Access_Security_Package/Backlog 696 P3 PROPOSED unspecified EAP-GTC extensions [1] 2010-01-31 unspecified Symbian^3
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 697 P3 ASSIGNED unspecified Security settings UI improvements for touch UI support [2] 2010-01-31 unspecified Symbian^3
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 698 P3 ASSIGNED unspecified Architectural change to use client-server architecture for providing EAP authentication services [3] 2010-07-31 unspecified Symbian^4
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 699 P3 PROPOSED unspecified Extension API for supporting the addition of extended WLAN authentication and association functionalities [4] 2010-07-31 eapol_framework Symbian^4
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 700 P3 PROPOSED unspecified Settings wizard for easier EAP authentication configuration and certificate installation [5] 2010-07-31 unspecified Symbian^4
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 701 P3 ASSIGNED unspecified Support for parallel processing in multicore processors [6] 2010-07-31 unspecified Symbian^4
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 702 P3 ASSIGNED unspecified Implementation of Access Security UIs with Qt [7] 2010-07-31 unspecified Symbian^4
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 703 P3 ASSIGNED unspecified Deprecation of EAP DB platform APIs and change UI to use EAP Type API for EAP plugin configuration [8] 2010-07-31 unspecified Symbian^4
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 704 P3 PROPOSED unspecified Generic EAP authentication API and configuration UIs for extending the set of EAP methods available for VPN usage [9] 2011-01-31 unspecified Symbian^5
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 705 P3 PROPOSED unspecified IEEE 802.11r key negotiation support for fast WLAN roaming [10] 2011-01-31 eapol_framework Symbian^5
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 706 P3 PROPOSED unspecified Certificate chain validation improvements [11] 2011-01-31 eapol_framework Symbian^5
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 707 P3 PROPOSED unspecified Improved IAP and security settings database access and usage [12] 2011-01-31 unspecified Symbian^5
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 803 P3 RESOLVED unspecified EAP-TTLS/PAP support for WPA/WPA2/802.1X WLAN authentication [13] 2009-06-01 unspecified Symbian^2
Access_Security_Package/Backlog 804 P3 RESOLVED unspecified Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) support for Easy WLAN connections [14] 2009-06-01 wifiprotectedsetup Symbian^2
Commsfw_Backlog Freeway Freeway architecture Aug-09:S^3 Done - awaiting submission
Commsfw_Backlog Modularity Splitting "mixed" header files for comms framework APIs Aug-09:S^3 Done - awaiting submission
Commsfw_Backlog SMP Comms package SMP safe Aug-09:S^3 Done - awaiting submission
Commsfw_Backlog Performance enhancements Bearer independent IP network performance test program and measurements Aug-09:S^3 Done - awaiting submission
Commsfw_Backlog Performance enhancements Zero-copy networking Aug-09:S^3 Done - awaiting submission
Commsfw_Backlog Ease of development Instrumentation of comms subsystem Aug-09 In development
Commsfw_Backlog Performance enhancements Efficient set-up of GPRS QoS on operator networks [Contribute] 2010 Proposed
Commsfw_Backlog SMP SMP enhanced comms framework 2010 Proposed
Connectivity_Tools_Package/Backlog 550 P3 NEW unspecified WLAN / Connectivity diagnostic tool for IP connectivity problem solving. 2009-12-31 unspecified
Connectivity_Tools_Package/Backlog 551 P3 NEW unspecified Merging of Probe (/sf/app/conntools/nettools/conntest/probe and /sf/os/networkingsrv/networkingtestandutils/ipprobe) 2009-12-31 unspecified
Connectivity_Tools_Package/Backlog 554 P3 NEW unspecified Support for testing of latest connection management features: Default Connection, User Connection. 2009-12-31 conntest
Connectivity_Tools_Package/Backlog 552 P3 NEW unspecified Qt/Orbit migration for ConnTest 2010-06-30 unspecified
Connectivity_Tools_Package/Backlog 553 P3 NEW unspecified Support for Ping (ICMP echo request and reply) unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 565 P3 ASSIGNED unspecified Dialog reduction: A number of connection dialogs are removed from the software for better user experience. 2009-12-07 unspecified Key_Feature, Symbian^3
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 563 P3 NEW unspecified New Symbian Comms Architecture: Migration of bearer management and settings to Freeway architecture. 2009-12-31 unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 564 P3 NEW unspecified Automatic switch to WLAN: Applications that do not support mobility API are forced to switch WLAN connection through reconnect. 2009-12-31 unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 566 P3 NEW unspecified Custom preferences: New connection preference type that gives applications more useful way to control connection start-up behavior. 2009-12-31 unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 567 P3 NEW unspecified General connection settings: Global settings menu to control roaming and connectivity behavior. 2009-12-31 unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 568 P3 NEW unspecified Ipconnmgmt SMP-safe: Software runs in multiprocessor system. 2009-12-31 unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 569 P3 NEW unspecified Apengine removal: Deprecated connection settings API is removed completely. 2010-06-30 unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 570 P3 NEW unspecified DirectUI implementation: Orbit implementation of ipconnmgmt UI components. 2010-06-30 unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 572 P3 NEW unspecified CMManager to run in process context. 2010-06-30 unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 574 P3 NEW unspecified CommsDat data caching for MPM: Central repository entries are monitored for better performance. 2010-06-30 unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 571 P3 NEW unspecified IP router: Device provides Internet connectivity by implementing router functionality. 2010-12-31 unspecified
IP_Connection_Management_Package/Backlog 573 P3 NEW unspecified WLAN security settings extension. unspecified
IpAppProtocols_BackLog Mixed header separation H1 2009 H1 2009 Complete
IpAppProtocols_BackLog Header re-allocation [1] H1 2009 H2 2009 Ongoing
IpAppProtocols_BackLog Instrumentation for Trace [2] H1 2010 H2 2010 Proposed
IpAppProtocols_BackLog MSRP [3] H1 2010 H2 2010 Planned
IpAppProtocols_BackLog ZRTP N A N A WishList
IpAppProtocols_BackLog Enhanced API/Design documentation N A N A Ongoing
IpAppProtocols_BackLog Configurable backup proxy and subscription timers H1 2009 H2 2009 Completed
IpAppProtocols_BackLog Offline handling and integration with Symbian SSM H2 2009 H2 2009 Planned
IpAppProtocols_BackLog RFS event handling for disabling always-on profiles H2 2009 H2 2009 Planned
IpAppProtocols_BackLog Shutdown handling and integration with Symbian SSM H2 2009 H2 2009 Proposed
IpAppProtocols_BackLog RTP extensions for VOIP H1 2009 H1 2009 Completed
IpAppProtocols_BackLog 3pComms compliant RTP as the main RTP Solution H1 2009 H2 2009 Ongoing
IpAppProtocols_BackLog RTP Performance optimizations H2 2009 H2 2009 Planned
IpAppProtocols_BackLog Interop/Scenario Test Bench for RTP H1 2010 H2 2010 Proposed
IpAppProtocols_BackLog Performance benchmarking of RTP NA NA WishList
Netprotocols/Backlog Multiple performance improvement in the HTTP stack/Filters Oct-09 In development
Netprotocols/Backlog Developer friendly HTTP client library. Proposed Library will have built-in support for read/write data into the file in larger volumes and for asynchronous read/write from/into a file that is specified as source/sink. And more.
Netprotocols/Backlog Generic Symbian OS native HTTP server with a Apache compatibility layer Proposed Common HTTP server APIs will be provided and will be flexible enough to implement any use-cases. Also, as-is (as much as possible) support for Apache APIs and mod-plugins. The idea is to make it easier for the application developers to migrate their Apache modules into Symbian OS with ease.
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog TCPIP stack architecture changes for dual Stack Symbian^4 Proposed, Design Available
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog IPv6 for 3GPP Symbian^3 Done - Awaiting Submission
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog Generic IP tunneling framework for IPv6 and IPSec (VPN) tunneling. Feb 10 : Symbian^3 In Development
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog IPv6 Tunneling support in lines RFC 3056 and RFC 4214 based on Generic IP tunneling framework. Jan 10 : Symbian^3 In Development
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog IP Security update for NAT as per RFC 3948 and RFC 3706 Oct 09 : Symbian^2 In Development
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog IP Security to support SHA-2 family of algorithms Proposed
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog Dynamic Host configuration Protocol (DHCP) server Proposed
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog IP Mobility support for IPv4 as per RFC 3344 Proposed
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog IP Mobility support for IPv6 as per RFC 3775 Proposed
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog Internet Group Management Protocol support (IGMP) for IPv4 Proposed
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog Multicast Listener discovery support for IPv6 Proposed
NetworkingSrv_Package/Backlog SMP enhanced multi threaded data plane and TCPIP stack. Proposed
Vpnclient_Package/Backlog Support for Diffie-Hellman group 14 Complete
Vpnclient_Package/Backlog Certificate chaining Complete
Vpnclient_Package/Backlog Removing connection error notes displayed by VPN client 2H09 Complete
Vpnclient_Package/Backlog Removing support for NSSM 2H09 Complete
Vpnclient_Package/Backlog Silent XAUTH 1H10 Planned
WLAN_Package_Backlog 542 P3 NEW unspecified 802.11k (WLAN measurements)Mandatory 802.11k features for WFA Voice Enterprise implemented 2009-12-31 unspecified Symbian^4
WLAN_Package_Backlog 543 P3 NEW unspecified Adaptive WLAN background scanAutomatically adjusting WLAN background scan interval 2009-12-31 unspecified Symbian^3
WLAN_Package_Backlog 544 P3 NEW unspecified TX path performance optimizationsOptimizations that increase throughput and lower CPU load 2009-12-31 unspecified Symbian^3
WLAN_Package_Backlog 545 P3 NEW unspecified Admission control APIA new API that the applications can use to explicitly request WLAN QoS traffic streams 2009-12-31 unspecified Symbian^3
WLAN_Package_Backlog 546 P3 NEW unspecified SMP safeSupport for multicore processors 2009-12-31 unspecified Symbian^3
WLAN_Package_Backlog 547 P3 NEW unspecified WLAN Extension APIA new API that allows adding proprietary protocol extensions to the Symbian Foundation WLAN stack 2010-06-30 unspecified Symbian^4
WLAN_Package_Backlog 548 P3 NEW unspecified 802.11r (Fast roaming) 2010-12-31 unspecified Symbian^5
WLAN_Package_Backlog 549 P3 NEW unspecified 802.11a/g (5 GHz WLAN) 2010-12-31 unspecified Symbian^5
WLAN_Package_Backlog 541 P3 RESOLVED unspecified 802.11n 2009-12-31 unspecified Symbian^3
Wireless_Access/Backlog 840 P3 NEW unspecified STIF test cases for HotSpot Framework Client API 2009-06-30 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog 837 P3 NEW unspecified New Symbian Comms Architecture - A migration to Freeway architecture. 2009-12-31 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog 838 P3 NEW unspecified SMP safe verification - Software runs in multiprocessor system. 2009-12-31 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog 841 P3 NEW unspecified Dialog reduction - A number of connection dialogs are removed for better user experience. 2009-12-31 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog 842 P3 NEW unspecified Internet Connectivity Test refactoring - Enchance the architecture, performance, code and APIs. 2009-12-31 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog 844 P3 NEW unspecified Homescreen widget updates of WLAN Sniffer - Final form of widgets are still under constant change. 2009-12-31 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog 845 P3 NEW unspecified WLAN Sniffer refactoring - Enhance the architecture, functionality and code for making WLAN Sniffer less error prone. 2009-12-31 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog 846 P3 NEW unspecified STIF test cases for WLANSniffer - Take old cases into use and expand the test set. 2009-12-31 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog 839 P3 NEW unspecified DirectUI implementation - Orbit (Qt) implementation of wirelessacc UI components. 2010-06-30 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog 843 P3 NEW unspecified Modify WLAN Agent interface for MPM - WLAN Agent will be removed and MPM calls HotspotFW instead. 2010-06-30 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog 847 P3 NEW unspecified DirectUI implementation - Replace WLAN Sniffer with Connect Screen. 2010-06-30 unspecified
Wireless_Access/Backlog STIF test cases for HotSpot Framework Client API 1H/2009 In development
Wireless_Access/Backlog Dialog reduction - A number of connection dialogs are removed for better user experience. 1H/2009 2H/2009 In development
Wireless_Access/Backlog Internet Connectivity Test refactoring - Enchance the architecture, performance, code and APIs. 2H/2009 In development
Wireless_Access/Backlog Modify WLAN Agent interface for MPM - WLAN Agent will be removed and MPM calls HotspotFW instead. 1H/2010 Proposed
Wireless_Access/Backlog Homescreen widget updates of WLAN Sniffer - Final form of widgets are still under constant change. 2H/2009 In development
Wireless_Access/Backlog WLAN Sniffer refactoring - Enhance the architecture, functionality and code for making WLAN Sniffer less error prone. 2H/2009 Proposed
Wireless_Access/Backlog STIF test cases for WLANSniffer - Take old cases into use and expand the test set. 2H/2009 Proposed
Wireless_Access/Backlog DirectUI implementation - Replace WLAN Sniffer with Connect Screen. 2H/2009 1H/2010 Planned