changeset 42 20be4dd42b12
child 43 a6c61f6ea350
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mypackage_wrt/Bugzilla.js	Fri Apr 30 15:01:03 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Symbian Foundation Example Code
+// This software is in the public domain. No copyright is claimed, and you 
+// may use it for any purpose without license from the Symbian Foundation.
+// No warranty for any purpose is expressed or implied by the authors or
+// the Symbian Foundation. 
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+var bugzillaTableStyle = "bugzilla";
+var mypackage;
+var open_reader;
+var proposed_reader;
+var features_reader;
+var newtext ="New Bugs";
+var proposedtext ="Proposed Fixes";
+var featurestext = "My Feature Backlog";
+var forum_reader;
+var open_presenter;
+var features_presenter;
+var proposed_presenter;
+var mybuilds;
+// Bugzilla access 
+function BugzillaSearchPanel(parent) {
+	//, null, null);	
+	// add the banner and 'title bar' - avoids the caption bug
+	this.openButton = new NavigationButton (1,"right.gif", newtext);
+	this.ProposedButton = new NavigationButton (1,"right.gif", proposedtext);
+	this.featuresButton = new NavigationButton (1,"right.gif", featurestext);
+	this.BuildButton = new NavigationButton (1,"right.gif", "Package Build Results");
+	this.ForumButton = new NavigationButton (1,"right.gif", "My Discussion Forum");
+	var self = this;
+	mylabel = new Label ("packagelabel",null);
+	this.addControl (mylabel);
+    this.openButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){
+		open_reader.update(true);
+	});
+	this.addControl(this.openButton);
+	this.ProposedButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){
+		proposed_reader.update(true);
+	});
+	this.addControl(this.ProposedButton);
+	this.featuresButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){
+		features_reader.update(true);
+	});
+	this.addControl(this.featuresButton);
+	mybuilds = new buildview(this);
+	this.BuildButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){
+		//openURL (buildresultsUrl + Packageid);
+	});
+	this.addControl(this.BuildButton);
+	this.ForumButton.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", function(){
+		self.readforum();
+	});
+	this.addControl(this.ForumButton);
+	mypackage=Packageid;	
+	//self.update(true);
+BugzillaSearchPanel.prototype = new ListView("bugzillaview","<img src=logo.png>");
+BugzillaSearchPanel.prototype.update = function(myflag){
+	var self = this;
+	if (myflag) {
+		self.openbugs();
+		self.proposedbugs();
+		self.features();
+		mylabel.setText(Packageid);
+		mybuilds.update(true);
+	}
+BugzillaSearchPanel.prototype.bugzillaSearchClicked = function() {
+	// create the RssReader for bugzilla
+	if(!Packageid){return;}
+	var searchString = Packageid;
+	var title = "Bugzilla: " + searchString;
+	var url = symbianOrgBaseUrl + "/bugs/buglist.cgi?"
+		+ "bug_status=NEW"
+		+ "&field-1-0-0=bug_status&field0-0-0=product&"
+		+ "&query_format=advanced&remaction=&type-1-0-0=anyexact"
+		+ "&type0-0-0=substring&type0-0-3=substring"
+		+ "&value-1-0-0=NEW"
+		+ "&value0-0-0=" + searchString
+		+ "&title=Bug List&ctype=atom";
+	var reader = new RssReader(title, url, new BugzillaFeedPresenter(null), this, parseBugzillaFeed);
+BugzillaSearchPanel.prototype.openbugs = function() {
+	// create the RssReader for bugzilla
+	if(!Packageid){return;}
+	mypackage=Packageid;
+	var title = newtext + " : " + mypackage;
+	var url = symbianOrgBaseUrl + "/bugs/buglist.cgi?"
+		+ "bug_file_loc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_id=&bug_status=NEW&bug_severity=Critical&bug_severity=Major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=Minor&bug_severity=enhancement"
+		+ "&bugidtype=include&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&deadlinefrom=&deadlineto=&email1=&email2=&emailassigned_to1=1"
+		+ "&emailassigned_to2=1&emailcc2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailtype1=substring&emailtype2=substring&field-1-0-0=product&field-1-1-0=bug_status&field-1-2-0=bug_severity&field0-0-0=noop&keywords=&keywords_type=allwords&long_desc=&long_desc_type=substring"
+	    + "&product=" + mypackage
+		+ "&query_format=advanced&remaction=&short_desc=&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&"
+		+ "type-1-0-0=anyexact"
+		+ "&type-1-2-0=anyexact"
+		+ "&type-1-1-0=anyexact&type0-0-0=noop&"
+		+ "value-1-0-0=" + mypackage
+		+ "&value-1-2-0=critical&Cmajor&normal&minor&enhancement"
+		+ "&value-1-1-0=NEW"
+		+ "&value0-0-0=&title=Bug%20List&ctype=atom";
+	open_presenter=new BugzillaFeedPresenter(null);
+	open_reader = new RssReader(title, url, open_presenter, this, parseBugzillaFeed);
+	open_reader.UpdateButton = this.openButton;
+	open_reader.ButtonText=newtext;
+	open_reader.update(true);
+BugzillaSearchPanel.prototype.proposedbugs = function() {
+	// create the RssReader for bugzilla
+	if(!Packageid){return;}
+	mypackage=Packageid;
+	var title = proposedtext + " : " + mypackage;
+	var url = symbianOrgBaseUrl + "/bugs/buglist.cgi?"
+		+ "bug_file_loc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_id=&bug_status=Proposed"
+		+ "&bugidtype=include&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&deadlinefrom=&deadlineto=&email1=&email2=&emailassigned_to1=1"
+		+ "&emailassigned_to2=1&emailcc2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailtype1=substring&emailtype2=substring&field-1-0-0=product&field-1-1-0=bug_status&field-1-2-0=bug_severity&field0-0-0=noop&keywords=&keywords_type=allwords&long_desc=&long_desc_type=substring"
+	    + "&product=" + mypackage
+		+ "&query_format=advanced&remaction=&short_desc=&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&"
+		+ "type-1-0-0=anyexact"
+		+ "&type-1-2-0=anyexact"
+		+ "&type-1-1-0=anyexact&type0-0-0=noop&"
+		+ "value-1-0-0=" + mypackage
+		+ "&value-1-2-0=critical%2Cmajor%2Cnormal%2Cminor%2Cenhancement"
+		+ "&value-1-1-0=PROPOSED"
+		+ "&value0-0-0=&title=Bug%20List&ctype=atom";
+	proposed_presenter=new BugzillaFeedPresenter(null);
+	proposed_reader = new RssReader(title, url, proposed_presenter, this, parseBugzillaFeed);
+	proposed_reader.UpdateButton = this.ProposedButton;
+	proposed_reader.ButtonText=proposedtext;
+	proposed_reader.update(true);
+BugzillaSearchPanel.prototype.features = function() {
+	// create the RssReader for bugzilla
+	if(!Packageid){return;}
+	mypackage=Packageid;
+	var title = featurestext + " : " + mypackage;
+	var url = symbianOrgBaseUrl + "/bugs/buglist.cgi?"
+		+ "bug_file_loc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_id=&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=PROPOSED&bug_severity=Feature"
+		+ "&bugidtype=include&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&deadlinefrom=&deadlineto=&email1=&email2=&emailassigned_to1=1"
+		+ "&emailassigned_to2=1&emailcc2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailtype1=substring&emailtype2=substring&field-1-0-0=product&field-1-1-0=bug_status&field-1-2-0=bug_severity&field0-0-0=noop&keywords=&keywords_type=allwords&long_desc=&long_desc_type=substring"
+	    + "&product=" + mypackage
+		+ "&query_format=advanced&remaction=&short_desc=&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&"
+		+ "type-1-0-0=anyexact"
+		+ "&type-1-2-0=anyexact"
+		+ "&type-1-1-0=anyexact&type0-0-0=noop&"
+		+ "value-1-0-0=" + mypackage
+		+ "&value-1-2-0=Feature"
+		+ "&value-1-1-0=NEW&PROPOSED&ASSIGNED"
+		+ "&value0-0-0=&title=Bug%20List&ctype=atom";
+	features_presenter=new BugzillaFeedPresenter(null);
+	features_reader = new RssReader(title, url, features_presenter, this, parseBugzillaFeed);
+	features_reader.UpdateButton = this.featuresButton;
+	features_reader.ButtonText=featurestext;
+	features_reader.update(true);
+BugzillaSearchPanel.prototype.readforum = function() {
+	if (!myforumid) {
+		var forum_choose = new RssReader(mypackage, forumsListUrl + "18", new ForumsSettingsFeedPresenter(null), bugzilla, forumListResponseParser);
+	}
+	else {
+		forum_reader = new RssReader(myforumtitle, forumFeedURL + forumsForumSpecQuery + myforumid, new ThreadListFeedPresenter(null), bugzilla, null);
+	}
+function parseBugzillaFeed(broker, responseStatus, xmlDoc) {
+    if (responseStatus == 200 && xmlDoc != null) {
+        // node ref for iterating
+        var node;
+		// for compatibility with rss
+		var lastModified = new Date();
+        // init result items array
+        var items = [];
+		var itemElements = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("entry");
+		for (var i = 0; i < itemElements.length; i++) {
+            // iterate through child nodes of this item and gather
+            // all the data we need for a feed item
+            var title = null;
+            var date = null;
+            var description = null;
+            var url = null;
+            var author = null;
+			var bugid;
+            node = itemElements[i].firstChild;
+            while (node != null) {
+                if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+                    if (node.nodeName == "title") {
+                        // item title
+                        title = getTextOfNode(node);
+						if ( title.length > 48) {
+							title = title.substring(0,45) + "...";
+						}
+                    } else if (node.nodeName == "updated" ) {
+                        // item publishing date
+                        date = getTextOfNode(node);
+                    } else if (node.nodeName == "summary" && !this.ignoreContent ) {
+                        // item description
+                        description = getTextOfNode(node);
+                    } else if (node.nodeName == "link") {
+                        // link URL
+                        url = node.getAttribute("href");
+						// extract bug id
+						var ind = url.indexOf("?id=");
+						if ( ind != -1 ) {
+							bugid = url.substring(ind + 4);
+							url = symbianOrgBaseUrl + "/bugtracker/show_bug.cgi?ctype=xml&id="+bugid;
+						}
+                    } else if (node.nodeName == "author" ) {
+						author = getTextOfNode(node);
+					}
+                }
+                node = node.nextSibling;
+            }
+            items.push({ title: title, date: date, description: description, url: url, author: author });
+		}
+        // update was completed successfully
+        return { status: "ok", lastModified: lastModified, items: items };
+    } else {
+        // update failed
+        return { status: "error" };
+    }
+// Implementation of FeedPresenter that shows feed as a clickable
+// button and shows feed entry title as label
+function BugzillaFeedPresenter(rssreader) {
+, rssreader);
+// BugzillaFeedPresenter is a subclass of ButtonFeedPresenter
+BugzillaFeedPresenter.prototype = new ButtonFeedPresenter(null);
+// Handle the button-press
+BugzillaFeedPresenter.prototype.feedClicked = function(event){
+	var clickedButton = event.source;
+	var id =;
+	var url = this.items[id].url;
+	var presenter = new HtmlFeedPresenter(null);
+	presenter.expanded = true;
+	var reader = new RssReader(this.items[id].title, url, 
+		presenter, uiManager.currentView, parseBugzillaBugFeed);
+function parseBugzillaBugFeed(broker, responseStatus, xmlDoc) {
+    if (responseStatus == 200 && xmlDoc != null) {
+        // node ref for iterating
+        var node;
+		// for compatibility with rss
+		var lastModified = new Date();
+        // init result items array
+        var items = [];
+		var itemElements = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bug");
+		for (var i = 0; i < itemElements.length; i++) {
+            // iterate through child nodes of this item and gather
+            // all the data we need for a feed item
+            var title = null;
+            var date = null;
+            var url = null;
+            var author = null;
+			var bugid = null;
+			var creationTime = "Not specified";
+			var product = "Not specified";
+			var component = "Not specified";
+			var classification = "Not specified";
+			var op_sys = "Not specified";
+			var bug_status = "Not specified";
+			var bug_file_loc = "Not specified";
+			var priority = "Not specified";
+			var severity = "Not specified";
+			var target_milestone = "Not specified";
+			var version = "Not specified";
+			var platform = "Not specified";
+			var assignedToName = "Not specified";
+			var solutionDetails = "Not specified";
+			var keywords = "None";
+			var longdesc = "";
+			var shortDesc = "";
+			var bugid = "";
+			var buglink = "";
+            node = itemElements[i].firstChild;
+            while (node != null) {
+                if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+                    if (node.nodeName == "bug_id") {
+                        // item title
+                        bugid = "Bug " + getTextOfNode(node);
+						buglink = bugUrl + getTextOfNode(node);
+                    } else if (node.nodeName == "updated" ) {
+                        // item publishing date
+                        date = getTextOfNode(node);
+                    } else if (node.nodeName == "creation_ts" ) {
+                        // item publishing date
+                        creationTime = getTextOfNode(node);
+                    } else if (node.nodeName == "short_desc" && !this.ignoreContent ) {
+                        // item description
+                        title = getTextOfNode(node);
+                    } else if (node.nodeName == "reporter" ) {
+						author = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "product" ) {
+                        product = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "component" ) {
+                        component = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "classification" ) {
+                        classification = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "version" ) {
+                        version = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "op_sys" ) {
+                        op_sys = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "bug_status" ) {
+                        bug_status = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "bug_file_loc" ) {
+                        bug_file_loc = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "priority" ) {
+                        priority = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "bug_severity" ) {
+                        severity = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "target_milestone" ) {
+                        target_milestone = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "platform" ) {
+                        platform = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "cf_solutiondetails" ) {
+                        solutionDetails = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "keywords" ) {
+                        keywords = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "long_desc" ) {
+                        longdesc += "<br><table style="+bugzillaTableStyle+">";
+						var ld_nodes = node.childNodes;
+						for ( var tmp = 0 ; tmp < ld_nodes.length ; tmp++ ) {
+	                        longdesc += "<tr><td>" 
+								+ getTextOfNode(ld_nodes[tmp]) + "</td></tr>";
+						}
+                        longdesc += "</table>";
+					} else if (node.nodeName == "assigned_to" ) {
+                        assignedToName = getTextOfNode(node);
+					} 
+                }
+                node = node.nextSibling;
+            }
+			// format the description
+			   var mybuf = "<br><div class=\"FeedItemLink\">";
+	           mybuf += "<a href=\"JavaScript:void(0)\" onclick=\"openURL('" + buglink + "'); return false;\">";
+    	       mybuf += "Click here to edit...";
+        	   mybuf += "</a>";
+        	   mybuf += "</div><br>";
+			var description = "<table style="+bugzillaTableStyle+">";
+			description += "<tr><td>Reported:" + "</td><td>" + creationTime + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>Product:" + "</td><td>" + product + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>Component:" + "</td><td>" + component + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>Classification:" + "</td><td>" + classification + "</td></tr>";
+		//	description += "<tr><td>Operating system:" + "</td><td>" + op_sys + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>Status:" + "</td><td>" + bug_status + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>Priority:" + "</td><td>" + priority + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>Severity:" + "</td><td>" + severity + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>Version:" + "</td><td>" + version + "</td></tr>";
+		//	description += "<tr><td>Platform:" + "</td><td>" + platform + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>Reported by:" + "</td><td>" + author + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>Assigned to:" + "</td><td>" + assignedToName + "</td></tr>";
+		//	description += "<tr><td>Target milestone:" + "</td><td>" + target_milestone + "</td></tr>";
+		//	description += "<tr><td>File location:" + "</td><td>" + bug_file_loc + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>keywords:" + "</td><td>" + keywords + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "</table>";
+			description +=  mybuf ;
+			description += "<table style="+bugzillaTableStyle+">";
+			description += "<tr><td>Description:" + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>" + longdesc + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "</table>";
+			description += "<table style="+bugzillaTableStyle+">";
+			description += "<tr><td>Solution details:" + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "<tr><td>" + solutionDetails + "</td></tr>";
+			description += "</table>";			
+            items.push({ title: title, date: date, description: description, url: null, author: author });
+		}
+        // update was completed successfully
+        return { status: "ok", lastModified: lastModified, items: items };
+    } else {
+        // update failed
+        return { status: "error" };
+    }