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26:b7e488c49d0d 27:117faf51deac
     1 /* Cypress West Bridge API header file (cyaslowlevel.h)
     2  ## ===========================
     3  ##
     4  ##  Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2006-2009,
     5  ##  All Rights Reserved
     7  ##
    10  ##
    11  ##  Use of this file is governed
    12  ##  by the license agreement included in the file
    13  ##
    14  ##     <install>/license/license.txt
    15  ##
    16  ##  where <install> is the Cypress software
    17  ##  installation root directory path.
    18  ##
    19  ## ===========================
    20 */
    25 /*@@Low Level Communications
    27     Summary
    28     The low level communications module is responsible for communications between
    29     the West Bridge device and the P port processor.  Communications is organized as
    30     a series of requests and subsequent responses.  For each request there is a
    31     one and only one response.  Requests may go from the West Bridge device to the P port
    32     processor, or from the P Port processor to the West Bridge device.
    34         Description
    35     Requests are issued across what is called a context.  A context is a single
    36     channel of communications from one processor to another processor.  There can
    37     be only a single request outstanding on a context at a given time.  Contexts
    38     are used to identify subsystems that can only process a single request at a
    39     time, but are independent of other contexts in the system.  For instance, there
    40     is a context for communicating storage commands from the P port processor to the
    41     West Bridge device.  There is also a context for communicating USB commands from 
    42     the P port processor to the West Bridge device.
    44     Requests and responses are identical with the exception of the type bit in the
    45     request/response header.  If the type bit is one, the packet is a request.  If
    46     this bit is zero, the packet is a response.  Also encoded within the header of
    47     the request/response is the code.  The code is a command code for a request, or
    48     a response code for a response.  For a request, the code is a function of the
    49     context.  The code 0 has one meaning for the storage context and a different 
    50     meaning for the USB context.  The code is treated differently in the response.
    51     If the code in the response is less than 16, then the meaning of the response is
    52     global across all contexts.  If the response is greater than or equal to 16, 
    53     then the response is specific to the associated context.
    55     Requests and responses are transferred between processors through the mailbox
    56     registers.  It may take one or more cycles to transmit a complete request or
    57     response.  The context is encoded into each cycle of the transfer to insure the
    58     receiving processor can route the data to the appropriate context for processing.
    59     In this way, the traffic from multiple contexts can be multiplexed into a single
    60     data stream through the mailbox registers by the sending processor, and 
    61     demultiplexed from the mailbox registers by the receiving processor.
    63     * Firmware Assumptions *
    64     The firmware assumes that mailbox contents will be consumed immediately.  Therefore
    65     for multi-cycle packets, the data is sent in a tight polling loop from the firmware.
    66     This implies that the data must be read from the mailbox register on the P port side
    67     and processed immediately or performance of the firmware will suffer.  In order to
    68     insure this is the case, the data from the mailboxes is read and stored immediately
    69     in a per context buffer.  This occurs until the entire packet is received at which
    70     time the request packet is processed.  Since the protocol is designed to allow for 
    71     only one outstanding packet at a time, the firmware can never be in a position of
    72     waiting on the mailbox registers while the P port is processing a request.  Only after
    73     the response to the previous request is sent will another request be sent.
    74 */
    76 #include "cyashal.h"
    77 #include "cyasdevice.h"
    79 #include "cyas_cplus_start.h"
    81 /*
    82  * Constants
    83  */
    84 #define CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CODE_MASK                                (0x00ff)
    85 #define CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CONTEXT_MASK                             (0x0F00)
    86 #define CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CONTEXT_SHIFT                            (8)
    87 #define CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPE_MASK                                (0x4000)
    88 #define CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_LAST_MASK                                (0x8000)
    89 #define CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CLEAR_STR_FLAG                           (0x1000)
    91 /*
    92  * These macros extract the data from a 16 bit value
    93  */
    94 #define CyAsMboxGetCode(c) ((uint8_t)((c) & CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CODE_MASK))
    95 #define CyAsMboxGetContext(c) ((uint8_t)(((c) & CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CONTEXT_MASK) >> CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CONTEXT_SHIFT))
    96 #define CyAsMboxIsLast(c) ((c) & CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_LAST_MASK)
    97 #define CyAsMboxIsRequest(c) (((c) & CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPE_MASK) != 0)
    98 #define CyAsMboxIsResponse(c) (((c) & CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPE_MASK) == 0)
   100 /*
   101  * These macros (not yet written) pack data into or extract data 
   102  * from the m_box0 field of the request or response
   103  */
   104 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_SetCode(req, code) \
   105         ((req)->box0 = ((req)->box0 & ~CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CODE_MASK) | \
   106                         (code & CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CODE_MASK))
   108 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_GetCode(req) CyAsMboxGetCode((req)->box0)
   110 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_SetContext(req, context) \
   111         ((req)->box0 |= ((context) << CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CONTEXT_SHIFT))
   113 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_SetClearStorageFlag(req) \
   114         ((req)->box0 |= CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_CLEAR_STR_FLAG)
   116 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_GetContext(req) CyAsMboxGetContext((req)->box0)
   118 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_IsLast(req) CyAsMboxIsLast((req)->box0)
   120 #define CYAnLLRequestResponse__SetLast(req) \
   121         ((req)->box0 |= CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_LAST_MASK)
   123 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_IsRequest(req) CyAsMboxIsRequest((req)->box0)
   125 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_SetRequest(req) \
   126         ((req)->box0 |= CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPE_MASK)
   128 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_SetResponse(req) \
   129         ((req)->box0 &= ~CY_AS_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPE_MASK)
   131 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_IsResponse(req) CyAsMboxIsResponse((req)->box0)
   133 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_GetWord(req, offset) ((req)->data[(offset)])
   135 #define CyAsLLRequestResponse_SetWord(req, offset, value) ((req)->data[(offset)] = value)
   137 typedef enum CyAsRemoveRequestResult_t
   138 {
   139     CyAsRemoveRequestSucessful,
   140     CyAsRemoveRequestInTransit,
   141     CyAsRemoveRequestNotFound
   142 } CyAsRemoveRequestResult_t ;
   144 /* Summary
   145    Start the low level communications module
   147    Description
   148 */
   149 CyAsReturnStatus_t
   150 CyAsLLStart(
   151         CyAsDevice *dev_p
   152         ) ;
   154 CyAsReturnStatus_t
   155 CyAsLLStop(
   156    CyAsDevice *dev_p
   157    ) ;
   160 CyAsLLRequestResponse *
   161 CyAsLLCreateRequest(
   162         CyAsDevice *dev_p,
   163         uint16_t code, 
   164         uint8_t context, 
   165         uint16_t                                length          /* Length of the request in 16 bit words */
   166         ) ;
   168 void 
   169 CyAsLLInitRequest(
   170     CyAsLLRequestResponse *req_p, 
   171     uint16_t code, 
   172     uint16_t context, 
   173     uint16_t length) ;
   175 void
   176 CyAsLLInitResponse(
   177     CyAsLLRequestResponse *req_p, 
   178     uint16_t length) ;
   180 void
   181 CyAsLLDestroyRequest(
   182         CyAsDevice *dev_p,
   183         CyAsLLRequestResponse *) ;
   185 CyAsLLRequestResponse *
   186 CyAsLLCreateResponse(
   187         CyAsDevice *dev_p,
   188         uint16_t                                length  /* Length of the request in 16 bit words */
   189         ) ;
   191 CyAsRemoveRequestResult_t
   192 CyAsLLRemoveRequest(
   193         CyAsDevice *dev_p,
   194         CyAsContext *ctxt_p,
   195         CyAsLLRequestResponse *req_p,
   196         CyBool force
   197         ) ;
   198 void
   199 CyAsLLRemoveAllRequests(CyAsDevice *dev_p,
   200                         CyAsContext *ctxt_p) ;
   202 void
   203 CyAsLLDestroyResponse(
   204     CyAsDevice *dev_p,
   205     CyAsLLRequestResponse *) ;
   207 CyAsReturnStatus_t 
   208 CyAsLLSendRequest(
   209     CyAsDevice *                    dev_p,              /* The West Bridge device */
   210     CyAsLLRequestResponse *         req,                /* The request to send */
   211     CyAsLLRequestResponse *         resp,               /* Storage for a reply, must be sure it is of sufficient size */
   212     CyBool                          sync,               /* If true, this is a sync request */
   213     CyAsResponseCallback            cb                  /* Callback to call when reply is received */
   214 ) ;
   216 CyAsReturnStatus_t
   217 CyAsLLSendRequestWaitReply(
   218     CyAsDevice *                        dev_p,          /* The West Bridge device */
   219     CyAsLLRequestResponse *     req,            /* The request to send */
   220     CyAsLLRequestResponse *     resp            /* Storage for a reply, must be sure it is of sufficient size */
   221 ) ;
   223 /* Summary
   224    This function registers a callback function to be called when a request arrives on a given
   225    context.
   227    Description
   229    Returns
   231 */
   232 extern CyAsReturnStatus_t
   233 CyAsLLRegisterRequestCallback(
   234         CyAsDevice *dev_p,
   235         uint8_t context,
   236         CyAsResponseCallback cb
   237         ) ;
   239 /* Summary
   240    This function packs a set of bytes given by the data_p pointer into a request, reply
   241    structure.
   242 */
   243 extern void
   244 CyAsLLRequestResponse_Pack(
   245         CyAsLLRequestResponse *req,                     /* The destintation request or response */
   246         uint32_t offset,                                        /* The offset of where to pack the data */
   247         uint32_t length,                                        /* The length of the data to pack in bytes */
   248         void *data_p                                            /* The data to pack */
   249         ) ;
   251 /* Summary
   252    This function unpacks a set of bytes from a request/reply structure into a segment of memory given
   253    by the data_p pointer.
   254 */
   255 extern void 
   256 CyAsLLRequestResponse_Unpack(
   257         CyAsLLRequestResponse *req,                     /* The source of the data to unpack */
   258         uint32_t offset,                                        /* The offset of the data to unpack */
   259         uint32_t length,                                        /* The length of the data to unpack in bytes */
   260         void *data_p                                            /* The destination of the unpack operation */
   261         ) ;
   263 /* Summary
   264    This function sends a status response back to the West Bridge device in response to a 
   265    previously send request
   266 */
   267 extern CyAsReturnStatus_t
   268 CyAsLLSendStatusResponse(
   269         CyAsDevice *dev_p,                                      /* The West Bridge device */
   270         uint8_t context,                                        /* The context to send the response on */
   271         uint16_t code,                                          /* The success/failure code to send */
   272         uint8_t clear_storage) ;                                /* Flag to clear wait on storage context */
   274 /* Summary
   275    This function sends a response back to the West Bridge device.
   277    Description
   278    This function sends a response back to the West Bridge device.  The response is sent on the
   279    context given by the 'context' variable.  The code for the response is given by the 'code'
   280    argument.  The data for the response is given by the data and length arguments.
   281 */
   282 extern CyAsReturnStatus_t
   283 CyAsLLSendDataResponse(
   284     CyAsDevice *dev_p,                                  /* The West Bridge device */
   285     uint8_t context,                                    /* The context to send the response on */
   286     uint16_t code,                                      /* The response code to use */
   287     uint16_t length,                                    /* The length of the data for the response */
   288     void *data                                          /* The data for the response */
   289 ) ;
   291 /* Summary
   292    This function removes any requests of the given type from the given context.
   294    Description
   295    This function removes requests of a given type from the context given via the
   296    context number.
   297 */
   298 extern CyAsReturnStatus_t
   299 CyAsLLRemoveEpDataRequests(
   300     CyAsDevice *dev_p,                                  /* The West Bridge device */
   301     CyAsEndPointNumber_t ep
   302     ) ;
   304 #include "cyas_cplus_end.h"
   306 #endif                  /* _INCLUDED_CYASLOWLEVEL_H_ */