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     1 /* Cypress West Bridge API header file (cyanstorage_dep.h)
     2 ## ===========================
     3 ##
     4 ##  Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2006-2009,
     5 ##  All Rights Reserved
     7 ##
    10 ##
    11 ##  Use of this file is governed
    12 ##  by the license agreement included in the file
    13 ##
    14 ##     <install>/license/license.txt
    15 ##
    16 ##  where <install> is the Cypress software
    17 ##  installation root directory path.
    18 ##
    19 ## ===========================
    20 */
    22 /* This header will contain Antioch specific declaration
    23  * of the APIs that are deprecated in Astoria SDK. This is
    24  * for maintaining backward compatibility
    25  */
    29 #ifndef __doxygen__
    31 typedef void (*CyAsStorageCallback_dep)(
    32 	CyAsDeviceHandle handle,			/* Handle to the device completing the storage operation */
    33 	CyAsMediaType type,					/* The media type completing the operation */
    34 	uint32_t device,					/* The device completing the operation */
    35 	uint32_t unit,						/* The unit completing the operation */
    36 	uint32_t block_number,				/* The block number of the completed operation */
    37 	CyAsOperType op,					/* The type of operation */
    38 	CyAsReturnStatus_t status			/* The error status */
    39 	) ;
    41 typedef void (*CyAsStorageEventCallback_dep)(
    42 	CyAsDeviceHandle handle,			/* Handle to the device sending the event notification */
    43 	CyAsMediaType type,					/* The media type */
    44 	CyAsStorageEvent evtype,			/* The event type */
    45 	void *evdata						/* Event related data */
    46 	) ;
    48 typedef struct CyAsStorageQueryDeviceData_dep
    49 {
    50     CyAsMediaType	type ;		/* The type of media to query */
    51     uint32_t		device ;	/* The logical device number to query */
    52     CyAsDeviceDesc 	desc_p ;	/* The return value for the device descriptor */
    53 } CyAsStorageQueryDeviceData_dep ;
    55 typedef struct CyAsStorageQueryUnitData_dep
    56 {
    57 	CyAsMediaType	type ;		/* The type of media to query */
    58 	uint32_t	device ;	/* The logical device number to query */
    59 	uint32_t	unit ;		/* The unit to query on the device */
    60 	CyAsUnitDesc 	desc_p ;	/* The return value for the unit descriptor */
    61 } CyAsStorageQueryUnitData_dep ;
    64 /************ FUNCTIONS *********************/
    66 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
    67 CyAsStorageRegisterCallback_dep(
    68 	CyAsDeviceHandle	        handle,		/* Handle to the device of interest */
    69 	CyAsStorageEventCallback_dep	callback	/* The callback function to call for async storage events */
    70 	) ;
    72 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t 
    73 CyAsStorageClaim_dep(CyAsDeviceHandle handle, 
    74 		   CyAsMediaType type
    75            );
    77 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
    78 CyAsStorageClaim_dep_EX(
    79 	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device of interest */
    80 	CyAsMediaType*			type,		/* The type of media to claim */
    81 	CyAsFunctionCallback	cb,         /* Callback to be called when the operation is complete */
    82 	uint32_t			    client      /* Client data to be passed to the callback */
    83 	) ;
    85 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t 
    86 CyAsStorageRelease_dep(CyAsDeviceHandle handle, 
    87 		     CyAsMediaType type
    88              );
    90 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
    91 CyAsStorageRelease_dep_EX(
    92 	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device of interest */
    93 	CyAsMediaType*			type,		/* The type of media to release */
    94 	CyAsFunctionCallback		cb,             /* Callback to be called when the operation is complete */
    95 	uint32_t			client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback */
    96 	) ;
    98 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
    99 CyAsStorageQueryDevice_dep(
   100 			CyAsDeviceHandle handle, 
   101 			 CyAsMediaType media, 
   102 			 uint32_t device, 
   103 			 CyAsDeviceDesc *desc_p
   104              );
   106 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   107 CyAsStorageQueryDevice_dep_EX(
   108 	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device of interest */
   109 	CyAsStorageQueryDeviceData_dep*	data,           /* Parameters and return value for the query call */
   110 	CyAsFunctionCallback		cb,             /* Callback to be called when the operation is complete */
   111 	uint32_t			client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback */
   112 	) ;
   114 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   115 CyAsStorageQueryUnit_dep(
   116 	CyAsDeviceHandle	handle,		/* Handle to the device of interest */
   117 	CyAsMediaType		type,		/* The type of media to query */
   118 	uint32_t			device,		/* The logical device number to query */
   119 	uint32_t			unit,		/* The unit to query on the device */
   120 	CyAsUnitDesc *		unit_p		/* The return value for the unit descriptor */
   121 	) ;
   123 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   124 CyAsStorageQueryUnit_dep_EX(
   125 	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		    /* Handle to the device of interest */
   126 	CyAsStorageQueryUnitData_dep*	data_p, /* Parameters and return value for the query call */
   127 	CyAsFunctionCallback		cb,         /* Callback to be called when the operation is complete */
   128 	uint32_t			client              /* Client data to be passed to the callback */
   129     ) ;
   131 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   132 CyAsStorageDeviceControl_dep(
   133         CyAsDeviceHandle       handle,         /* Handle to the West Bridge device */
   134         CyBool                 card_detect_en, /* Enable/disable control for card detection */
   135         CyBool                 write_prot_en,  /* Enable/disable control for write protect handling */
   136 	    CyAsFunctionCallback   cb,             /* Callback to be called when the operation is complete */
   137 	    uint32_t			   client          /* Client data to be passed to the callback */
   138         ) ;
   141 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   142 CyAsStorageRead_dep(
   143 	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device of interest */
   144 	CyAsMediaType			type,		/* The type of media to access */
   145 	uint32_t			device,		/* The device to access */
   146 	uint32_t			unit,		/* The unit to access */
   147 	uint32_t			block,		/* The first block to access */
   148 	void *				data_p,		/* The buffer where data will be placed */
   149 	uint16_t			num_blocks	/* The number of blocks to be read */
   150 	) ;
   152 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   153 CyAsStorageReadAsync_dep(
   154 	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device of interest */
   155 	CyAsMediaType			type,		/* The type of media to access */
   156 	uint32_t			device,		    /* The device to access */
   157 	uint32_t			unit,		    /* The unit to access */
   158 	uint32_t			block,		    /* The first block to access */
   159 	void *				data_p,		    /* The buffer where data will be placed */
   160 	uint16_t			num_blocks,	    /* The number of blocks to be read */
   161 	CyAsStorageCallback_dep		callback/* The function to call when the read is complete
   162 										or an error occurs */
   163 	) ;
   164 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   165 CyAsStorageWrite_dep(
   166 	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device of interest */
   167 	CyAsMediaType			type,		/* The type of media to access */
   168 	uint32_t			device,		/* The device to access */
   169 	uint32_t			unit,		/* The unit to access */
   170 	uint32_t			block,		/* The first block to access */
   171 	void *				data_p,		/* The buffer containing the data to be written */
   172 	uint16_t			num_blocks	/* The number of blocks to be written */
   173 	) ;
   175 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   176 CyAsStorageWriteAsync_dep(
   177 	CyAsDeviceHandle		handle,		/* Handle to the device of interest */
   178 	CyAsMediaType			type,		/* The type of media to access */
   179 	uint32_t			device,		/* The device to access */
   180 	uint32_t			unit,		/* The unit to access */
   181 	uint32_t			block,		/* The first block to access */
   182 	void *				data_p,		/* The buffer where the data to be written is stored */
   183 	uint16_t			num_blocks,	/* The number of blocks to be written */
   184 	CyAsStorageCallback_dep	        callback	/* The function to call when the write is complete
   185 										   or an error occurs */
   186 	) ;
   188 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   189 CyAsStorageSDRegisterRead_dep(
   190         CyAsDeviceHandle        handle,
   191         CyAsMediaType           type,
   192         uint8_t                 device,
   193         CyAsSDCardRegType       regType,
   194         uint8_t                 readLen,
   195         uint8_t                 *data_p
   196         );
   198 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   199 CyAsStorageSDRegisterRead_dep_EX(
   200         CyAsDeviceHandle                handle,     /* Handle to the West Bridge device. */
   201         CyAsMediaType			type,       /* The type of media to query */
   202         uint8_t		                device,     /* The device to query */
   203         CyAsSDCardRegType               regType,    /* The type of register to read. */
   204         CyAsStorageSDRegReadData       *data_p,     /* Output data buffer and length. */
   205         CyAsFunctionCallback            cb,         /* Callback function to call when done. */
   206         uint32_t                        client      /* Call context to send to the cb function. */
   207         ) ;
   209 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   210 CyAsStorageCreatePPartition_dep(
   211         CyAsDeviceHandle     handle,
   212         CyAsMediaType        media,
   213         uint32_t             device,
   214         uint32_t             size,
   215         CyAsFunctionCallback cb,
   216         uint32_t             client) ;
   218 EXTERN CyAsReturnStatus_t
   219 CyAsStorageRemovePPartition_dep(
   220         CyAsDeviceHandle        handle,
   221         CyAsMediaType           media,
   222         uint32_t                device,
   223         CyAsFunctionCallback    cb,
   224         uint32_t                client) ;
   226 #endif /*__doxygen*/
   228 #endif /*__INCLUDED_CYANSTORAGE_DEP_H__*/