
#			print $issue_name . "\n";
			# Check if Class/Macro already on the internal non-public API list.
			$check_against_xref = 1;
			foreach $current_item (@non_public_list) {
				if (lc($issue_name) eq lc($current_item)) {	# Keep the node to be deleted and skip checking against the xref file.
					$check_against_xref = 0;
			if ($check_against_xref) {
				# Load xref file.
				open FILE, "<$xref_file" or print "Failed to read $xref_file: $!\n" and return;
				while ($line = <FILE>)
					chomp $line;
					($xref_name, $xref_type, $xref_line, $xref_hdr, $xref_def) = split /\s+/,$line;
					if (lc($issue_name) eq lc($xref_name)) { # Mark the node to NOT be deleted.
						# Insert reference to header file.
						$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'refheaderfile'}->[0] = $xref_hdr;
						$delete_node = 0;
						print "Found issue: $issue_name in public header file: $xref_hdr\n";
				# Close xref file.
				close FILE;
		} else { # No newfuncname/funcname available (e.g. typeinfo only for missing DLLs or typeid only for not shown ones).
#			print "Unclassified issue in $current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'shortname'}->[0] \n";
		if ($delete_node) { # Delete the issue (Not public API-related).
			splice(@{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}},$m, 1);
			if (($issue_name) && ($check_against_xref)) { # Looked for not found in the xref file - add the issue to the internal non-public API list.
				push @non_public_list, $issue_name;
			$temp_counter++; # To count how many issues deleted.
		} else {
	if ($issues_num == 0) { # If all issues deleted - remove the whole entry.
		splice(@{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}},$n, 1);
	} else {
print "$temp_counter issue(s) has been deleted \n";
# Get number of libraries again.
$lib_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}};
print "Final number of libraries with public API-related issues: $lib_num \n";

# Write new XML to dest file.
open OUT,">$destfile" or die("Cannot open file \"$destfile\" for writing. $!\n");
print OUT XMLout($current_report, keeproot => 1);
close OUT;

# Insert:	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII" standalone="no" ?>
#			<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="BBCResults.xsl"?>
tie @lines, 'Tie::File', $destfile or die ("Cannot tie file \"$destfile\". $!\n");
unshift @lines, "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"BBCResults.xsl\"?>";
unshift @lines, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ASCII\" standalone=\"no\" ?>";
untie @lines;

# Produce report for missing libraries.
if ($gen_missing_report) {
	# Parse the input XMLs into hashrefs again.
	print "Parsing " . $report . "... ";
	my $current_report = XMLin("./$report", keeproot => 1,
		forcearray => [ 'header', 'baselineversion', 'currentversion', 'timestamp', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', #
		'laversion', 'formatversion', 'cmdlineparms', 'parm', 'pname', 'pvalue', 'knownissuesversion', 'os', 'version', 'buildweek', 'issuelist',#
		'library', 'name', 'comparefilename', 'shortname', 'baseplatform', 'currentplatform', 'issue', 'typeinfo', 'typeid', 'funcname', 'newfuncname', 'newfuncpos', #
		'bc_severity', 'sc_severity', 'status', 'funcpos' ], keyattr => [] );
	print "complete \n";
	print "Generating report for missing libraries... ";
	# Get number of libraries.
	$lib_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}};
	$n = 0;
	while ($n < $lib_num) {
		$issues_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}};
		$m = 0;
		$delete_node = 1;
		while ($m < $issues_num) {
			if (($current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'typeid'}->[0] eq "13") && #
				($current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}->[$n]->{'issue'}->[$m]->{'status'}->[0] ne "OK")) { 
					# If typeid=13 (DLL is missing in current SDK) and unknown issue - keep the node.
					$delete_node = 0;
		if ($delete_node) { # Remove the whole node (i.e. library).
			splice(@{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}},$n, 1);
		} else {
	print "complete\n";
	# Get number of libraries again.
	$lib_num = @{$current_report->{'bbcresults'}->{'issuelist'}->[0]->{'library'}};
	print "Number of missing libraries: $lib_num \n";

	# Write new XML to dest file.
	open OUT,">$missing_destfile" or die("Cannot open file \"$missing_destfile\" for writing. $!\n");
	print OUT XMLout($current_report, keeproot => 1);
	close OUT;

	# Insert:	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII" standalone="no" ?>
	#			<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="BBCResults.xsl"?>
	tie @lines, 'Tie::File', $missing_destfile or die ("Cannot tie file \"$missing_destfile\". $!\n");
	unshift @lines, "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"BBCResults.xsl\"?>";
	unshift @lines, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ASCII\" standalone=\"no\" ?>";
	untie @lines;