Catchup merge
authorMattD <>
Wed, 24 Mar 2010 17:04:41 +0000
changeset 222 7d674ef4b3c2
parent 216 2c2dbe93b84b (diff)
parent 221 f7670db4b513 (current diff)
child 223 604012c39141
Catchup merge
--- a/uh_parser/	Wed Mar 24 16:47:45 2010 +0000
+++ b/uh_parser/	Wed Mar 24 17:04:41 2010 +0000
@@ -228,26 +228,61 @@
 			my $layer = $1;
 			my $package = $2;
-			mkdir("$::basedir/releaseables/$layer");
-			mkdir("$::basedir/releaseables/$layer/$package");
+			mkdir("$::releaseablesdir/$layer");
+			mkdir("$::releaseablesdir/$layer/$package");
-			my $filename = "$::basedir/releaseables/$layer/$package/info.tsv";
+			my $filename = "$::releaseablesdir/$layer/$package/info.tsv";
+			my $filenamemissing = "$::raptorbitsdir/$layer\_$package\_missing.txt" if ($::missing);
 			print "Writing info file $filename\n" if (!-f$filename);
 			open(FILE, ">>$filename");
+			open(MISSING, ">>$filenamemissing");
 			for my $filetype (keys %{$whatlog_info->{$bldinf}->{$config}})
 				for (sort(@{$whatlog_info->{$bldinf}->{$config}->{$filetype}}))
 					print FILE "$_\t$filetype\t$config\n";
+					my $file = $_;
+					if($::missing && !-f $file)
+					{
+					   print MISSING $file."\n";
+                    }
+			close(FILE);						
+			close(MISSING) if ($::missing);
-			close(FILE);
+sub remove_missing_duplicates
+	opendir(DIR, $::raptorbitsdir);
+    my @files = grep((-f "$::raptorbitsdir/$_" && $_ !~ /^\.\.?$/ && $_ =~ /_missing\.txt$/), readdir(DIR));
+    close(DIR);
+	for my $file (@files)
+	{
+		open(FILE, "+<$::raptorbitsdir/$file");	
+		print "working on $file\n";	
+		# Read it
+		my @content = <FILE>;
+		# Sort it, and grep to remove duplicates
+		my $previous = "\n\n";
+		@content = grep {$_ ne $previous && ($previous = $_, 1) } sort @content;
+		# Write it
+		seek(FILE, 0, 0);
+		print FILE @content;
+		truncate(FILE,tell(FILE));
+		close(FILE);
+	}
 sub normalize_filepath
--- a/uh_parser/	Wed Mar 24 16:47:45 2010 +0000
+++ b/uh_parser/	Wed Mar 24 17:04:41 2010 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 use RaptorInfo;
 use RaptorUnreciped;
 use RaptorRecipe;
+use releaseables;
 use XML::SAX;
 use RaptorSAXHandler;
@@ -30,10 +31,13 @@
 our $raptorbitsdir = 'raptorbits';
 our $basedir = '';
 my $outputdir = "html";
+our $releaseablesdir = "releaseables";
 our $raptor_config = 'dummy_config';
 our $current_log_file = '';
+our $missing = 0;
 my $help = 0;
+	'missing!' => \$missing,
 	'basedir=s' => \$basedir,
 	'help!' => \$help
@@ -46,7 +50,9 @@
 	print "Unite and HTML-ize Raptor log files.\n";
 	print "Usage: perl [OPTIONS] FILE1 FILE2 ...\n";
 	print "where OPTIONS are:\n";
-	print "\t--basedir=DIR Generate output under DIR (defaults to current dir)\n";
+	print "\t-m, --missing\tAlso add the list of missing binaries (Raptor log should include whatlog info).\n";
+	print "\t\t\tCheck is done against the epoc tree at the root of the current drive\n";
+	print "\t-b DIR, --basedir DIR\tGenerate output under DIR (defaults to current dir)\n";
@@ -54,6 +60,7 @@
 	$raptorbitsdir = "$basedir/raptorbits";
 	$outputdir = "$basedir/html";
+	$releaseablesdir = "$basedir/releaseables";
 mkdir($basedir) if (!-d$basedir);
@@ -62,6 +69,8 @@
 system("rmdir /S /Q $raptorbitsdir") if (-d $raptorbitsdir);
 #print "Created dir $raptorbitsdir.\n";
+system("rmdir /S /Q $releaseablesdir") if (-d $releaseablesdir);
 our $failure_item_number = 0;
@@ -69,12 +78,14 @@
 open(SUMMARY, ">$raptorbitsdir/summary.csv");
 my $saxhandler = RaptorSAXHandler->new();
 $saxhandler->add_observer('RaptorError', $RaptorError::reset_status);
 $saxhandler->add_observer('RaptorWarning', $RaptorWarning::reset_status);
 $saxhandler->add_observer('RaptorInfo', $RaptorInfo::reset_status);
 $saxhandler->add_observer('RaptorUnreciped', $RaptorUnreciped::reset_status);
 $saxhandler->add_observer('RaptorRecipe', $RaptorRecipe::reset_status);
+$saxhandler->add_observer('releaseables', $releaseables::reset_status);
 our $allbldinfs = {};
@@ -86,6 +97,8 @@
 my @allpackages = distinct_packages($allbldinfs);
 print "Generating HTML...\n";
@@ -100,6 +113,7 @@
 my $general_failures_by_category_severity = {};
 my $recipe_failures_num_by_severity = {};
 my $recipe_failures_by_package_severity = {};
+my $missing_by_package = {};
 #my $severities = {};
 my @severities = ('critical', 'major', 'minor', 'unknown');
@@ -235,13 +249,14 @@
 print AGGREGATED "<table border='1'>\n";
 $tableheader = "<tr><th>package</th>";
 for (@severities) { $tableheader .= "<th>$_</th>"; }
+$tableheader .= "<th>missing</th>" if ($missing);
 $tableheader .= "</tr>";
 print AGGREGATED "$tableheader\n";
 for my $package (@allpackages)
-	if (defined $recipe_failures_num_by_severity->{$package})
+	my $mustlink = print_package_specific_summary($package);
+	if ($mustlink)
-		print_package_specific_summary($package, $recipe_failures_by_package_severity->{$package});
 		my $packagesummaryhtml = $package;
 		$packagesummaryhtml =~ s,/,_,;
 		$packagesummaryhtml .= ".html";
@@ -252,6 +267,7 @@
 			$failuresbyseverity = $recipe_failures_num_by_severity->{$package}->{$_} if (defined $recipe_failures_num_by_severity->{$package}->{$_});
 			$packageline .= "<td>$failuresbyseverity</td>";
+		$packageline .= "<td>".$missing_by_package->{$package}."</td>" if ($missing);
 		$packageline .= "</tr>";
 		print AGGREGATED "$packageline\n";
@@ -310,42 +326,99 @@
 sub print_package_specific_summary
-	my ($package, $failures_by_severity) = @_;
+	my ($package) = @_;
+	my $anyfailures = 0;
 	my $filenamebase = $package;
 	$filenamebase =~ s,/,_,;
-	open(SPECIFIC, ">$outputdir/$filenamebase.html");
-	print SPECIFIC "FAILURES FOR PACKAGE $package<br/>\n";
-	for my $severity (@severities)
+	if (defined $recipe_failures_by_package_severity->{$package})
-		if (defined $failures_by_severity->{$severity})
-		{
-			print SPECIFIC "<br/>".uc($severity)."<br/>\n";
-			print SPECIFIC "<table border='1'>\n";
-			# $subcategory, $severity, $mmp, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line
-			my $tableheader = "<tr><th>category</th><th>configuration</th><th>mmp</th><th>phase</th><th>recipe</th><th>log snippet</th></tr>";
-			print SPECIFIC "$tableheader\n";
+		$anyfailures = 1;
+		my $failures_by_severity = $recipe_failures_by_package_severity->{$package};
+		open(SPECIFIC, ">$outputdir/$filenamebase.html");	
+		print SPECIFIC "FAILURES FOR PACKAGE $package<br/>\n";
-			for my $failure (@{$failures_by_severity->{$severity}})
+		for my $severity (@severities)
+		{
+			if (defined $failures_by_severity->{$severity})
-				my $failureline = "<tr><td>$failure->{subcategory}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{config}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{mmp}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{phase}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{recipe}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td><a href='$filenamebase\_failures.html#failure_item_$failure->{linenum}'>item $failure->{linenum}</a></td>";
-				$failureline .= "</tr>";
-				print SPECIFIC "$failureline\n";
+				print SPECIFIC "<br/>".uc($severity)."<br/>\n";
+				print SPECIFIC "<table border='1'>\n";
+				# $subcategory, $severity, $mmp, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line
+				my $tableheader = "<tr><th>category</th><th>configuration</th><th>mmp</th><th>phase</th><th>recipe</th><th>log snippet</th></tr>";
+				print SPECIFIC "$tableheader\n";
+				for my $failure (@{$failures_by_severity->{$severity}})
+				{
+					my $failureline = "<tr><td>$failure->{subcategory}</td>";
+					$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{config}</td>";
+					$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{mmp}</td>";
+					$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{phase}</td>";
+					$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{recipe}</td>";
+					$failureline .= "<td><a href='$filenamebase\_failures.html#failure_item_$failure->{linenum}'>item $failure->{linenum}</a></td>";
+					$failureline .= "</tr>";
+					print SPECIFIC "$failureline\n";
+				}
+				print SPECIFIC "</table>\n";
+				print SPECIFIC "<br/>\n";
+		}
+		close(SPECIFIC);
+	}
+	if ($missing)
+	{
+		my $missinglistfile = $package;
+		$missinglistfile =~ s,/,_,;
+		$missinglistfile .= "_missing.txt";
+		if (open(MISSINGLIST, "$::raptorbitsdir/$missinglistfile"))
+		{
+			my @list = ();
+			while(<MISSINGLIST>)
+			{
+				my $missingfile = $_;
+				chomp $missingfile;
+				$missingfile =~ s,^\s+,,g;
+				$missingfile =~ s,\s+$,,g;
+				push(@list, $missingfile);
+			}
+			close(MISSINGLIST);
-			print SPECIFIC "</table>\n";
-			print SPECIFIC "<br/>\n";
+			$missing_by_package->{$package} = scalar(@list);
+			if ($missing_by_package->{$package} > 0)
+			{
+				open(SPECIFIC, ">>$outputdir/$filenamebase.html");
+				print SPECIFIC "FAILURES FOR PACKAGE $package<br/>\n" if(!$anyfailures);
+				$anyfailures = 1;
+				print SPECIFIC "<br/>MISSING<br/>\n";
+				print SPECIFIC "<table border='1'>\n";
+				# $subcategory, $severity, $mmp, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line
+				my $tableheader = "<tr><th>file</th></tr>\n";
+				print SPECIFIC "$tableheader\n";
+				for my $missingfile (sort {$a cmp $b} @list)
+				{
+					$missingfile = CGI::escapeHTML($missingfile);
+					print SPECIFIC "<tr><td>$missingfile</td></tr>\n";
+				}
+				print SPECIFIC "</table>\n";
+				print SPECIFIC "<br/>\n";
+				close(SPECIFIC);
+			}
-	close(SPECIFIC);
+	return $anyfailures;
 sub translate_detail_files_to_html