author arunabha
Wed, 03 Mar 2010 13:10:32 +0000
changeset 27 117faf51deac
child 52 254b9435d75e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 1996 - Contribution for West Bridge Astoria Symbian Storage Driver this storage driver is for the West Bridge Astoria chipset. This device has a USB, SD and processor port for communication with a baseband processor. In our port, we connected this device DVK to the Beagleboard through the SPI interface of the OMAP3. After driver installation, the Symbian OS can see an external device or D: drive represented by the SD card. In this driver, the USB interface is not used directly, though this may be the subject of future contributions. The appropriate way to test the driver is to access the external volume and do file read and write to it, pretty much the same way you would test a thumb drive on your PC

/* Cypress West Bridge HAL for beagleboard SPI Symbian header file (cyashalbeagleboard_spi.h)
 ## ===========================
 ##  Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2006-2009,
 ##  All Rights Reserved
 ##  Use of this file is governed
 ##  by the license agreement included in the file
 ##     <install>/license/license.txt
 ##  where <install> is the Cypress software
 ##  installation root directory path.
 ## ===========================

 * This file contains the defintion of the hardware abstraction layer on beagleboard
 * talking to the West Bridge device through SPI interface


typedef struct CyAsHalSleepChannel_t {
    /* TODO:
    wait_queue_head_t wq ;*/
    int wq ;
} CyAsHalSleepChannel ;
typedef CyAsHalSleepChannel CyAnHalSleepChannel;

#include "cyastypes.h"
#include "cyas_cplus_start.h"

typedef enum CyAsHalInterfaceMode
    CyAsHalCRAMMode         = 0,
    CyAsHalSRAMMode         = 1,
    CyAsHalADMMode          = 2,
    CyAsHalPNANDLBD8Mode    = 3,
    CyAsHalPNANDLBD16Mode   = 4,
    CyAsHalPNANDSBD8Mode    = 5,
    CyAsHalPNANDSBD16Mode   = 6,
    CyAsHalSPIMode          = 7,
    CyAsHalLNAMode          = 8,
    CyAsHalUnknownMode      = 9
} CyAsHalInterfaceMode;

 * Below are the data structures that must be defined by the HAL layer

 * The HAL layer must define a TAG for identifying a specific West Bridge device in the system.
 * In this case the tag is a void * which is really an OMAP device pointer
typedef void * CyAsHalDeviceTag ;
typedef CyAsHalDeviceTag CyAnHalDeviceTag;

/* This must be included after the CyAsHalDeviceTag type is defined */
#include "cyashalcb.h"

 * Below are the functions that communicate with the West Bridge device.  These are system dependent
 * and must be defined by the HAL layer for a given system.

 * This function must be defined to write a register within the West Bridge
 * device.  The addr value is the address of the register to write with
 * respect to the base address of the West Bridge device.
extern void
CyAsHalWriteRegister(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag, uint16_t addr, uint16_t data) ;
#define CyAnHalWriteRegister(tag, addr, data) CyAsHalWriteRegister((CyAsHalDeviceTag)(tag), (addr), (data))

 * This function must be defined to read a register from the West Bridge
 * device.  The addr value is the address of the register to read with
 * respect to the base address of the West Bridge device.
CyAsHalReadRegister(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag, uint16_t addr) ;
#define CyAnHalReadRegister(tag, addr) CyAsHalReadRegister((CyAsHalDeviceTag)(tag), (addr))

 * This function must be defined to transfer a block of data to the West Bridge device.  This
 * function can use the burst write (DMA) capabilities of West Bridge to do this, or it can
 * just copy the data using writes.
extern void
CyAsHalDmaSetupWrite(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag, uint8_t ep, void *buf, uint32_t size, uint16_t maxsize) ;
#define CyAnHalDmaSetupWrite(tag, ep, buf, sz, max)     \
    CyAsHalDmaSetupWrite((CyAsHalDeviceTag)(tag), (ep), (buf), (sz), (max))

 * This function must be defined to transfer a block of data from the West Bridge device.  This
 * function can use the burst read (DMA) capabilities of West Bridge to do this, or it can just
 * copy the data using reads.
extern void
CyAsHalDmaSetupRead(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag, uint8_t ep, void *buf, uint32_t size, uint16_t maxsize) ;
#define CyAnHalDmaSetupRead(tag, ep, buf, sz, max)      \
    CyAsHalDmaSetupRead((CyAsHalDeviceTag)(tag), (ep), (buf), (sz), (max))

 * This function must be defined to cancel any pending DMA request.
extern void
CyAsHalDmaCancelRequest(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag, uint8_t ep) ;
#define CyAnHalDmaCancelRequest(tag, ep) CyAsHalDmaCancelRequest((CyAsHalDeviceTag)(tag), (ep))

 * This function must be defined to allow the West Bridge API to register a callback function that is
 * called when a DMA transfer is complete.
extern void
CyAsHalDmaRegisterCallback(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag, CyAsHalDmaCompleteCallback cb) ;
#define CyAnHalDmaRegisterCallback(tag, cb)     \
    CyAsHalDmaRegisterCallback((CyAsHalDeviceTag)(tag), (CyAsHalDmaRegisterCallback)(cb))

 * This function must be defined to return the maximum size of DMA request that can be handled
 * on the given endpoint.  The return value should be the maximum size in bytes that the DMA
 * module can handle.
extern uint32_t
CyAsHalDmaMaxRequestSize(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag, CyAsEndPointNumber_t ep) ;
#define CyAnHalDmaMaxRequestSize(tag, ep)       \
    CyAsHalDmaMaxRequestSize((CyAsHalDeviceTag)(tag), (CyAsEndPointNumber_t)(ep))

 * This function must be defined to set the state of the WAKEUP pin on the West Bridge device.  Generally
 * this is done via a GPIO of some type.
extern CyBool
CyAsHalSetWakeupPin(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag, CyBool state) ;
#define CyAnHalSetWakeupPin(tag, state) CyAsHalSetWakeupPin((CyAsHalDeviceTag)(tag), (state))

 * This function is called when the West Bridge PLL loses lock, because
 * of a problem in the supply voltage or the input clock.
extern void
CyAsHalPllLockLossHandler(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag) ;
#define CyAnHalPllLockLossHandler(tag) CyAsHalPllLockLossHandler((CyAsHalDeviceTag)(tag))

 * Function to re-synchronise connection between Processor and West Bridge.
 * This is a no-operation for this HAL.
extern CyBool
CyAsHalSyncDeviceClocks(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag) ;
#define CyAsHalSyncDeviceClocks(tag)    (CyTrue)

 * Function to re-initialize West Bridge register when waking up from standby.
 * This is a no-operation for this HAL.
extern void
CyAsHalInitDevRegisters(CyAsHalDeviceTag tag, CyBool is_standby_wakeup ) ;

 * Function to read and save register values before Astoria is put into standby mode.
extern void
CyAsHalReadRegsBeforeStandby (
        CyAsHalDeviceTag tag) ;

 * Function to restore original values to registers after Astoria wakes up from standby mode.
extern void
CyAsHalRestoreRegsAfterStandby (
        CyAsHalDeviceTag tag) ;

 * Below are the functions that must be defined to provide the basic operating system services
 * required by the API.

 * This function is required by the API to allocate memory.  This function is expected to work
 * exactly like malloc().
void *
CyAsHalAlloc(uint32_t cnt) ;
#define CyAnHalAlloc(cnt) CyAsHalAlloc(cnt)

 * This function is required by the API to free memory allocated with CyAsHalAlloc().  This function is
 * expected to work exacly like free().
CyAsHalFree(void *mem_p) ;
#define CyAnHalFree(ptr) CyAsHalFree(ptr)

 * This function is required by the API to allocate memory during a callback.  This function must be able to
 * provide storage at inturupt time.
void *
CyAsHalCBAlloc(uint32_t cnt) ;
#define CyAnHalCBAlloc(cnt) CyAsHalCBAlloc(cnt)

 * This function is required by the API to free memory allocated with CyAsHalCBAlloc.
CyAsHalCBFree(void *mem_p) ;
#define CyAsHalCBFree(ptr) CyAsHalFree(ptr)
#define CyAnHalCBFree(ptr) CyAsHalFree(ptr)

 * This function is required to set a block of memory to a specific value.  This function is
 * expected to work exactly like memset()
CyAsHalMemSet(void *ptr, uint8_t value, uint32_t cnt) ;
#define CyAnHalMemSet(ptr, value, cnt) CyAsHalMemSet((ptr), (value), (cnt))

 * This function is expected to create a sleep channel.  The data structure that represents the
 * sleep channel is given by the pointer in the argument.
CyAsHalCreateSleepChannel(CyAsHalSleepChannel *channel) ;
#define CyAnHalCreateSleepChannel(ch) CyAsHalCreateSleepChannel((CyAsHalSleepChannel *)(ch))

 * This function is expected to destroy a sleep channel.  The data structure that represents the
 * sleep channel is given by the pointer in the argument.
CyAsHalDestroySleepChannel(CyAsHalSleepChannel *channel) ;
#define CyAnHalDestroySleepChannel(ch) CyAsHalDestroySleepChannel((CyAsHalSleepChannel *)(ch))

CyAsHalSleepOn(CyAsHalSleepChannel *channel, uint32_t ms) ;
#define CyAnHalSleepOn(ch, ms) CyAsHalSleepOn((CyAsHalSleepChannel *)(ch), (ms))

CyAsHalWake(CyAsHalSleepChannel *channel) ;
#define CyAnHalWake(ch) CyAsHalWake((CyAsHalSleepChannel *)(ch))

CyAsHalDisableInterrupts(void) ;
#define CyAnHalDisableInterrupts() CyAsHalDisableInterrupts()

#define CyAnHalEnableInterrupts(msk) CyAsHalEnableInterrupts(msk)

CyAsHalSleep150(void) ;
#define CyAnHalSleep150() CyAsHalSleep150()

CyAsHalSleep(uint32_t ms) ;
#define CyAnHalSleep(ms) CyAsHalSleep(ms)

#define CyAsHalIsPolling()	        (CyFalse)
#define CyAsHalDisablePolling()
#define CyAsHalEnablePolling()

#define CyAnHalIsPolling()	        (CyFalse)
#define CyAnHalDisablePolling()
#define CyAnHalEnablePolling()

#define CyAsHalPrintMessage
//#define CyAsHalPrintMessage Kern::Printf
#define CyAnHalPrintMessage CyAsHalPrintMessage

CyAsHalPrintMessage2(const char* msg);

/*#define CyAsHalAssert(cond)	if (!(cond)) { CyAsHalPrintMessage ("Assertion failed at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); }*/
#define CyAsHalAssert(cond)
#define CyAnHalAssert(cond) CyAsHalAssert(cond)

   As this is a completely interrupt driven HAL, there is no
   need to implement the following functions.

 * These are the functions that are not part of the HAL layer, but are required to be called
 * for this HAL.
int StartBeagleboardHal(const char *pgm, CyAsHalDeviceTag *tag, CyBool debug) ;
int StopBeagleboardHal(const char *pgm, CyAsHalDeviceTag tag) ;

 * Constants
#define CY_AS_OMAP_KERNEL_HAL_SIG	    (0x1441)

#define CYAS_DEV_MAX_ADDR   (0xFF)

/* The base address is added in the kernel module code. */
#define CYAS_DEV_CALC_ADDR(addr) (addr << 16)

 * Data structures
typedef struct CyAsOmapDevKernel
    /* This is the signature for this data structure */
    unsigned int m_sig ;

    /* Address base of West Bridge Device */
    void *m_addr_base ;

    /* This is a pointer to the next West Bridge device in the system */
    struct CyAsOmapDevKernel *m_next_p ;

    /* This is for thread sync */
    /* TODO: struct completion thread_complete ;*/

    /* This is for thread to wait for interrupts */
    CyAsHalSleepChannel thread_sc ;

    /* This is for thread to exit upon StopOmapKernel */
    int thread_flag ; /* set 1 to exit */

} CyAsOmapDevKernel ;

extern int

#include "cyas_cplus_end.h"
