# Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# mattd <mattd@symbian.org>
# Description:
# DBREnv - OO rewrite of the Environments
#I'm using the existing stuff as helpers until things get relocated...
import os.path
import glob
import dbrutils
import dbrbaseline
import dbrpatch
def CreateDB(location): #virtual constructor
print location
# print dbrutils.patch_path_internal()
# print 'loading baseline environment'
# return DBRBaselineEnv(location)
print 'loading patched baseline environment'
return DBRPatchedBaselineEnv(location)
print 'loading zipped environment'
return DBRZippedEnv(location)
if(os.path.exists(os.path.join(location,dbrutils.patch_path_internal()))): #should do something more fun with creating a basleine if we have MD5s
print 'loading new env...warning: this is only here for compatibility'
return DBRNewLocalEnv(location)
print 'loading localenv'
return DBRLocalEnv(location)
return DBREnv(location)
#Start simple with the filtering...
def CreateFilter(arg):
return DBRFileFilter(arg)
return DBRFilter()
class DBREnv:
db = dict()
location = ''
name = ''
def __init__(self, location):
self.location = location
def compare(self, other):
db1files = set(self.db.keys())
db2files = set(other.db.keys())
removed = db1files - db2files
added = db2files - db1files
common = db1files & db2files
touched = set()
for file in common:
if(int(self.db[file]['time']) != int(other.db[file]['time'])):
sizechanged = set()
for file in common:
if(int(self.db[file]['size']) != int(other.db[file]['size'])):
#can be funny with some zip files...suggest we don't use sizechanged...
# changed = sizechanged
changed = set()
touched = touched - changed
unknown = set()
for file in touched:
if((self.db[file]['md5'] == "xxx") or (other.db[file]['md5'] == "xxx")):
# if((self.db[file]['md5'] == "xxx")):
# print 'unknown left: %s' % file
# else:
# print 'unknown right: %s' % file
if(self.db[file]['md5'] != other.db[file]['md5']):
# print '%s %s %s' % (file, self.db[file]['md5'], other.db[file]['md5'] )
touched = touched - unknown
touched = touched - changed
results = DBRCompResults(added, removed, touched, changed, unknown)
return results
def verify(self, files):
print 'this is a pure virtual...'
def save(self):
print 'this is a pure virtual...'
def remove(self, files):
for file in files:
if(file in self.db):
del self.db[file]
print 'warning: del: %s isnt defined' % file
def add(self, other, files):
for file in files:
if(file in self.db):
print 'warning: add: %s already defined' % file
if(other.db[file]['md5'] == 'xxx'): #don't update a null md5
print 'warning: MD5: %s isnt defined' % file
self.db[file] = other.db[file]
def update(self, other, files):
for file in files:
if(other.db[file]['md5'] != 'xxx'): #don't update a null md5
self.db[file]['md5'] = other.db[file]['md5']
print 'warning: MD5: %s isnt defined' % file
self.db[file]['time'] = other.db[file]['time']
self.db[file]['size'] = other.db[file]['size']
#Database plus local filesystem access
class DBRLocalEnv (DBREnv):
def __init__(self, location):
DBREnv.__init__(self, location)
#load up local files...
self.db = dbrutils.scanenv()
def verify(self, files):
#should assert that the files are in the local DB.
localfiles = set(self.db.keys())
md5s = dbrutils.generateMD5s(files)
for file in files:
self.db[file]['md5'] = md5s[file]['md5']
class DBRNewLocalEnv (DBRLocalEnv):
def __init__(self, location):
DBRLocalEnv.__init__(self, location)
#load up local files...
hashes = glob.glob(os.path.join(dbrutils.patchpath(),'*.md5'))
for file in hashes:
print 'Reading: %s\n' % file
dbrutils.gethashes(self.db, file, False)
def save(self):
filename = os.path.join(self.location,dbrutils.defaultdb())
print 'Saving %s' % filename
#zipped files, contains MD5s.
class DBRZippedEnv (DBREnv):
def __init__(self, location):
DBREnv.__init__(self, location)
#load up zip MD5 and stuff
self.db = dbrutils.getzippedDB(self.location)
#Database, but no filesystem access
class DBRBaselineEnv (DBREnv):
def __init__(self, location):
DBREnv.__init__(self, location)
#load up database...
filename = os.path.join(self.location,dbrutils.defaultdb())
print 'Loading %s' % filename
self.db = dbrbaseline.readdb(filename)
def save(self):
filename = os.path.join(self.location,dbrutils.defaultdb())
print 'Saving %s' % filename
class DBRPatchedBaselineEnv (DBRBaselineEnv):
patches = []
baseline = []
def __init__(self, location):
DBRBaselineEnv.__init__(self, location)
#load up patches...
if(len(self.db) > 0):
self.baseline = self.db
self.patches = dbrpatch.loadpatches(os.path.join(self.location,dbrutils.patch_path_internal()))
self.db = dbrpatch.createpatchedbaseline(self.baseline,self.patches)
def save(self):
self.baseline = dbrpatch.updatebaseline(self.baseline, self.db)
self.patches = dbrpatch.updatepatches(self.patches, self.db)
self.db = self.baseline
class CBREnv (DBREnv): # placeholder for handling CBR components...
def __init__(self, location):
DBREnv.__init__(self, location)
#comparison results...
class DBRCompResults:
added = set()
removed = set()
touched = set()
changed = set()
unknown = set()
def __init__(self, added, removed, touched, changed, unknown):
#Should probably assert that these are disjoint.
self.added = added
self.removed = removed
self.touched = touched
self.changed = changed
self.unknown = unknown
def printdetail(self):
for file in sorted(self.added):
print 'added:', file
for file in sorted(self.removed):
print 'removed:', file
for file in sorted(self.changed):
print 'changed:', file
for file in sorted(self.unknown):
print 'unknown:', file
def printsummary(self):
if(len(self.added | self.removed | self.changed | self.unknown)):
print 'status: dirty'
print 'status: clean'
class DBRFilter:
info = ''
def __init__(self):
self.info = 'null filter'
def filter(self, results):
return results
class DBRFileFilter (DBRFilter):
filename = ''
def __init__(self, filename):
self.info = 'file filter'
self.filename = filename
self.files = dbrutils.readfilenamesfromfile(self.filename)
# for file in sorted(self.files):
# print file
def filter(self, results):
return DBRCompResults(results.added & self.files, results.removed & self.files, results.touched & self.files, results.changed & self.files, results.unknown & self.files)