Updated release notes generation:
Added copyright message
Proper command line parsing
Usage message if inputs are not right
Added explanatory preamble to output
"NEW" FCLs are marked as such
Merge changesets are included in output
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# mattd <mattd@symbian.org>
# Description:
# DBRpatch - module for handling patched baselines
import re
import os.path #used for 'listpatches'
import string
import glob
import dbrutils
import dbrbaseline
def newcompare(db1, db2):
db1files = set(db1.keys())
db2files = set(db2.keys())
removed = db1files - db2files
added = db2files - db1files
common = db1files & db2files
touched = set()
for file in common:
if(db1[file]['time'] != db2[file]['time']):
sizechanged = set()
for file in common:
if(db1[file]['size'] != db2[file]['size']):
changed = set()
genmd5 = 1 #I probably want to try to generate... add this as a third arg???
md5testset = set()
for file in touched:
if((db1[file]['md5'] != 'xxx' ) and (db2[file]['md5'] == 'xxx')): #no point geenrating an MD5 if we've nothing to compare it to...
# print 'testing %s' % file
md5s = dbrutils.generateMD5s(md5testset)
for file in md5testset:
db2[file]['md5'] = md5s[file]['md5']
for file in touched:
if(db1[file]['md5'] != db2[file]['md5']):
touched = touched - changed
untestable1 = set()
untestable2 = set()
for file in common:
if(db1[file]['md5'] == "xxx"):
if(db2[file]['md5'] == 'xxx'):
untestable = untestable1 & untestable2
changed = changed - untestable
#remove the ones we know are changed
touched = touched - changed
touched = touched - untestable
results = dict()
results['added'] = dict()
results['removed'] = dict()
results['touched'] = dict()
results['changed'] = dict()
results['untestable'] = dict()
for file in added:
results['added'][file] = db2[file]
for file in removed:
results['removed'][file] = 0
for file in touched:
results['touched'][file] = db2[file]
for file in changed:
results['changed'][file] = db2[file]
for file in untestable:
results['untestable'][file] = 0
return results
def printresults(results):
for file in sorted (results['added']):
print 'added:', file
for file in sorted (results['removed']):
print 'removed:', file
for file in sorted (results['touched']):
print 'touched:', file
for file in sorted (results['changed']):
print 'changed:', file
for file in sorted (results['untestable']):
print 'untestable:', file
if(len(results['added']) + len(results['removed']) + len(results['changed']) + len(results['untestable']) == 0):
print '\nStatus:\tclean'
print '\nStatus:\tdirty'
def newupdatedb(baseline,env):
results = newcompare(baseline, env)
for file in results['touched']:
baseline[file]['time'] = env[file]['time']
return results
def newcreatepatch(name, db1, db2):
results = newcompare(db1, db2)
for file in results['touched']:
db1[file]['time'] = db2[file]['time']
patch = dict();
patch['name'] = name
patch['time'] = 'now!!!'
patch['removed'] = results['removed']
added = results['added'].keys()
md5sAdded = dbrutils.generateMD5s(added)
for file in added:
results['added'][file]['md5'] = md5sAdded[file]['md5']
patch['added'] = results['added']
print "Need to add in the untestable stuff here also!!!"
patch['changed'] = results['changed']
patchname = "%spatch_%s" %(dbrutils.patchpath(), name)
createpatchzip(patch, patchname)
#update the ownership
for file in patch['changed']:
db1[file]['name'] = name
return db1
def newcomparepatcheddbs(drive1, drive2):
envdbroot = dbrutils.defaultdb()
print "MattD: should move this function to a better location..."
print 'Comparing %s with %s' % (drive2,drive1)
print 'Loading %s' % drive1
baseline1 = dbrbaseline.readdb('%s%s' %(drive1,envdbroot))
patches1 = loadpatches('%s/%s' %(drive1,dbrutils.patchpath()))
db1 = createpatchedbaseline(baseline1,patches1)
print 'Loading %s' % drive2
baseline2 = dbrbaseline.readdb('%s%s' %(drive2,envdbroot))
patches2 = loadpatches('%s/%s' %(drive2,dbrutils.patchpath()))
db2 = createpatchedbaseline(baseline2,patches2)
results = newcompare(db1, db2)
def createpatchzip(patch, patchname):
patchtext = '%s.txt' % patchname
patchtext = os.path.join(dbrutils.patchpath(),patchtext)
writepatch(patch, patchtext)
files = set()
files.add(re.sub('\\\\','',patchtext)) #remove leading slash - Nasty - need to fix the whole EPOCROOT thing.
zipname = '%s.zip' % patchname
dbrutils.createzip(files, zipname)
def updatebaseline(baseline, db):
for file in (db.keys()):
origin = db[file]['name']
if(origin == 'baseline'):
if(baseline[file]['time'] != db[file]['time']):
baseline[file]['time'] = db[file]['time']
print 'Updating timestamp for %s in baseline' % file
return baseline
def updatepatches(patches, db):
for file in (db.keys()):
origin = db[file]['name']
for patch in patches.keys():
if(patches[patch]['name'] == origin):
if(file in patches[patch]['added']):
mod = 'added'
if(file in patches[patch]['changed']):
mod = 'changed'
if (patches[patch][mod][file]['time'] != db[file]['time']):
patches[patch][mod][file]['time'] = db[file]['time']
print 'Updating timestamp in %s for %s' %(patches[patch]['name'],file)
return patches
def createpatchedbaseline(baseline,patches):
files = dict()
files = addtodb(files,baseline,'baseline')
for patch in sorted(patches.keys()):
# print 'adding patch: %s' % patch
files = addtodb(files,patches[patch]['added'],patches[patch]['name'])
files = addtodb(files,patches[patch]['changed'],patches[patch]['name'])
files = removefromdb(files,patches[patch]['removed'],patches[patch]['name'])
return files
def removefromdb(db,removed,name):
for file in removed:
if(file in db):
# print '%s removing %s' %(name,file)
del db[file]
return db
def addtodb(db,new,name):
for file in new:
if(file not in db):
db[file] = dict()
# else:
# print '%s overriding %s' % (name,file)
db[file]['time'] = new[file]['time']
db[file]['md5'] = new[file]['md5']
db[file]['size'] = new[file]['size']
db[file]['name'] = name
return db
def listpatches():
path = dbrutils.patchpath()
patchfiles = glob.glob('%spatch*.txt' % path)
print 'Installed patches'
for file in patchfiles:
print '\t%s' % re.sub('.txt','',os.path.basename(file))
def removepatch(patch):
path = dbrutils.patchpath()
file = '%s%s%s' %(path,patch,'.txt')
files = set()
def loadpatches(path):
patches = dict()
patchfiles = glob.glob('%spatch*.txt' % path)
for file in patchfiles:
print 'Loading patch: %s' % re.sub('.txt','',os.path.basename(file))
# print 'Reading: %s\n' % file
# patchname = re.match('\S+patch(\S+)\.txt',file)
# print 'patchname %s' % patchname.group(1);
patch = readpatch(file)
# patches[patchname.group(1)] = patch
# print 'Read %s from %s' % (patch['name'],file)
patches[file] = patch
return patches
def savepatches(patches):
for patch in sorted(patches.keys()):
# print 'writing %s to %s' % (patches[patch]['name'],patch)
writepatch(patches[patch], patch)
def writepatch(patch, filename):
file = open(filename,'w')
# print 'saving patch to %s' %filename
file.write("name=%s\n" % patch['name']);
file.write("time=%s\n" % patch['time']);
removed = patch['removed']
for filename in sorted(removed):
str = "removed=%s\n" % filename
added = patch['added']
for filename in sorted(added):
if (len(added[filename]) < 3):
str = "added=%s:%s:%s:%s\n" %( added[filename]['time'],added[filename]['size'],added[filename]['md5'], filename)
changed = patch['changed']
for filename in sorted(changed):
if (len(changed[filename]) < 3):
str = "changed=%s:%s:%s:%s\n" %( changed[filename]['time'],changed[filename]['size'],changed[filename]['md5'], filename)
def readpatch(filename):
file = open(filename,'r')
patch = dict()
removed = set()
added = dict()
changed = dict()
for line in file:
results = re.split('=|\n',line)
type = results[0]
if( type == 'name'):
patch['name'] = results[1]
elif( type == 'time'):
patch['time'] = results[1]
elif( type == 'removed'):
elif(( type == 'added') or (type == 'changed')):
results2 = re.split(':|\n',results[1])
entry = dict()
entry['time'] = results2[0]
entry['size'] = results2[1]
entry['md5'] = results2[2]
if(type == 'added'):
added[results2[3]] = entry
changed[results2[3]] = entry
patch['removed'] = removed
patch['added'] = added
patch['changed'] = changed
return patch